HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-26; City Council; 6343; LEASE OF STORAGE SPACEI) I I I CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 63 L/3 DATE : DE P ARTM EX : AunuSt 26, 1 98fl C. Mgr. 2 Purchasi n? -- SUBJECT: Lease of Storaqe Snace Statement of the Matter At the present time there is a shortafle of adequate storage sDace in existing facilities. buildin? that is easilv accessible, we11 ventilated and reasonable in cost. Several deDartments are Dresentlv rentin? anproximately 729 so. ft. of storage sDace in the mini storaae facilities at Ponto. $2,581 for rental of snace at these facilities. available, the space at Ponto would no longer be needed. Staff has surveved the area for possible sites and recommends leasing 5,760 sa. of space at Palonar Airnort Business Park. The cost to lease this space for thc remaininq ten months of 19Rr)-81 is 418,a32. Fourteen thousand five hundred eigl one dollars ($14,581) has been allocated for storage rental in the 1980-81 budqc remaining cost of leasing the storage facilities, a transfer of $3,851 from the Con ti ncrency Fund wi 1 1 be needed. Fiscal Imact The total cost of this proposal is 321,432. Seventeen thousand five hundred eiqlitv one dollars (917,581) is available in 1980-81 Budget. An additional $3,851 is needed from the Continnencv Fund. from the Continqencv Fund, there will be a balance of $856,581. Exhibits 1. Reoort to Citv Manager dated August 15, 1980. 2. 3. Recommendation Staff recornrends the Counci 1 adopt Resol uti on Yo. ,% 2 y$ anprovi ng the 1 ease for storaqe snace and for the transfer of funds to cover the cost of the lease. In order to provide suitable storage, it is necessary to have a The 198r)-81 budqet allocated If additional space becomes and $3,003 is included in the budqet for shelving. Therefore, to cover the After the apPronriation of $3,851 Resolution YO.(~J~& approving lease agreement and authorizing transfer of ft Diagram of Proposed Storage Space and Lease Agreement-Exhibit "A". Council Action: 8-26-80 Council Adopted Resolution 6286, approving the lease for a one-year peril m rn 0 Exhibit "1 + August 15, 19811 MEMORANDUM TO: City Yanager VIA: Assistant City Manager FROM: Purchasing Offi cer SUBJECT: Lease of Storage Space Recommendation The Council approve leasing storage space at Palomar Business Park and aporopriate $3,851 from the Continqency Fund to supplement the budgeted amount for storage space. Di s cuss i on Presently, Finance, Personnel, Purchasing, Police and Uti 1 i ties/Maintenance Departments are rentina approximately 720 so. ft. of storage snace in the mini storaqe facilities at Ponto. The locker rental cost is $.27 sq. ft. with an annual cost of $2,322 and additional space is needed to accommodate the increased need for storage. Staff has been investigating Possible storag areas that could be used for library books as well as for records, evidence, surplus property and some warehousino of supplies. Rental costs for suitable buildina on City property has been estimated to be $60,000, Building 10 at Palomar Business Park, 6351 Yarrow Drive contains 5,760 sq. ft of storaqe srJace. Staff has toured the building and has indicated the space meets their needs for storage. It is easily accessible, well ventilated and reasonable in cost. The fixed rent is $.27 sq. ft, and the tenant's share of the operating expenses is Q.05 sq. ft., making the total cost $.32 sq. ft. This calculates out to $1,843.20 a month or $18,432 for the remaining ten mon of FY 1980-81. Therefore, the total cost for storage rental and shelving is as follows: The Library has indicated $3,000 is adequate for shelving. $1 8,432 $21,432 Total Cost FY 1980-81 10 month lease cost 3,000 She1 vi nq cost The 1980-81 budget allocated the following amounts for storage rental and she1 vi ng: $ 625 Finance 630 Pol ice 776 Street Lighting 550 Mechanical Yaintenance 12,000 Library 3 ,OWl Shelving $17,581 Available for Rental and Shelving 1980-81 - m A summary of the costs is as follows: $21,432 $7$m- Cost of 10 month lease and shelving Needed to lease for 10 month 1980-81 17,581 Available for rental and shelving In order to lease the storage space at Palomar Business Park for the remaining ten months of FY 1980-81, a transfer of $3,851 from the Contingency Fund would be necessary. ,”- . i k i 4 ._ ,, - - Rut17 F1 etcher l 2 3 A RESOLUTIOY (1F THE CITY COLYCIL OF THE CJTY 9F CARLSBAD, CALfFCIRilI.4, HPPROVIfS A LEASE AGREEI!EWT EET!fiEE:! TIG CITY OF CARLSBAD AyD FALOf4AR 41 0- EEXVl\!?D !a,!. GI1.MORE fl,!!il AliTHi?RI ZII<G TI4E TRA!,lSFER OF FU!:IDS FOR r/ 8 9 io, .. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as foll 1. That that a certzin agreement between tile City of Carishad ar Palomai- 910-Bernard !!.I. Gilmore, a. copy of \d.rich is attached hereto marl. Exhibit 'IR'' and i ncorporat2d herein by reference 9 is hereby approved. il 2. That the transfer of t!iree thousand eight hundred fifty-cne < 12 l3 el4: a balance of $856,581 in the Contingency Fund. I lease of storage siace Ss hereby authorized and approved. This will ft I 3. That Depiirtment of Finance Fwd Transfer No. 6 on file in SZ' I JG PASSED, kFPRC'iED AND ii!NPTED by the Ci tj' COUiICjI 0.f the Cl'ty of i3 15 1 27 3.8 39 20 21 <I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Department and inccrporztzd by i-eferei-;.ce herein is approved.' ! adjourned at a/regular meeting held on the 26th 68.y P-? Auai~st 1980, by t fo'ilowin? vote, to wit: -.----I. i j AYES: Council Menbex Packard, Ca.sler, hear, Lewis and Kvlch~r NOES: None I j '7 ,q5s~r;-j: l\Iotie / -r> .I_ / ,d j;? /?x<- fi- ) i [c- ~.~~~~~~,~~~~~~~,~-., i,b i A' .________~~ I ROI\Ikl.D C. PACKARD 7 Mayor 1 ATTEST: 1 (q-0-p 9 /& J-4 j ---?kc- .x:-&. c\ :-i --A.d.&&&Z..9 (SEAL) ALETHA L. RAU.IENi:r.:k~,!Z, C-i ty Clerk 1. ... a a; ts 1 Exhi bi. _--I- _--- zI.uwIuIIpIY- ----.a.=nuzv--r~-;urra--~ p_u-__.___rA*.~i_ ---__ ._-. _____ .___ _-------_-------___ ____ .._._.___ --._- - _--._.___._ - S’I’AJVE/GXI FCj27-lbf MULTIPLE WCUPJLNCY LE. (NET) 8;p;pEp /=%+ f -- “2 - PALOMAR 910 - BERNARD W. GILMOXE .%, - Lessor ................................. ................ THE CITY OF CARLSUAD Lessee ............................................................... 0 June 25, 1980 J’h!rd a2 of .............................................................................. _._._ . .._...___________ _____._-..____ -._.__-_-__-c --.. ...--. ..-.....--. -.-- --.--- ..----------.-- -- --- .)___-_I __-_,,.____. 7v-,~_I _-___ L--c. .--_.. .... ,.*_ *.._ :- ~..-~-‘-.~~~..~-~~~-:.~I..--..,..---.. ’..>-X,;-z 0 ... e .. ~ A. DEFINED Tmus. Exri:iii-r.s. TAHLE OF C‘osxs-rs, PREMSL~S, COMMOS Xtw.s. 1. Dcf;ticil 7’crrm. Each refernice in this Ideiise to any of the follow.iiig titles shall irtcorporate the data stated for t1 Other ttnns ;!re iis deFiiwJ in the Lease. PALO3’AR 910 - BERNARD W. GILMORE Landlord: . . , .............................. .......................... a ......................................................................... ............._........... THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Ten ant : ............................... ........ . a ................................................................... Building Loc a t’ ion: Stfecthddress: 6351 Yarrow Dr B I Suite D Carlsbad, Ca City: County: San Diego State: California Tenant’s Floar Spce:, Apg roxirnately 5, 76 0 s . f . Total Rcntable F1oor Spce: Tenn: 1 . years. with option to renew for 1 yr,-with COL Approxirnat ell7 4 2 f 4 8 0 s . f . Fined ~ient: $1,555.2 o per month Tenant’s Share of Operating Expenses: 13 - 56%. 1. ..... --- _, Tc1;nnt’s Share of Impositions: 13 - 5 a. Tenmt’s SJinre of Iiisur~.nc~ I3xpc1iscs: 13 . 5 6 9il. Sclicduled Tern1 ~orn~nciiccincrnt Data: See Adcieil(jum - G I Sect:ion Q- 13 Li ab il i ty I 1 isti r nnce Am win ts : > Rodil). Iibjrir)- per pcrscm: 500,000 Bodily Inji~ry per ow\irrc‘ncc: 1 f 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 Prol3[.1.t y Ih In agr : 500,000 Doil vr 11 isu ra I I c‘c! : 500,000 1 .e 4 ., 1,;indlord's Co:istruction Rcprescn'. ,d i' 1\.cs: BERRAIID W. GILMORE Teliant's Construction Eepiesenta!i\,es: ROGER GREER Landlord's Address: 6351 Yarrow, A e/ Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 ...... . , . . Street ........... ... ....... ... ................. Tenant'sAddress: 1200 Elm St., Carlsbad, Ca. 52008 . .............. Street ...... ... . * ............... .... Permitted Uses: Any lawful uses consistant with the Declaration OF Covenants and Restrictions. Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions: Copy delivered. to Tena-nt Recorded: ... Octobe.r,.l,, 19.74,. ,&mended February 25, 1977 and May 2. Tabla of Contents. PO - ... X. Ilcfined Trrms, Eshi'l)its, Tn1,lc of Conients, Premises, Common Areas ... i,. B, 1,andlord's Improvernents ................. , ..................... ......... C. Term ................................................ ._. ...... .... D. Rent ........................................ ......................... E. Impositions ........................................................... <;. Repairs, Slaisitai;ix>w, AI ten tioils, Opernting Expenses ........................ I(. Tennnt's Fixtures and Personal Propcrty .......................................... 1. Utilitic-s ;~nd Boundaries . . ............................................... J. Us(, of Premises .................. -. ............................... I;. 1I.itit:t:e or Ilcstri~ction .......... ............ .......... I,. 13nIiiIcvit 1lorn;:in . .......................................... ...... hi. I)(-f;~iiIt ............................ ..,. .... ........... h' . F . 1 n si i r a n ce ............... .. ....................................... > ............................................... A \\ igi i I 1 I cn I ;i I I d S 11 1,1 ct t i I ig 0. Oflwt Sf:itcirir.iit, .At!ori~in~wi :!id Suhrdiri:i[ioii ...................... ..... P. Noticcs ... ................................................. 