HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-19; City Council; 6314-1; Tentative Tract Map Condominium Permit Anden Groupc1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 9 ,- ‘C L1 ’I’ / Initiz Dept.€ - August 19, 1980 C. Att DATE : DEPARTMENT City Attorney C. Mgi Le- fi7ENDA BILL NO. G314-Supplement 1 - 9 Subject: 350 UNIT TENTATIVE: TRACT J!mp AND CONDOKINIUM PEl3JTI:: CASE NO: CT 80-25/CP-104 APPLICANT: ANDEN GROUl Statement of the Matter The City Council, at your meeting of August 5, 1980, dir the-City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents app Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-25) and Condominium Per (CP-104). A resolution in that regard is attached. Exhibit Resolution No. 427’ 3- Recommendat ion If the City Council concurs, your action is to adopt - Resolution No. &;773 approving Tentative Subdivision Map CT 80-25 and Condominium Permit CP-104. I Council Action: 8-19-80 Council adopted Resolution 6273, approving CT 80-25 and CP-104. .I 1' I 1 io a 2 iiCSOLUTION IL'O o 6273 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING 31 4 5 6 7 WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE: SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 80-25) FOR A 350-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT AND APPROVING CONDO~~INTIJM PERMIT (CP-104) FOR SAID PROSECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ALGA ROAD EXTENDED, EAST OF EL FUERTE -. AVENUE. APPLICANT : ANDEN GROUP WHEREAS on July 9, 1980 the Carlsbad Planning Cornmi 10 (~~-104) be conditionally approved; and L3 irn II g 13 .c CJ tions of the Planning Commission and to receive all rsc E2 cn ti ' do $LC - 16 uzg E? I: >I- rc 27 Q9 >. oE la WEREAS, szid Tentative Subdivisioil Ma? and Condor Permit have been declared to have a nonsignificant imp 1 20 27, 22 23 24 25 26 27 j 28 Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 ; NOW, THEIPEFORE, BE 31: RESOLVED by the City Councj City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above reci.tations are true and cor1 3. That the findings of the Planning Comqissio Resolution No. 1666 constitute the findings of the Ci in this matter. C. That said Tentative Subdivision Map, togetl- the provisions for its design and improvement and suk -7 1 the conditions of this resolution, is consistent with all 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carl That Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 80-25) and C Permit (CP-104) are hereby approved subject to all applic requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to the SE of the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resol1 Mo. 1666, dated July 9, 1980, marked Exhibit A, attached and made a part hereof, and subject to the following add. D. ~ condition which has been added to Resolution No. 1666. "20(A) Developer shall comply with all the terms conditions contained in the letter from M . 11 a2 D Q 5 g 13 2; LY 5 14 no-z 'I- 2% 3.5 ti2 2 z>tg Roston to Daniel J. Kolasa, dated July 31. marked Exhibit A, attached hereto and mad part hereof. " I i 1 PASSED, APPROVED, AKD ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council. of :.