HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-15; City Council; 6217-1; La Costa Land Company^ CITY OF CARLSBAD ^^ i „AGENDA BILL MO. (4 £ / 7 ~ ^Lu^psJk^&-& **^ / __ Dept. Hd.flV DATE: ___ July 15. 1980 ____ Cty. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Planning ______ __ __ Cty. Mgr. SUBJECT:DOOJMENTS APPROVING CT 79-25/PUD-12 APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY CASE NO. : CT 79-25/PUD-12 STATEMENT"OF~THE HATTER' ' The City Council approved this project on April 1, 1980, and directed the attorney to prepare documents after staff reviewed conditions regarding requirements on equestrian trails and a proposed public park site at the south end of the project. (Lot 25, phase 1) . Since that meeting, staff has met, with the applicant to resolve the issues. In regard to the equestrian trails, Conditions No. 14 and 15 of PUD-12 were changed to allow a private equestrain trail system through the project to interface with possible future trails along El Fuerte and Alga Road. With respect to Lot 25 of Phase 1, the applicant has agreed to dedicate another one-half acre site for park purposes which is adjacent to San Marcos Creek Park instead of Lot 25 of Phase 1 (see Exhibit X, 7/3/80) . Staff concurs with this request because Lot 25 is not a good location for a public park in terms of access and utilization. Condition No. 29 was modified and a new condition No. 31 was added to reflect these changes. The applicant is aware of these changes and concurs. No other problems are associated with this project. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution No. 6>^?V6^ i 2. Resolution No. kJV£» / 3. Memo from Dave Bradstreet to City Manager, dated June 24, 1980 4. Letter from Jim Goff, dated June 17, 1980 5. Exhibit X, dated 7/3/80 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended tht the City Council ADOPT Resolution No. (oa^l* for PUD-12 and Resolution No. 6^37 for CT 79-25. Council Action: * 7-15-80 Council adopted Resolution 6245, approving CT 79-25, with the deletion of Condition No. 27, and adopted Resolution 6246, approving PUD-12. o-*•CENT F. BIONDO, JR.iRNEY • CITY OF CARLSB/z g > t t O 1 1200 ELM AVENUEBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008C/3 cc 0 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6245 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 79-25) FOR A 99-LOT SUBDIVISION ON APPROXIMATELY 352 ACRES, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF ALGA ROAD, EAST OF EL FUERTE STREET. APPLICANT: LA COST LAND COMPANY (RANCHEROS) . WHEREAS, on March 12, 1980, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1602, recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 79-25) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on April 1, 1980, held a public hearing to consider the recommenda- tions of the Planning Commission and to receive all recommendations and hear all persons interested in or opposed to Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 79-25); and WHEREAS, Environmental Impact Report No. 307 was prepared for the La Costa Master Plan r.nd, as required by approval of the Master Plan, a subsequent EIR has been submitted and processed in conjunction with this project. All necessary mitigation measures have been included as conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of.the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 1602 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. C. That said Tentative Subdivision Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to the conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. c S g UJO O O 1 D. That Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 79-25) is hereby 2 approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad 3 Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 4 1. Approval is granted for CT 79-25 as shown on Exhibit A to CT 79-25 dated February 8, 1980 on file in the Planning 5 Department and incorporated by reference. Development shall occur substantially as shown on this exhibit unless otherwise 6 noted in these conditions. 7 2. This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that the final map shall not be approved unless the City 8 Council finds as of the time of such approval that se'wer service is available to serve the subdivision. In the event that sewer 9 is not available and the planning moratorium is still in effect, the provisions of Section 66452.6(a) of the Subdivision Map Act 10 shall apply. 11 3. This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that building permits will not be issued for development 12 of the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that such sewer facilities are available at the time of 13 application for such permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. If the City Engineer determines that 14 sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not be issued. A note indicating this snail be placed on the 15 final map. 16 4. Prior to the approval of the final map, the San Marcos County Water District must receive all required approvals 17 for the annexation of that portion of the subject property not currently within the San Marcos County Water District. 