HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-05; City Council; 6258-2; Weed Abatement Cost Report ConfirmationI CITY OF CARLSBnD @ AGEN_DA BILL NO. 6258 -Supplement 'No. 2 : DATE: August:..§.i:..•, ... 19_,8:a.aO _______ _ DEPARTMENT: __ .;.UT.;..;1;.;;:L.;.IT;.;:l;.;;:E.;;.,S ..;;;&;..;MA=I.;..;.NT_E;,;,.;N_AN_C_E ___ _ 1nitial:~ Dept.lid. ~ C. Atty. C. Mgr. __ Subject: .WEED ABATEMEl'lr COST REPORT CONFIRMATlOII Statement of the Matter A Public Hearing to hear protests to the assessments of costs of the City abatement of weeds is required. The list of names, parcels and due amounts contained in the Resolution was posted at City Hall on August 1, 1980. The amounts due the City after appropriate Council action will become liens upon the property for the following tax year. EXH.IBITS 1. Memo from Sanit,.tion Supervisor to Director of Utilities ~ Maintenance of July 31, 1980, 11ith enclosures. 2. Resolution No. ~.![j_. RECOMMENDATION If Council concurs with the cost report, adopt Resolution No. /,:2, 1 and direct the City Clerk to file a certified copy of the Resolution with the County Auditor OQ or before Aug·us t 7, 1980. Council Action: 8-5-80 · Council adopted Resolution tlo, 6259, and directed the Clerk to file a certified copy of Re.solution with the County Auditor on or before August r: 1380. lit; I l, ~WHITE IT-DON'T SJ\Y If INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO City Cl erk DATE 8/11/19 80 Please correct list of 1980 Weed Abatement Costs filed with Assessor's Office, to reflect last minu~e payments: Eliminate from list: Parcel No. 215-231-12 Parcel No. 215-250-09 Parcel No. 215-280-59 HORWIN, Leo & Ursula H. $40.00 CLARK, Alan fi. & Ruth A. 40.00 CLARK, Alan 8. & Ruth A. 40.00 $120.00 ,Corrected total amount of charges, chargeable to Account No. 6010-04 I is $7,447.50. AM P M l REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM Roger w. Greer ---~---~ ---:::;;,...-----~-------·-------------------~------------- ... ._.,, '$,(&-1\.C \J.lo( StA.N~A.1110 HUt:'-01:Plo M(M() FOIIIM 11-;':-I-PO i I i I, I I, j l i' July 31, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: Director of Utilities & Maintenance FROM: Sanitation Services Supervisor SUBJECT: 1980 Weed Abatement Program 80-115 On May l, 1980 I mailed a total of 550 information letters to property owners regard- ing this year 1 s Weed Abatement Program. The letter defined the program in detail. A returnable card was included to authorize the City to abate and bill the owner for the cost of abatement, plus the $10.00 administrative fee. A contractors list was included to allow the property owner to contact a contractor and make arrangements to abate the property. On June 3, 1980 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 6021 declaring weeds and rubbish in the City a nuisance. On June 4, 1980 a final notice was sent to the property owners who had not abated their property prior to the declaration of the nuisance. On June 17, 1980 the City Council held a Public Hearing to hear objec- tions from the property owners regarding the program. At the conclusion of the Public Hearing, Council adopted Resolution No. 6206 and directed you to abate the nuisances. On June 18, 1980 I instructed private contractors to abate the nuisances as declared. A summary of this year 1 s program is as follows: Initial Mailing List City Abate by Reque~t Owner Abate Voluntarily Cit_y Abate on Legal Notice 550 91 397 62 ACTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE COST FEE SUB-TOTAL $7,588.50 $3,792.50 $ 910.00 $3,TOO.OO $1,170.00 (unpaid) $6,892.50 TOTA~ $8,062.50 A total of $8,062.50 will be filed with the County Assessor 1 s Office as a lien for reimbursement to the City. $1,170.00 reflects the unpaid balance of property owners• request to City to abate, which includes 21 parcels for non-payment. tl,~J aG-iJ DAVID A. PACKER Sanitation Services Supervisnr OAP:pab enc. ' ' 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 "PUBLIC HEARING" A PUBLIC HEARING, TO