0. h 1 i !. CT I 1 :i1 I (Y)li s R. S\ ic.(.cssors Uo11 I id >..._ .. ............... ............... .... ........................ 2 - e w ‘ The following Exhibits ;Ire attached to this Lease after the signatures and are incorporated hen reference thereto. D?scrip tion: Exhibit A - Tenant’s FIocr Plan. *z%L$?+===T;e*~k%~&Jkv* 3. Prcn-tr’ses. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, subject to and \)iith the benefit of the provisions of this Lease, T Floor Space (“Demised Premises”) in the Building extending from the top surface of subfloor to the surface of ceilings nlmve but esclilding the Coinrnon stairvrays, stairwells, ldrnays, .~CC~SSW~~S, aid ducts, condiiits, wires and appurtenant fixtures serving exclusively or in common other parts. of the El md if Tenant’s Floor Space includes less thm the entire rentable area of any floor, excluding also the re3 of the Floor Common Area. ‘1 4. . Common Arecis. Tenant shall have, as appiirtenant to the Demised Premises, rizhts to we in common, subject to able rules from time to time made by Landlord of which Tenant is given notice: (a) GuiZdit2~ Cotn1110t1 Areas. Thz common stairways and accessivnys, Ionding docks and p! and any passageways thgreio, and the common pipes, ducts, conduits, wires and appurtenant ecp. sening the Demised Premises; (I]) Floor Cornmon /ireo. floor, the conxiioii lobbics, hailways, toilets and oth2r carninon facilirles; -rind If the Demised Premises include less than the eiltire rentab!e arc: ( C) l,nncl Cofnnzofi Area. Common vdways, sidewalks, and drivcwnys necessxy for ZCC~’! B~ildii~g and parking spaces lor itrea from time to ‘iirn: maintained 011 the real proycrty U;JO~ Y.; Building is located (“Lot”) and to the extent from time to time arrmged by Lindlord, h:i adjnc . property. 5. L~ndl~rcT.~ Rcscrvad Ri2ht.s in Con11nnn ATM.Y. Landlord reserves the right from time to time, lvithout iinrcaso.nnhlc interference with Tenant’s z To instali, use, niaiiitain, repair and replace pipes, dilcts, condui and nppmttnant meters and equipnicnt for service to other parts of the Building above tho ct’ faces, I)zlow the floor s:Irfactrs, within the \vnlls and in the centra! cmc: areas, and to reloc;>.te a ducts. conduits, wires :tiid a.ppurtcnniit mcters and equipment inrludetl it1 tlic Dcmisd Premis Are SO l~catd 01’ locntcd clseivlicre oxitside tht: IIzmised Prcrniscs; (a) Building Chatzges. (1,) I3nrinhr!/ C1inng:e.s. ( C) Fmilit!] Cticingcs. To change thc lines of the Lot; TO niter 01- rclocatc any othcr common facility; proviSe3, ho\i.cver, stitutions arc substantinlly cquivdcr,t or hettcr iri quality. I B. LArwrdom’s IX~~~OVI:MI:N.I-S. 1. Phi.?. t;al>s (“l’r.elirnin;~~-)~ ]’I;I~I:~’) id(!iltifietl in Lxhihit 13. for the. tonstriictioii of tlic II:.niised f’rCnliSCS. ;I; Prclimiti~iry I’?~~ILs. l,and!orrl 31ld TCLnnnt II:?VC nppro~cd the ~~~cliini~i:~~~ pl:ins :tiid otitIi11c 3 J e’ b. I:jna] Plat1.y. 14:il&~i-d shall Live 1irc.pixred final phis and specifications (“Final i’lans” ) SUI):;‘ tially in coilforniity wit!) thy I’rclin1i1iaIy Phis, which nccd Iiot incluck working or shop drawings. “Pi: shall hereiliaftpr nlc;ili I‘re1iiiii11;iry Plans ;itid then, when prqxirtd, Filial 1’1;ins. Filial f’lai.rs s!i;di be dclivr to Tenant as so011 ;is ie;iso1i:hly ~x~,ssi)~lc* frorn the dnte hereof, subject, howevcr to my period of dehy countered Iiy Landlord in such prep;ir;itiotl ns a result of reqiiests hy Tenant for changes in Final Plans 4 sequent to the date hereof. Wilhiri ten (IO) days after delivery of the Final Plans, Teiiar,t shall set fort writillq with partic[l]nrity and precisjoll, ;\1iy ~orrections or C~I;III~~S iiecessiiry to bring the Find Plans s(fljst;iriti;{l c(ll~f(,1~r~~ily wjf)i’f)ie Prclilllit 1;try ~lnils. twept tlmt Teit:ii>t m:~y ilot ohject to ~II)’ ~ogicd deV( ment or rcfiiicIncnt o‘f the Prelinliiiary PI;^. k*nilure to de~iwr to L;indIord written notiue Of NI~ SUC~ cc lions or changes within said. tcli (10) d;iy pcriod shall constitute approval of the Final P1a11s by Te Fo11owi~ig such approval of the Finn1 Phis, h:)th -parties shdJ eiidorse approval for filing purposes the in duplicate, and thereafter choiiges may I)e Inade only in nccordance with Section B-4. 2. Constms-fion. I.andlord, ;it its sole experise, shall proceed diligently with constnlcticnl aid completion of the De Premises suhstnnti;illy in nccordance M‘ith the Plans. Laridlctrd shnll complc.te the Demised Premises anc shall be rcady for occup;iiicy, :is defiiied in Srction R-5, by Tenmt not later than the: Sclteduled Term ~~en~ctmciit Dnte; provided, however. that the Scheduled Term Conxitencement Date sliail be extend a period of time rcpal to the period of any delny or delays encountered by Landlord affecting said \v construction I~ecniisr of fire, eartlic1uai;e, iiiclcnic.nt weatlrer, or other acts of God, acts of the public e riot, insurrection, go\~~rl1~npiit:tl repilatioiis of thy sales OF inateriais or supplies or the transportation t strikes or 11oyco:ts. shortages of rixiterinl or lall,or, Tei~int’s early entry iindcr the provisions of Sectic c\lnngcs in the Plans pmsunnt to Section El-4, or any other cmse beyond the control of Landlord. 3. Fiii!ii~e to Complete Construction. If tlic Demised Premises are [lot cornplctcd on or hefore the Sclicdulecl Terni Comnizicemcnt 1 extendcd pursuar’t to Section B-2, the sole ren-icdy of either party shall he thr option to te;ininr,te [hi: by the delivery to the other party of written notice within ten (10) Jays nfter the day .:x (6) following the Schcduled Term Cornmencernent Dnte, as cstended. i 4. C:hntige.s in PIuit.~. Tenant shall have tlir right to request ch;iiigrs in PI;iits, which request sliall not he uim!nsonal,\y provided, howeva-, that: (a) stich right sliall not he esrrcised uiireasonal)Iy, (I)) no siich request sll; atiy major stnictaral change in the l>en~ised Preinises, ( 0) Teiiant shd pay any additioiial cost re(] implcmt.iit such change inc~irrcd hy Ln~idlord, inchcliiig, without liinitation loss of rents, architecfi jncrensc. in coiistruction cost and olher clx~grs payable hereunder, cnusr~d by delay and Tci1::ni : I,andlorc\ eithcr for said costs up011 tkninnd or 1)y cntcrinfi into ;In aii?ciidinent to this J~v.se v,/liicll for ;i prclpctriioii~~tr. increase in Fixed Rent, thr mctliod of pyinciit to be at the uptioil of ~.,~ii~~~~~r~~, su& qllcsts shnll constiti:te ;\I) :igrtcwicnt oi) t?ic part of Tennlit to any dclay in completicjli e; reyie\ving,, processing anJ irripIcmcntiiig ti>[. cllilngo. 5. Co;,zple[io,i unrl Dvliixny. striictioir Iias Iwcw sul)st:uiti:tl!y ~oTII~~(~I~[~ jii xrorhiw wit11 tllv I’i:\w. I,:ti;d!(wi shall ~>rl~p;~r(:, -l’}i(. ))c.iniscyI Prtw&ts sli:i11 I)(, i.c.:idy for occupnllcy (“Ile:idy for Occ.~tp;~~~q~” ) \pjllcqi tj:rh \\:()I ]\is sigri;i:iirc., ;iiitl tlclivcr, iit dilplic;:!(, to ‘K~i1:;i~t ;I wi.itt(w st;~tc.rli;.nt c:*I-tif?gj!iy, (;I) tililt t\ie Pre11li::cs h:i\,t. IX:CI~ sul)st:iiiti;~lI\. coiilj>l~;cd ill ;IWOY(~XI>W with tlic. I’iaIis, nntl ;>.liy l>r()psl-jy ; c1);illI<cs or ai~ierid~ii~~.~t~ tIlt.rcof, id (I)) thy d;>tc of SIICII co~t;pI(,[io:~. ],:Iiid!(>:J sli;ill tfjliy~j~tly :Is Sooil ;is J~(!X,OiLa1)1~ p:)ssiIjI(-!, ;illy item of work niid idj~istl~~t.iit not coiiiI)!vtcd v;!lal tltc. ~>::~l>i~~~ aly ICc;1dy for 0::c~q’~LIl“)’. 4 ,' i - - e- 6. Quality of CorlstTuction. ~1 worl: s1)all be clone in ;1 good and c.orknnnlike mnnner and in eompIiancc with a11 applicable and Iavdul ordinances, by-laws. regulations and orders of governmentd authority and of the insurers I - Building. 7. Cotrstruction RcpresmtatiF. In conneckon with the construction of the Demised -Premises, each party shall be bound by it! strudtian Representative. A party may designate a substitute CORStrUCtiOn Rcprescntative by giving 7 notice to the other party. 8. Early Entry. With the prior written consent of Landiord, Tenant may at any time prior to the commencement Term, at its- sole risk, enter upon and instali such tradc fixtures and equipment in thz Demiscd PI as it may elect; provided, however, that (i) Tenant's early entry shali not intcifcre with Landlord's V construction OF cause labor dificulties; (ii) Tenant shall execute an, indemnity agreement i11 favor e! lord in form aid substmce satisfactory to Landlord; (iii) Tenant sha!l pay and provide evidence of ii:. .satisfactory to Landloid; and (iv) Tenant shali pay utility charges rezsmabfy zliocated to Tenant 1)) lord. Tenant shall not use the Deinised Preniscs for storage of ii>\rentory or otherwise c~mmeace :he tion of business W~~:IOU~ the express prior written consent of Landlord. c. TmhL 1. Comswricernmt of Tcrni. The term of this Lease shall comnence u.p3:1 thc earliest of the fo!lowing dates: (a) Schedu!cd Term Commencement Date, as may be extended; (b) The date on which the Demised Premises are Ready for Occupancy, ns set forth in See above; or (c) The date upon which Tenant actnally conmiei?ces to do business on the Demised.Prcr:ii . Landlord's written consent. D. RENT. 1. Fixed Kent. 1- Tenant sM1 pay the Fixed Rent to Landloid in :idvnncc upon the first clay of eac?i ca?cnchr r, thc Term, at L:xidior(Ys address or at SUC!~ other place desip:tt-ed by LandIoiJ in a notice to 'Yenant any prior dcrnnnci thercfor arid v;itho:it any drdud .e!dT w1rn:soevcr. If i!le Tcmi shall ~011li:l - eud on ;t day otixr thm tlw Grst chy of a cnlend;? :-:-PheJk Tcnant slta!I p~y, t1p"il the co:nriil data of ti12 Term or firs1 c!ny of the last c:tlc:ilJ:ir - n prarntn prtion of thc F'iscd I'icnt- c!:.s the foregoing prq~-:iph, prora [et3 011 a per dicni basis, wit11 respec: io thc pj ti(;;): of the fractionit1 q~:nitcr ii~~l~drtl in the 'I'cmm. 2. ArTdilio:iol knt. All ClinrGns IccjLIircd to 1): ]-ini<l ily 'Tenant l;crcandc.r, illdudin[: v.-ithit limit:xtiori pxymei-its fc tion:;, jnsui.