HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-05; City Council; 6314; 350 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMITe e . CITY OF CARLSBAD INIT I AL AGENDA EILL NO. 6 314 Dept. Hd.E DATE : August 5, 1980 Cty. Atty. DE P A RTMEY T : PLANNING Cty. Mgr& SUSJE,T: 350 3Pu'Ir-l TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOP1INIU~'I PERM CASE &@: CT 80-25/CP-104 APPLICANT: ANDEN GR STATEME:jI CIF THE MATTE? The applicant is requesting approval of a 350 unit airspace t tract map and condominium permit located on the north side of Road extended between El Fuerte Street and Melrose Avenue ext the RDM-Q zone. The Planning Commission found this project to meet all develc standards and design criteria of the condominium ordinance, E standards of the subdivision ordinance, and therefore, is rec approval of this project to the City Council. No chaliges to recom'endation were made by the Commission. Mr. Wilbur Stevens, Bob Gise and Rudy Greenbaum, residents is area, voiced opposition to this project. Their main concern: related to maintenance of the project, traffic circulation, ( noticing procedures of the city. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all is on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved, EXHIE ITS Resolution No. 1666 Staff Report dated, July 9, 1980 Exhibits A & B dated, June 30, 1980 Exhibits C, D, E, & F dated, June 29, 1980 RECOMMENDAT I G hi Both the Plarming staff and Planning Commission recommend th this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be 2 to prepare documents?C?PROVING CT 80-25/CP-104, per .Planninc Conmission Resolution No. 1666. Council Action: 8-5-80 Council directed the Citj Attornej tc prepare documents approving C CP-104, to include a condition requiring the conditions of Mr. Rost be met. X/ zl PLANNING C('j$~~~i~SEL3N R~~OL~~'J'~@i\l IJ.0 o 1-666 .-- --.."-- ---- -.- A RES3:LUTION OF THE: PLAWKING CO&Z,$ISSSGN OF THE CITY 3F CARLSRAD I CALT_PORb.!TA r XECOMMENDING A,FPROVhL OF h 350 UNIT TENTA'I'IVE TWiCT VAP AND I 1 VlT 5' I 61 II 7) 8 9 3.0 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17. 3.8 19 23 21 23 22 24 26 2'1 . 28 '251 EL FUEIITE AVENGE. APPLICANT : ANEEN GROUP CT ." 8C-25/CP-104 ,--__cc___r-l_c~---_...I .___ CASE NO: --, WHEREAS I a verified application for certain propert. I", parcel of land. being a portiori on the south half Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, County San Diego, State cf California has been filed- with the City of Carlsbad, and reEerred t Planning ComLission ; and WHEREAS, said verified application constjtutes a i:E provided by Title 21 of the carlsbad Municipal code; anr: WHEREAS, the Planning Coirnissj-on did, gil the 9th 6z 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed I: consider said request; and. . 1 WHEREAS, at said public hearinq, upon hearing and ( all testimony and arqunents, if any, of all persons des. heard, said Commission considered all factors relating . Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HE%BY RESOLVET; by the Plar,n I Conmission as foilci.gs: A) 13) That the a-bsve reci.tations are true and. correct. hat based on the evidence presented at the pilblic: the Commission recornrends APPR9VAL -___e of C'.T 80-2.5/CI'-- on t.he following findings and subject to the follc conditions: I Findings : I) ---- The proposed Condoxinium Permit and Tentative Trac c0nsisten.t with the Land Use Elc:lxcnt of the Geilerc because the proposed c?ensity does not exceed %he L density range of 4-10 dwel.liilg units p?r acre. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2) he sike is physically suitable in size and shcipr: fc improvcmcnts and adequate amenities necessary to sex Lots are provided without the need for excessive mod to the site. proposed density of development since SUZM~YL pub 3) he project will not cause any significant adverse c mental. impacts and! the Planning Director has issued Conditional Negative Declaration (Log No. 714 I data I 3-980). 