HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-14; City Council; 6389; Planning FeesCITY OF •"77JA Blfl, NO. b>3!f/ Initial: DATE: OCTOBER/V, 1980 r Af.,-.. %-•.-,-.-.. —.. ... ... I • ' —.•..»•. -'-. -,.-.•......•—.—^»ll I. -.1 .. ..!,...-.—. .' !•'" — . ^ f /XL- <—Jf • DEPARTMENT: PLANNING •' . C. Mgr. Subject: PLANNING FEES StatejTignt of the Matter The City Council has directed staff to conduct departmental reviews of City fees. The attached memorandum outlines recommendations for the Planning Department. The recommendations are based on recovering processing costs. The Planning Commission has reviewed and concurs with the recommendations.- The attached report consists of three parts: (1) Summary of Fee Recommendations; (2) Fee Comparison Chart comparing current planning fees throughout San Diego County; (3) Fee Discussion sheets giving a brief definition and discussion of each fee. While no attempt was made to make a detailed cost analysis of each and every fee, it is believed that the recommended fees on the average cover the costs of processing. Two new fees are being recommended. They are for a Planning Commission Determination and for Appeals to the City Council. Fiscal Impact This, exact fiscal impact of the new fees recommended is unknown; however, for the most part the fees will cover the costs to the City for processing the applications. Exhibits t Memorandum and staff report to City Manager dated August 28 1980 Resolution No. ^3S.Q - ' ' ' Recommendation That Council approve the recommended fees and direct staff to prepare 'the necessary ordinance revisions and adopt Resolution No.^J^establishing new reproduction and print charges. Council Action: 10-14-80 Council adopted Resolution 6329, establishing new reproduction and print charges, approved the recommended fees and directed staff to prepare necessary ordinance revisions to accomplish same. MEMO R A N D U M TO : Frank Aleshire, City Manager VIA : Jim Hagaman, Planning Director FROM: : Mike Little, Administrative Assistant II DATE : August 28, 1980 SUBJECT: Planning Fees In February, 1979, the City Council authorized a fee study for all departments. To date, studies have been completed and approved by Council for the City Clerk, Building Department, Library, Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Utilities/Maintenance. The final remain- ing report is for the Planning Department. Attached is a report and fee recommendations for the Planning Department. Included is: (1) a Summary of Fee Recommendations (2) Fee Comparison Chart comparing current Planning Fees throughout San Diego County and (3) Fee Discussion Sheets giving a brief definition and discussion of each fee. Appendix A to the report discusses the method by which the fees were set using a Tenative Major Subdivision Map as a benchmark. From the benchmark fee, all of the other fees were set taking into con- sideration the amount of staff time involved in relation to the bench- mark and any special circumstances. This method provides a fairly accurate estimate of costs to process the various applications. The fees for reproduction and printing costs are based on actual costs to the City. The Planning Staff also recommended two new fees for Planning Commission determinations and appeals to City Council. These fees represent filing charges only and are not intended to cover all costs. These fees have been reviewed by the Planning Commission. While no attempt was made to make a detailed cost analysis of each and every fee, it is believed that the recommended fees on the average cover the costs of processing. ML.-dk TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 Summary of Fee Recommendations 2 Fee Comparison Chart 3 Tentative Major Subdivision Map 4 Tentative Major Subdivision Revision 5 Specific Plan 6 Specific Plan Revision 7 Conditional Use Permit 8 Site Development Plan 9 Variance 10 Special Use Permit 11 General Plan Amendment 12 Zone Change 13 Planned Unit Development 14 Planned Unit Development Amendment 15 Master Plan 16 Master Plan Amendment 17 Environmental Impact Reports 18 Planning Commission Determination 19 Appeals to Council 20 Reproduction and Print Costs 21 Appendix A - Methodology for Setting Fees SUMMARY OF FEE RECOMMENDATIONS NAME OF FEE PRESENT FEE TENTATIVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION MAP $200 + $5 per lot/acre(1-25) + $3 per lot/acre (26-100) + $1 per lot/acre (100 +) TENTATIVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION REVISION SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REVISION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN VARIANCE SPECIAL USE PERMIT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ZONE CHANGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT MASTER PLAN MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 5jj of fees for tentative map and regular fee on additional lots or acres $100 + $2 per lot or dwelling unit $100 + $1 per unit $50 $25 $50 $50 $100 + $5 per lot $100 + $5 per lot $50 + $1 per unit $50 + $1 per unit $100 + $2 per acre (1-200) + $1 per acre (over 200) $50 + $1 per acre $50 $250 + actual cost RECOMMENDED FEE $500 (1-25 lots or units) $750 (26-100 lots or units) $1000 (100 + units) Same $1,000 Minor = $50 Major = $500 $400 $350 Single Family-$100 Other -$250 PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION None APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL None $200 + $5 per lot/acre $500 $200 Minor-$50 Major-$200 $1,000 + $2 per acre Minor $50 + $2 per acre Major $500 + $2 per acre To be set by separate resolution To be set by separate resolution $25 $50 -1- 1 ! 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C o o «t o o +/ «•ff ri wl -/I -H X«> -•*>+• <rt •» <; +J * ' JIH »i 1 B B 3 3 S-•aifl m cwcios-3 — i- ». c 5 «Ti>c. c. c eo GO:TT e w c e s *s i: M" M 3 >«'>§. s!;J.»s 5<ii<w5 ICMt TENTATIVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION MAP C.M.C. 20.08.010 This fee is for the initial processing and reviewing of a map prepared for the purpose of showing the design and improvement of a proposed major subdivision, and the existing conditions in and around it. It is filed with the Planning Commission precedent to the preparation and filing of a final map. It may, but need not, be based upon an accurate and detailed final survey of the property. The recommended fee is based on a sliding scale depending on the number of lots or units to be developed. A detailed analysis of the costs to process a tentative major subdivision map is attached as Appendix A. This analysis is used as a benchmark in setting the other planning fees. Present Fee Recommended Fee $200 per map plus $500 (1-25 lots or units) $5 per lot/acre (1-25) $750 (26-100 lots or units) $3 per lot/acre (26-100) $1,000 (100 + units) $1 per lot/acre (100+) _ o_ TENTATIVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION REVISION C.M.C. 20 .08.020 This fee is for revising an already submitted Tentative Major Subdivision Map. For any additional area to be included in the subdivision, there will be added for each lot or acre an amount computed for a regular Tentative Major Subdivision Map as previously discussed. The Planning Department believes that this fee is still adequate to cover any revision costs if the fees are adjusted as recommended for a Tentative Major Subdivision Map. Present Fee Recommended Fee 1/4 of fee for tentative map Same -4- SPECIFIC PLAN RESOLUTION NO. 1681 A specific plan is a planning tool designed to help implement the General Plan by providing for comprehensive development of a specific area. The City uses the guidelines established in the State Planning Code which states that specific plans shall in- clude all detailed regulations, conditions, programs and proposed legislation related to each element of the General Plan. This process requires considerable staff time even prior to official application. The Planning Department estimates that the amount of staff time involved is equal to an extensive Tentative Major Subdivision Map (over 100 units). Therefore, it is recommended that a fee of $1,000 be charged. The number of lots or dwelling units has little or no effect on the amount of staff time involved. Present Fee Recommended Fee $100 + $2 per lot or dwelling $1,000 unit -5- SPECIFIC PLAN REVISION The revision of a specific plan entails a complete review of the regulations, conditions, programs and proposed legislation provided by an existing specific plan in order to determine how they relate to the various elements of the General Plan. In certain cases only a minor revision is necessary (such as location changes) and in other cases a major revision is necessary requiring the application to go through the process again. For these reasons a split fee is recommended based on the amount of staff time required. Present Fee Recommended' Fee $100 + $1 per lot or Minor - $50 dwelling unit Major - $500 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT C.M.C. 21.54.040 A permit for conditional use is a discretionary action that allows for development outside of the normal uses for a designated area. The Planning Commission has the authority to grant conditional uses. Since this request does not go to City Council requiring an agenda bill, agenda bill review and City Clerk processing (for public hearings, etc.) the Planning staff believes that a $400 flat fee will cover the costs of processing. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 $400 -7- 10 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN C.M.C. 21.06.060 Site development plans are required when building permits or other entitlements are issued in a Q(qualified development) overlay zone which includes properties with unique circumstances. This process does not require public hearings at City Council or Planning Commission although it does go to the Planning Commission. The amount of staff time required is comparable to that of processing a Conditional Use Permit or a Variance. The Planning staff states that the present fee is grossly inadequate and recommends a flat fee of $350 to cover the costs of processing. Present Fee Recommended Fee $25 $350 -8- VARIANCE C.M.C. 21.54.040 A Variance may be granted by the Planning Commission for any exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions that would discriminate or grant a special privilege not shared by other property in the same zone or vicinity. The amount of staff time required to process a Variance is equivalent to a Conditional Use Permit or a Zone Change; however, our research indicates that most cities are willing to keep this fee low to accomodate single family homeowners. Most Variances are for very minor requests such as a homeowner requesting to place a room addition closer to a setback than is allowed. For this reason, staff recommends a split fee to accomodate single family residences. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 Single family - $100 Other - $250 -9- SPECIAL USE PERMITS C.M.C 21.40.070 Special use permits are required for principal use, accessory use, transitional use or conditional use permitted in zones that have a scenic preservation or flood plain overlay zone. The Planning Commission grants special use. Staff recommends a flat fee of $400 to cover the costs of processing. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 $400 -10-13 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT C.M.C. 21,54.040 Any request for a change in density or use requirements of the General Plan requires that a fee be paid for a General Plan Amendment. Staff recommends that the fee be raised to cover the increased costs of processing and that a per lot charge continue to be in effect since costs can vary. Present Fee Recommended Fee $100 + $5 per lot $200 + $5 per lot/acre -11- ZONE CHANGE C.M.C. 21.54.040 Zone change requests are necessary to change the zoning boundaries or classifications of property for public necessity, general welfare and consistency with the General Plan. Staff time to process a Zone Change is equivalent to half the time necessary to process an extensive Tentative Major Subdivision Map (100 or more units). It is recommended that a flat fee of $500 be charged. Present Fee Recommended' Fee $100 = $5 per lot $500 -12- IS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT C.M.C. 21.45.050 A Planned Unit Development is a project improved in accord- ance with a comprehensive planned overall development. These are usually used for areas with unique problems which require flexible development and design standards in order to facilitate com- prehensive development of areas in accordance with applicable general and specific plans. Since these are accompanied by a Tentative Major Sub- division Map, some of the costs for public hearings, i.e. agenda bill preparation, etc., do not have to be included. Staff recommends a flat fee of $200. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 + $1 per unit $200 -13- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT C.M.C. 21.45.160 Major changes to a Planned Unit Development require a review that is equal to the original review. A minor amendment is considered by the Planning Commission. The City Council considers amendments that change the densities or boundaries of property. Staff recommends a split fee based on whether the amendment is major or minor. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 + $1 per unit Minor - $50 Major - $200 -14-17 MASTER PLAN C.M.C. 21.38.050 Master Plans provide for an orderly implementation of the Genral Plan and any applicable specific plans by the comprehensive planning and development of large tracts of land (over 100 acres). Prior to the approval for any permits for development on property zoned P-C (Planned Community) a Master Plan of Development must be approved by the City Council. The present fees are grossly inadequate as much staff time is involved prior to the official submittal by the applicant and staff in working out the details. It is recommended that this fee be equivalent to an extensive Tentative Major Sub- division Map (over 100 