HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-23; City Council; N/A; Revisions to Standards Design Criteria - Standard Drawings & Standard Specifications,W r .i-:-1O"r,[JDtJi^: TO CITY E_t"i;!I:':R FRI'M ASS!'+1. I AT- CIVIL M i NCI R- DESIGN iECT I ON DATE: SEP)EMBER 8, 198C SUBJECT: [ZEVISIOlS '10 STANDARD DESIGN CRITFRIA STANDAr?ia i7i':i; I NG: AND SJAN: TARD SPEC I FI CA",10i4S Per your requcst, wF have revised the City Standards to incorporate changes r,n,' ,dd i c i ons nf_�cessa ry to bring the old standards up to -date. Most of ti-, +'rang-, represent chi%ages due to minor differences in Cicy ordinnncc, s, oepartmcntal policies, maintenance operations, equipment advances and net, Engineering and Planning Depa rtrnen't practices. in addition, the revised standards contain maor changes in the street lighting and landscape median standards, and an entirely new provision to allow, for v�.riancas to the street cicsign standards. As you knc,w, the current policy for ; eet: lighting is to use high pre5SLI1%:; sodium lamps aird this is refler;ted in the revised standards. We have also attempted to redarce the overall er,argy consuription of street lights by reducing i ightlnc, levels along road•,�,ayc through open space and industrial areas aiid requiring special consideration around sens;tive recreational and %flidiife habitats. The second = jor change is the establishment of a new median standard complete with landscape and 'irrigation guidelines. Thc;re has been some, disagreement with t­ Parks and Recreation Dvnartment as to the specifics of the median design, but w,_- have inco poi ated most of their requests and have reached a tentative acceptance of tho Hnal design. Porentially, the most controversial item is the inclusion of a new, procedure to aline, for variances to the City Standards. The new var- iance procedura is based on the same process used by the Planning Depart- ment for a vrriance to the zoning ordinance. Essentially, the process reruires that the Planning Commission !Hake five findings before approving a variance to th City Standards, These findings are that there be unusual circumstances with no drainage problems or traffic conflicts and that tine variance nod be detr•iniental to public safety or adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. The v�iriance procedure; would he applicable to both ( isting streets and proposed roadways, if re.ques ted at the time a ten tea t i ve map is submitted. There appears to be no conflicts in this a9proa6h with the general plan. • in fact, the Ciruclotion Flcwunt of the General Plan states in reference to their specific roadvday des i +oriat i ons that their "recommendations i i 1 us-• trat:e reasonable and desirai:lc standard:., but it should be recognized that cow,promises are s,riaetimes necessary in order to m::intain a practical appiIol.ch and to accommodate the variations which are a part of community D -2- We feel the variance approach would be the most reasonable and just manner for the City to allow safe and creative variations to an otherwise rigid set of standards. There are many .existing roads in the City on which this procedure could have potential impact. The most prominent of these are Highland Drive, Adams Street, Jefferson Street East of Interstate 5, Carlsbad Boulevard, E1 Camino Real, and many other local and collector streets located primarily in the old part of town. The standards for the development of.Occan Street have recently been set by Council as have the standards for Maple Street. The standards for Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Blvd to Park Drive we e basically set in the Geometric Design Study made of that street in 1977. It is not known exactly what impact the variance procedure will have on future street development. It can be assumed the impacts will: be greatest in residential estate zones, around the Lagoons and on hillsides. Con- cerning the latter case, this revision could obviate the need for separate hillside standards by allowing developers to reduce widths through the variance procedure. Concerning the question of.private roadways,•it is felt this problem cannot be completely handled by these standards alone. Perhaps a better way would be to use the minimum lane widths found in the Planned Unit Development Section of the Zoning Code, together with the standards variance procedure discussed previously. One suggestion has been made to give the City Engineer the decision -making -ability on the variance where private roads are concerned. The Planning Commission would have the chance to review the City Engineer's decision as part of their normal project review process. One other problem brought to our attention concerns the parking of recreation vehicles on residential streets. It has been suggested that perhaps the curb -to -curb widths be widened as much as four feet to accommodate these vehicles. It is felt by the Design Section that the added cost to the developer for such a solution would not be worth the marginal benefit derived from the added passing width. Our Traffic Engineering Aide indicates he has no recollection of a parked recreational vehicle being the cause for an accident in the City in the last year. A somewhat simpler and less expensive answer to the problem would be to create an ordinance limiting the, distance a truck or recreational vehicle may exiend into the roadway and then cite the offending vehicles. David A. Hauser DAH : mmt Council Action: 9-23-80 Council expressed concurrence, and requested that the item be placed on a regular agenda for action. J A RIW= 126' 10'- 106, to (L 2% % 2% B MEDIAN PRIME MAJOR ARTERIAL STREET R/Wt! 102' IlL F2 -/,i I F /0 �` MEDIAN MAJOR ARTERIAL STREE R/%V= 84! ----------- FL 64! 10! SECONDARY ARTERIAL STREE-1- R/W=6d --- PL 10 4.-0, 10, 2. COLLECTOR STREET R/W= 60'ilr IL 40'-36' ld- 12, 2 A MAY BE REDUCED TO' % _ 56'FOR CUL-DE-SAC ZtS OR LOOP STREETS LOCAL STREET REV. APPROVED DAT E CITY OF CA1 LSE3AD RD -FIWl ' CITY ENGNEEP DATE:STT&T!'.,TiE E-Tb DTHIS SUPPI UIENTAL STANDARD N 0 AXIIAN^_TT 11- DATE: September 5, 1980 TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM: James Hagaman, Planning Director Jck SUBJECT: Street Standards Attached is a copy of the street standards used by the Engineering Department. The standards that are outlined in wide, black lines are taken directly from the General Plan. The remaining street standards are based on engineering and traffic safety principles. The General Plan does allow for flexibility in its stand- ards. Specifically, the Circulation Element states that "...experience has shown that best results can be gained from the consideration of established standards as guides as to what is reasonable or desirable rather than as inflexible rules." (Page 8) There is no "grandfather clause" which requires existing roads to be brought up to standards. However, the first policy of the Circulation Element is to "...improve the operational efficiencies of streets by using modern design standards and the latest available technology." (Page 2) This would seem to justify requiring streets and roads that are not efficient in their operation to become so. JC:jt u A 0 i � t I , 1 Um I 1 ui U m m m Q m - oo Lf� LIl d � 00 N t • - j N Ln CDp M• •�' N "o N i O U N r ,. J W m w O �• _ - Co D- O Na8 ' � L Ln 04 _ N H ¢w Q- 1 S O - Y - O Q¢ COD O N 1 1 O N N p LAr _z' �D N M Q N M lY! r uj w Z m U Ja CO CD UJ o ' , o p ct U) 0 O M M -� � O -7' i�.- �I pp i �' �o G ,'; O c3 Of Of Of¢ p s ? ¢ N � ,, h 0 rL Cfl Z pE 00 pp i .. WZ '. 1' O ¢Q ^ 0 °�° t�1� W K C" O O O ` -�' O W '� 00 -7' � N LfN d1 O Sn Q UJ co ..c-�.' ' J I-- Q • � O UJ O O CU Ca ai11 �- O O O p - N Z ,.: LC\ ¢ ¢ LOfY t07� a� J W Z,k Ca W Q w • O GC n- W CO -- 0 z � Ql �o �o •�" O Q -7 O N J p w Q t!3 z � � a:v W iy l�il f U I- O d O o_ Q n U K W J dLD }LLI- C; to Lo d to ¢ a U C] W W to to I w O 0- W f- U O U S W �: - U. W I. J L" [1' L W O -1 -� X �� " O N n d Z� �. Q V) m Cl Z • U - cr., to Z .0 o •- — z a n d a: W N J w oG d -� U O i F- 0 W O M B . el$ C cat `4 ` _ Q n dV ,F4.E/Y6 E1Vr i B. Street Function s Standards Pasl- practice has been to establish arbitrary standards for right-of- way widths, pavement sections, parkway widths„ etc., for the various classifications of streets. However, experience has shown that better results can be gained from the consideration of established standards as being guides as to what is reasonable or desirable rather than as inflexible rules. Right-of-way requirements and necessary street widths are directly related to the function a roadway is to serve, to the type of abuttina development, to the traffic volumes anticipated to be carried, and to the possible provision of facilities for other purposes such as bikeways. The following is a description of the functions and standards of the various categories of streets into which Carlsbad's circulation system has been divided: 1. Local Streets: The principal purpose of a local street is to pro- vide vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access to property abutting the public right of way, and moving traffic is 'only a secondary function of the local street. Since land service is its primary purpose, the local street should not carry through traffic, and buses and heavy trucks should be excluded except where the local street is in a commercial or industrial area of the City. Cross sections of local streets vary with building practices, abut- ting land uses, parking requirements, planting of street trees, and other considerations. Where both sides of the street are served equally, the common right of way width for a local; street is 60 feet with a pavement width 36 feet in single-family residential areas with scattered parking. In multi -family areas where there is more or less continuous parking throughout the day and night, a minimum of 40 feet of pavement is required in order that room for two mov- ing lanes of traffic be available. In commercial areas, a minimum pavement width of 40 feet is considered necessary as well, while in industrial areas consideration of the predominant type of trucking and whether or not maneuvering of trailers must be provided for will dictate the width of pavement to be provided. When pavement widths exceed 40 feet on local streets, right of way must be increased above 60 feet correspondingly. The overall system design of local streets can greatly affect traf- fic since unduly long streets build up traffic volumes and cross streets and intersections with acute angles are likely to cause accidents. Good practice precludes carrying local streets into arterials since such intersections create unnecessary friction points and cause accidents and related congestion on the arterials. A far better approach is to bring local streets into collectors which then feed into arterials. 2. Collector Streets: The collector street is intended to serve as the connecting link to handle traffic between local streets and the secondary and major arterials. Additionally, collector streets provide access to abutting property and will include those streets which provide for traffic movements within a relatively small area such as -a residential neighborhood. Generally speaking, traffic using the collector streets will have an origin or a destination within the local area. A M Collector streets are anticipated to carry traffic volumes of up to 5,000 vehicles per day. A collector street will normally have one moving lane in each direction and may provide for on -street parking; therefore, -a minimum pavement width of 40 feet is re- commended, which can be accommodated within a 60 foot right of way. In areas of the City where collectors, or sections of collectors are anticipated to carry traffic volumes greater than 5,000 vehicles per day, pavement widths and rights of way may be increased to facilitate the additional traffic. Collector streets are not illustrated on the circulation element map since they are only locally important and are related to the design con- cepts utilized within a neighborhood. 3. Secondary Arterials: The main function of a secondary arterial is to conduct traffic from collector streets to and from major arterials or freeways. Land access is only a minor function of a secondary arterial and, therefore, parking should be discouraged and residential buildings should not have driveways entering a secondary arterial. Additionally, it is good practice to avoid situations where secondary arterials cross major arterials to form a continuous system, since this might result in a tendency for traffic to use the secondary arterial in lieu of a major arterial for long trips. Traffic volumes in the range of 5,000 - 20,000 vehicles a day should be accommodated by secondary streets. Secondary arterials usually have two moving lanes and one parking lane for each direc- tion of flow and, therefore, require a pavement width of 64 feet which requires a right of way of 84 feet. Where necessary, a secondary arterial can fulfill the role of a major arterial through the expedient of prohibiting on -street parking and establish- ment of a central median divider, either raised or painted. 4. Major Arterials: The function of the major arterial is to provide for the movement of traffic. The major arterial carries traffic gathered from collector streets and secondary arterials.through- out the community to other collector streets and secondary arteri- als or to the freeways within or surrouding the community. Land access and parking should be provided by other classifications of streets. Traditionally, however, this separation between the movement of traffic and the need to serve adjacent land uses has not been well recognized. To encourage this recognition and to move traffic efficiently and safely, adequate medians should be provided and the number of'driveways and cross street intersections should be minimized, on -street parking should be eliminated where - ever possible, and off-street parking for adjacent development should be provided. Traffic volumes in excess of 20,000 vehicles a day necessitate the construction of major arterial streets to carry such volumes safely and efficiently. Major arterials will generally have four lanes of moving traffic and, depending upon adjacent development and service needs, may or may not have parking lanes. Where parking lanes are provided, major arterials will have an 82-foot wide curb separation within 102 foot right of way. An 18 foot median divider may be provided. 7 10 A divided arterial provides an outstanding opportunity to improve the appearance of the street and of the community by attractively landscaping the dividing median. 5. Prime Maior Arterials: The primary and most important function of prime major arterials is to move large volumes of vehicles including automobiles, trucks and buses; and, as its name implies, is should handle longer through trips. The facility will be able to carry traffic volumes in excess of 40,000 vehicles per day, Prime major arterials will be able to be expanded to six lanes or moving traffic. This facility may be designed with a curb separation within a 126 foot right of way. Also included is an 18 foot median divider. 