HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-05; City Council; 6317; Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area Planning, Building Moratorium' O 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: AGENDA BILL NO. ^3/7 S^7~Head__£ DATE: August 5, 1980 , C. Atty \/ DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING • C. Mgr. SUBJECT- LAKE CALAVERA HILLS SEWER SERVICE AREA - PLANNING AND BUILDING MORATORIUM STATEMENT OF THE MATTER The Lake -Calavera Hills Wastewater Reclamation Plant is under construction and plans for the effluent disposal line are in preliminary design stages. It appears that the completion of the treatment capacity will precede completion of new structures by over a year. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has approved a modification of the Encina Permit to allow the Lake Calavera Hills discharge through the Ocean .Outfall. The Council may now make the findings that will lift the Planning Morator- ium in the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area. The Council may also'wish'to' consider lifting the Building Moratorium in the Lake Calavera Hills Service Area when they are assured that sewer capacity will be avail- able for new construction. That point should be reached when: (1) The Lake Calavera Hills Reclamation Facility is complete and ready for testing; (2) the Council is satisfied that the acquisition of right-of-way for the effluent disposal line is assured; (3) the construction of the pipeline is guaranteed by bonds and agreements. EXHIBITS Staff Report RECOMMENDATION 1. Lift the Planning Moratorium in the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area. 2. Lift the Building Moratorium in the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area when: a. LCH Reclamation Facility is complete and ready for testing. b. The right-of-way acquisition for the effluent disposal line is assured. c. Construction of the effluent disposal line is guaranteed by bonds and agreements. Council Action: 8-5-80 Council approved the above stated recommendations. MEMORANDUM - JULY 30, 1980 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: LAKE CALAVERA HILLS SEWER SERVICE AREA- PLANNING AND BUILDING MORATORIUMS The City has imposed both Planning and Building Moratoriums throughout the City with mechanisms for removing those moratoriums when specific conditions are met. In the Lake Calavera Hills Service Area the following Code section applies to the Planning Moratorium: Applications for projects located within the service territory of the city to be served by a satellite sewage treatment facility may be accepted and processed, provided such facility has been approved by the city council, provided initial approvals from the state have been issued, and provided further, that the city council finds that it is reasonable to expect that sewer capacity from such facility will be available to serve the project concurrent with need. As the Council is aware, the Lake Calavera Hills Wastewater Reclamation Plant is under construction and scheduled for completion in the fall. The excess effluent disposal line is in preliminary design stages and final alignment decisions, precise design, etc, should be completed within the next 30 days. Completion of the pipeline is projected within six months. On July 2 , 1980, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board modified the Encina NPDES permit to provide for the Lake Calavera Hills discharge. This action constitutes "initial approval from the State." Should the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area be released from the Planning Moratorium, it is unlikely that new tentative maps could be processed and finaled, and new homes built and occupied in less than two years. The Council could now make the required findings to lift the Planning Moratorium in the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area. The Building Moratorium prevents the approval of final tract maps or issuance of building permits. The Building Moratorium could be lifted at such time as sewer capacity is available "to serve potential building in the City." The Council should consider lifting building moratoriums at such time as they are sure that treatment capacity will be available to serve new structures. In the case of the Lake Calavera Hills Sewer Service Area, the Council may wish to consider lifting the Building Moratorium when the treatment plant is complete and ready for testing and the excess effluent pipeline right-of-way has been acquired, or the Council is reasonably assured that acquisition is certain, and that the costs of construction of the pipeline have been guaranteed by appro- priate agreements and surety. LE:mmt