-,he City of Carlsbad, California, or* the , 1980 by the following vote, to wit: day of Auqust I m"3< sg.d, zp Y 17 as Ii 8 uo $Zg* 3.6 >+ K 18 > 0 k 3-9 AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Ku // /TyL - L .J &-@A-; I 20 21 RONALD C. PACKARD, Iklayor ATTEST: 23 24 25 26 27 28 ALETHA L. RAUTENRRAN (SEAL) -2- 2 -_ --_. ., I-XL..--- - .--c. c A ~~~:;~:~~j~j~l:~j'~ 07 7.'11];: I?LV<X;~:~:~G COF!?:lIS:;:l:OX OF ll'HE z 11 .* 31 4: 5 6 .I CI'J.Y OF ~iii~snn1:) , cA'I;Ipo1:N :rm , IXCWHI :mmG A]?]? J?.~vAL OF A. 3 5 0 UX?IT ~~~~?~~.';~~~.~~i:v~~ T~::I\CT PLU' mui c ON r:.C):.; I 7; 1: g 1.1 p 3 y<yi 2 1.7 ON p )IC> 1) j:: I :.'j.'*ir G 1;: !;IT; j.?. ;h. 1 ,LY LO CAT I: ON ~JYE, ~<ORT~J SI;~~C 01: ALGA 1:C;;W ZXXX9EXl r EASY' C El, 3'UER'i'E Ai7X;NUE * ~~ -----*-+.-. ---...-. ._,_- _..- -:7-.* r.---- r --...."--------- \ J'APPIJICA?iT : ANT?l<l\i G!'ZOUP' ,CAS3 .NO: < CT aO--:!ii/CP.-I.Q4 WIJJ-:;?~?;CZS , 23 verified app1:icn.tion. fox: ccr.t;rin pr~pert> 8 9 10 51 12 . Sec'~<.o~~ 13 , '~o*.~~:lshj-p 12 South I Ea.;~ye 3 Tfest, CoUii'~.y San Diego, State ~f California ],>.a:; f~ceii ~j-3-d ;,Ti-iA the city of CarLsb;ld I: and rderned i;( ~~la.~!.n ing co~~inis sion ; alld T.JTU<'iXliS , said verif iecl apj?Licatj.cs const.~.~cut~~:s a iyp pYovj..dcd by T.it.le 21 of the Cc?rlsbad Mullicipal- Code; (?Ed . , . 7/i I3 1 x4 1 I . 15 1 G 3.'7 3.8 19 2 3 23. 82 c, 7 c 3 24 26 \ zr1 . 2n .'. 25. PA paxcel of land. bej-iiG ;1 por-tien on the F;c,1>tii li.alf c p:ljE:ilE:AS , "Lie pl~Lnriiny Cairm5-ssj-Qi3 d.id F oil the 9th G I' J.32.0 I 3soId. a duly noki.csld public Iseax3-ng as .. nN!scriba. I:, consider saiii reqilest; and. WI:E1einS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and c ~..LJ_ t:estilnoLly and zrgurnen:ts, if any, of all persons -\ des: llezrdI saj-d Comnission considered al.1 factors relating ' ~cn i;a-t.ive matt; mp and Conc'*o:nh.iul-it Pcrrni-t o I l\r@i<I, TJIF,r(GITe1:\EI Bs IT I1j3RE13Y RESOL17ED bl7 k&e PlZiEn Cu,nxission as fo11crt.s : 11) 13) yflat, the zLbfi\ic ~ecitations are true ad CO~~CC~ lT]-,ak based oil tlie ev~.dcncC j2rC:jC'l)ted nl; the pub3-i c thc Coincii s s ion re c.:on:iwncl s API"WAL o f (X 8 0 - 2 !;/CI '.. on t-lc -j--o1~.owil-ig l\inii.i.nc_s and SUII~CC~ to the f01lc condi.ti.on,s : -I__-.- - ... . l?:i ii(lj.iiq:; : 1.1 * -_____-_--. I y-qic pI::opor.c.c~ ~~~~-,~~~~,~i.~i~.~l~~~ ~crinit and. rrcntaI:i\Tc ~ra( ~(>~j:;j.:;~~:~~t: iQ:j.~:bk t1.j~; 'Ttilnct IT:;(> 111 CII~CII~ 01: t.1.1~ GCIIC~IT~ I.,(! f.. ; ,\I :; (3 t.Ji(! 1.) L' <.)I?(, : ; c: (1 (:\ C' 1 > ;: j. 1-. y c : c 10 : ; n 0 .t c: x c: c? f.: d 13 1 c? 1 cje,jr:i ty ranqc 0.i 4-10 :lwc.i.i..i.ll~J L111.1.t.-.:;- p?r acre. I I '1 1 '2 3 . 4 I 2 1 ~3e site is p~iysical~.y s~ita~Jle in size anrl s1irLpe fo: propc~ :.;cci dc:iz s i ty of d cvc lop~!