4) The project meets all public health problems and as not be injurious to the public's health or welfare, The project is consistent with all City Public Faci l 5) 9j Policies and Ordinances since: i 111 12, Diskrick, b) The Flanniiq Commission finds thz-t sever semi approval D However I sewer service may be avail! . available for this development as of the date =3 34 15 2.6 3.7 tg L9 2Q 21 22 23 the fcture. The Planning CormLssion has, by I of an appropriate condition tt2 this Ccndani~i~ insure3 that the project will not be approved the City Council finds khat sewer service is E to serve the project Since the pyojeet cainnt approved and building permits cannot be issuec sewer szrvice remains available p the Plaaning is satisfied that the requirements 02 the PUS Facilities Element of the General Plan have b insofar as they apply to sewer service for th c) All necessary public j.mprovements will either I I or required as conditions of approyal, I j d) The applicant has agreed and is required by t of an appropriate condition to pay a public f fee, Performance of that contract and paymen Eee will efiable this body to find that all ot facilities will be available coilcurrent with required by the General Plan. School fees will be provided at the time of k permits to mitigate the impact of this projec e) 2y I a condition oE approval. //I// -2- PC RES0 #I1666 I 3 4 5 6 7 5 F, dated 6/29/80, i.ncorporated Sy reference sild on r' in the Planning Departmen,ir. o Development shall occur substantially as showil unless otii2rwise noted iiz the conditions. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits wil-l not be issued. for develop of the subject property unless the City Engineer de-t that sewer facilities are available at t.he time of application for such sewer. permits and will continm be available until time of OCCU~~~C~. 2j 10 .. 91 22 that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds as of the time of such approval 'c sewer service is available to serve the subdivisi.on This project is approved upon the express condit.i.or; that the applicant shall pay a public facilities fet 1 required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated Augas 29, 1979', on file with the City Clerk and incorpoira. I 1 4) . 3.5 ! 26 17 28 executed by the applicant for payment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated April 24, 1980, Is on with the City Clerk and is incorporated herein b17 reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, t?: applicaticn will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. The ap2licant shall prepare a reproducible mylar Of 'final condominium site plan inccrporatiny the coridi contained herein. Said site plan shall be suhmittc 5j L9 20 21 2%: 23 I and approved by the Planning Department prior to tE issuance of building permits. The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape ai irrigation plan which shall be submitted to'and apj by the Planning Department prior to final map apprc each phase. The applicant shall establish a homeowner!s a.ss0c.i and corresponding covenants, conditio1;s and restri , 6) 7) 26 IS) I In order to provi6.e for fire protection during the construction period e the applicant shztl.1 maintain 28 i Department, 'PC I RfjSO #1666 -3- I 3 21 3 4: 5 6 7 8’ 9 10 2.1 12 I,. 3 .. The applicant shall ii:stal:i street tr.zes to city spel ifications at 40 foot intervds along all public str: fron,tages pricir to final occupancy ~f any building, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director. The variety of said trees shal.1 be subject %o the approval of the Planning Director, 9) i A 10) Land shall be dedicated for park purposes purs.uant .t Section 21.44 and the .existing parks agreement betwe the City of Car1sha.d and the La Costa Land Compmy d January 3, 1978, This requirement my be satisfied existing park credits held by the La Costa Land CCXj 11) The applicant shall sihmit a street narrte list consi: with the city’s street namirq pol.icy subjcxt to the Planning Director’s apprcval prior to final map appi 1.2) The applicant shall providc school fees to xitigate conditions of overcrowding as part of building perm- application, These fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at the time of hullding permit application, Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformaxce with the City’s Sign O.,-c?i:_;a and shall require review and. approval by the PlZiX1i Department prior to installation of such signs. ! , 13) 3.7 18 2.9 . 2* 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I retained s i I permit issuance, I 15) ,Approval of this request shall not excuse compl.ianc with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all c applicable city ordinances in effect at time of bu: Development Standards ’. 