6. Freeways: The term "freeway" means an access --free, high speed road with grade separated interchanges; and it has only one function - to carry traffic. It is intended to expedite movement between relatively distant areas in a community, metropolitan area, or region. The freeway is a major visual element in the City and in cut, at grade, or on fill, it constitutes a major barrier separating land uses on one side from those on the other. Planning, design, and construction of freeways in California are usually undertaken by the State Department of Transportation and, as a result, fall outside the jurisdiction of a city. Nonetheless, the City should play an important role in the selection of freeway routes, in the determination of the number of lanes required to carry projected traffic loads, and encouraging the installation and maintenance of attractive landscaping so that the freeway right of way can become integrated with and be an attractive part of the community visual scene. The street cross section standards discussed above are suggestions which will provide the quality of traffic flow and capacity that future traffic volumes will require. All intersections of major and second- ary arterials will require signalization at an early date and the provision of left turn lanes will substantially increase capacity. Another concept which should be considered with respect to the inter- section of major and secondary arterials is the acquisition of addi- tional right of way and construction of widened pavements at the approaches to intersections so that separate turning lanes, both for left and tight turns, can be installed with the resultant material increase in traffic carrying capacity. The above recommendations illustrate reasonable and desirable standards, but it should be recognized,that compromises are sometimes necessary in order to ma i nta in a practical approach and to accommodate the variations which are a part of community growth. The accompanying chart (page 12) illustrates the relationship between the movement and access functions of the various components of a circulation system. The major thrust of the chart is to show that, as the movement function or volume of traffic handled increases, the amount of local access (driveways and number of intersections) should be reduced. Except where street rights of way already exist, the alignments of streets shown on the circulation system map (page 13) are general only, and the map is not intended to portray a specific location. Precise alignments can only be developed after complete and detailed design studies have been undertaken. V I CUL-DE-SAC LOCAL STREET Cj �-- � U o OLLECTOR STREET O W vN 0. • 2i" o N SECONDARY" ARTERIAL 0 Cz U — cn UI c ~ a aI MAJOR ARTERIAL, o 43 O O U cn cn PRIME MAJOR ART. tn �03 G U U d 0 FREEWAY CL U C U 0 U � Nolhinugh Increasing propartion of through No local traffic traffic, increasing speed. traffic MOVEMENT FUNCTION CHART 1 M O V EM ENT -ACCESS FUNCTION i OF ROADWAY TYPES. • 0. 0 0 13 / Circaalati®n j cn 1 � S Plan M E! `� A 4 ktyy v � e z o o S;c f w _ CHE TNUT n e TAMARAC K Ma z • x so � s l i IV v CANNON RD ' r ems'°►. ` MCI se � q e e CD4fSq A/q10,+ Fri �qr b Q ®P Algp c �0 - 0 � a n ep so , I � , Sr---�, ti �`` `► ,` K E V %" b , fw a freeway m a:q c� ..� ,�� \ ma 'pa ..prime major STq arterial y yd► ma: major art.. so : secondary art, a - P,.pOOCFY Ro S S CL 4 F h 4 O`/ •Ia 0.P�G C!%f OF CAi--?L SBA ! DATE 5-14-75, j C,Li Ear 1R.40 D[?►)ICATIDN AND IMPrOVEMENTS Sections: 18.40.010 18.40.010 Findings, purpose and intent. 18.40.020 Definitions. Dedications required. 18.40.040 Public improvements required. 18.40.050 Public utility relocations. 18.40.060 Construction of public improvements.. 18.40 .0 70 Deferral of improvement. requirements. 18.40.080 Appeal. 18.40.090 Conditions of deferral. 18.40.100 Waiver of modification of requirements. 16.40.110 Duty to deny final building permit approval. 18.40.120 Applicability of requirements. 18.40.010 Findings, pur ose and intent. (a) The city council finds as follows: (1) There is a lack of adequate curbs, gutters, side- walks and strecUs in various areas of the city which is pre- judicial and dangerous to the public health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the city. (2) The lack of improved sidewalks in the city in many instances forces pedestrians, including shcool childrrn, to walk in the streets and to be subject to the hazards of vehicu- lar traffic. (3) The -lack of improved sidewalks during rainy weath- er has caused unhealthy conditions resulting from pedestrians walking through mud or water along streets or dirt sidewalks. (4) Streets and highways of inadequate width and de- sign hinder vehicular movoment and constitute a hazard to the safety and health of user: . (5) The lack ofcurbs, stoim drains and other street improvements results in poor drainage and a collect -ion of filth and waste. (6) The lack of improved streets impedes the opera- tion of fire trucks, police cars and other emergency vehicles as well as the operation of street sweepers and refuse col- lection vehicles. (b) It is the purpose of the city council in adopting the provisions of this chapter to: (1) Impose rea.son.able requirements of dedication and improvements upon persons engaged in the development, construc- tion, reconstruction or remodel-ng of buildings which tend to result in increased dcm ands upon the existing public rights - of -way and streets and highways in the city thereby increasing the danger to the public hualL-h „ safety and welfare; ' 314-3 (Carlsbad 7/20/76) /-1Z 10 .40 .02.0--18 . 40.030 (2) Extend the basis, requirements of the Subdivision Map Act ljy establishing standards and requirements for dedica- tion and improvements in conricct.i.on with the development of land in which no subdivision is involved, (3) Alleviate the undesirable situation found to exist in subscot-ion (a) by spreading the cost of public improvements upon abutting property in an equitable manner and by causing the installation of those improvements required by the city to serve property about co be de-.veloped at the time of its develop- ment. (c) The city council intends to require, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the. dedication of portions of the public rights -of -way including streets, highways, alleys and storm drain, facilities and the construction of improvements contiguous to the property from the property line to the center- line of the public rights -of -way as necessitatQd by the nature and type of, building or structi?re being constructed and the use to which the property is being put. (Ord. 80G7 51(pa.r_t), 1976). 18.40.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning respec- tively ascribed in them by this section:, (1) "Alley" means a public or private way permanently reserved as a secondary means of access to abutting property. (2) "Bui.lding" includes any building, structure or dwelling of which the cost price of erecting the same is in excess or the sum of ten thousand dollars as determinated by building permit valuation. (3) "Improvements" includes sidewalks, gutters, pavement, driveways, curbs, streets, alleys, storm drain facilities, water systems, sanitary sewer systems, street lighting, fire protection installation and pavement transitions. (4) "Person" means any person, firm,.partnership, asso- ciation, corporation, company or organization of any kind. The term "person" also includes any owner, lessee or agent constructing or arranging for the construction, modification, or alteration of a building or dwelling. (Ord. 8067 §l(part,), 1976). 18.40.030 Dedications required. (a) Any person who constructs or causes to be constructed any building in the city shall have provided by means of an offer of dedication or other appropriate conveyance as approved by the city attor- ney the rights -of -way necessary for the construc_l-.ion of any street, highway, or alley as shown on the circulation element of the general plan, any applicable speci:tic plans, or as otherwise required by the city enginecaz in accord with an established street system or plan. Rights -of -way shall also be provided for any improvements to existing facilities in- cluding rights--of-way for storm drains or other required public facilities. All rights -of -way shall be accompanied by a title examination report and be free of all liens and on - cumbrances.. 314-4 (Carlsbad 7/20/76) Q A 18 ).040--18.40.060. (b) The dedications required by subsection (a) shall. also apply to any person who alters, enlarges, expands, or causes to be altered, enlarged, or expanded any building in the city if the cost of such •work exceeds the sum of ten thousand dollars as determined by building pe..mit valuation. I(c) The dedications required by this chapter shall be made prior to issuance of the building permit for the sub- ject property. . (d) Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the subject project, there shall be paid to the engineering department a fee of forty dollars for processing the offer of dedication.. (Ord. 7058 53, 1979; Ord. 8067 §1(part),. 1976) . 18.40.040 Public improvements required. (a) Any person who constructs or causes to be constructed any build- ing in the city shall construct all necessary improvements in accordance with city specifications upon the property and along all street frontages adjoining the property upon which such building is constructed unless adequate improve- ments already exist. In each instance, the city manager shall determine whether or not the necessary improvements exist and are adequate. Each building permit application shall be so endorsed at the time it is issued. (b) The improvements required by subsection (a) shall. also apply to any person who alters, enlarges or eiTands or causes to be altered, enlarged or expanded any building in the city if the cc,st of such work exceeds the sum of ten thousand dollars, except work on single• -family dwellings located in the R-A and R-1 zoi,es. (Ord. 8067 51(part), 1976). 18.40.050 Public utility relocations. In the event the city manager determines that the contemplated construc- tion of improvements as required by this chapter in indivi- dual cases will necessitate the relocation or alteration of public utility facilities, including but not limited to gas, electricity, telephone and water, he may require the person requesting the building permit to produce satisfactory evi- dence that such person has made arrangements wit}. such public utili.ty.company for the relocation or modification of,such public utility facilities. (Ord. 8067 §ltpart), 1976). 18.40.060 Construction of public improvements. If the city manager determines that public improvements are required, these public improvements shall be designed to city standards and their construction guaranteed by an improvement agreement secured by a bond or cash deposit prior to issuance of a building permit for the subject property. If the building permit is not exercised, the improvement obligation shall. 'terminate and the security shall be returned. The city man- ager is authorized to execute such agreements on behalf of the city. (Ord. 8067 51(part), 1976). 314--5 (Carlsbad 10/15/79) Iq 18. ; .070---18. 40 . 090 18.40.070 Deferral of improvement requirements. Upon written appl.ic". .3 on, the. by written order may defer any of the improvements required by th.i.s chapter if he finds that the: public Health, safety and welfare of tl?e in- habitants of the city will not be endangered by the deferment of the construction of the improvements and that any one of the following e-xists: (1) There is a lack of adequate data in regard to the grades, plans or surveys which complicate the construction of the improvements and indicate they should be dr;ferred to a later time. (2) The construction of —the improvements is included in an approved or pending assessment district or otherwise guaranteed. as provided by city ordinance. (3) Construction of the improvements would be incom- patible with the present state of the neighborhood's develop- ment or be impractical or premature because of'the condition of the surrounding property. (4) Construction of the improvements would create a hazardous or defective condition. (Ord. 8067 (',1(part), 1.976) 18.40.080 Appeal. (a) The granting or denial of a deferral o_= improvements pursuant 'to Section 18.40.070 by the city manager involving curbs, gutters, sidewalks or streets shall, unless appealed to the city council, become final. with- in five days after the filing of the manager's written decision setting forth the findings in support thereof. (b) Any aggrieved person participating in the review and proceeding before the city manager may appeo.1 such decision to the city council by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk stating the specific grounds of appeal and paying a twenty-five dollar fee to the clerk within five days of the manager's written decision. (c) The city council shall set the matter for hearing within thirty days and may approve, modify, or disapprove the decision of the city manager. (Ord. 8067 §1(pazt), 1976). Conditions of. deferral. :Any deferral of im- provements pursuant to Section 18.40.070 shall be conditioned on the filing with the city manager of a future impravement agreement secured by a lien against the subject property in a form satisfactory to the city attorney which provides that the property owner will construct the improvement at such time as the city requires them to be constructed and gives the city a lien on the property to guarantee such construc- tion. The city manager_ is authorized to execute such agree- ment on behalf of the city. Such agreement must be received and recorded.prior to issuance of a building permit. If the building permit is not exercised, the city manager is autho- rized to execute a release of lien for the subject property. 314-6 (Carlsbad 10/15/ 79) 18. .100---18.40.120 Prior to the recoreloti.on of a future improvement agree- ment, there shall be paid to the engineering department a fee of forty dollars for processing of the agreement. (Ord. 7058 §4, 1979; Ord. 8067 §1(part), 1976). 18.40.100 Waiver of modification of requirements. Upon written application accowpanied by a twenty-five dullLr fee, the city council may by resolution weave or modify •the require- ments of this chapter if they find that-: (1) The street. fronting on the subject property has already been improved to the maximum feasible and desirable state, recognizing there are sortie such streets which may.have less than standard improvements when necessary to preserve the character of the neighborhood and to avoid unreasonable inter- ference with such things as trees, walls, yards and open space; (2.) The granting of the waiver or modification will not perpetuate a hazardous or defective condition or, be otherwise detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the city. (Ord. 8067 §l, (part) , 1976) . 18.40.110 Duty to deny final building_ permit approval. The director of building and housing shall deny final approval and acceptance of a building permit, and shall refuse to allow final public utility connections and occupancy in any build- ing, structure or dwelling unless the city manager determines that all. required dedications have been made and that all necessary improvements exist, are constructed, or unless the cit,, manager., pursuant to Section 18.40.070, has determined to defer the installation of such improvements, and the re- quired future improvement agreement and a lien contract has been received and recorded, or unless the requirements of the chapter have been modified or waived pursuant to Section 18.40.100. (Ord. 8067 §1(part), 1976). 18.40.120 Applicability of requirements. Requirements of this chH�ter shall not apply to any buildings, structures, or dwellings for which a building permit has been issued prior to June 3, 1976. (Ord. 8067 §1(part), 1976). 3.14-7 (Carlsbad 10/15/79) 0 f HWY 78 EUE'r.A VISTAIt 1 �AiLA L•ALM'EER`rr, i 'tut \ ry0 7A!JARACK j SOBIRES DAJ6 9 \tH��f; _.::__: LAKE j AGUA HEDIONDA j LAGOONovoo R LL � � O /, � LatAPF • I O t PACIFIC OCEAN `����t �LOMAR �'�r'•.-� ° \iIRPOW, p � ALGA RID pOtNSLYpA Lt. 8DY. l CAr BATIOU170S � L'`! C T . A•VC•s* 1 LAGOOI\ y fir. •r" .y,•1'��' � j ,. Lj i �A �� ��• �� I A STANDARD DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE DESIGN OF PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1980 GENERAL - Rage 1 GENERAL - DESIGN .CRITERIA 1. This criteria shall apply to all public.works design within the City of Carlsbad which is subject to the review of the City En- gineer. These design criteria are not: applicable to private road or water works design: 2. All drawings shall be on standard size sheets (24" x 36" or 82" x 11") with standard City title block. All lettering shall be 1/8" or larger to permit photographic reduction. 3. All title sheets shall have an index or key map clearly indi- cating the sheet numbers issued. All index maps shall be drawn at a scale of 1" = 200' showing overall layout of the water, sewer, storm drain, fire hydrants, and street lighting systems. 4. Each sheet is to be signed by a Registered Civil Engineer. Com- plex structural, electrical or mechanical installations shall also be signed by the Registered Engineer doing the design. Whez. a soil report is required, grading Vlans shall be signed by the Soils Engineer and/or Geofogist. 5. Revisions made after original approval. by the City Engineer shall be initialed by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the City Engineer for approval. 6. All improvements are to be designed and constructed in accordance with this design criteria, City of Carlsbad Standard Specifications and appropriate standard drawings. 