18 5. This approval is expressly conditioned on the payment 19 by the applicant of a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on file 20 with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment 21 of said fee. A copy of that agreement, dated February 26, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by 22 reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and the project 23 cannot proceed and this approval shall be void. 24 6. All land and/or easements required by this subdivision shall be granted to the City, without cost to the City, free of 25 all liens and encumbrances. 26 7. The parcel map covering this site (MS-419) shall be recorded prior to the map for this subdivision. 27 8. District boundaries or lot lines shall be modified to 28 fulfill the requirement that each lot be in a single tax code area. 2. C o § §J? o*§ s. < 8&il lt>£ "55§v iu O £|gduj 2 w << 'N ^ *~ S m «^O OC-» r*> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 E oSd 16 0 o 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9. No lot in the proposed subdivision may be further subdivided. A note indicating this shall be placed on the final map. 10. A report of a geological investigation and a complete grading plan of the entire site except for building pads or individual lots, shall be contracted by the applicant and shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits. The report shall be prepared by a civil engineer and a geologist licensed by the State of California and experienced in erosion control and slope stability. They shall certify that, they have investigated the site and prepared data with full consideration of the consequences to the included and neighboring properties. 11. All cut and fill slopes shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 12. All exposed slopes shall be hydromulched or otherwise stabilized immediately upon completion of grading activities. 13. Clearing operations shall not be allowed in advance of grading, but rather only concurrent with grading activities. Clearing shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to construct the residences and appurtenant facilities. 14. If grading is performed or slopes will be exposed during the rainy season (November 1 through April 15), erosion control measures, such as desiltation basins, sandbags, etc., shall be taken and shall be approved by the City Engineer. 15. No fill slopes shall extend outside the subdivision boundary adjacent to San Marcos Canyon. Care shall be taken in grading for Street "C" to ensure that no debris crosses the subdivision boundary and goes into the canyon. Street "C" shall be relocated as necessary to ensure this condition is fulfilled. 16. All private streets and drainage systems shall be maintained by the homeowner's association in perpetuity. This condition excludes all drainage easements granted to the City of Carlsbad. 17. Additional drainage easements and structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and/or the City Engineer. 18. The maximum grade on any private street shall not exceed 12%, except for short distances the grade may be up to 15% only if approved by the City Engineer. 3. « g8O) Z LU u r>if; o DUJ H CM <£ O O- *~ coIE i o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CD * 2 142 z ""-^13 -|si|z ^ uj J^ iS<§ 15 "-•^15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19. Corintia Street shall be dedicated and improved in full, based on a 60 foot wide street according to City of Carlsbad standards, except that sidewalk on one side of the street may be depleted. Street trees shall be provided to enhance the rural character of the subdivision. Said trees shall be included on the detailed landscape and irrigation plan and be approved by the Planning Director prior to recordation of final map. Street lights as directed by the City Engineer shall be included in the improvements. This street shall be improved for its entire length within the subdivision boundaries as part of Phase I. 20. Alga Road shall be dedicated and improved along its frontage of the subdivision based on a 51 foot half street according to City of Carlsbad standards. Improvements shall include sidewalks, half median, street trees at 40 foot spacing and street lights. Additionally, Alga Road shall be extended off-site to El Fuerte Street based on the same section. Cut and fill slopes adjacent to Alga Road shall be 2:1 maximum, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 21. Any remaining public improvements in the El Fuerte half street section along the subdivision frontage (sidewalks, street trees, street lights, graded parkway or others) shall be installed to conform to City of Carlsbad standards. 22. The design of all private streets and drainage shall be approved by the City Engineer. The design shall include street lights, curb and gutter storm drain facilities or other features if required by the Ciiy Engineer. The structural section of all private streets shall conform to the City of Carlsbad standards based on R-value tests. 