HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-19; City Council; 6207-1; Modification of Contract for Plan Checking ServiceK f CITY OF' CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6207 Supplement #1 _ Initial: Dept. Hd. DATE: August 19, 1980 C. Attp� DEPARTMENT: B u i 1 d i'n g_ _ C . Mgr.* Subject: MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT FOR PLAN CHECKING SERVICE Statement of the Matter Resolution No. 6123 adopted March 18, 1980, approved an agreement for plan checking services with ESGIL Corporation. This supplement is submitted -to reflect the following editorial revisions.to the original contract. Section 9 - Contract no longer guarantees minimum workload'to the .contractor. Section 1G - Provides for an additional plan check service based on an hourly rate. Section 14 - Reduced termination of contract from ninety (90) days to thirty (30) days. Section 19'- Clarification of termination clause by deleting refer- ence to termination of contract for cause. Proposed modifications to the existing agreement with ESGIL,, -Corpora- tion will provide -an agreement that is more in .line with current Building department needs. In addition; the proposed modifications will provide a docdment more advantageous to the city. Fiscal Impact Budgeted under Professional Services - $33,404.00. Consultant fees are based on 80 percent of plan check fees collected for the projec-,s su'vmitted to their office. Exhibits 1. Contract agreement. 2. Resolution No. /0 7 9 approving agreement. Recommendations If City Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 6 ,77 approving agreement with ESGIL Corporation and authorizing and directing thethe Mayor to execute said agreement. Council Action: 8-19-80 Council adopted Resolution 6279, approving the agreement with ESGIL Corp. u K 1 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 N O 13 J 2 N '¢ m o• LL = a 14 O 4 Z Z otao 15 "-}wcai W z .8 p 16 CC co Z 0 cn 17 >� a a } U L) U 18 19, 20 21 22 23' 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6279 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESGIL CORPORATION FOR BUILDING PLAN CHECK SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That the previous agreement between the City of Carlsbad and ESGIL Corporation, approved by Resolution No. 6123 adopted March 18, 1980, is terminated. 2. That the certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and ESGIL Corporation for building plan check services, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and made a part her .c• f , is hereby approved. 3. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby autho.iized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 79th day of August , ,1980 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None (ATTEST: �1 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) C. PACKARD, Mayor I in 1 K ' EXHIBIT A to CITY F�:,��iT Or COUNCIL RESOLUTION G�.,xRAC I_D ST 1'� " NO. 6279 WORK FOR BUILDING PLMN CHECK SERVICES " THIS curNTRACT is made by City of Carlsbad _ a. Muni 1 ` corporation, hereixi called Cif and ESGIL C0�d'Ok:1'�IO`�, a California Corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor". }Z ); C I T A L S s to employ the services of Contractor S'tiEREAS, Cit}* desire to review and check for correctness the des iori.calculations, plans, .:and material specifications for certain -buildings prOpos ed' for construction within the City. ' CIEREAS, City desires to obtain plan checkiro Contractor .services at no cost to the taxpayer; and IgHEREAS City desires all. payments to. the Contractor be fully ortion. of the plan check.:=ee paid bya. funded by using only a p applicants for plan the-:==ng proposed building constx,.tctioa; and IRIEREAS, City d: es_=s to have the cost of the COntract.or services be less than t= plan. check fee paid to the Contractor in order to provide moLey to offset.th.e cost of City staff •per.form:anP clerical and administrative duties related to plan approval; and. , W:IE^EAS, City wishes to reduce applicant waiting times nd plan recheck at the City Permit- •9.ssua regarding plan check ance fa^i.lity; and 1 tnir.EAS, the City desires to have design calculations, plans. , ions -for certain building; proposed for and material specificat construction reviewed by Contractor within guarantecd•time period equal to or. more Prompt t""n present rev5c;a Limos; and 4 �1 WHL'MS, City desires to foster uniformity among government agencies by having a single non -governmental agency uniformly apply mandated life -safety regulations; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to avoid conflict of interest problems by contracting•with•a corporation that provides services exclusively to government agencies; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to have professional - technical regulatory resources available during periods of high workload, staff turnover and loss of trained staff; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to contract for services with an entity directed by persons experienced and knowledgeable iu building=code interpretation and application; and WHEREAS, the two founding directors of the Contractor Corporation are both Professional Engineers (Civil) and have served fifteen and thirteen years in high level regulatory management positions in government related to•building 'inspection and County engineer functions; and 17:�iEREAS, the Contractor is willing to accept employment by the City for the Contractor's services in accordance with this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and .mutual convenants and agreements herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows: W SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF CONTRACTOR City does herel a��.oint ESGIL CORPOP-hTIM .