HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-07; City Council; 6383; Amendments to CPO Joint Powers AgreementCITY__OF- CARLSBAD .. AGENDA BILL NO. Initial: Dept. Fid. DATE: October 7, 1980 C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: City Manaaer, _ C. Mgr. 1 Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CPO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (JPA) . j a Statement of the Matter The CPO Board of directors is proposing.amendments to the CPO Joint Powers Agreement. The five amendments would: , 1. Change the name of CPO to San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). 2. Under the section on Purpose of Organization; declare that plans of local agencies should be consistent with all elements of the regional plan. s 3. Under the 'section on.Powers of CPO, declare that the organi- zation shall not be able to require additional permits. 4. Allow the CPO Board of Directors to determine the amount of compensation the .chairman shall receive. + 5. Revise the weighted voting formula. Unanimous agreement by the current members of CPO is required for amending the JPA. Fiscal Impact No direct fiscal impact on the City of Carlsbad. Exhibits -1. Letter from CPO dated September 24, 1980. 2. Resolution No. Lo 3 2 S Recommendation If the Council wishes to amend the JPA as recommended by the CPO Board of Directors, Council should adopt Resolution No. fp3 a S - Council Action: 10-7-80 Council continued the matter for further clarifying report;. 10-28-80 Council adopted Resolution 6325, approving the Third Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement with established CPO. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue San Diego, California 92101 (714) 236.5300 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Alest re: September 24, 1980 a On September 22, the CPO Board of Directors authorized the distribution of Amendments (Attachment I) to the CPO Joint Powers Agreement for review and -execution by the member agencies. They asked that action by the member agencies be taken prior to November 1. As you.may know, unanimous agreement by the current member agencies is required for amending the JPA. There are five Amendments proposed: (a) name change (page 1);,plan consistency (page 2); (c) no additional permits (page 2); (d) compensation for Chairman (page 3); and (e) weighted voting formula (pages 4 through 6). Those Amendments which receive unanimous agreement will take effect immediately upon execution by each member agency. Also attached (II) for your information is the CPO cotmltittee report to the Board.and its rationale for the proposed Amendments (see asterisked items). If you require any further information for docketing the Amendments or for explanation at your Council meeting, please don!t,hesitate to call me or Ken Sulzer (236-5331) or Debra Greenfield (236-5366). Sincerely, RICHARD J. HUFF Executive Director FJH:KES:rw Attachments cc: lion. Ronald C. Packard, Mayor SAN DIEGO REGION'S COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MEMBER AGENCIES' Cities of Carlsbad Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mat. El Cajon. Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Loman Grove. National Ciry.Oceansiee, p? San Diego, San Marcos and Vista/Ex•officio Member. California Department of TransportatloolHonorary Member; Tiivana, B. CFA. Attachment II BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATE: September 22, 1980 AGENDA REPORT No.: 1 ORGANIZATICNAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: RECOMMENDATIONS Introduction Our Committee has met numerous times since early July at the direction of the Board to review and evaluate CPO activities and its relationships with member agencies and others. In this process we have carefully reviewed the reoamien- dations of the San Diego Blue Ribbon Panel on Regional Planning (June, 1979) and the Callahan Task Force (November, 1978). For purposes of clarity, our rewivendations are organized into five categories, each requiring different levels of action or implementation as follows: I. Joint Powers Agreement changes, II. Bylaws additions, III. Further study by (proposed) Evaluation Committee, IV. Policy Direction to Staff, and V. Referrals to Budget Cammittee. our reconvendations are: CATEGORY I (REQUIRING JPA CHANGES: AUTHORIZE FOR DISTRIBUTION TO MEMBER AGENCIES FOR EXECrMON). (See Attachment II) CHANGE THE NAME OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION TO SAN DIEM ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT'S (SANLIAG). The rationale for this change is that the new name better encompasses and describes the purposes of the organization, in that it is a volun- tary one among general purpose governments and that besides regional planning, its purpose is also one of coordination, facilitation, assis- tance to local government, and a forum for discussing and resolving regional and interjurisdictional issues. 2. CHANGE THE WEIGHTED VOTING FORMULA BASED PRIMARILY CN POPULATION, REGALCTJLATE THE FORMULA EACH YEAR, ENCOURAGE THE MEMBERSHIP OF ALL NEW CITIES UPON INCORPORATION, AND PROVIDE VOTING EQUITY. A SPECIAL VOTING PROCESS SHOULD BE USED IN RECOGNITION OF THE COUNTY'S REGIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN 'THOSE AREAS WHERE THE COUNTY IS MANDATED SUCH A ROLE. The rationale for this change is that with the expected incorporation of several new cities and the proportional decrease in the unincorporated area population, voting equity would deteriorate for the smaller cities. For example, the present vote formula gives the County of San Diego 30% (with about 23% of the population), the City of San Diego 40% (with about 47% of the population) and the remaining cities 30% (with about 30% of the population). The change also stipulates that no member shall COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF THE SAN DIEGO REGION have less than one vote nor more than 40 votes. However., the Committee also recognizes those special mandated areas of responsibility of the County of San Diego, and for those areas (as defined in the present JPA), the position of the County could only be overridden by a 3/5's or 60% weighted vote of the a ,der members. * 3. THE PLANS OF LOCAL AGENCIES SHOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH ALL ELEMENTS OF THE REGIONAL PLAN. * 4. THE ORGANIZATIc4I Sdoum NOT BE ABLE so REQUIRE ADDrTiONAL PERMITS. * 5. THE CHAIRMAN SHALL RECEIVE MONTHLY COMPENSATION IN AN AMOUNT ESTABLISHED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The rationale for this is based on the responsibility and significantly j increasing demands made upon the Chairman's time and ef:orts. I CATEGORY II (ADDITIONS TO BYUM: AUTHORIZE FOR MEMBER AGENCIES -REVIEW AND I ACTION BY BOARD IN OCTOBER 1. The organization should disseminate information concerning its work program and activities. The required information system should be so organized and categorized that it would continue to allow full and efficient use of infor- mation by the public and private sectors. 