HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-19; City Council; 6337; CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAN* r t e CITY OF CFIRLSEAD ----_---I INITIAL [~ept. Hd, ,- - --.-IC- -- P,CE?!G!\ BILL 140. _--_ 633 7 - c_ .-______- - .l Ciy, Atty.L Cty. V3gi.” - DA7 E : I-I- Auqust 19, 1980 . _.--I-II-- -...-.-.- DEi-‘I:,RT!4ENI: Planninq Department - e_-Y- I_ I_ I_ -A - ^*I-- I __ . 4lllll”-”.-C-_l S~~~J~CI : CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAN APPLICANT; TEE KOLL COMPANY CASE NO: SP-180 -_c--c-- - ._--___- -__ __-_ -- -I_-- -._.---.- -I-- s ~p4j-::L~pjl or: -(];E MATTEX The X011 Company is proposing an industrial park on property lo just north of Palomar Airport Road and on the west side of El C Real. An EIF, has been certified for the project (August 5, 198 a General Plan Amendcnent for the use of a Combination District’ also approved (City Council Resolution, August 5, 1980). The property is located in a special treatment area of the Gene Plan which requires that a Specific Plan be submitted in conjun with any development of the property. the proposed Specific Plan on July 23, 1980, and recormended ag (Resolution No. 1652, attached). For more information please E memorandum to City Xanager dated August 8, Fiscal Impact The proposed industrial park is expected to increase city revel through expanded employment and taxes. EXHIBITS 1.’ Memorandum to City PCanager dated August 8, 1980 2. Draft Specific Plan No. 180 3. Planning Commission Resolution 1652 4. Memorandum from the City Attorney dated August 25, 19gO. RECObIMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council APPROVE SPA180 as and refer it to the City Attorney’s Office for preparation of i The Planning Commission 1980. Council Action: 8-19-80 The matter was continued to the meeting of September 2, 1980. 9-2-80 Counci 1 directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving SP-1 f recommendations of staff. t 0 Q MEMORANDUM DATE : August 8, 1980 TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM: James Hagaman, Planning Director SUBJECT: CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-180) The majority of issues regarding the Carlsbad Pacific Bus Park Specific Plan have been resolved at the staff or Fla Commission levels. However, three issues have not been solved and become policy questions for City Council decis These issues are discussed below. College Boulevard Staff and the developer have still not reached agreement regarding the proper time when College Boulevard should k extended from B Street south to Palomar Airport Road (sec figure 3 of draft SP-180 for graphic). Staff recommends that College Boulevard should be extend€ from B Street south to Palomar Airport Road prior to the issuance of building permits (this also assumes the exter of B Street to College prior to permits). There are two reasons for staffs recommendation. The first reason is t this general area was intended to be served by College Boulevard as shown on the land use map of the General P1z (see attachment). Much of the traffic from the Koll pro: will be to and from Interstate 5 (35). College Boulevarc was designed to channel southbound traffic on El Camino I to 1-5 and to serve the areas north and west of the airpc The second reason is that if College Boulevard is not ex the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Rl could become overloaded. There is already pressure on t intersection from growth in both Carlsbad and the San Ma area. The potential exists for even greater impact in t near future. The Koll Company feels that it will not be necessary to extend College Boulevard south until 128 acres (1,200,OO square feet of building area) has been developed. This figure is based on a traffic study prepared by a private consultant. The contention is that the developer should only be responsible for such improvements when traffic f the Koll project alone warrants them. 6 0 The Planning Commission indicated that their responsibili in reviewing this project was to look at only the informa before them. It was felt by the Commission that any poli issue affecting this area as a whole should come from the Council. As a result, they reconmended that College be extended after 128 acres (1,200,OO square feet+) of devel ment. Limitations Recently, the City Council approved a !.laster Plan for the Lake Calavera Hills development in the northeastern secti of the city. This project was similar to the Koll projec in that it involved a wastewater treatment plant and a la scale plan. When Calavera was approved, the City Council placed a number of limitations on the Master Plan and/or subsequent agreements. There is some question on the part of staff as to whethex the Council intended these limitations to be placed on future projects or whether these conditions were based or the individual complexities of the Calavera development. Staff feels that #1 and #3 are non-controversial. Number #2 and #4 are objectionable to the developer and will int a policy decision to determine if these conditions are applicable to the Koll property and to other future projc in the city. If the City Council feels that these limitat should be a part of the Specific Plan, then staff will at them to the document. Signalization The requirements for some of the traffic signals are some of a departure from past city policy. In the past the c: has required the developer to bond for the entire cost (( percentage thereof depending on project impact) of offsii signals. The proposed project will have impact on a nurd of off-site intersections including the Palomar Airport i El Canino Real intersection, and the College Boulevard ai El Camino Real intersection. No bonds have been require( for these signals in the plan because it is recommended . they will b e tunded by the city through the Public Facil. Fee Ordinance. No policy currently exists for the actua use of public facility fees. The city currently collect, 2% public facility fee, a part of which is intended to cc signal costs. These limitations are attached, JCH : CG : ar Attachment -2- Carlsbad Research Center SPECIFIC PLAN City of Carlsbad CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN PREPARED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CARLSBAD TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose 1 Location 1 General Plan and Zoning Designations 1 LAND USE, CIRCULATION, AND PHASING 4 General Development Concept 4 Statistical Summary 4 ~ Circulation 6 Phasing 6 PERMITTED USES 10 Area 1 10 9 Area 2 12 Wastewater Reclamation Facility and Reservoir 13 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 14 Building Setbacks . 14 * Site Coverage 17 Building Height 17 Parking 17 Landscaping 18 Sign and Graphic Requirements 21 Loading Areas 22 * Storage Areas 23 Metal Structures 23 Refuse Collection Areas 23 Telephone and Electrical Service 23 Nuisances 23 Screening of Equipment 23 * Mini -Parks 24 Amendment to Plan 24 GENERAL NOTES AND MITIGATION MEASURES 25 General 25 t Grading/Foundation Design 25 Drainage/Erosion Control/Water Quality 25 Biological Resources 26 Archaeological Resources 26 Paleontological Resources 26 Land Use " 28 * Circulation 28 Noise . 