HEAR PROTESTS TO THE ASSESSMENTS OF COSTS OF THE CITY ABATEMENT OF WEEDS \flLL BE HELD AUGUST 5, 1980 AT 7 :00 P ,M, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ON THE FOLLOWING PARCELS: NOTICE POSTED: AUGUST 1, 1980 PAB TELEPHONE: (714) "38-M21 ' ; ' I I .. l 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 6259 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIH OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF TllE UTilI;IES/MA!NTENANCE DIRECTOR C:.HOWING COST OF HEED ABATEMENT AGAIN~ EACH PARCEL OF LAND IN SAID REPORT, CONFIRMING THE COST AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION ON THE REGULAR _T-'AX~B=IL;;,;;;L...;... ___________ _ WHERE,,S, on June 3, 1980, this City Council adopted Resolution No. 7 6201 pursuant to Government Code Sections 39501-39588 declaring weeds, rubbish, 8 refuse and dirt on t~e real property described therein to be a_publi~ nuisance 9 I and ordered the said weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt abated by the Director of 10 the Utilities/Maintenance u .. ,,artment of this City; and ll WHER~AS, pursuant to said resolution a hearing was held by said City 12 Council, and thereafter said City Council adopted Resoluticn No. 6206 directing 13 the Utilit.ies/a1aintenance,Director to abate the ni.isance by removal of the 14 weeds, rubbish, refuse and dirt on the real property described in said resolu- 15 tion; and lo WHER~AS, California State Government Code, Section 39560, et seq., 17 requires that a report of the c.1st of such abatement be submitted to the City 18 Council for consideration and cori"irmation following a public hearing, and th':! 19 1 Utilities/Maintenance Director has 1..ept the required accounts and nas submitted 20 his report to the Council for confirmation; and 21 WHEREAS, said work has bel?n duly performed in accordance with said 22 resolution, and a Notice of the Time of Hearing has been posted on or "-~r the :n Chamber door of this City Council in the manner and form require<' b" 1aw; and 211 WHEREAS, at the ar,pi·opriate time and place said report was received 25 and considered for confirmation by this City Council, at which time all 26 protests and oojections \'/ere heard, and this City Council gave all persons 27 present an opportunity to be heard in respect to any matter relating to said 28 ajatcment wor~; and i l WHEREAS, all persons desiring to be heard have been heard by this 2 City Council; 3 NOW, THEREFORE, Bl: IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 4 Carlsbad as follows: 5 6 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the abatement work, the report submitted to this Council, 7 and the posting of the Notice of the Time of Hearing on said report were duly 8 and regularly performed in the manner and time required by law. 9 3. That all protests and objections, other than those heretofore 10 allowed and deleted from said report, if any, were and are hereby overruled 11 and deni ed. 12 4. That said report, a copy of which is on file in the office of 13 the City Clerk, and by this reference made a part hereof, is hereby confirmed, 14 and each of the amounts set forth therein are hereby assessed against the 15 parcc 1 of real property shown with said sum and shall constitute a special 16 asses~ment and a lien against such parcel of land. 17 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of 18 this resolution, together with a copy of said report to the office of the San 19 Diego County Auditor on or before August 7, 1980. 20 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 21 City Council held on the 5th day of ____ A"""'u=--g,_,.u ..... st..._ ___ , 1980, 'by the 22 following vote, to wit: 23 24 25 26 xx 27 xx 28 xx AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Lewis -2- 1 2 :; 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ATTEST: 12 13 14 15 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- ~✓~~ RONALD C. PACKARD Mayor, City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California L -, ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1980 WEED ABATEMENT COSTS To be placed as tax lien: MAP UNDIVIDED ASSESSEE BOOK PAGE PARCEL INTEREST AMOUNT RATE AREA NUMBER NAME 216 360 03 125.00 RUSHEEN, Henry M. & Ann L. 216 290 32 115. 