16) Lot 12 of Phase 1 is approved for 12 units only. ’ common area designated by shading shzll not be bar future development at the time sewer beccmes avail the developer secures all necessary permits and aF Further, if this portio2 is developed at a future for this future development shall be averaged OV~L site to determine general plan.consiskency, 1 17) All unj.ts shall be setback a mhimum of 35’ from t curblines of both Alga Road and Melxose Avenue. F units located level with Alga Road shall have a 6‘ sound attenuation wall to serve as a buffer to tri generated from Al9a Road. DetaiZcd plans and prcc locations of said walls shai.X be incorporated 03 i scape plan and are subject to the approval of the .Director, -A, 0,- err 6 ' 8 9 lo 11 22 P rate of 1 plant for every 225 square feet. 212-2 0th~ shall be i.rrigated and planted with ground cover pel requirements of the Parks and Recreat?..on Director. 20) All conditions or' SDP 80-7 are incorporated h.erein 2 reference and. shall be strictly complied with as pa this approval. Environmenta.1 - Review 21) Clearing operations shall occur only i.mmediate1.y pr grading activities. All disturbed. slopes shall be hydroseeded or otherwise stablized for erosion cont immediately upon completion of grading activities. The timing of all grading activities shall be rest1 . 22) 13 as required by the City Engineer on the g::;:adii?g per grading activities ., be included in this project to the naxinurn extent : x? 28 39 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 . 28 25) The applicant shall mitigate the impacts on archae; site SDM-W-915 by a controlled sample excavation p. through a two phased program as outlined in the supplementzl environmental impact report I dated. 4/ Said program shall be detailed in a written report submitted to and approved by the Planning Director the issuance of grazing permits for t'ne property. The th70 rare pl.ant species noted in the suppleaent Environmental Inpact Report (Mesa Clubmoss and Adc shall be preserved whenever possible and indicated detailed landscape and irrigation plan for the prc required by CT 80-25/CP-104. 1 I i 26) //// //I/ I 1 //I/ c //// //// -5- PC RESO #1665 i .. ,'Il. 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. l2 l3 14 3- 5 16 a 7. le 19 2G 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ' 28 0 'e 27) The parcel mzp covering this site (MS-419) shall. be r prior t-j the approvai of the final map for this sL?Sdi Gradino 28) li- A report of a geotechnical investigatj-on and a gradi? of the site shall be submitted by the applicant to t: Engineer for approval prior to 'che issuance of a gra permit. The report shall be prepared- by a civil er-g a geologist licensed by the State of California and in erosion con-trol and slope stabili.f-,y o Recommendkt made in the report shall be included on the grading The grading for this project shall be designated a.s grading. A civil engineer and qeologist shall cbser grading and coordinate the testing. If soil cr geoi conditions are observed t~ be different than expectc shall recommend appropriate remedial- measures or ch; the plans, At the conclusior, of grading they shall an "as-graded" plar; showing the cpading as peYfOrr;le( the existing geologic conditions and they shd1 ceri zdequacy of the site for development prior tc the i< 29) . c;f build-ing permits. 30) All cut and fill slopes shall be no steeper than 2 to 1 vertical unless a report of a geotechnica.l inv prepared by 2 civil engineer demonstrates that the stalniii.ty and erosion resistance of a steeper slop a-dequate an2 it is approvsd by the City EnqiEeer, are permitted within public street right-of-way, 31.) To mitigat2 erosion, all exposed slopes shall be hi seeded or planted immediately upon completion of g: activities. The seed mix shall be designed by an f the field based on a soil analysis of the slopes pt of the Parks and Recreation Director. No grading may he perEormed during the period of 01 to April- 15, unless an erosion control, plan includ desilting basins, etc., is sr;bmitted as part of th grading plan and is approved by the City Engineer. 133) Ciearing operations shall- not be allowed in advanc qrading, but rather shall be concurrent with an in proceeding grzlding activities, A grading permit n obtained prior to cornmencement of clearing operatj Clearing shall be limited to the minimum area nem perform grading operations, unless a letter of permission is obtained from th of the affected properties, I 1 32) i i ,//// I ! 34) No grzding shall occur outside the limits of the //// PC RES0 Sf1666 -6- .. I 3 2 0 e Private Streets and Drainage -__c--. The design of all private streets and: drainage shall approved. by the Ciky Engineer and the staxdard imp?X plan check and inspection fees shall be paid. The d I 35) 41 5 shall include street lights, curb and gukter storm d facilities or other features as required by the City The structural- section of all private streets shall to the City of CarlsSzd. stamdads based on. R-value t 6 ?I 8/ 36) A.11 private streets and drainage systems'shall be mi by the homeowner ' s association in perpetuity. con.dition excludes all drainage easements granted tc City of Carlsbad. This conditioin shall. be placed ii This CC&Rs s a 9 3.0 21 2w2 i 13 14 ' l5 1.6 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23" 28 1 ,. 