HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-16; City Council; 6337-1; CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAN APPLICANT: THE KOLL COMPANY CASE NO: SP 180a '1 e CJTY OF' CARLSBAD '4 AGE2'DA BILL ?;a. ---- 6337-Supplement - --- I ~ .--d .'.liL. i.3 cz:: ' Dqt .Hd September 16, 1980 City Attorney . -- C!. Atty. - -. . -_ - --- ---__ EAT2 : DEPkRTMEWm C. Mgr. -. - ---- - -- -. -- Sub j ezt : CARLSBAD PACIFIC BUSIEESS PARK SPECIFIC PLAT; APPLICANT: THE KOLL COMPANY CASE NO: SP-180 ------- - Statemer,t of the Matter --- The City Council, at its meeting of September 2, 1980, dirc the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approT Specific Plan' SP-180. An ordinance, Spprovinq SP--180, is attached. The name of the project has been chaaged to Carlsbad Reseac Center. The ordinance reflects the change. Exhibit * Ordinance NO. 95-&/ . Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to introduce Ordinance No. 95&,~ . Council Action: 9-16-30 Council introduced Ordinance No. 9561, approving SP-180 to include the re change stated by the City Attorney, as contained in his Memorandum dated 10-7-80 Council continued the matter for further review and report on the matter offsi te improvement ob1 igations by Koll Company. 10-28-80 Council reintroduced Ordinance No. 9561, with the changed condition 3.d) a forth in the City Manager's memorandum dated October 28, 1980. ". J ci: p;"" .". * :L"J . - - x""*IzI _II x__a_- ,,d e DATE: OCTOBER 28, 1980 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager KOLL SPECIFIC PLAN At Council meeting on October 7, 1980, a question was raised concerning the interpretation of condition 3 (d) of Ordinanct No. 9561. The condition has been reworded and is acceptable to develop and staff. The condition requires Koll Co. to extend Colleg Avenue to Palomar Road when requested by the City. City agrees to "....use its best efforts to obtain reimbursement. It is expected that the developer of land south of Carlsbad Research Center will be obligated to build 100% of College Avenue within his subdivision. I have met with Signal Land- mark representatives and they understand that College Avenue is their responsibility. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance 9561 approving Specific Plan for Carlsbad Research Center. 2d FRANK ALESHIRE City Manager FA: ldg Atts. - Recommended wording Original wording e 0 Ordinance 9561 KOLL SPECIFIC PLAN CONDITION: Recommended wording : d) The Developer may, at his option, install the full six-lane road from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road at the time any portion of College Boulevard is developed. To fund the roadway, the developer may initiate an assess- ment district under City jurisdiction or may request in writing that the City take advantage of the provisions for reimbursement for major thoroughfares pursuant to the Sub- division Map Act. City will use its best efforts to obtain reimbursement for Developer for those portions of College Boulevard outside the boundaries of the specific plan. The terms of such reimbursement shall be upon mutual agree- ment of City and Developer. Ordinance 9561 Original wording: d) The developer may, at his option, install the full six-lane road from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport Road at the time any portion of College Boulevard is developed. To fund the complete roadway, the developer may initiate an assessment district under City jurisdiction or may request in writing that the City take advantage of the provisions for reimbursement for major thoroughfares pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, Developer shall be reimbursed for those portions of College Boulevard out- side the boundaries of the specific plan which are supple- mental to the needs of the specific plan area. The terms of such reimbursement shall be upon mutual agreement of City and Developer. The needs of the specific plan area shall be deemed no less than a 32-foot road on a 52-foot right-of-way. I' 0 e MEMORANDUM DATE : September 15, 1980 TO : FROM : City Attorney SUBJECT: KOLL SPECIFIC PLAN Mayor and City Council AB $6337, Supplement 1 On Friday, September 12, 1980, we received a call from Bernie Fipp concerning Ordinance No. 9561. He requested that certain language regarding "B" Street, contained on Page 4, be modified. He requested that the words "or guaranteed" be substituted for "and dedicated" on Line 1-1, If the Council concurs, the change will be made in the fin documents without the need for further review by Council. .C1__4 City Attorney DSH/mla 0' -- 0 IIEMO kA"iJ31 --..------- DATE : August 27, 1980 TO : City Council FROM : Sarnes C. zagaman, Pianning Director W& SUBJECT: Carl-shad Pnclfj-c Gusiiiess Park (SF-180) --v.