7. Profiles shall be shown on the top of sheets. vertical curves shall show curve length and P.I. elevation, in addition to normal stationing and elevations, 8. Normally the scales for improvement plans shall be 1" = 40' for the horizontal and 1"'= 4' for the vertical. The vertical scale should be changed to 11' = 8' or other appropriate scale where grades are steep. For complex plans the scale shall be 1" = 20' or larger as necessary for. clarity. 9. Improvement plans shall be prepared in. ink on drafting film or tracing cloth, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 10. Easements shall be a*minimum of 15 feet in width unless a lesser width is specifically authorized by the City Engineer. Approved means of obtaining • access to the easement must be provided. Utility and drainage easements parallel to side lot lines shall be laid out so that the easement is all on one lot. 11. Water, sewer, and drainage calculations and maps shall accompany all plans submitted for checking, unless the requirement is spe- cifically waived. 12. All plans are to be checked by the Engineer of work for consis- tency, accuracy, clarity and conformity with City Standard Spe- cifications, drawinqs, and design criteria before submission for General. - Page 2 approval. If this obviously has not been done, the plans will Be retuxrie�- iincI ecke --by t le 13. Plans submitted for checking shall be accompanied by a letter of transmittal. 14. The original check prints shall accompany revised plans z•esub- mitted for checking. 15. The Design Engineer shall submit'a detailed cost estimate to the City Engineer prior to final. approval of the plans if the proj- ect requires improvement security. 16. Original drawings shall become the property of,the City upon'be- ing signed by the City Engineer. 17. The original drawing shall be revised to reflect as -built condi- tions by the Engineer -of -work prior to final acceptance of the work by the City. The as-builts shall -include the final layout for all utilities (gas, telephone, electric, television) in ad- dition to the public improvements. Telephone and television utilities are to submit as-builts to the City which will then be turned over to the Engineer -of -work for incorporation into the final as -built plans. 18. The Engineer -of -work shall submit maps of any proposed subdivi- sion, drawn to scales 1" = 100' and 1" = 500" prior to City ap- proval of the final subdivision map. these maps will, be used to update City atlas maps. They shall contain the following minimum information and. be drawn on reproducible drafting film. A. 500 scale - outline of streets and lots; no dimensions B. 100 scale - streets: name and width Lots: number and dimensions easements: type and dimensions (The map submitted may serve a dual purpose, e.g., vicinity map, grading plans, or may be the tract map itself.) 19. The number of sheets submitted should normally be limited to that required for clarity of presentation. Separate drawings for streets, water, and sewers will not normally.- be accepted. 20. Improvement plans shall show all existing trees within the street parkway and within five feet outside the a ight-of-way and speci- fically designate those to be removed. • s A Street - Page 3 STREET - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. WIDTHS A. All' street classifications shall conform to the latest adopted Circulation Element of the General Plan and any special plan thereto.. B. Street widths shall be in accordance with Table A. C. Intersection of arterials, depending on estimated traffic volumes, may require special aesign. The use of sir.gle and double left -turn pockets, free right -turn lanes, right -turn islands, raised medians, etc., may be required. D. Where feasible, when streets are improved for only one-half widths, the unimproved half shall drain away from the paved section and shall be provided with a paved ditch. A 2" x 6" redwood header shall be required at the edge of paving. E. Where half -street improvements are required for streets the developer of the first half is required to install the half - street section plus 12 feet of additional paving except for prime or major arterials. 2. GRADES A. Vertical curves are required when glade breaks exceed 1.50. B. Normal crown slope on A.C.pavement shall be 2.0%. C. Where grades exceed 70 or on.lesser grades where tributary drainage areas are large, special erosion control such as 1" x 4" redwood boards shall be placed across parkway on a .45' angle at 50-Moot intervals. D. Grades of 120 or greater shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete or thickened asphalt section and shall have a rough texture surface. Steeper grades or 12% grades in excess of 400 feet in length require the special approval of the City Engineer. E. All street plans shall extend design a minimum of 200 feet beyond property line to demonstrate the feasibility of fu- ture extension. For collector streets and above, 500-foot minimum. Longer extensions may be required by the City En- gineer. 3. ALIGNMENT A. Streets shall. normally intersect at right angles., Where feasible, local streets shall have at least 50 feet of tangent adjacent to an intersection, measured from B.C�R. M Street - Page 4 Collectors should have at least 100 feet. Arterials will require special design. An angle of intersection more than 100 from a right angle requires special approval and design. Hillside terrain will require special. design. E. The centerline of streets entering upon opposite sides of any given street shall normally be offset by at least 150 feet for local residential streets and 300 feet for all other streets. Loral streets shall.normal.ly be designed as "T" type intersections. C. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 606 feet in length without spe- cial approval and shall have a 40-foot minimum curb line'r.•adius at the turn -around. D. Minimum length of tangent between reversing curves shall be 100 feet. A lesser length may be used for local streets with, the approval of the City Engineer. E. All corner cutoffs for local and residential_ collector streets shall have a minimum 20-foot property line radius; arterial streets shall have a minimum property line radius of 25 feet. Arterial streets may require special.design. 4. STRUCTURAL SECTION A. Design shall be in accordance with the California Department- of: Transportation stabilometer method. B. Design shall be based on results of•soil tests made before plans are prepared. The "R" value shall be verified after rough grading and prior to paving. .-The structural section shall then be modified if necessary'. 5. CURBS A. Use 6" curb face with 18" gutter unless 8' is required to handle drainage. The use of rolltype curb shall be avoided.* 6. CROSS -GUTTERS A.' All cross -gutters shall be 6' minimum width and conform with Standard Drawings. B. No cross -gutters shall be allowed on streets classified as col- leetor_ or above. Any variation will require the special ap- proval of. the City Engineer. 7. SIDEWALKS A. Sidewalks shall be installed along both sides of all streets except hillside streets and shall be located. contiguous with the curb unless an alternate location. is approved by the City Engineer. a Street -• Wage 5 B. The minimum width for sidewalks in any zone shall he 5' not including the top of curb. C. Minimum•thickness; (1) At commercial or multiple -residential driveway approaches - ( 2 ) All other locations - z� ° D.' Sidewalk'ramps shall be .required at all intersections where sidewalks are required. fi. SIGHT DISTANCE A. All sight distances shall be in accordance with California De- partment of Transportation Design Manual. B. I'or local streets, maintain triangular area at intersection, ° back of B. in free of any obstructions in ex- measucess re re 25in height. Any variations will require the spe- cific approval of the City Engineer. C. For intersections involving collector or arterial streets pro- vicle clear sight distance as recarar°ended in AASHTO "Urban Highways and Arterial Streets." 9. FRONTAGE ROADS nter arterial streets through "bulb - A. Frontage roads shall e type" intersections capable of storing at least four cars be- tween frontage road and major street. 10. STREET LIGHTS A. All street lights shall be high pressure sodium vapor type. B. Street lights shall be shielded to protect adjacent houses from direct light as required by the City Engineer. All light- ing at major and prime arterial intersections shall be shield- ed. I - C. Street light spacing shall. be in general con.forman,:a with the attached Table B. D. At intersections the light shall be placed on the far right corners of the major street. E. Street lights shall normally be located on the out of curves. Lights shall. be located behind sidewalk when curb and sidewalk are continguous. Street - Page 6 11. "TRAFFIC SIGNALS A. The developer shall, submit a design and pay the cost: for the construction or modification of traffic signals adjacent:. to the development which are required as a consequence of that development. 12. MONUMTNTATION A. Centerline monuments shall be installed at the P.I. of all curves if .found within the paved roadway (otherwise at the E.C. and B.C.), at the centerline intersection of all' streets, at the radius point of all cul-de-sacs. A 5.0 foot offset may be used to avoid conflicts with access covers. 13. STREET TREES $ MEDIAN PLANTINGS A. Street trees shall be of a variety as listed on the current City of Carlsbad Street Tree List. B. Trees shall be planted along the street right-of-way at the equivalent of no less than one tree per 40 feet. C. The developer shall be responsible for the proper prepara- tion of the landscape soil which shall consist of one-third by volume of organic amendments in the top four to six inches of soil. D. Specific soil amendment shall include: (1) Leached, nitrolized redwood shavings. (2) Gypsum, applied at the rate of 50 lb./1000 S.F. (3) Two-thirds of organic materials (e.g., redwood shavings) should be that which will break down slowly (five to ten years). Ore -third of organic matter (e.f,, nitro humous preferred or steer manure) should break down rapidly. (4) Developer is responsible for.initial fertilization in a manner acceptable to the Parks & Recreation Denartment. (5) Organic fertilizer high in phosphorus together with a root stimulating fertilizer acceptable to the Parks and Recrea- tion Director. E. Street trees shall not be planted within four feet of a curb, gutter, driveway or sidewalk. 14. IRRIGATION A. For irrigation systems within the public right-of-way the de- veloper shall submit -a complete set of irrigation plans detail- ing location of meters, valves, piping, heads, controllers, wiring and the source of water and electricity for automatic systems for approval of the Parks & Recreation Director. B. Where possible the developer shall utilize low-flc;r irrigation systems, e.g., drip irrigation. Street - Page 7 C. All lateral irrigation lines shall be 12 inches away from curb or sidewalk edge to accommodate root pruning machine. D. Quick coupler valves 1-1/4" in size shalbe installed every 150 Feet. 15. DRIVEWAYS Aaximum* Minimum* Type Commercial 30 feet 12 feet 7 " PCC Residential 20 feet 12 feet 52" PCC Maximum Frontage: Residential - 400 Commercial and industrial - 500 Clear width measured at bottom of "X".. A.. Minimum clear, distance between driveways on same property two feet. B. Minimum clear distance from property line - three feet. C. Minimum distance from curb return.- 0 feet - no encroachment. D. Minimum distance from fire hydrant - five feet. All dimensions are to -top of "X" unless otherwise noted. 16. PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Pavement markings shall be in-nniormance with the criteria as presented in Chapter 6 of the latest edition of the State of California Deparzment of Transportation Traffic Manual. 17. STREET NAME AND TRAFFIC SIGNS The developer shall ,day for the installation of street name and traffic signs as f3l.ows: A. Two street name signs at every intersection. B. "Stop" signs on local collector intersections and above, or where required by the City Engineer. C. "Nat a Through Street" sign'when the end of the street cannot be seen. D. Other signs as required by the City Engineer. 18. STREET IVIDTH AND IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE A. Where the literal interpretation and enforcement of these stan- dards would result: in practical difficulties, environmental A Street - Page 7A degradation or results inconsistent with the general purpose of these standards, the Planning Commission shall have the author- ity as an administrative act to grant a variance to these stan- dards subject to the provisions stated below. In all cases, the variance shall be in harmony•with the general purpose and intent of the standards and with the safety and. the welfare of the public. B. The areas wherein the design standards for street•widths and improvements may be deleted or modified, may include, but not limited to, narrowing the right-of-way width, narrowing of the right-of-way width; narrowing of the roadway width, dele- tion of sidewalks, deletion of curbs, separation of opposing traffic lanes around sensitive environmental features, reduc- tion of lighting standards in sensitive environmental habitats and other design modifications consistent with the conditions and intent of this section. C. Before any variance may be granted, it shall be shown: (1) That there are extraordinary or unusual circumstances or conditions applicable to the situation or surrounding property necessitating a variance of the standards. (2) That the granting of such variance trill not cause substan- tial drainage problems. (3) That the granting of such variance will not conflict with existing or future traffic.and parking demands or pedes- trian or bicycle use. (4) That the granting of such variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or im- provements in the vicinity in which the variance is granted. (5) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive general plan. D. The applicant or other affected party may file an appeal of the decision to the City Council within 10 days of the Planning Com- mission decision. 11). GUARDP4ILS A. Guardrails or reinforced block walls shall be provided along the tops of slopes adjacent to roadways in accordance with Figure 7-1 of the California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual Street - Page 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET 'TREE LIST The following trees are the current approved trees designated to be planted as street trees. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Archontophoenix cunninghamiana '(seaforthia) ding Palm Callistemon lanceolatus (citrinus) Lemon Bottle Brush Ca.11istemon viminalis Weeping Bottle Brush Chorisia speciosa Floss Silk Tree Cinnamomum camphora Camphor Tree Cocos plumosa (are castrum romanzoff ianum) Cocos Palm Cupanlopsis ana card loldes Carrot Wood Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon Scented Gum Eucalyptus ficifolia Red Flowering Gum Eucalyptus leucoxylon White Iron Bark Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Eucalyptus Jacaranda acutifolia -Jacaranda Liquidamber styraciflua American Sweetgum Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia Melaleuca leucadendron Cajeput Tree Metrosideros tomentosus (exelsus) New Zealand Christmas Tree Pinus canariensis *, Canary Island Pine Pinus pihea Italian Stone Pine Pinus thunbergiar_a Japanese Black Pine Pinus halepensis Aleppo Pine Pittosporum rhomifolium Diamond Leaf Pittosporum Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine Pyrus kawakamii Evergreen Pear Tristania conferta Brisbane Box Trachycarpus fortunei (excelsa) Windmill Palm -, Washi.ngtonia robusta Mexican Fan Palm Street - Page 8A CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED MEDIAN PLANTINGS TREES (botanical name) Plantanus acerifolia Schinus molle Umbellularia californica Quercus agrifolia Quercus ilex Washingtonia robusta Pinus torreyana Pinus canariensis Arbutus menziesii Cupaniopsis anacardiodes Alms rhombifolia Eucalyptus citriodora Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus leucoxylon Lagerstroemia indica Chorisia speciosa Trachvcarpus fortunei Melaleuca leucadendron Magnolia grandiflora Pyrus kawakamii Erythrina caffra Heteromeles arbutifoli.c Geijera parvifolia Parkinsonia acul.eata Acacia �rp GROUND COVERS - SHRUBS Baccharis pilularis Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Lantana montevidenisis Juniperus chinensis conferta Juniperus chinensis horizontalis "Bar Harbor" Juniperus chinensis tamariscifo-lia Trachelospermum jas-minoides Pyracantha "Santa Cruz Prostrata" Carrissa grandifl.ora "Green Carpet" Coprosma kirkii Rosmarinus officnalis "Prostratus" (common name) . London Plane Tree alifornia Pepper California Laurel. California Live Oak Holly Oak Mexican Fan Palm Torry Pine Canary.Island Piny Madrone Tree Carrot Wood Tree White Alder Lemon Scented Gum Red Gum White Iron Bark Crape Myrtle Floss Silk Tree Windmill Palm Caj eput Tree Southern Magnolia Evergreen Pear Coral Tree Toyon• Mexican Palo Verde (selected species) Coyote Bush Cdrmel.. Creeper Bedrberry Manzanita Trailing Lantana Shore Juniper. Prostrate Juniper Tam Juniper Star Jasmine Santa Cruz Pyracantha Dwarf Natal. Plum Variegated Mirror Plant Dwarf Rosemary X Street Page 9 Q w to w i — N � a i I �I W J J ¢ O h w U W C J 1- J CA O U I I j 1 I o ¢¢ O { N 0 { M i Lr\ I N 1 � � [ ` I 1 1 1 I I 1 i u m 1 I I No FI ¢¢ i1 I 1 i 1 N O N I •? M -�' I I 1 � I I O � � __ t X S m n 1 ¢ U¢ It M N Ln L[ CD I M -_Y { •�T' t`�� t +I N - O --- X S ¢ 7 I a 0 U CO _ _ NO ' �CD O UA ill M .9 ON �-` O N .ham �p O -7 I I I a. i _ _ O ¢ ¢ - 00 - 0O I I CD OM n O L[� l� �' N M h' o 111 _ - cs n 0 1 Q¢ 00 all O! o O O IX7 M O t.l1 Lf\ j M M �A %0I O -�' •`�' �' �O N .