HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-05; City Council; 6321; Senior Citizens Association Agreement & ProgramsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA- BILL NO. �O �� Initial Dept.Hd. DATE: August,.5,, 1980 C. Atty.�J_ DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER _ C. Mgr. Ve­ Subject: Approving Agreement with Sr. Citizen Association to conduct Senior Citizens Programs and consideration of additional appropriations. Statement of the Matter The agreement between the City and the Association expired June 30, 1980. A revised agreement has been prepared. The revised agreement is substantially the same except the agreement would be renewed automatically upon approval by the City Council of the "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association Services to the pity" and the appro- priation of funds by the Council. At its June 30, 1980 meeting, the Council asked City staff to make an analysis of the Assoc2ati.on's oudget and report back, The general adininr ist ration program proposed in the Association's budget fulfills the basic requirements of the agreement with the Associationi. The Association pro- poses additional programs to meet the needs of its membiurs and to raise funds.,; The Council has appropriated $29,100. The Association requested $35,345 and is,therefore,asking Council to appropriatF an addi.tiona? $6,245. The Council should approve the revised agreement and determine if additional funds should be appropriated. Fiscal,Impact if Council appropriates the additional funds requested, the fiscal Impact would be $6,245 during this Fiscal Year. Exhibits ?. Memo to City Manager from Assistant City Manager dated July 25, 1980. 2. Resolution No: �/ �p`�_ approving Agreement with Senior Citizens Association. 3. Resolution No. 6.:Z 6 appropriating additional funds to Senior Citizens Association. Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. / approving Agreement. If Council wishes to appropriate additional nds furequested by Association, adopt Resol- ution No. appropriating $6,245 from the Contingency Fund. Council Action: 8-5-80 Council adopted Resolution 6261, approving the Agreer,�ent. Council adopted 'Resolution 6262, appropriating additional funds, with the request for a -report on the rental/lease of bingo equipment vs. purchase. rjr! f DATE: JULY 25, 1980 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT WITH SENIOR CITIZENS'ASSOCIATION AND 1980-81 BUDGET The Agreement between the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association and the City calling for the Association to provide a Senior Citizens, Program expired on•June 30, 1980. In order to continue the program of services carried out by the Association, the agreement should be renewed. A revised agreement has been prepared. The revised agree" ment is substantially the same as the previous agreement except the revised agreement provides for automatic renewal, of the agreement upon the approval of an "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City" and appropriation of funds in the annual operating budget. This =s similiar to the renewal provision of the agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. During Council consideration of the operating budget on June 30, 1980, City staff was asked to report back, on -how the proposed Annual State- ment of the Association related to the requirements of the agreement with the Association. The general administration program proposed by the Association would fund the basic activities required pursuant to the duties of the contractor section of the agreement. (Section 1) In addition to the general administrative program, the Association is pro?oosing three other programs, Mobile Meals, Bingo, and Co-op. The Association indicates that the Bingo and Co=op programs would b- self-supporting, but that the Mobile Meals program would require a City subsidy of $8,400. Although these programs are not specifi- cally required under the agreement, the Association feels these programs are justified on the basis of a needs assessment of its membership or as a fund raising activity in the case of the Bingo program. At its June 30, 1980 meeting, the City Council. appropriated $29,100 for the Senior Citizens program. The Association requested $35,345. The Association is still seeking $33,345 and ,therefore, wants the Council to appropriate an additional $6,245. If the Council desires to appropriate axt additional $6,245, the programs in the "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens'Associ- ation Services to .the City" can be funded as requested by the Association. If the Council desires to oaintain the $29,100 funding level, it is reco;umended that the Council seek the advice of the Senior Citizens' Association as to where programs should be reduced to reach their funding level. FRAN AIANNEN Assistant City Manager. YM : gb Inca,inaratc�l iu iha Stai9 of Caldornia,Ju�,,i975 � Ccit�o��a;c n�m�ca i3;'.7:Q; � ASSOCiATT 258 Beech .,venue CArlf,bdd, Culiforn r, 92098 Phone (714) Ar14-41217 (ANNUAL STATEMENT OF CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION SERVICES TO THE CI7.'Y; To•: Frank Aleshire From: Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association Subject: Budget Request for FY 80=81 The annual budget request for F/Y 80-81 is attached for your attention. tt present, the association has twelve separate delivery service programs in place. We are serving approximately 2100 per.ons per month. Programs for• FJY 75-80 ini olve>d the use of 85 volunteers who contr•ibrot;d 12,604 hours. Trans- lated into dollars this reflects $V ,182. in donated time. Yours and the city Council's continued cooperation and support has enabled the Carlsbad Senior Citizen Association to become one of the most active and visable programs in the county. For thie assistance and cooperation, the existing 4100 memo rs thank you. Jack M. Ai'mmink Executive• Director * I. GENERAL ADMINTISTRATIOAT EXPENDITURES ,INCOME Executive Director $19,000. Treasurer (Bookkeeper) 3,000. Mobile Meals Coordinator 3,OOO. $25,000. MAINTENANCE -OPERATION! Office Rental to Parks & Recreation $ 600. Telephone .1,500. 