HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-07; City Council; 6388; RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSION, ZONE 1, Initial: AGENDA ?.ILL NO. -- b 3 rf Dept.Hd.h DATE : - OCTOBER 7, 1980 C. Atty.2 C. Mgr. - ' IIEPAKf14EI;ITT : Central Services Sub j ect : 0 7 c 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTPENT SAN DIEGO COUMTY FLOOD CONTROL CONMISSION, ZONE 1 - Statement of the Matter The term of office of Commissioner CARL NEISITENDER expir October 5, -1980. Mr. Neiswender was appointed in May to fill the unexpired term created by the resignation of fo In that Council is the nominating authority, a Resolutio recommending the appointment of a Commissioner for Zone is forwarded to Council for consideration. Mr. Neiswender has been contacted' with .regard to his interest in serving a full term. willingness to do so, if appointed. Commissioner, David Dawes . I. > 8. , He expressed a definit Exhibits 1. copy of Resolution NO. bJ.2 p 2. CoDy of September 15, 1980 letter from the County F1 regarding this appointment Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. &sz ? recommending the aPPoi.ntn a Commissioner to the San Diego County Flood Control Con for Zone 1. Counci 1 Action: 10-7-80 Council continued the matter to the meeting of October 28, 1989. 10-28-80 Council adopted Resolution 6328,* recommending the appointment of Carl N to the San Diego County Flood Control Commission for Zone 1. f COUNTY OF *iV DIEGO e Department of Sanitation 69 Flood Co~itrol (038 KGG#mM!M m9er County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, Callfwnia 92123 . . . . . Telephon REF: FCD September15,1980 Mr. Frank Aleshire, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: Carlsbad Representative to the San Diego County Flood Control District The term of appointment for the City of Carlsbad's representative, Mr. C H. Neiswender, on the Zone 1 Commission of the San Diego County Flood Co District expires on October 5, 1980. Mr. Neiswender was appointed to th Commission in June 1980 to fill the vacancy left by the City's previous representative. Mr. Neiswender has been an interested participant on th Commission and we appreciate his services. Section 12 of the San Diego County Flood Control District Act calls for nominations of prospective commissioners by a city included in the Distr Please advise the Clerk of the Board of Directors, San Diego County Floc Control District, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101, of the City nomination to the Zone 1 Commission. The Board of Directors will be mak appointments in October. cc: Supervisors Hedgecock, E Eckert (A500) Clerk, Board of Directors (A45) DCAO, R. Dominguez (A249) Mary Seaton (A6) Commissioner Carl H. Neiswender .$ e m I&”* - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA YLU- Citp of CacI$bab October 30, 1980 R.J. Massman, Acting Director County of San Diego Department of Sanitation & Flood Control 5555 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123 Re: Carlsbad Representative to the San Diego County Flood Control District This is to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of October 28, 1980, adopted Resolution No. 6328, a copy of which is enclosed, recommending the reappointment of Carl Neiswender as a Commissioner of the San Diego County Flood Control for Zone 1. (5!&tLLRR* ALETHA L. RAUTENKPANZ City Clerk ALR: krs Enclosure 8 i a. 2 3 $1 a e RlzSOLUTI.ON NO o ti328 __I__. 1 h RESOLUTION OF THE CLT,Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD , CALLFOKP?LA, IECONMENi>IN;IG THE APPOINTCENT OF A CD!@!ISSIONER TO THE SAN DTZGC -- COUNTY FLOOD CONTRGL _e_ x-- DISTRICT FOk ZONE 1 8 1 for rccommcrtdIng an LndivLdual to serve on the District j 12 53 1. That the'abovz recitations are true and correci 2. That the fol.1 oving-named person is hereby 18 CARL NE ISNENDER- PASSED, APPROVED APD ADOPTED by the City Council o adjourned 191 City of Carlsbad, California, at a/Regular Meeting there1 25 26 . RONALD C. FACKARD, Mayo ATTEST: 27 SB'~ - AL:imA L? kALL4t-gGiT- 'E, Rt?'hEr\iKR NZ, ci$%q€ (SEAL) .' SAN eG0 COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL D-STRICT 9 (Board of Supervisors ex officio Board sf Directors) -s (5 Zones) -2 APPOINTED BY: DUTIES : SELECTION: Board of Directors appoint Zone Commissioners Advisory to the Board of Directors In each of the ZQB~S the board shall appoint a co as follows: One representative of all the resource conserva districts situated entirely or partially with One representative of all the water agencies si entirely or partially within the zone; Three or more representatives of the unincorpor territory of the zone, the precise number to as hereinafter specified, and one additional . appointed by the board if such appointment is make the total number of representatives an UI As used in this section the term "water agencie person operating a dam having an impounding capt 2,500 acre-feet or more, and any public agency the owners of, or controlling, water rights tha determination of the board would or could be af zone or district projects. The board shall appoint the representative