~~lt s inc e su f C ic ien'c pub i mprotrc:ne n t L; il il d a de qu a t e amen i t i c s 11 e c c s :; ;x y to s er iots are provid-ed wit11out the necd for excessive mod to t.hc site o The pi:oje& w:'~11 not cause any si.gnifj-cant adverse e men.tii1. impc.ctis and the Pl.an17 hg D:irect.or has issued I 3) .o .T f: 9 1.980) o Yhc projeck meets a11 puhI..ic heal.th problems and as not be ilzjurious to the public ' s health or welfare o '~1i.e project is consistent wit11 ali city ~u131-i.c ~aci Pol:icies qnd Ordinances since: . 4) 5) 5 10 ZJ x2 13 14 15 3.6 3-7. 2.8 2.9 " 20 21 : 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 * 2% >- Cond-i-i;i.orml Necja'iive Dcclnuatj.on (Log Eo. 71.4 , date( a) As surilnces have been given that zdeqvcate set7e;r project xil-1 be pi:ovided by .the Sail 1"las-eos CO-J District e The Pla11nj.ilg Commission finds that SCWCT servi avai:lablc for -this dev.eloprnal?:[I ;is 04:' the dzte approval o Hcj~,ever F sever service may .. he avail the fcture. The P1amli.n~ Ccr:!j;YLssio;l has r i>y i of c?,iz aiqyoprlate condit.ron. to this ~ondnmi~:i;- the Cit17 CouncS.3. finds .that c,;c~,cer service is : to serve the project . Since the project ca-imi approved end- buildj-ng permits cannot he issucc . sewer service remains avail-abl-c r the ~1~inin.g is satisfier: t1la.t the recjuirc~i1ents or' tlic ?Lib: Facilities E1ernen.t of the General Plan have b insofar as they' app1.y to sewer service for e11 All necesszry public .i.mprovc!iicn-;--s will either or required as condi.tioris of app:i-oval. Tl.1~ ;j,pplicaiit has aqrced and is requ.j.red by t fee v Performance of that cont.rnui; and paymci: fee wi.lSl. enable this body to Cind thzt all o'i f ac i 1 i -IS. i e s vi i. 1 1 bc izva. i. 1 a12 1. c c oncu r i:cn t w i th required by the Gc1iclri.l.l P1.a-n I school f-cc.s will bc? providcd at khc time of I permits ta rniticjatr? .the impact of this pro jcc ark dc?cl.i.cgtj.on is irccp~ircd anti has 'bccn pI.ai a condition of apl?roval c 12) . ins~lre;~ that the p1-0ject Tiill ,not be spp-1:o'vecl 't c) I d) of a13 appropriate cbn<i;-t:ion to p2.y a ~uIJI-~c f e) . affected scliool districts. E) //// //// 3. 5' 3 2 4 5 6 'I 8 *3l 1 ::---.-.*-. LC, I) d .i .I; j. 011 s 11) .n!pproval !is granted for CT EO-~~/CP--:LO~, as :;hoviz on Exhil>it(s) A and n, dated 6/30/80, and Exlii.hj-ts C, D E'{ dated 6/23/80 r inc:oi:pora.tecl by refereiicc mci on f: in l;hc Planninc; Depart,mcnt. D Dc:vel-opi??cnt s1i;rll occur substnnt.i.z.1:I.y 2s showi; unless o-tlierw~.sc noted in the condi-i:ions o ; Th..is project is approvcd 11.pon the express con.d?-t.:l.on that buil-ding pc:rmlits will. not be issued. for devel-op of the subject property unless .i;llc City Enginccr 2e-C khat sewer facilities are avaiI.ab%e at the time of c3.p p 1 i c zit ion f or s uch s cw e r permit s and vi 11.. con is i ail c fse available until 'Lime of occupancy e 2) I 9 10 .. 11 12 l3 . .* % '.I5 liri I 1- 6 3.7 le 19 20 23. 