2,100. EQUIPMENT & REPAIRS_ Copier (Lease) $ 1,?24. Addressograph (Lease) 1,056. 2,280. SUPPLIES Office $ 1,000. Newsletter 7,200. $10,700. Special Events 500. i;000. F�. Travel -0- 2,200. Arts• & Crafts 300. 9,000. TNS'JRANCE z Office $ 665. Health & Medical 1,600. 2,265. TRAVEL Mileage 1,600. MTSCL, OFFICE EXPENSE New Equipment 2,000. LEGAL. & FTNANCE 600. TOTALS $44,845. $13,900. s General Administrative support from City o..' Carlsbad to continue the ongoing services per existit4„= agree- ment - $30, 945 . 11 The Mobile Meals program was established through a # needs assessment that identified eleven disabled seniors who were in immediate need of meals in F/X > 78-79. This too was of the F/X 78-79 agreament with City of Carlsbad. Currently we are serving app ruximately .fifteen persons per day with the goal of reaching twenty persons by June 30, 1981. EXPENDITURES INCOME MOBILE MEAL COSTS Meal Costs $15,900. Mileage 500. Capital. Expense (Van for Meal delivery, trans- portation to Sr. Center, Dr.'s office etc.) 4,000. $20,400. $12,000, City support of Meals Program 8,400. BINGO It is the aim of the association to introduce self generating tuna projects that will enable us to -event- ually become self-supporting. However, in order to accomplish this goal it is necessary to have money to initiate these projects. New Equipment $ 7,000. $1.2,000. Advertising 600. Legal & Financial Soo. TOTAL $ 8,100. $12,,000. It is anticipated that an $8,100. start up cob;• will generate a $3,900. surplus during P/Y 80-81. With surplus funds, we will be able to decrease our budget request in F/Y 81-82. CO-OP Coordinator $ 4,800. Maintenance & Repairs 1,000. Cost of Sales 41,000. Utilities & Telephone 1,3Q0. Rent 6,300. Insurance 400. Sales $45,700. Federal Control 9,200. TOTALS $54,800. $54,900. TOTAL. EXPENDITURES TOTAL -INCOME $ 128,145. $92-,800. TOTAL CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORT - $351345. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6261 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROV:iNG AN AGREEMENT BE- 3 TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 4 TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. 5 THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Carlsbad, California, 6 does hereby resolve as follows: 7 1. That that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad 8 and the Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association,, copy of which is 9 attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by 10 reference, is hereby approved. 11 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is Hereby authorized 12 and directed to execute said agreement for and on behal: of the 13 City of Carlsbad. 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 15 Council of the Ci..y of Carlsbad, California held on the 5th day 16 of August , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear and Kulchin 18 NOES: None 19 ABSENT: Council Member Lewis 20 21 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 22 ATTEST: 23 24 25 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Cler 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 6261 _ AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION: j f THIS AGREEMENT is made on this 1st day of July, 1980 between the City.of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of California '(hereinafter referred to as "City") and the CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). t WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is engaged in programs to help meet the needs of residents of the City over the age of fifty-five years of age; and WHEREAS, Contractor is willing to perform certain services for persons over fifty-five years of age; and WHEREAS, the City desires to employ Contractor to perform the hereinafter described services in connection with the City's Senior Citizens! programs; and WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the employment of an inde- pendant•Contractor to provide services in connection with the City's Senior Citizens' program; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Duties of Contractor. Contractor shall carry on a program of senior citizens activities on behalf of the City of Carlsbad as follows: a. Operate and maintain a Senior Citizens Center open to the public, to be open five days per week, Monday through Friday, eight hours per day. Access into these offices are to be free of physical barriers and are to be suitably furnished to insure comfort to older and handicapped persons. The Senior Center shall operate in space approved or allo- cated by the City Council. # b. Employ or have voluntary competent personnel to properly carry on the activites contemplated by this agreement. C. Direct established programs of stated objectives, including methods by which objectives are to be accomplished. The established programs shall include the following objectives: (1) Information and Referral, (2) Educational Activities and (3) Social Activities. d. Develop new programs to meet the established needs of senior citizens. Objectives to include needs assessment, goals, objectives, action steps and evaluation procedures for each program. e. Submit an "Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City," outlining the specific scope and nature of programs to be rendered to the City. The Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Associ- ation Services to the City shall be divided into district programs. f. Submit written reports to the City Manager on a monthly basis of all activities and programs involving senior citizens carried out by the Contractor, including the activities of the full-time executive direction. These reports shall be due by the 15th of the month ,for the preceding month. g. Publicize the availability of services and activities on an ongoing basis by all means available. Copies of publicity material will be filed with monthly report to the City Manager. 