`i ~ 0 0 0 W U m - - °\° 0 0; O o;' _ w= - 0 . ¢ Q 0 L\ 0 O O O i O t0 W �' I-- N Lf� r' O L!\ N OD II� m 1 O O d - W ` O O S O _ 1J1 U n ¢ Q _ O - Cy °u' O O ) o N N O O - N,CO CO Lf� �O M 00 o\° n O 00 r- Z ( 1-III ¢ W O � m o w _ u ° �' ta0 Z —�o — ' J ¢ z C C'3 Z U - 1 h O z o 1 W lL � U z S hI _ m w 3 ¢� � I- I-0� `� 0 w w _ m¢ LLU a. m to to I o a. U h to w cn w S Q m ¢ J to ui CCD I_ U W O LJ i :F' to z U -^ _ [n tl' c tY o ¢Z c _ II Q �X 7. J d Q i= ', {t vtniZ wz m F- —w —Q mI- - X Z h!- I N z c7 U UO. t1:V) O._ zm _z z m -o Otn zm J a w� as - ¢ j Ln m •icG .t i is tY W W Z U z W r U I1_ O Street - Page ZO TABLE B CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET LIGHT SPACING CRITERIA U S E STREET RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL ADJACENT TO CLASSIFICATION COMMERCIAL OPEN SPACE SCHOOLS S PARKS Prime Arterial S 16,000 lumen 16,000 lumen 16,000 lumen' Major Arterial 250' each side 400' each side 200' each side staggered staggered staggered Secondary Arterial 16,000 lumen 16,000 lumen 16,000 lumen 300' each side 400' each side 200'' each side staggered staggered staggered Collector 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 250' each side 350' each side 200' each side - staggered staggered staggered industrial 16,000 lumen 9,500 lumen 300' each side 500' each side _____________ staggered staggered Local 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen 9,500 lumen at all intersections at all intersections 200' each side 250' spacing at mid -block staggered staggered Cul-de-sac 9,500 lumen at intersection 9,500 lumen at intersection at far.•end of 200' each side at far end'of bulb bulb staggered at mid -block if greater thgn 300' in length NOTES: 1. Intersections of prime, major and secondary arterials with each other will require minimum lighting of 16,000 lumen lights at each corner with shielding. 2. Areas of sensitive environmental or scenic concern shall require special treatment, e.g., adjacent to the ocean, lagoons, and wild life refuges. 3. The above criteria are minimum lighting requirements. Special circumstances may require additional lighting to provide for public safety. Examples of special circumstances include, but are not limited to, hidden driveway locations, high use crossings, high use driveways, road hazards such as dips and curves, public and private gathering points, bus stops, and others. 4. 9,500 lumen lights = 100 W high pressure sodium lamps. 16,000 lumen tights = 150 W high pressure sodium lamps. a Water - Page 11 WATER SYSTEIM - DESIGN CRITERIA 1. GENERAL A. Design shall conform to requirements of State of California De- partment of Health Services ard• AWWri standards. B. Distribution lines shall be constructed of asbestos cement, Class 150 minimum (150 PSI minimum working pressure) or steel pipe, lined and coated, in conformance with AT11V7A Standards, 12 gauge minimum. C. Minimum steel plate thickness shall be 10 gauge for mortar lined and coated pipe, and12 gauge for steel concrete cylinder pipe. D. Cast iron and ductile pipe shall not be used without special permission. 2. DEMANDS A.' Domestic Demands (1) In residential areas assume 100 gallons per capita per day and 3.5 persons per unit for average day unless otherwise approved h,. t.l,e Ci_t,T En!•i.neer. (2) Maximum day = average day x 2. (3) Peak hour = maximum day x 2 24. B. Industrial and commercial demands require special design. C. Fire -Demands (1) 1;000 GPM in single-family residential. (2) 3,000 GPM in multiple -family residential not exceeding three stories. (3) 5,000 GPM minimum in high-rise residential and commercial areas. (4) 3,000 GPM in commercial residential (two-story structure). (5) 3,000 GPM in school areas (may be reduced to 1,500 GPM for elementary schools without auditorium or cafeteria). (6) Industrial areas require special design. 3. • PRESSURES A. Minimum residual pressure shall be 25 PST at design fire flow plus maximum day domestic demand. B. Minimum residual pressure shall be 40 PSI at peak -hour domestic' demand. Water - Page 12 C. Maximum design static pressure shall be 80 PSI. D. When static pressures exceed 80 PSI, reducing valves will be 'required. E. When the area requiring pressure reduction is 25 or more resi- dential lots, a pressure reducing valve and bypass shall.be installed in the main. F. When the area. requiring pressure reduction is less than 25 res- idential lots, individual pressure reducing valves shall be installed and maintained by property owners. 4. MAINS A. Sizes shall conform with master plan; for industrial areas, minimum size is 8". B. Minimum size shall be 6". A special design may be considered for permanent dead-end lines and for minor links not supplying fire hydrants. C. Locations shall be in accordance with appropriate Standard Drawing. D. If future extension is possible, temporary dead ends are to be capped and extended.beyond pavement. E. All lines are to be looped whenever possible. F. Depth of cover required: (1) 48" for 12" main and smaller. (2) Mains over 12" require special design. G. Design shall ordinarily be based on maximum day requirements plus fire flow, or peak hour, whichever is greater. For trunk water mains 12" or larger, design head loss shall not exceed 10' per 10001. For distribution mains 8" or smaller., design velocity shall not exceed 8 FPS. , H. Thrust blocks shall be installed in accordance with appropriate Standard Drawing. If not applicable, special design is required. Fittings using thrust blocks shall be wrapped in plastic.,-. I. .All mains shall be shown in profile on the improvement plans. J. Pipe deflections for snort radius curves and angle points shall normally be accomplished by means of standard fittings, the locations of which shall be detailed on the plans. AIaxi- mum deflection permitted in the water lines shall be 3 per pipe joint.. 1 Water - Page 13 5. VALVES, A. Maximum valve spacing desired: (1) 500' in residential areas and High value areas. (2) 1,000' on arteries and secondary feeders, supply lines and combination artery and supply lines. B. Valve locations desired: (1) Flanged to main at street intersections. (2) On the prolongation of property line at other locations. C. Gate valves shall be used for mains 12" and smaller. D. Butterfly valves shall normally be used for mains 14" and larger if operation pressures do not exceed 150 PSI. Pressures in excess of 150 PST -require special design. E. Valves 14" and larger are to be located. in concrete vaults unless requirement is specifically waived. Vaults shall be detailed on the plans. F. All high points, and between all valve sections, shall be equipped with air vacuum and release valves. A release shall normally be placed on the downhill si-le of. all -valves, rill . low points and dead ends shall be equipped with blowof_fs. Blowoff assemblies shall be 2" diameter for 6" tc 12" diameter mains and 3" diameter for mains 14" diameter and larger. 6. VAULTS A. Vaults shall beeconcrete and equipped with the following: (1) Access opening and ladder. (2) Removable cover adequate for equipment removal. (3) Vents (high and low). (4 ) Floor draine.-ge . (5) Victualic or flexible coupling. (6) Lifting eyes. B. Vaults to receive thrust require special design. 7. FIRE HYDRANTS A.• Hydrant spacing required: l Water - Page 1.4 (1) Fire Flow Average Area Per Demand GPM'Hydrant in S.F. 1,000 120,000 2,000 110,000 3,000 100,000 4,000 90,000 6,000 80,000 (2) 300' spacing desired with 500' maximum for residential.' (3) 300' spacing maximum for commercial and L.dustrial. B. Hydrant locations: (1) On the prolongation of the B.C. radial or property line. (2)Near side of main. (3) Off largest main at intersection of mains. C. Hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate Standard Drawing. If not applicable, special design is required. D. If cul-de-sac is over 350' long, a fire hydrant is required on the cul•-de•-sac street. E. Blue pavement buttons located in conformance with the appro- priate Standard Drawing shall be i nstalled . *Lth all. fire hydrants. 8. HOUSE SERVICES A. One separate service shall be installed to each lot. A "W" will be stamped on the curb face at the lateral location. B. Minimum size shall be 1" copper unless otherwise specified. C. Services shall be installed in accordance with the appropriate Standard Drawing. If not applicable, special design is required. D. No service shall be installed in a.driveway without the prior approval of the City Engineer. E. When future lot widths are not known, a service shall be in- stalled at the minimum lot width, as ,specified in the surround- ing zones. 9. PRESSURE BOOSTING STATIONS A. Pressure boosting stations may be permitted only as a temporary installation. B. The use of variable speed pumping shall be investigated. C. Hydro -pneumatic pumping systems requirements: Water - Page 15 (1) Tank shall be 1000- full by volume at 'low water level. (2) Tank shall be 40 a full by volume at high water level. (3) pump to operate at six pumping cycles per hour at average day. e Water - Page 15A ITEM ADAPTERS, BRONZE CLAMPS, REPAIR CORPORATION STOPS COUPLINGS, COPPER, SWEAT COUPLINGS, BR014ZE SERVICE, COMPRESSION COUPLINGS, VICTUALIC CURB STOPS CURB STOPS FIRE HYDRANT HEAD, BRONZE FITTINGS, CAST IRON INSERTS; STAINLESS STEEL METER BOXES FOR 5/8" & 1" METERS METER BOXES 1�" & 2" PIPE, ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE, COPPER TUBING TYPE K SADDLES, TAPPING DOUBLE STRAP SLEEVES, TAPPING WHEN OUTLET' SIZE SAME AS RUN _CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED MATERIALS LIST DESCRIPTION /4", 1", 12" & 2" SWEAT COPPER IRON PIPE THREAD LL SIZES 4" TO 14'' SUPER RANGE TAINLESS STEEL FULL CIRCLE ITH DOUBLE LUG 4" & 111 3/411, 111' 1111 & 211 3/4" & 1" WITH SWIVEL METER NUT & LOCK WING 1P WITH METER FLANGE & LOCK W 11J G 211 WITH METER FLANGE DOUBLE DRILLED & LOCK WING _ AWWA ~C503-75 SEC.— 2.6 APPLIES COATING: #659 RUST —GLEAM, EX— TERIOR F/H YELLOW OR EQUAL AWWA 6110-74,.REGUL.AR PATTERN, CEMENT LINED — (C101f) 1'.' STAINLESS STEEL (1) AMETEK STD., W/1—PC PLASTIC _ID; (2) BROOKS .36T (SIDEWALK 0 )RIVEWAY) (1) JUMBO AMETEK; (2) BROOKS V1730 SING—TITE, FLUID—TITE 3/4", 111, 1 -�" & 2" SOFT TUBING BRONZE, 112;" & 2" IPT /I MANUFACTURER" CHASE, MUELLER—BRASS, LEE, NIBCO SMITH—BLAIR STYLE 227, BAKER SE— RIES 300, 338, ADAMS 450, CLOW— VEGA SUPERSEAL 3122,' 3132, ROMAC SS2, SUPERIOR 122 JONES J-1505, JONES J-15025, MUELLER H-15026, FORD F 1100, FORD F--600, JONES J-191f3, MUELLE H-9969, FORD B-900 MUELLER, LEE, CHASE, NIBCO FORD C66-44, JONES VICTUALIC STYLE JONES J-1525, MUELLER H-14266, FORD KVC JONES J-1527F, FORD FVC6, MUELLE H-14276 JONES—J344 HP, (ONES J-378A, JONES J-3700, JONES J-3765, JONES J-3775 _ TYLER, TRINITY VALLEY, RELIABLE, DAYTON, RICH FORD 72 AMETEK, BROOKS AMETEK, POLY PLASTICS (DIV. OF BROOKS) JOHNS—MANVILI_E, CERTAIN —TEED MUELLER, ANACONDA, CHASE, PHIL— LIPS, PHELPS—DODGE, CERRO (MUST BE TYPE R) JONES J-979, SMITH—BLAIR 323, BAKER 183 MUELLER 609, CLO14 5207 d ',UNLISTED MANUFACTURERS MAY BE USED IF ITEM SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT. Water - Page 16 CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVED MATERIALS LIST ITEM DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER* NOZZLE, WELD W/REIN- 10 GA. CEMENT COATED LINED KOPPL FORCING PADS STEEL W/STD. SLIP-ON WELD FLANGE w/REINFORCING PADS (FLANGES - C207-78) _ FIRE HYDRANT, BURY FIRE HYDRANT BURY ELLS PRE- PER STANDARD DRAWING ELLS FABED IN YARD, 6 5/8 10 GA. CEMENT LINED & COATED & 4 BLK. STD. COUPLING & BAR -HEAD PLUGS FOR BUTTERING AFTER WELDING, AVERAGE PREFAB MADE 15' FOR FIELD ADJUSTMENT ON INSTALLA- TION VALVES, AIR & AIR & S/S TRIM CRISPIN AIR & VACUUM RELEASE, VACUUM APCO 143C, 145C, 149C, 150C, RENSSELAER AIR & VACUUM & RE= LEASE, VALVES VALVES, BRONZE, WHEEL 1i" & 2", 3" JONES J-372, J-372F, OHIO #2500, . NIBCO T-113 VALVES, BRONZE, BALL 3/4" & 1" WITH LEVEL HANDLE & JONES J-1908 OR 1911, FORD BM13- TYPE (CONSUMER) METER SWIVEL NUT 332, FORD BI113-444, W/HH34 HANDLES VALVES, BRONZE, WHEEL 1z", 2" & 3" FULL OPENING JONES J-372F., JONES J-1913, FORD YLEVERDURE STEM _ VALVES, GATE INCLUDING! 3" THRU 12" WITH NIVEE OR EVER MUELLER A 2380-6-9206 (STD. LINE TAPPING G.V.'S CURE STEMS. ALL BRONZE INTER- GATE), MUELLER A 642-9206 (TAP- NAL PARTS PING GATE), CLOW 5070 (STD. LINE GATE), CLOW 5082 (TAPPING GATE), AMERICAN DARLING PLASTIC SERVICE LINES 1" IPS, C901-78 POLYETHYLENE, PE 3406, DRISCO- PIPE DRESSER 11450", PRATT, KENNEDY (BUTTERFLY VALVES 4-21+", FL X FL, RT X FL, RT X RT LOCATED WIRE #10 SOFT -DRAWN BARE COPPER WIRE *UNLISTED MANUFACTURERS MAY BE USED IF i'I'EM SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT. s Sewer - Page 17 SEWEIt - OESTGN CRTTERTA 1. MAINS A. General (1) Minimiur size shall be 8" and 6" on cul-de-sacs serving less than ten units. (2) Material shall. be extra -strength vitrified clay unless an alternate material is approved by the City Engineer. (3) Joints shall be plastic compression joints unless other- wise specified. (4) Submit design calculations to verify line size and bedding design. Normally, a Manning "N" = 0.013 will be satis- factory. (5) For diameters 10" and smaller, depth of flow = 1/2 the diameter. For diameters 12" and larger, depth of flow = 3/4 the diameter. (6) Minimum curve radius shall be 200' unless otherwise ap- proved. B. Locations (1) Alley: mains shall be offset 3' minimum from centerline to clear alley gutter. (2) Street: Main locations shall be in'accordance with appro- priate Standard Drawing. (3) Streets with more than 84' of right-of-way require "special design.. (4) Extend and install cleanouts at all dead ends beyond pave- ment. (5) Sewers shall normally be placed at least 6` below finished grade to top of pipe. C.. Minimum Slopes: Maintain minimum velocity of 2 FPS. Special attention should be given to maintaining adequate velocities at low flows. Minimum Desirable Minimum (1) 8" 0.40% 0.50% (2) 10" 0.28% 0.40% (3) 12" 0.21% 0.30% .D. Demands (1) Domestic Demands a. In residential areas, assume 247 gallons per unit for average clay. X Sewer - Page 18 b, maximum flouts should be based on ratio of peak to average flow of 2.5 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. c.. Industrial and commercial demands require special design. 2. ACCESS HOLES A. Shall be required: (1) At all changes of slope except along vertical curves.- (2) At all changes -of direction unless a special design is required by field. conditions. " (3) At intersections of mains - match crown lines. (4) At ends of line unless a cleanout is provided. B. All access holes shall be numbered on the plans. C. Corrosion resistant and sulfide resistant steps shall be pro- vided. D. Desirable spacing between access holes shall be 3001, L-ut.in no case shall it be greater than 3501. 3. CLEANOUT LOCATION A. Shall be located at pernenen.t ends of line, a maximum dis- tance of 250' beyond last access hole with a desiralle 200' spacing. 4. LATERALS A. Size yw (1) Single family - minimum 4". (2) All others - minimum u°'. B. Locations (1) Right angle or radial to street right -of. -way. (2) Center of lot to 5` above downstream lot line (shown on as -built plans). (3) When future lot widths are not known, a service shall be installed every 60' in residential areas. (4) Service shall not'be located in driveway without prior approval of City engineer. (5) A cleanout shall be located at the property line. (6) An "S" shall be stamped on the curb face at the lateral location. 