HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-15; City Council; 6283-1; 300 unit tentative tract map,. . i - I CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6283 - Supolemen tl Initial: DeDt - Hd \ DATE: Julv 15, 1980 DEPARTMENT City Attorney C. Mgr. Subject: 300 Unit Tentative Tract Map, 86 Unit Condominium Permit and 214 Unit Planned Unit Development. CT80-9/CP-60/PUD-20 - WOODWARD Statement of the Matter The City Council, at your meeting of July 1, 1980, directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approv- ing Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-9), Condominium Permit (CP-60) and Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD-20). Resolutions have been prepared and they are attached. Exhibits Resolution No. b 23 3 , approving CT 80-9. Resolution No. L2.q L/ , approving CP-60. Resolution No. /,23&”, approving PUD-20. h Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. 63.33 approving CT 80-9, Resolution No. La.? 4 approving CP-60 and Resolution No._L32,3 approving PUD-20. Counci 1 Action: 7-15-80 Council adopted Resolution No. 6233, approving CT 80-3; adopted Resolution No. 6234, approving CP-60; and adopted Resolution 6235, approving PUD-20. . .< RESOLUTION NO. 6233 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 80-9) FOR A 300-UNIT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MELROSE AVENUE EXTENDED, BETWEEN CORINTIA STREET EXTENDED AND ALGA ROAD EXTENDED. APPLICANT: WOODWARD COMPANIES. WHEREAS, on June 11, 1980, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1644 recommending to the City Council that Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-9) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on July 1, 1980, held a public hearing to consider the recommendations of the Planning Commission and to receive all recommendations and hedr all persons interested in or cpposed to Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-9); and WHEREAS, said Tentative Subdivision Map has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration h.as been prepared and filed j-n compliance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PSSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as fol.l.ows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the fhdings of the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 1644 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. C. That said Tentative Subdivision Map, together with the provisions for its design and improvement and subject to the conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsbad. D. That Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-9) is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1644, dated June 11, 1980, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, with the exception of Condition No. 4, which has been revised to read as follows: "4. This approval and PUD-20 are expressly conditioned on the payment by the applicant of a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee. A copy of that agreement, dated March 11, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and incorpora.ted herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the Genera?. Plan and the project cannot proceed and these approvals shall be void." and subject to Condition 11(A) which has been added to said Resolution 110. 1644: "11 (A) Fire retardant roofs shall he provided as required by the Carlsbad Municipal Code." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 15th day of jUly , 1980 by the foilowing vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None /- ATTEST : RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor UTENKRANZ, ;P zei&fzLJy- City Clerk 2. (SEAL) -- . x1 2 8 4 t7 U .E 7 E 9 1c 21 .12 33 3.4 15 16 ' 17 , 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 213 8- .EXHIBIT A. TO RESOLUTION NO. 6233 .. PLAlJtJT,"!G COMMTSSLON RESOLUTION -_ NO. 1644 A RESOLUTION OP THE PLANNING CONNISSION OF T€IE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALTFORNIA, W~COEIbIENDING APPROVAL OF A 300 UNIT TE~~TATIVB ~iinc~ mz' ON PRO?'ERTY GEtI!ERALLY LOCATZD ON TZlE \fEST SIDE OF EIELROSE ZiVENUE EXTENDED I BETk7EEN CORINTIA STREET EXTENDED AND ALGA ROAD EXTENDZD . APPLICANT : 1409DWARD CODlPAMIES CASE KO: CT 80-9 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to, wit: Those portions of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 3.9, TOVJliShLp 12 South, Range 3 West, San Gernardino I/leridian, County of San Diego, State of California has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as prm7ided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code;'and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 11th day of June, 1380, hold a d.uly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT IJEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Com- mission as follows: A) ~liat, the above recitation; are true and correct. 13) That bnscd on the evidence prcscntccl at thc public hearing, the Commission recormends A1'I"YJATJ of CT 80-3, based on thc Fol lowing firidings and subject to thc €oll.ow.img conditions : ---_-_ 1 E s 29 14 IS 3.7 ae ! - 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 2G 27 . 