HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-19; City Council; 6287-2; LEVANTE PARK BUILDINGInitial : Dept-Hd, i ' DATE : Auqust 19, 1980 C. Atty, - '! DEPARTMENT: City Manager Subject: r e CITY OF CARLSBAD e - AGENDA BILL NO. 6287- Supplenent No. 2 c. xgr. - LEVANTE PARK BUILDING -_l____l--_l I_ Statement of the Matter On July 1, 1980, the City Council voted unanirnously to accept an existing 2,000 square foot building located at El Canino Real and Levante. The Director of Parks and Recreation recommends that the building be moved to Levante Park to be used for general community purpose including recreation, park and school uses. (See Exhibit Letter) The Library Board report states that it is not suitable for branc library use. bookmobile service (see Exhibit letter). The Encinitas School District owns the land on which a joint schc park site is located. The School Board is agreeable to the propc They would consider it as a base for increased Exhibits Library Board of Trustees letter, July 31, 1980 Parks and Recreation Director's memo to City Manager, June 20, 1' Fiscal Impact There would be a one time cost of $20,000.00 to relocate the bui Annual estimated maintenance cost $5,000.00 with additional fund needed for recreational staffing if desired.. This project is no budgeted but could be allocated from Contingency fund. Addition the Encinitas Optimist Club is interested in doing a part of the relocation work as a club project which would reduce costs. Recommendation If Council concurs, instruct staff to make necessary arrangement Council Action: 8-19-80 Council instructed staff to proceed with necessary actions. 0 0 t WFIi ,,I Tlb\l'+'r of Carl,l,oJ GI July 31, 1980 Ptemorandum TO : Carlsbad City Council FROM : SUBJECT: Shapell Building Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees The Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees extends its thanks and appreciation of the Council ' s continuing interest in and concern for the Library. This 2s especially true in the case of the offer of the Shapell Building as a library facility. Library Board feels that the restricted space, inadequacy of shelving areas and general vulnerability to vandalism renders it unsuitable for library use. The assurance of the Parks and Recreation Department that the building may be used as a base for increased Bookmobile service and special library projects reinforces our feeling that the surrounding community would be better served by the Parks and Recreation Department administering the building. The Library Board is sensible of the Council's concern and reiterates its appreciation. It is, therefore, with deep regret that the w 8. fU J Herbert B. Falkenstein President HBF : ch 1250 ELM AVENUE CARLSYAD. CALlFORHiA 32008 (714) 729.7933 0 0 '. !I F - M -_ d R A N -- D TJ M TO : ?rmk /,ieshire, City Manager FROM : Devid L. Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director c DATE : June 20, 1980 SUBJECT: Donation - Shapell Sales Office Background Shapell Industries has indicated that they wish to donate their real eastate sales office at Levante and El Camino Real to the City, The building is octagon-shaped and is approximately 2000 square feet. all relocation costs, and finding a suitable site for the building. Re comenda t ion It is recommended that the City accept the Shapell sales office donation, relocate the building to the Levante School/Park site at Romeria and Levante Avenue, and prepare an agreement between the City and the Encinitas Union School District for The donation 5s coritingent on the City paying ' use of the site. s Analysis/Discussion Staff reviewed several sites in south Carlsbad, and Levante School/Park and Alga Hills Perk were the two sites considered most feasible for relocation. unsuitable because of general topography and accessibility. In addition, the movers indicated that the building could not be successfully moved to Alga Hills intact. Staff feels that Levante School/Park is the most economical and desirable site in the area. Since Levante belongs to the Encinitas Union School District, it was necessary to obtain permission from the school distirct to relocate the building to the site. The school district is agreeable to the proposal with the condition that the building meet all applicable building codes. agreement that releases them from liability in connection wit1 the building and any of its activities. building is presently on piers, and they have recmmended that a permanent foundation be constructed around the entire perimeter of the butldlng. City building standards and codes. Alga Hills was found to be The school district will also require an A The department has contacted the Building Department. The These improvement will meet the 0 0 '" Fiscal Impact Estimated Relocation Costs: Foundation Construction $13,000 Sewer & Electrical Eook-up 1,000 6,000 N0vin.g Expenses TOTAL EST. EELOCATION C9STS m -_L_ Estinated Ongoing M&O and Staffir:g*: Utilities /yr LI $1,000 Misc. Plaint. Expenses/yr . 1,000 !&% Staffing / yr . TOTAL EST. 14&0 & STAFFING (1st Year) -_c_ *Maintenance and operation costs will be absorbed into the Park; budget; however, additional funds will be required for staffing Conclusion There is a dire need for City community facilities i-r, south - Carlsbad, and relocation of the Shapell buildlng would be a step toward filling that need. The building could be used for general community use, parks and recreation use, and possibly school use. For your convenience I am enclosing pictures of the Shapell @ building, Levante School/Park (Attac'm-ent 1) , as well as a COPY of the plot plan for Levante SchoollPark (Attachment 2) If you have any questions, or desire additional infomation please contact me at Extension 5571. DLB : vlh cc Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager 0 . b i ! 1 L _-__..___. __ - ~-. . .... ..__ ___._._. .. ~.__^-.- + i t c