0 Sewer - Page 19 C. Depth - 5' minimum at property line. D. Taps - All maps shall be made by the "Shewer" method or equal. 5. PUMP STATIONS A. General (1) Wet wells shall be physically separated from pump area. (2) Provide an approved high water and power failure alarm system. (3) Paint interior of structure, all machinery,'and piping and exterior below grade. (4) The use of variable speed pumping shall be investigated. (5) City to be provided with complete manufacturer's brochures, technical_ data, etc., for all equipment and controls. (6) An emergency bypass connection shall be provided adjacent to receiving access holes, (7) Investigate ejectors for flows less than 500 GPM and 60' TDH, B. Structural (1) Permazcnt strictures s7^all be concrete. (2) in residential areas, structures shall be below ground. (3) Provide access other than vertical ladders for permanent stations. (4) Spring -loaded roof hatches with stainless steel or cor- rosion -proof hinges are required for entry. (5) Provide roof hatch adequate for replacement and removal of major equipment components. (6) Where applicable, provide lifting eyes in roof of station. (7) All structures shall have ample working room around machin- ery; minimum clearance to wall shall be 24" or greater, as needed for adequate maintenance! (8) Design of structures shall provide for adequate water proof- ing. (9) Interior steel shall be hot -dip galvanized after fabrication. C. Pumps (1) Minimum desirable size - 411. M Sewer - Page 20 (2) Maximum velocity in suction_ - 5 FPS. (3) Maximum velocity in discharge - 8 FPS. D. Mechanical and Piping (1) All designs shall satisfy minimum regirements•of State Health Code. (2) An air gap is required on all domestic water connections. (3) Provide an automatic blower system for all underground areas to exchange air each six minutes, minimum. Design system to exhaust air from lowest point in station. (4) Provide an automatic sump pump (slope flgor to sump). (5) Provide standby capacity equal to largest single unit. (6) Use DeZurik or equal plug valves instead of gates. (7) Provide 112" metered fresh water service adjacent to each station. (8) In case of power failure or other emergency, make provi- sion to bypass station. ('_") Sump pumps and blowers should be easily removable for maintenance. (10) Metal structures and supports shall not be mounted directly on floor; provide concrete pedestals. (11) From each pifft to sump, provide 1" diameter PVC staffing box drain line. (12) Piping layout shall provide for easy access to pumps for maintenance. Locate flexible coupling between valve and PUMP • 1 , (13) Provide guards for all moving parts of equipment which are a safety hazard. (14) Use valves on both suction and discharge lines. P. Actuation of Pumps (1) Provide manual switch to alternate lead pump in system. (2) The control system to actuate pumps is subject to approval of a specific design. Bubbler pressure type controls shall be used. A Sewer - Page 21 F. Electrical (1) All. electrical installation shall comply with Division of Industrial Safety requirements. (2)' Use enclosed pre -fabricated electrical panels. (3) Provide running -time meters for all motors (reset type). (4) Provide explosion -proof electrical appurtenances below ground of approved type disconnect and time delay. (5) Provide separate blower system within all electrical panels located below ground. (6) Provide an approved type alternator. (7) A manual switch adjacent to motors which will override the control panel shall be provided. (8) Adequate lighting shall be provided. (9) Color code all wiring. G. Painting (1) All painting work shall consist of a three -coat minimum system, approved by thb- Engineer, and be applied in a . manner to provide a uniform thickness and smooth appearance. (2) The paints shall be both sulfide and mildew -.resistant. (3) All surfaces -to receive paint shall be properly cleaned, washed, sand --blasted, etched, etc. and dry. a. Interio3�'�walls -- coat with light green semi -gloss enamel. b. Exterior walls - below grade - three coats hot -mopped asphalt; above grade - cream -colored, semi -gloss enamel. c. Ceiling - cream -colored, semi -gloss enamel. d. All equipment and machinery including electrical conduit and fittings, motors, pumps, fans, sewage pipes, valves, etc. W light green, semi -gloss enamel. e. Special treatment for floors shall be investigated. H. Force Mains (1) Require special design. (2) Material shall be reinforced plastic mortar, asbestos cement or mechanical joint cast iron pipe. Sewer °- Page 22 (3) Minimum cover shall. he 36". The top of main elevation and profile shall be shown on the improvemei,t plans. (4) Sulfide buildup in force mains should be investigated and provision for aeration and other protective measures taken as necessary. Drainage - Page 23 DRAINAGE - DESIGN CRITERIA 1.. GENERAL A. All. drainage design and requirements shall be in accordance with the latest Master Drainage Plan and the requirements of the City.Engineer and be based on full development of upstream areas. B. Public drainage facilities shall be designed to carry the ten-year storm underground, the 50-year storm to the top of curb and the 100-year storm to the right-of-way lines. C.• The use of underground storm drain systems, in addition to standard curb and gutter, shall be required: (1) When flooding or street overflow during 100-year storm will cause serious damage. (2) When 100-year storm flow from future upstream development (as proposed in General Plan) will cause drainage problems. (3) When existing adequate drainage facilities are available for use (adjacent to proposed development). (4) When more than one travel lane of arterial and collector streets would be obstructed by storm water based on 10- year storm. D. The use of underground storm drain systems may be required; (1) When the water level in streets at the design storm is within two inches of top of curb. • (2) When velocity`of water in streets exceeds 11 FPS. (3) When the water travels more than 1,000 feet overland. E. Permanent open drainage ditches will not be permitted in public right-of-way. F. The type of drainage facility shall be selected on the basis of physical and cultural adaptability to the proposed land use. Open channels may be considered in lieu of underground systems .when the peak flow exceeds the capacity of a 48,-inch diameter RCP. Open channels shall be fenced. G. Permanent drainage facilities and right-of-way shall be pro- vided from development to point o-Z satisfactory disposal. H. Concentrated drainage shall not be discharged to City streets unless specifically approved by Lhc City Engineer. 2. HYDROLOGY A. Offsite, use a blue -line print of the latest edition 200 scale San Diego County Topographic Survey Mapping; Show existing Drainage - Page 24 culverts, cross -gutters and drainage courses based on field review. indicate the direction of flow; clearly delineate each drainage basin showing the area and discharge and the point of concentration. B. Onsite, use the grading plan. If grading is not to be done,. then use a 100 scale plan or greater enlargement. Show all proposed and existing drainage facilities and drainage courses. Indicate the direction of flow. Clearly delineate each drainage basin showing the area and discharge and the point of concentration. C. Use the charts in the Master Drainage Plan for. finding the "Tc " and "I." D. Use the existing or ultimate development, whichever gives the highest "C" factor. E. Use the rational formula Q=CIA for watersheds less than 0.5 square mile unless an -alternate method is approved by the City Engineer. For watersheds in excess of 0.5 square mile, the method of analysis shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to submitting calculations. 3. HYDRAULICS A. Street - Provide: (1) Depth of gutter flow calculations. (2) Inlet calculations. (3) Show gutter flow Q; inlet Q, and bypass Q on a plan of the street. B. Storm Drain Pipes and,Open Channels Provide: (1) Hydraulic loss calculations for: Entrance, friction, junction, access holes, bends, angles, reduction and en- largement. (2) Analyze existing conditions upstream and downstream from proposed system, to be determined by the City Engineer on a case -by -case basis. (3) Calculate critical depth and normal.depth for open channel flow conditions. (4) Show the HGL plotted on a scale drawing of the pipe or channel profile. (5) Design for a -non --silting velocity of 4 FPS in a two-year frequency storm unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. A Drainage - Page 25 4. 'INLETS A. Curb inlets at a sump condition should be designated for. two CFS per lineal foot of opening when headwater may rise to the top of curb. B. Curb inlets on a continuous grade should be designed based on the following equation: Q = 0.7 L (a + y) 3/2 Where y = depth of flow in approach gutter in feet a = depth of depression of FL at inlet in feet L = length of clear -opening in feet Q = flow in CFS Partial interception shall be based on Bureau of Public Roads nomograph criteria. C. Grated inlets should be avoided when possible. When necessary, the design should be based on the Bureau of Public Roads Noma - graphs (now known as the Federal. Highway Administration). D. • All catch basins shall have an access hole in the top unless access through the grate section satisfactory to the City Engineer is provided. E. Catch, basins shall be located so as to eliminate whenever pos- sible concrete cross; -gutters. F. Minimum connector pipe shall be 15"• 5. STORM DRAINS A. Minimum pipe slope shall be ,005 unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. B. Minimum storm drain size shall be 18" diameter. C. Prcvide cleanouts at 300' maximum spacing and at angle points and at breaks in grade greater than 10". For pipes 48" in diameter and larger, a maximum spacing of 500' may be used. D. The material for storm drains shall be reinforced concrete pipe, corrugated steel pipe, asbestos cement pipe, or cast -in - place pipe designed in conformance with San Diego County Flood Control District's design criteria, as modified by Carlsbad Standard Snecifications. i Corrugated s-ceel pipe shall not be used in areas to be paved without the approval of the City Engineer. Any request to use corrugated steel pipe shall be accompanied by a report from a qualified testing laboratory showing the Ph and minimum re- sistivity of the soils in which the pipe will be placed. The use of cast -in -place pipe shall be subject to the specific approval of the City Engineer. E. The pipe invert elevations, slope, pipe profile and hydraulic grade line shall be shown on the improvement plans. M Drainage - Page 26 The strength classification or gauge of any pipe shall be shown on the plans. Minimum D-load for RCP shall be 1350 in City streets or future rights -of -way. ACI' shall have 1.5 times the minimum D-load required for RCP. F. For special designs - For all drainage design not covered in these Standards, the current San Diego County Hydrology and Design and Procedure Manual shall be used. G. For storm drain outleting into unprotected or natural channel, proper energy dissipation measures shall be installed to -pre- vent damage to the channel or excessive erosion. H. The use of detention basins to even out storm peAs and.re- duce piping is permitted with substantiating engineering cal- culation and proper maintenance agreements. I. Desiltation measures.forsilt caused by development shall be provided. J. Protection of downstream or adjacent properties from incre- mental flows (caused by change from un undeveloped to a de- veloped site) shall be provided. Such flows shall not be concentrated and directed across unprotected adjacent prop - ties unless an easement and storm drains or channels to con- tain. -flows are provided. K. Unprotected downstream channels shall have erosion and grade control structures installed to prevent degradation, erosion, alteration or downc.utting of the channel banks. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD DRA1tiINGS The standard drawings for the City of Carlsbad shall be comprised of the 1979 edition of the San Diego Area Regional Standard Drawings (SDRS) as published by the San Diego Department of Transportation and as modified by the additions and substitutions listed -below and the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standards attached hereto. Modifications to the Sari Diego Area Regional Standards -G-14 Shall be modified by the substitution of the following: W, thickness in place of the 4" thickness for residential driveway and 71P thickness in place. of thu, 6." thickness for commercial driveway. G-12 Shall be modified by the addition of a drainage notch 1" wide by 1�" deep along the flow line of the cross gutter. G-16 Shall be modified by the deletion of the required 20' minimum distance between curb openings serving same residential prop- erty. F-1 Shall be modified by the addition of the following note: The light: standard shall be a prestressed concrete round bole, S-3 Shall be modified by the addition of the following note: 4. If.the trench excavation is carried below the pipe sub - grade, it shall be refilled with an acceptable base material and tamped firm or supported by a concrete cradle as dirQcted by the Public Works Inspector.* S-9 Shall be modified by the addition of the following note.: The distance along the pipe between the anchors shall be 16' for 1:1 slopes, 18, for 1!2:1 slopes, 2.01 for 2.:1 slopes and 24' for 3:1 slopes. W-2 Shall be modified by making the tap at a 45' angle. All copper to copper joints shall be silver -soldered using silflo 150 or approved equal. W-12 Shall be modified by using only the Type "B"'10-gauge coated and lined valve well. A concrete ring shall be placed around. all 8 5/8" G.A. pipe. 11-13 Extension to be used when top of valve nut is 3' or more below finish grade. i W-14 Shall be modified by the addition of the following note: All below -pavement i.nsta:l_lations shall have a remote air relief pipe. D-75 Shall be modified. by the substitution of 6" x 6" x 10.gauge a 10 gauge welded. wire fabric for 11�" x 12-" 17 gauge .stucco netting. =1 l INDEX TO CITY OF CAR'LSBAD SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD DRAWING Drainage Improvements n DS- 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Local Depression for Concrete Gutters DS-2 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- Curb Outlet (with Steel Grate) DS-3------------------ Desiltation Basin Outlet and Capacity Table DS-4--------_-- --- Brow Ditch Debris Rack DS--5 •--------_--------- Concrete Pipe Collar DS-6------------------- Transition Structure No. l DS-7 -•- - - Junction Structure No. 2 DS--g_______-__ _ ____. Transition Structure No. 3 DS-9 •• _ ,. _ _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ Connection to Curb Inlet General Surface Improvements GS--1--------- --- --- Standard Street Width GS-2-------------------- Standard Knuckle CS-3---------------------- Concentric Cul-de-sac GS-4--------------------- . Offset Cul-de-sac GS-5 _..______ _________._._- Temporary Turn -around GS-6 ---------------------- Standard Locations of Underground Utilities GS-7 ------------------ Typical Alley Section GS-S --_---_-- -. - - • - -- Parkway Tree Planting GS-R - __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ ___.. Special X-Gutter GS-10--_..___-__------- - Special X-Gutter Design Chart Nedian Tapc.-r and Nose Flare GS-12 ------------------- Fire Hydrant Markers GS-13 ---__.,_-______-___-_ Concrete Pull Box for Traffic Signal and Street Lights GS-14--__. _________________'Gradi.ng of Slopes and Required Setbacks GS-15 ---___ __ __.,___,._._._ Typical Lot Grading GS-16----------------- Median Planting GS-17----------------- Fainted Curb Address SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SS-1 - -- ----_______>-____ Concrete Drop Access Bole SS-2 ----___ _______._____ ;hallow Access Hole WATER IMPROVEMENTS WSJ-1------------------------ Electric Utilities Crossing Water Lines INLET 2_3 1 51 t IV PLAN COS TINUIOUS 5t 'C"!'51 2 s GRADE TOP OF CURB GUTTER - NOTE S E C T I Qil CURB FACE TRANSITIONS AND WARP AREAS SHALL No'r EXTEND INTO CURB RETURNS, DRIVEWAYS, ALLEY ENTRANCES, OR ANY OTHER CURB OPENING. 5.5' CURB INLET J_ 5 REV. JAPPROVED JDATE PLAN TOPOFCURB--% 5.51 I- 'jumir � CONDITION FLOW GUTTER SECTION CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY EUGINCER DATE LOCAL DEPRESSION SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD NO. I 0 A -T-N Q T E APPLY EPOY",.? rr-SIN ANO SPRINKLE 3AND --rtT- Y 'D O�;-"." CURM�IG ADHESIVE FOR AN PROrV GY HAN APFRASWE SU21FACE ON STEEL GPATE. x gi X > x CURB VARIES I, --- A <1P I lei, " C111E CK E RE, D VA fl, I E S OUTLET 3` MIN. STEEL PLATE TRP NWICN OPENIP-10 TRA14SITION cA -0'P E S Alf E AS FLOOR Oe TOP OFCURB ou'r Lr : T 2 % CiDrVIALK NOMIAL fe Fow Ly, _)LOUTTER Ail NORNML DEPRESSION GRADE (OPTIONAL) Q Q R, B V I 'I=- W SHMNING Dr"iPRE SSION, PLAN, 1/4"CHECKERED STEEL PLATE_____, _11 HOT -DIP GALM AFTER FIABRiCATION 8. 5' VARIES w 0 5.5' 10Z m --ws— rr_1 F1.0',V L11'JL CURB AND GUTTER 1/4"CHIECKERED STEEL PLATE SECTION A -A HOT -DIP GALV. AFTER FABRICATION L�__ VARIES 3/8"0 ALLEN-HEX FLAT HEAD CAP---,, SCREW W/THREADr_- INSERT AT EACH CORNER OF PLATE 2"DEEP(COUNTER SINK PLATE) 611 1 II" VARIES DITCH TRANSMON FED M DRAINAGE DITCH TO OUTLET STRUCTURE 3 !MN4"RECES-S �,/_BOTH SIDES 01: SLOP FE=1/4! I LLJ Elf 1\(,rypic'fiL:)-'1!' :PAAX.* CL NOTE 411 SUPPORT USE CURB FORMS (PLATE NOT FASTENED) SECTION THROUGH CURB FROM DITCH REV. APPROVED DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY LNGINEER DATE CURB OUT -LEI' (WITH STEEL GRATE) SUPPI - EMEWAL STANDARD ro. Ds-2 BA P, 101 APACITY TABLE E Ft 1, N D SPII-Lv'rAy rRACT AVERAGE SL Xwo APRON' OR PAVED TO DRAIN 0�1 WATER COURSE OBLIOUrE ViEW DIKE---, 0 'T AREA OFES 10 J 270 3501 370 400 450 600, 15 Zo 0 4" 460 600 675 1.10 7001 740 800 900 10 40 101-10 1,7,001 le '"0 mo [�;—ool =100 -,C",)o '-uoo so '-6—o'6':-Ecl;l—o:Z5ao0 -E�rool n 0 100 It".6100 I SGOO l a70 116) 4 00 4COO i�06 150 '='l0 1,200 6000 G71 O 7�':01101 200 5400 70 r; 000 0 18"C.S,P OR EQUIVALENT ALL. vOINTS vjArERTI0,HT al VJ= WIDTH AS DETER- MINEO OY E HGIP-16ENTO BE SHO".719 ON PLANS 3 cc OUNITE SPILL'`.'AY—/ S' M IN.,l 6 x 6 - 10/10 WIRE NIFSH NOTES ODESILTATION BASINS BUILT ON LOTS PLAN' ADJACEfq'r Tr, DWELLINGS SHALL f2c " OU' WELD# 4 REBAR CAGE STADPIPE-113"C.S.I? WITH COMPLETELY LINED WITH 3* ill�i TO TOP OF STAND PIPE - 2 1( PERFORATION'S AT 6"O.C.' 2)%VITH TANDEM BASINS CHANNEL FULL LENOT14 ABOVE G. L. SHALL BEE 20'MINimum LENGTH. 12 NIAX. V f6liN. USE CUTOFF WALL Xl� END OF SPILLWAY. MIN, 1.4 1 112� 'N! 1 N. 95%00,MPACTION I K E < 7 N1 —IN. 2% MIN. —SEEPRING (S" C.S.I? OR EQU IVAL-111 '�j 6- A.C. OR GUNITE 3 A.C. OR GUNITE CHANNEL CUTOFF WALL SECTION A -A OR RIP RAP PER STD. D- 40 FRIEIV�. APPROVED DATE C!TY OF CARLSBAD c" "401"EEf' VATE DE.SilLTATION OUTLET . AND CAPAPI--iTY TABLE SUPPLEMENTAL WS-5 STANDARD NO. %;e, 9 21 E L', A R AT9"O.C;,H0RlZ. R E C 1 ON A coVE r,, r� r, I s RACI�' ��11ALL. H:" E AN AV AR'FEA SUFFICIEN11' TO PASS THE D!isloi� FLow .?i il. C.1 P,011 N CON SECTION A -A Al- 5 4 DEBRIS RACK-Q_.E SECTION A -A FOR CONSTRUCTION DfUAILS laI AID 2 I'GALVANIZED IRON PIPE AT 12"O.C. VERT. .FILLED WITH MORTAR BETE ENCASCtAENT STANDARD 11 , /—BROW DITCH SE -a STD. D-7.6 2.1 0 TRANSI".'ION - L --- Lo 07 1 ELEVATION REV. APPROVED DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY ENGINEER —'FAT ti BROW DITCH DEE,.'US RACK SUPPLE MENTAL STANDA;M NO-D-P CONCRETE* L 4t 4 AT 12" O.C. Fx-50---\ TY. Typ ji Ll TYP rs N' E IN 0 R 1 00 E)fISTING PIPE NEW OR TING 90 PIPE f A 12 #4 AT 12 O.C. 3-04 CIRCULAR TIES D L T re" 1-0 1! 41' ,sit 1 it I� 5 2411 1 - 0 Si 6 3 Is 6 I 1 - 6 it 81, 4811 ll-Gl 1011 5711 11-611 ld 11 Go" I'-q" I 1 11 661t k r REV: I APPROVED I DATE 0 A CONCRETE COLLAR IS REQUIRED WHERE THE CHArV',F IN MMF EXCEEDS 0.10 FT, Plrx- Fn 2) WHERE PIPES OF DIFFERENT DIM-4ETERS ARE JOINED WITH A CONCRETE COL LAR,L AND T SHALL BE THOSE OF THE LAMER PIPE. D D1 Or'? D. WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 3) FOR PIPES LAROER THAN Ed'A SPECIAL COLLAR DETAIL 13 REQUIRED. 4) FOR PIPE SIZE NOT LISTED USE NEXT SIZE LARGER 5) MIT REINPORCING ON PIPES 24" AND I-ESS IN DIAMETER AND ON ALL PIPES WHERE ANGLE A IS LESS THAN 100. 6) WHERE REINFORCING IS REQUIRED THE DIAMETER OF THE CIRCULAR TIES SHALL SE D+(2xM1ALLTHICKNESS)+8 7) WHEN Di IS EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN D2'JQIN INVERTS AND WHEN D1 IS GREATER TliAN DpJOIN SOFFITS. 8) PIPE MAY BE CCRRUGATED METAL PIPE, CONCRETE PIPE OR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. Cl-l-Y OF CARLSBAD CITY EtNrER DAl E," c N c R.Ei"r I ra P I P E' C 0 L hi3L A R , SUPPLEMENTAL FOR PIPES 12" THMOUGH 66" - STANDARD 1410-rMod-5 op T(PIPF) OF T+ 4" 0 R T2 A 1.) 1' ' `F2, 0 R R.C. A R CHI 1-t-1 T(PIPE) OR T2A (ARCNI) T(PIPE) OR Ti A (ARCHI T SEb F N'OTL T+ 4'C- R T-, A 0 R 1-2 PE.,. A. N Ta T+4'OR TiA OR T-1 SFE NOTE 5 p SEE NOTE 2 `L Els S TA. —J7 + NI.C. BOX I I j R.C.ARCiikl TiT \Tl 1� \ Tl OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT SEE 140TE 7 SECTION B-n BOX OR ARCH TO -PIP USE CONSTRUCTION JOI-,,]T OF BOX OR ARCH. 9.0 —XT 0 kf :1 C 111 USE CONSTFJCTION JOINT OF BOX. -T STA. I T(PIrE)OR [kRCH M4V H,"%VE A T3A(ARCI-I) 1+4"OR"MAORT3 HORSE SHOE-S HATW, . SEQTl0t4_A,:A /T3 T3 CIRCULAR, ELLIPTICAL NOTES OR SIMILAR CROSS SLCTION'. 0. CONCRETE SHALL BE TYPIt 5C-l-C-Z;O00'. 2). AT PIPE JUNCTURE, E,slBEDNIENT 0 ',I,*AL" BE 5 INCHE's FOR PIPE SIZES OF VG INC'HEr OF, LESS, AND 8 INCHES FOR' PIPE SIZES OVER 9G INCHES. z.). THE HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DIVERGE14CE OR CON' I I-: R r,'r-- N C E, I&, SHAD NOT E X C EE 9 4). REINFORCING ST,--.(-.L BAR SIZES, SPACI'NG, PATTERN AND COVER OVER TI IE!iIrEEL SI-V%LL BE AS FOLLOklS: BOX TO PIPE AND BOX TO ARCH., THAT OF BOX SECTION' ARCH TO PI PC: THAT OF ARCH SECT!CN ARCH TO Ai CH: THAT OF ARCH SECTION HAVING THE THICKER WALLS THE 13AR I-Ilt-NGTHS SHALL VARY UNIFORMLY TEROUGHOUT THE TRANsiTiam 5), THE CONCRETE THICKNESS SHALL UE AS FOLLOle,,'S: BOXTOPIPE AND ARCH TO PIPE: THATOFARCH OR CO:" SECTION UNLESS THE WIALLTHICK- NESS OF THIE PIPE PLUS 4" IS CREATE R,11N WHICH CASE THE CO'NICRETE TH I CKINEC3 SHALLVARY UNIFOR".ILYFROrA THAT OF THE ARCH OR BOX SECTION -10 THAT OFTHE PIPE WALL PLUS 4'. BOX TO ARCH AND ARCH TO ARCH: THAT OF THE ADJOlillING F,0-1 OR ARCH SECTION ATEACH END OF THE TRANSITION AND SHALL VARY UNIFORMLY BETWEEN THE TWO ENDS. 6). THE INTERIOR SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH AND W41Y UtJ',.FORI,'vtU( BETWEEN THE ADJOINIING SECTIONS. 7). KEYED CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Or- THE SAME DIMENSIONS As THOSE OF THE COX OR ARICH SEC'C s')N'Av AY Br; CARRIEDTHRoucli Tllru-,rRANSITION STRUCTURa AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION. REV. 'I I I CITY OF C A R I - %FBA 0 I CITY UNP UATL NEAT[01` 'UCTU 424�1 ULE TRP11 S SUMPLEFTNTAL ? T(PIPF) OF T+ 4" 0 R T2 A 1.) 1' ' `F2, 0 R R.C. A R CHI 1-t-1 T(PIPE) OR T2A (ARCNI) T(PIPE) OR Ti A (ARCHI T SEb F N'OTL T+ 4'C- R T-, A 0 R 1-2 PE.,. A. N Ta T+4'OR TiA OR T-1 SFE NOTE 5 p SEE NOTE 2 `L Els S TA. —J7 + NI.C. BOX I I j R.C.ARCiikl TiT \Tl 1� \ Tl OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT SEE 140TE 7 SECTION B-n BOX OR ARCH TO -PIP USE CONSTRUCTION JOI-,,]T OF BOX OR ARCH. 9.0 —XT 0 kf :1 C 111 USE CONSTFJCTION JOINT OF BOX. -T STA. I T(PIrE)OR [kRCH M4V H,"%VE A T3A(ARCI-I) 1+4"OR"MAORT3 HORSE SHOE-S HATW, . SEQTl0t4_A,:A /T3 T3 CIRCULAR, ELLIPTICAL NOTES OR SIMILAR CROSS SLCTION'. 0. CONCRETE SHALL BE TYPIt 5C-l-C-Z;O00'. 2). AT PIPE JUNCTURE, E,slBEDNIENT 0 ',I,*AL" BE 5 INCHE's FOR PIPE SIZES OF VG INC'HEr OF, LESS, AND 8 INCHES FOR' PIPE SIZES OVER 9G INCHES. z.). THE HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF DIVERGE14CE OR CON' I I-: R r,'r-- N C E, I&, SHAD NOT E X C EE 9 4). REINFORCING ST,--.(-.L BAR SIZES, SPACI'NG, PATTERN AND COVER OVER TI IE!iIrEEL SI-V%LL BE AS FOLLOklS: BOX TO PIPE AND BOX TO ARCH., THAT OF BOX SECTION' ARCH TO PI PC: THAT OF ARCH SECT!CN ARCH TO Ai CH: THAT OF ARCH SECTION HAVING THE THICKER WALLS THE 13AR I-Ilt-NGTHS SHALL VARY UNIFORMLY TEROUGHOUT THE TRANsiTiam 5), THE CONCRETE THICKNESS SHALL UE AS FOLLOle,,'S: BOXTOPIPE AND ARCH TO PIPE: THATOFARCH OR CO:" SECTION UNLESS THE WIALLTHICK- NESS OF THIE PIPE PLUS 4" IS CREATE R,11N WHICH CASE THE CO'NICRETE TH I CKINEC3 SHALLVARY UNIFOR".ILYFROrA THAT OF THE ARCH OR BOX SECTION -10 THAT OFTHE PIPE WALL PLUS 4'. BOX TO ARCH AND ARCH TO ARCH: THAT OF THE ADJOlillING F,0-1 OR ARCH SECTION ATEACH END OF THE TRANSITION AND SHALL VARY UNIFORMLY BETWEEN THE TWO ENDS. 6). THE INTERIOR SURFACE SHALL BE SMOOTH AND W41Y UtJ',.FORI,'vtU( BETWEEN THE ADJOINIING SECTIONS. 7). KEYED CONSTRUCTION JOINTS Or- THE SAME DIMENSIONS As THOSE OF THE COX OR ARICH SEC'C s')N'Av AY Br; CARRIEDTHRoucli Tllru-,rRANSITION STRUCTURa AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION. REV. 'I I I CITY OF C A R I - %FBA 0 I CITY UNP UATL NEAT[01` 'UCTU 424�1 ULE TRP11 S SUMPLEFTNTAL ? 4m 7— :!'�T UCT'l r;` NO� 2 10 Tip E UGE 0. 1). (IF V:, Q z T 1 111 F ctv;s r)-5 O.C. Z"mlm. jr MPII!�, UNIE STO-P111.1 pwz 0;1 NZNN'-,0,7'iCFD MOM - LIT; -!IC ARCII 0"", U_7; Ix 15 5 18 rlo TIE [;Ali,*)-, 4-.-3 - 13 " O.C. BARS E BARS t. 5 - 3 O.C.-,,, TIE BARS REINFORCING SrEELN O.C. 771:r, QCUI ID' NOUM 1) S i 0 SPRING I I I N E 564-0- 3000 CONCRUTE"; I-.3:5CONCRFTE UNDISTURDED EARTH—' E CT 10 Z - Z � 7E r.rv. APf"NOVE.) 0 U: N10 "01,i- 'MAN 14 t-NV foZCTI0--,' 1V MPE., vi , - cl; A, it"', C, . - .o D A;,,a ot., mojar,,r F-, ti, It K -T 'Li. - VAic-Ti;"L A � � i�6 ;LVATION w A'-%L NOT UV`",*; Lliilif- --Xt' -I X2 t .' 1 I ION V cl 07 Ti `7 i'Nk7 fli%11.1 l i Plf,'F L!i1111'- G 07 TH" I t IT;.% � ':C'i lt1 07 T, I" PU ill MALL d I M, TINE MAIN Pli,L; t LL. T1,!-- C� �7-1-1 11 - I. i I-`ECTAU�',UVAR, CUT t r To fllill: AND 171f:;OUT DA",itaING S --P7L IF A jMfi 1.*J THE MMN L PIFIZ FALLS, 1,%T1 N�N Ti;. .. . I . TI ;�- LL; ITS V CiiADLC, F t--,'0V:rjE.t4 CC,: ',,-"fiE CI`%1Cs ,-: MONE ADOVE TN-- TOP or THF. 11`1�AIA 1.11%5: PIPE TO THE L.;f.111'0; OF Tfl[' CFAn- LE. Tic Tr " tax.'VONF;71.EVT 114 ViFF. SlAr F E QJT SATC 1 '-2 RC C PEIN I ING AN D B EN T INT 0 TOP AND 60 r-,, 0.m SLAUS OF SrUR, 0. TI:E t-IAM 1-11:2 PIPC=n!{,kLLBrCRID[.F-rJAND MICIA!"D IM 534 - 0- �,C,Xj Cv sC3: RE, EXENIVING LCi%'GITUc:,,1 1`e! INCHF3 TKEi OF AND A DISrAN'E C'. H Ord "'I'l '11.7 OF TM2 Cr Nli-iL4!12 OF Pl!--E. On 1:/2 MINUM11i.l. MADLE MAY 0141TTED ON SIDE OP`Oc�ilt V, L r E AT NAL IPL7T VVHit'N C0o1STr.UCT�..D IN CONN*� CT IOti WITH REIr, '0,10 .13 -,EL ,'HALL RE PF R S P V!C C, AND PLACED 11/2 !1*1-!:'%S CL121F.R FIV.-1',A Ft.CE OF CC44CRETE, UNLESS (IT 0). E ''II JJ. f E CAMOED TO A POINT NO LL r13 THAN k) CMITERLINE, J 7/ t'� D- IN10, I L I:II.L• , --UMN- �-' 2:0ALL E. WHEN JUCTION sTRUCTURE NO, 2 IS SPECIFIED WITH RMNFO!- Ca MONOLITHIC ARCH STORM DRAIN, VALUE D SHALL fLFER TO THE CLEAR SPAN OF THE ARCH. REMFC;',ICING STEEL SHALL BE CUT AND OUNT INTO JUtlCT101,11 STRUCTUIiE IN TH2 MAE PlANNER AS FOli PIFE. CONC,M,-'.'TE CRADLE UhlbEfi 0EINrOnCED NIONOLITHIC ANCH 13 UOT QCQUIRLD. 12).VA4`?8 LLEVATION "' AND ELEVATION S ARE NOT GH&0 M ON PROJECT DRNA`INGS, INLET PIPE SHALL 04TER MAIN Llo9L CADIALLY. %IMEN INLETPIPE ENTENS 16AIN LINE ER OTHTHAN RADIAI-LY, ELCVACION !a3H , ',!,.L 121-1 SNOV,Ii" ON PROtIrCT DRAWINGS, A(b) MLET PIPE b C I - AID 034 A ST R A 1C I I T G " A D U FIR C, A r- L. EAl TVMI ll Tip CATCH UASM OR G6-,,AD0K URICMt 1`14 LINIC. El-FIVAT1,0:11 R SHALL E.,E Sr-.0%VM Oil 17-44.0JECT DRAWINGS OaLY wHLN STUB 13 TO EE PROVIDED IN MAIN LINE FOR FUTURE CONS*MUCTIOIN OF INLET PIPE. STATIO, NS SPECIFIED ON DRAVIINGS APPLY AT T14C INTMSECTJON CF CLU7ER LINES OF MAIN LINE AND LATIER"'LS, EXCEPT Tiliw STATIONS FOR CATCH BASIN CONNECTOR -PIPE APPI-Y AT INSIDE NNALL OF STRUCTU�- - -�. 14).ALL INSIDE SURFACES SHALL BE 170MMED TO PROG1.1"'E FINAL SHAPE. STRUCTURES POURED WITHOUT FORMS WILL BE REJECTED. �- A 10 F 1D 1, CITY ENWNUtAl VATV SMDfll'D NO. A R3 Rourm I E c TO 5" N �l !�js Z.. 1 4=3 BARS P 0 A / , , ' q, '11','*�O.C. <-� V Q) OF i%t 1. D. 0[, Aillxl LA-f-_PAL.MAX,36" SAPS p C ", \/L LA 'i 1 "wkys,-v D w: i L: t4 B Iscota mor-,F!, ..rqlfs F-ICTION V!-N." VI f: 0 J,, DO T; 7- D ON li'vi I - N' �ELYI AMID UAR SIZES .7- I I V%plzi i t 1_T_4�1_*T A- U. D2 F D 2. F In OR OR OR t,- Lt. 0- OR 'i_j STATI fj BARS cc re- 0 B T 0 T POINT AAND E3 BARS— "-• D BARS STATION P0114T el 1 0 PLAN 72— - 4 C, zs 10 1-5 —ITT-/ Y —6 lG I "i ,,-,L BARS ,#3 SAPS -T'E7 —4-1-/F ri 6 —rl- i D , *�f' ".,. 1. ___ o �o 21 5 0 n, 1 1 24 —t1/4 (D 7 f; 113/4 4) 27 51/2 04 30 6 Et 0 13 !L4_ (D 021 15 112 7 rI, (,) L , 0 4?_ 71/2 45 7 if. 0 '5 M- _r - 8___ Ci %(3 17/ ? 5 1 81/2 1 171/2 # 4 - [B"O.C. BOTH W, S__1 54 1--7 j -" TO B Z U C,--- D 13 GO"OR 1 W, 144 0 1 fi3 _j i . L01r'v1 G I TUP 111! A-L ' E C - T I C N 607 91/ VALUES FOR A, B Cj DI) D?, ELEV, R AND ELEV, S ARE SHOWN ON THE PROJECT DRAWING. i), THE HORIZONTAL ANGLE OF CONVERGENCE Oil DIVCRGENCE,0, SHALL NOT EXCEED 50 45'. 2). 8 SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 12 INCHES NOR G.FZEATER THAN 144 INCHES. THE O.D. OF THE INLET PIPE SHALL BE EQUAL TO OR GREAT5R THAN THREL--'QUARTERS OF THE D01i,NSTREAM MAIN LINE DIAMETER. 3), C014CRETE SHALL GE TYPE 5S4-C-3000. 4). FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL GE STEEL -TROWELED UP TO SPRING LINE. 5). REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE. PLACED WITH THE NINIMUM OF 1-1/2"CLEAR FROM FACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. LONGITUDINAL SHALL DE #3 SPACED 113"OR LESS Of4 CENTER. Go). ELEVATION S APPLILS AT cFmTr_R 07 MAIN LIMF ON PRbLONGED INVERT OF SPUR. I 7).TRA%'SITION STRUCTURE SHALL SE POURED IN ONE CONTINUOUS OPERATION, EXCEPT THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE TIIE OPTION OF PLACING AT THE STRINGING LINE A CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH A LONGITUDINAL KEYWAY. 8). THE LENGTH OF THE STRUCTURE MAY BE INCREASED AT THE OPTION OF THE CONTRACTOR TO MEET PIPE ENDS, USING D BARS IN EXTENDED PORTION OF SAME DIAMETER AND SPACING AS SPECIFIED IN THE TABLE, BUT ANY CHANGE IN THE LOCATION OF THE SPUR MUST BE APPROVED BY THE; ENGINEER. 9). EMBEDMENT P SHALL BE A SPECIFIED IN THE TABLE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN IN THE PROJECT'' DRAWING, 10),WHEN DIMENSION C IS NOT SPECIFIED THr SPUR SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED AND A AND 0 BARS SHALL BE OMITTED. REV. I APPROVED I DATE I CITY 0 F CARLSBAD '133-TRUCTUX" T 0 Zi—Ty EWCIN_EEF DATE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD NO. M r�'A� q _I :S-2 ABOVE- AND ;r 4 Ai ►t3" 0 �.._ i 6• DAR$ 2 BELOW OPENING OR CLOSER { `` RADIUS -SEZ i,,IoTE3 i/ VtLRIES 12 PAIN. , E BARS-2 ABOVE A-x I f AND 2 BE LOW OPENING 4 -1I'4 AT III"O.C.OR CLOSER #�4AT12"O.C..' I 114 AT IR"Q.C. C BARS On CLOSER SECTION A -A Y\aF . REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE 11/2" CLEAR FROM FACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. 2j REINFORCING STEEL FOR INSIDE FACE OF CURD INLET J+ f BASIN SHALL BE CUT AT CENTER OF OPENING AND BENT INTO WALLS OF MONOLITHIC CONNECTION. REINFORCING STEEL FOR OUTSIDE FACE OF CATCH BASIN WALL SHALL BE CUT ?"CLEAR OF OPENING. PLAN 5). CONNECTION SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHIC WITH CUP.D CORNER CQ[,,!NECT!�313 INLET. THE ROUNDED EDGE OF OUTLET SHALL BE CONS- TRUC'T"D 6Y I CON^BETE AGA°IJST ACURVFD r�IN. c POUR NG i FORM WITH A RADIUS OF 311 . '-`°e). FLOOR OF STRUCTURE SHALL BE STEEL -TROWELED TO SrR*. `&G LINE. 5). CONNECTIONS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WHEN: A) PIPES, 12"TH:10UGH 72"IN DIAMETER, INLET OR OUTLET THROUGH Ct "PER OF CUES INLET. B) ANGLE C., fOR PIPES 24°T14ROUGH 30"IND'AMETER, IS 700 OR LESS. C) PIPES, 33" THROUGH 72"IN DIAMETER, INLET OR OUTLET 3"RADIUS• THROUGH THE SIDE WALL OF CURB INLET. SEE NOTE 3). ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE TYPE 5134-C-3000. SEE '2 MIN. fi A NOTE5 /-4*'4:4AT.I2"O.C- D BARS-2ABOVE R4,,AND 2 BELOW OPENING OR CLOSER BARS PLAN SIDE CONNECTIOM rn �d an B T m o ca a i) 12 4„ Q p 15 41/4" 18" 41/2" 21 5„ 24' 51/4" 2-` 51/2" 30" 6 ` 61/4' 33" 3s' 6,1/2" 39° 7" yr a B T mLtj ca _ 42" 71/2' 45 73/4" 46 8° 51" 81/2" v '' 54" 9" 57" 91/4" 60 91/2° to 65" 10" 66" 101/4" G9" 10 3/1, REV. APPROVED €3.`TE CITY OF C ARLSBAD ° w... ..,.�.... ��_ �� CITY ENGINEER DATE tit.:�E " THROUGH r2" SUPPLE 14iws4TAL rOR PIPES 12 �,_�M...•_._.. STANDARD Inc?. i 10, PL Fl,/11,7= lop-' lea.iv CL APTEFVAIL 13TREZ-T ILI ------- 10, 5,5'14.5 4-.5' 5.5' C, 2 10, - 1-, P z % MAYBE REDUCED TO eb, I 56'FOR CUi-:De--SAC OR LOOP STREETS > `E REV. i Al*,Vi-llCjVC(" D I .J LOCAL STREET CITY QF- CAl'-V;-.SF3AD ve� I DT k� as Cl I Y LIVNINEi. k Slr#,V,t.E.—• NTf,L ^ "-.4, 1 I T. . STAFWAIRD W. f- %-14 v E. CURB PROPERTY LINE T-- L T ---D F, L T it FA, 5717 .0" all, 6'- 3 6'.. 18T 29 16034 35 10 0' 2 go,4 -60, -e,3, - .29' 16�134�35" 100 !,",57' 33 25.4Z 12.Pp 60'T 16051'20" loo, -z's,F'4 14,u?� so, P-5.95, I.0 CURVE- P-stir , 31 r-4-10P LIME v" 40' p 28' —3 I) 63.24' A 21004-e 06' -i -i -3-° -o R 32' —L 117.72" -ii --n 36' L 0' 50' T�-o � W-i 6T'- 1 .�7 5' 167.4 C 5 6' 36' 187,29', 213-09'10" 38' 14,37 48' 178.57 60' Ma 8729' 2.13-09'IC)" 38' 141.37' 50' 10 6,0 1' G 0' 40' 87.75' 13-02'40" 40' 148,73' 50' TEI,5.9?-' PLAN nup's PROPERTY U!iS T. L T 5 r6, 3E3, ?-C. 11"65" 100' 1 4921'125.11' Pjd— 44,2-"l 22.60" co, —20 - I I'a 5 14 2?!,I a-3. , I, @ 25 TI 12 2.OF loo u 4d 28-0/,"22" ---- 77 - 2 -� 5. 100 � CURVE 2 curm F-)�67T-Llt--IE w D A R L R L r zr), los,2 % 1205QII . 4t) 31, iL 4 0,6 47 50, ISI. PEN/. Appfl)oltllr-,.D DATE CIT OF C P% IR I - Su"' A D I I Y EN,31iZL,? CIAI F. ✓ C31JII'J.-- C-t7.1- SAC SUPPLEM.214TAL IT!^ STANDARD Il U I- 1 LtJ Id c: >_ Ua';il IAI� f- W W 0� w (DW r r I N. ..x� � f I . - i 0- . w cs; Ij C"TYPE" G„Cl1^ � ANU GU'i-TEf;" V� I „fir°O� 1 Zl� w ,I C,I y `�`\� Z1141 6"A.C. f)If.E (TENIPO'RA.RY) i ' / f- PC-:1:(irG VENT_ -, 2'M I N. �//�STRE.ETS RFAC1112 Uj 10, six �7 ANO GU'CTER s f W r c�_ u �_L_j / � �2" MIN, A.C. ON ADEQUATE _ BASE MfyiFORARY) 2',MlIN• PROVIDE DIKE OPENING '` '!I � ��/,� GUTTER EXTCNTION FOR G1�l�LNA�;E WHEN- ---� �� �`' OVFf',.5}i}c DRAINS REQUIRED 1�``� /�"; -` ,�_ WHEN REQUIRED ... � 1 � d�(: sullolvisloIN LOT � A- o � C1C�Ui4UAR'd o' Ft/W = cm' LAN RV. %tPPROW D DATE. CITY �OF .. '3 F N SIN lF pp °`^� F >E p � ry . R ° P � � �'�`� CITY r t r .. .... _.we..v�....-....'u—.+.v .�s,...n..rw... xvw,...a.,a�.L+.mr+•m�' ,_.. ..w fn,..upv.�ail s_vx kw.rva..�wA „w.w�.� j.a� r.c..�..• a. JiTt'i1`�'I• AC.1 0 ..u: sTnr;���r,�� rw � x SMITH AND FAST F r v. E Y! Y 1..94j c, cl,P C'r�Or'es:t'I f LtIV ja i. IOL' A:wO 1 ;;ir I'.f«. r'.;. UIraE C', , CIAI. STREET LIGHT, BASE AIvD ' COId ,UIT TYPIGAi. BOTti.------"- -} SIDES OF SMLE.l T ypICA1. r rITIi S 1 RIE-EMI FIRE I-M)RFNT TYPICAL OF S ri.r E—f [ U"i"ll OF STM:ET R L u , J. 1 4 WATER LATrNAL I "dA1ER ]] "fi;�aiCL tYI I ��-L w t i O 111 ` IGs S 0iif 4i fI f iL�� 1 ; 6TREET 11 U r 6(;: ST. LIGHi9� f ,! �VALVE COP,pUIT- I ' ... UTILITY TRENCH c) I iie: j BOX SEE DETAIL HELMI 4 1'- IMATER FIFE HYDRANT 1 " MAIN SERVICE 1' . __ - --- i�-� •`� _'` -- "--- --` ST.1_IGIiT LASE SEWER LATERAL SERVICE—/ iy � � Gr . '—SEWER La, c YALSERVICE STOr.iaS , DRAIN FINISH GRADE ` N%- ,.:if ILI% !'3:;1 7.4 I n IL- SIDEV.'ALK N 0 Tt*--- 1). LOCATION OF WATER MAM WILLCOVGF> 4 LOCATION Of- UTIL.ITIE.r. NORMALLY THE cu STREET L!C`i r VJA"rlR r4All1 1'JIi.L D�'LOCATLD 0(J SOJ11I AND EAST SIDE OF STI E_ET. i� 1,MIKF r I (;AS 2), STREET LIGHTS AND FIRE HYDPANTS VALL '� � )� ' FLE4'I IO:J DE LOCATi:D 18" OFF FACEE OF CURVI:',VliF-N IrvpQ Q "Y� CONTIGUOUS SIDEWALK EXCEEDS 5 FEET IN l WIDTH. TELEPHONE 3 }. C;AC I!.9A1' LIE PLACID ON SATrtiw LEVEL V°rlili ELECTPJCAL ELECTRICAL WITH .1' 41IN SEPARATION, ( NOTE 3 ) UT'UT'Y TRENCH DETAIL REV. APPROVES DATE tl CITY OF M' Y CAD CI i V M t MER PAM .�yyfifi�.., •ryfin//.. yA' � �.Ca 1s..r Y J'1 4. .�P' i P.+" `Yvt✓• \„ � pacr � � PH:> l if �)�jDAPID t !{� JI.,k;"+ l'•'h ' J 0 9 A V110TH A.G.JOIN— St�',OOTHCOMICRETE EXISTIr-IG A.C. c r, c. o I I ASTRUVA:1- Fllll!�H PAVIL j',i'i:Z N T I MI MIN, d RC.C.JOIN EXIOT11'140 c orJ C; E SI-Af� A.G JOIN T= EI °,T. A. C. 11 1 �Es C, RC.C,JOlN 0 R A Ni 1.14! m u N T= EXIST [-.C.C, SL�jp Y= 0.,-Ifj'For wip,,m CRUTCR THAN 10' THICKNESS+? OR Y-o.?-5'ror, vjimii 10' OR LESS A MINIMUM OF 6" WATER METE f, 'CO LOCATED ADJACENT TO PROPERTY LINE AU-EYS 1,5 FT VVID77 Oil- LF,8`0 2%4"FOIJNOATION--� G R A Q E R E D Vv'O 0 D tJ,- A r, C r- I I �t 4" MIN, A.S. REV, Se.10001CUICHEM TRMQ,EtFiNISH- 3 " M, i r4l. A r I N. 6" P. G.C. 0 R-/ AS SPECIFIED WIDTIl OR GREATER - — ------- -J --4 0,10'DIP I'll 2,, c ovj c RL, r GUTTEPN- (L U 'UNDAMON 2 x4"FO !.;"f" ;7, GRADI-' REDV,CYJD 11 w H E AL'f, E R R METER METER BO, TO EE LOCATED ADJACENT 'ro REDWOOD HEADER ALLEYS 16 FT WME MR GREATER GEINl F R A L t, !MM". S 1). VIRAP ALL 170%"JER POLES WITH 3/3 ti EX.PANSION JOINT MATERIAL 2), kl.'EAKCNED PLANE JOINTS AT f2't.!AXIfflUM INTERVALS, 3). CONCRETE SHALL BE SG4-C-3000 FOR ALLEY WAY AND 517-C-25,00 FOR GUTTER CITY OF CAR"'k-SBAD 7"fF"UCAL f, I I y r .11 11-1 [it f R Ft-li-ENTAL STANDARD f El I V, I. A 15 GAUU; CQrf rP Me TfJ7.r-' Yn [Ir M.AnTril OF T LLIJ. "C" '7- -3 TIF,`i VINYL OR RUMErf I'IQ3E Ai,',.) VVIRE, FICW,,E EIGHT TIE, POUrN-1 RF.rw000 STAKE. TO," Vik-S YZITH 2" TO 4"' OF 44 G.,Ak?ZL PAWMENT OR SIDEWALK lowe f"t yfl? ROOT CONTROL PL.Arrrim wnti T RE C IS PLA',4Trzo wri-mN s' Oil 87i-�'EET. OF CURB , SIDEVALK SOIL MIX BACKFILL --coiPlPACTED SOIL '4 1 X REV, AFPROVED D AT E C I Pp/ OF C.P. RLSr-� AD CITY f NoiNEER OATE f �'x SOPPLrMENTAL STANDARD K% A �•nr.�.•n;^.wsr..rw:.*�ee� 1 :�€s e ° ., r -. 1 � ! �" ...�t_......., �......._..,_......a....•- °".'ax� l� ..+�..w,.....Y•.x� LQI t..:�•.1..::w......:.�o.ao.,.rry..rv:./.n�.[:....��„..�..y� 1 .c f t •�'' i �.`�-,. � l.!....�+w...�.......�.......+..�...®.�...p.�.<.t.y...,.�....+...�.�p�p+..�..�•^"*",ek........q it Y't:. P i\k�.NZ, i.t i"i: tii°{—! i ` 4-:iA" 76:, G. uY t•�•va o. f(�.E v VARIABLE 3° 'tt�lt •,✓ �� a' U.",•w•.:o`.r;.•.•� A 1:� `';,. �' o v�..:ix •It.;. ` AGGREG iT2w BAST;--� NORMAL FM 12� GUTTER VARIABLE WIDTH 0.013 GUTTER ' WIDTH SECTION 13-B M' 4,.w,. G v 4►,„bd �G,�^��i,YrP d u 4 6 LEP tb�ut.�f. 9 J� TLX'l URED CONMETE OR PAVERS NMI for- w Allf., 10 LINET 01 " 12 1 d 10 I10 LINE I 0tFl 40' 40' 40 NOTE! FOR STREFTS flEQUIRING LONGER TAPERS THE DIMENSIONS NIZ BE EXTC,NDED IN A PROPORTIONATE MANNER. DEVAL w U. z Q, w W, I to I ul<"-u (XNWllt-- I i:._i OR I t4TERLOCKING PAVERS 2 1 DETAIL NOSE: R-ARZE, ftr'�f I Ai-41:X-)VED j!)ATE CITY OF CAPI-S-4:AD R '-- 250 ' F5 SUP'.PLEMENTAL LN' IXI 1; co ­17 MQ­r!'JT, 2 Ll N A R"' E R f t R K e' R L E G wit r-,WR K, Eer', —1 FIRC��'t� �����.�___. 54 � i r I �J.��: +q. 01i f Y; I DETAIL B (L CENTCRI-ItIr - . 1- 0 C3 u'l I p i. f :J, 2 REQUIRED Lll°�2;QATIQMS IT.1 Fin,-,M Hl',MRMIT r'AARKERS NOTES I &V%IZM!fl.,S MIST MS INSTALLED AT ALL. NEW AUD RELOCATED 11YORANTS AM WITHIN ALL RUM-FACINIG PROJ'aCTL. 2). FIRF DvIlAnTNEWT WILL P14QVhr. LOG' ` TON (S) MR ALL MIAR!'MRS IN M-S, COMMEkl,AL L0713 AM0ALLO-i7I;t:R M'�24SOU711ADE OF PLICLICRIGHT OF WAY. 3). MARKEP3. SHALL LE, SLUE 2-VAY STIMSQUITC. L.IFELIl E W014B OR EQUAL. 4). ADM;SIVE: AN AMPLE AMOUN I OF TWO PART (A Ck 0) EPDXY 03 t'QUAL. 51. SURFACES: CLEA.M AND DRY PRIOR TO IIALTALLATION PER MANUFACTURER'S RE COLMEN DAT IONS. r,). INSTPLL MAI)KR-PS V,'ITH RULECTIVE SURFACE,!-, FACING ONCO,-lIKG VEIIICLC-i AND CFi-St:T 2" LA.-` Uuim roa o,,­ncnbu,r LA,?."2 OU. Wri'4-*,U61. ITH AND No F,,'ANTL9 I-Atird LINIC-l-,INSTALL v� MAit,UMS ON CU4lT._-kLIiJL Or'i ii,L.N.LWITH MARAURS. I I F, Z E V. I f -. !7,11-i'V1. V E D I DAT €, IT Y Q C A, i'l L A D NO.k�� I /p," Lit-, /--Plt4lSllF-D GRADE CAST ek .4 C 0 1'(; R E T E I:zT Ul CLL ZAN C UG i D 1" 0 C T 10' M A A MOLO.'71) LETTERO 1/8" DEEP (SEE Pom2) A G F,GNAL 11B P L A 1,4 TYPE L 5 * TOP DIMENSION REV. lAr"10POVED MATE CLEAN rROSHLD AX COVER NIOTFS S.ECTIMI STEEL GARJ 1). USE STEEL. COVER WHEN SUUJECT[,'D TO TRAF',�-'IC LOADS. 2). PULL COX COVER PNALl- rf-.' MARKED STREET LIC�ATIMG " V-HCRE rULL.'O)t LIGHTINGCof,.,!,; CONTAIUS ",MMT Li ONLY. "IlIGH VOLTAO'V " SlIALL C;l,* ADED V,'HIZR'F VOI-TPAGE IS ABOVE COO VOLTS. 3) THE L AND W OF TF1112 COVER $EAT SHALL BE 1/6"GREATER THAN TIM COVER DIMENSIONS, 4). ('OMPAr.T EARTH UNDER AND AROUND PULL BOX. D- SLWVLEM�-'IJAL r�twj I TYf' r C (,'i` D T E f.,-i %f,', I t1l 7') L.—FINISHE'D GRADF 0. T%7'P'MAA. CUT Sj!-,Cf"l-=— —SEC DETAoL A REf,40vE SX)IL MANTLE -- TO COrei:;F'i'4.NL',rt.iA*rErtIA!. NgFURAL. GROUND SURIF=Z FIMSHED CRADE 2 typr— C OR D TERP I- C E 1 �, V.,. DRAIN Mir S>tZ�. D—n— 17 (TYPI CAL$, r AV FILL I L F) L 0'47J E OF DWELLING j d IF b FACE C4- rAcc FOOTING D V1 C 1. L; t:,5 cl SFE TA�A.r BELOW Wi L, VALUVC w rL Ff N I Z -1 E D OR A D fE H 1. rT SLOPE ROUiNDNG DETAIL D El"Al I L A 0; 1). ALL FILL MUST or- compAcTr-D To A 1,0NIMIUM OF 90% OF THE MAXIMUM DL'N.f.',ITY WMA THE EXCEPTION OFTHE OUTCR b"OF THE SLOVE 'V!.'FACF. WHIC14 i�!A%Y BE GRZID PCLLL-i, TO 850,16 DEN31TY, 21. WT 5LOPES TO eo' rEcL!,,r—. I. rmirvi. GUT,c-r'L0iPi'--,S w OVEi, o ' r;l--c-!.ji.-.:-, o-.a--:- h"In. 2O LE %G,S mimww O;j H c d 3' 24 0 v 4+H/10 c-q— H/Id(5 r,!,IP) H/!0' fli/Aldt"AX!, is' . S E TDA Ct'S N, 11'r y 15'MAXW"UM ar 4' MIN. W'OAX. r7l A 3). FILL SLOPES TO -401 REQUIRE f.") CEMH- SLOPES OVER 100' i-6r-- OUIRE ONE i lis 20' Cll!—'W,Lj MIDWAY O.'S S LO lei E. a r w (T W1 4 .yS CrD _r C,ir c f, SL L CITY ` T. U. t ..' . 05-13 ni ,f � lu ,- a -s `"LO CITY j STO MIX �F1 IS GRADE - 0A BEAN i ). UiNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL DRAINAGE MUST OE CONDUCTED TO STREET, 2). NON-EROSIVC DRAINAG7 SURFACE REQUIPt-M WHEIIE FLOW IS COLLECTED, 3). FINISH Gf2ADII:G SHALL PROME A MININFUM POSITIVE DRAINAGE OF" i`;'AWI, FROM TiE� f IiiL DITt'a" U4LE iS SPECIFICALLY A°EtiF°ErOI'Ff3OTIEEi:^ WISE BY'THE SOILS REPORT. 4). vuiVEvAYS se'rwcau 14% AND 20%FAUST F:ECEEVE SPECIAL AE'FROVAL OF TI'IL CITY %I''Ch XR, SUWAIT ENGINEERED PROFILE AND LETTER Or REQUEST ST 'fO 'FHE ENGMELRiNG DEPARTMIENT. T 1 E'� AL �,Jj� (""'-A �� c• �C'#x� SUI*PI.FF'�:td'ikl! ei�a � __._.�..�..__....,..�$.._,.�.�.,...z��....,.�._.._..._,..,�.�.w,.......,._u.�.��.._...w,..,.r...,_e;�..r�.,.,�.sb,..4 gsT/iF<Diiot0s_te� VATEn MAM c L, D I j.r-'D TL X'", U F. C-' R" -a �,.r,. � �,,w. T°`.-8� w: - ° ti..'i � .. 'a,% +.« ��,ry' a y y� � i �.�.� `�,:f �• �:,,., -���� <.�.�,y h� �••-`i � - .::n i- !.22 COPWITROLI, r- Scr-1: LAM NAI-C: PLAN, kJF;L(,v7 F�.f clic 6crill _177777 77,77 f7/ CURB loo'n'lfel.murl cuuR 01'+Tf'k f Il CLT13 0 -� 2 ELCCT[C— TOPOVIVP Pry ca 41 TV, CAL CONDUIT or! ' IR i5'Z I ('� AT I i "I P!-J'M ELE-CM10W.ULT ---!Il TRAFFIC . 11 u R a r 41 lo-71 Z 7-,7—/ ETV a: P !:D TF-*,',TU 'NIED CONCH -j oj TRAFFIC CURB—/ 'DSCI NOTES 1), CONTNOLLCR "HALL CE A 4 STATIO.".1 WXYRIM CLOCV Cn A TYPE Ar-F'PiW-vq 6Y THE Pf)RKS otfix-,rou. V!ZPf'sS :MAIJ. E--'. PAlu 1�110 SEMES 0*1 TO.-* -3(10' WTH I-' 'Ci:'RAY. 3), SOIL -PF'C.'ARATION SHALL E:.'-- IN CCIcPV.f''AU= Vill14 Ct'jY 0- rAR$A1) D111. ,14 C141TU11%1A AND STAMIAGI) ZMAWWOG. 4). WW'D COVER AND SHRIMS "4ALLrE C!")UN FROM TWE APIPPOVED LIST M THE D-'SiGii C P. I T U;. IA. 53. ALl6"E'%"AT'f-' rtIfTDIAN MWW UESIvV"'; MAY Urz A L 1-01�, i- D AS OV"D BY 'I HE PAN'K�;" AND RECK.ATION DIRLCTOR. - RFV. I APPROVED i mrr- C F1' y LEGEND, If5DICATES 510AL. STMMr TRE , -,:R om creps t.PrRcvL. 0 TUE U';-T - di 111MICATEt' I SAL. FL. MP SJUIVU. !iW, Fk011 APPROVED UA !0AEE:l'.'GTC. 14, IMMCAV�S GROMM COVCR 10" O.C. FROM ANIR OVrl') LIST ('.XMINOTE 4). __-INDICATES r'CP-UP UMUDBERY HEAD. - 6 T i -_ S-cl k-5 r t VARIES 1. TO GE CENTf,2.rraD ON WHIME: BACi',,oR%0U.l,,ID. 2. NUMb,"ERS TO F!E FLACHID WIT H.1i'l 5 FEET OF DI'VVEV31W. I REV, T /P', f, P, —ii 0 ,, r-.'D Dlf--"rE CITY OF U'a"l-Ic"PLAD .-f. — --.- - ik tr,�;i l-k.-Awelj 801 PLUICWM:- 1, !SiXTION i r, a i a L Ing 41,. STA NDARD "T ",,RANCO Z;,,14��T CA; j I LW CUT OFF FtljX ., W6i'll .8" i1A. G SET ALL WAS A Ti-,IC'r, Raf) Z;7 JOINT WITH "T" BRANCH AMD h2MI% CEMLHT FiR3T SEC nON OF FNPE TO FT 1 JOINED FRIOR TO INSTALLATION WSME Mo." N TO OU SET Ch: IN ACCLCCN0LL WITH 41 E NT - *7--,-----, 77 r- ON: TWO A /8"- 2 3/4" LAG ��rr' F.W FX1---,N&i0-N SHIELDS(!--L%,VMZEO 1t4Vf-I�y-'RTGRA!)E VAMU SCnEWS 3AS'S 6" LAG GALVANIZED PER EACH 1 FOOT ACCr:',:SKOLE RING AS HOWN Ct.1,00 ROHGOEV 1,ViT,-Ak;E OF Fr, ff�G'3 AND APPLY NEAV CEMENT 5 PASIL FRiOR TO KUM— MVEWS SHALL IETRUE 10 CRAW W41) I 7.17 ALIGNMENT Af4DF,*J',;h-,�D 1311F; w—)0711, SURFACE., V.V,i-,111 r 0 AM13,1i ME =7100 Q S=01 AND/OR AN ANCL6 !N MAU' CArE SHALL DE V -,Ff) IN C v A rii: -iviovir L , D4%7 E CTION A -A —E,X1i7;4D GASC-TO WITE11K.1 4" OF NECK CP P01 JOh4T c I v G 11 CITY OF (till b-SOMED LAM 6 is DROP SECTION 30"'PI PE, 8 P ICIOT E MID 70 F, t: CUT OFr FLUSH WIH li.S4f3E SURFAC2 L 17 G E, ND ON PLA11 A �!',) T E S- ALL Pi.)E ON ACCESSHOLE SHALL BE. STANDARD VITNWWD CLAV PIPF AND SHALL. BE INCLuDri) a;s PAI'.,T OF ACCESSHOLE. DOUBLE bPOP ACCESSHOLE IC CONSTRUCTED THE SAt4E, A DfPCP ACCESSHOLE EXCEPT TUAT IT HV, TWO DROP SEC TMNS, 17 Sy"i C) CAST ACCESSff')R,,. FitA.E::i r`,IJD COVE:fI, ; E S.D.R.S. ,7—f PPVCI.r,i OR 1': i 1. PACE WITH ,.-.,--I: MIX __ �� __., f '_`li�ir3 1 � � �•-- CONSTRUCT CONCRETE f a�.,' �r.:. .. � ......... III �• My;�C. -G�" TI ICI'll E;:`:O C^ 1:2:-41Y GE Ill 3pF'TAI STANDARD COi rx71.:.CX CL SEC1 O'N f�_�--�+ C t9 i v r \� c WIDTH tHALL EQUAL ! MIN.SL0r,r- •iNLIDE D(Af.+.-TER O 1/4.,piz +wFT.'1 plI E !C. .a •J'... �v.IklVIrs2TG�'r:C'E—� PLAr;3?` CHANNEL DE A1L� APPROVED E CITY Y{LU4- i INVERTSHAL.I.. FETRUc: TO GRADE AND AL.IGNM.V.NTAND SHALL -I- FINISHED WITH SMOOTH CUKF1 !.'E. SPECIAL CAFE SHALL. BC U^, t) TO FACILITATE FLOW OF :aIWS'.'A i, 0 NOTES ALL CAST IN p'_ACE CONCRETE SHALL er , rK-: !364-B-5,100. ACCE' 03,40LF SEfALL DE CONSTI,loCTIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTE.4 CTEM OUTS SP.M.L FAVEA 1.!~lv(M-1 OF 2 FEET. TA L ' >lf.r."'AIZD t 0.°+n4'Ls ire i i I 4 �--ELECTRICAL CONDUIT WATER MA!N PIPE REV. i��l4lY%•� r f '�4 Y.� ..,...,�„+...... rll..«..,.y y f F- -i'f p i-,.--U�ctG ' s:a K CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPAP.'IMENT STANDARD SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR USE IN CONJUNCTION t I TII THE AGC/A11WA STANDARD SPECIFICATION'S FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 1-2 DEFINITIONS Add the following: "Agreement - The written agreement with the City of Carlsbad covering the performance of the developer's improvement'wor?c which shall include and, make reference to plans, specifications, and faithful performance bonds; also, any and all supplemental agreements amending or extending the work contemplated and which may be required to complete the work in a substantial and accept- able manner. Supplemental agreements arc written agreements covering alterations, amendments or extensions to the agreement andmay include contract change orders. "Final Acceptance - A written notificati,)n by the City re- lieving the developer of the maintenance responsibilities under the public improvement agreement for im.provements constructed in accordance with approved. plans and specifications notwith- standing the developer's obligations for the one year guarantee or warranty period tinder the agreement. The date of the -inal acceptance shall be the start da-.e of the one year guarantee or warranty period and the date the City assumes the maintenance r.esponsbilities. "Contractor - In addition to the definition given, "Con- tractor" shall mean the developer. "Developer - The person or persons, firm, partnership, cor- poration, joint venture, or combination thereof, who have entered into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad to constzuct public improvements. "Standai-d Drawings - Standard drawli1gs shall mean the San Dicgo Area Regional Standard Drawings 1979 Edition together with the City of Carlsbad modifications thereto and the City of Carlsbad Supplemental. Standard Drawings as approved by the City Council on , "Referenced Documents - The following documents form a part of these specifications: 1.) The development Flans prepared by the developer's engi- neer and approved by the City Engineer. 2) The City/developer agreements setting forth the require- ments for construction of the work shown on the develop-. :Went. plans.." Im Page 2 ` For the following sections, delete,, revise or add as spe- cified. 2.9 SURVEYING 2-9.3 Survoy Service. Delete first and third para- graphs and substitute the following: "Unless otherwise specified, all construction surveying shall be performed under the supervision of a Registered Civil Engineer -or Licensed.Land Surveyor at the expense of tt.e contractor." 4.1 MATERIALS AND WORKERSHIP 4-1.4 Tests of Materials. Revise the last sentence of Paragraph 1 to read: "For private contracts, all expense for testing anct retesting shall be borne by the developer or permittee." 7-1.0 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7-20.3 Street Closures, Detours, Barricades. Add to the first paragraph: "Traffic controls shall be in accordance with Section 8-550 of Division of highways Planning Manual, Part 8. In the event that the contractor fails to install barricades or such other warning devices as may be required by the Engineer, the City may, at its sole option, install the warning devices and charge the contractor $10/day/warning devise." 