28 Services and Utilities 29 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30 Ill LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Regional Location Map 2 Figure 2 - Project Site Map 3 Figure 3 - Land Use Plan 5 Figure 4 - Street Setbacks - Interior Street 15 Figure 5 - Street Setbacks - Special Landscape Street 16 Figure 6 - Typical Street Landscaping 20 Figure 7 - Location of Vernal Pools 27 IV PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF James C. Hagaman, Planning Director Charles D. Grimm, Project Coordinator Thomas C. Hageman, Principal Planner INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY; William Foley, Annette Sanchez Larry Seeman Associates, Inc. (ISA) 500 Newport Center Drive, Sui.te 525 Newport Beach, CA 92660 OTHER INFORMATION The Koll Company 7330 Engineer Road San Diego, CA 92111 Rick Engineering Company 3088 Pio Pico Drive, #201 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Lowry & Associates 550 W. Vista Way Vista, CA 92083 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this Specific Plan is to provide for the design, develop- ment, and operation of a high-quality industrial park within the City of Carlsbad. The land use plan and development regulations contained within the Specific Plan will result in the creation of a physical environment which will conform to and complement the goals of the community, facilitate efficient business and industrial operations, create a working environment sensitive to human needs and values, and protect adjacent land uses from adverse impacts. This Specific Plan is intended to be a tool to implement the goals and policies of the General Plan. The Specific Plan is a set of standards for development and does not provide a guarantee of approval for future discre- tionary acts or projects within its boundaries. The area covered by this plan shall be known as the Carlsbad Research Center. This Specific Plan is adopted pursuant to the provisions of California Government Code Sections 65450 et. seq. and of the Land Use Element of the City of Carlsbad General Plan. The area covered by this plan is included within the Palomar Airport Special Treatment Area specified in the General Plan; therefore, this plan is also prepared according to the special treatment area requirements established by the City's General Plan. This Specific Plan establishes detailed regulations, conditions, and programs for development within the area specified herein. LOCATION The Carlsbad Research Center contains 558.6 acres and is located on the west side of El Camino Real, north of Palomar Airport in the City of Carlsbad. The westerly portion of the site is currently in an unincorporated County island, but is within the City's sphere of influence and will be annexed to the City. The Specific Plan will apply to this area following annexation. The general site location is shown in Figure 1. The project site is shown in Figure 2. GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS The site is designated in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan as a combination district which includes Planned Industrial, Regional Service, Community Commercial, and Travel Service Commercial. Also included in the combination district is a floating public utilities designation which allows placement of a utility within one kilometer of the "U" designation shown on the land use map. 1 Regional Location Map Project Site Map S^Sg^y.Country Clut^ , ^"^S/A'ntin" " - I ( Source: USGS Topo Quads, San Luis Rey and Encinitas LAND USE, CIRCULATION. AND PHASING GENERAL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Carlsbad Research Center is a comprehensively planned industrial development containing a balanced mixture of industrial, research and develop- ment, office, and commercial uses. The project will offer industrial develop- ment sites for users of all sizes in an organized and pleasant setting. The industrial sites will be complemented by a full range of industrial and com- mercial support facilities. The land use plan (Figure 3) designates the loca- tion of various land uses. All development shall conform to the land use plan. The development will feature extensive landscaping, including special landscaped berms along designated streets, parking lot landscaping, and land- scaped building sites. Setback requirements and sign controls will further serve to create an aesthetically pleasing and sensitive environment. Special design standards will be applied to areas adjacent to future residential developments. Pedestrian and bicycle pathways and a series of mini-parks will provide public recreational facilities. In addition, individual industrial users are encouraged to provide private recreational facilities for employees. Many of the steeper canyon areas will be preserved as natural open space and habitat areas. If approved, a wastewater treatment plant and storage reservoir will be constructed on the west end of the project. Prior to locating a wastewater treatment plant, environmental review shall be conducted and a zone change and other necessary approvals shall be obtained. Approval of this Specific Plan does not commit the City to approval of the wastewater treatment plant. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Uses Acres Area 1 - Industrial 345.4 Area 2 - Commercial 30.0 Streets 53.9 Special landscape areas 23.5 Reservoir site 17.9 Natural open areas 87.9 Total 558.6 The Specific Plan determines land use for the site by defining specific land use areas within the combination district. This plan serves to implement the C-M zoning classification which exists on the site. The permitted uses, FIGURE 3 LAND USE PLAN Map in envelope at back of this document, development standards, and environmental considerations contained in this plan are more stringent than those found in the underlying zoning; therefore, the provisions of this plan will take precedence over the existing zoning. The provisions of the C-M zone shall apply to subjects which are not covered in this plan. CIRCULATION Primary access to the site will be from Palomar Airport Road, El Camino Real, and future College Boulevard. Internal circulation will be provided by four-lane public roads designed and built by the developer in accordance with City standards. All local streets will be constructed by the developer to City standards in conjunction with adjacent development. PHASING The project is planned to be developed in four phases, each containing approximately 100 net acres as shown on the land use map. It is estimated that each phase will cover approximately two years. The phasing schedule has been developed in accordance with the best information available at the time of adoption of this plan. Changes in phas- ing may be approved by the Planning Director. If a change may cause a signif- icant alteration to the development plan, or creates a problem with respect to the availability of public utilities or services, or may have other signifi- cant impacts, the Planning Director may refer the change in phasing to the Planning Commission for approval. Development of the Carlsbad Research Center will begin with Phase 1 as shown in Figure 3. Phasing will be completed sequentially as shown in Figure 3. The Planning Director may approve non-sequential development providing that public facilities have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Public facilities include streets, a dual water system for domestic and reclaimed wastewater, wastewater facilities, mini-parks, landscaping, drainage facilities, electricity, gas, and telephone. Specific improvement plans will be prepared and submitted as required by conditions of approval on the tentative tract map and each final map. In order to accommodate the overall grading requirements for the entire site, cut and fill may occur outside the boundaries of each phase subject to approval of the City Engineer. In order to accommodate the overall utility requirements of the entire project, utility construction may occur outside the boundaries of each phase, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Specific public improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the following schedule: A. Streets 1. All local streets shall be constructed in conjunction with adja- cent development. 