� Contractor, in a contractual capacity, to review and check for correctness the design calculations, plans, and material specifications in _ accordance with established regulatory agency plan checking practices for certain buildings proposed for construction within the City with said work to be performed within the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. SECTION•2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST • The C`ontractof•expressly affirms that neither the Contractor Corporation or any of its officers or directors will perform work or provide services to entities other than government entities during the time this contract is in force in order to ensure the'City that the Contractor will not have a conflict of interest in discharging the work -covered by this contract.. SECTIOPI 3. DUTIES OF CONTMCTOR The Contractor shall provide, in established workmanlike and professional manner, and at its MM cost and expense, all el labor, technical, administrative, professional and other personnel, all supplies and materials,equipment,. printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities and all analyses, calculations, and all other resources whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by the City necessary ified work required by or proper to perform the-specthis contract. SECTION 4. WbRK REQUIRED BY CONTRACTOR a, Review and check for completeness and. correctness, based upon the ilniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, State State Noise and Energy klandicapped Requirements, ' Regulations may,dated by the State of Ca forni.a , as adopted by the City, the design of certain designated buildings as defined by the design calculations, drawings, specifications and reports of the designated buildings ` and perform rechecks of corrected plans. b. Aevei.op and maintain written lists of corrections heeded to have the plans comply with the specified regulations. c. Transmit such correction lists to, and consult with, the' City Building official as necessary, in order to clarify the corrections to be made by the.designer of the building to achieve conformance witri regulations. d: Provide City with a letter indicating that, in the Contractor's opinion, the plans have been found to be sub'Stantially correct'and complete based upon the regulations when the Contractor's plan check, or recheck, confirms that the plans are in conformance. .e. The Contractor shall maximize the use of appropriate prose materials, lists of critical code sections, specification sheets and construction detail sheets for incorporation in the applicant's plans and specifications in order to expedite the plan approval' le ensuring that the approve process whid plans aYe complete. f, pickup from the City facility each Monday and Thursday plans to be plan checked and deliver previously plan checked or rechecked plans. v . i K SECTION 5• DECISION AUTHORITY OE THE CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL to perform all work to the satisfaction ` . The Contractor agreesBuilding Off icial has Official and the City of the City Building an requirements or to negate or modify Y final decision authority be necessary to achieve.' decisions perceived by the Contractor to regulations comp? -ranee with the . CRITIQU� . 0.1 . g PEP.Fo,p kjrCE LIAIS0�1 Ai�D the • SECTI 1 with a Official will meet monthly Tha City Buildino state Of new City ox Contractor to advise the Contractor s work and to ht impact the Contractor legislation that m'ig areas where leg' and identify ue the prior work procedures City critrq used by the Contractor and modifications to the procedures are desirable. DUTIES Op CI'"Y . • SECTI013 7 . �- in I the designated local-l-on The City shall provide ati a Project to be " *. two sets of building plans for each prof - facilitS including City the Contractor, iciced up and checked for compliant nme is necessary to allow P and attac reports for plans picked all calculations, shall receipt Plan eheckiro to commence, C�..ty Y of. each week. Y�ctor. on Monday and Thursday of ivered by Contra and maintain up or d.-� the Contractor, . The City shall provide to Contractor all current forms .and informational to the and other printed . a' supply hcet� assouts, detail sheets, fee calculation P staff in. the Plan checking process used by City material normally laps to provi.dc construction or and as attachments to applicant p instructions to the' applicant, specification details or for ensuring compliance Tile City shall be xesPptzse with any iblg, construction other laws ana ordinances pertinent to proposed building I— K except those technical regulations contained in the four model codes and noise, handicapped and energy reg.ulations described and assigned to the Contractor in Section 4 of this document. SECTION 8. TIME LIMITS FOR CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE The Contractor agrees to perform the work delineated herein within the following time limits: Initial plan check and development of corrections needed for . code compliance: .Workdays Initial Check Recheck Single family dwelling 7 3 Duplex dwelling 7 3 Three to eight unit dwelling 7 3. Nine -to thirty-six unit dwelling 7 3 More than thirty-six unit dwelling 7 3 Non -dwelling projects 15 5 SECTION 9. ASSIGNMENT OF WORK TO -CONTRACTOR The City and Con-ractor' agree that the amount of work assigned to the Contractor during the life of the contract shall be determined at the discretion of the Building Director. , SECTION 10. PLA'N CHECKS WHERE NO FEE IS ADEQUATELY COVERED { IN THIS CONTRACT. Contractor agrees to provide individual plan check service in specific areas not herein covered. Fee shall be based on an hourly rate to be mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and Building Official G. K prior to performing the work. SECTION 11. COMPENSATION TO THE CONTRACTOR ` The City shall calculate and collect the plan checking fee set forth in the appropriate State mandated edition of the Uniform Building Code. The valuation multipliers used for fee calculation shall be those valuation modifiers