00 MORROW, Howard C. & Geraldine 216 290 20 115.00 FRIES, Harry J. & Marie L. 216 280 27 95.00 BUENAVENTURA Investment Corp. • 216 270 05 105.00 HALE, Everett W. & Elizabeth A. et al 216 200 09 125.00 ELIHU, Sima 216 200 24 170.00 CASA Laguna Corp. 216 200 07 125.00 ELIIIU Properties 216 200 08 120.00 ELIHU Properties 216 190 72 85.00 LA CORONA Partnership 216 200 06 155.00 ELIHU Properties 216 190 23 110.00 SCOTT, Craig Jr. 216 190 31 110.00 DAY, Robert C., Jr. & Li sc B. · 216 16P 10 135.00 RUSHEEN, Henry & Ann L. 216 190 21 120.00 CHASE, Robert D. & Suzanne H •. 216 160 01 l 30.00 LEWIS, William T. & Jenell 216 160 08 105.00 JOHN, Steve D. et al 210 115 20 95.00 BROWN, Thomas L. & Patricia J. et al 215 220 37 125.00 BECKER, Jonathon L. et al 207 022 08 200.00 GIUSTO, James E. & Betty et a 207 083 14 100.00 CENTURY Southwest Corp. 205 060 38 90.00 GIUSTO, James E. & Betty 205 060 39 120.00 GIUSTO, James E. & Betty 206 120 14 100.00 REGNIER, Claire J. 206 120 15 100.00 REGNIER, Claire J. 205 210 07 150.00 CARROLL, Thomas W. & Jean C. et al 206 040 32 175.00 CHINQUAPIN ONE 204 240 05 175.00 CATAI.INA Land Devel. Corp. 204 280 12 550.00 TAMARACK Shores (PTNRSP) 156 164. 55 132 .50 HUNT, Jane 203 C:50 21 140.00 MORGAN, William R. 167 070 12 100.00 MENCHER, Jeremy ;._ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1980 WEED ABATEMENT COSTS To be placed as tax lien: MAP UNDIVIDED ASSESSEE BOOK PAGE PARCEL INTEREST AMOUNT RATE AREA NUMBER NAME ----- 215 380 19 80,00 OLAS, Steve & Irene 215 390 08 80.00 KNIGHT, James & Laura 215 350 45 80.00 MACIAS, Eliseo F. & Alice P. 215 380 10 80.00 . DOUBLE Vee Investments 215 350 36 80.00 BILLUNI, Richard & Lavonne 215 350 40 80.00 DAVIES, E. M. 215 340 35 80.00 WILSON, McArthur & E. Eliz. 215 350 16 80.00 SARATI, William L. 215 300 22 80.00 GALLO, Albert J, 215 330 17 80.00 VENNE, Anthony W. & Marilyn D 215 320 16 80.00 LIPCHIK, Harold & Elaine 215 330 03 80.00 CRENSHAW, John & Dorothy 215 300 06 80.00 JULIEN, Lee & Jacqueline R. 215 300 05 80.00 JULIEN, Lee & Jacqueline R. 21 q 290 41 80.00 GALLO, Albert J. 215 290 46 80.00 BOSCO, Pat & Rosalie 215 290 29 80.00 HOOT, Terry E. Jr. et al 215 290 42 80.00 THATCHER, Charles R. & Doroth, · 215 280 27 80.00 AMARAL, Jos. A." Jr. & Marilyn 215 280 51 80.00 DOUBLE Vee Investments 215 280 13 80.00 INCORA-RONAI.D Ltd. 215 280 21 80.00 DOUBLE Vee Investments 215 ~oO 06 80,00 SOLi.IM~, Adelaide 215 · 260 22 80.00 BODJANAC, Daniel & Dorothy 215 232 01 80.00 LIMB, Myong N. & Shirlene 215 250 03 80.00 ANCTIL, Ed & Linda L (P/F) HARRISON, Harold E. Inc. 215 231 14 80.00 SHARPE, Lynn 215 231 52 170.00 UPPER Three Arches, Inc. 215 220 10 80.00 SICILIA, Anthony A. 215 220 18 80.00 SEG Inc. 215 350 60 40.00 CHEN, Laurence & Pat et al 215 240 11 40.00 F & F Properties 216 360 02 85.00 CARUSO, Salv~tor~ P. & Elizabeth F. • . ;. CITY OF CARLSBAD 1980 WEED ABATEMENT COSTS To be placed as tax lien: MAP UNDIVIDED ASSESSEE BOOK PAGE PARCEL INTEREST AMOUNT_ RATE AREA NUMBER _t!AME 216 230 41 65.00 LA POINTE, Ghislaine R. & John; 204 132 14&15 140 .oo PELICAN Properties, Inc. ,I• I. 215 350 12 60.00 RILEY, Mickie L. & Sandra M. i 216 160 18 95.00 ROUND House Investments 205 190 25 80.00 SEGATE Realty & Haman Oevel. 223 170 25 85.00 WARD, Roy J. 215 250 09 40.00 CLARK, Alan B. & Ruth A. 215 280 59 40.00 CLARK, Alan B. & Ruth A. 215 260 23 40.00 CLEARY, Richard W. & Jeanne 215 280 04 40.00 GOMEZ, Wayne D. et al 215 231 12 40.00 HORWIN, Leonard & Ursula H. 215 260 19 40.00 JACKSON, Andrew H. & Clova 215 260 20 40.00 JACKSON, Andrew H. & Clova 215 420 44 40.00 MALDONADO, Jack C. & Lucille 215. 270 04 40.00 MARTIN;Thos. J. & Eileen P. 215 340 2~ 40.00 MORRISON, Wm. C. & Joann J. 215 250 02 40.00 ROBERTSON, Charles R. & Gloric. 215 270 il6 40.00 SCHWARTZ, Leon & Helene