2. a. College Boulevard, as shown in Figure 3, shall be extended from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road. Consistent with the General Plan, College Boulevard shall have a finished width of six lanes on a total right-of-way of 102 feet. b. The developer shall, at the time requested by the City, con- struct and dedicate College Boulevard to City standards for those portions of the road within the Specific Plan area. The City may request installation of College Boulevard based upon the occurrence of one or more of the following events: 1) Increase of 5,000 VPD in ADT (based on Fall 1980 traffic counts) on El Camino Real between Tamarack and Palomar Airport Road; 2) Increase of 5,000 VPD in ADT (based on Fall 1980 traffic counts) on Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Paseo del Norte; 3) Approval of a tentative map for an area in Phases II through IV inclusive. In lieu of construction of the full width of College Boule- vard at one time, the City Engineer may at his discretion and at the developer's request permit construction of a 32-foot wide portion of road in conformance with City standards. If the road is constructed in this manner, the developer shall install or guarantee the full width prior to issuance of a final map for property abutting any portion of the road; or, if traffic counts warrant, the City Engineer may require additional construction of the full width at any time. Regardless of whether the road is constructed to full width at one time, the developer shall dedicate the entire 102-foot right-of-way at one time. c. At the time any portion of College Road is constructed, developer shall construct and dedicate a two-lane road, in conformance with City standards, from the Specific Plan boun- daries to Palomar Airport Road. This roadway shall have a minimum width of 32 feet and a 52-foot right-of-way which shall constitute a portion of the 102-foot total right-of- way. To assist in acquisition of the property necessary for the right-of-way, the developer may request that the City exercise its power of eminent domain, provided, however, that the developer shall bear the cost of such proceeding. d. The developer may, at his option, install the full six-lane road from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road at the time any portion of College Boulevard is developed. To fund the roadway, the developer may initiate an assessment district under City jurisdiction or may request in writing that the City take advantage of the provisions for reimbursement for major thoroughfares pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act. The City will use its best efforts to obtain reimbursement for the developer for those portions of College Boulevard outside the boundaries of the specific plan. The terms of such reimbursement shall be upon mutual agreement between the City and the developer. 3. B Street, as shown in Figure 3, shall be constructed and dedicat- ed between El Camino Real and College Boulevard at the time any portion of College Boulevard is constructed, provided, however, that the portion of B Street abutting Phase I shall be construct- ed and dedicated before any final map for property in Phase I is issued. 4. D Street shall end in a cul-de-sac and shall not intersect with El Camino Real. B. Traffic Signals 1. Signals at Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, Palomar Air- port Road and College Boulevard, and College Boulevard and El Camino Real will be paid for by the City through appropriate fees and/or agreements. Signals will be installed at such time as the City feels traffic warrants them necessary. 2. The developer shall sign a signal agreement, secured by a bond in favor of the City, which guarantees that costs for signals at College Boulevard and B Street, and College Boulevard and C Street, will be borne by the developer when the City determines that traffic warrants them necessary. 3. The developer shall sign a signal agreement, secured by a bond in favor of the City, which guarantees that one-half the cost of the signal at El Camino Real and B Street will be borne by the devel- oper. This signal will be installed prior to issuance of any building permits for the site. The other half of the cost of this signal will be borne by the City through appropriate fees and/or agreements. C. Mini-Parks Mini-parks will be considered the same as other public facilities in relation to phasing. Mini-parks shown along special landscape streets, as shown in Figure 3, shall be built by the developer in conjunction with those special landscape streets which they abut (see Condition D, Landscaping). Mini-parks on interior streets will be constructed by the developer prior to development of 60% of the acre- age of the entire phase within which they are located. D. Landscaping Landscaping for special landscape streets shall be installed by the developer in conjunction with development, except for El Camino Real adjacent to Phase I, where special landscaping shall be installed prior to any occupancy for the first phase of development. 10 PERMITTED USES AREA 1 Area 1 is designated for light and medium industrial uses as shown below, research and development uses, industrial support and service uses, and busi- ness and professional office uses, provided that such uses are confined within a building or buildings and do not contribute excessive noise, dust, smoke, vibration, odor, or toxic or noxious matter to the surrounding environment nor contain a high hazard potential. Uses permitted in the Carlsbad Research Cen- ter will not produce any of the following: 1. Noise in excess of 70 decibels (American Standard for noise level meters): a. for a cumulative period of more than 30 minutes in any hour; or b. plus 5 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 15 minutes in any hour; or c. plus 10 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 5 minutes in any hour; or d. plus 15 decibels for a cumulative period of more than 1 minute in any hour; or e. plus 20 decibels for any period of time. In the special treatment area abutting the residential area to the north (Figure 3), the standard shall be 60 decibels plus a-e above. 2. Vibration, heat, glare, or electrical disturbances beyond the boundaries of the site. 3. Air pollution detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments, beyond the boundaries of the site. 4. Emissions which endanger human health, can cause damage to animals, vegetation, or property, or which can cause spill- ing at any point beyond the boundaries of the site. 5. Odor detectable by the human senses without the aid of instruments beyond the boundary of the site. All wastes discharged into the wastewater discharge system will meet City standards. 11 Prior to any development within the Carlsbad Research Center, the devel- oper shall prepare covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) applicable to the entire park site. These CC&Rs shall be approved by the Planning Direc- tor prior to approval of any final map for the property. No development shall occur until the CC&Rs are approved. All uses shall conform to the general development concepts for a high- quality business park, with all standards and restrictions established by this plan and with CC&Rs. Specifically, the following uses are permitted in Area 1: 1. Uses engaged primarily in research activities, including research activities, developmental laboratories, and com- patible light manufacturing such as, but not limited to, the following: a. Biochemical; b. Chemical; c. Electronics; d. Film and photography; e. Medical and dental; f. Metallurgy; g. Pharmaceutical; h. X-ray. 2. Manufacture, research assembly, testing and repair of com- ponents, devices, equipment and systems, and parts and com- ponents. a. Coils, tubes, semi-conductors; b. Communication, navigation, guidance, and control equip- ment; c. Data processing equipment, including computer software; d. Glass edging and silvering equipment; e. Graphics and art equipment; f. Metering equipment; g. Radio and television equipment; h. Photographic equipment; i. Radar, infrared, and ultraviolet equipment; j. Optical devices and equipment; k. Filling and labeling machinery. 3. Light manufacturing, processing, and/or assembly of the following or similar products: a. Food products; b. Apparel and finish products from textile products; c. Lumber and wood products; d. Furniture and fixture products; 12 e. Chemical and allied products; f. Plastic and rubber products; g. Stone, clay, and glass products; h. Fabricated metal products; i. Professional, scientific, controlling, photographic, and optical products or equipment. 