~illce :gn(l rcp:iirs, sIxt1I 1,s cijiisidcid xcI~.liiion;il 1::nt {or- (lie ;>t!zpi>se.:; oI tiiis I,cnsc (''1 6 0 . m- .. Rent"), i111d I’cnnnt slinll pay Additional Iknt ~ipo:~ written. demand by 1,and.lord. “Rd’ shall incnn F’ Rent :md Additional Rent. 3. Interest. If any instalimcnt of Rent is not paid promptly when due, it shall bear interest at the Iower rate of e ten percent (107%) or the maximum rate permitted by law, from the date 011 which it is due untiI the dat which it is paid reF;,m-clItss of whether or not a notice of delcault or notice of termination has Iiecn give: Landlord. This provision shall not relieve ‘I’eilant from payment of Rcnt at the time ilnd in thz ninnner 11, specified. E. Ih~Posrnoxs. 1. Tenant’s 0hligution.s. Tenant shall pay to 1,aiidlord as Additional Rent, Tenant’s Share of Impositions miltiplied by the of the following: a11 real estate taxes and dl other taxes relating to the Demised Preniscs, all other which inny Le levied in lieri of real estate taxes, assessments, and other governmental charges, or levies, g( and special,’ ordinary 2nd cxtraordinary, unforeseen as well as foreseen, of any kind and nature for r improvements, sci-vices or lxncfits (hereina€tcr col!ectively referred to as “Impositions”), which. are ass1 levied, coriEmcd, imposed or become I lien upon the Demised Premises, Building md/or Lot, or bc payable dniing the Trmi: provided. however, that: (i ) Any Impositions shall lie prcmted lietwcen Lnndiord and Tenant so that Tenant shall pq that yroprtion thereof which the part of sudi pericd ~Atithin the Tern bears to the eniirc: period (ii) Any sild1 sum pyablc by Tcnan:, which would not otherwise be due until drcr the date termination of this 1,ease. shall he paid hy Tenant tt; Lnridlord upon such leniiinni-io:), 2. Iiista?Ir;i,ont Election. In the case of any hnpositioxs which may be evidenced by improvement or other bods or whicl be paid in nnniial or other periodic instnlhnents, Landlord shall elect to cause such bonds to he issr canse such assessment to I,c paid in instalirncmts over thp maximiim period pvmiitted by law. 3. Liinifnfioii. Nothing containrd in this 1,exsc sliall require Tenant to pay any franchise, corporntc, estate, inher succession, trnrisfer tax of I.andlord, or any inconic, profits or revenue tax or dinrge, upon tIiz net incc Landlord; p:.ovid.:d, l~owc\~r, that if at miy tinic dLiritli< tlic Tern-! under the laws of th:: IJnitcd Si-3:~: eri~nlent or thc stat(. in :vhich thc IIcniisccl I’renliscs arc: locatcd. or nny political subdiviciac thereof, a exci:;c on rent, or my othcr tax ho,w~.cver descrilxd, is Icvictl or nssessccl lty my such po:i:ical body L,;uiclt oi-d 01 i ;i~coti I i t of rc I) I :I 1 s 1x1 y ;I bI c: to Lnn d I oid , ’I’eli n n t sli all 1 ) ~y. on L: 1111 n cl red 11 r rct’i> t ( 109% ) s;iid tn:: or cscisr 011 ICII~ X; hdditionnl I<cII[. 4. Pdrsonnt ?ropcrt!y Tnxcs. .Tcn:\1it sli:il1 p;iy or c:I1lsc to I)(: p:!id, pi-ior to tklinquciic:y, n~~y :~IIC~ XI: ~XXCS :in<: :isscssi-iIf?nb I::v~c~ a]] trarjp fi~~~l~~:;, jn\;i.ntoriys ;\ii{l o;l~c.r p:.rsoii:il proi>!.ityr plntcd in ;III<I U~CIII tli~ T)cmiscrl I’r~ii~. ‘FC~I~:,llt. ci 1. 0. e 1;. INSlJItAXCK. 1. Firc ttrld Z*;xti~ntlc~rl (:(>tj<‘r(lgt*. Dnring thr Tcriii 1,nndlortl shdl pr(ic11rv and pxintaiii in full force and effect with rcspcct to the €hi :I policy (lr policies of fire insurance with vstended coverage endorscnlent attached, including vandaiisr Innlicious iiiischicf covcrage. :ind arly other endorsements rcquirecl by the holcler of any fee or lens rnortg;qy in ;in ainoiint pqtd to one. hiintfrd pcrcent ( l0W70) of the full insurance replacement value (re 111Ciit cost iitwr, inchicling debris rmwval, :\lid demolition) thereof. Tenant shill1 promptly pay to La: withit) five (5) days after der~xind tlwrefor :\II arnount ecp;d to Tenant‘s Shnre of Ins!imncc Expenses mu) by the premium or ;>remiurns on insuranccb maintained by Landlord pursuant to this Section. with app~ proration at the beginning end end (if the Terni. . 2, Pirldic Liuhtlitrl. I. Tciinnt shall, at its own cost nnct esprnse, keep and maintain in full force during the Term, a p3 policics of comprehensive pulilic liability insurance, written by an insurance company approved by Lz in the form custoniary to the l:)cality, insuring Tenant’s activities with respect to the Demised ?remises . loss, darnage or lidiility for pers(iiia1 injury or dec?th of my person or loss or damage to property oc in, ulmi or about the Demised Premises in amounts of not :ess than those set forth in Section A-1 hcxi for injury or death of any one person, for injury or dcadi uf all persons in any one occUrrencc, and for p damage and for drtrnage from boiler, if appiicable; provided, however, that if at any time durifig tiic Tenant shall have in full force and ‘efEect ;i blanket policy of public Iiabiiity insurance with the sanic c( for thc Ilemisd Premises as described above, as well as coverage of other premises 2nd properties 0: ’ or in which Tenant has some interest, such blanket insurance sh211 satisfy the requirement hereof. . 3. . Rcrz tal Ahate rrient Iruu mii: ce. Landlord shall keep nnd maintniii in full force and. efi‘eci during the Term, ren;al abatement in ;qg;iinst alxtteinent or loss of Rent in esse of fire or other casualty, in an an-ioutit at leest qua! ‘.o t!:e of the Keiit piya51e by Termit during oiic‘ year nest onsuing 3s reasonably determined by hndiord. shall py tct Lnn3lorcl within five (5) dzys niter Jcmand thcreltor ac!con-ip:tnied by evidciice of pay^ ninoiuit equal to Tenant’s Shnie of Iiisul-ance Expenses rnu!tipliecl by tlic premium or premiums on ii: maintaincd by Landlord pursunnt to this section, with appropriate proration at the beginning and the Term. 4. Iruwlance Certificates. Tenant shall furnish to Landlord, up(111 tho date of coinmcucement of this Lease and therenfte thirty (30) days prior to the expiration CJf each such policy, a certificate o€ insiirnnce issued by thc ii currier of each policy of insiirniice cnrricci by Tenant pursunnt hereto. Said certificates siinl? c:iprcs:;ly that siich policies slinll not Ix cancellable or subject to reduction of c:ovc;:igt: or otlicrwise bc 511 Inodific-ttion rixcept after thirty (30) c!ay’s prior \vrittcn riotire to thc partics nnmed as insurccts in ~ tj3n F-4. I,aiidlord, its siicccssors and assigns, nnd my nomii-ice of Lnndlord lioltling any intercs Xlcmiscc’t i’remises, iixliiding, \:.iLhout liniitation, any &;x oui-id lcssnr nnd the holder of any fee or 1 n1ui-ig:ig:c, sh~dI tic named :IS iiisurcds tinder each such policy of in!;iir~ricx ~n:,int:iiiied by Tenant j to this l.,t.asc.. 5. Z’eiimi’s Fuihrc. If ‘Jc.Iinnt fails lo mni!?tni:-i :my iiisun!ice rcqiiirt:d in this Lcasc, Tcii;tnt sliall be !inble for an cost yp~lltjljj: fr.o!n snit\ failure. ‘Yhis sc:ctio:i F-S slx~ll i10i 1~ C~CCII~~ to bc n w:iivcr c: ;iny 01 1, rjgllts ;!il(f ;.cinr:c!ics LliltlCr :UIY otlier SCC~~CIII 0: t!iis IJc;tsc!. 7 .I e W 6. Waiver of Srrhrogcrtion. Any policy or policies of fire, estcnded coverage or similar casualty insiir:ince, which either party cth in coni~ection with thc Deinised Premises shall include a clause or endorsement denying the insurer rights of sribrttgation against the other party to tlie extent rights have bees waiid by the insured prii the occiirrence of ‘injury or loss. Landlord and Tenant waive any rights of recovery against the okhc injury or loss dut. to hnz;\rds covercd 1)y insurance containing such n waiver of subrogation clause or ci~d nlc!it to the cstent of die illjury or loss covered tlierehy. 7. Tenarrt’s Fixtures. Tenant shnll assume tlie risk of dmiag!e to any fixture.; which remain the property of Tenant or which Tenant retains the riglit of removal froill the llerniscd Premises. (SEE Ar,DmLjuf;j ‘. 8. ltirlemnificcition of LrinclEord. Tenant dial1 indemnify and hold Landlord :und the Deinisrd Premises harrnless from and again! any and all liability, penalties, losses, dnmagcs, coyts and espenses, dcmanc!~, caiises of aciian, c!aii judgnients arising from or growing oiit of any injury to any persou or persons or nny damage to any pro as a result of any accident or other ouciu-rence during the term of this Lease occasioiied by any act or sion of the Tenant, its oGcers, employees, zgents, servants, sul)tenants, concessioiinaires. licensees, contra iwitees or pcrmittees, or arising Eron? or growing out of tile use, mainte;i:ince, occupation or opextion < Demised Prcinises chiring the term of this Lease, and (ii) from and against all le@ costs and ch includiiig rcasonxb!e attorneys’ fees, incurred in aid ahout any of siicli matters and tlie defense o action aiising out cf the same or in discliarging the Dcmiscd I’rcmiscs (!r my part thereof from zily x liens, charges or ji.idpients which may iicc‘l-iie or tx plated tliercon by reason of any 3.ct or omissi the Tenant-; providcd, liowevtr, that Tenant slinll not lr: rcyuired to i&mi.tify Lzndlord for any d:! . 01- injury of zny kind zsising as the result of Luric:lor-Cl’s cdful acts or those of its ageilts c’r ernp!oycc. G. REPAHIS,, hd AINTESANCE. /iLTE&hTiOSS, OPEP.A?.ING EXPENSES. 1. OjJl-”raling Expeiuc. .Tenant sliull pay to L;intilord ;is Adclitioiinl Iiei:t, I’ei~uit’s Share of Opcrating Expmses multip!i the amount whii‘li I~ndlord expeiids for Opcxting Expensc. “Opernting Expense” shaI1 include rc;w and necessary cxpmscc” actunIIy incurred Iy ~~ndiord for t1w operition, cIenning, nxiintenance, rcpi management of the Building and Lot, including without limitation, the roof and wails except for stni repair of thc same. all walks, driveways, p~rlting aid 1o:idiug mu, lawns arid Iandxcapin:;. 2. Tc I1 I’I ! t t Rc /I“ irs Li 11 tl Aft! i ? 1Tr: I1 !I I I(Y. Tei1;iilt sh:ill. ;it ?’i~ii;\iit’s sal(, cust :iI~d ~:.:~“I)SC*. I;CY,~I ttticl ninintxin the llemiscd Premises, silt)f!o<> f!oor cowriiigs in good rcpxii- :u:d iii ii c-lciiii kind snfc coiiclition, casuiiltics covciwl tty insurxncc* co‘ exccptcc! to :he ewiit of 1)i~~~cc“‘~ls rcccsivcd. Tciimit s!iiill, ;it Te~i:int’s ov,w CS~CIW, i~nm:.dint:.ly rcpl: filass in tlic I>einiseJ J’rcmiisc~s that in:iy 1x3 1>w!