22 23 24 25 26. c, 7. f.4 m 13) 5;hj-s project is, approved upon the express conrli.tj-on tht14: .the fina:l. rnap shall not be approvc-.,:i unless the Citl7 Council- finds as of the t!Lme of ,such app2:cval : , . sewer service is a-wailable to serve the subdivisi.oiio This project is appirovcd upon the express condj-.';;ic.;n . %bat the applicant shall pzy a p~b1j.c facilities Ecx required by City Council Po1i.c~ No. 17, dated Au$:?i;i 29 i hc:reii1 by reference F and according to the agrecm~~t executed by the applicant for p,ayment 02 said fee 2' copy of that zcjreemcnt dsted April 24 r 1.990, is :on with the city clerk and is incorporated herein by reference, If said fee is n.ot paid as promised, t:; apL?l.icatlcn will ilot be consistent wit31 the General Plan and zpproval- for this proj ect shal-1 be void. The appl-icant shall prepare a reproducible mylar 05 ' f .i 11 21 1 c 011 d. (-j~fi i jl ;id UT:'I s j t; e p 1 a rr in c G r p o r c'i 'L i 11 cj the c i r,n d i container] heirein D scs;id site p3.c7ii2 shal-i 1x2 su';.yn-t;te and approvccl by the Plaiininc; Depart1nenC prior to th issuance of building permits, ~hc applicant :;hall. prepare a clctail.cd 1.andscape a1' . irriyakLon ~1.a~ whj.ch sha.l_l be su!mit.l;c?i to' and a];;, by the Planninc; Departmcn.t prior to final map apply' each phase. The app73.icant shall cstal:,li.sli a ho;~eo'i.,rnc:r's ascoci: and corrcspo~iding covcnnntr; , conditions and rcstric Planning Departinent prior to final. 1nap s]~~p~~ova~ o In o;:dcr to provic7e for fisc protection dui-ing tile con r; ti:u c t j. on pc 1: iod , i; l1c 2131.) :1. i c n 1-1 t s 1) n 3.1. 1112 :i. 11 ,t<i i. 11 ]:)as s;)\J l(: v (-!I I j.cu I.;] 3: iiccc s c to a L 1, IIH j. 1.d ,incj:; *u J.n a (1 il~i~qil~~t~ Z;i TC: IiycIi:ni~t:; wLt:.Ii 1:cqIiircd Ei.1-c EI.owr, ~1.1 IJC in:;.tnl :IC~I 011 ~inil off: sitc a:; rcquiircci 13:: tlic: I;'.;. 13 C?pa L^ tmcn 1, . 4) l9.7 9 F ~3 file ~~ii2.1 the Ci'iy Clerk XICI i,jicor~~C)j~~~.! 1 5) i # 6) 7) Sn.i.d CC&II' 53 shal1. be subinittc!d to and ap;?rovcd by 1 ' 1 8) I J'C': Itl'CSO /I 1 C; GG -3- 3- 2 3 4: ' -5 6 71 8 9 20 2'9. 22 l3 .. I 9) rrlle ap1?~i.ccint slml..i iiizt.c?i.:i. r,ti-cx.'i. trzcs to city. spec ificaL~ioi:s at 4.8 foot intc:;:~7;:1.s along all. I.:uhl%c strc frontager; prior to fi.na1- occupancy c;f ariy 3~1iI.Ciing , ~inI.ess otlic-rwise app3:oye:d by tlx 1~l.amii1.1~ l>ii:cxtos: s ~;]~~'~~a~j,c~~ of said trrxs s11al.l be subject to the approval of the PI-anns'.ng 1Ii:ccxtor 5 10 j Land shd.1 be dcdicztcd for park pui:poscs purEuant t Section 23. o 44 and the -existing pa.r.ks ~cjrce;ncnt be%.~t7i7c! the City of Carlsbad and the La costa Land Coxpany 2 January 3 r 3978 o This i:equircin~mt rray be s3tisfic.d existin7 park credi.ts held by the La Costa Land Ccm~ 13.) The a.pj?I.ican-l; shall sdmit a street nam list coi?..?.SiE wi-kh the city r s street n;imin.g pol.icy subject to the Plann.ing Director ' s approval prior -io final. map app: 1.2) The applicant shall- pjro~~id:~ school fees to mitigate conditions of ovcrcrcxdinq as part of huil.dririg pcrn:. appl.ication, These fees shall.. be based on the fee schedule in cgfee-i ak .L-l L-;le time of bcilding pernit applicztion e Any s5.gns proposed for this develo~i-!cn?