20 not exceed the allowable density sancjc of 10-20 dwelling units per acre. Further, the topographical constraints of the site justiiy thc project's density of 7-14 dwelling units pr ecre which is lower than the dcmsity range establislied by the General Plan. . Each phase, as conditioned, will have adequate street improve- ments, dedications and access such that each phase will stand on its own upon final map approval. The site is physically suitable in size and shape for the proposed density of developnent since sufficient public improvements and adequate amenities necessary to serve all lot! are provided without the need for excessive modification to the site. The project will not cause any significant adverse environ- mental impacts and the Planning Director has issued a Conditj-onal Negative Declaration (Log No. G8b I dated 4/25/80). The project meets all public health problcias and as such will not be injurious to the public's health i)r relfarc. The design of the subdivision will not cause any serious health. problems since the project meets all public health r cqu i rernen ts . The project is consistent with all City Public Facility Policies and Ordinances since: a. Assurances have been given that adequate sewer for the project will be provided by- the S~R PIarcos County Water District; b. The Planning Commission finds that sewer servi.cc is not available for this development as of the date of this approval (I However, sewer service may be available in the future. The Planning Commission has, by inc1usi.m of an appropriate condition to this Tentative Subdivision Map, insured that the final map wj-13. not. be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve i:hc project. In addition, the P.'Lannin( Commission has addcd a condit5on that a note shall he placed on the final map that building perini.ts may not be issued for this project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer. scrvicc is available. Since the final inap cannot be approved and building permits cani?ot be i.ssucd unless scwcr sctrvicc rcn:ains a~ailab1.c~ tlic of the I'ubl-ic Paci.l.j.tic~ Elcnicnt of thc Gcncral Plan have bccn nict inso€:nr as thcy apply to scwcr scrvicc for this project. Planning Coiruni.z;si.on is satisfied that the rcquircments c. An agrccincnt with thc affcctccl school districts, approved by thc City Counci.1, ensuring that adcquatc imo #~GWI E S IC 1.3. 12 13 14 15 16 . 3-1 19 20 21 24 * 25 27 20 - I. . .. . .. .. .. . . .._ . . . ... , ... . . . schooS sites will be provided 5-s required as a coiidi-kion of approval. d. Park-in-lieu fees are required and have been placed as a condition of approval. e. AI1 necessary public improvements wi.1.1 either be providci or required as ccnclitions of approval. f. The applicant has agreed and is required by the incl.usior of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee, Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that all other public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. . Approval iq granted for CT 80--9 as shown on Exhibit J, dated 6/10/30, on file in the Planning Deparkment and incorporated by refcrence. Development shall occur substantially as shown on these exhibits unless otherwise noted in these conditions. This subdivision is approved upon the express condition that the filial nap shall not bc approved uriless the City Council finds as of the time of such approval that sewer servlce is available to serve the subdivision, is not available, the fin7.l map will not be approved. In the event tllqt swmr This subdivision is approved upon thz express conditj-on ‘that building pcrmits wi3 I. not be issued for development of the subject property unless the City Enginecr detcrmines that such sewer facilities are available at the timc of application for such permits and will continue to be availabSe until time of occupancy, If the City Engineex determines that sewer facilities are not available, building permits will not he issued. A note indicating this shall be placed on the final map. This approval is expressly conditj-oned on the paynient by thc applicant of a public facilities fcc as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dntcd AuguSt 29, 1.379, on file with the City Clerk and incorporatcd liercin by reference, and according to thc agrccmcnt cxccuted by the applicant for payment of said fee. A copy of that agi-ccmcnt, datcd March II, 1980, is on f:~l.c with thcz City Clerk and incorporatcd hcrcin by rcfcrcnce. If said fce is not paid as promi..r;cd, this application w.iS1. not bc cotisistcnt wit11 the C;cncr;ll Plan and t.hc pro:jcct cannot procccd and this approval. shall bc: void. All l.nnd and/or easements rcquirctd by this subdivision slia1.1 bc qrnntccl to thc city, wj t-.hout cost to thc city, frec of all liens and cncumbrnnucs. 3. 3 4 5 6 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 3.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 26 The parcel rnap covering this site (MS-419) shal1 be recorded prior to the map for this subdivision. District boundaries or lot lines shal.1 be rnodificd to fulfill t.he requirement that each lot be in a single tax code area. No lot in the proposed subdivision may be further subdivided. I\, note inCicating this shall be placed on the final map. The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the city, prior to the approval of the final. map as required by Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Jlunicipal Code. The applicant shall submit a street name list consistent with the city’s street naming policy suhject to the Planning Director’s approval prior to final map approval.. . The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate condj.tj-cns of overcrowding as part of building permit application per the existing fee schedule at that time, Grading - A report of a geotechnical investigation and a grading plan of the site shall be submitted by thc applicant to the City Engineer for approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit, The report shall be prepared by, a civil enginepr and a geologist licmsecl by the State of California and experienced in erosion control and slope stability. The grading shall be done under the supervision of the civil engineer and geologist. If soil or geologic conditions are observed to be different than expected, they shall recomnend appropriate remedial measures or . changes to the plans. At the conclusion of grading they shal.1 prepare an “as-graded” plan showing the grading as performed and the existing geologic conditions and they shall certify the adequacy oE the site for development prior to the issuance of building permits. All cut and fill sJ.:)pcs shall be no steeper than 2 horizontal .to 1 vertical unlcss a report of a geotcchnical investigation prepared by a civil engine,er dcmonstratcs that the slope stabil.ity and erosion resistance of a stccper slope are aclcquate and it is approvcd by the City Enginccr No slopcs are permitted wit1ii.n public street .right-of-way. To mitigntc erosion, all. cxposcd s10pc.s shall bc hydrosccdcd, sccc~cd or pl.antcc~ in~nicdiatcly upon coiriplcti on OK grac~ing nctivjtics. Thc scccl mix slinll bc dcsjgnctl by an expert: in thc fic3cI Lxiscd on n soil analysis of thc slopcs pcr CLJ~~I-OV~I~ of tlic 17~1:s niid Itccreation 1)ircctor. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 .I 2 13 3.4 15 I6 ' 3.7 - 19 I8l 20 21 22 23 24 ' 25 %G 27 28 ,: . , . , . . .... . . .. .... ..., .. . . . . . .. . . . , . . . . . .. ... --. 1G) No grading may be performed during the period of October 1 to April 15, unless an erosion control plan including dcsilt-ing basins, ctc., Is subniittcd as part of the grading plan and is approved by the City Engineer. 17) Clearing operations shall not be allowed in advance of grading, but rather shall. be concurrent with an imnicdiately proceeding grading activities. be obtained prior to commencement of clearing operations, Clearing shall be limited to the minimuin area necessary to perform grading operations. A grading permit must 18) No grading shall occur outside the limits of the subdivision unless a letter of permission is obtained from the owners of the qf fected properties. Private Streets and Drainage 13) The design of all private streets and drainage shall be - approved by the City Engineer. The design shall include street lights, curb and gutter storm drain facilities or other Eeatures as required by the City Engineer. The structural section of a11 private streets shall conform to the City of Carlsbad 'standards based on R-value tests. 20) All private streets and drainage systems shall he main- tained by the homeowner's association in perpetuity. TLis condition excludes all drainage easements granted to the City of Carlsbad. This condition shal.1 be placed in the CC&R'S. 21) Additional drainage easements and structures shall be providcd or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and/or the City Engineer. 22) All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by the . homeowner s association or individual propcrty owner in perpetuity. A statemcnt clearly identifying this responsibility shall be placed in the CC&R'S. Dcdications and Improvement of Pub1j.c Streets 23 All public streets. shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad frcc of all liens and cncumbranccs at the time ' of thc final map for the appropriate phase. 24) All publ'ic strccts shall bc approved according to thc City o€ Carlsbad standards based on thc typical. sections as shown on the tcntative map prior to filial occupancy of any units in the appropriate phase. //// 1"C RES0 I\ 1G44 -5- .-. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 2.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ’ 20 2x 22 23 24 25 ‘26 27 28 c _- - The Final maps for the phases shown on the tentative map must be recorded in the following order: Phase 1 - First Phase 2 & 5 - Concurrent with or anytime after Phase I, Phase 3 - Concurrent with-either Phase G or 7 whichever occurs first . Phase 4 - Concurrent with or subsequent to Phase 3 except that it may proceed prior to Phase 3 if the following is performed: a. Improvement plans are submitted and approved and bonds posted for Street A in Pliasc 3 prior to the approval of the filial map Eor Phase 4 and; . b. A loopzd water line is installed subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Marshall. Phase 6 & 7 - Concurrent with or subsequent to Phase 3. Dedication and improvements shall be according to the following schedule : .. Phase 1: -. 4 L;. Alga Road from existing Alga Road to Street A with a typical section subjcct to the approval of the City Engineer. b. Street A from Alga Road to the subdivision boundary. c. d, Streets B and C. Street A within t?3e phase. Phase 3: Streets A and D within the phase Phase 4: Street D within the phase Phase 7: ‘ a. Street A b. Corint5.a Strcct From Strcck A to Melrosc Avcnuc. c. Mclrose Avenue from Corintia Street to Rancho Snnta Road with a typj.ca1 scction to the approval of the City Engineer. Phnsc G a, C0rint;i.a Strect along the subdivision frontage b. All strcct iinpi.