7-1,0.5 Hours 'of Work. All work shall normally be per- formed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and.sunset from Mondays through Fridays. The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer if he/she desires to work outside the hours stated herein." 200-1 ROCK PRODUC-TS 200-1.1 General. "Alt,erna•te, Rock Material - Type S may be used on the work (Ref. Section 400).P1 207-7 ASBESTOS CEMENT PRESSURE,PIPE "207-7.4 Coating. All, flange bolts and nuts on flexible ted and. coated with Iv'e-ox-id rust pro - couplings 0a.11 be lubricatection coating as manufactured by Dearborn Chemical. Company or equal and then given a bituminous coating conforming to the require- ments of AASIIO M-190." 207-10 STEEL PIPE y 207-10.2.2 Design Criteria. Revise Paragraph 2 to read: "Steel cylinders shall have a. wall thickness of not less than 20 gage (0.135 inch)." 207-11 CORRIICATED STEEL PIPE AND PIPE ARCIIIS 1k P,xg; 3 2•}17-1.1 . l General. Add the fol lo0 o,,!: "Unless otherwise s;:ec.i..fi.e(1, themi.nir;,uiii gage. For corrugated metal pipe shall conform to the follo..,ing; Gz I7� fit' to 24" ii7.c;usi.ve ._ -].6 30" to 3 S " incluFilie 14 42" to 48" inclusive12 S4" to 66" ii,clusive 10 7211 to 9 6 " inc1us i x�e 8 A bituminous c,catirn shall hc to al a- corrugated plp^ and bands in, a c-ordancce with the r�o�uire�n_:nts of this Sec.ticn prior to shipment from the factory." "207 20 11IPF AI71'IP.'1'FiA_ CI-S 11207-20-1 General. Unless otherwise specified, all pipe appurtenances shall. comply with the appropriate standard drawing of the City of carlsb•ad. "207-20.2 Gate Valves. Gate valves shall equal or exceed the r.equiremants established by Aiaerican hater Works Association Specification C-500. All gate valves shall be of the sar,,,c size as the mains in i,hich they are installed, unless otherwise indi- cated on the plans. Valves four inches (411) and over shall. be iron -bodied, solid bronze internal working parts, parallel faced, double disc with non -rising stem, and shall open by tfirning counter- clockwise.. "The valves shall be furnished with "0" ring stem seal, with cadmiux. plated bolts, operating nut, and the ends may be rub- ber •ring, hub or flanged. Rubber ring ends shall conform to the pipe manufactu7or'S specifications. ti'dhcre hub and flange valves are designated on the. plans, the contractor may install flanged valves with :nub and flange adaptors, Smith -Blair or approved equal. Valves installed at: end of mains shall be cappod or plugged after test. r' "1) Three Inch (3") and Smaller Gate Valves. The body and all Interior working parts, except the stem, shall be constructed. of A.S.T.M. B-62 (85; copper, S% tin, 5e zinc, 5o nickel) bronze. The stems shall be of bronze and have the additional strength requirements as spe- cifieO below. Minimum -tensile strength 60,000 psi_ Minimum yield strength 32,000 psi. Minimum o elongation in 2" 10% "2) Four Inch (4") and Larger Gate Valves. Valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted, double disc, parallel seat with non -rising stem and shall open by turning counter- clockwise. 'Bronze for interior parts of valves shall be A.S.T.M. B-62 (8510 copper, 50 tin, 5% zinc, 50 nickel) bronze and shall contain not moue than two per- cent (20) aluminum nor more tharl seven percent (7`%) zinc. Stems shall meet the strength requirements spe- cifiod on the following page: A Rage 4 Minimum tensile strength 60,40 psi Minimum yield strength 32,000 psi Minimum I elongation in 2" 10% "207-20.3 Butterfly Valves. tutterf"ly valves shall be equal to or exceed the requirements establish,,d by the specifi- cations of AWWA C-504. Unless otherwise specified, they'shall. be manually operated valves with enclosed operator, and if in- stalled in a vault, shall be equipped with a handwhcel and indi- cator. Valves shall have a positive 100% shutoff and shall with. - stand a 450 ft./lb. input torque in fully opened and closed po- sition without damage. "The shafts shall be hexagonal, fabricated from 18-8 stain- less steel. or other approved material and shall be connected to the disc without the use of pins or keys. 11207-20.4 Valve Boxes. Valve boxes shall be Brooks prod- ucts, Inc., Valve Box No. 4 TT or approved equal.. All. buried valves not in vaults shall be provided with valve boxes. 11207-20.5 Victaulic Couplings. Unless otherwise speci- fied, victaulic couplings shall be designed for a water working pressure of not less than 150 psi. They shall be equipped with. rubber gaskets for water service and. shall be designed for use with pipe which has been banded and machined to the dimensions of Class A shouldered -end cast iron tripe. Bolts used in buried victaulic couplings shall be of stainless steel. 11207-20.5 Flexible Couplings. Unless otherwise specified, all. sleeve -type couplings shall ',e cast iron and'i.f buried, pro- tected from corrosion in a manner suitable to the City Engineer. Couplings shall be Dresser Style 53, Smith -Blair cast couplings, or equal. "207-20.7 Thrust Blocks. Concrete thrust blocks shall be installed in every instance where the direction of the pipe changes 11-1/4 degrees or more at any joint. or fitting, at.all fire hydrants, at stub -ends of pipes and at other locations as shown on the plans and standard drawings. Bearing areas of thrust blocks shall normally be computed on the basis of a 225 psi in- ternal pipe pressure and a soil bearing value.of 20U psf. "The dimensions of all thrust blocks shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. All concrete thrust blocks .shall 1-c constructed in such a manner that concrete does not cover any joint or bear against any adjacent pipe. Thrust blocks shall. be placed against undisturbed soil.. ' "Concrete for thrust blocks shall be 5-B-2000 and shall be cured a minimum of three days before any loads are applied." 210.1 PAINT AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS 210-1.5 Paint Sysaems. Add the following: "Fire Hydrants. Prior to installation, the fire hydrant body shall be thorouglily coated on the inside with two (2) coats• of Debacote as manuf,ictured by the Debeboise Company of Brooklyn, Pape 5 New York, or equal. All fire hydrants shall be painted by the manufacturer with two coats of red lead and a finish coat of "Hi-Vis Yellow", Code No. 11-740, distributed by M. Greenberg Sons, San Francisco, California, Sherwin.Williams "Medium Yel.- low" #F6SY4, or equal. After installation, each hydrant and the exposed parts of the hydrant spool shall be painted with an additional coat of yellow finish paint." 306-1.2 ]INSTALLATION OF PIPE 306-1.2,2 Pipe Laying. Add the following: "When installing asbestos cement pipe, fittings shall be supported independently of the pipe. Half -lengths of pipe shall. be used. in and out .of each fitting and wherever pipe passes through a rigid structure. At least two lengths of pipe shall be placed between any two fittings not directly cennected. Pipe may be cut by means of saws, power -driven abrasive wheels or pipe cutters which will produce a square cut. No wedge -type roller cutters will be permitted. II_tlf lengths shall also be used on curves having a radius between 90' and 1851. "After completion of all work, excerpt the street or trench resurfacing, an approved type sewer ball equal to the diameter.of the pipe shall be sent through sewers from the uppermost structure. The contractor shall, at his/her own ex- pense, furnish all materials, including water, for carrying out the operation and removing any obstructions that prevent the ball :from traveling through the pipe. "All exposed piping shall be adquately supported'with devices of appropriate design." 306-1.2.3 Field Jointing of Clay Pipe. Add the fr,1- low:i.ng: "Only Type F or G joints are acceptable for vitrified clay pipe. All other provisions of this section apply." 306-1.2.6 Field Jointing of Cast Iron Pipe. Add the following: "Asbestos rope shall be used in place of jute or oakum on water lines. No cement joints will be a.11oived." 306-1.2.8 Field Jointing of Asbestos Cement Pipe. Add the following: "The maximum allowable deflection at any joint shall. be 30." 11306-1.2.15 Connections to Existing Water Mains. Nor- mally, all connections to existing water.mains will be made by City forces. In certain cases it may be necessary for the con- tractor to perform the work. Before beginning any work, the con- tractor shall contact the Water Superintendent of the City of Carlsbad. Public Works Department for permission and any special requirements. "Dry connections to existing facilities shall. be made at t.i.mos which will. cause the least inconven► cncc to the water con- sumers, and shall be planned in such a manner that the duration of any shutdown will be kept to a minimum. No additional com- pensation will -be paid l.or overtime: which may he necessary in Page 6 making cannecti.ons to existing facilities. When a dry connec- tion to the existing main is made, at least two ounces of IITH (Calcium flylochlorite) shall be placed in the pipe at each joint where -the existing main is cut. All new pipe and fittings at the connection shall be c•,Fabbed internally with on approved chlorine solution. All connections shall be made in the presence of the City rngir,cer oral,pzoved representative. 11306-1.3.16 Field Jointing of Pipe. Except as modified herein. all joints shail be installed in strict accordance with the manufa.clurzr's recommendations and the special provisions, and shall be provided with a protective coating at least equa?. to the protective coat oh the pipe being joined. All, -flange bolts and nuts shall be lubricated an<l coated with No-ox-id rust protective coating as manufactured by Dearborn Chemical Company and then given a bituminous coating conforming to the require- ments of AASI-IC of-100. "306-1.2.17 Field Jointing of Steel. Pipe. All field- wclded joints shall be ir, accordance with STandard Specifications for field I'lelding of Steel Water Pipe Joints: AWIVA C-206." 306-1.4.5 Water Pressure. Delete the entire -ectioii and substitute the following: "Pressure Test - After the pipe and al; appurtenances have, Veen laid and backfi?Ied and the required compaction obtained acid approved, the pipe shall be subjected to a four-hour hdro- static pressure test. This test shall consist of subjecting the pipeline to a. hydrostatic' pressure o_F-75 psi in excess of the designated worki.ng.pressur.e specified for the class of pipe at the low point in the section being tasted. The maximum length of pipe to be included in any one t.:st shall be not more than. 2500 feet or the 4istance between valves, whichever is greater. The difference in elevation between the high and low points of test section shall not ex­�ed 58 feet. Steen pipelinegradients may necessitate the use of additional valves to main- tain test pressures within allowable, limits. When such valves are used, they shall remain with and become part of the pipeline after the test. Tempora.-y dead ends shall not be used for this purpose. The line shall bv, filled with water at least. 72 hours Prior to testing. While filling and immediately prior, to test.- ing, all air shall be expcl.led from the pipeline. Whore air valves or other suitable outlets are not available for releasing air or applying the *�cst, taps and fittings approved by the City's representative shall be installed and later securely plugged. The pressure in the pipeline shall be pumped. up -to the specified test pressure. When the test pressure has been reached, the pumping shall be discontinued until the pressure in the line has dropped 25 psi, at which time the pressure shall again lie puripcd up to the specified test pressure. This procedure shall be r6peated until four hours have elapsed from the time the spo- ci.fiod test pressure was first applied.. At the and of this period, the pressure shall be pzmnped up. to tbo test pressure for the last time. Pressure test oqui.prnent shall be inspected and approved by 'tire City repres ent.at ivo prior to use. Page 7 r "Leakage shall be considered as the total amount of water pumped into the pipeline during the four-hour period, including the amount required in reaching the test pressure for the final time. Leakage shall. not exceed the rate of four gallons per inch of normal. inside diameter per 1000 feet of pipe per 24 hours. If leakage exceeds this rate, the leak points shall be located and stopped, and all defective pipe, fittings, valves and other aces- sories discovered shall. be removed and replaced with sound materi- a1 and the test shall be repeated until the leakage does not ex- ceed the rate specified above. All perceptible leaks shall be similarly repaired. The lossage will be from a contained with chlorinated water that will. be accessible to measurement of water used in the four-hour test. No leakage will be allowed for welded steel water mains. "306-1.4.10 Pipeline Sterilization. A1.1 pipel-ines and appurten2nces shall be sterilized in accordance with AIVIVA Speci- fications C-601. "Chlorination shall be accomplished by a chlorine solution having a CL2 residual of 50 parts per million after 24 hours. The solution shall be made with either h.ypochlorite tablets o.r gas injection equipment. "Stexilization and the hydrostatic pressure test may be conducted concurrently. Provisions shall be made to protect against chlorine damage in case of a leak. "Sterilization conducted separately from the hydrostatic pressure test shah.'. be accomplished with approved chlorine in- jection equipment. Acchlorination, for any reason, shall be by injection. "'The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, in- cluding water, tools, and equipment necessary to provide and com- plete field sterilization as specified. "As the pipe is being laid, hypochlorite tablets shall be attached to the inside -top of the pipe at each joint by an ap- proved non -toxic adhesive. The tablets shall have an average weight of .009 pounds each and shall contain not less tha.n•70 percent available chlorine. The practice of crushing the tab- lets between the pipe and collar will not be allowed. "The following table shows the number of tablets that shall be used per Length of pipe to provide the required residual: Number of Tablets Pipe Size, Inches Per 13' Length _ 4" 1 6" 2 811 3 L0" 4 12'' 5 Over 12" By Gas Injection Pace 8 "Ilypochlori.te tablets shall be stored in moisture: -proof containers and kept dry until the pipe is filled with water. After the pipe is filled andduring the sterilization process, all valves, hydrants and other accessories shall be operated. After 24 hours has e1-apscd, samples will be taken by the Water Department. Tf any of the samples Mail to show a chlorine resi- dual of 50 parts per million, the pipeline shall be thoroughly flushed, refilled and rechlorinated by gas injection. "After the chloriiie residual test has been passed, all water shall be :Flushed from the line at its extremities until the.replacement water is equal chemically and bacteriologically to that of the permanent source of supply. The contractor shall assume all liability for damage caused by chlorinated water.. "At the completion of the system an -I i�cfora occupancy of any dwelling, bacteriological tests shall be taken at various points as determined by the City representative. The bacteri- ological tests shall be made by a certified laboratory selected by the City. All tests shall conform to the requirements of the California Health and Safety Code, the California Water Code ,and.the California Administrative Code. "306-1.4.11 Marker Posts. The location of water 'Lines and. appurtenances located other than in public streets shall be designated with marker posts as shown in the standard draw- in.gs." 309 MONUMENTS 09-2 Mat•eri.als. Delete the last sentence. 309-4 Payment. Delete "(except marker plates)". 400-2 UNTREATED BASE MATERIALS 400-2.2 Base`hlaterial. Revise to read: "When base .material without further qualifi ation is specified, the con- tractor shall supply disintegrated granite. Processed natural material shall be provided for all streets with a design traf- fic_ index of 7.0 or greater or a design grade of 12 percent or greater." . , 400-4.3 Combined Aggregates. Add the following: "The exact percentage of asphalt to be included in the mix shall be subject to the approval of tale Engineer."