HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-26; City Council; N/A; Waste Collection AgreementDATE: August 21, 1980 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager WASTE COLLECTION AGREEMENT ~ Last year Council requested staff to negotiate new contract provisions with Coast Waste Management. The attached agreement provides: a five year instead of one year term --a 2% service fee to the City --a rate adjustment index quarterly reports trash service for City It is requested thelt Council review the draft contract a111. suggest changes you may desire. Coast Waste Ma~agement has provided information showing that direct costs for labor, equipment and other items has increased by 55¢ per customer since 1978 when the current rates were set. Staff study has revealed that current monthly rates are competitive with neighboring cities. City Oceanside Carlsbad San Marcos La Mesa Del Mar Vista Resident rr:ri-- 4.65 4.85 4.90 5.84 6.05 Commercial $23.79 25.79 29.85 29.00 35.04 37,35 Contractor asked for an increase to $5.30 for residents and $28.10 for commercial service monthly. After further negotiation, contractor agreed to the new cov- tract for a one year term at the existing rates. I August 21, 1980 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT This contract will produce revenue to City 9f $20,000 (2% of gross receipts). City direct costs are $14,000 for inspector and $5,700 for billing. Alternative - Council may wish to consider calling for proposals from other contractors. RECOMMENDATION That Council authorize new contract for a one year tenn at current rates with understanding that rate adjustments can be considered when cost index increases 7%. ~ FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager FA:gb attachment Council Action: 8-26-80 Council directed staff to prepare an agreement in accordance with the recommendations, said agreement to be for a s~year period. August 8, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Utilities & Maintenance SUBJECT: Revised Waste Collection Agreement; Coast Waste Management EXHIBIT A The City Council reviewed the present solid waste contract at their meeting of September 18, 1979 and indicated to st.1ff that it would be appropriate to renegotiate the contract. It was further requested by Council that consideration be given to providing limited can service at a reduced rate. Several meetings were conducted with Coast Waste representatives rel at; ng to a revised contract. , esentation of this report has been de 1 ayed for vari 01.,s reasons (City Manager changes, U/M Director broken arm, etc.) and there was no overriding urgency to complete the negotiations since our present contract was functior,al and no rate increase was contemplated. Land fill fees were increased signifi~antly (35%) on July 1, 1980 and Coast Waste has indicated that, in their opinion, a rate increase is in order. Accordingly, a revised contract has been developed ant should be approved before the rate request is considered. The revised contract is for five years and year-to-year after Septeml>er 1, 1985. This has been included in order that the contractor may arrange financing for new equipment and for his eventual relocation from the present site. The present loca- tion of his yard is a non-conforming land use and recently Council approved a CUP for construction of a temporary maintenance building. This CUP will expire in April of 1985, by which time Coast Waste is to complete relocation. Conditions of this con- tract reconfirm the CUP and no extension of the contract beyond September 1, 1985 will be granted unless the relocation is completed. The revised contract includes a requirement for quarterly reporting of management. information and the provision of drag-on boxes to support the annual Christmas Tree recycling program and Spring Clean-up. Additionally, twelve 3-yard containers are provided year round for City use at no cost to the City. It also includes the requirement for a 2% service fee on gross revenues to be paid to the City to defray City costs