HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-16; City Council; 6363; Planning Commission Appointment- -_ -- CITY OF CARTSBAD i u SEPTEMBER 16, '1980 - C htty -= -- DATE. DE'FARTMEIJT : Subject : Central Services APPOINTMENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Statement of the Matter ED SCHICK has tendered his resignation as a member of the . Planning Commission to be effective October. 1, 1980. In tha$ Commissioner Schick's term of office does not expire until,,April, 1982, a Resolution appointing a successor member is forwarded for Council consideration. Exhibits - 1. Copy of Resolution No. (5,305 2. Copies of Applications for Appointment to the Planning Commission received in calendar year 1980. Recomenda tion Adopt Resolution No. 430<, appointing a member- to the Planning Commission to till the unexpired term of Commissioner Ed Schick. Council Action: ' 9-16-80 Council Member Lewis nominated Harold Noyes. Council Member Kulchin nominated 5ilas Bass, Jr. Council Member Casler made no nomination. Council Member Anear nominated Stephen L' Heureux. Mayor Packard nominated Jeff Crisman. 10-7-80 Council continued the matter to the meeting of October 28, 1980. 10-28-80 Counci 1 adopted Resolution 6305,- appointing Stephen L'Heureux to the Planning Comi ssi on 1 2 5 4 E t s I E IC 13 1: 32 14 35 1E 17 1& 19 2c 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,- e .. RESOLUTION NO. 6305 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CMLLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION WT,€EREAS, Planning Commissioner EDWIN S SCHICK, JR., has tendered his resignation effective October 1, 1980 from a term of office expiring April, 1982; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVZD by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: 1. That the above recitation is true and correct; 2. That the following-named person is hereby appointed to serve as a member df the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission in the position vacated for a term expiring April, 1982: STEPHEN L 'HEUREUX PASSED, APPROVED AED ADOPTED by the City Council of the adjourned City of Carlsbad, California, at a/Regular Meeting thereof held on the 28th day of October , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : NOES : None Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin ATTEST : .I (SEAL) -1- 4 and' a keen! c!e sire: Po do a good job. 3 - i CITY OF CARLSBAD I TO: CARLSBAD Gentlemen: CITY APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION OR COFlMITTEES COUNCIL I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member . In so doing I understand that if 1 am asked ta serve on the Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial 3 disclosure statement if appointed. My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of'the citizens of Carlsbad, I have listed some of those activities below' which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if selected I i- I -- Gen tlernen : 1 would appreciate the opportunity to SCT'VC as a member In so doing I understand that if I ani asked t-c, serve on the Planning Corrmission, I will be requested to rriakc a financial disclosure statement-. if appointed. My background and/or avocation l~~cld me to hcl-ievc that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Cnr:l.sbad. I have listed some of those ackivities below which I have par%icipated in and feel will be of benefit if selected. B A- $ -- CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COFIp.IISSIOiil OR CO:'..IMI'i'TEES TO: CARTsSBAD ClTY COUNCIL Gent leincn : X would appreciate the opportuni.ty to .cjcc-ve as a inember - I_ _-_--__--. --_-___I__ ___ Personnel Board - ___ OF: the (( conmi s si on In so doing I understand that if 1 am aske(1 t.o serve on the Plannirig Commission, I will be requested to r~rakc: a financial disclosure statement if appointed. My backgrour,d and/or avocation lead me to believe that I am cpalifi.ed to serve in the best interests of 'thc citizens of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities 1~eIo.n'' which I have participated in and feel will he of benefit if Pr~fesz~-~-~-€ Labor Law - Washinston University, St. Louis 1936-42 -I--_- Exec:. --__ Sec>~., - St. Loas Show Mfrs. Assoc. - Labor Neqotiations en 31 shoe manufacturers and CIO/AFL/UFlW, 1946-48 __II.__he&- --_.--- _l_l_ (1/3 of n~?tLon's shoes), General Mrmaq?r - Brown Shoe Co., 1949-51, St. Loui.s, 1.10. c_ --- ----- -- -- 4 3 !I -" 0 8 3 8 r J I IC) I1 i ! .......... -. .. .......... .-I.___. .. __ ........ ... -- ... ~.- 1)a t:c: .. . ... ' - A few notes -e about OSCAR C. ORX.4N. 1 - Grew up in Seattle's Garlic Gulch, near unterfront, of Swedish parents. 2 - UniversTty of Washington, good Grades and ;r;t.udent lender, many part-time jobs. B.A. in Librarianship, LI,.H. and J.D. 3 - Adinitted to the bar of State of Washington. (1933, age 21), 4 - Faculties of Ilriiverslty of Washingkon, University of Chicago, GTastjlngton University (St. ~ouis) and Univcrslty 01" Sou tham Ca3 ifornia. (Subjects: Lega3. Bibliograp5y Labr Law, and 5 - WG IJ - Air Combat Intelligence Officer, Air Groiiji 89, Tlcon- deros and Hancock, Third and Fifth Pacific Fleets. 6 - Shoe manufacturing and %des: Exec. Secy. St. Louis f?fr's Assoc. Cen. 8s. Brown Shoe Co. erchandis-he) 7 - Sportswear manufacturing and sales: Gen. Mgr. Cole of Calif. 8 - Cal IfoxI-?. investments t Six Inglewood apczrtment houses, 160 9 - Max-2ciwicl.n arid statewide Lraveler in U.S. acres near Temecula, home in Altarnira, Carlslad. 10 - Gcilt?i-<il interests: athletics and music (violinist), also irt U .I; e Navy and NASA, II - FIarxIcd to Caroline since 1333, four childrea, ten p-andchifdrtm. 14 - Curccntly writin(; "Blueprints" column for Farlsb~d ,To:imal, ninnI)nr 122 scheduled for June 13th. Prcgzrc.d : Ju:1a, i 979. 7 J TO : CARI., SBAD CITY CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT 3'0 BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CO!IPlITTEES COUNCIL Gentlemen: I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member ,//- < f" . of the !y .GL . G.G57-? - =-7,-. , Ah-&- p (Name of comniit In so doing I understand or commission) . Planning Commission, I-will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement.if appointed. My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below" which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if .. selected. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CO?QlITTEES TO: CAIieSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen : 1 would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member 0 Qf ehe -..- &yY,KX (Name of1 COI~II tte(:’or commis&on) In so doin9 I understand t.hat if 1 am asked to serv’e on the Planning Commission, I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if agpointed. My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that 1 ant qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if -- selectcd. .. -- CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONERS I Addresses and Occupations C HA1 RMAN Edwin S. Schick, Jr. (Marigene) - Retired 2585 Highland Drive Vice Chairperson Mary Marcus - Retired 6741 Russelia Court Jerry Rombotis (Diane)- owner/builder Kamar Construction 1730 Calavo Circle Eric Larson (Jennifer) -owner/operator greenhouse 1355 Forest Avenue Anna Leeds - teacher 5319 El Arbol Drive Lt. Col. E. H. Jose, Jr. (June) -Retired 2099 Truesdell Lane Jonathan D. Friestedt - Industrial Real Estate Broker 2612 La Gran Via