32) Additional. drainage easements and struckures shall : provided or instalied as may be requircd by the Cou: De.partment of Sanitation and Flood Csrikol and/or t' City Engineer. 3.1; concrete terracs drains shall- be maintained by perpetuity. responsibility shall be placed in the CC.&R'S. 381 - homeowner ' s association c)r individual property owne A statement clear]-y iden-tifying this --." De'd-i'c'ation's' and Improvenent ~.. .-. of Public c_-. Str:>ets --- 39) A2.S public streets shall be dedicated to the Ci.ty c free of all- liens and encumbrances at the time the , map is approved for Phase ?-. 4~) AII public streets except FiIelrose Avan~.~ shall be , ..according to the City of Carlsbad standards prior . occupanby of any znits in Phase 1 and baed on the right-of-way 1qidith.S : - full street -6 "A" Street - full street -G 5 I Xana Way Alga' Road - half street - . Melrose Avenue shall he improved according to the Carlsbad standards prior to the Cinal acceptance c the subdivision. If the City Engineer determines improvements are not necessary at that time, he SI- a subsequent phase to ensure improvements prior tc acceptance of the map for that phase to ensure th; improvements are built in ccnjunction with improvc Melrose to the n.orth. he intersection of Xaza way with Alga Road shall coordinated with Street "A" of the Hidden Meadows 43) Access xi.ghts of all. lots abutting rllelrosc AveiIUe Alga Road shall be relinquished and waived on the PC RESO #1666 - 41) 42): 1 -7- . *' .'!I I a 2. 3 4 .5 6 . 7 8 4 10 .12 12 13 14 15 l6 17 a. E3 19 .. ~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .. 0 44) The subdi.vider shall install any- missing improvement: as sidwalks, street trees, etc) alonq the half sti-et the subdivision frontage on El Fuerte Street and TJnii Strreet prior to occupancy of any units in, Phase 1. Reclaimed' Water 45) --.- The applicar,t shall agree to utilize reclaimed water Type 1 form, 3n the subject property in an amount th or exceeds the znount of sewage generated by the pro ot,hexwj.se approved by the City Engineer, and Recreation Director and the City Engineer, a doc ou-tlining proposed methods of "Type if' reclaimed wat Thi.s docurn.ent shall contain a plant List of salt ani tolerant vegetation p water absorption rates per p1.a.r the gallons of water per acre needed to accommodate proposal and a soil-flushing program. The document include criteria for operating p mai.ntaining and mon. -the irriyati.cn area 2nd system. This shall be done approval, of the final map for Phase 1, The reclaimed water irrigation system shall be main and operzted by the San Marcos County Water Dis'crlc consistenk with the requirements of the City of Car under a contractura.1 agreement with the homeovEer E s association that is to give the district total assL they would always have th.e ability to d.ischXge the Construction of the reclaimed water system shall c( Titie 17 of the California State Administration Coc requiring a water master on the job to monitor pip conn.ections. Low trajectory sprinklers shall be. ul and the irrigation rate shall be regulated so that be no runoff. 46) The applicant shall preparer to the satisfaction of 47) 48) Fire Safety 49) An all wea.ther access mad shall be miiiztained thr construction as required by the Fire Marshall, Water for fire protectrion to be in before combusti on buildj-ng site as required by Fire Marsh.al1. In order to provide for fire protection, adequate hydrants with required fire flow sha.I.1 be instal-16 off site as required by the Fire Marshall. Iaen any portion of a. building i.s in excess of 151 water suppl-y on a public st.reet, there shall he p: on-site, hydrants and'mains capable of supplying . fireflow, when reqljircd by the Chief. 50) ' 51) [ I 52,) //// PC RES0 Ill666 -8- *. *I x 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 s" Jo 13, 1 12 13 53) All private drivzways shall be kept clear of parked 'J at 3-11 tip,ef;, 2nd shall have posted "No ParkinqijFi-re Tow Away Zone" as per condition in Municipd code. %,I, Fire retcardant roof shall be requj-red on a.11 strzlctus ~ullding and Fire DepartlnQ3t, 55) Brush clearance shall be maintaived within a minimunx 05 30 feet to each residence. 