- shall be designed in. CC~I~Q~IT~~DCC with thc City ' s Sign @~ij.i.:~z; ail6 shall require review end apprcival by -the I?:Lz~.nj Department p3:j-o;' to hslxd.l.a-L~..CQl of :;uCh signs. L 1 1.3) i '" . J.5 J6 '3- 7 IE3 19 . 2' 2' 22 _. 23 24 . 2s 2G 27 2 8 I-. i i : I 14.1 li ~i~ns'cer PI&; of 'the /..x.is.i;inq G11 si.& p~-zxIts sila13 provided to. the Plzinnzing Dcparemen+ as part of th~ final grr-idi& pl.a.n to det-ernine which trees shall j re"iai.ned D 1.5) . ~pnsoval . ,. of this request shc7I.1 not excuse comp?..ian with all. sections of the Zoning 0rdin;xzce and dl applicc?.ble city or~iinacce:~ in ~fFect at time of bu I pcxmit iss-uance e I ~jevc.::.oj?meni- ~t-aizdnrc~s '. 16) -eIC_l__..l_CI ~ot 12 of ~~.-.z.se 1 is appovec~ for 1.2 units brzly. coitution are2 designated by shacltng shall not be bai: tlic dcvclopcr scscurcs all. nc~cs~:;~ry pc?rmits aiid ai Furthci:, if this portion i.5 Qcvcl-opecl :it n future for this future dcvclopmcnt sl~alI lx: avcracjcd ovc:: sike to detc~minc general plc111 consistcncy y 17) AX.I units s1iEi11 ]le sct~xic~: a m~nin?um of 35 t from curbl.inc>s 01: both Alga li(_)nd and MC'1IOSC! Avc.?nuc. ft~tu~e dc>velol)i13,ei1t at the t.iI~ scwcr ~~COI\ICS avs.il . ~11i.t~ 10~:li:~d ~.c:vc:\. w.i.kli Al.<j;l ROi:id ~h~~ll. lia\~~ n G . sc,und . ;II1.l~c?ii~i;i.~.ic~n ~1~11.1. to :;c:):vc a:; il 11uf gciicrnt-.ccl froin Al.cja. Rcmd L J3c 1:aj.l.c~tl p1.;.111:; and pr(:! I.OC:LI~~OI>:; of said ~a1.1 r.i SIILII .I. LC! ~.)~~~o~~~~(~l:~~~~l O;I SC(l]?C> ]):I (111 Lllld i'l1^(3 Sdj(!Ct. 'I:O t.lkC? i:l~I])l:(.~VCi~ Of tllc ,1) :i.I;c:.c: t,o~:. . 1 2 3. ' . . 4 18) Th.c standr.~rc~s of the ID-?! zone rcgarclinq ~~crmj.ttc:cl 11: conditi011a1. uses , 1~u.ildi.nc; height I' pl;:ccnicnt of builc and yard rccpi~c~it~).l'i..;; shal.1- rlp~:I.y t.~ the SU~~I~CC:.~; prcl unless otherwise, stat& herein or shown o-ther-:;7ise on approved exhi11i-i;~. . All s:lopes greatel; t1i;ln 10 1 in he.i,qht. s~LI~J. be irrig 5.9 f 5 6 7 9 8 and pJ.antc2 wiJzi> nilCLvc s?~ruJ3s a.nd -trees at the cun\i: 1 ' rate of:' 1 plmt for ev-ery 2x scpl-re feet. AZI othc I sha1.L be i..i:i:igated and plmtec'i. ~,7ith ~je-eiind comr pel requirements. of the Parks and. 1?ccre~.-ti,on rjircctor o 20) 1111 conditions oz SDP 30-*/5 are incorporzted herein : refererice and shall. bz strj..ctly co~npliedi wi til as 'pa this approva 1 a fxnvi. rc; iiimw ta.~ Rev i ew r-,--IIII..--XIC---.-.- I - 7 bs 12 grading actisit.ies o 1'd.l- rlisturbzd sl.opes sha.11 be h~7droz;ce~ed or otherwise stablizcd for erosion cont imnmed i c .t e 1- y upon cokp ?_e ti on o f g r ad- ii;g x t ivi t i e s Q * 25 ' 24) ~iiercgy conservation itiezj.sui:es as stipulated in E1R- 16 1'7 18 19 20 22 22 23 24, 25 2(i 2'1 ' 311 be included in -?!lis project to .khc maxinxm extent The appl-%cant shall mj-ti.gatc thc impacts CZI archa< , 25) . site SDPf-1':-915 by a cont1-01.led Sc?JXpj-e exC2Vakiqn thr(>U<]ll 2 t'?lo ~h~"J~d IJ%D<IrZK\ ?ls o1.1.kIi13cd in the s upp 3. cnler~.ta 1 e nv i ro:o ITICD "L a I imp a c: .t r cpox t I cia t e d. 4 Said procjl-am sha3.~.. be d.c?