of tl conservation districts from a list of one or r proposed by all of such districts acting in c( The board shall appoint the representative of tl agencies from a list of one or more nominees I all of such agencies acting in concert. Representatives of the unincorporated area shal: than three in number and shall be nominated a1 by the board. The number of representatives a for the unincorporated territory shall be dete according to the following table, provided, hc the application of such table results in the a of less than three representatives for the uni territory the board shall appoint additio.na1 I tives so that the.number of representatives fc unincorporated territory shall be at Least thr One representative One additional Zone for* 1 30, or less each addizio 2 100, or less each additio 3 40, or less each additio 4 20, or less each additio 5 10, or less <e each additio *The numbers in the center and right columns r millions of dollars of assessed valuation. .- tive for?: PDC : rl 10-26-76 0 __ - __ I .__I_ __ll_l_l e -e <' c -x A ~- l_l__ SAN DIEGO C0U"EY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT SELECTION - Upon annexation to the district, any corporate art city which is within or partially within any zone the right to representation on the zone commissioi zone and the number of representatives shall be dr and they shall be appointed and serve in like man1 representatives of the unincorporated territory, 4 they shall be nominated by the city council, Notwithstanding any other provision of this sectic event shall the total number of commissioners for exceed the following nine persons: One resource conservation district representatiy One water agency representative; and Seven representatives of the unincorporated teri the zone and the corporate area of any city w: zone which may have been annexed to the distr: the corporate area of a city is included in tt representagion shall be apportioned between ti rated terr'itory and the corporate area on the assessed valuation of the taxable property in Where the corporate area of more than one cit: in the zone and the proportionate representat: the unincorporated territory and the corporati such that 'each city will not have the right tc tion by at least one representative, the reprc the corporate area shall be by representative; jointly by the councils of such cities. Continued: ./ TERMS : In all. zones representatives shall serve four-yea: except that the initial appointment of one-half tl , tives, as determined by lot, shall be for a two-y( so that the terms of the representatives will be s Any representative appointed by the board for the nriaking the total number of representatives an une' shall be appointed only €or a two-year term. Zon tives may be reappointed by the board to serve ad( (Number of terms limited per Board of Supervisors VA CA NC IES : If the position of representative of the resource districts or of the water agencies is or becomes * reason, the clerk of the board shall give to each districts or agencies, as the case may be, 30 day the date and place for submitting nominations of choosing. In the event no list is submitted prop for the position of representative of the resourc districts or of the water agencies within the sai -a . period specified in the notice, the board of dire1 appoint a representative of its own choosing. If PDC: rl of representative of any city or of the unincorpo 10-26-76 js or becomes vacant for anv reason the board sha SAN @GO COUNTY FLOOD COhTROL &RICT " COMPENSATION: $10.00 for each meeting, not exceeding 2 meetings calendar month. (Each zone representative shall receive such sum : fixed by the board for each meeting of the zone c( attended by him, not exceeding two meetings in an: month. The board by resolution may provide for ti ment from funds of the district of actual and necf expenses incurred by such representatives in the 1 of official duties under this act.) (Please see listing for each zone on following shc MEETINGS : CLERK OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mrs. Porter D. Cremans, (Clerk Board of Supervisors - 236-232 STAFF SUPPORT : Case Houson, Director, Departm Sanitation and Flood Control - Norman J. Magneson, Staff Liai 182 -5345 GOVERNED BY: Section 12 of the San Diego Co Control District Act (Chapter Statutes of 1966, First Extrao Session) and amendments tiieret Board of Directors Action of 9 Mileage Reimbursement: Resolution 9 Section 490.17 of the Administrative 'Rate per Section 482.2 of the Admini ??E: rl 2/12/80 * e 0 8 TEL (714 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the Mayor aitp of gCarMx3b June 5, 1980 Mr. Carl Neiswender 3474 Don Juan Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 This is to inform you that the Carlsbad City Council, at its meeting of June 3, 1980, adopted Resolution No. 6138, a copy of which is enclosed, recommending that you be appointed to serve as a Commissioner of the San Diego County Flood Control for Zone 1. On behalf of the Council, I wish to express our appreciation for your willingness to serve. I/ fl J-/lkaL- RONALD C. PACKARD Mayor RCP: krs Enclosure