4. Service industries or those industries providing a service as opposed to the manufacture of a specific product, such as the repair and maintenance of appliances or component parts, tooling, printers, testing shops, small machine shops, shops engaged in the repair, maintenance, and ser- vicing of such items, excluding automobile and truck repair, and excluding equipment rental yards. 5. Industries engaged in the distribution and/or storage or warehousing of products similar to those listed in other permitted uses in this group. 6. Construction industries such as general contractors, elec- trical contractors, plumbing contractors, etc., and their accessory and incidental office uses. 7. Blueprinting, photostatting, photoengraving, printing, pub- lishing, and bookbinding. 8. Administrative and professional offices, limited to: a) offices which are associated with any permitted industrial use, or b) offices which do not attract nor are primarily dependent upon business customers visiting the office. Permitted offices include, but are not limited to, corpo- rate offices, regional offices, general offices, and pro- fessional offices as accountants, attorneys, engineers, architects, and planners. Prohibited offices include, but are not limited to, banks and financial institutions, medi- cal and dental offices, employment agencies, real estate agencies, and travel agencies. 9. Employee cafeteria, cafe, restaurant, or auditorium acces- sory with and incidental to a permitted use (intended pri- marily for the express use of those persons employed at the firm or use where such incidental use is applied). 10. Accessory uses and structures when related and incidental to a permitted use such as, but not limited to, food prepa- ration, food service, and eating facilities. AREA 2 Area 2 is designated for community, regional service, and travel service commercial uses, industrial support uses, and business and professional office uses. 13 Commercial areas in the Carlsbad Research Center are intended to service the needs of the employees and businesses located in this business park. The commercial uses are not intended and will not be designed to draw traffic from El Camino Real. Permitted uses in Area 2 are: 1. Retail commercial businesses (oriented to needs of park employees); 2. Commercial service businesses (oriented to needs of park employees and businesses); 3. Personal service businesses; 4. Financial service businesses; 5. Blueprinting, photostatting, photoengraving, printing, pub- lishing, and bookkeeping; 6. Administrative, professional, and business offices; 7. Health or athletic club facilities; 8. Service stations; 9. Hotels and motels. Permitted uses that draw patronage from outside the park should have peak operating times after normal business hours so as not to interfere with normal traffic progression. Uses in this category allowed in Area 2 are: 1. Restaurants; 2. Theaters. In order to ensure that the entire commercial area adjacent to El Camino Real is developed in a safe, efficient, and attractive manner, a site develop- ment plan shall be submitted for Area 2 adjacent to El Camino Real pursuant to Chapter 21.06 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (Q Overlay Zone). No development shall occur within Area 2 until the site development plan is approved. Any development within Area 2 shall conform to the site development plan as approved. WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY AND RESERVOTR" The wastewater reclamation facility and reservoir shown on the west side of the Carlsbad Research Center, if approved, shall be developed subject to the standards of the Public Utility Zone, Section 21.36 of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. The wastewater facilities may actually be located within one kilo- meter of the proposed location, as shown on the Carlsbad Pacific land use plan. Approval of such facility may require addition of conditions to this Spe- cific Plan to provide for such items as odor easements, CC&R amendments, hold- harmless agreements for plant operation, and other conditions necessary to accommodate development of such a facility as part of the Specific Plan area. The City Manager may add such conditions which shall become a part of this plan with Council concurrence. 14 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The intent of this section is to provide the maximum opportunity for cre- ative site planning and building design on individual parcels, while ensuring that the development is established and maintained in a manner consistent with a high-quality industrial park development. Due to the curvilinear nature of the street pattern, difference in pad elevations, range of lot sizes, and mix- ture of proposed land uses, there will be a pleasing variety of setbacks, sep- arations between buildings, building heights, and architectural styles. As a counterpoint to this variety, visual continuity will be provided by common landscape treatment along the special landscaped streets. BUILDING SETBACKS All setbacks shall be measured from the property line. For the purpose of this ordinance, a streetside property line is that line created by the ultimate right-of-way line of the frontage street. 1. Streetside Setback. No structure shall be located within 30 feet of any streetside property line, except that unsup- ported roofs or sun screens may project six feet into the setback area. The following improvements are specifically permitted in the streetside setback: a. Walks; b. Paving and associated curbing, except that vehicle parking areas shall not be permitted within 30 feet of the streetside property line or lines of special land- scaped streets or within 10 feet of the streetside property line of other streets. c. Landscaping; d. Planters, architectural fences, or walls not to exceed three feet in height. In the case of through lots extending from street to street, both street frontages shall be treated as a street- side setback. 2. Interior Setback. No setback shall be required on interior lot lines, except that if any setback is provided it shall be a minimum of 10 feet. 3. Figures 4 and 5 represent a graphic example of how setbacks on special streets and interior streets should be treated. Treatment is not limited to the method depicted in this graphic, however. 15 4 Street Setbacks - Interior Street CL T 26' ROADWAY 10'10' SETBACK R.O.W. BUILDING OR PARKING 16 Street Setbacks - Special Landscape Street CL BUILDING OR PARKING R.O.W. 17 SITE COVERAGE Maximum building coverage shall not exceed 50% of the lot area. BUILDING HEIGHT The maximum height of structures within the industrial park shall not exceed 35 feet. However, it is recognized that this project may contain sites where taller buildings would be appropriate. Any request for a structure in excess of 35 feet would require an amendment to the C-M zone and to this Spe- cific Plan. PARKING Offstreet parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs for the site. The following standards exceed the regular City standards and shall be used to determine parking requirements. Uses not covered below shall comply with regular City standards as required by Chapter 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 1. Manufacture, Research, and Assembly. One space for each 500 square feet of floor area. 2. Warehouse. One space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area for the first 20,000 square feet; one space for each 2,000 square feet of floor area for the second 20,000 square feet; one space for each 4,000 square feet of floor area for areas in excess of the initial 40,000 square feet of floor area of the building. 