HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-02; City Council; 6302-1; Street Resurfacing ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD Initial : OerL Head AGENDA 3ILL NO. 6302 - Supplement #1 UEB DATE : September 2, 1380 Engineering C. Mgr. ow - DEPP RTYENT: SUBJECT: 1980-81 STREET RESURFACING PROGRAM CONTRACT NO. 1083 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On July 15, 1980 City Council authorized the advertisement of bids for the 1980-81 street resurfacing program. The low bid, in the amount of $242,257.60, was received from South Coast Asphalt Co. and is under the engineer's estimate of $250,000. $300,000 are available in the 1979-80 and 1980-81 street resurfacing account. Two sealed bids were received and opened at 4:OO on August 20, 1980. F I SCAL IMPACT Funds in the amount of $200,000 are available in the 1980-81 street resurfacing program. Additional funds in the amount of $100,000 are available through the continuing appropria- tions of the 1979-80 street resurfacing program. EXH IS ITS 1. Bid Summary Sheet 2. Resolution No. -accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 1083 to South Coast Asphalt Co. . RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution No. b-8 Council Action: Council adopted Resolution 6295, accepting bids and authorizing execution of Contract No. 1083 for the 1980-81 street resurfacing Program to South Coast Asphalt Co. 9-2-80- 1. 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 1% 13 14 3.. 5 16 17 1E 19 2c 21 r-r c, -. ,-- I RESCLUT ION NO. 6298 \!HEREAS, bids have been rcceived by the City of Carlsbad for thc 1950-81 Street Resurfacing Prograni, Con tract FJo. 1023; dl71 !JHEREAS, ths low bid received for ttiic, pI~'j~ct was submitted by South C0ar.t Asphalt Co, in the amount of S242,257.00; ctrid L!HtKEAS, funds are available in Account !io. 7-200-2410 for this project; NOLI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City rt,rrncil of the City of Cdrls- bad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. Thc bid of $242,257.60 for the 1980-81 Street Resurfacing Program, Contract No. lO83, is hereby accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a contract therefor. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED hy the City Counci 1 of the City of Car1r;bad at a regular nieeting held the 21~ day of ~aex-, 1980, by the following vote, to wi t: AYES: NOES : :;one Council Members Packard, Caslcr, Anear4 Leuis and Kulchin A35fNT: None f I. r -i RONALD C. PAGKARD, 14dyor