-ovc?mcnts rc:qui.rcd in Phase 7. . .' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 c a 9 10 13 .12 13 14 16 ' 18 39 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 ..... . ... . ..... ~ ........ .. ... , .. . . . .. . Melrose Avenue along the subdivision frontage shall be dedicated at the time of the final map for the final phase and shall be improved prior to final occupancy of any units in the final phase of the subdivision. One half of the median on Melrose Avenue shall be landscaped in conjunction with the installation of the impkovcmcnts and shall be subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. Access rights of all lots abutting Plelrose Avenue shall be relinquished and waived on the final map. Street trees of a variety approved by the Parks and Recreation Director shall be installed to city specificat.ions at 40 foot intervals along all public street frontages or as approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. Environmental Review 30) The folloriring conditions of the Negative Declaration issued for this project (EIA NO. 688,. dated April 25, 1980) shall be complied with: Clearing operations shall occur only immediately. prior to grading activities. All disturbed slopes shall be inuncdiately hydroseeded or othe:rwise stab3.ized for erosion control immediately upon completion of grading activities. The timing of all grading activities s1ia.l; be restricted as required by the City Engineer on the grading permit. Drainage facilities shall be constructed concurrent with grading activities. In order to mitigate potentially significant traffic impacts, the intersection of Corintia Strcet and blelrase Avenue shall be designed and constructed, c7.s required by the City Engineer, in order to accommodate pro jectcd vehicular trips at this intersection. Energy conservation ineasures as stipulated in EIR-307 shall be included in this project. 31) The developer shall dedicate the south % street of Alga Road froin "A" Strcct to Mclrosc Avcnuc and the cast % strcct of Mcl.rose Avcnuc from Al<ja Road to Rancho Santa F'c Road pkior to fina3. map approval of I'liasc I, and shall improve said streets prior to final occupancy of any units in Phase I, IWclc~iinc?d Water Use - 32) Thc applicant. shall ayrcc to ut;.li.zc rcclaiincld wilkcr, in Typc 1 form, on tJic s~ib-jcct proporty in an nniouiiC that equals or cxccc:ds thc air\ount of r;cw;icjc (jci1cratxd by thc pi-ojcc t, or othcrwi..;~ nppi-ovccl I)y thc city Enginccr . .l 2 3 4 a 5 '6 7 * PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting oE the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, Californa, held on-the 33) The rcclaimcd water irrigation system shall be maintained and operated by the San Ellarcos County Water District consistent with the requircmcnts of the City of Carlsbad, under a contracturnl agrceincn t with the homeowner ' s association that is to give the district total assurancc that they would always have the ability to discharge the effluent. 34) Construction of the reclaimed water system shall comply with Title 17 of the California State Administration Code hy requiring a water master on the job to monitor pipe con- 'nections. Low trajectory sprinklers shall be utilized and the irrigation rate shall be regu:Lated so that there will be no runoff. 1ol/llth day of June, 1380, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Schick, Larson, Friestedt, Marcus, Lceds and Jose II l2 II NOES: None ABSENT: Rombotis It 18 19 20 RL SGAD P LANN I NG~ OPDIT s s I ON f- 22 23 21 25 26 27 CARLSBAD PLANNING CO'~I ss ION .. 28 /I RESOLUTION NO. 6234 July 1, 1980, held a public hearing to consider the recommendations A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDOMINIUM PERMIT (CP-60) FOR AN 86-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CORINTIA STREET EXTENDED, WEST OF MELROSE AVENUE EXTENDED. APPLICANT : WOODWARD COMPANIES. WHEREAS, on June 11, 1980 the Carlsbad Planning Commission and hear all persons interested in or opposed to Condominium Permit adopted Resolution No. 1655 recommending to the City Council that Condominium Permit (CP-60) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on of the Planning Commission and to receive all recommendations (CP-60); and WHEREAS, said Condominium Permit has been declared to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been prepared and filed in compliance hith the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Planning Commission in Resolution No. 1655 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. C. That Condominium Permit (CP-60) is hereby approved subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution NO. 1G55, dated June 11, 1980, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 15th day of July , 1980 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ..-- ATTEST : (SEAL) 2. .. . has A RESOLUTION C)F TlX PLANfJPNG CO?