3. Office. One space for each 350 square feet of gross floor area. 4. Commercial. a. Retail and Service Commercial. One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. b. Restaurants, One space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area. c. Hotels/Motels. One space for each guest room. d. Multiple Use. Where two or more uses occupy a single structure, the parking requirement shall be determined by calculating the requirement for each use individual- ly based on its proportional share of the total floor area. No change to a use requiring more parking will 18 be allowed unless the additional parking for the new use is provided. If additional parking is not added as required, the City shall deny any license or permit applications required for such uses by the Carlsbad Municipal Code. LANDSCAPING All development within the park shall be landscaped by the developer in accordance with the following standards. As a portion of the total landscap- ing scheme of the Carlsbad Research Center, certain streets have been desig- nated as "Special Landscaped Streets." Landscape treatment along the frontag- es of said streets requires special consideration and therefore is referred to under separate sections in the following landscaping standards. The Carlsbad Research Center will contain and the developer shall install a dual water system so that all landscaped areas will be maintained with reclaimed water. 1. General Requirements. A minimum of 15% of each building site shall belandscaped. All landscaped areas shall be provided with irrigation systems and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly fashion. The required landscaping may be distributed in any fashion, but shall at a minimum include the following areas. 2. Streetside Setback Area a. General Statement. Landscaping in these areas shall consist of an effective combination of street trees, trees, groundcover, and shrubbery. b. Special Landscaped Street (El Camino Real, College Boulevard, and Street B). The entire area between the curb and the building setback line shall be landscaped, except for any approved driveway in said area. c. Other Streets. The entire area between the curb and a point 10 feet in back of the front property line shall be landscaped except for any approved driveway in said area. d. Berms. The landscape plans for all streetside setbacks shall include landscaped berms except as noted below. The average height of such berms shall be 42 inches for special landscape streets and 30 inches for all other streets. The height of the berm shall be measured from the street curb or parking lot curb, whichever is high- er. If the parking area is more than 36 inches below street level, the berm may be 18 inches (above the 19 street). Where the entire area between the street and the building is to be landscaped and is free of park- ing, the berms may be lowered or eliminated (see Figure 6 for graphic example of typical streetscape and berm- ing). e. Intersections. Landscaping and berms, except trees, along all streets and boundaries shall be limited to a height of not more than 2-1/2 feet within the triangle bounded by a line drawn between points 35 feet distant from the intersection of the right-of-way lines pro- longed. 3. Interior Setbacks a. General Statement. All unpaved areas not utilized for parking andstorage, or designated undeveloped areas, shall, be landscaped utilizing groundcover and/or shrub and tree materials. b. Undeveloped Areas. Undeveloped or unpaved areas pro- posedforfuture expansion shall be maintained by developer/owner/lessee in a weed-free condition, but need not be landscaped. c- Screening. Areas used for parking shall be landscaped in such a manner as to interrupt or screen said areas from view from access streets and adjacent properties. Plant m aterials used for this purpose shall consist of lineal or grouped masses of shrubs and/or trees. 4. Parking Areas. Trees, equal in number to one per each five parking stalls, shall be provided in the area. The trees may be distributed evenly throughout the area or may be grouped or clustered in order to create a random pattern. 5. Slope Banks. All slope banks greater than 5:1 or 6 feet in vertical height and adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be stabilized, planted, and irrigated as required by the City Engineer. 6. Entryways. All primary entryways to the industrial park shall receive special landscape and sign treatment. Such treatment shall include a distinctive landscape design con- sisting of groundcover and hedgerows combined with contour berming. Signing within the entryways shall be limited to ground signs which contain only the name of the industrial park and conform to the sign and graphic standards of this plan. Plans for entryways shall be submitted to the Plan- ning Director for approval prior to development. 20 Typical Street Landscaping BUILDING OR PARKING 4:1 SLOPE WITH TURF BERM HEIGHT 2:1 SLOPE WITH GROUNDCOVER 30' SETBACK 10' PARKWAY ROADWAY R.O.W. 40' LANDSCAPED AREA 21 7. Landscape Plans. A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior to issuance of building permits for each development. SIGN AND GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS 1. General Standards a. Only one single or double-face permanent sign will be allowed per street frontage per tenant (except as otherwise indicated). b. Signs will be restricted to advertising only the per- son, firm, company, or corporation operating the use conducted on the site or the products sold therein. c. The area of a wall sign will be measured by a rectangle around the outside of the lettering and/or pictorial symbol. d. All signs attached to the building will be surface- mounted. e. Signs visible from the exterior of any building may be lighted, but no signs or any other contrivance will be devised or constructed so as to rotate, gyrate, blink, move, or appear to move in any fashion. f. Public service devices such as clocks and temperature indicators will be devoid of advertising. 2. Wall Signs a. No wall sign will exceed an area equal to 1-1/2 square feet of sign area for each foot of lineal frontage of the building or store. Total signage shall not exceed 200 square feet in area or comprise more than 10% of the area of the elevation upon which the sign is locat- ed, whichever is less. b. In multi-tenant industrial or office buildings, each individual business may have a wall sign over the entrance to identify the tenant. Said sign will give only the name of the company and will be limited to letters six inches high. Said signs will be oriented toward the parking or pedestrian area for that building and shall not exceed a maximum area of five square feet. c. In multi-tenant commercial buildings, each ground-floor business may have one wall sign per building frontage. 22 Said signs shall not be located above the ground-floor facia. Each sign shall be limited to an area equal to 10% of the business face upon which it is located, or a maximum of 35 square feet. 3. Ground (or Free-Standing) Signs a. Ground signs shall not exceed four feet above grade in height or more than 1-1/2 square feet in area for each foot of lineal frontage of the building or store. How- ever, no sign shall exceed 200 square feet in area (100 square feet per face, two-face maximum). b. Every lot may have at least one ground sign. Addition- al ground signs may be added for every 200 square feet of street frontage in excess of the first 100 feet of street frontage. c. No ground sign shall be located within 100 feet of another ground sign. 4. Miscellaneous Signs a. Temporary Identification Signs 1) Sale or lease sign. One sign not to exceed 15 square feet in area advertising the sale, lease, or hire of the site will be allowed. 2) Construction sign. One sign not to exceed 20 square feet in area denoting the architects, engineers, contractor, and other related subjects will be allowed at commencement of construction. Said sign will be removed at the time the building is fit for occupancy. 3) Temporary future tenant sign. One sign allowing the identification of future tenants and other persons will be allowed. Such signs shall not exceed 20 square feet in area. b. Special-Purpose and Directional Signs. Directional and special-purpose signs (such as those identifying mini- parks) shall be allowed, subject to approval of the Planning Director. LOADING AREAS 1. On special landscaped streets, no loading shall be allowed which is visible from adjacent streets. 