-.,. . The public heartng for SpeciEic Plan SP-180 on the Carlsbad Pacific Business Park was continued from the City Covr,cil meeting or' August 13, to the meeting of September ?, 1980. The meeting was continued so that Premix Concrete Conpany, who was not noticed of the hearing, could work out an access problem with the Koll Company, the pcoject proponent. This problein has been solved and is now reflected on the revised E'iysre 3 of t.he Specific Plan (attaxhed) o JCX : CG : Is 8/27/80 I C 't 0 * 1200 ELM AVENUE TE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (71 dltp a€ QCrrrI$ba% November 20, 1980 r LAFCO 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, Ck 92101 Attention: Laurie HcKinley ? The Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting sf November 18,1980, adopted Ordinance No. 9561, and research park on approximately 558 acres on the west side of El Camino Real, north of Palomar Airport Road; Applicant: Koll Company. : Enclosed please find a copy of the above refer- enced Ordinance for your records and inforrna- .i * tion. If you have any questions regarding this matter, R approving a specific plan for an industrial : a i' d 2 8 6 I please don't hesitate to contact this office. 4 2 Q I 6 ,4 i t krs Enclosure $ 1 0 &*I I I 2 I1 3i 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. 12 n ma 13 dLwS 14 no22 12:, Za wu i 5 8 2 16 VE m 52 y >+ (I; <a 2 2: $s rn .I z>-Lg EZaE > 15 -I e e 8 Q%3INAXCE NO. -IC_ 9565 AE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-180) FOR IN INDUSTRXAL RND EESEARCH PARK ON Xt?PROXIMATELY 558 AC-S TO BE KNOIirN AS CARLSBAD TESEAXCH c&Ta GENENLLY' LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE AIRPORT ROAD. APPLICANT: KOLL -- COMPANY. OF EL* CAMINO REAL, ?JORTH OF PALOMAR -WEREAS, the Planning Commission clid on the 11th and 1 days of June 1980 am2 the 23rd day of July, 1980 hold duly public: hearings as prescribed by law to consider a request the Koll Company to approve a Specific Plan (SP-180); and IWlEWAS, at the conclusion 03 said hearing, the Plann: Commission adopted Resolution No. 1652 recommending approvi of said Specific Plan, which Resolution is incorporated hei by this reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cawlsbad at August 5, 1980 meeting did hold a duly noticed public hear l'lllafter said hearing certified EIR 30-3 for this project; an 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I, 28 1' at its adjourned meeting of August 19, 1980 adopted Resolc No. 6274 approving general plan amendments for the specifi plan area, which resolution is incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the Ci-ty of Carlsbad dic a duly noticed public hearing on August 19, 1980 and subs( an adjourned hearing on Septenber 2, 1980, and after hear: considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all p desiring to be heard and after considering the informatio 1. - *I 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a g O3 13 dLL UJ P 14 no=z 2 i5c :E@ 151 0 2; $s s) in EIR 80-3 said Cowncil did find that the findings of the Planning Conmission contai.ned in Resolution No. 1652 constii the findings of the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsh Californic does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That the Specific Plan (SP-180) entitled Carlsbad Pacific Business Park Specific Plan, Marked Exhibi I, dated September 2, 1980, on file with the City Clerk anc incorporated herein by this reference, is approved subject the following conditions: A. That the title of the Specific Plan shall be cha: $0 Carlsbad Research Center Specific Plan, and the propert, covered by said plan shall hereafter be known as the Carls: Research Center. B. That all conditions imposed by the Planning Corn I Od u ' $3 ;$22 zg y 9 5% g 6 3.6 17 a E 28 >+ a 0 in Resolution No. 1652 shall be complied wi-th and are incc herein by this reference. C. Exhibit 1 shall be revised as follows: 19 1 (1) Page 7, Paragraph A(2) , concerning the extl 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I of College Boulevard, shall be revised to read as foJ.lcrws "a) College Boulevard, as shown on Figure 3, s be extended from El Camino Real to Palomar Airport R Consistent with the general plan, College Boulevard shall have a finished width of six lanes on a total right-of-way of 102 feet, b) The developer shall, at the time requested the City, construct and dedicate College Boulevard t City standards for those portions of the road withj-r specific plan area. The City may request the insta: of College Boulevard based upon the occurrence of 0; more of the following events: 1. Increase of 5000 VPD in ADT (based 01 fall 1980 traffic counts) on El Camino Real between . Tamarack and Palomar Airport Road; -2- * 3. 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 23, 22 n 4 !! g 13 c:L 35 14, nozz Eg2~ aG r -1 15 u: I L6 iiu 5ggd 16 zg22 $E 2 37 5 $ 18 5 19 20 21 22 23 Kg $5 OY 6 25 0 e 2. Increase 05 SO00 VFD in ADT (based on fz 1980 traffic counts) on Palomar Airport Road between El Camino Real and Paseo Del. Norte; 3. Approval of a tentative map for an area Phase I1 through V inclusive, In lieu of construction of the full width of College Bc at one tine, the City Engineer may in his discretion ai developer's- request permit the construction of a 32-foc portion of road in conformance with City standards. 