56) Adequate emergency vehicle turn-arounds shall he pro a cul-de-sac or a hamerlnead when driveway is more t feet deep from property line a.t street, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADO1TED at a regular mee.tiRg of Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad-, California, the 9th day of July, 1980, by the following vgte, to wit: Schick, Rombotis , Larson r Friestedt p Marcu, AYES : and Jose, . NOES: None * ABSENT : None. ! X& 15 x7 28 19 20 l6 21. 22 23 24 25 . h $\ 1 P, ABSTAIN : Nore D \' .YL!JJY&h.* \ 4; I I EIN S. SCHiCI<, .??X. 'c: CARL S BAD P LANN ING 1 ATTEST: 1 1 -____c YXEZ c. IQGIAPIIQJ~ Secretary ', CARLSBAC PLANNING COY2lISSION I \ ' 26 27 28 * j X RES0 $1666 -9- 0 I+ 1. e STAFF REPORT DATE : July 9, 1980 TO : Planning Commission FROM: Bill Hofman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CT 8C-25/CP-104/SDP --- 80-7 - ANDEN GROUP - Reque: for approval of a 350 unit air spacetentative tract mapr condominiam permit and site develop1 plan located on the north side of Alga Road ex. between El Fuerte Street and Melrose Avenue extended in the RDM-Q zone. .. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting approval of a 350 unit space tentative tract map, condominium permit and s development plan to be located as described above. project would be bnilt in seven phases and consists 12 commonly owned land lots as shown on Exhibit "A" pxoceed east towards Melrose Avenue. The southwest most portion of the site, designated as a common or area of lot 12, phase I, is intended to be develope future 100 .xiit condominium development at the. time sufficien'c sewer becomes available. The development of 350 units would provide a densil 6.14 dwelling units per acre while an additional 11 or 450 total units, would provide a density of 7.8! dwelling units per gross acre. Both deRsities are within the 4-10 du's/acre density range of the RM general plan designation for the site. The genera does allow for density averaging for the entire si even though the, 100 unit condominium application w be approved at a later date. The proposed units consist of duplexes, triplexes fourplexes and ranqe in area from 1086 square feek 1.480 square feet. Each unit has either a two car one car enclosed garage. ' Phasing will occur first from Unicornio Street and 11. ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1. Does this project meet all development standax the Condominium Ordinance? Does this project neet all design criteria of Condominium Ordinance? 2. I. e 0 Development- Stapdards The Condominium Ordinance requires a ratio of 200 square feet of open recreation area per unit. applicant is providing a total of 135,858 square fee. of common recreational area which is a ratio of 388. square feet per dwelling unit. This area does not include the private patios which are provided for 18 of the units, thus the project considerably exceeds open/recreation requirements of the Condominium Ordi The c Three common recreation areas are proposed on the Si as shown on Exhibit "B". The first recreation area will be built with Phase 1 and consists of two tenni courts and a large lawn area. The second recreatior area will be built with Phase 2 and consists of a 1; pool, lawn area, jacuzzi, trellis covering and rest rooms, The third common recreation area will be bu; with Phase 5 and consists of another large pool, !a( trellis cover and rest rooms. In addition, a 10' equestrian easement will be provided along Melrose Avenue or El Fuerte and Unicornio, subject to the . approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. With respect to parking, each unit has either a 1 o car enclosed garage. All other required and visito parking will be provided in private enclaves or as parallel parking along the private driveways and pu streets. All parking requirements of the condomini ordinance have been met. Parking figures are detai Exhibit "A". Storage for the project will be provided within the units and within the enclosed garages. The storage requirement of 480 cubic feet per unit has been me1 exceeded by each unit. The applicant will present : plans at the meeting indicating the proposed storac locations. Space for laundry facilities will be p: individually to the units. All other development standards of both the condominium ordinance and tht underlying RDM-Q zone have been met for this proje Design Criteria The project will be provided access from Alga Road Unicornio Street by a new public street through th center of the project as shown on Exhibit "A". Ir addition, a public cul-de-sac street will provide access to that portion of the project to be develc at a future date as condominiums. Private drivewz will provide access to the units themselves. The traffic circulation pattern is comprehensively de: and well integrated to the site. A pedestrian wal system using curvilinear sidewalks and grassy ope] connect the recreational. areas and public streets -2- 1. $ 0 0 to the units. access to Melrose Avenue. been designed to ensure a minimum of pedestrian and vehicle conflicts. In terms oE building locations, the units are orientc to maximize views to the north and south. Since the site is elevated in relationship to surrounding area floor plans are designed to allow for maximum views from all units. Also, consideration for traffic imp from Alga Road (secondary arterial) and Melrose Aven (prime arterial) has been given by the provision of 35' setback from the curbline of both streets and a solid sound attenuation wall for those units that ax level with Alga Road. both Alga Road and Melrose Avenue and sound impacts would be minimal. Overall the plan is comprehensively planned and well integrated. Staff believes that all design criteriE and development standards have been met as they relz to this project. A stairway will provide pedestrian The pedestrian system has c Most units are elevated above 111. RECOfi2T"IENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Comrrission adop' Resolution Nos: 1666 and 1667, recommending APPROVi Of CT 80-25/CP-104,0 the City Council and APPROVII SDP 80-7, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Attachments Background Data Sheet DiSClGSUre Form Location Map PC Resolution No. 1666 PC Resolution No. 1667 Exhibit "A" dated 6/30/80 Exhibit "B" dated 6/30/50 Exhibit 'lC1l, I'D", "E", and "F", dated 6/29/80 BH : ar 7/3/80 -3- '. 0 MCKGROCm DAXZi Sm ' WESO: CT 80-25/CP-l04/SDP 80-7 APPI;I~\T: ANDEN GROUP mrfiT 2,a 2m~1-x: 350 unit airspace tentative mpI mnddium @ site developrent plan located on the north side of Alga Road extended be El Fuerte and Melrose Ax. extended. m. ;mIOB: A parcel of land being a. portion of the south half of Section 1-9, Township 12 South, Range 3 West, in County of San Diego ,, St; mlf ornia 222 012 -03, 04, OS &sesscrs --'=a31 NmLe: 222 - 150 - 04, 05, 34 -- 6 . wc____ Acres 57+ No. ox LG=s G2E'tBL PW AUD Z0NIP;G -a: 23~- ~znd Use 2&~~5s~ RM - (%dim Density Residential) 7.9 du'c 4-10 du's ac. >,t.--- ~ ,--i LY &Xu-: Density Prop4 (includinc RJ3M-Q Proposed Zone ------- - Ekisting ,s:,P s~ro~~q zcping z-2 -;-.< 7-b u--. zoni-2q Land use 7- -4-y p-c Vacant 110- LL suk\ P-C & FDM-Q VXYJlt Vacant - R-1 (CO) -EEA rest R-1 SFR -- p&c F3L-7-s -; L & Schml de--- WaLz- ~LT~,c, San Narcos County Water District, letter dated 4/24/ 300 edu' -*-p r\; -: - san mcos mu'S pr lett SI=." &J--L--L-- April 24, 1980 .- - F3V-C :zc=LLi_zs F= -;L.?xT&?tr &&A d (L3'L;y : ~?vmmL mAcT ASSESSPrn X Othsr - Ke9~ti.t~~ -&c'bxaticn, issued TS~I~ i 2 .i j iq w L) Log Eo- - -71 E.I.R. Certified, dated X - EIR 307 addresses subject propsty .. . 0 _.I ..”.,r _.....,,.. I _.... ,.. ., ._ . ... ..-. ... ... .. . -. ... 3. \ e 5, .... .. / 4 ~f after tllc information YOU have subnifted has been revicwcd, it is determined that further information is required, you will be so advised. APPL~~~tl~: The Anden Group Name (individual, .partnership, joint venture, corprctioil, syndicl ’1~133 Ventura Glvd., Encino, CA 91436 Business Address (21 3) 872-0384 Itunsaker & Associates, Inc. 3001 Red Hill, Bldg. VI, Suite 212, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Telephone Number - I_ AGENT : a. Name Business Address (71 4) 754-1 01 1 Telephone Number 0 MEMBERS: . R. W. Fiqh Name (individual, partner, joint Home Address ‘ venture, corporation, syndication) .. 16133 uira R1vm. CA 31436 Business Address (713) 872-0384 ’ TeleFhone Number Telephone Number .. NZlI..n, Home Address .. Business Address .. Telephone Nunber Telephone Number _. * (Attach more sheets’ if necessary) .. I/we declare mder penalty of perjuky that the information contained in this ClOSllTX i.5 true and correct and that it will remain true and correct and may relied Upon as being true and correct until amended. ** * ---” Appl’LG3 r: - I BY .Agent, Owner, Partner I I& 0 * 6 OCA T/ON /VU! P F LA COSTA A4EA00WBROOK NO ! e I, e -._ , . -. . : . .. I .' 0 26gv $E >.:i) I @-; 1 p$ ! F: ., 4. an \% t3x a 43- A% 0 ? c p 4, G?@ GYUJ I\, t! t x =rn ‘% ’39; -5% ‘si d 0 d ‘I 4 t I ! I 6 I * .-. . -.. .. \m 3( wz (3 m \ -v3 1- 6 4 0 / * *. *' . . .. ! ' ,I am 2 vx AB '> \ on o. 5 /