23 * 2. On other than special landscaped streets, streetside load- ing shall be allowed provided the loading dock is set back a minimum of 70 feet from the street right-of-way line. Said loading area must be screened from adjacent streets. ^ STORAGE AREAS 1. All outdoor storage shall be visually screened from adja- cent streets and property. Said screening shall consist of a solid concrete or masonry wall not less than six feet in height. Outdoor storage shall include the parking of all ^ company-owned or operated motor vehicles with the exception of regular passenger vehicles (automobiles). 2. No storage shall be permitted between streetside and the building line. 4 METAL STRUCTURES No structures with metal siding or sheeting exteriors shall be permitted. REFUSE COLLECTION AREAS 4 1. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened from access streets and adjacent property by a block wall six feet in height. All such areas shall have concrete floors, and shall be of suffi- cient size to contain all refuse generated by the business. These areas shall be no less than six by eight feet in 4 size. 2. No refuse collection areas shall be permitted between streetside and the building line. TELEPHONE AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE * All "onsite" electrical lines (excluding transmission lines) and tele- phone lines shall be placed underground. Transformer or terminal equipment shall be visually screened from view from streets and adjacent properties. NUISANCES * No portion of the property shall be used in violation of the performance standards of this plan or in such a manner as to create a public or private nuisance. SCREENING OF EQUIPMENT * Exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and venti- lating systems (including but not limited to piping, tanks, stacks, collec- 24 tors, heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment fans, blowers, ductwork, vents, louvers, meters, compressors, motors, incinerators, ovens, etc.) shall not be directly visible from a height of five feet above any ground or ground- floor elevation at a distance closer than 500 feet from the closest building wall on any lot. MINI-PARKS Eight mini-parks of between 3,000 and 4,000 square feet in area shall be constructed to provide passive rest and picnic areas for employees of and vis- itors to the Carlsbad Research Center. Each park shall be developed according to the requirements of the City's Parks and Recreation Director. Prior to development of any phase, plans for construction of all parks within that phase shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Director for approval. The specific location of each mini-park shall be determined by the tenta- tive map or maps for the property. The locations shall be consistent with the land use map of this plan. The mini-parks shall be maintained by the property owners through a prop- erty owners' association according to standards established by the Parks and Recreation Director. Each mini-park will incorporate berms, landscaping, and furniture (to include picnic benches, tables, and trash receptacles). AMENDMENT TO PLAN If the County of San Diego purchases a portion of the site for expansion of the Palomar Airport facility, an amendment to this plan shall be required. Development of these remaining portions of the site affected by the County's acquisition shall not proceed until the amendment has been approved by the City Council. 25 GENERAL NOTES AND MITIGATION MEASURES The following general notes and mitigation measures shall control overall development of the Carlsbad Research Center. The developer shall be respons- ible for implementing the mitigation measures of this part of the plan, which is based on the EIR for the project. GENERAL 1. Except as specified in this plan, the requirements of the C-M zone and all other applicable provisions of the zoning, subdivision, grading, and building codes of the City of Carlsbad shall apply. 2. Where minor questions arise regarding interpretation of this Specific Plan, the Planning Director shall resolve them in a manner consistent with the Municipal Code, adopted City Plans, and with City policy. Such decisions by the Planning Director may be appealed as presented in the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 3. The developer or association shall be responsible for maintaining all natural canyon areas, mini-parks, fill and cut slopes adjacent to public streets, and special landscaped areas as outlined in this text. GRADING/FOUNDATION DESIGN 4. The conclusions and recommendations of the final geotechnical study required by the Subdivision Map Act shall be incorporated into the proj- ect. 5. The ultimate engineering design of the project will incorporate the spe- •cific recommendations of the geology consultant relative to design cri- teria and foundation development. 6. Clearing of groundcover in advance of actual grading operations will be avoided. DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL/WATER QUALITY 7. A master plan of drainage for the site shall be prepared and submitted to the City of Carlsbad for approval in conjunction with the first tentative tract map. Such plan shall be consistent with the Master Drainage Plan of the City as adopted by the City Council. The developer shall be responsible for constructing any drainage facility required as part of tentative map approval. 8. A plan for siltation control of all storm runoff from the property during construction and initial operation of the tract, and maintenance of silt control facilities during normal operation, shall be prepared by the developer and submitted to the City of Carlsbad for approval prior to approval of the final map for each element of the development. 26 9. Drainage and siltation control facilities shall be constructed by the developer prior to or concurrent with grading operations. 10. Groundcover suitable for slope erosion control will be planted and main- tained by the developer immediately following grading. 11. A regular streetcleaning program will be implemented by the developer or the property owners' association to minimize pollutant runoff from inter- nal roadways related to the project. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Recognizing that a vernal pool protection plan is now being prepared by the City of San Diego in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which will more adequately delineate the criteria for and methods of protecting vernal pool resourc- es, the southeastern portion of the site containing 17 of the 20 identi- fied pools (Figure 7) will be left undeveloped until such time as the vernal pool protection plan is made available and appropriate mitigation measures are implemented based on the findings of the protection plan. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 13. A qualified archaeologist will conduct the surface collection and proper disposition of the rhyolite flake scatter (CA-SDi-7230) prior to issuance of a grading permit. 14. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the developer shall hire a quali- fied archaeologist to conduct test-level investigations on sites CA-SDi- 6832/W-1892/W601 and CA-SD1-6833/W-1893 which lie within the project boundary. These investigations will determine the significance and research potential of the sites. Results of these tests shall be submit- ted to the City. Based on the findings of the test-level investigations, final mitigation measures will be developed. Such measures could consist of recommendations for preservation, salvage excavation of a representa- tive portion of the site, or clearance for development. The developer shall be responsible for implementing the mitigation measures resulting from said tests. 15. The developer will refrain from any activity which may cause indirect or direct impacts to W-123 (Page 31, EIR 80-3). Drainage, grading, and ero- sion control plans will be reviewed for offsite impacts. If necessary, temporary fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the project site adjacent to the archaeological site, as identified in the EIR. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES 16. A qualified paleontologist will be present at all pregrade meetings (as required by the City's grading ordinance) to determine at what stages of grading and at what locations the paleontologist will be present during grading operations. 27 Location of Vernal Pools Vernal Pools 11 & 12 Vernal Pool 13 Vernal Pools 1 - 10 and 14 - 20 28 17. Paleontological sites uncovered during grading operations and termed sig- nificant by the inspecting paleontologist will be left exposed until fossil collection and appropriate investigations are accomplished. LAND USE 18. The northwesterly portion of the site is adjacent to an area designated for future residential development (Figure 3). This portion of the proj- ect site shall receive special design consideration, and a plan showing special setbacks, landscape requirements, and other design features shall be submitted to the City prior to recordation of the final map. At a minimum, the following standards shall apply: a. All structures shall be set back 30 feet from the exterior prop- erty line of the industrial park. b. No loading docks, outdoor storage areas, or refuse collection areas shall be permitted within 70 feet of the exterior property line of the industrial park. c. All areas within 70 feet of the exterior property line of the industrial park not used for parking shall be landscaped. d. All ground-level and rooftop mechanical equipment shall be com- pletely screened with concrete block or wood material. e. All lighting shall be located and shaded in order to preclude any direct illumination offsite. It should be noted that the adjacent residential development shares the responsibility for ensuring that an adequate buffer area is provided, and the design of that project should prevent residential uses from conflict- ing with industrial uses. 19. All landscaping along street rights-of-way shall be installed in accord- ance with a landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect. Said plan shall be submitted in conjunction with the final map for each element of the development. CIRCULATION 20. All recommendations included in the traffic study regarding intersection geometries and roadway assignments will be incorporated into the project as a requirement for development unless otherwise addressed. NOISE 21. Noise-sensitive uses (e.g., recording studios, some medical offices, etc.) will be advised to locate away from areas experiencing high Commun- ity Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL). 29 SERVICES AND UTILITIES 22. No development in the Specific Plan area shall occur until the City Coun- cil has determined that sewer service will be adequate to serve the site. The City of Carlsbad has approved in concept a Wastewater Reclamation Master Plan. The project sponsor will conduct a site-specific study to determine the feasibility of implementing part of the plan by construct- ing an onsite satellite treatment plant to service the site and surround- ing area. All appropriate environmental and planning analysis will be conducted in relation to the proposed treatment facility. 24. This project shall be approved under the express condition that the applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 24, 1979, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee. A copy of that agreement, dated June 25, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this applica- tion will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. 30 LEGAL DESCRIPTION This plan shall apply to the following described property: Those portions of lots "F" and "G" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, part in the City of Carlsbad and part in the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego, State of California, according to the partition map thereof No. 823, filed in the office of the county recorder of such county, November 16, 1896, described as follows: Commencing at point 1 of said lot "F" as shown on said map; thence along the boundary line of said lot "F" south 25°33'56" east, 229.00 feet to point 23 of said lot "F" and south 54°40'19" east, 1347.00 feet; thence leaving said boundary line south 35019'44" west, 41.28 feet to the true point of beginning, which point is the true point of beginning, of the land described in deed to Japatul Corporation recorded December 8, 1975, at recorder's file/page No. 345107 of official records to said county; thence along the boundary line of said land south 35°19'44" west, 2216.46 feet and north 53°02'49" west 1214.69 feet to the northeast corner of the land described in deed to Japatul Corpora- tion recorded December 8, 1975, at recorder's file/page No. 345103 of said official records; thence along the boundary lines of said land as follows: West, 1550 feet, more or less, to the boundary of said lot "F"; south 00°12' 00" west, 550 feet, more or less, to point 5 of said lot "F"; south 10° 25 '10" east along a straight line between said point 5 and point 14 of said lot "F", to point 14 of said lot "F": thence along the boundary of said lot "F" south 52°15'45" east (record south 51°00'00" east) 1860.74 feet more of less to the most westerly corner of the land conveyed to James L. Hieatt, et ux, by deed recorded June 11, 1913, in Book 617 page 54 of deed, records of said county; thence along the northwesterly and northeasterly boundary of Hieatt's land as follows: North 25°00'00" east, 594.00 feet and south 52°15' 45" east (record south 5ro0'00" east per deed) 1348.61 feet to a point of intersection with the northerly line of Palomar County Airport, said point being on the boundary of the land conveyed to Japatul Corporation by deed recorded December 8, 1975, at recorder's file/page No. 345107 of said official records; thence along said boundary as follows: North 79°10'00" east, 4052.22 feet north 10° 50 '00" west, 500.00 feet; north 79°10'00" east 262.00 feet, south 10°50'00" east, 500.00 feet; north 79°10'00" east, 1005 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of the land conveyed to the County of San Diego by deed recorded May 28, 1970, at recorder's file/page No. 93075 of said official records; thence continuing along the boundary of last said Japatul Corporation's land north 38°42'44" west, 2510-.58 feet to the beginning of a tangent 1845.00 foot radius curve concave northeasterly; along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 14°25'52" a distance of 464.70 feet to a point of the southerly boundary of the land allotted to Thalia Kelly Considine, et al , by partial final judgment in partition, recorded January 18, 1963, at recorder's file/page No. 11643 of said official records; thence continuing along last said Japatul Corporation's land south 67°50'28" west, 1392.80 feet" north 33° 08' 52" west, 915.12 feet and north 00e30'53" west, 1290.37 feet to the southerly line of said land conveyed to the County of San Diego, being also the northerly line of last said Japatul 31 Corporation's land; thence along said common line north 74°57'25" west, 427.67 feet to the beginning of a tangent 2045.00 foot radius curve concave norther- ly; and westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 16°59'24", a distance of 606.41 feet to the true point of beginning. I t i PLACE MAP HERE 00 C wcw \ a t i 0 LIMITATIONS 1) Approval of this Specific Plan indicates acceptance 2 the City Council of the general framework for develol of the subject property and of the developmental star contained herein. As part of the city's ongoing plai process, this plan is subject to future amendments b: city. Development plans for specific sites shall be subjec. the requirement standards established by this plan ai be evaluated in accord with lvrunicipal Ordinance in fc at the time the plans are before the City Council fo: approval. Approval and construction of a part of thi development described in this plan shall not vest an rights in the balance of this specific plan nor crea any vested rights to the approval of subsequent deve not constitute a guarantee that individual developme within the area covered by the plan will be approved that the availability of public facilities and servi will necessarily coincide with the developer's timet for construction or the phasing plan. Availability public facilities will be evaluated on a project by project basis. 