~~3~le(? h a writ.Lcl1 repol: ~~bnl.i.i:ted .LO ~;IICI z.i3j?rovcG by the ~I-iiinrinq II~Y~C~C the issuance of grazing permits fci3: the proprty I. The two ra3-c p J.aliC specj.es noted in the supp1Lernci Eizv.i)_c)nrnc\ntal. Impnci; ~cpork ji.Iesa CXUINIOSS iInd A, shal.1. bc prcsemecl whci-icvcr possible and iridicat detailed laniiscapr3 and irrigation p3.m for the p rcquirecl by CY UO-25/CI?--fO4 * ir,) //// //// //// //// .. ,/// I 2 3 I I 127) ~iie parcc-:~- ma;:: covering t1ii.x site (~~-413) s11a11. bc. 'I Pri.0; to the approvai Of 'the fj-Yl21. KlIJ for this SUbdi G 3: ad inc; c -"-.A- ,5 G 7 '... a/ 1.2 ~1 Ii repport, of a. geotr..chnica~. investj.gnti.on and a grad.i of .the site shall -be submitted 1.1y the apj31.icant .. to I:.. En.cjj-neer for approval prior to t.he issu.ance of a cpa pi:r!i!~t~ he report. shal.1. be preparcd by c?. civil eng a geolcyist l.i,;ensccl by the State of California and in eros:i.<jl1 control and slope . st&:i-I.i.ty e 'liecorninendat inade in the rcport shall he included on. the grading The grading for this projcc';. shall be designated a.s 29) 8 9 10, 33 1-2 l? ' 14 . 1.5 16 l7 x.5 19 26 2 1. 22 23 24 25 2G 27 * 213 ' grading, A cj-vj-1 engineer cad gc>ologis"c slial-1 obscs grading apt1 coordina'ce t5.e testing. If soil cr geo: co;.icli.tions EL'^ observed to be different thzn e::j?Cct{ shail recomxc!=d appropriate remedial- neasures or ch I .. the pl.zr!s c At .the conclusion 02 gi-aclincj .they slla~-~- a11 'I as-gradcd" pPa~l sho:57ing th2 grarI.i).~g 2s perf01~121 -t;he e>:;.s&ng g~oI.oc;ic conditions anti thev ~1~1l.l- CC~ adequacy of "ihe site for development p,rior tc the i * of fiuildincj permits o All CG-?. .andl fill s?-opes sha-11 he 20 ste~per than 2 to 1 vertical uiiless a report of a geotechnical iny,. pi-eparcd by 3 civil engineer dc'nonstxates that tile stabil-ity all6 erot;io;l XC::;~S~X>.CZ of 3 steeper slop< adequate anri it is app~ovd hy the City Engiiiecr e are permitted within public street right--of-way a 31) To mj-tigate erosion, all exiposed slopes s11al.L be h seeded or pianted inmcdiately -;lpon completion of g act.i.lvi.t.i.cs 5 The seed -mi.>: shall. be dcsi.yncd by an the fj-cld based cn a. soil analysis of thc slopck 1: of the l?arlcs and :?ieorcation Di-rector . 30) ! ,i' I . I I1 I 321 7 ]go y~c~c~j.fi~ r112y ])e performed dur.i.mg the period of C to Apr:i.l. 15 r unless an erosion control p%.m imcl.uC. dcsiltiricj basins I etc. , is submj-tted as part of ti grading plan aid is iip~~sroved -by the Cj-i-,y 1Mgj.nccr Cica.rir,.g opcx-atlons s11a11- not 1lr2 a11.ow.red in advanc gxctdiiig I hut rat1ic:r shall be coxicu1:rcnt with an i. prc~c:cc!t.ling cjrad:i-ng activif;<.c,Cj m ol>.ka:iiicd prior to conimcncc1nc:nt of c1eciri.rl.g opera t Cl.c:ariaq shall bc 3.inii.tcd to .the mini.nium arc2 ncc perforni cjrnciing operations. No gradi.ng shall occur oUtc~.C?c 'chc 1imit.s' Of the unlc!,~:; ;z lcktcr 0: pc?i:niis:.;ion is ohtaiiicd from tI' of the ~iffcckcl propcrtics e . 33) A grading pcrmi'c 34) . //// //// 411 5/ (3 . '7 8 I 9 1 7-G I 3- 2-2 13 .. ' , 14 . 15 16 lr 10 IS' * '' 22 -22 23 24 25 cJC, . 