HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-02; City Council; 6354; Request for Permit to Discharge FirearmsCITY OF CARLSBAD , . {E/ Initial:~ Dept .Hd . ... '::iENDA BILL NO. . . DATE: September 2, 1980 ------------ i:>EPARTHENT: Police ------------------ Subject: Request for Permit to Discharge Firearms C. Atty.~ C. Mgr. fj.~ ' Statement of the Matter Mr. Stuart E. MORK has requested a permit to discharge a firearm in c,onjunction with a dove hunting expedition on land owned by La Costa Land Company. This property is east of Rancho Santa Fe, in an uninhabited and unimp·roved area. Mr. Mork has acqu,red permission from the property owner's agent. · · The .City Municipal Code allows a permit to be issued for discharging a weapon if City Council approves. The Staff ha5 no objection to this approval for the acti- vity proposed as the applicant has taken ·necessary steps to insure legal permission for entering the property and has chosen a safe area in which to hunt. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact Exhibits 1. .Letter of request from Mr. Mork 2 .. Permission from Agent .of property owner 3. ~unicipal Code Ordinance 8.16.010 4. Map of area affected · Reconmendation The Staff recommends issuance of a limited permit for Mr. Mork beginning. September 3, and not to exceed September 30, 1980. Council Action: • 9_2_80 Council authorized issuance of a limited permit to Mr. Mork beginning September 3, and not to exceed September 30, 1980- I ~ St::art :. :.or!~ 3026 Lzai1c::r Gt. Carlsbad, c:. 92:}0~ :,usus'.:, 1$1, 1$"30 I recentl:r recei vecl a : ,ap £'re:~ -~:1e :;)ep.a:i:t. 1ent of ?ish and Ga:::;ie indicatini; that the area e£Jat c: :-;.ancho Santa Fe Tioac, near the inter- section with La Costa }.venue, is 1:it~1.:.n 'v'.ie cit:· linits of Carlsbad. Jeca,,se t:1e ~-and ic ~ii t!1i:1 t 11e bu,_!r.(:ar:·, e1.rer1 t11011.~!1 it is 1.1nin:.abi ted, the in!'orn.a':..ion incl·.::led. :~it:. :.!1e ::a.· i:10.icated it ~iould be necessa:ry to obtain a per it to disc:,a!·ge a firearr-:. in '.:.he area. On the Thomas ?rothers !•:ap o~ Sarls'-:)ad, the co:ir-·~:1a ~ez are 25 J 1. I talke1: ·•:ith Jan ~:entsc :·,'.~e of t.:.:e '.::i t:,r ~it ;:,~-1·ney 1 s office and he conf'irmed foe fact that I w,,:ld need a per::i t to discharGe a firea:-!"l. ?:1e a;,:iplicable sections o:' tt,,e Code are ~ .1:.. ~2J. I ha·,e recei••ed i•:··itte:1 per ··2s:.c:. ::ro, ~l1e Z.a C::ista Land '.;o. to -;:.0 '"mt do'!es on its land, ~::c woul1.:. likG, ·.:1erel'ore, to petition the Carlsbad Cit~· Go'mc:.1 ::'or ..,:1e ri.;ht i.,o sl.oo., do-. es on a:::; d:=r, from Septen"ber 3, 19 1 '), "to Septe: ber :'), l:'~'.:;. C,, ~n: · or~e of t:-icse da~·s the naxi:i~1 :-::x ~:>Hr c:: s:iot.s f'ired ( :ror: a s:.ot~un J uoulu be ten. If possible, I i·lould prefer ".:.his 1natter 1,0 be settled at the council raeet- ini; of Septei:1ber 2, 1900, as t:1e dove huntinb ceason ends on Septe~1ber 3~, 19ga. Thank you '!:or yu'..U' c:a· ... :.r-.nt:.on to this natter. Sincerel:·, cc: 7ince ,.Ti·J10--C):.:.ef o: ?olice enc. w From the desk of -ff/1% faD BOB STORK -;; #1-1.1'/Vf J7.-A1f; C:.~c6f2 Al I-H4//6 &11t/Gly S,',vA-lc ·T M £)/.?.. ~ /D Ji/ C /7 7 /zi hJ V FV 7 }) o v 6g, EA-Sr o.C ~Nc-1-/0 ~/117/f ~ EA-/.J CJ;'tf ~jJPR.71 7 ~Nt-7 .f5 P-L.. DA/ C. S ~ )'/1- ("'~S "7 A-)4-.,JL::J G ;?~- -.. ..,~..,-~*-'- • c.RCOStR BOB STORK CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT 2100 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD CARLSBAD CALIFO~NIA 92008 714/753-1181 l .I ,.. 