<cit dt!i-ing tlie Ten11 witl) gl;iss ;it 1e:ist t~l~lal to tl!c si): tion itnd (111;11ity of tlir. 1:l;iss so rrplnc-rd. ~ 3. 121nnrllortf Ilcpirs mnr! hfoint:;li~iltc~. I,antl!ord sli~ll, :\t its (T~TW. ;iftc.r. wi-ittui iioticcb froni ‘I‘oi;iiit, rqinil- in ;i p~’wi~pt ;ill(] di1igc:iit 1: ;my damage. tu striicttixl 1)ortionc o! tIi(* roof rid hxii-iilg \.v:\lls c:t’ tile: Jhmiv..cI I’i-c~~~?isc:s; ~it-oviclctl, h:j tiiat if sii~li (I~in::~<~ is c.i\i:>ctf I)!, ;1ii ~CC 01’ 0ii:i:iSioii of ‘I’c.i;;i~.~t, tli~it SUC:~~ Icp;!i;.s s!~?ll I)c :it ?‘cii:kirt’r; L’? 8 e w .. py~~1)Ic to 1 ,aiIcilord ;is AdditioI1:d Rent hcwunder. There shall I)c 110 nhntcnic.nt of Rent during tire pcrfc ;111ce of silcli .work. 1 .:in(llord shrill not I)r, linblt. to Ten;~it for injtiry or darnage that may result from &frct iir thr coiistriiotioii or coiltiitions of the Ihrrised Premires. Te~~ant waives ;1ny riglit to niake re. itt tl1c (.xpc.lisp of l,;iii(lIorcl riiidyr arty h\v. statiite or oIciiiimc~ now or hereiifter in cffrct. 4. Inspection of Leased fremises. Landlord, at reasonabk times, ]nay go upoi~ aid into thc Ihmised Preniises for the 1>wpcJs” of iilspe the sa1lle, or for the purpose of iiispcctiiig the performance by Tenant of the terms and conditioils ht and for the purpose of affixing reasonable signs aid dispIays and showing the Demised Prerniscs to prr tive piir&asers. tenmnts and Ieiiders. 5. Workniurilike Vualit!y. All reiiairs, alter;itions, ndditions, :ind restoratiori 1)y Landlord or Tenant hereinafter required o mitred shall be done in a good atid workmanlike manner ;ind in compliniice with dl applicahle Iiiws ant ful orclirianocs, ty-l:tn.s, regu1;itioiis nnd orders of govmimentnl authority nnd of the- insurers of the Buj 6. . I Liens. .. . . ‘I .I Tenant shall promptly pay and discharge a11 claims for work or labor done, supplies furnished or si reiidered nt the request of Teiiarit md shzll keep the Ilcmisec? Premixs free and clear of all mechanic mntcrinlmen’s licns in ‘conncction therewith. Landlord shall have. t!w right to post or keep posted t Demised Premises, or in tLe in-rnicdiLxte vicinity thereof. anV notices of non-resDonsi’l;ility for XI)’ coilstr &cration or repair of thy Demised. Premises by Teniint. If any such li2n is filed, 1,md:orci may, bat st \E recpired to, take such action or pay such amount as may bc neccssrr-y to rcinovc sucli lien; n:,d .shall pay to Landlord as ‘Additional Relit any such nrinounts expended by Lan:i!ol-d togc:iier Lvith j t1ic:rcon at tile highest legal rate fr’om tile d:ite of experiditure. 13. TENANT’S FI>ilUr{Es AND PEHSONXI. F’immmY. Tenant. at its expense, may insfaY a:iy necessary tradc fixtures, ~cluipment and fiirnitt1.re in the 11 Premixis. provjdec? tli:it such items arc jiistalled and arc reniovab?c \vithn:it daliixgc to the stnicturt Building. Landlord rcserves the righ: to i1pprcive or disapprove of ciirtains, drnperics, shades, paint, ( iriterior improvements visible from outsitlr tiit’ Demised Premises on whdy aesthetic grounds. Sach ii mcents tniist be siiixnittd for Landlord’s written nppi-ow1 prior to instnlfatioii. or Lancf!ord may rer replnce such items at Tenant’s sole expense. Slid trade fixturrs, eqtiipn~ent and fui-nitiire slrail reruin r prop-ty and shn11 Ix reinovcd by Tcwarit iipori cxpiriltion of the Turn, 01 earlier termination of thi Upoii i,;indiord’s prior ivrittri> app-o\d, Teni~rit inny iliakc. structurnl niteratioris and rnny also itrst:tii ary inipro\~r.iiwr~ts it) tiiz interior of the 11~1nised Prcntises. i)rovided tiiat such tcn:!mrnry irnproixm: slin\l l-ci1jijiij th p1-01~~1ty of Ttn.lnt ;i~itl hl!l IN! rcnrovc.d 1)~ TciInIlt II~XI cspiratioii of tile ‘I’crin c tel-nlin:itioii of this I,c.,isc.. Tcn:tnt sl~nli rcpair, ;it ils solr cqi~~iisc, ;dl cI:mi:igr caiisrd by thc insty,! rcriiov;il of tr:id~ fistiws, cci\iil):iiciit, fiirnitriw or tcmpornry irnprovc.iiiert~s. If Tenniit f;~ils to rm forcgoiiig items on tcniiinntioii of this I,e:isc, Land1o1-d rn;iy kecp nn:l ~tsc thczz> or Ir:~i:)ve niiy or ;Id] rind C:~!ISP thtw to 1)c. storc:tl or sold iit : ;,lstiII~d :tnd :ut’ rt*~>iovnblc \vithout d:migc to tlw stnicture of th: hi!Oiq. Swh tunporxy iiiqxc oi.(l:: I~(T \vi th :ipplic;~hl(~ I~w. 1. L1’rll,lTiIS AXD 1~OUNl)Al~lFS 1. IItiliiic.7. Tcji:int sIi:dI I)c solcly rcyxm.si\~!:~ for and pi-oinptly p:ly all cli:~i~~,~~s for Irc;i~, w;it[.i-, p,:is, t.](.ct ;til!‘ ot!lr-r iiti]iti(.s iisc.0 or C~II!.~IIIIC~ 011 thy Ilciiiisctl L’icmisc>. I,:ii)~llor(l s!iall i;ot \IC. li:iI)I(: to rI’cij::lit 9 0 w ruptioti in or curtailnieiit of my iitility sci-vice. nor s1i;ill ;my such intcrruptiori or ctrrtniirtieiit coilstit\ construciivr evictioii or gr(ii:nds fur rci1t;xl nhtcii\t~nt in wholc or in part hcrciiiidcr. If any such utilitie: not scparalc!y metered, Tcrlant sh;ill pay ;i proratn she, based on USC, ;IS cktc.rmined by I,nndlord. 2. Eascmwnts. Landlord reserves the. right to (i) alter the I,odi\ries of the Lot 2nd (ii) grnnt easements 01) th and dedicate for IliIhlic use portions thcrcof without Tellant’s consent, su1)ject to the provisions of Scctioi hereof. and provided that no such grant or dedication shall interfere with Tenant’s we of the Demised Pre or otherwise cause Te~iant to incur cost or expense. From time to time. and ripoii Landlord’s dem:.nd, TI shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lanclloid or in accordaiicr with La~idlord’s instructions any ar documents, instrninents. in:ips, or piiits nwessniy to elfectunte Tenant’s co\.enants hereunder. J. USE OF PREMISES. 1. . . Gcneral. The Demised Preniises shall he used for the Permitted Uses, consistent with the Declnratioii of C:ovc and Restrictions and any supplement thcrcto. Tenant shall, at Tenant’s sole cost and expense, compl) all of the requirements of municipal, county, state, federal and other applicable governniental nut’lioritie: in hce, or which may hereafter he in force, p~~-ti1i1~il)~ to the J>emiscd Premises, X3uildjng arid Lo, secure any ncccssary permits tlicrefor and slinll faithfully olx;erve, in the use of the Ikmised €‘re Building arid Lot, all municipal uncl county ordinances and stnte and fecleral s’intutcls IIOW in force, or nxiy liercnfter be in force. TeilnIit shall ohtain a~iy required wrtificate of occup~ncy with respect to i OP the Dcmise:: Pi-emisrs, I3uiIding and Lot, \:ithin thirty (30) days froii.2 the c~i~~~i<-i?c~iiient of the hereof and shall delivcr a copy thereof to I,n.nd!or-d within said thirty (30) clay period. Tenant in its 11: occupancy of thc Dcmiscd Premises slinll not conmiit \-vnste, nor overload the fhors or str:ic;ure, I-IW sul:j: D~.mised Premises to any use whicli wou!d tend to dmiagc any portion thereof. 2. signs. Any sigri placed or c-rected by ‘I’enniit OII the 1)eriiisccl Preiniscs, 13uilding or Lot, t‘:;ct?pt in th irbtc the 1)cmised Premises, shall contain oi?l>r I’eiwit’s ~iaiiie, or the rininr of :tiis afFili;~tc uf Tenant ii! occupying the Drmised Premises, iuid iio advertisiiig nuttcr. No such sign shall be ei-cr.tc?d until Tciia obtriiic*d I,andlord‘s writteii approval of the location, material, sizc, design and content thereof ai: 1:rcessary pcnnit thtrefor. Teiiniit shall rcmoi’e any sidi sign upon terminntion of tliis I,e:lse md shall thc Demiscd Premises to their condition prior to the placerilelit or erection of said sign. 3, I’tirkiny: Acce.~~. ilr ixdtfitioii to tlic. gt>ii(*r;\I ciI)!igatio~: of ‘Fcii;tiit to coiiiPIy with I:x\vs :itid without Iiinitt*.:ioti t I,:iiidlor<l >!inti not I)? 1i:ij)lr to Tciiniit iior s1i;ill this I,c.;is~ I)c nffcctcd if‘ ;illy pd:ing l>rivilc.g::.s app~ tc., thy IIrniisrtl i’rt.tnist.s, Htiil(lii!g ;i;itf I .tit re iiiipaircd 1))s re;tsoij of :i!ip rm)i.:iforiuin, irtiti:iti\r<l. refci-c st:ttiltt-. rc.g;il;itioii, or oilit*r ~o~,c.i.ii,iii~,iit;~~ t1c.crc.c. or ;ictioii wliich coultl iii :iiiy iii:iIitia- p~-c~c:iit or 1iI p:ti.ki,ij< tiyhts of ‘r(.ll~lllt li[wiiiitler. Aii). ~o\,c,i.iir:ic.iit~~l c.liarKc-s or surc1inrj:c.s or otlicr ri-:o:ic.t;i!y o!)li ili>po\c(l i.c.1;itivc- io pjrkitig riglits \(.it11 r-c.sl)c~,t to tllcl Ih.lilisc.:l l’rciiliscs. 1~~1iI~lii~~ ~iid Lot sllali \x, coii ;is ]1111)t)siii[)!is ;iiid sl:;ill 11t~ i);iy:kl)lv I)? ‘l-Lsii;iiit tiiic1c.r thc. pro,,+ioris of S:.ction 1: lifr-iiitial)o\.c.. 1;. I)AAIA.G!: on Ilm-muc:i ION. 1. I!c~c.otisii-iic‘lioir. jf til<: I)cn~isctl I’~.c.lr~i!;c*s ;xrc> t!:tiii:\g(-cl 0:. do!~ro~~v<! (?uriiig tllc l’crln, J.,::ndlorct sll:i!l, csc(tpt :).s licit 2)rf ),. jclc.(l, (1 i 1 ig(’11 f I y i.<*p:t i y ( j 1- I-<.1) I i i I < I t I I :‘I 1.1 t <) :;I 11 )I, t ;i 11 : i: 11 1 y t 1 I L‘ e01 I (1 it i 01 I i i 1 \dl I i ( .11 t 1 I c >,’ c x i st ctl i nil 1 I l 10 w -w prior to suA d:ini;tgt~ or Jestrkictimi: provicl~d tliat my d:iur:q!t. which is estitxitecl 11j god f:iitli Ily L:u to I)? iindcr Fivr lllotlsilnd l~oll~~rs (.S5,(M).fK?) ~11;llI 1)r rcpilired 1))- Tciiant, a~i(j E..mdlord shill1 reiir Teiiaiit upon dcm;itid for espyiiws incurred iii SI~C;~ rcpxir work to the esterit {if ;wy proceeds receiv . Lindlord from extcirrled cover;igr irisrrr:ince cfest.ri1)c.d iii Sr-ction F-I. 2. )lent Almtoncnt. I3(ATlt d~ ilnd pnyilI>Ie tiprt-~uider slinll I)c nhLittd proportionntcly, but ody ti) t!ae extent of any pr recc*ived hy L.ni;dlortl from rrni;il alxitcment itisiiranw described iii Section F-3, dtlririg any period in wh, reason of :inV such tl;;map oi destruction, Tenai:t re;isonnl)ly dctemiiries thnt there is substantial interf with the operation cf T~nnnt’s husincss in the Derniscd I’remises, having regard tu the extent to which ‘ Jnxy be rcqiirtd to disc-ontiniie its ‘nusiness in tlw Demised Prcmises. Such rbntemmt shall continue i . period commmcing with such d:imag,t. or destrwiion ;ind ending with a substantid completion By La . of the work of repair or reconstruction which Landlord is oldigatcd or undertakes en do: ff it be dete: that ctmtinwtioii of business is not prnctical pending reconstruction, Fixed Fielit dust and p?iyzb!e 119~ shall ahie to the cxtc’nt of proceeds from rental abatement insurmce until recoxtruetion is subst: completed or rintil Imsinrss is totally or pnrtiaI!y resumed, whichcycr is the earlie;. 