2. Adequate provisions for citizen participation shall be provided as required by law and as directed by the W-e;:] of Directors. 3. The organization should appoint a standing committee of Board members to perform an annual evaluation of the organization's goals, purpose, struc- ture and performance, directed toward continually improving the planning, t t coordination, and implementation process. } r 4. Each action taken by the Organization which requires implementation should include designation of the agency or agencies directly responsible for such implementation. 5. -Conflicts between governmental agencies should be resolved among the affected agencies. In matters affecting more than one local government, and where requested by the affected agencies, the Organization should have the authority to hear and make recommandations on appeals if the conflicts are not resolved to the satisfaction of each affected agency. The regional i plan should serve as the guideline for the resolution of conflicts. Ci'aEGORY III (FtJFrIM STtU'JY BY (PROPOSED) EVALUATION COMMITTEE) 1. Recommendations #1 and #5 from the 13lue Ribbon Report (Attachment I). 2. Reoommendation #6 of the Callahan Task Force: "Consolidation of regional planning activities should be accomplished in favor of 'comprehensive' planning rather than 'single purpose' planning. This coordination of activities should be formalized and is most important as a result of Proposition 13." 2 Iz CATEGORY IV (POLICY DIRECTION TO STAFF) 1. THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES EL941lT OF THE CCMPREHENSIVE PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE A DISCUSSION OF POTENTIAL IMPACT OF POPULATION SIZE`ON NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND SMVICES, ON THE ECONOMY, AND ON -ALL OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE REGIONAL PLAN. 2. PRLRARE FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS REVIEW THE STATUS OF. THE CIVMRALL WORK PROGRAM AND THE BUDGET SEk—ANNUALLY. 3. PREPARE FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A DETAILED OUTLINE OF AN "ANNUAL EVENT" TO BE ATTENDED BY ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS, WHICH WOULD ASSESS THE _SERVICE OF THE ORGANIZATION, REPORT ON THE STATE OF THE REGION, AND EMPHASIZE FUTURE- DIRECTIONS THROUM ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS AND RECO6P'IMATIONS BY ELECTED OFFICIALS. CATEGORY V (REFER TO BUDGET CO%K=E) 1. THE AMOUNT OF CCMPENSATION TO BE PAID BWD MEMBERS FOR.ATTENDING MEETINGS SHOULD BE ANALYZED. The rationale for this reo=wendation is that no analysis of Board member compensation has been done since 1974. WILL HYDE, � �►VVAN '.a For: Organizational Review Committee Hon. Brian Bilbray Hon. Limy Stirling Hon. Harriet Stockwell Hon. Lou Terrell a # 3 f )1 CARLstm., Q&W City of Cadtbab Octobet 30, 1980 Richard Huff, Executilre Director Comprehensive Planning Organization Suite 524, Security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Ac,:nue San Diego, CA 92101. Re: Third Amendment to CPO Joint Powers Agreement The Carlsbad City Council, at theirineeting.of October _^.8; 1980, adopted Resolution No. 6325,, authorizing the Mayor" to execute the Third Amendment• to the Joint Powers Agreement which established the Comprehensive Planning Organi- zation. Enclosed please find the original Amendment, which has been executed by the Mayor on behalf of the City, as well as a copy of Resolution No. 6325. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. ALETFLA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR:krs 'Enclosures 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, 12 1.3 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20 21- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .ti 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6325 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY.OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE JOIN-' POWERS AGREEMENT WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COMPRESENSIVE PLANNING, ORGANI ZAT ION WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Comprehensive Planning Organization has deemed it desirable to change the name of the organization to San Diego Association of Governments and amend ,Sections of the Joint Powers Agreement dealing with purposes of the organization, powers of CPO, compensation of the chairman, and the weighted voting formula; and WHEREAS, any aT�endment to the CPO Joint Powers�Agreement requires the consent by resolution of each and every member.agency to be effective; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is a member agency of the CPO; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad deens'it desirable to execute the referenced amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the,City Council of the City. of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby approves the third amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement and authorizes the Mayor to execute said amendment the form of which, is on file in the City Clerk's office. J� i r J t j 5 adjourned �.� PASSED,'APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/regular meeting of the f 2 Carlsbad City Council held the w28t6 day of: ,QrJober- 198U, 3 by the following vote, to wit: i 4 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin' fi 5 NOES: None ' 6 ABSENT: None 7 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor . 8 #' I ATTEST: f. 10 ALETRAUTENKRA�,Cl�tYCI�ell 12 I (SEAL) n 14 iZ 15 16, 18 j 19 - - 20 1 21 22 23 t 24 i' 25 # 26 27 N 28 .r ti