2. Payment: 'Payment to the Contractor by the City shall be made on a monthly basis at the rate of one-twelth of the amount approved by the City Council during fiscal year. Payment shall be made upon receipt by City of a written claim from the Contractor showing the work performed for the previous month. Payment shall not be made until the monthly written report, including financiei statements covering the programs receiving financial assistance from the City, has been submitted to the City Manager. 3. Tern. The agreement shall be effective upon the date of execution of this agreement by the Mayor of the City. This agreement shall. be automatically renewed on July l of each year upon approval by the City Council of the "Annual Statement of Carlsbaa Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City" and adoption of the City operating budget appropriating funds =or payment under this agreement, unless the City or the Contractor serves 30 days written notice of its desire to renegotiate or cancel their agreement. In the event, the City does not approve the Annual Statement of Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Association Services to the City or or before July 1 of each year, this agreement shall terminate unless extended by mutual agreement between the City and Contractor: 4. Insurance. Contractor shall procure and maintain a policy or policies of public liability and property damage insurance with an insurance company or companies approved by the City Manager, wherein City is named as an insured; said insurance to insure City to a limit of not less than $300,000.00 for injuries or death of any one person And $500,000.00 with respect to any one incident or occurance and to a limit of not less than $100,000.00 for property damage against any and all claims, demands, obligations, liabilities, cause or causes of action by reason of any act or omission by or on behalf of Contractor, its member agents, Employees, permittees or invitees, whether negligent, intentional or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected to tits agreement or thereof. . (0) 5. Equipment Inventory. City may assign certain City owned equip- ment to Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for all assigned City equipment and shall submit an inventory of all itmes to the City Manager as part of the last monthly report during the term of this agree- ment or any subsequent years if this agreement is renewed. Con- tractor shall immediately return any such equipment to City upon receipt of written request therefor from the City Manager. 6. Status of Contractor. The Contractor will perform the services provided for herein, in its own way, as an independent contractor and in pursuit of his independent calling, and not as an employee of the City, and shall be under the control of the City only as to the result to be accomplished. All employees, if any, shall be hired by and responsible to Contractor. No employee of the Contractor is, for any purposes arising out of this agreement, an employee of the City of Carlsbad. In no event shall any contractural relationship be created by this agreement between City and any third party. 7. Hold Harmless Agreement. The City, its agents, 4,ts officers and employees sha3 not be is le fax any claims, liabilities, penalties, finev of for any damage to goods, properties or effects of any person whatever, or personal injuries to or death of them or any of them caused by, or resulting from, or claimed to have been caused by,. or resulting from, any act or omission of the Contractor,or its agents, employees or representatives. Contractor further agrees to indemnity and save free and harmless the City and its authorized agents, officers and employees, against any of the foregoing liabilities and claims therefor, and any cost and expense that is incurred by the City on account of any claim -therefor. 8,. Assignment of Contract. The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monies due or to become due there- under without prior written consent of the City. A consent to one assignment shall not be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent assign- ment. Contractor shall not subcontract any of the services contemplated in this agreement without the expressed written consent of the City. A consent to one subcontract shall not be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent subcontracts. 9. Notices. All notices required herein shall be in writing and delivered sn person or sent by mail. Notices to City shall be addressed: City Manager, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008 Notices to Contractor shall be addressed: President, hoard of Directors The Carlsbad Senion Citizens' Association ,:58 Beech Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, A Municipal. Corporation o:E the State ofCalifornia By r 'RONALD C. PACKARD, Diaycz ATTEST:", " ' ALETHA,L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk CARLSBAD SENIOR 4I`. IZENS' ASSOCIATION' A Non -Profit Corporation ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: V CENT F. ONDO, J , City Attorney I RESOLUTION NO. 6262 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS' 4 PROGRAMS. 5 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad_ 6 as follows 7 1. That the transfer of six thousand, two hundred, and '8 forty-five dollars ($6,245) for senior citizens' programs be 9 made front the'c6ntingency reserve,2-139-2450, to Account 1-134-245( 10'�is hereby authorized and approved. 11. 2. That Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 2 on file 12 in said department and incorporated by reference herein is 1:3 approved. 14; PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Counci.l of the City 15 of Carlabad at a regular meeting held on the 5th __ __ day.of 16 'Ala usl �t , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 17 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear and Kulchin is 11 . 1.8 t NOES : Norte 19 ABSENT: Council Member Lewis 20 21 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 22 ATTEST: 24 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City C rk 25 . 26 (seal) 27 28