23. The private street (Street "A") which exists onto Alga Road shall be permitted to have right turn in and right turn out only and no median break shall be permitted unless coordinated with the developer to the north and approved by the City Engineer. 24. The horizontal radius on Street "C" adjacent to lots 12, 13 and 16 (Phase I) shall be redesigned and a knuckle shall be installed subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 25. Access rights of lots abutting Alga Road and El Fuerte Street, except for lots 5 and 9 in Phase III, shall be dedicated and waived on the final map. 26. The water line in Corintia Street shall connect to the existing line in El Fuerte Street at one end and Rancho Santa Fe Road at the other. The water line in Street "C" shall connect to the line in Corintia Street and be looped to connect to the line in Street "B" and back to Corintia Street. All of the above shall be accomplished in Phase I of the subdivision. The water line in Street "A" shall be looped from Corintia Street to Alga Road. 4. m(/} S; < O u.' z > 5 5 CQ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CO 1 *Zo J.O 14 15 Z % 8 Q 16LU g 1 ° "J 17> H a: •»•' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27. The 14+ acre proposed San Marcos Canyon Park site as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map for MS-419, shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad prior to the approval of the final map for Phase I, according to the Parks Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the La Costa Land Company dated January 3, 1978, City Council Resolution No. 5286, and Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 28. The applicant shall offer for dedication to the City Parcels C, F, G, H, J and K of the San Marcos Canyon, as shown on Exhibit A to the Parks Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the La Costa Land Company, dated January 3, 1978, City Council Resolution No. 5286. These parcels shall be dedicated prior to approval of the final map which they abut. In those cases where these parcels do not abut the subdivision, they shall 'be dedicated no later than Phase III. In addition, a one-half acre parcel of land as shown on Exhibit X dated July 3, 1980, shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad as part of San Marcos Creek Canyon Park prior to final map approval of Phase I. Also, those portions of Lots 14 and 15 of Phase III south of the SDG&E easement shall be dedicated to the city as part of San Marcos Canyon prior to final map approval of Phase III. 29. Prior to final map approval for Phase I, the applicant shall submit a revised Tentative Map which includes the entire 530+ acre parcel designated parcel 4 of Minor Subdivision No. 419. Said revised map shall designate all parcels created by this subdivision, including remainder parcels, the Canyon lots and the school and recreational vehicle storage sites. 30. Lot 25 of Phase I shall be made part of this subdivision and be designated as a single family residential lot on the final map. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the 15th day of July, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin . None None ATTEST: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 5. Q i §• a 8o: < en ~" ° <O u- S - S°|i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 s^s* 15en r; i J-*'0 • si 0 ^8d 16 OK^g- £ ^3 > H <r >• °H O 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6246 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD-12) FOR A 99-LOT SUBDIVISION (92 SINGLE FAMILY UNITS) ON APPROXIMATELY 352 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF ALGA ROAD, EAST OF EL FUERTE STREET. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on March 12, 1980 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of the La Costa Land Company for a Planned Unit Development permit for a 99-lot subdivision consisting of 92 single family lots, two open space lots, a lot for Cable TV facilities, one for the Costa Real Water District's tank reservoir and three monument sign lots, on property generally located south of Alga Road, east of El Fuerte Street, more particularly described as: Portions of Sections 19, 30 and 31, Township 12, South Range 3 West San Bernardino Meridian, County of San Diego. and WHEREAS, Environmental Impact Report No. 307 was prepared for the La Costa Master Plan and, as required by approval of the Master Plan, a subsequent EIR has been submitted and processed in conjunction with this project. All necessary mitigation measures have been included as conditions of approval. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, adopted Resolution No. 1603; and WHEREAS on April 1, 1980, tfye City Council held a public hearing on the matter to receive all recommendations and hear O 00CO m 2: CM <<O <£ - m IE 2 O H U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13COO-E 3D: < en "" ° < O LL ^ 5O O 3 £ 2 t < ° n Rm o 5 D -10 IL • 5< s_ ^S 8 d 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 all persons interested in or opposed to the approval of Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD-12); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Planning Commission set forth in Resolution No. 1603 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. C. That the Planned Unit Development Permit is granted for the reasons set out in this resolution and subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1. Approval is granted for PUD-12 as shown on Exhibit B to PUD-12 dated February 8, 1980 on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference. Development shall occur substantially as shown on this exhibit unless otherwise noted in these conditions. 2. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final Planned Unit Development Plan, incorporatiing all changes required herein, for the approval of the Planning Director. 3. The applicant shall establish a homeowner's association and covenants, conditions and restrictions subject to the approval of the Planning Director. 4. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan must be approved by the Planning Director prior to final map approval for Phase I. 5. Prior to final map approval for Phase I, the applicant shall have prepared by a qualified archaeologist, a surface map of archaeological material and artifact distribution and limited testing for subsurface deposits. An interpretive report of the results, including mitigation measures, shall be submitted to the Planning Director. Mitigation measures may be required prior to the issuance of grading permits. 6. A conditional use permit is required for any development of the Cable TV antenna facilities site. 7. The applicant shall submit street names in 2. c 1 accordance with the City's street naming policy, prior to final map approval. 2 8. Prior to the approval of the final map for Phase I, the 3 applicant shall submit plans for the proposed community identity signs for the approval of the Planning Director. 4 9. The standards of the R-E (Rural Residential Estate) zone regarding permitted uses, conditional uses, building height, placement of buildings and yard requirements shall apply to the " subject property; except that the following deviations from the R-E standards may be permitted: solid fences and walls up to 6 feet ' in height may be permitted to within 10 feet from the property line along all public streets and to within 5 feet from the property line along all private streets provided that entry gates are setback a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the public or private street; covered entry gates with a minimum clearance of 15 feet and a maximum height of 20 feet; dwellings and accessory structures to within 35 feet of front or street side property lines, except that side entry garages may be as close •*••"• as 10 feet to the front of street side property line only along Corintia Street and all private streets.12 10. A note shall be placed on the final PUD plan stating that building pad locations are for illustrative purposes only, and do not necessarily represent final locations. The City •" reserves the right to require modifications to individual pad locations, if necessary, to ensure conformity with city policies and ordinances. 11. All access through the subject property into the San Marcos Canyon shall be prohibited except for ways of ingress •*•' and egress specifically approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. "Danger - Keep Out" signs shall be posted along the canyon rim for the length of the project to the satisfaction of the Planning Director. 12. The CC&R's shall prohibit the fencing of lot lines in 20 drainage and canyon bottoms to allow for wildlife movement. Said CC&R's shall require that owner's control and limit freely roaming domestic animals. 22 13. Residential units on Lots 1 and 33 of Phase IV shall be constructed and/or screended to achieve an estimated Ldn of 65 dBA. 14. Prior to the approval of the final map for Phase I, the 24 applicant shall prepare an equestrian trail plan for the subject property, subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation 25 Director. This trail system shall provide an interface to the locations north of Alga Road and an interface to the east at 26 Corinthia for future access to future equestrian trail systems. This interface is to permit passage out of the proposed development 27 but not a public trail through this project. 28 //// 3. 1 15. All private equestrian trails shall be constructed in accordance with city standards and policies, and shall be maintained 2 by the homeowner's association. 3 16. The proposed security gate system shall be subject to the approval of both the Fire Chief and Police Chief prior to approval 4 of the final map. 5 17. Security gates shall be setback a minimum of 40 feet from the curb or pavement edge along Corintia Street. 6 18. Fire retardent roofs shall be required on each residence 7 and out buildings. 8 19. A fire hydrant shall be located no further than 400 feet from each residence. 9 20. Brush clearance shall be maintained within a minimum 10 distance of 30 feet to each residence. 