HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-01; City Council; 6287; Levante Park building0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 /13 E-LENDA BILL NO. 87 "e I1 Initial : Dept . Hd . ,, DATE : July 1, 1980 C. Atty.'Q C. Mgr. .*, - - DEPARTMENT : CITY f.IANAGER LEVANTE PARK SUILDING Subject: Statement of the Matter Shape11 Industries offered. to give the City an existing 2,000 squa foot building located at El Camino and Levante, Director of Parks and RecreatLon has reviewed the proposal and recormends the City accept the building and move it to Levante ?ark to be used for general community purposes including recreatioi narks and school uses. The Encinitas School District 0b7ns the land on which a joint school park site is located. The school board is agreeable to the proposz Fiscal Impact There will be a one time cost of $20,000 to relocate the building. Annual maintenance cost is estimated at $5,000, with additional fur needed for recreation staffing if desired. This project is ~ot budgeted but could be allocated from contingency. Exhibit !' Report frorn Parks and Recreation Director dated 6/20/80. Recommendation If Council desires to accept this gift and initiate a new program it is recommended that City Manager be directed to prepare necessar agreements and budget amendments for Council action. c ouncil Action: 7-1-80 Council accepted the gift Of the building, and directed staff to return with a report for Council consideration as to usage of: same. 0 0 MEMORANDUM .* -- TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM : David L. Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director s DATE : June 20, 1980 SUBJECT: Donation - Shape11 Sales Office Background Shapell Industries has indicated that they wish to donate their real eastate sales office at Levante and El Carnino Real to the City. The building is octagon-shaped and is approximately 2000 square feet. The donation is contingent on the City paying all relocation costs, and finding a suitable site for the building. Recommendat ion It is recommended that the City accept the Shapell sales office donation, relocate the building to the Levante School/Park site at Romeria and Levante Avenue, and prepare an agreement between the City and the Encinitas Union School District for use of the site. Analysis/Discussion Staff reviewed several sites in south Carlsbad, and Levante School/Park and Alga Hills Park were the two sites considered most feasible for relocation. Alga Hills was found to be unsuitable because of general topography and accessibility. In addition, the movers indicated that the building could not be successfully moved t:o Alga Hills intact. Staff feels that Levant:e School/Park is the most economical and desirable site in the area. Since Levante belongs to the Encinitas Union School District, it was necessary to obtain permission from the school distirct to relocate the building to the site. The school district is agreeable to the proposal, with the condition that: the building meet all applicable building codes. The school district will also require an agreement that releases them from liability in connection with the building and any of its activities. The department has contacted the Building Department. The building is presently on piers, and they have recommended that a permanent foundation be constructed around the entire perimeter of the building. City building standards and codes. These improvement will meet the * 0 J Fiscal Impact Estimated Relocation Costs: - Foundation Construction $13,000 Sewer & Electrical Hook-up 1,000 Moving Expenses 6 000 TOTAL EST. RELOCATION COSTS m Estimated Ongoing M&0 and Staffing?<: Utilities/yr. $1,000 $4,180 Misc. Maint . Expenses/yr . 1,000 Staffing/yr. 2,780 TOTAL EST. M&O & STAFFING (1st Year) $;Maintenance and operation costs will be absorbed into the Parks budget; however, additional funds will be required for staffing. Conclusion There is a dire need for City community facilities in south - Carlsbad, and relocation of the Shapell building would beastep toward filling that need. general cornunity use, parks and recreation use, and possibly school use. For your convenience I am enclosing pictures of the Shapell building, Levante School/Park (Attachment l), as well as a copy of the plot plan for Levante School/Park (Attachment 2). If you have any questions, or desire additional information please contact me at Extension 5571. The buildilng could be used for DLB : vlh cc Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager