HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-23; City Council; N/A; Parking Requirements in RW ZoneDATE: August 29, 1980 TO: COUNCIL MEl".lBERS FROM: Girard W. Anear, Council Member SUBJECT: PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE RW ZONE (Bristol Cove, Ocean Street, etc.} i ( '.rhe parking requirements for. an RW zone are extremely deficient ! '. and need to be revised. Several months ago I brought this up at I· a council meeting and staff was to report back to us with a ! · 11 stndy. 11 Living only a short distance from Bristol Cove, I · , ·; don't feel the need of a study. The visible need is very evident. RW zoning is the most congested zoning in the city. Height limit is 45 feet. Front yard setback is 10 feet, rear year, 8 feet. For an interior lot, side y~rd requirement is only 4 feet. You only need 800 square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit. 11 21. 22.110 Parking Requirement. Not withstanding anything to the contrary in any other ordinance relating to parking require- ments, -the parking requirement for th'= R-W zone shall be one off-street parking· space provided for each dwelling unit in the R-W zone. (ordinance 9189. sl (part}: Ord. 9060 s960). 11 If my interpretation of the condo ordinance is correct, this substandard parking is all that is required in this zone. (21.47.130 Devel- opment standards, residential condominiums. (c) (2) P~rking. Except for the special parking requirements in the R-W zone district, parking shall· be provided as follows:-----) Referring back to the 800 square feet per unit you can get a maximum of 12 units on a 10,000 square foot lot. It is possible to build a 4 story building with subterranean parking. The • maximwn 12 units could be over 2000 square feet each. Yet the parking requirements provide for only one off street parking space per unit! I estimate the area is only one-third developed. On one recent weekend I counted over 50 automobiles parked on the street, sidewalk and on the undeveloped lot·s. Each time a unit :j.s built, you usually lose the former street parking in front of the unit. They generally have their parking spaces at right angles to the street, and you drive straight into the parking stall from the street. As development occurs there will be less and less street parking. It is my observation that units in this zone have a much higher visitor rate than the rest of the city, parti..mlarly in the summer time, because of their location and ammenities, and lack of off-street guest parking compounds the problem. I August-29, 1980 Page 2 Parking Requirements With the sewer moritorium s~spended, I am recommending that we .take immediate action to rectify this condition and require development in the RW zone to have the same parking requirements as elaborated under 21.44.130 parking spaces required: ( 5) USE -DWELLINGS PARKIN9 SPACES REQUIRED - (a) One, two-family or multiple parking spaces required per dwelling unit: ' studio and one bedroom - Two bedroom Three bedroom and more ~w./4,-u~;':) GIRARD W. ANEAR .)~ council Member GWA:gb . cc: city Manager Planning Director City Engineer Council Act'ion: 9-23-8G Council directed staff to process the change •. 1.50 spaces/unit 1.75 spaces/unit 2.0 spaces/unit. DATE: to: FROM: MEMORANDUM September 22, 1980 Frank Aleshire, City Manager James Hagaman, Planning Director.-\?// SUBJECT: REPORT FROM COUNCIL MEMBER ANEAR REGARDING PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-W ZONE. I have reviewed the report from Council Member Anear regarding parking in the R-W Zone and concur with his concern and recommendation. The present ordinance permits the parking requi·rements for apartments in the R-W Z6ne to be 1/2, 3/4 or 1 space less per unit than other areas of the c tty depending on the number of bed rooms. W i th res pee t to condom in i urns, the present ordinance permits condos in the R-W Zone to have 1½ less spaces per unit than other areas of the city (1 resident space and½ visitor space) • Another aspect of the parking problem in the R-W zone is that the present -ordinance allows tandem parking in the front setback area on iots which are substandard in width (less than 50 feet). This compounds the parking problem by allowing almost the entire frontage to be driveway thus eliminating the possibility of any curbside parking. This provision of the ordinance applies not only to areas zoned R~W but all substandard width lots in the city. Should the City Council decide to set to public hearing consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Code to address these problems, the sections of the Code affected would be as follows: 1) Section 21.22.110 -Parking requirements for R-W Zone. 2) Section 21.44. 130(8) -Permitting tandem parking within the front yard setback for substandard width lots. 3) Section 21.47.130(2) -Parking requirements for condominiums. The earliest available Planning Commission meeting for ,olscheduling consideration of this item would bn November 12, 1980. MH:ar 9/22/80