1 . Ji J I I I; I I ' j 8.12.010 Unlawful acts. It is unlawful for any per- son, within the city limits, to fight, or challenge any other person to fight, in any public place, or in any place which is open to the public. (Ord. 3073 §1, 1967). 8.12.020 Violation deemed misdemeanor. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 3073 §2, 1967). Sections: 8.16.010 8 .. 16.020 Chapter 8.16 FIREARMS Discharge prohibited--Exceptions. Permit to discharge firearms. 8.16.010 Discharge ~rohibited--Exceptions. No person shall, without first obtaining permission from-the city council, shoot or·discharge any pistol, rifle, gun or . other firearm, not necessary in self-defense, or in per- formance of official duty, within the city. (Ord. 3010 §1). 8.16.020 Permit to discharge firearms. Any person who wishes to discharge firearms referred to in Section 8.16.010 shall make written application to the city council for a permit. Such application shall state the date on which the firearms shall be fired, the number of rounds to be fi~ed, the place where the firearms shall be fired, and the reason or need for the permit-. Within a reasonable time after re- ceipt of such application, the city coun~il shall approve or reject it. In the event that no action is taken by the city council within forty-five days after ,:-eceipt of r.uch applica- tion, such application and request shall be deemed denied by the city council. (Ord. 3092, 1972: Ord. 3010 §2). 137 {Carlsbad 7/15/72) I / ,· . ; ~---.. -~ ---- "' To: The Carlsbad City Council Stuart.~. ~:orlc 3026 Azah~r Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92008 l~UQJ.s·l; 19, 1980 I recently received a map i'ror,1 t,he Depart,,1et1t, of Fish and Game indicating that the ar~a east of Rancho Santa Fe Rv~d, near the inter- section with La Costa Avenue, is within the city limits of Carlsbad. Because the land is t1ithin the boundar-✓, even though it is uninhabited, the ini'ormatio::i included with the r,1ap indicated it would be necessary to obtain a permit to discharge a firearm in the area. On the Thomas Brothe1•s map of Carlsbad, the coordinates are 25 D 1. I talked with Dan Hentschke of the Cit;y At~orney 1 s office and he confirmed t~e fact that I 1-1ould need a perm: t to discharge a firearm. The applicable sections or the Code are 8.16.020. I have received ·1-1ritten pei1r~!.ss5.on from l:,he La Costa Land Co. to to hunt doves on its land, and would lilce, Lherefore, to petition the Carisbad City Council for the right Lo shoot doves on any dsy, from Septernber 3, 1980, te> Septe1aber 30, 1980. On any one of those diays the 111a:x;imU111 nu.i11ber of shots fired (.from a shotgun) 1-:ould be ten. I! possible, I would prefer this matter to be seti,led at the council meet- ing of September 2, 1980, as Llie dove hunting season ends on September 30, 1980. · Thank you £or your aM;ention to this uatter. S1J:lcerely, cc: Vince Jirnno--Chief of Police enc. l t l I t I, I (; ' (), ,:; J""¾ J! _ ___.__-~~ ,c; " --1 ? ' i\. ;, . ' ,.r ,. .. •. "" ,,. .. ---,-~ • ...•. 'T ~ ,.,.,,_..., .. ~ ... ---............. _.' --..... -~-~----,.,. ........... ,,,,_,_ (• ' ........ --"V-..,. -·---_._...,. ____ ,._......,.---~ ... ----..,._ .. ,_....,...__,,__ ~ ..... ~-~ From the desk of -iJnfao BOB STORK 7o i{/;t1r~ 1-r /\1f I Cdc&e A/ I-H4vc' C',v.GA/ S ,1,,t,4 ,e "T /'tf O /:?.. C: ~ ;f?c/,t7 ~ /./v,v7 .))ov~ EA-Sr o~ ~Ne-I-lo ~NTA h C,u:; on ;f/;;;v~r 3/ 7H~-r .c~ L.. ~A/ C. s ~ _j',,,_ c~ .. ~-r,,,,. ,1 ~.,J i::J Co . ~ , • ----~----,, -~ _________ , . (~ < f, " • t,RCDStR BOBSTORIC CONSTRUCTION IUf'ERIN'(ENDE'!T 2100 COSTA DEL MAR ROAD ., CARI.SIAD CALIFORNIA t2CIOI 714/7S3-1111· ,_;-, 1i '-."-;-'_::;.: 1 ,I! ... .,.. )1 )1 11 r t) , .. ,) ' -:? ...-,.,,;. 7 1 .j J. I I I j