11 21. An adequate emergency vehicle turn-around area shall be provided on each lot as required by the Fire Chief or his designee. 12 22. All driveways and emergency vehicle easements shall be 13 improved to minimum standards as required by the Fire Chief and City Engineer. 14 23. In order to provide for fire protection during the 15 construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings. In addition, adequate fire 16 hydrants with required fire flows and/or other fire safety measures shall be installed as required by the Fire Chief or his 17 designee. 18 24. The applicant shall agree to utilize reclaimed water, in Type I form, on the subject property in an amount that equals or 19 exceeds the amount of sewage generated by the project. 20 25. The applicant shall prepare, to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director and the City Engineer, a document 21 outlining proposed methods of "Type I" reclaimed water use. This document shall contain a plant list of salt and drought tolerant 22 vegetation, water absorption rates per plant and soils, the gallons of water per acre needed to accommodate the proposal and 23 a soil flushing program. The document shall also include criteria for operating, maintaining and monitoring the irrigation area and 24 system. This shall be done prior to approval of the final map for Phase I. 25 26. The reclaimed water irrigation system shall be maintained 26 and operated by the San Marcos County Water District consistent with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, under a contractual 27 agreement with the homeowner's association that is to give the 28 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 disl 14 D ° 2 ? o fc >9 -,c5o«5 15 Ul ^ ™ <l0 £ " <nZ O VI S § a 16 m 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 district total assurance that they would always have the ability to discharge the effluent. 27. Construction of the reclaimed water system shall comply with Title 17 of the California State Administration Code by requiring a water master on the job to monitor pipe connections. Low trajectory sprinklers shall be utilized and the irrigation rate shall be regulated so that there will be no runoff. 28. Grading permits may be required on each individual lot in conjunction with applications for building permits. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California , held on t^ie 15th day of july , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk~T (SEAL) 5. E 0 TO FROM DATE SUBJECT MEMORANDUM Frank Aleshire, City Manager David L. Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director June 24, 1980 Rancheros Park Site Exchange Background At the April 1, 1980 City Council meeting, the La Costa Land Company requested approval of their tentative map and PUD for the Rancheros project. A question was raised regarding the status of several parcels of proposed park land. The parcels are: Lot 25 - 5.7 acres; Lot 15 - approx. 1.16 acres; Lot 14 - approx. .12 acres. In reviewing these parcels, staff found that there is no public access planned to these parcels, and none of the land is conducive for park development, except for approxi- mately one half acre in Lot 25. The La Costa Land Company would like to use Lot 25 as a residential building site. Since there is only approximately one half acre of useable land in Lot 25, they have proposed exchanging Lot 25 for one half acre of useable park lande elsewhere in La Costa. Staff has met with representatives from the La Costa Land Company to discuss this issue and find an equitable resolution. Recommendation It is recommended that the City accept the proposal outlined in the June 17, 1980 letter from the La Costa Land Co. (attachment 1) and exchange Lot 25 for one half acre of useable land in San Marcos Creek Park (attachment 2), as well as have the developer provide some site preparation; i.e. soil anaylsis, aerial topo- graphy maps, and planning services;. It is further recommended that the City designate Lots 14 and 15 as open space areas of San Marcos Creek Canyon. This item was discussed at the June 16, 1980 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, and the Commission recommended that one half to two acres of useable park land be given exchange for Lot 25, with the specific site to be determined. AnayIsis/Piscussion Staff met with representatives from the La Costa Land Company several times in attempt to resolve this issue. Alga Hills Park, Stagecoach Park, and San Marcos Creek Park were the sites considered for possible exchange. o The general topography and rocky terrain at Alga Hills Park makes development of this site into an active park unfeasible, lii addition, previous CIP programs had designated Alga Hills as a passive park area. Because of the size of the proposed Stagecoach Park (approx. .28 acres), adding another one half acre would be of little benefit and serve no practical purpose. At this time, San Marcos Creek Park is the only site that has potential for active park development. With upcoming street improvements to Alga Road, Melrose