for billing residential customers in the City billing area (water and sewer service area), inspecting performance and complaint handling, and litter collection activities. This will generate about $20,000 on an annual basis. A surrrnary of the contract changes is attached as enclosure (1). Costs directly relating to management of the Solid Waste Program included in the 80-81 budget are $20,262 ($14,562 Sanitation Inspection and $5,700 Finance Department). The service fee will offset these direct costs. The revised contract also provides for a more rational basis on which to evaluate rate adjustments. We have, in the past, based rate changes on the basis of the con- tractor's cost increases. This procedure is an indexing procedure and the agreement rec.ognizes this metnod. The index procedure would be developed and adopted by resolution at some time in the future. The use of the index is not an automatic escalator, although it could be used to trigger a request. Ultimate approval/ disapproval of a rate request would rest with Council. The index merely provides a 3 City Manager -2 -August 8, 1980 means of evaluating in a standard manner, a request when compared with the previous rate. The second matter which the Council indicated they wish discussed concerns a provi- sion for limited can service; i.e., a lower rate for one can a week service. This type of service is included by some cities, including Del Mar. Our present con- tract is a single fee for weekly service but has no restrictions on the number of cans or bundles per household. The contractor does not recommend the two-tiered service for the following reasons: 1. The administrative difficulties in maintaining current customer records. 2. The problems resulting in billing for occasional "extra cans" (this billing problem would also impact the City's billing operation). 3. The revenue lost due to neighbors stacking extra cans with those of the neighbor who has unlimited can service. 4. The increased complaint load. I believe City costs would also be increased due to the extra billing problems and complci'int loads. I am also of the opinion that the City would be required to provide a higher level of inspection and assistance to the contracto .. to ensure the accuracy of their records and the compliance of the customers. The present system of single-tier residential service is the simplest and least restrictive system available -a two- tiered systE:ITI will increase administrative costs which are non-productive costs, which will offset customer savings. It is not recommended that a two-tier service option be included in this agreement. It is recommended that Council approve the revised agreernent. Rl~G:pab attach. & Maintenance 1llli Term Term Conditions Rates Change Trigger Council Failure to Approve Service Fee Report Requirement Holidays Additional Services Arbitration Attorney Fees SOLID WASTE CONTRACT CHANGES OLD Year-To-Year None Consider -major chaaiges to CPI None Normal expiration on Octoher 1 None On request Five 1-truck once a month No provision No provision NEW 5 Year \ Year-To-Year thereafter Satisfactory compliance · with CUP-171 (move by April -15, 1985) Index to be developed and adopted by Resolution 30 days after threshold - Counci 1 approve Six months written notice 2% of gross Quarterly: A. Complaints B. Number of customers C. Gross receipts D. Problems Six 12 -3 yd. cont. 4 -drag-ons Christmas. Yes Yes Spring Clean Up . : RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE_REMOVAL OF SOLID WASTE EXHIBIT 11 811 l 2 3 4 HHEREAS, the City Counci1 of the City of Carlsbad, California does hereby 5 resolve as follows: 6 1. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Coast Waste 7 Management for services relative to the co11ection of solid waste, a copy of 8 which is attached hereto, marked 11 Exhi bit A" and madE: a part hereof, is hereby 9 approved. 