0 27 20 plzn chccl; and inspection fees sh.s.3.1 bc paid. l"hc dt shall iiiclude strect lights , curb and yu.tter st01:r~. dl. fa.cil.,itj.c~~ OL- other fetltures a!; requ.i.rcir'1 hy the Cj:t.y ,q .l.he stn~.ctur.al. sccticm of all p.r:iva-ix :: trec'cs shall. ( t.0 the City of cerlsbnil star;.clai;:ds basc;d on. E.-valuc tc A11 private street:; md drainage systelas' shal-1 be ma. by the hoii~omex ' s association in pei:pet.uI.'cy. This ' cond.j.tion e:.:c:Luc?es a:LI drainxge easerneiits grant.ed to city of ~arl.sb;id. his condition shall be placed in CC&R'S = ~l~~j~~j-cn,,.ai dj;ainage ea,seixrl-t.s and stxuc<:urcs sh2.1.1 I:, provided 01- instalicd as may be recpircd by the Cour . Department of Sanitation and Flood Cont~oJ. aiId/or 'cf 36) 37 1 I City Engi.necr. 38) AIL concrete terrace drains shaI3. he maintained by i * jiorneovmer 1 s zssociation or inrlividual propzrty o'ime~ p c': rp 2.~~3. i .t.i? D i-c?spons:.i-BFli.t\r shall be placed Pn the CCLI?' ,Cj e A s t C? t c JTieii .t c I? a I: 1 y I i d c 11 .i; i f 1' i 1'. CJ t 1": :i s j JJeYd i 'c't3.t j- c 3's' a 13.d t- of mbl-jk Sf.r::cts -_- --_-__-. -- .-.*-,- ..-. ---- - 33) ii3.1 public streets shail. he dedicated 'to the City .? free of all. iiens and cncumbrances at the time the map . is aj:,lproved for l)hase 1 I, A3.r~ pub1.i.c streets except Itelrose Avsiu.e shall 132 .i ,.acc(jj-dj~-~g- .to the Ci Ly of Carlsbad s'iandx-ds prj-oi: f- 4.0) . ' occupan.cy of an17 znics 5-11 ~13ase :L and b:l.sd oil 'the r j. ght- o f -wziy VJ .id th s : j I . Alcja'Road Xana Na17 7 fL211 street - G( "A" S-krcet - full stxee-i-. - -61 .- l1alf syreeir: ' ... 5: ~.:c-,l.rose 7i~7~17ue .sl-ial.l. he improvcd a.ccord.j.ng to t!:e Cnrlsbnd si:aiic?,ard:; pi: j-or to thc ~!LIIC~~. ac:cept.c??'!(:e o the subi(j.vi.slion. If khc City ]1711qi1?ccr deter111%1>c~ j.iiipi:ovcn~ni:s are not iieCCS.S;ir>r ;IC that time , hc SII a sul~scqucnt phase to ensure j.riipi:ovcmcnts prior to acccpt~nce of the fiinp fox that phar;e to cnsurc th; ~i-ovcn~nt:; 21-e hu.i.It in ccii juiiction wj.th hprovc xLlcl;-oso to the nor'tli. ?;jl(; j.ri,i;cl:;.;c(.:t;ion of ann \day wit11 jl1.c:Ja ~ionc~ S~;-II.I. I (r 4 3.) '4 2 1: . (;00~~1j.11c?tctl wj.tIi ::tI.3-c:ck tt~~'~ o.~ ~IIC 11i.diI~11 Mc!~\~ow!~; ?,C:CC:;S l"i (.jlj.kS Of L11.1. :I.O'ks ~~>ll~ti.?l(,J ~~C?l.l:C~:;c? AVC:YIII~: A3 CJCL l'<o;icl ~1~~~1.1 I~c ~:c!lin(~'.li.";ls:l(.]. and w;l~.Vi.:.il 011 thC 43) *3 . 4 ,5 Street prior to oecupantqr of my units in Pl,1i,.ne 1. Re ir 1. a 5. m c (1' Wa I.. r! -- r ---- 45) ~he ~pp~..i.c;~nt s?.iaLI. agree to u'cilizc rcclcimccl water Type I. 1 form I on the sub;jec:t proi3"?:.tY in an mount thi 2 t]lc suh(I.i.i?:isio11 ~XCIIY~TLEJC on EL Fu~:\:~c Street ~).~>.ci rjllic *.. . : 8 9 za .J-2 22 or excccd:; lA~e zi-~ount of scwacp gencsatcd hy the pro ot.herwise ~;ppxovcci by the City ~lTngincer, I 46j Th.c appl:jecaa.i7 sl.1ciliL pxepc?re, io the satisfacC<-on of and. Recreati.on Dj-rector zlnd the Ciky Ei,c,ri!i.QC?Y' r a dOC out.lini:?g proposed xrtethods of "Type 1" rcclaimd wa:t This docu.rneiit shall con'iain a plant list or' salt ant tokxant scgs-Latio~~ F water absorpti.on rakes per p.7.ar the gal.i.ons of v:-?ter per zcre needed. .to accom;~.