Avenue, and Corintia Street the park will have adequate public access, and acquiring the one half acre in the northeast section of the park would be extremely beneficial to future development of the site. Fiscal Impact None Summary The residents of north La Costa have expressed a desire for active park areas. Located in the northeast section of La Costa, San Marcos Creek Park's development would be a start toward realizing the desires of the residents for active parks. This issue has been in a "hold pattern" for some time, and it is urged that the recommendation contained in this report be implementd promptly, so that the tentative map and PUD for the Rancheros project may be approved. DLB:vlh cc Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager Jim Hagaman, Planning Director Attachments (2) -2- —v A ATTACHMENT 1 June 17, 1980 LRCDStR Mr. David Bradstreet Parks & Recreation Director CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Subject: Rancheros Lot 25 - Park Land Exchange Dear Dave: As you know, the City Council on April 1st of this year considered and approved the tentative map and PUD for the Rancheros project. During that hearing the question was raised regarding the resolution of Lot 25 as a residential building site in exchange for some usable park land elsewhere in La Costa. While the Council's action was to approve, with some modifications, the Rancheros project, the City Manager determined that before placing final documents before the City Council, this park exchange should be resolved. Since that time I have had several meetings with various City staff persons in an effort to resolve this issue so that we might secure TM/PUD approval. While all persons con- cerned have approached this issue in a positive and constructive manner, to date, two and a half months later, the issue is still up in the air. A number of possibilities have been explored which culminated in a City staff proposal that in exchange for Lot 25 the City be granted a half acre of usable park land together >with some site grading assistance in connection with the Alga Hills park site. This pro- posal represents a desire by the City staff to create an active park at this site to serve the recreation needs of North La Costa. Unfortunately, this proposal represents a change in the City's phi losophy regarding the nature of the Alga Hills park. Initially this was to have been a passive park to be used as a viewpoint and for picknicking purposes. The site is underlain with extensive rock formations making the grading to a level active park area totally unrealistic. This factor obviously was recognized when the Alga park site was initially proposed several years ago. An alternative, which we initially offered to the City staff, was to delete from the 10.7 acres credit for park land which La Costa will receive in accordance with Resolution No. 5286 when the first subdivision abutting San Marcos Canyon is finally recorded. This resolution requires that a 14.7 acre park site adjacent to the head of San Marcos Canyon be dedicated to serve all of the development projects in the northeast portion of La Costa. (Continued) COSTA DEL MAR ROAD • CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA 3ZOOB • AREA CODE 71-4 • TELEPHONE 438- 9111 ,v». i^,v,« „,««;>„,=,=, """•' Page -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD June 17, 1980 Deletion of a half acre of that park credit appears the most simple and direct approach and reserves the option for the selection of another active park in the northern part of our community as the La Costa northwest area develops. Unfortunately this proposal has not been accepted by City staff, apparently because it would delay for some time the opportunity to create another active park in the community. Given the fact that Alga Hills conversion to an active park site is not feasible and in an effort to accommodate City staff's objective and ours of providing active park sites at the earliest time possible, we would recommend that attention be focused on the early development of San Marcos Canyon park. To this park site we would propose the addition of an additional half acre of usable park land as indicated on the attached sketch. With the street improvements pending for Alga Road, Melrose Avenue and Corintia Street, it is felt that this site will serve North La Costa. I would urge that this proposal be accepted without further delay. If it is not found to be acceptable then I would urge that the TM/PUD for the Rancheros project be "docketed for final City Council action. That action which was endorsed by the City Planning Department, the Planning Commission and the La Costa Land Company, in- cluded the resolution of the Lot 25 - Park Land Exchange be resolved prior to the final recordation of this project. Your early response to this proposal would be greatly appreciated since we have encountered extensive delays in processing the Rancheros project to date. Sincerely, LA COSTA LAND COMPANY Goff Vice President-Planning & Research JG/eem Encl. cc: City Manager Planning Director Public Works Director