10 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby au:horized and 11 directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 12 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City 13 C.ouncil held on the __ day of _______ , 1980 by the following vote, 14 to wit: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: 24 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 25 (SEAL) 26 27 28 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES This agreement e~tered into this day of ------------ 1980 by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "Carlsbad" and Coast Waste Management, Incorporated, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Collector". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Carlsbad is responsible for the provision of refuse collec- tion services to promote the safety, health and general welfare of its citizens and, WHEREAS, Carlsbad may contract for such~refase collection services and, WHEREAS, Collector is in the business of collecting and disposing of refuse and is now and can continue to provide the necessary refuse collection services to the citizens of Carlsbad and, WHEREAS, Car1sbad wishes to contract with Collector for such services, THE PARTIES hereto do mutually covenant and agree as follows: l. COLLECTOR as an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of CARLSB.l\D, shall furnish all labor, equipment and materials for and shall make available to all persons residing or doing business at a location within the city limits of CITY, as it presently exists or as it exists in the fut11. , (customers), the service of collection and disposal of refuse (service), subject to the tenns and conditions of this agreement. 2. TERM: The term of this agreement shall commence on September 1, 1980 and shall continue for a term of one (1) year to August 31, 1981. The agreement is autom:itically renewable, year to year, subject to the right of either party to terminate for any reason on the anniversary date, upon -2 - ninety (90) days written notice preceding that date. Collector expressly waives any and all rights under Section 4272 of the Health and Safety Code and agrees that the term will be governed solely by this agreement. 3. BILLI~GS: Carlsbad shall handle all of the billings and normal collections through its present billing system for water or sewer customers regularly billed by Carlsbad. Billing shall be coordinated with the bill- ing system at such frequency for billing established by Carlsbad for the co 11 ection of water and sewer charges. Provided, hov,ever, that Carlsbad sha 11 have the right to refuse to handle bi 11 ings and co 11 ections with respect to any accounts which, in the opinion of Carlsbad, would be diffi- cult or inconvenient to handle through its system. Collections for past due accounts for refuse services shall be the COLLECTOR'S responsibility although Carlsbad may forward the same for collection alon\l with its forwarding of accounts past due for water and sewer charges. Carlsbad's records and books concerning said billings shall be open to inspection by COLLECTOR and may provide copies at COLLECTOR'S expense. COLLECTOR shall handle his own billings, collections and payments due him from customers not bill~d by Carlsbad. Carlsbad shall not be responsible to the COLLECTOR for monies due him or for the collection thereof in any way as to such accounts. 4. RATE~: COLLECTOR agrees to accept from customers as full compensation for the complete collection and disposal of refuse, the rates stated in Resolution No, 5552, adopted by the City Council on the 3rd day of October, 1978, 0n file with the City Clerk and incorporated herein by reference. COLLECTOR will not request a change in such rates prior to September 1981. CARLSBAD recognizes that rates are related in part to the cost of doing business, including the fees for disposal set by the County of San Diego, the cost of fuel, maintenance, salaries and insurance. -3 - An index based on changes to these cost elements will be developed by CARLSBAD by March 30, 1981. The base for the index will be the costs as of September 1, 1980, Said index to be subject to City Council approval. An overall change of 7% in the index will allow COLLEGTOR to request rate changes. The City Council sha1l have discretion in approving or disapprov- ing such requests but will consider changes in the index and prevailing rates in other cities in San Diego County in arriving at their decision. In the event CARLSBAD unreasonably refuses a rate increase requested by COLLECTOR, COLLECTOR may terminate this agreement upon six (6) months written notice. 5. SERVICE FEE: COLLECTOR agrees to pay CITY a sum of money equal to 2% of total gross receipts from fees collected from customers (both residential and con1nercial) in the CITY. Such fee to reimburse CITY for the costs associated with collection ,:.if bills for COLLECTOR, inspection and supervision of COLLECTOR'S performance and customer service. Such fees to be paid to CITY on a quarterly basis in January, April, July and October. 6. gUARTERLY REPORT REQUIREMENT: COLLECTOR will forward to the City Manager a report on a quarterly basis in January, April, July and October which will include the following information concerning the previout three months activities: I-\ Number of complaints with su1m1ary information as to type of complaint; i.e., missed pick-up, quality of service, etc. B. A·,erage number of customers served per month categorized as to residential and conmercial. C. Average gross receipt~ per month, categorized as residential and commerci a 1 • D. Any significant problems or anticipated future problems relating to refuse collection in the CITY. -4 - 7. FREQUENCY OF COLLECTION: COLLECTOR shall collect refuse and garbage once per week from each residential unit in accordance with a schedule of collection subject to approval by the City Manager. Frequency of commercial collection shall be as agreed upon by COLLECTOR and cw,tome"s. 8. HOURS OF COLLECTION: COLLECTOR shall make collections in resi- dential areas between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and dark. 9. HOLIDAYS: The following listed holidays are designated for purposes of this agreement: New Year• s Day Memorial Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day (Customers scheduled for collection on a holiday shall bt? serviced on the fo 11 owing day and the balance of the schedule shall be adjustecl accordingly). 10. ORuINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: This agreement is subject to all CITY'S ordinances and resolutions, both present and future, to the extent that they regulate the subject matter of this ;:i.greement, said ord"inances and reso 1 u- tions shall bind the parties hereto and shall bind each of the parties hereto and art: by this reference incorporated herein. 11. DUMP LOCATIONS: COLLECTOR shal 1 dispose of all refuse in a sanitary iandfill or transfer stc1tion which is authorized for disposal of such refuse by the County of San Di ego or !'.!TY. 12. WORKMANLIKE PERFORMANCE: COLLECTOR shall perform all of his obligations hereunder in a good workmanlike, sanitary and lawful manner. He sha 11 provide competent, sober and 11iformed personnel, efficient and clean equipment and serve the pub 1 i c 1 n a · •1rteous, hel pfu1 and impartial manner. All personnel will be required to Hear a name tag or number on their exter)or clothing. COLLECTOR will remr any employee for cause upon request of CITY. -5 - 13. COLLECTION EQUIPMENT: The COLLECTOR shall provide an adequate number of vehicles and equipment for regular collection service. Truck bodies will be all metal and watertight. the COLLECTOR shall paint its name and phone number on the sides of each truck, drop body and bin in letters at least four inches high. Truck5 shall be cleaned and washed at least once a week and will be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition at all times. Trucks will be garaged overnight on COLLECTOR 1 S premises and no on-street overnight parking is authorized. 14. INSURANCE: COLLECTOR shall hold CITY free and harmless from any loss, damage or liability resulting from the performance or non-performance by COLLECTOR, its agents, employees and contlactors of his obligation thereunder. During the term hereof, COLLECTOR shall, at his soie expense, maintain in full force and effect, insurance ap~r0ved by CITY, name CITY as co-insured, in at least the following limits: A. Public Liability -bodily injury tc one person •• $ 500,000 B. Public L'iability -bodily injury to more than one person in one accident • • • $1,000,000 C. Property Damage. . •.•• • $ 50,000 D. Workman's Compensation as required by law. Such insurance shall be in such form that it is non-cancellab1e except upon ten (10) days written notice to CITY. COLLECTOR shall furnish CITY with certifir.ates show'ing such insurance to be in full force and effect at all times during the t.erm hereof. 15. BOOKS & RECORDS: COLLECTOR shall keep true and accurate books and accounts of all business done, money received, accounts payable and cash ct,sbursements by reason of its performance of its obligations here- unde~. Said books and accounts shall be kept separate from any books or accounts for services and COLLECTOR'S business operations performed out- side ti1e city l'imits of the CITY. Said books and records and accounts -6 - shall be open to inspection and audit by CITY at all times. 16. BUSINESS LICENSE: COLLECTOR shall obtain and pay for a CITY business license. 17. ASSIGNMENT: COLLECTOR shall not assign or sub-contract any of his duties under this agreement without first obtaining approval from the City Council. 18. ADDlTIONAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY COLLECTOR: A. COLLECTOR shall provide to the CITY at no charge, twelve (12) three (3) cubic yard bin containers <.le'fivered and located at such areas as designated by the City Manager. An additional container will be provided with each incremental increase of 500 residential customers at the request of the City ManagP.r. B. COLLECTOR will provide a maximu~ of four (4) drag-on boxes (40 cu.yd. containers) for the Annual Spring Clean-up in areas designated by the City Manager. Landfili fees will be paid by CITY. Drag-on boxes to be relinquished by CITY to COLLECTOR within 5even (7) days of end of Spring Clean-up Week. C. COLLECTOR will provide a maximum of four (4) drag-on boxes ( 40 cu .yd. containers) for the Annual Christmas Tree Recycling Program. Landfill fees will be paid by CITY. Drag-on boxes to be relinquished by CITY to COLLECTOR within seven (7) days of the end of the recycling program. 19. DEFAULT BY COLLECTOR: In the event COLLECTOR fails for any r~ason whatsoever to perform his ob 1 igati ons hereunder ten ( 10) days after written notice from CITY of any default, CITY may, at its sole option tenni nate this agreement and cause COLL ECTOR I S ob 1 igations here- under to be performed by others. In the event CITY sustains any cost or expense by reason of any default by COLLECTOR, or the engaging of others to perfonn, COLLECTOR shall pay the amount thereof to CITY. -7 - 20. FAILURE TO COLLECT: Should the COLLECTOR fail to collect and dispose of refuse set out or placed for collection as herein provided for, and fail to correct such situation within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of notice thereof, the CITY may collect and dispose of same and the COLLECTOR shall be liable for the expenses incurred. 21. PERFORMl'\NCE BOND: COLLECTOR shall secure a surety bond in the penal sum of $10,000.00 conditioned upon the faithful performance of this agreement, which bond shall be delivered to CITY and be:: kept in full force at all times by COLLECTOR. 22. CUSTOMER RELATIONS-MAINTENANCE OF LOG: COLLECTOR shall maintain at all times a written log in which shall be recorded all comnunications including complaints from customers. The log shall be made available to the City Manager on reque'>t, together with a record of all written communications received by COLLECTOR. 23. HARDSHIP CASES: CITY reserves the power, by appropriate ordinance or resolution, together with admi ni strati ve regulations, to pro- vi de for the omission of refuse and garbage collection services to certain customers in hardship situations. CITY shall have sole authority to determine what circumstances constitute hardship. 24. EXCLUSIVENESS OF AGREEMENT: So long as COLLECTOR is in full force and effect, CITY shall not enter into any agreement with any person a 11 owing said person to perform any of COLLECTOR I S ob l i gatio11s hereunder, provided however, that tree trimmers, gardeners, contractors, sub- contractors, and other persons operating a separate business, shall be entitled to dispose of the grass clippings, prunings, and discarded con- struction material, etc., which they gen(,rate in their separate businesses. 25. STRIKES: In the event COLLECTOR is prevented from performing his service or interrupted in the performance of his service by reason of any strike or other labor action, CITY shall be entitled at no cost to -8 - CITY to the use of COLLECTOR'S trucks and equipment previously used in CITY for the purpose of providing citizens of CITY refuse collection during the continuance of said strike. COLLECTOR shall pay to CITY a pro rata share of the fees collected for any period during which CITY provides such service. 26. NOTICES: All notices hereunder shall conclusively be deemed received twenty-fo•Jr (24) hours after their deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to CITY at 1200 Eim Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008, and to COLLECTOR at 7204 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008. 27. ARBITRATION: Any controversy between the parties hereto involving the construction or application of any of the terms, covenants, or condition!: of this agreement, shall on written request of one party served on the other be submitted to arbitration, and such arbitration shall comply with and be governed by the provisions of the California Arbitration Act, Sections 1280 through 1294.2 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. The parties shall each c.ppoint one person to hear and determine the dispute and if they sha 1 i be unable to agree, then the two persons so chosen shall select a third impartial arbitrator whose decision shall be final and conclusive upon both parties hereto. The cost of such arbitration shall be borne by the losing party or in such proportions as the arbitrator shall decide. 28. ATTORNEY FEES: In the event of legal action or arbitration to enforce the terms of this agreement, the prevai·ring party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses. 29. RELOCATION: COLLECTOR expressly agrees to comply with the terms of CUP 171 (Resolution No. 1600) and to vacate his current location and -9 - relocate his facilities to a site acceptable to CARLSBAD, such -relocation to be complete by March 12, 1985. APPROVED AS TO FORM: VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. City Attorney CITY OF CARLSBAD By:=,.,..,..,.,-,,-_,,.,.==--=-----RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. By: ______ -'----=p,...re_s....,.i;;.,.de_n_,..t By =---------;::S-ec'"'."r-e-=-ta_r_y PHONE: 753-9412 or 452-9810 COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 7204 PONTO DRIVE, P.O. BOX 947, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 McDOUGAL SANITATION DEL MAR DISPOSAL CO. CARLSBAD DISPOSAL CO. Rh"ICHO SANTI\ FE DISPOSAL CO. SOLANA BEACH DISPOSAL <:O. SORRENTO VALLEY DISPOSAL CO. August 26,1980 Fraik Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 rear Mi:>. Aleshire: Regarding our conversation this past Friday afternoon. Enclosed you will find the foll~ling infornation as requested. On July 24 ,1980, the City of San ?-'arcos granted 1-f.ashburn Sanitation a.-i focrease on: Residential Rates from $4,85 to $6.05 a rronth Comneroial F.d.tes from $29.85 to $38.115 a m:::mth In regards to t11e duration of contracts of Cities in the San Diego area: Ocea~side -5 years plus 5 years option Sa~ Marcos -5 years plus 5 years option I.a Mesa -5 years plus 5 years option !;el Mar -5 years annual renewal Vista 5 yea."'S plus 5 years option Olula Vista -20 years 1980 ~pital expenditures directly related for sexvice to the city of Carlsbad, A SATISFIEI) CUSTOMER 1S OUR FIRST CONSIDER/\ilON Cbast Waste t-anageirent has purchased 5 rubbish trucks. 3 for residential service (deroonstrators) 2 (new) for corrmercial service, for a total price of $274,717.00. Property has also been purchased for relocation from our ·1 facility on Ponto Avenue to an area suitable for our type of J Industry. Therefore in fairness to.our Corrq:>any and with the original intent of the councils decision on September 18,1979, I hereby request that Coast Waste ?-?-nago.._rnent be granted t11e proposed 5 year contract as requested. cie,,t Coast Waste ManagerrL:nt AdJ/bn Enclosure M A X 0 N i U 0 T A T I 0 FIAXoN lNDUsT !Es, !Ne. -5'/50 SOUTH EASTERN AVENl'1 ~ COMMERCE, CALIFORNIA 90040 TO: . CXl1!IST WASTE MANAGEMEN!' 7204 PCNro DR,, P.O. BOX 947 ~, CA 92008 ATIN: ARIE DE JCNG guANTITY DESCRIPTION QUOTATION NUMBER_......_ __ ~ DATE 2t22t8Q ' PRICE FIRM UNTIL 3/22/80 ULTIMATE CUSTOMER --------- TELEPHONE NUMBER ________ ..,._ __ _ 3 USED 1978 FORD C-8000, 2 AXLE QIASSIS WI'lli MAXCN SHU PAK, 25 a.JBIC YARD CAPACITY. PER SPECIFICATICNS lNCI.DSIDE $35000,00 EA. COASr WASTE 'lU PURCHASE TRUCKS IN "AS IS" CONDITION. '!HERE IS ID WARRANl'Y ON 'IHESE TROCKS i.o.B. ____ cus_'ICMER __ · ________ _ SIGNED a {)f),tvd,I !/4VHl./ ____,z;-----------U-•-=-- ACCEPTED BY ------------- DATE ACCEPTED _________ _ SUB-TOTAL $ 100,000.00 F.E.T. SALES TAX 6,000.00 FREIGHT GRAND TOTAL 106, 000. 00. P11JS LICENSE FEE MAXON STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED MAX.ON ·iUOTATION ffi\Xolf INDOST !£s, INC."""" 57 50 SOUTH EASTERN AVEN 1 • COMMERCE, CALIFORNIA 90040 TO : COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. 7203 PONI'O DRIVE, BOX 947 CA.'USBAD, CA 92008 AT1N: TCt,MY DE JONG gUANTITY DESCRIPTION QUOTATION NUMBER ___ _ ~ DATE 3/24/80 PRICE FIRM UNTIL 4/24/80 ULTIMATE CUSTOMER _________ _ TELEPHONE NUMBER __________ _ 1 MA.XON EAGLE, M:>DEL ESP-22, FRONT DRIVE P.T.O., AlJID.fATIC ARM CON'IROlS UP, CAB PROTECTOR BAR, HYDRAULIC OOIST FOR CAIDPY COVER, REAR roJR DOUBLE LOCK HANDLES, SPLIT BARN JXXJRS, INSIDE CONI'ROLS, BODY HOIST LOCK OUT FEATURE, 6000# OVER CAB ARMS, LIGHTS & REFLECTORS MEETING OOT STANDARDS, MUD FUPS FRON!' & REAR OF DUALS, DOCK PICK UP, UNIT WILL BE ·PRIMED AND PAINfED ONE STANDARD OJI.OR. STANDARD SIDE FORKS HOPPER COVER SLIDING TYPE 3 & 4 OUTSIDE CONTROLS ENGINE: 6·71 DETROIT TRANSMISSION: 654 FRONT TIRES:R-20, 18 PLY, E-20 REAR TIRES: 10.00x20, 14 PLY PAINT CAB: TO FOLLOW OPTION ~TIVE CIRCUIT ON PACKER INC. FET & SALES TAX 1068.75 f. 0. B. MJNI'EB ELLO, CA SIGNED J/J~a/44,,w./ ~ ACCEPTED BY __________ _ DATE ACCEPTED __________ _ SUB-TOTAL $ 74,275.00 F.E.T. 6,684.75 SALES TAX 4,857.59 FREIGHT GRAND TOTAL $85,817.34 MAXON STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED .~. . . . AVENr1 •. , .. ERCE,' CALIFORNIA 90040 'j, ." ,. . •-!; .. i~ - ~·i ~. !1'0.: COAST WASTE P,.ANAGEMENT, INC. ' ~ •, 7203 PONTO DRIVE, BOX 947 ULTIMATE CUSTOMER CARL~BAD, CA 92008 ATTN: ARIE DE JONG --------- TELEPHONE NUMBER ------..-,--- J DESCRIPTIOM MAXON EAGLE, MODEL ESP-22, FRONT DRIVE P.T.O., AUTOMATIC;, ARM CONTROLS UP, CAB PROTECTOR BAR, HYDRAULIC HOIST FOR , CANOPY COVER, REAR DOOR DOUBLE LOCK HANDLES, SPLIT BARN · DOORS, INSIDE CONTROLS, BODY HOIST LOCK OUT FEATURE, , LIGHTS & REFLECTORS MEETING APPLICABLE DOT REQUIREMENTS,· MUD FLAPS .FRONT & REAR OF DUALS, DOCK PICK UP, UNI'l' WILL BE PRIMED AND PAINTED ONE S'l'ANDARD COLOR , ' ~- ;---, • ' ,l ' ',-"': ..,:,, 't STANDARD SIDE FORKS HUPPER COVER SLIDING TYPE 3 & 4 OUTSIDE CONTROLS PACKER LIGHT Th'O EXTRA POSTS 7000# OVER CAB ARMS Ri:GI:NATIVE CIRCUIT ON PACKER ENGINE: CAT 3208 TR:\t-:SMISSION: Allison 6 S 3 Ft:C•llT T'JRES: 111/80 R 20 18 ply MICHELIN F-20 R1J1R THT:S: 10. 00 >: 20 H, , ply P:UNT CAB ORANGE WITH POLYSOL HARDENER l'A!NT. BODY & PACKER WIMBLETO!l WIIITE ; • C,. B . ___ r-_iO_l_~T_E_B_E_L_L_o_, _c_A_L_I_F_O_R_N_I_A __ SUB-TOTAL $ 71,750.00 DATE ACCEPTED aa -17 -3'1) I F.E.'J:'. SALES TAX FREI~HT GRAN,:Q TOTAL MAXON STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED 6,457,SO It, 692. l¾S 82,899.95 1·.--,~~ '·- ' ):..._,," .... ,,