1 road is constructed in this manner, the developer shal install or guarantee the full width prior to the issua: a final map for propertry abutting any portj-on of the ri Regardless of whether the road is constructed to full at one time, the developer shall dedicate the errtire 1 right-of-way at one time. c) At the time any portion of College Boulevard constructed developer shall construct and dedicate a t wide road, in conformance with City standards, from th speci.fic plan boundaries to Palomar Airport Road. Thi roadway shall have a minimum width of 32-feet and a 5; right-of-way which shall constitute a portion of the 1 total right-of-way. To assist in acquisition of the 1 necessary far the right-of-way, developer may request City to exercise its power of eminent domain provided, hovever, that developer shall bear the cost of such proceeding. d) The developer may, at his option, install tE full six-lane road from El Carnino Real to Palomar Air. Road at the time any portion of College Boulevard is developed. To fund the roadwayt the developer may in an assessment district under City jurisdiction or may in writing that the City take advantage of the provis reimbursement for major thoroughfares pursuant to the division Map Act. City will use its best efforts to reimbursement for developer for those portions of Col Boulevard outside the boundaries of the specific plan terms of such reimbursement shall be up02 mutual ape of City and Developer. 1 (2) Page 7, Paragraph A(3), concerning 3 Street be revised to read as follows: "B Street, as shown on Figure 3, shall be constr 24 I 26 27 28 and dedicated between El Canino Real and College 30111 at the time any p0rtion OS College Boulevard is const /// ///. -3- a e x provided, howeverl that the portion of B Street abrei 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XU 51 121 l 0 Phase I shall be constructed or guaranteed and dedi( before any final map for property in Phase 1 is issi (3) Page 7, Paragraph A(5) shall be deleted. (4) On Page 13, 1st paragraph, under Wastewater Re( Facility and Reservoir, the word "if" shall be substitutc the word Irwken" in the first sentence of .said paragraph. (5) References in the plan, attached as Exhibit 1, Carlsbad Pacific Business Park shd.1. be changed to the C( Research Center. (6) The corrections and revisions made by this sec- and any technical or typographical corrections to the pL shall be made within thirty days of the adoption of this <s 03 go$L- is 28 a$rts zp y >$ CT 37 dLs$ 14 gg V '4 !? -J 3.5 $& 8d 16 rI u c u 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Manager shall certify that such plan is complete and in I with this ordinance. This certified plan shall ccnstitu. Specific Fian for developnent of the subject property. SECTION 2: The Specific Plan (SP-180) approved by ordinance and the Specific Plan certified by the City Ma: 1 indicate acceptance by the City Council of the general f for development of the subject property and of the develc standards contained in said plas. Said plans are subjel future amendment by the City as part of the City's onpi: process. SECTION 3: Development plans for specific si.tes 1 specific plan boundaries shall he subject to the require: standards established by the Specific Plan approved by t' ordinance and shall be further evaluated in accord with 1 ordinances in force at the time the plans are before the -I 4 ... I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cocncil or other City decision-making body for final. approv; Approval of Spcific Plan 180 does not constitute a guarantec individual deselopments within the area covered by the plan be approved os that the availability of public facilities a! services will nrcessari.ly coincide with the developer's tim for construction of the phasing plan contained in the appro certified specific plan. Availability of public facilities projects subject to the approved Specific Plan will be eval on a project-by-project basis. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thi days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shail certi-fy t n 92 -I 8 13 u5 g -1 u ot?- oo=Z us 14 z>;g o*<.- a5 15 . s$ I,L - io !S& 2 d 3.6 sgcs z 2 u; >+ d 2.7 >" 18 1.9 20 21 22 $53 64 t- 0 - 23 24 25 26 27 28 I a'doption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at I once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its INTRODUCED AND FIRST RE.W at a/regular meeting of the f 1980 and the PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City 1 , 1980 by the follow adoptlozl. adjourned City Council held on the 28th day of October held on the 18th day of November 1 vote, to wit: AYES : NOES: Council Member Lewis ABSENT: None Counci 1 Memt>ers Packard y Cas1 er y Anear and Kul chi n Rgddc LZi.2 ' ONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST : &&,,AL ,A . ALETHA L. TIZIUTENKRANZ f City Clerk (SEXL) fJdA -5- * * PlEMORANDUM DATE : August 27, 1980 TO : City Council FROM : James C. Hagaman, Planning Director & SUBJECT: Carlsbad Pacific Business Park (SF-180) - The public hearing for Specific Plan SP-180 on the Carlsbad Pacific Business Park was continued from the City Council meeting of August 19, to the meeting of September 2, 1980. The meeting was continued so that Premix Concrete Company, who was not noticed of the hearing, could work out an access problem with the X011 Company, the project proponent. This problem has been solved and is now reflected on the revised Figure 3 of the Specific Plan (attached). JCH: CG: Is 8/27/80