3. Escessiuc Donqc: Oi Destruction. If the. Brrilding is dantnged or destroyed to the extent that Lar:dlord detcmfnes thnt it canna reasoiial,lc diIigence, he fuliy rrpaired or restored by Landlord witiiin one hund eighty (180) dn] the dnie of thy clantage or destruction, the sole rig!it of both LandIord and Tcnz.ii: shall be the 0; terminate this Izase. Notwit1ist:ii:ding -the f2ct thnt the Demisctf Picfi>ises lime iirit b-cn damaged or de: Lnndlord slid1 dctennine whethcr tlie Builcliiig can he fuliy rcpzired or rcstcrzd jvit’hin the one h eighty (MO) clay pcBriod, nnd Lai14Id’s :kt~rniiiintic:n shall be coilclusive en Tri it. E,nn<!xd shj’ Ten:wt cjf its ck:ezininztim~ in writiiig, v;iihIn thirty (3;)) dzys after tk date of i iainnge 01‘ ZCS: If I,nnd!oid determinx that the BuiidiIig can lx fully repnirec? or restcrc?, v;i:hi~~ tile om Iiundred (113) day period, or if it is dcttrniincd thnt such rqxir or rcstc;ration canriot 1;: ri?:ir!c within said pcr ncitlicr p:tZ~y elects to te1-illinzte within thirty (SO) dny. fron the date of :+id fic:<::r-iliiI)?.tiO:?. iXis 1,e.a remain iii fnll force and effect and Landloid shall cliljgeiiiiy repir and restore tha Gamagc as soon is . nbly po:;sihk. 4. U~ii:!s~trri.c.i Ca.Tidt!/. No;witlistaiitling aiything coiitrtined licrein to tlir contrary, in the evelit of dit~~i~tI~~~ to 01. ckstru all or my portion of th:, Duiiding which is not fuliy covrred i~y the insurance ~>i[>~~’~ds reccivcti by L under the ins;irxnce policies rcqiiired Qnder Section F- I :ibovc. Laidlord mny tcm!nzte this Lcasc by notice to Tenant, given within thitfy (30) days after tht. dnte of notice to L:irid?ord thnt said dal- c1estr:iction is not so covered. If Landlord docs not elxt to terii>iiia.tc~ this Leasr, tile I~.e;isc* shI1 re id! force arid eEwt :ind thr Ruifdin~: shall ?x repaired arid rebuilt in :1ccod:1i>c~ with the prctvis rcp:i,ir set forth in Scction I:-1 licreiimbove. 5. Waivcr. \Vi& resprct to any ti,ostrriciicin \i.liich l,aild!o;.d is o1)Iil;”ited 10 rcpzir or rn:::,. elr.r:t to rep terms o! this Sectio;i M. Tenant 11crel)y vmivcs dl right to tc-rrninatc this Lcnsc pxi-s:ixi1t to ri )jrescniljr or 1Ic:l-cd’ter acci,r:td by !Z.\-J to tcil:i;lts. t>:ccpt :IS csp;e;s!y bt:icrwisc p-:>yidc.c: herein. L. ~AIINWX D3hfk.JX. 1.. To La! Cot! <IC 111 710 i in Ti of Tjc TI I is! :d Prc 1 ni res. If 1111. nrliolt: oi tliv IIi.iiii:;rtl l’rciiiiscs is ;icqnircd 01’ ~(~l>:l~ii!~>td l>y cmii 11 t d (il! I ;:i XI, invers E~cmi-ied or >..olcI i;r licit <>I ci,l,~jc2nlc~tior,. lor :I>.). piil>Iic [Jr quns;-pulAic us2 iir pilqxizc (“CciiGc 11- ww- w- thrti tlie *I‘erri1 shnlI torinii::it~ ;is of thc d;itca of- titlc vcstiiifi itr such procccdi3tK, ;!ut1 Hez2t sllall bc iidjustt the. t1;itt. of teniiinatioii. Tellant slinll iniiiiedintely notify IA;intllord of any such occw’re-zwe. 2. Purticll Condemnutioi~ If ai3y part of the Jlemised Premises is partially Condemid, and such piirttial Lwisdeinni\t-ion render llcmiscd Prciiiises tinusablr for the business of the Tcrinnt, then the Tenn of this Lease shall terrrliila of the dnte of titjt. vesting in suc11 procecdjiig nnc~ Relit slia\I ~e adjustect to the che of temini!tion. If coridernnntion is not extensive enough to render tlie llernised Yretnises titiusable ftrz the business of Tt then Landlord shall promptly restore the Demised Premises to n codition comprable to its con( imrncdiatcly prior to such co:idemnntion to the estt‘ut of any contlemnntion grocecds recovered by Lan( less the portion tlicreof lost in such conderirrintion, and tIiis Ixase ~[YJII continue in fui! force and effect e ’lord. If any parking ;ireas are coridenined, Laiidlortl has the option hut riot the obligation to s~ipply T with other parking areas. 3. Landlords Awurd. If the Demised Premiscs arc. v,~liolly or partially coridernned, then, sul,j:~t to the provision of Sedio Landlord shall be entitled to the entire av~nrd paid for such condi:riwation, and Tenant waives my li, cl:i.inr to any part thereof from i,andlord or the condemning xuthority. 4. ?’e;zairt’s Atoflid. Tenant sh~11 have tht. right to chini and recover from the con&inning :tutfi:~ify, but not hili hr such cmiprsntion as may \)e scp:xitc!y nwnrded ~:r recovernl)!c by Tcii:li-~t ii: Tci;rtait’s 0i.m riglit on :?.I of any and all costs or loss (inclu4ini< loss of busiiirss) to whieli Tcnnnt might IK put in reiiioving Tc merchandise, fiirnitrix, fixturcs, li~aschold impro\-enwnts :ind equipc:it to a new 1oc:rtiun. that after the dntr of such titlc vestiiig the Fixed Rerit shnll t,c rcduced as reasohably dttcrmined by 1 . 5. Xenp;rm1 Coiirlmnntiort, I If the tvtmle or any part of the tlcrnised l’wiiiisc~s sh:ill t)t. coi!clciim:d for my teinponq’ pul qwsi-public US(’ or f)urp:;e, this Ixasc. shall rcrnaiii in tfFect and Tenmt sJia11 be ei~titled to rex itself S~I portiori or portions of :illy :iwnrd ni:ide for such trse with respect to the period of the titking is wit!hi the Tmn. Ii :I temporary coIidcinirntioii reinaiiis iii force at the expira<ion or t:arlii.r- trim of this Leiise, Tcli:1ilt shall pi~y to I~~~dlo~cl a slliii rcitial to the rtxsoiia1,le cost of l~~forining any ohli; required of 1eii;int by this IXAS~ with respcct to the s\~rr~iIder of tIic Dcniised Preniises, including, t limitation repirs atid inniiiiciiiliice rtyuircd, and upoii such p:iyiucrit Temrrt slid1 i)e excused frani ~II o!)ligatioiis. If a temporary condemiiatioii is foi ill1 cstablishcd period which rxtends Itcyoiitl thr l’c Le~e sIi;ill termiiii\tc ;is of th? <?ate of OL‘W~IIC~ by the co:itknining ;\t1thc)i-ity, aid tlie dnrna~;es 5 as providecl in Swtiatis L-3 arid 1,-4 m:1 Hcnt slinll lit. aclju:;t~~l to the date uf occuiimqr. 6. !b“b‘ticc. triitl I:’sccttlio,i. - h~dford shall. iiiriiicdi~ttLly up:)ii sc.rvice of pror.c*ss iii coniicdiorr v.4th :my condcn!natic!ii or 11 cui i:\~mi i:i t iot I, givt. 'rei iii 11 t 11 ot icc ii I \vi- i t i I ig t ht.;.<~)f. ‘I’c.n:in t shll i I 11 I neclint cl y c~:<rw t (I :)I id delivci 1,;~iuIlord ;ill ii~sti~tiii~~it~ [hit rnay lw rcyiiirctl to c!Tcc~jrntt the pro\;i!;ions Of titis p;x~grap?i, .. %$. I>EFAIJJ,T. 1. Ilti~tit.~ (J/ lk/~;~tl~.s. ‘l’lic. oc:cum-iicx~ of ;tiiy of the: f(;!l:>-.viiig cvciits sh:xll c:oiti;tittitr :in “Evc~iit of Ikfali!t” 01) tip I*cji:liit vJitli or witiiuut iioticc’ froni 1 ,:ii>:lI(~id: (-,:I. p,r~1~~-~.~~~1/;,~ 12 e ' .. CALIFORNIA a. Vacation or Abandori:ncn:. b. 'Pnynent. VaCatiOil or abnndonrnent of the Demised Premises; Faiiurc to pay any insta!lment of Rent or other monies due 2nd payab!e here upon the date whcn said payment is due, the failure continuing for a period of five (5) days dte payment is clue; C. Performance. Default in the performance of any of Tenant's COVen:IltS, ngreements or oLl+ hereunder, except default in the payment of Rent or other monies, the &fault continuing io: tllirt) days after written notice thercof from Landlord; d. Assigtzn~nt. e. Bankruptcy. A general assignment by Tenant for the benefit of creditors; The filing of a voIuntary petition in bankruptcy by Tenant, or the 6lir:g involuntary petition hy Tenant's creditors immediately urilcss in\~oluntnry, in xhich mse wh: petition remains undiscliargcd for a period of thirty (30) clays; f. Receiuer. The appointment os a receiver to take possession of sxbs'iantblly a11 of Tenant's or of this leasehold, the receivership remaining undissolvcd for a period of thirty (-30) days; or . 6. Attachment.. Attachmeat, execution or other judicial seizure cF substantially all of Tc assets or this leasehold, the attachment, execution or other seizure remaillilig uI1:lismissed or un&sc'l- for a period of thirty (30) days zfter the levy thereof. 2. Idandlords Rcn~edies. a. Abapzdo~~~M. If Tenant VX-X~~S or ~bando~~s the Dciiiisiki Prcniss, this Lerise shl; csitii eEcct. Lwtdlord shall ilot Le de.-mecl to have .tei-r:iinzted this tense other than 1,). LXrritteii 120:ic.z of terzzi from Landlord, arid Lm6ord shall have all oE the rerndies of a I:ind!ord providd by Scctiort i951.4 Civil Codc of the Sta=c of California. k,t any time subscqucnt to x:acai-ii>n or abr;:.ionmci:: of t?x TX Premises by Tenmt, I,and!ord mr~y give notice of terminatim and shdI .thtrectTicr ha\:e 2!1 of t!ic hereirr::f:cr set forth. ' b. . Termiriatioit. Following the occilrrence of any Event oE Def~d:, 1~~1dlo;d shaI1 llavz Fh:: ri: long as the dcfault continues, to tcminzie this Lcase by \witten nolice io Tenant selting fort!:: (i) tk C? (ii) the requirements lo cxre it, and (iii) a demand for possession, which sh.11 bc efiectiva three (3 after jt is given or upon expiration of the timcs spccified in Section M-1 hei-ein&ave, \rihichevc>i is 1: Following tcnnination under pragraph b, without prejudic?: to any oi-her rei Lznd1o::d may have by reason of 'Fenmt's default or of such tcrmiila:iDn, Landlord may the11 Gi ttt a?; thereafter, (i ) peaceably re-eni-ei the Demised Premises, or any part thereof, upo:~ voluntary s?irrm Tenant or expd or reniove Tenant t'~;ere;rcm and any otlicr persons occupying tkm, llsinfi such 1s:pl pr ings as 21-c tlieii avaiiabie; (ii) 2gni11 reposscss and enjoy the Dmiiscd Prcmises, or r.cit:t the I1ci-i or 2.11). pnrt there:)f io: snch term or terms (wilich may be for :: tt.rrn c;xtcnding I~cyo;id tlic 'Tc-rc?) 2 rclit:?j 01' rentals and i:po;-~ such other temis and co;iditions as I,a:lr?'to;d in its sole Giscrction shnli dcte perscmd proiieriy ilicrclroni. Recoucry. . c. Pussession. wi;Il dte rigllt to mnLe reasonable slterztions nnd repairs to tLz Demised Prcmiscs; nlid (Si) reicc <I. Fo!lo;\riiig ter1fiixz:ion under p::r;;grnph b, Ls:d?orcl &li l:n\~ :(!I th:, riglits n~! 