~ocla-i:e proposal eild a- soil- flushiilg progrzm. .. The dtocurncl~t inc1ud.e critexia ~GT opern"i.ing I . rm.j,n'iainlng Z.R< ~mn: he i.rx:Lgztj-efi &rea and .~;7skem. T12j.s shall be do113 approval. of -the firial ~nsp for Phase I. TW rec~.a.ii-ned water irrigation system sha2.1. be maia L 4+) 14 . 1.3-!*, . 15 , ' 3-6 3-7 J. 8 aiid op?ejrated by the Sal1 D'la.rc@s COIX?.~;~ \Gate!_' Di..s.tri.c cGn,sistc>:i't tzi~ch the rcquii:c?nei-its of !-.he Ciky of C~I: under a conteactura 1 3.gi:eem.c:ii-k with tile :ioir.ecwner ' 2 a~~ocj.ation tha.t is to give the di.stri.c-1: total ass: . Ll-ley 5t.ould 9-1wa.y~ kl:*\Tc J&Q ~bj-lity to d.j..s~h&rg~ tlL' Constructj-on cf 'ihe reclaLn7,ed water syste~n sha1-l cc 1riki.e 17 of the Ca.l.iforliia- State Aciir,.inistrai_i.on~~~~~~.o~~~ Co requiring a watej: rncster on the job to monitor pip Lov tx-a jecto:ry sprinklers s1ial:l. he E and the irrigation rate shall be .regulated SO .i:)?.a'C be no runoff 0 48) . conn.ections . 3-9 20 21, z2 L 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 Fire Safety 49) -x-I__- ~11 a]-]- v:ea.ther access road shall he maintai.nec1 th: construction as. xequired, by the Fire Flnrshali v Wakes for fire protccti.on to hc in before corabust on buildjj.ng site as requircc! by l?j-re Marshal-1, 111 oxc~es- -to prov;de $or fire protcc~.j.olII tidccl\lnte hydrantr; with rcc;uj.rc:d fixe ,fl.orcr Shr1 1.3. bc ilIstal2 off site as requ.irc;j by tllc ]?ire Ma~shall. 1<11icn any poirtiori of a. 13ui1.ding is in csccss of 1.1 wntxr supp3.y 011 a pt1133~j.C !;t.rc:C?t, thc.l:c sl~al. 1. I>C : on-s j.tc , hydr;int,:.; sr.c'i 111~.1in!.; c~1phI.c of mi>pSyj.ng fii:c~low, \,~h~ii rcquireil by the @lii.of. .- 50) 51) 32.) //// . It , ? ; , . +. J- 0 (J 'f 3 '4 G ~ 5\ . 7 9 3-0 ,. :!.x . 513) p-11 ylrj v;i.kc d,:iveways sllnl-1 be JC~~>I: ~:~cnr of i?~;~l~~~d VC- I. - . (?.t; a~.~- .tj-mes, rln2 s~~~~l )lave , post.ccl "NO l)sirkingjFj-rc. 1 rrow Away xci1c11 as per condi:i;ion j.11 Municipci:L Code Tj,rc re.i-ard2:n.l; roof , s'na11 bc req,i.xefi 011 3-11. s.tr.Qttlc.~--~~r~ 54.1. n.zl~ld.;.ng .and P~W ~~part~r~en'c o 55) ~~~.~l~ clea-~~nce shall be rimirl;Laifi.ed i~,a~kls<-ll a T~l~-l.li.l~~U.~~~ 5 ~j jj<egua.~e cmerl:,rency vc1Ii.cl.e turn-asounds shall be pro\ oc 30 fmt to each residcnce. , a cu;-de-sac o13 a 11ar~~~~;r~1cad when driva~ay is niorc tl fee.t .G~~~ froin propat17 line at stree.t. l?I'ISSj?,D r API)ROV::D pL~~ .XIO~TED at a reyular mee-til~g of piallnilly Com~,is~io~~ 05 'Clle city of ca~1~ba.6. I ca1i-fo~:~l.i~- f ' ASES ; Schick I P,o]~okis I Earsol!, FrieS'iCdt f Ib~~21~c~1~ and Joser I: I t,l2,e 9th c?ay of JULY, 1980, bl7 the €OZI-OY?il~jg Vote, 'Lo yJi*i: I 3-7 18 1 2-9 I 20 21 2;: 23 24 25 26 2 '7 ' 28. 1 I m'ms'i' : . 'k .. . .. .. ,. .. . _--___T". '* :;ec ye"ia1:); __,..-. \..-.--.--.- ., , i, ,: cAy;Y-,s]3Au F],AIq]qII<G cOy25I SSIOq %.J]?]6b!,S c. lpiGAl% \I., ! 1 . I * I * -3- I _-