2) ments in the subject area. Approval of this plan do 3) Nothing in these limitations shall preclude city and developer from entering into a development agreement pursuant to Section 65864 et. seq. of the Government The terms and conditions of any such agreement shall control over these limitations. "4) Approval of such facility may require the addition of conditions to this Specific Plan to provide for iterr such as odor easements; CC&R amendments; hold harmless agreements for plant operation: and other conditions necessary to accommodate the development such a facility as a part of the Specific Plan area. The City Manager may add such conditions which shall become a part of this plan with the concurrence of t City Council. CG : ar 8/11/80 * Number 4 is not actually one of the "limitations" incli by the Attorney's Office but is included here because ( objections from the developer. This clause can be foul page 13 of the draft specific plan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SO 11 12 13 14 35 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PLA I@ L NG COMMISSION RESOLUTION !!!I . 1652 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SP-180, FOR A 558-6 ACRE INDUSTRIE PARK GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF PALOPlAR AIRPORT ROAD- CASE NO: SP-180 APPLICANT: MOLL CONPAHY WHEREASr a verified. application for certain propert: Those portions of Lots 19FsJ and "G" of Rancho Agua HI area of the County of San Diego, State of Californi, according to the partition map thereof No. 832, fill the Office sf the County Recorder of such County, MI 16, 1896 part in the City sf Carlsbad and part in the uninco. has been filed with the City sf Carlsbad and referred to Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a re provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on th.e 11th an of June, 1980, and the 23rd day of July, 1980, hold dull public hearings as prescribed by law to consider said rc 9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and c all testimony and arguments, if any, sf all persons desj /heard, said Commission considered all factors relating I Specific Plan; and i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Plann. Lomission as follows: ' A) B) I That the above recitations are true and correct. That based on the evidence presented at the public the Planning Commission recommends that the City C adopt an ordinance approving SP-180 based on the f I 26 27 28 I //// //// //// I1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 3.7 le 19 20 21 22 23 24' 25 2G 28 27 e W Findings 1) The site is physically suitable in size and shape tc accommodate the proposed uses because the Specific . provides standards for development which accumodatl project with the site. The proposed uses will not be detrimental to adjoin properties €or the reasons outlined in the staff re This project will not cause any significant adverse the environment because the mitigation measures of recommended €or certification by the Planning Commi been incorporated into the Specific Plan, The project is consistent with all city public fac: and ordinances because the Specific Plan prohibits development on the site without the proper public : The specific plan is consistent with the Carlsbad ( and with Sections 65451 and 65452 of the Governmenl regulake the use of Specific Plans, 2) 3) 4) 5) Conditions 1) Approval is granted for SP-180, for the area as sh Figure 3, of the "Carlsbad Pacific Business Park S dated July 18, 1980, incorporated by reference and in the Planning Department, 1 2) All standards and provisions established in the da entitled "Carlsbad Pacific Business Park Specific dated July 18, 1980, including any changes made by Planning Commission at said public hearing, and ir by reference, shall be met by any future developme occurring within the boundaries of this Specific I This project is approved upon the express conditic applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as rec City Council Policy No. 17, dated August 29, 1979 with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by rej according to the agreement signed by the applicani of said fee a copy of that agreement dated June 2 on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated h reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, application will not be consistent wit'n the G, ener approval for this project shall be void. This project is approved upon the express conditi building permits will not be issued for develope subject property unless the City Engineer determi sewer facilities are available at the time of aps such sewer permits and will continue to be avai:lz I ' 3) j I i i 4) I I //// PC RES0 8 1652 -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 9 10 8! 11 12 13 14 15 k 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e Ir PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, the 23rd day of Julyr 1980, by the following vote, to wi4 AYES: NOES: Eone ABSENT: None Schick, Larson, Friestedt, Rombotis, MarcusF ABSTAIN: Leeds - * EDWIN S, SCHICK, JR, CARLSBAD PLANNING CC ATTEST: G&,fyfl P5ZF&?&&&& S C. HAGAKAN/’Seccp tary ’ k ARLSBAD PLANNING CBIMISSION i I I I i I PC RES0 #1652 -3- f i 6 rn KKEiNlRANDUM * DATE: August 25, 1980 TO: rlayor and City Council FRUM : City Attorney SUBJECT: CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAN (sP-18( 'The staff report on the referenced project identifies a serie limitations as an unresolved issue. As a result of some addi discussions between our office and representatives of Koll, t matter has been resolved. Item No. 4, dealing with additional conditions as may be nece to accommodate the proposed sewer plant, appears on Page 13 o the specific plan. Item NO. 3, regarding the possibility of a development agreem is not a necessary part of the specific plan at this time. 1 or may not become appropriate in the future to discass a deve ment agreement further. It is a matter to be evaluated on it own merits at that tix.2. LQ the event the Council wishes to approve the specific pian directs the attorney to prepare documents, the substance of 1 No. 1 and 2 will be included in the ordinance which our offic will prepare adopting the plan and will not be included undel heading of "Limitations" in the body of the specific plan itE The ordinance will reflect the wording of Items No. I and 2, the exception of the second complete sentence in Item No. 2, beginning with approval and construction, which will be deleted. The chzirgzs discussed above The developer has no objections. are acceptable to the developer xe are satisfied that they adequately meet the City's needs. 'r \, 1 \ ,' VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. 1; City Attorney VFB/mla cc.: city Manager g. -9- ‘4 ->’ @ 12, &/&,>J. [F) f.p ?P CQ s ;< FZ e \\ @kL& b .I qc2 - ,-- 1t.l ‘ sb 47 - .r/ ,(-‘?. \?; 1 42 ~~~~~~~~~~~ . August 27, 1980 1 To All Concerned Parties: For reasons of brevity ani! qualTty, thp_ ownership of the property presently in planning as the Carlsbad Pacific Business Park, is chang the riame to CARLSBAD RESEAftCH CEKER (CRC). We claim no pride of aut ship. The name is derived from the premiere research and manufacturi busitTess park in Northern California, the Stanford Research Center. ’ referencina the sr?bject development, it is our request that the title Carfsbad Research Center be, used, Thank you for your cooperation. S irxerely, THE KOLL- COWA19’2‘ . /7 /‘!/ >/ /t&&J!p Bernard E. ipp President, Southern Divisim I t 7330 Engineer Road n San Dego * California 921 7 1 e (714) 232-5550 ~ d .~ .- i- J I ,.. 4 i i. i i i I i I_ , I i ! 1 ! I 1 .e* i t rF SF: 1 / I f -*------ __-- e 3G=-* ~ ~~ :_ 7i-- --- . .. ~ _=- - - -..- . ~ ..- .. .i .. . .- *. spec - ~- ~ ~~ -- :--- xZ=:-c:---:-->---- - ~-