1-e1 of Li ]allc\lor(! provjc\c<1 1)y scclioil 1951 .S of tI1~ Civil CO:~C of tlic Stnt~ el Cnliforiiia. ?'lit. ~:I~Ic>L~I>~ G: (:: v,rl\ic1 L 1,:ll) Cjlol-C] 1t;:iy ycco\'c r fu1Ioi:ri : i g t (.vi: iiii:i t i o:i 11 i;clcr p:i~ gmph 11. sl!:dl iix? ti (1 C: t iic \VCY t 11 :: t (?I(: t tlrc ;iv\r:lr(I of t1ic ain:jutit tly \~rtiic:li the: uiijinicf ]\?I:: for the l>dnll::r? of the ter;~i :tficr tl1~ tiinc el :;~,,irJ c tl>c nrl>oIlxit of relital loss 'i'eIlnnt lJr(>\'"s collld \><? I.e;!sollably :l\'OidL'(I. C, A<]<]itinncLl 72e:r,cdins. Jn atlditioii to tll~ fort.K"ii1g rc.ri?cdics, hric?I::vrd SI::,.?!, SO ~GJI;; :is P!lk is not tcnnili~tcd, ~!;IVC the riglit to rrinL,dy :illy deE?.ult (If 'i'eii:i~-it, to I>l:l.iIlt:iIil 21- i:.;lp-oiJc Ci:. I>< I:! 0 -0 Frcmixs lvithout terminating this Lexe, to incur expenses on bcha!f of Tenant in sceking 2 new subten or io CWS? a recyivcr to be appointed to Zdminister the Demised Premises and new or exis5ng subie: ad to ;i/fd to tlie Xcnt yayablc hcrcuridei 211 of Landlord’s reasonzble costs in so doing, with intercst at * nraxi:num rzfc permitted by law from the date of such expenditure until the sane is repaid. f. Other. If Tenant causes 0: threatens to cause a breach of any of die coi.emn:s, agresn;znk, t! or conditions contaiwd in this Lease, Laildlord shdl be entitlcd to obtain cll sums held by Tenant, by right mci 1cl:jdy aflowed at law or in equity or by stah::e or athenvise as though re-entry, sumnia~ pro? ings a:d other remedies were not provided for in this Lease. trustee or in any zmunt provickd for herein, to cnjoin such breach or threatened breach, and to iwdx g. Ctsmzchtioc. Each right 2nd rcmccly of Landord provided for in this Lease sSall bu? cu;nuf: and shali be in d.dition to every oilier right or rernecly provided for in this Lease .or I~DW OK herezffter exi .at law or Lr equity or bjr stmite or otherwise. Th exercisp or beginrzng oi the exercise by Lndord d om or more of the rights or remedm provided for in this Lease, or now or hered:er existir~g at law equity or by statute or othen.iise, shali not prec!de the sirr,uitane~us or later exercise by Lancihrfi 01 ;?I dI oilier rights or reniedies provided for in this Leclss or now or hzrenfter existing nt law or in equity ( statxte or ohi-wise. NO W’nEccP. 11, NO f6ilui-e by Landlod to irr;ist upa the strict Ferfornxx-:: of ray term heic to exerciso zny right c!: remedy CoiIseiIfiefit Upgil n breach thereof, and 110 acix~tance of Cdi oi pzrtid nlcnt of Eelit during tlie continuan~e of any SJC~ hrccch, shall cocsthte c? ~ivx of ;in: xch iirezch ai:jl such tern, Eiloits by Len6Jo;d to mitignte ILi7c dzmagcs rxicscd by Ten?z;’s brcich of tZs t not bi: cxmstruzd to Le a vmiver ~t Lr?:idiord’s risk to recover c‘;c.nir?ges under &k S~t<;-:on 1.1. F+k;- .L L.-! this Scctioii Xi aEtc’is :he right of LnndIord to indzmr?ificatian by ’I”ennz: in aci.or&nce ~ith Seck: ‘Love foi E&ky z.r!’sing prhr to th~ teriniiiaticn. of this Lees& for pe:so>ini kj;~ ir:s or prc;%”ijr 22: c. N. L’LSSIG;~;X~XT P,-.,D SLT~,LZITZ:C. 1. PrcMition. r-. . ena ant shall mt m:ign, moitgage, pledge or o:hcrwise traidcr, this L~~.:SE, in v&cle o;: in px ssb’ct or pzrmit GCPXRLIC~ by any paey &:zr bian Tcnant o? all or any part of & DcrnkJ. I”i2 v&1m1t fh prior mitten wlisent of Landmi ir! rach ~RS~XIX~. Any prtip3r;eii 7.s:ignn~nt GI- s:bi Wnir;.iy to &e provisiom hereof wifI,out CDX~A~ ~hdi bz void. TIE wnsent by Landord to nny :,ssi~ or subletihg. AS h.d.di:isnaI XCI;~ hereciidsi, Tc~mt slid1 reimbzrse Landord for rcasonr\bfz iega1 and exneilscs icc-iu-rcd by Landlord in mjlneciion wi5 aiiy retpest Ly Te:lZilt for consent: to assignsn; sub?ctk:2g, 2. LaildEDrd Cipiic-Jn. or SLILI~L~~~I~ Sh2E XLG; CCEW~~:~~ z wzivcr of th~ CCCCSS~~~ for SZC~ CO~IS~II~ to r:ny s!~b:jcr;:?e:it 2s:;ig P,. 1x1 coimcction witli any proposed asSign!i?eIit Ci SU~ICX~, TcIlp.:lt sh~ll sl~brnit to L,~nd!oid ijr 7 -(i) the xi;rnie of tke propsed as:;it:iIc:c or SuSlcSscc, (ii) si:& iriiorili?.tion :IS to its finnilcinl yc:ip~ nncl s~2r:rling xj J,::~id~d inny rc:!sonai)!>- rcqiiirc, ~!xcl (iii) dl of thc, t(:ri:ls niid co:iditionr; up:1 \-;I: proposed nssignn;c;nt er st!hlcitin;; is to I)? IEP.~;.. S,?.l;dlo~d :.!-)>ili J!:\ve a:~ o)ition to c:!n(:el >rid tc; tIGs klSp, if the reqilcsi- is to ar;sign th Lexe GP’ to sul>!ct ai! of the DcmiscJ Yreixis:y:; or, ji .:;I.. 1 js 10 sublct 8. poriion of i71c Dzi:ii:~~I 1’) wikcs ~i.~l)*, to CX?CC~ :~ntl t~i.!nin:\te tiiis 13:.:i:.- y;i[Il p:)i Son. I.,:iudlortl inxy cxucrcisc sSci opiInn in wrjtirii: v:it!lin t1iii-V (30) (hys ::[icr its rc.reil 0; sa:h rcqiiest, :iiicl in cncii CXI: SUCII crnc:r:?l:iiion or tcr~riinziiori sli:ili occiir :ti 0: t]li: &kt(: sc.i f J,3utt!nrd’s jioticc nf c rcix oi LIICJI O~;;~TI, \t;iii<:h sl:ni! 1): riot 1:s than :;is:y (M) 11s~ I1)Lci-c ril llun.lri:(l-twentS.~,~~~I~t~ (1%) d:tys fo!lowiirg ih: gi;.Ii:z oi si:+ r?c;:ice. 14 0 0 b. Cancc//a!ioli, If I,2,ndlord sha!l escrcise its option, I'enant shall sur:cnder possession of the Demised Prc>.nliscs, or the portio11 thercx.4 v.~hicl) is the subject of the option, 2s the cxft may be, on tln set forth in suc]I 1:otjcr iri &cordnncc wid1 tIic provisions oC this Lease rehiing io surrender of the I32 Premises at thc expiration of the Tern]. If this Leasc is cnncelled as to a portiori of the Demised 3rt only, tllc I:jxcd npn: after thc &tcA of cancel1atio;t shdl be abated and shall thereafter be an amount mined by Landlord and the Tenznt's Share of Impositions, Tenant's Share of Operating Expensc Tenant's Share of Insurance Expenses shdl be adjusted as reasonably determined b.j Landio:d, c. Nonccncellation. If Landlord does not exercise its option to cmcel this Lease pursuant to th going provisions, Landlord mny v.ithho:d its consent to such assignment or subletting, as long as the wit ing is not done unreasonably. d. P~sstrtnption. No zssignment shall be binding upon Landlord, any ground lessor or any inoz unless Tenant shall deIiver to Landlord an assignnient in recordable form which contains an assump! the assignee, but the failure or refusal of the assignee to execute such ins:rument or a.ssiihption sh rekasc or ilischarge assignee from liabiiitjj ES Tenant hereuniicr, provided that the ienns and provisions assignment or subletting shall speciScalIy malce appiicable to the assignee or suS!essee ail of the prc of this Section. _. . 3. 35~~~Rcntal. If for any assignment or sublea'se, Tenant rcceives rent or cther consideratioil, either iilitiaIIjl or Oi tern of tliz ossigrment or stlblase, in excess of the Zmt caiied for hzreunjer, or in CL~TC ~f the SUEC-,: portion of the Demised Premises, in excess of such Rent fairIy aliocnblz to mch poriicn, alter appri a6justments to zssure that all other payxen'is czllecl for hcieufidzr are appropYiatc!y tc!:en into a Tenant shall JU~ to Lnnd!ord, as hdclitioild Eent heifi~;td~i, ox-half (%,) ci tfie exes of each such p: of rent or oeilier consideration received by Temnt prcjmi-,ily alter its recei;lt. 4. scopc. The prohibition against assigniiig or siiblettii:g contai;ied in this sectio:l sf:?..!I LC: ccnstruecl to i1.c prohillition ngzinst my assignment or suble'iiing by operation of law. If this ic?.:ie 5e nssigmd, (x i: the lying beneficial interest of TeitzInt be transferred, or if the Deiiiised Premisrs CP my pnrt t!md 11: su otcqsierl 1)~ :inyhdy other th2n Ttnaiit, Lxdlord may col!cct. rent from the assignee, sili)tcna:lt or a( and apply the ]?et amount collected to the ilen: 1i:trcin resend sad apporkion any excess rcni so collt accordance with the temis of the immediaie!y prcczding pnra.grapii, hit 110 such assigl!ment, suble?tirI: pncy Gr collection shall be deemed T. waiver of this covenznt, or the acceptatice of ti;u assigil.zc, subtr,? axqxnt as tenant, or a release of Terinnt from tht. furthcr pcrfonnance ly Tennnt of co~~c~l~~j~s pnrt of 'i'cn:trtt herein cont::ined. No nssigi:incnt or sub!cttin(: sh!l aiiwt the contin~i:i;< pii;nnr). !i::J> I cnsnt (v:hich, fdlo~ing 3.siigni>:ent, s'!inll 112 jcjink and sevcral wiih the pet), 2'Id 'reIln;lC s:i;a!i released f;om pdorming any of the ternis, coveiiznts ::nd co!i:iitions of this Lc:isc. 1 II 5. Waiver. Notwj:hs~.nding aity ;\SS~~<IIXC;I~ or SU~IEXC, 01- 311). jri;lcl:;eiices, nrai\y,;s or c.xtc:isjo:ls of tijyjc yy3.1 Lp.tic?lord to xiy w;i,!;:;x or sul;lcs:;r::, or f:.i!.xm by I.,mc3d to telic n-ti Zgzir>r.t >.i?y fis:;i:;gpe c)r s::i rren:in: w:?ivcs I?:j:icc: OC an!' d~.f:i~11t or an)' xui,rjiicc (ix !;ul)!~~:,~~c ?..jid ::.y;r l~rocccd :i[;ainst 'Tcn;i,it \i;ii: :oiii h:ivinq t::!:yri :zht nc2in::t [)iA joixccl sitc,~ r:;,;i;;F.c.c or ~11~~l-~~~,~- "1L '.... L, ex<.: dl li::.\rc 11ic Ixm4i! of 211~ indulgi:ncus, waivers iii1d ~:-:t~~I~i(~ij~; ol ~iie g;rnr?<e!l to z:.>y s::(:j~ :i . CII2:t I>::.li<;!@rd m:ty, p,: it.; 15 6 e 1. 6. Iickuw. \%wevex- Laridlord conveys its interest iil the Lot, Landlord shrill I,c autornaticaliy relcnsed fror: furtlier performance of covenants on the p:>.rt of Landlord heiein contained, and frun any and a11 fu liability, ohligntions, costs and expenses, demands, CGUSL'S of action, claims or judgments arising from or t irg out of, oj- cnnnrc.tcd yfih this Lmse niter tile eEective dale of snid relezse. The effective date of release shall be the date the nssignec escciites an assumption of such an assignment whereby the xss expressly agrees to assurn6 211 of 1,andiord's obligations, duties, responsibilities and liabilities with respa this Lease. If requested, Tenact shall execilte a form of release and such other documentation as may 1 quired to further effect the provisions of this Section. 0. OFFSLT STATEMENT, ATTOiWhlENT, AND SUBO!;DINAXON. 1. Oflset Statenmt. W7ithin ten (10) days after request therefcr by Landlord, or if on any sale, ~ssignincnt or 11;.~051c by I,mdlorcl of its interest in the Demised Premises, or any part tliereof, 211 ofiset siateinent shaI! be re from Tenant, Tenant shall deliver, in recordable fonn, a certificate to any prcposed-mortgagee or p;rr or to Landlord, certifying (if such be :he case) that this 1,eas:: is in iulI force and ecec:; the date of T most recent payment of Rent, arid thit there are no defenses or offsets outshndi::g, or statir?g those c by Tenant. Tenant's failure to cidiver said statement in time shall IJ~ conclusive upon Tenant that: (i) thit is in full force an6 deet, xvithout mo3ification except as may be represented I):, IJr\ndlord, (ii) there uncured defndts in Landlord's perfoi-mance ad 'renznt has no right of ok:, CclintercIaim or ch agaii:st rent hereuiider, and (iii) 110 more t'nnn 011e period's Fixed Rent has been paid in advanc:. 