published in the International 'Conference of Building Officials Magazine in their first publication .after the beginning of each calendar year with the effective date of change in valuation modifiers being July 1 of each calendar year. Valuation modifiers not specifically publ fished in the magazine shall be as agreed upon by the City and Contractor. The Contractor's compensation shall be eighty percent of the plan checking fee collected by the City using the above described criteria for calculating the code specified City plan checking fee. For.proposed construction of repetitive buildings, such as in housing tracts, apartment complexes or industrial tracts, the Contractor's compensation will be as stated above for each basic building plan and the Contractor's compensation for additional identical proposed buildings for which plan checking fees are collected at the same time shall be twenty percent of the plan checking fee collected by the City for each building. Notwithstanding any language in this agreement to the contrary, no extra work shall be undertaken or compensation for extra work paid without the prior -approval of City. City shall also reimburse Contractor's costs for extra work for outside hired computer services utilized in connection with computer checking of structural calculations upon the presentation 7_ K of satisfactory evidence regarding these costs and the City shall recover such costs from the applicant prior to permit issuance. Where plans, and reports attendant to the plans, propose unique engineering criteria beyond the expertise of the C.ontracto-r or City staff then the Contractor may, upon approval of City, obtain expert advice from recognized experts in the particular area of concern with•the charges invoiced to the City by the expert to,.b•e collected by the City from the applicant prior to permit issuance. The City shall pay the expert. .SECTION 12. TIMELINESS OF PAYMENTS TO THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall submit on the first work day of each month an invoice for the prior month, showing in detail the projects that (1) have been initially plan checked and returned •to the City, and (2) f data related to other chargeable costs under this contract. The City shall mail or otherwise deliver payment of approved invoiced charges prior to the tenth work day of the month the invoice was submitted. SECTION 13. CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE DOCUMENTATION The Contractor shall note with the return of each plan to the City (1) the day of the week and•date it was received by the City, (2) the day of the week and date the Contractor was informed it was available for pickup by the Contractor, (3) the day of the week and date it was picked up by the Contractor, (4) the date and day of the week it was first plan checked by the Contractor and returned to the City and (5) repetitive data pertinent to second and third plan reviews. e 1 91 K SECTION 14. NOTICE OF_INTENTIQN TO TERMINATE CONTRACT Either party may give Notice of Termination of Contract by giving thirty (30) days written notice of Intention to Terminate contract.. ,The Contractor shall be compensated in accordance .with - the terms of this contract, pro rats, for work in process in the event of termination. SECTION 15. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The City, its agents, officers, and employees shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, penalties, fines,.or any ,damage'to goods, properties, or effects of any person whatever, nor for personal injuries or death of any person arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly fr-)m,any act, error or. omission of Contractor or Contractor's agents, employees or. representatives. Contractor agrees to indemnify and save free and harmless the .City and its authorized agents, officers, and employees against any of the for liabilities or claims of any kind and any cost and expense that is incurre.d.by the -City , on account of any of the foregoing liabilities, including liabilities or claims by reason of alleged defects in any plans and specifications, unless the liability or claim is due, solely to the City's negligence. 9. K SECTION 16. INSURANCE Contractor shall obtain and maintain a policy of liability insurance from an insurance company authorized -to be in business i-n the State- of California, in an insurable amount not less than one trillion dollars ($1,000,000). This insurance shall.be in force during the life of this agreement and shall not be cancelled ; without,ten (10) days prior notice to City. The City'shall be named as art additionally insured on this policy. Contractor shall furnish a certificate of said insurance to City upon request. SECTION 17. EXTRA WORK Contractor, in performing his services, shall not do extra work in excess of this agreement without the written permission of the City or its designated representative. SECTION 18. WORKING DAY DEFINITION For the purpose of measuring plan check performance, the working days specified in Section 8 exclude the work day the Contractor is notified the plans are ready for pickup, bu-t, include the day plans are delivered to the City by the Contractor. Work days do not include Saturdays, Sundays, or City holidays. 0 10. SECTION'19. DURATION OF CONTRACT The duration of this contract is continuous unless terminated in writing by either party. ` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the o2isT day 'of usT 1980. CITY.OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California ATTEST: By RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor A U THA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clerk ESGIL Corporation, a California Corporation APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' • BY • Contractor C VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR., City Attorney J A ROVED S 0 M. INCENT I /fi City Attorney -anie1 S. Hent ch e, Assistant A 0