HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-16; City Council; 6360; Waste Collection Agreement1)6 CITY OF CARLSBAD J AGENDA BILL NO. Initial: DATE: Seotemb JL.198Q Dept. lid. C . Atty.VFA DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE C . Mgr. Rubj ct: WASTE COLLECTION AGREEMENT Statement bf the Matter Council, at their meeting of August 26, approved a revised agreement for waste collection. Significant changes in this agreement include: Five-year instead of one-year term. 2% service fee to'the city. A rate adjustment index. Quarterly repofts.' Trash service*for selected city projects. Rates are to remain at the current level until September 19�81. Subsequent discussions with the contractor have resulted in his request that the city waive the 2% service fee,until October 1, 1981,.as applying the service fee now will result in -a net reduction in his per unit revenues. Fiscal Impact Waiver of the service fee will result in a los� of about $20,000 of anticipated revenues. Cos,s of sanitation inspedtion and billing will be borne by the,general fund until October t, 1980. Exhi bi ts A. Memo from Uiilities.� Maintenance Director to City Manager of Septembe'r 5, 1980. D. Resolution No. Q-0-3-1 setting rates for collection of s6lid waste. C. Resolution No. Ooz, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Coast Waste Management for the collection of solid waste. Recommendation Council approve Resolution No. &L0_Q_ and No. Uuncil Action: 9-16-80 'Council adopted R,esofuiion '6302 a-nd'6303. 80-137 AQ� September 5, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Utilities & Maintenance SUBJECT: Coast Waste Refuse Contract I met with Arie De Jong on September 4, 1980 to discuss the revised Collection contract, based on Council discussions of August 26. He indicated the following: I. He recognized that the revised contract called for a 2% service fee; however, in view of the fact that he will not request a rate increase for one year (September 1981), he believes that the service fee should be waived for the same period of time on the basis that imposing the fee now will result in a net loss in revenue of about $20,000 for the coming year. He did not believe it was the Council's intent that he lose money by his action of retaining the same rates. 2. Resclution No. 5552, that sets the present rates, is not clear, nor Is it current as it pertains to the charges for drag -on box service. He requested the particular paragraph be revised to reflect current dump charges. DISCUSSION: 1. The agenda bill and memorandum presented for discussion to Council was quite clear in indicating that the revised contract would impose a 2% service fee. Additionally, Mr. De Jong was advised prior to the meeting that the 2% would affect his revenues by reducing his per unit revenue. The specific issue did not come up during Council discussion so I'm not able to make a judgment as to whether or not it was their intent to impose the 2% service fee now or at a later time. I have revised the agreement as per Mr. De Jong's wishes; however, the matter should be brought to Council's attention prior to their approval of the agreement. 2. The concern for the rate resolution is appropriate and I have revised the paragraph relating to drag -on boxes. All other charges are as they appear in Resolution No. 5552. Additionally, I have included a paragraph relating to the Plaza Camino Real mall in order that rates charged there will not be arbitrarily adjusted by Coast Waste but can only be changed at the time and by the same amount as any other change to the basic resolution. The revised agreement and rate resolution are attached. ROGER 14. GREER Director of Utilities & Maintenance RWG: pab attach. -L 11 G 3 03 RESOLUTION NO - 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIrORNNIA, A-PPROVIZiG All AGREEICNT FOR THE REMOVAL OF SOLID 14ASTE 4 11 5 RHEREAS, the City Council of City of Carlsbad, does hereby 6� rel-,ol--e as follows: 7 1. That an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Coast 8 'Waste Management for services relative to the collection of solid 91 waste, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" 10 and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. 11 2, Thet, the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad -is hereby 12 aut1horized ---nd directed to execulue said agreement for -nd ol 3-3 bebalf of tile City of Carlsbad. 14 PASSED, APPROVE,-., A-,\yD ADOPTED at a Reg"lar Meeting of the 151 Cii-y Council held on the 16th day of __�e2L 11 —1 19'so, 16 by the following vote, to wit: 17� AYE S: Council 14embers Packard, Casler, Lewis and KUlchin NOES: Council Hembcx Anear 19 ABSENT: Rone 20 RONNLD C FA—CR271, �,MTY—Or 22 ATTEST: 2 3 1 # ��/? 7,Z 2 L . I A—VdNl��Ff i C i L Y C A�L�ETIIIRA TENK' N 25 26 (SEAL) 27 28 3