2. Atioriimmt. Tenar?t sh~,11. irt the eimt :9y proceedjngs Lire brcught lo: tlxt furec1o:uxe ~i, or in the event 0.2 4 of the power ol ;::.!e under, an)' riiortgngq 01' dved of trust made by the L,a:idlcrtl, its suc~~s:ors 0:- cncunl\~oril~~ the Ijemistld Prcrniscs, cr any part thereof, oi- in the evei~t of tcrn\in;itiu;l of the Grounr! if any, 2nd if SO requested, ntiorri to ilie prchxer upon such foreclosure or srle or up922 z1:y grant t;; in ljcti oi Coreclosure and recognize such prcliaser 3s the Landlord uidei, this Lcse. 3. Stsbordirraiion. ?'tie rigrits of Terrnnt 1w-eu:ide: are L\I~ sha?l be, at tlic election of any riioripgec, sul+tct : ordinate to the lien of any inortgag:c or mori;;:ages, 01: the lien resulting from any othcr inetiioci. of i or refiiiaricing, rio7.v oi' horrafter in force npinst the Lot ;tiid/or 1311iIding of wl~ich t!x DeiniscJ ?rei- n prt, and to 211 ntlvnnces ndc or liereafter to \)e Inade upon the sccririty titereof, provided, 1ioc.c: notvfi'iI~si;\n~iiiIg srrclt sul~ordin~tim, SO I~fi ;IS the Tciln~it hcreiri is not i:) ddzilIt un3cr anv 'i of tt covcnarits allrl co:iditioils c)f this Leos:., ncith:xr this i,c:ase nor ~ny of tlic ri;;!its of Tenant :;:~cuni Te,la;lt's covc.n;ilitirljr, t}i:it 'rc1j:w: is :lot ir: defnt1lt hcreui)c!c~, sl)nl! 1): tcnriii:nt::d or d;jcct tu teirni: ;lily tr\l:;t(y?s sal?, :Illy :lctic:n to mforce thc security, or by my pro::ccdi~ig or action in fnrec? ~e~~i:p~tccI, 'I'cilant ;:pyes tc~ c.scci.itc vd!atcver doci.~n;enta~ioii m~y be rquiwd io ful-thcr cfTrc.t illti I of tliis section. P. Norici:s. fLl] I-icj:iets rcquirrci to b:: gi.i.ci1 iit:rc:unrlcr slixll lic i:i v,,ri:iiit; nnd n:nil:>tl paAt:ii:c pycp::jd by i' ipt requcstd, (11- t~y ~;IXX>~I dclivci y, tu t.11~ di!i esws ii-cdic;iicd iri sc cii Zit slicll <,:licr p!;:(:(: or p!;lcc*:, as citlier J,;t~!dl~:c! 01' 'i'vri:!i!t III:~~, f~~o~n ti:l;e to tiiac, r-c.sl):~c~:i\~eIy, (I<.* R ,.,:rj!tpll ,!otic.? jkj\Jell lo tiit. C:L~~Y, ILloticcS stin11 IIC c!t.ern:.d s!!Sciv:itiy s<~ri~:-:i fo'ir (6;) rI~).s nfic,: of m:dii)i; tiicrct~f. 16 0 e *) Q. h41SCEI.l.ANEOUS. I. Wnitw. No waivcr of any dcfaiilt or txcach of any cove&t by either party !meunder shrill be implicd my omissioi] by either pxty to take action on nccouiit of such dcfauli. if such default ptrsists or is rep: and no express wiver shal! afFect an\; dcfnult other than the default specified in the waiver, and the1 waiver shall be operative only for the time and to the extent therei~i stated. Waivers of any covenant, of the same covenant, term or condition. The cotisent or approval by cithcr party to or of any act by party requiring further consent or appyovul shall not be deemed to waive or render uiinecessary their cc or approy-l to or of any subsequent sirililar acts. 2. Accord GZ~ SaHsfactioit. I40 payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord OP a lesser aniaunt than the Rent payment herein stipi shall be deemed to be other than on account of the Rent, nor shall any endorsenleiit or statement o check or my letter accompanying any clicck or payment- as Kent be dezincd an accord and satisfactioi Landlord m2.y accept such check or payment withoxt prejudice to Lmcllord’s right to recov?? thg h: of such Rent or pursue any other remedy provided in this Lease. 3. Limilaiion of 1,atdlo:ds LiQhilittj. The ob!igations of IJmdlord iinder this Lease do riot constitute personal obligr-tions of the in& parhers, dii cctors, ofiicers, or shareholders of Landlor2, end Tci1~11t shall loo!; solcly to the real est2.F is thc subject of this 1,ease arid to 110 ~i-li~r asscts of the 1,andlord for sztisfaction of any liability ir! r LcnCllord or an:^ of their p~rsoiial assek for wch satisfackn. or condition contained herein by either pxiy shdl riot be construed as a waiver of any subsequent k ~ of this L.:>ase and will nrjt seek recorirse agziist the ixiclivirlual pwt neis, directoi-s, oii’:zeis or sharehold . 4. F2sztii.e A.grecreswnf. . This 1,ezse sets forth all the covcnciits, promises, npcements, conditions and understandings k LmdIorJ 2nd Tenant conzeining the Dcniised Prerniscs, Ruilding d I&, and lhse 2re na cow promises, n~;iwnients. conditions or undcrstandings, eidicr oral or written, betwceii thcm oihzr than herein set forth. Except as lierein otherwise provided, 110 subscqumt dterztion, amendincnt, change a!: tion to this Lcase shall 112 binding upon Lnncllxd or Tenant unless reduced io u-ritiing znd signed hy . 5. Tinic. Tirnc is of pL.,e essence hereof. 6. Slto;c” Form l.,tw.r,?. I * &lonc~~r.rc~l;iy ]lp;cwjth thc parties mr,y, at the option of cilh pty, execute ;: sliort foi-rck of LC; recs,i-dincr. Tliis T,casc ;tnct any s~icli shor-t foi-111 of I,cnsc sl!dl LC constmccl tc;gether ns 011~ irist-ru:ncri[. F. ~>::iltl1or-I I!or ‘~‘c.l)ntl~: shall rccord this I,cnr;e iior permi? the same to he r~ordd \:vyic?:mt the vvrriticxi> c of t‘:~c oi:rer, but ~1~11 havc the right to record nny such short form. 7. Attoriirijs’ Fccs. 111 :?.ny Rctj<>;l or procec.ding whicli t?!:; Lnndlortl or tiit ‘Tciinnt may he rcqiiirc:1 to prosecute to f its r(:sp:.r.tivc. riylits Iicsr.cuiic!c.r, tlir: ~liii.:.;cc:~:isf~il party thcrcin :~.grecs to p:!y all costs ii~~~~zd lpy tj, \yLi]j;ig prtj. tlicxin, i~pI:~{‘iiiig rcascm::l~!c nttoi-tlays’ ICCS, to 1~ !k~d 1))~ the court, n~id snid c3.i ;ittfir,):;ys’ fc;:: :;;l:i]l lie iri?.iic 3 p”-: of tlic juciy,tamt iii s::id aehm. In ::ny siix:itiori in \vliiclt ;I c:i:,i s!:it!<:d o;!lci. ~haii by nciioii or pi-c!xcc?i!~g, ‘i’cnant sh!t pay dl I,:\II:~~~’s CO:;~::; ~III:! ai~orrx~y:;* fer,< 1- ti:c;c! 9. x 4 e * 8. (,‘uptiom arid Scctio;i Idr:mtiers. Tlic captioils, section nunbers, artid(: JmillberS i\[ld indrx sppenrir~;; ill [Ibis I,t.:t\t* ar(: il1scrrtt:d o111) mattcr of con\reiIicfice arid ii1 no way drsne, iimit, coiistrur OF ciescribtt tlit. scopc or iiitcrit or siich src.tir articles of this Lezse nor in any way nifect this Leas:. 9. Seoerability. . If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Lease, or the applicatio~ thereof to nny per: circumtance, shali to any exteilt be I~ld by R court of compztcnt jurisdiction to be iravdid, void or uIleil able, the remainder of fhl? terms, covemnts, coiiditims or provisions oi’ this Lczsc, or the application 11 to any persm or circumstance, shall remnin in full force and efi‘ect and shall in no way be asec’ied, imj or inva1idat::d. 10. Applic&?. ZclU. i. This Leas$, and the rights and obligations of the pnrties hcreto, shd1 be constried and enhced cordairce with the laws of the state in which the Ikmised Preinires are locale2. 11. ExamEnci5on of Lzase. Submis5ion of this instiument for examination or sigmture by Tenant does not cans!itirte a reservzticz . option to Lase, and it is not eGcctive as a Lease or otLerwisc until execution and rIe!i;~eiy by bod1 La: and Tenmt. (SEE hz:>ENDt’’vtl R. Sumsscxs Eo~D. This Lmse arid each 0;’ its covenants ad con2iSo.x sIixll Tie bin&!ig upii zinc?. sMI jmire to the 1 of tfirj ljnrties hereto 2nd their respective heirs, succ2:sors rind le;<~.l rq>~z:eeil::~.tives zild tijeir rcr; zssip;ns, subject to the provisions hereof. Tilhcnc-wr in [‘-:is Lense 2 rclerxxe is nn6c to tile Lsnd’,ord reference shdl be dcemed to rdcr to tie person in dioin t3e interest of the Ln:idl::;d s;iz11 be vz~tz, tcndlord shall halie r:o ~‘o!ig;iti~~i hereider as to any C1:ii-n P.risx12 e:tcr the transfer of its iliter*st D~CI!SXI Premises. hy SUCC~SSOT or essignei: of the ‘~‘CIIXI~ \~,~h T.C Le& 2nd eriters into possession or cnjopcnt h~r~ilidcr shdI ttier ;?ss:irfic ziid r,grce to pci-iorrii 2 b3:j::d. by the covcnmts and conditiojis thcrcoE. Nothing Iigrein coniaincd &!i be :‘:eeined in any m?.:i give fr rig:=it of nssignxieiit to Tenzrit \yii;liout the written consent of Landiord. .. :s ai1 nssi;;nmcnt or tile: beE IN !‘d~ai.:res VJHFSZO::, the pzrties lime exccukd this Lease as of the dzte kt abova wri~ien. UL~.~~~J~~’’ .................. .............. By ............... ....... Attcsi: ............ .............. ‘T>:F;)xp.;T- ......................... ........ cy ............................... 1Lttt;t.t : .... ....... ......... ........ 12 0 0 .I 1 ss. STATE OF COUNTY OF I On , before me, the undckigncd, a Notary Puldic in and for said State, pcr appeared y known to me to be the alia Of corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the porsons who executed the instrument on liehnlf of the corporatioil tlicrein nanicd, and acknowledged to me that such coq: executed the within instrumcnt pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board 05 directors. WITNESS my hand arid official seal. .. ......................................... N0ta.ry Pirblic ] ss. STATE OF C0UL.iI-Y GY On y before me, the ur,dersigned, a Notary Pub!ic in and. for mid State, per appeared , known to me to }>e the and of ~.~)i-pcr:.ztio~ tht exccutcd tlie within instnnnent, Emo~vn to III:: to be ttic pzrsons wh cxccuted thc jnstrumcnt 011 beI~aIf of thc coqmrntion tlierein nn!ild, :id ach~o\~l~.dgcd to ~iic tht sild1 cor:; a:cr.ute(I t!,c wjthin j:istrun-terit pursu:jiit to it!; by-ln\xis 01' 3 resolution 0: its lxmrcl (if director:;. Vl~mmras rny hand ;uid 0fici:~l seal. ...... IS * YAntiOW DRIVE ~-~.. ~.. _.__-.._A I' ! I '. ..- ___._____. ~- .___I- __.- ,,,,,-\,,I ,7( ,\ A,:,) ,),KC, -r e .e fl, ?A / ' ; -can p,:-;y ?dl c. k.. R rc l- 9 7 5' ::*, g.2- .&;; 2 tJ & J: ~.L- LkZib; cOkriwm.4 0 L 1."" A t- f _it r !.', 1. i L. i s.. t ~:. .. , *, i. .. .). .. ., . <' . : . , .- .... . .-. The dxip provides flexible space finished to th c r c y LI j re n~ en ts of ill c t e ii 3 II t . Pa 1 o xi a r Airport politan area with more than 11 mi!!ion I lation. 