~IMTSSION OF THE CITY 'OF CI2J(LS?3PAD, CALZF'OENIA, RECOI.IMEXDING APPROVAL 01' AN 86 UiqIT CONDONINIUM PERNIT ON PROPERTY GEtL'EZiLLY LOCATED ON TIIE NORTH S I3R OF EXTENDED APPLICANT :: WOODWARfj COl?lPANI ES CP-60 CASE NO: CORINTlA STREET EXTENDED , WEST OF PIELTlr3SE AVENUE --- - WHEREAS, a verified. application for certain property to, wit: Those portions of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30 and the Southcast Quarter of Section 19, Tcvnship 12 South, Range 3 West-. , San Rernardi.no Mcr.idj.an, County of ' San Diego, State of California been filed wit-h the City of Carlsbad, a:id referred to the Planning Cornniission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as .. provided by Title 23. of the -Carlcbad Mun.:lcipal Code; and WHEREAS, thr, Planning Commission did, on the llth day 05 June, 1980, hold a duly noticed publjc hearing as prescrlibcd 12~7 law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, , at said public heari rig I upon hearing and consideri.ng all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to he heard, said Coinmission consi.dered all factors relating to the Condominium Permit. NOW, TI-IEREFORE, BE IT IIEIIEBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. l3) That hascd on the eviclencc prcscmtcd at thc puhlj-c hearingt the Commission rccomincncls APP1:OVATI of CP-GO , based on the following findings and sub jcct tu-the Koll~owinc~ concli tions : , Pindinqs : --- , II 6 7 2 3 4 5 4) The project meets all public health problems and as such will- not be injurious to the public's health or welfare. 2) The site is physically suitable in size and shape for the proposed density of c1cvcl.opncnt sincc suf E i cient public improvements and adequate amenl ties necessary to serve all lots are provided without the need for excessive modification to the site. 3) The project will not cause any significant adverse environ- mental impacts and the Planning .Director has issued a Condj-tional Negative Declaration (Log No. 688, dated 4/25/CO) I 5) The project is consistent. with all City Public Facility Policies and Ordinances since: 15 16 - lr 18 19 ' xo 21 22 Assurances have been given that adequate sewer fcr the project will be provided by the San Marcos Coun'iy Water District. The Planning Coxrmission finds that sewer service is not ava.ilablc fur this development as of the date bf this approval. However, sewer service may be available in the future. The Plar?ning Commi.ssi.on has 13y inclusj-on of an appropriate condition' to this Condominiurn ~ermi-t insured that the project will not be approved unless the City Council fj-ilds that se'Lc2r service is availahlc to serve the project. Since the project cannot he approved and buildinc, perinits cannot be issued unless sewer service remains available, the Planning Com- mission is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Facilities Element of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this project. All necessary public improvemcnts will either be provided or required as conditions of approval. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion of an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to Iind that all othcr public facilities will bc available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. 24 25 26 27 21) - 1) Approval is granted lor CP-GO as shown on Exlii.bit "C" dated June 2, 1380, on file in the Planning Departmcnt and incorporated by rcfcrcncc. Dcvelopment shall occur sub- stantiaI1.y as shown on these exhibits unlccs ot11ci:wise noted in thcsc conditions. /I// /I// -2- _-__. ...... .- . ,. I .- , .. .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 JE 12 14 '. .35 . 3.6 17 18 ' a9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... - - ...... ... ........... .... ..... This Condominium Permit is approved upon the express cor,dition that tlic project shall. not be approved unless the City Council finds as of the tine of such approval that scwcr . service is available to serve the project. Xn the event that sewer is not availablc, the project will not be approved. This subdivision is approved ripon the express condition that buil..dirig permits will not be ' issued fro>: clevd.opn!~nk of the subject property unless the Citv En.ginecr determines that such sewer facilities arc avail-abl-e at: the time c," application for such permits and will continue to he availabl-e until time of occmpancy. If the City Enginper determines that sewer f aciiitlies are not avai.lablc , bu iI.dIng permits will not be issued. A ~~.t;e indicating this shall be placed on the final map. This approval, is expressly conditioricd on the payment by the applicaot of a public faci.Jities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979, on fi.le with the City Clerk. and i.ncorporat.ed herein by reference I and according to the agrecncni: esccutcd by th.e appl.?icant for payment of said fee. A copy of khat agreement, da-ked PSarch 11, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and hcorporated herein by reference . 115 said fee is not: p.a-id as promised; this applicat-ion trill not he consistent with tlic General Plan and the projcct cannot proceed and this approval shall. be void. All conditions of CT 80-9 are incorporated herein by reference and shall be complied with as part of this approval. .. .. I Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall. submit a final condominium plan, incorporating all cliangcs required herein, for the npprwal of the Plaiining Diircctor . The appl cant shall establish a homeowner's assosiation an2 covenants, conditions and restrictions subject t~ the approval of the Planning Dj-rec tor. A detai Ird landscape and irri.gatj.on plan for the cntj rcf si.i-.c: musk be approved by the Planning D.ircctor prior to final. in~p approval of Phase VI. All conditions of CT 80-9 and SDP 80-G arc 5.ncorporatcd hcrcin by rcfcrcncc aiid shall- be strickly coinplied with as part of this approval. - 6nv 5. ronmcri ta I Rev j. cw 10) The followtng conditions of the Negative Declaration issued --_- - for this pro:ject (EIA NO. G88, datcd April 25, 1980) shall bc coinpl-i cxl with : I/// , s3. 2 3 4 5 ‘6 10 I1 a2 13 14 15 3.6 1’9 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 clearing opcrat-.io:ir, shall occur only immediately prj.,r to grading activities. All disturbed slopes shall be ~IIlJTicdiZitCly liydrosceded or otherwise stablized for erosion control imiieciiately upon cornplction of grading activities. The timing of all grading activities shall he restricted as required by the City Engineer on the grading permit. Drainage facilities sha11 he constructed concurrent with grazificj activitics In order to mitigate potentially significant traffic impacts, the intersection of Corintia Street and Melrose Avenue shall be designed CUJ~ constructed, as required by the City Engineer, in order. to acconmodatc pro jcctcd vehicular trips at this intersection. ” Energy. conservation measures as stipulated in E:IR--307 shall be included in this project Development Standards ------_^-l___ 3.1) 3.2) Tkic standards of the RD-1.1 zone regarding permitted uses , conditional uses , hilding height placemenk of buildings and yard rcquireneri-ts shall apply to the subjcct. property unless otherwise stated herein or sl-..mn otherwise on all approved exhibits. 8 21.11 slopes greater than 10’ in height sha.11 be irrigated and planted with native shrubs and trees at the cuznniulative rate of 1 plant for every 225 square feet, shall he irrigated and planted with ground cover per requirements of the Parks and Recreation I)i.rcc:tor, AII other slopes Fire Sax - 13) 1111 driveways and emergcncy vehicle easements shall hc improved to minimum standards as rcquircd by the Fiere Chief and City Engineer. 14) In ordcr to provide for fire protcction during the constructio; pcriod , the applicant slial.1 inaintaj n passable vchiculnr acccss t.o a11 buildinqls. In addition, aclcquatc fire l?yc!rants with rccpircd €ire flows and/or otlicr Kirc safety mcasurcs shall be installcd as rcquircd by the Fire Chief or his dcsicjncc. - e 9 ZC J 3. 12 JZ 14 3-5 I€ 23 I€ .. IS 2c , 21 21 2t 2c 27 2E . .. I. . .. ,. ... . . ... . ._. ... . .. . The rccl ajrned water irrigation system shall be niaintaincd and operated by the %in Marcos County Water District consistent with’ the rcqui.remcnts of the City of Carlsbad under a contrac turd agrecmcrit with the honicowncr ’ s association that is to give the district total assurance ,hat they wou1.d always have the ability to discharge the cfflucnt. Construction of the reclaimed water system shall comply with Title 17 of the California State Adrdnistration Code by requiring a water master 011 thc job to monitor pipe con- nections. Low trajectory sprinklers shall be utilized and the irrigation rate shall Sc regulated so that there will be i1O runoff. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Conmission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held 311 the 11th day of June, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: I AYES: Schick, Larson, Priestedt, Marcus, I,eeds and Jose NOES: None ABSENT: Rombotis ABSTAIN : None 9TTCST : /+-3/ . CARLSBAD PLANNING cor.’bu SSION I ch~s BAD P~NNI ~6’. COHMI s s ION /. RESOLUTION NO. 6235 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD-20) FOR A214-UNIT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MELROSE AVENUE EXTENDED, BETWEEN CORINTIA STREET EXTENDED AND ALGA ROAD EXTENDED. APPLICANT: WOODWARD COMPANIES. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did on June 11, 1980 hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the application of the Woodward Companies for a Planned Unit Development Permit for a214-unit project on property generally located on the west side of Melrose Avenue extended, between Corintia Street extended and Alga Road extended, more particularly described as : Those portions of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, San Bernardino Meridian, County of ?an Diego, State of California; and WHEREAS, said Planned Unit Development Permit has been declare to have a nonsignificant impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been prepared and filed in compliance with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, adopted Resolution No. 1646; and WEREAS, on July 1, 1980, the City Council held a publ-ic hearing on the matter to receive all recommendations and hear all persons interested in or opposed to the approval of Planned Unit Development Permit (PUD-20) : 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 n (3 c u 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That the findings of the Planning Comnission set forth in Resolution No. 1646 constitute the findings of the City Council in this matter. C. That the Planned Unit Development Permit is granted for the reasons set out in Resolution No. 1646 and subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of the conditions contained in said Resolution No. 1646, dated June 11, 1980, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, with the exception of Condition No. 17, which has been revised to read as follows: "17. The reclaimed water irrigation system shall be maintained and operated by the San Marcos County Water District consistent with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, under a contractural agreement with the homeowner's association to provide the City total assurance that the District will always have the ability to discharge the effluent." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlshad, California, on the 15th day of Ju1.y , 1980 by the following vote, to wit.: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None 'RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : (SEAL) -2- ‘- . I 1 2 c 4 F ‘C r d € E ZC . 13 12 3.2 . 14 15 IS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A ‘I - RESOLUTION WO. 6235 - PLANNING COM1,IISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1646 A RESOLU?’ION 01. TIIE PLANNING COM&lISSION OF APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A 24 [SNIT RESIDEHTIAL PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON TIE WEST SIDE OF MELROSE AVENUE EXTENDED , BETI?EEN CORlNTIA STREET EXTENDED AND ALGA ROAD EXTENDED. APPLICANT : WOODWAED CONPANIES CASE NO: PUD-20 THE CI’YY OF CARLSEAD , CALIF’ORNIA , RECOMI.IENDING WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property, to wit: Those portions of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, T0trnshj.p 12 South, Range 3 Weqt, San Bcrnardino Meridian, County of San Diego, S.tate of California has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred to .the Planning Conmission; and WHEREAS, said verified ’applicati,on constitutes a request as provided by Titlc. 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and - -. , WHEREAS, the Planning Conmission did, on the 31th day of June, 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing a5 prescrjbcd by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of a3.1 persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Planned Unit Development; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT IIEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: R) That the above recitations are true and correct. 13) That based on the cviclcncc prcscntcd at thc public hcai-inq, the Coiiiniissi.on ~ccornmcnds APJ”WArJ of DIJD-2 0, bascd 011 the iolI.owing Findings and sii~~jcct .to the fo1Iowi.n~~ concIi.ti.ons: - Pi ndings : 1) ~hc proposed use at tlic particular 3.ocati.on is necessary and dcsirablc to providc a scrvicc or facilj ty which will .. c. -3. 2 3 4 5 .6 7 a 9 10 11 . 12 13 14 15 3.6 17 . .I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 213 -. . .. .. .. ...... , .. . . . . .. , . . contribute to the general well-being of the neighborhood and the community for the reasons stated in the staff report. Such use wi1.l not be detrimental- to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. All design criteria set forth in Section 21.45.110 and all minimum development standards sct forth in Section 21.45.120 will be met for reasons stated in the staff report. The granting of this permit will not adversely affect and will be consistent with the general plan for the city, applicable specific plans, and the adopted plans of any governmental agency. The project will not cause any significant adverse environ- mental .impacts and the Planning Director has issued a Conditional Negative Declaration (Log No, 688, dated 4/25/60). The project is consistent with all City Public Facility Policies and Ordinances since: a. Assurances have been given that adequate sewer for the project will. be provided by, the Sin Marcos County Water' District. The Planning Commissi.on firids that sewer service is not available for this dcvelopment as of the date of this approval. However, sewer service may be available in the future. The Planning Commission has by j-nclusion of an appropriate condition to this Tentative Subdivision Map; insured that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Comnission has added a condition that a note shall 'be placed on the final map that bui.I.di.ng'perm.its may not be issued for this project unless the City Engineer determines that scwer service is available. Since the final map cannot be approved and building permits cannot be issued unless sewer service remains availab.le, the Planning Commi.ssion is satisfied that the requirements of the Public Pacilitics Elcruent of the General Plan have been met insofar as they apply.to sewer service for this projcct. ' .. . b.' Concli tions : C; c n c I: a 1. 1) Approval. 5.s granted for IWD-7.0, 5s shown on Exhibit D datcd 6/2/80, on file in thc: PLnniiinrj Dcpartmcnt and incorpora Lcd by rcf crciicc!. Dcvc~.opnic?nt shall occur subst;intinll.y as shown on this cxl,ibit un3.css othcrwisc noted in thcse conditions. 3 I'C RES0 #lG4G -2 -'2 .; 4 C ,f c 4 E E 1c 11 1:: I? . 34 1E 1C * 13 3E 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 20 c Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant slia1.l submit a final Planned Unit Development Plan, incorporating all changes required herein, for the approval. of the Planning Director. The applicant shall establish a homeowner*s association and covenants, conditions and restrictions subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Said CC&R'S shall prohibit storage of recreational vehicles in the front yards, private drives, private streets or public streets of the project. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan for the entire site must be approved by the Planning Director prior to final map approval of Phase I. Prior to the approval of the final map, for Phase I, the applicant shall submit plans for the proposed Conununity Identity Signs subject; to the approval of the Planning Director. All conditions of CT 80-9 and SDP 80-6 are incorporaked herein by reference and shall be strictly complied with as part of this approval. Dcve lopnicnt Standards - The standards of the RD-M zone regarding permitted-uses, conditional uses, building height, placcment of bv;-l-dings and yard requireincnts shall apply to the subject property unless otherwise stated herein or shown otherwise on all approved exhibits. All buildings backing or siding onto Melrosc Avenue shall maintain a building setback of 35' from ctirb line. Further, solid block walls shall be erected for these units to attenuate noise froin vehicular traffic from Melrosc Avenue as shown on Exhibit "B" dated 6/2/80. All slopes greater than LO' in height shal-l be irrigated and plaiitcd with native shrubs and trces at the cumulative rate of 1 plant for every 225 square fcct. All other slopes shall be irrigated and planted with ground cover per require- ments of the Parks and RccrcaCi.on Director. Tltc parking bay Iocatccl adjacent to lot 10 of Phase 2 shall. be redesigned subjcct to the approval of thc Planning Djrcctor prior to final imp recordation of Phase 2. Units on lots G throuqh 13 w.ith garages facing a privatc strcct shall bc sctbacli 25' from thc curb line. Thc recreation ~XCLZ locatcd in Phase 7 shall be Fully improved, providiny pcc'lcr:tr.i.an acccss to al.3. bui3.t out plinscs, prior to thc: final occupmcy of any units in cithcr pl1nsc 4, 5, or 7. PC RBSO I} 1.G4G -3- ---._ ....... \ A .... ,i 2 3 4 5 6 c 7 a '9 10 31 12 3-3 14 15 16 ' 18 19 20 22 23 . 24 25 26 27 20 .... ...... ..... ..... ...... .... .. .. , . .- Q. Environmental Review 12) The following conditions of the Negative Declaration issued for this project (EIA No. 688, dated 4/25/80) shall be complied with: a) Clearing operations shall occur only immediately prior to grading activities. All disturbed slopes shall be immediately hydroseeded or otherwise stablized for erosion control inriediatcly upon completion of grading activities. b) The timing of all grading activities shall be restricted as required by the City Engineer on the grading permit. Q Drainage f aci1itic.s shall be constructed concurrent with grading activities. In order to mitigate potentially significant traffic impacts, the intersection of Corintia Street and Melrose Avenue shall be designed and constructed, as required by the City Engineer, in order to accommodate projected vehicular trips at this intersection. e) Energy conservation measures as stipulated in.EIR-307 shall be included in this project . Fire Safety 13) All driveways and emergency vehicle easements shall be improved to minimum standards as required by the Fire Chief and City Engineer. 14) In order to provide for fire protection during the construction period, the applicant shall maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings. In addition, adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows and/or other fire safety measures shall be installed as required by the Fire Chief or his designee. Iteclaimcd t?ater Use 15) The applicant shall agree to utilize rcclaimed water, in Type I forin, on the subject pi:o~.)crty in an amount that equals or cxcccds the aniounl; of scwaqc, generated by' the project or othcrwisc approved by the City EncJinccr. 16) The applicant shall prcpnrc, to the satisfaction of the Parks axid Rccrcation lli I-cx tor and thc City I::ngincer, a docun~cnt out1.i ning proposed nictl~ods of "Typc 1 '' rcclaiincd water use. 'rhis doculwntr. shall contain a plank list of salt and drought tolorant vcgctati on, water absorption ratcs per plant and soils, tlic gallons of water pcr acre 3.4 ll,S 3.6 ' . a8 z9 20 22 23 &B ' R5 necilcd to accomniodate the proposal and a soil-f lushing program. The docuntcnt shall also incluck criteria for operating, maintaining and monitoring thc irrigation area and systein. This shall be done prior to approval of the final inap for Phase I. The reclaimed water irrigation systein shall be maintained and operated by the San Flarcos County Water District consistent with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, under a contractural agreement wi.kh the homeowner's association that is to give the district total assurance that they would always have the ability to discharge the effluent. Construction of the reclaimed water system shall comply with Title 17 of the California State Administratj.on ' Code by requiring a water master on the job to inonitor pipe connections. Low trajectory sprinklers shall. be utilized and the irrigation rate shall be regulated so that there will be no runoff. 19) The RV storage area indicated on the tentative tract map (Exhibit "J") shall bc install-c?d prior to final occupancy of either Phase G or 7, whichever occurs first, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Comiission of the City of Carlsbad, California; held on the 11th day of June, 19E0, by the following vote, to wit: &YES; Schick, Larson, Friestedt', Marcusf Leeds and Jose NOES: None . ABSENT: Rornbotis ABSTAIN : None .. ATTEST : A 1lL S 13AD 1'LAP.I N I NG , . COMrlI S S :I: ON / PC RES0 jIlG4G CARLSBAD PLAN N I NC Cb~4M1 S S IGN \A 7 -5-