1 hi.. to Ori!ngr County. D 11/2 milc.; from 1n:crstatc 5 and 2 milcs the Pacjfic Ocean. a Located 1 mile from the 1.a Costa resort 2 Major companies in ar'ea include 13~1r1-f Co I' p . , I-: ugh e s Air c ra f t, B e ck in ;; struments, US. Foam, Dyna-Mcd, Loc f7' l'aioninr Airpori l3usi!ics Park is ;I 321 m as f c' r - p! 2 nn e d i n d 11 s, t I-i 2 1 p~ rk I vl 1 i c ti () in 1975. from 1,603 to 42,480 square 3rd interior office iniprove- cd to meet client requiI.e- exy truck accer:s. Euilding 10 ft. gr,adi. level o\~rIicad an ci A 11 i 11 011 jr 11.1 d L! I; t 1.i il~. . Cont:<ct: J';iininar Aii.:)o~t "our;inc~; f'n!-l.; c) r? ~~oJltillUcJll5 Stl'i}] flLlOJC5Cc'll: li~;ll!~l~!$ 011 39 ft. . c~i1tc!r~ in l)iii!tlii\:: ,9 niici 011 2.1 [L. CCi-1lCJ.S ii? real estate hi-okcr. ___-_ '2 C'c.iitr.11 lo(-atioii i:i Nortl) Sr;ri I3ic;;n Corinty, 01-i~ of t! I c' f,istC'!lt );i.o\vi ! ii~, '1 ic'i :. I) i C',t I i f0i-i ii<i. i.'! 3:) 111 i :-I I 1 ! c 5 f1.c )I i I i! (1 :V I I 1 i) ;*\VI 1 :;.1 I 1 ! -1 i C~J,O, I '1 IE b F.3 IO iiiin~~t(~~~ Io l.o!r KoItIi C'{.)kli\ty ccir~~i!',i!:iitics. Ti~LEt'itCJXE (714) 43;; :'55? IF i , i .. 0 a. ~i~>T>~~ifiLII\S -1.0 'j-j?E s'r,L,YD.;2i3 FGh5 h5gL'jl PIX UC7C3-i; ?.A.:YCY LCXSE I<)' A-'i*D ~~~<'~~'~'~~~<~!~ PAL(j!,iAK 910, BEXNAKD id. GILttiORE ( ''~,A1<D;dO~~~'' ) (. ' -1-z y-:+ !<T"') - THE ciw OF CAW-,SBAD __ ___. - -.. __ ..._.---___ ~__ -...-- ~.--- --__--__-~- D-4'rED As OF -._.. June _~_-- 2.5,-1-93J __- The pioi-njses, ca~er,mts, agrecmenls 2nd dec?zrztio9s made rnd set for111 I-ej-cin are inic-nded to 2nd shzll have thc szme force 2nd effect 2s jf set ?oi-;h 21 Jengh in the b:~d}' of the 'lees2 to irhich lhis hdden6urn is aiihched (ijlz ;re jncnncjs:knt \vith rhe ti-~.mS and conditions of rhe LE~SD, I?," ~t'i-ms h21-eof shall COiliT01: ' .. bz,?se"). TO i?Je eX'tCn1 that lh.2 p1'0ViSiOnS of 1his ,%dd?ridum I. 1. Sycrion E-3. The p?I-iod 21 r'ne end of Section E-3 is hi_;reby ci;Zing?d to a ur,?ess \i-iihin .* . cc1mma 2nd the following 7zng;zge is hereby added tkrzto: -wch si,:th ((;Lh) m~nr'n pzrio5 th? Gi-~;;se.d F'rezj~~s 12coi;>F "ready {or OCCUj;z,-!Cy" 25 62fjned in Section 2-5 klow. 2. Seciion F-7, S2clion F-7 is li3;-kbj7 rcrir?ed to ;-cad: ___I-__ . '*Tec~r!~*s Tropzriy" 2nd iijz Janp~~e of ssid SSciion is h?r<::>y revised 10 ?-cad ;IS iol]o\~.-s: "Ter.;._l 'si;all 8ssumc: 111-2 risk Of d.?ir;2ge IC UIy fhiUI-c'S, gC~-7dS, iT!Yefiiory, i-rierchan a:s;ff, equipment, JurnSiurr- 2nd ?er?~efioid iz;pTo-ieji;cnls \i.iiicb ;-e:j:zin *,:le p1-fip:i-i~ of Tenzni or as 10 vhicii Tenent relairis the right of I-~-J~I>o;-~] fro133 rbe Gerr;ised Fi-eEjses, 2nd Tenrrit shall i~zin;z-irj 3ezsonz:)ifr ijlsurznce cove iyjl1) resipct 10 FJC~ jtcxs d~~ing - ?ti? Term of ih:s IL.~s~. *' ... 7- .- 3. Seciion G-2 ____-__ 1';';ith reference IO Secrion G-2, 113s fo!lov:ing ?znp;jge is .I I- IC) - -> Lby adclt-cl 1h,"Tcto: Ter,&rlr express;'ly uns2rsrznds tbai there sb211 b? rjc ai,'ij-]pa1jve i-c:sp>Esibi]iq v.7ith ;-e9jE2jct to eitlier p3-Q' in cnr!r-,ec:ic>n v,-il\l j-Cpei1-s IO 11ie v.-zIls of I:IE D;-;TI~sc+~ l'rc-inises rc'lating io ~~~i~~~~i~~ or \l~-c.sll,~ or corislj-uclion ~r.;it-ri~ls 2nd CO~~J-ESI~~ IO <?sjl;?Lc IO 1112 si i~ic~-iira] in~cgl-ii of 1112 l>-~~j]~ji~lg v;z]Is. FuI-~~I-, L.>nd!ord co\'c;rianl s 1hi:t it z!;:lII oJ.,:ain fj-0j-r c 0 11 i 1-3 C: I c, 1- XI: 1 J 0 c c: i st ]X c I s I ii ? 1 i1-l p i C11'e ni ? E? S U j)3 3 1 he Ti? X) i 5.:: d f 3-c 1.j: j se s a \>.-zj-J-::niy in 11;~ llsiial ~O;TTI zseir::,t d-r-fpci-ive ~;c,I-~~I~',~~~;~~~~~ Z!I~ 1-;~~1~~~~]~ fnJ a ]y~jod of oi.~e (1) ea^ ~i-c)1-1~1 i\l? CC~~TII~'I~C~C~~J~~~~~~~ Of ill? 'T.ej-112. ?-)\)J-iilg ::-,aid \i;:<j 1 ZIJI~ p.=l jo:j, said \~;ATJ-Z;II~ s1;zll I>:, for I\-JF hci-ie-iit of 'I'er~;:znt, 10 i:lp c>:s 11~21 it C:OV<,I.S; zi~y C~L.$~CIL; in 1115 II~!~-)I cjvcJ-i-12riIs v.9iiic:h T~~>~;;>! is i-~qi,j~-~:~~ ~b ,- c' I;a i 1- 11t-J t.:,ndcr. .I .. I1 \l-\\-l\'r-\l T?\?, .. 0 .e 4. Skciic>n I\?-1. ___ ~__ .--__ TI,: S~-I-I-J~CO~O:I f011~)ii-ing SuSs-ciion hT-1 (b) is fi.?~~=bj' ch2fig:zd lo a p?~'ic,d and the fol1wt1.-ing sc-ii!cnce is hereby :Jidd:d at tIi.2 end of said Sub- section: tlro (2) monihs in 2. ro\v tlii'n Rent skzll b?coi-ne due and pyz5'3e quhrterly in advance on the first day of each calendar quarter durins tk fof1ov;inv one (1) year pzriod of the Term of the base, dier v:hiCh ysar Rent st211 again bz payzble monthly End this Section shall again IE in effect. "Should tkre 1>3 conS?Cuii\'e fzilure to py such ir:s:al;i7-ients for 3 .. .. 5. ,Section 4-12, A nzw Section 4-12 is added enritled "Fjn~r~ci~f S:~i~ij~~1j~s" -.__ ** and conlains the follon-ing Iangi2ge: I,ezse; Tefiant shzll, upm thirr). (30) dzy~' prior ivririen notice ij-ojx Lzr-idlorc in connection \i-iiti my fizancing of rhe Dercis2d PST~II?~SZS, pi-o~idp f,2ndlo1-d r- \;jjth 2 current fir.2.ricial ~tai~~ient ad lir:ancial statements ior e2ch 'of chz a::o (2) years prior to ihe current fir,;inciaf staieEsnt year. Such ~;z.rer;~en~s si:zll k,? prepxred in accoi-dznce with gc-nx-ally accep'ed accouniicg principles 2nd shall bz audited by indejxnden; certified puhiic accountsnis if such is the no~-i-i:sl priictice of Tenant. XI zny time during tk2 Term of the ., _. _. ' I. 6. Soction 4-33. A niw Strction Q-I 3 entilled "Rent Comil~enc<:i;.~~jt R;lte" is added }iej-E:tO end coi:Tai~.i~ The fo~Ic~~;~r~~ I;?r~i,.~~ge: hel-eb,y zgi-i.c that up311 de:erminztion of tii- :!tcl::al Coi-nmerIicx-!?nt dzie of tt~e Term, ;i leiter shall issun from Lkind101-d v;hich \vi11 Ix co:>nt?rsignSd bjT Tenant .zinc3 v;hich shall idPniifj7 thc act~al corrImcncernenr Cz?e of Fix-c-d Rent, ________ "Lzrtdio;d zj-?d T~.nz_nt --. .I . ...-. 7. Section Q-14. ________ A new Section Q-14 entilled "Surrender of Prc-1-sis::s; Holding Over" is acidzd hereto and contains the fc)lloivii>g lanpige: "fij2 c.xpira:jon of ic:n (3 0) dzys afrcr ~z~-i-i~ir>x~ic~r~ oi ihe Te3-1.n. 'Tenant SI;~]] s?:.:-:-~- . ,.II~~~I- r?-, to Landlor-d ;he Dci-iiiscd I'~-c:mi~es and all rr~~3~jl'~ i~i~pi-~~ca-~e!;? s 2nd nlii:rkTions in gocd condirion (O;CC-PI SOT oj-difiary ~:;c>~T 21)d ;e:31* OCC~~I-J-~;~;; ::fl3~ IIjs lpst jic.cessa1-y ~nainrc-r;~nce ji?Zdz l!y Trr:an: aJld excepr f01- d<d~i~-\icT ictn of t1-i.- Dei-rlised Pri-i-i:i:;i.s co\ej-cfd ?IJT Ai-1 iclo K) e>tcep: f01- aI:ei-ziic;::s TI;?; rj-Vi?LJlt I;zs t!)e righr IO rerino\.e or is c)?i?igzIed io i-emo\.e after th2 pi-o~ji-j:,:?~ of Al-iicIe 1;. 'Tcn2nI :;hall l-L'J.JiO\'? 211 irS j,,2l-SC>!:7l j>3.Ojel-iy \Yiij~ill 1]-12 ;l,~-;k :;l;:ic.(j li].!bc ],:-1.i Tcn;inr shall ~I::I-?OI-ITI all rcsioi-:iiic~i~ I-II:~~~c 1icCCsszi-y 1)y ;lip i i.;~-:o;-al of ;?I-I~ zif i c: ;-ai j or1 s or 'Ti. Ji2!lt ' s p:< i- L, c)il :j 1 p~ iip? r I? 1;; i i 11 i JI i 1:: t i II I? 1): I- i cj 3 .c; I '2 I i' (I i rI i I: i s Section. c)l- 'T~1.i ;! 1-11 ':; 1.):- 1- s<) ri 31 1 IJ Clj ~2 1-i.)' I 1 I :iI 'I-C. fi;3 nt (3 :>:: s 1.1 oi 1-t. i-1-i c)iyi: ;: p::i i i.1~. ]IC 1 j : i :,.:<l J'j.crijj:~,?s 011 C->:III~ :~IIC)II OT ~~-;-~-i-!ii,:~~;:~n of IIJP IcJ-lJ) as :I110 ~t? <>r ~~-qiiii c.~? l)y J.,arii;lo-i-d c:ii-~ CSIPCI IO i~c~1:~iri 01- clj5j):)s~ of in ;in): 17 i': r ;< ~117 :;] i c: r:: t i (j .> .. - ~~l~~I~~~:!~J.~!.~~~~ 6 0- a ibis ],c:;s<: IJ~ SjvjrjL :;I 1e;:st icn (IO) 62)s noljcc io ',rerj:Jnt, a);ej 2tjc)r;s or Tc-j-i;lnt's F~:.I-~c):;z~ p~.~j)>~-iy 11;at I,;ri~?I~~i-~ c.~(-c.Is 10 1-e;~jn or djspc)s;" of on e>:pir-htjon of he it'n (IO) day I.r:i-ic)d s!;a'll vest in 1,sr)rJlor-d. 'rerlarit v:aives 211 cIziirs 2g::iDst J,andlor-d lor any tam;..ge to 'Tenant I-esu]ting from J,andlord's reieniior. 01- disposition of any such 21terz.tio::s or Tenant's p;-rsonal pr0pz3:lyr storing, ~-eirioving 2nd dZ sposing of any alicrztions or Tenant's p3rsonal luopzi-ty. If Tenint fails to sui-rer~dei- thz Demised Premises to Landlord on expii-aiion or ten (10) d~ys after remiination of the Term as required by this Section, 'Tenant sball hold 12zndlor-d h~innless from all dan:::..gcs resulting iron Tenant's iailili-e io surrender the E2mised Fi-c-mises inc]uding v;irilour 1irni:ztic c]zi!r:s xade by a succeeding TegaT I-esul~ing fr0i-n Ter,ant's fei][il-.e to su 1- I-e n 6 e I- t he D: m i SF- d FJ-e m i se s . -j-j!]t 10 zny such Tej-iant shall k likhle 10 Landlord for La\idloi-d's costs 101 .I -... ..- .-- S. Sectiori Q-15. A new Section Q-15 entitled "option to Extend" is addzd hereto __._____-__ ., end coniains th? iollov~ing lanpage: option to extend the Teim of this &%ST' for 2 pzriod of one year exerc!s~Sle Lipon prior v:ritir;n notice from Tenant To Landlor6 delivered not less than four (4) months prior to thz expii'ation of the Term of tbis lE.zse, The option is c:xercis&le only SO long 2s Tenant is in possession oi the Pl-c-niIscs 2nd h2S not s:jb!?t [IS? Fi-ei?ises or zssign-d its posirjc)n in this Lezse. inc~-e;ised i.n pj-c)pDrtioa to aril: increks? in the Consumer Pi-jcz ]fide>: (all i12lns: S~ates.Dsp;i7-ii;ien~ oi T,zb.~:- for i!~ first month of t'ns ex-1ende-d 1CI-Jl.l in reIatjon to i'ne Ind~x phIis~~~::d For the first inoritti of tht? 0rjgii;al 'rerm oi t:le ]--2se but in ziny event, thf Fixed Rent pyable during the e>::eridcd term shall b? no Jess ihgn I-k Fixed Xent payable during thi oricjnd Term of the, L,easz- Landlord hereby gran!s to Tenant an The Fixed Rent p?y;hle by Tenant &iring the exten226 term sbzll 'a ]as An~~ies/Lo:ii,' Zc.2~11 A1-e~) (.'Index") as p3bI i stii-d :I;. the Ijnjted 1, , IN WTXESS M'HEREOF, the pzrtics have executed this Addendurn 2s of the 62)' 2nd yea fii-st Zbove v,ri-i?ien. - J3111.) 1; X 1) 1.1 li$ 1b:;c 3 of 1. .I 0 m a - - . -. - .- -2.. I. PALONAR ____ 310 - BERNA3D W. GILb5OR. ___c_ _____I_-- By --___-- ______~ _- Date Bernard W. Gilmore _._ .- Its ” L -AND I, ORD ’ ’ .. .. __ THE CITY OF CIIXLSSAD _____._____ ______ .____ -___ __.-___--- BY - _____.____ -Date Ruth S. Fletcher ___~ __ Its: ”TENANT” f 1 -1 151 113 !:!< !.jL’h5 .-. , r1