units) and that a per acre charge continue to be used. Present Fee Recommended Fee $100 + $2 per acre $1,000 + $2 per acre (1-200 acres) -15- If MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT C.M.C. 21.38.120 Changes to a Master Plan that are minor are considered by the Planning Commission. Amendments that change the densities or boundaries of the subject property or involve an addition of a new use or group of uses require a public hearing before the City Council. Staff recommends a split fee based on whether the action is major or minor. Since the number of acres to be reviewed has a direct effect on staff time, a per acre charge has been added. Present Fee Recommended Fee $50 + $1 per acre Minor -$50 + $2 per acre Major -$500 + $2 per acre -16- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT The Environmental Ordinance and Environmental fees have recently gone before Council and will not be addressed in this report. -17- PLANNING COMMISSION DETERMINATION NEW FEE There are instances when the public asks for interpretations or ammendments to plans and it is necessary for the Planning Commission to make a determination. Staff believes that a filing fee should be paid by the applicant to defray some of the costs. Other cities that charge this fee are Coronado ($100), National City ($25), Vista ($25) and La Mesa ($10). This fee is kept to a minimum so as not to discourage requests. The process usually involves a staff report to the Planning Commission. Present Fee Recommended Fee None $25.00 -18- APPEALS TO COUNCIL NEW FEE There are times when citizens ask to appeal a decision or established regulation to the City Council. Staff believes that a filing fee should be paid by the applicant to defray some of the costs. Other cities that charge this fee are El Cajon ($50), La Mesa ($10), Escondido ($25), National City ($25), Vista ($25) and Chula Vista (1/2 of filing fee). In July, 1979, the City Council established an appeals fee of $50 for appeals received by the Engineering Department. It is recommended that the Planning Department establish a fee for appeals to City Council. Present Fee Recommended Fee None $50 -19- REPRODUCTION AND PRINT COSTS RESOLUTION NO.1681 The public often requests copies and prints of various maps and documents. These costs were set in 1970 to cover actual costs and need to be adjusted. The fees recommended below are based on actual costs. ZONING MAP ZONING ORDINANCE AERIAL TOPO STANDARD IMPROVEMENT PLAN & PROFILE BLUE PRINTS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE GENERAL PLAN MAP GENERAL PLAN (NO MAPS) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE TRAFFIC FLOW MAP XEROX COPIES *ANNUAL MAILING OF AGENDAS *ANNUAL MAILING OF AGENDAS AND MINUTES Present Fee $1.50 $3.50 $1.00 per sheet $3.00 $1.00 per sheet $1.00 $1.50 $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 $ .25 a page $3.00 per year $3.00 per year Recommended Fee $2.00 $8.00 Same $4.00 Same $2.50 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 Same $40.00 per year $70.00 per year *These fees have been set to be consistent with the City Clerk's mailing of agendas and minutes which were adjusted in June 1979. If actual costs were charged, the fees would be prohibitive. -20- APPENDIX A METHODOLOGY FOR SETTING FEES Staff devised an equitable method for determining the recommended fees presented in this report. The Tentative Major Subdivision Map was used as a benchmark since a map with over 100 lots or units would be a maximum effort requiring extensive Planning staff time, public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council and departmental review by Engineering, Parks and Recreation and Fire. A maximum fee of $1,000 (see computations below) was figured for an extensive Tentative Major Subdivision Map (over 100 units) From this benchmark fee, all of the other fees were set taking into consideration the amount of staff time involved in relation to the benchmark and any special circumstances. This method provides a fairly accurate estimate of costs to process the various applications. The fees for printing and reproduction costs are based on actual costs and the fees for mailing of agendas and minutes is based on City Clerk fees set in June 1979. A breakdown of the benchmark fee for a Tentative Major Subdivision Map is presented below: TENTATIVE MAJOR SUBDIVISION MAP-TOO UNITS PLANNING: 1 hour Application and check for completeness 1 hour Initial Review 1 hour Field Work 8 hours Review 8 hours Staff Report for D.C.C. 1 hour D.C.C. 4 hours Staff Report for Planning Commission 3 hours Planning Commission 2 hours Agenda Bill 3 hours City Council 1 hour Follow up Work 2 hours Supervision 35 hours x $10.00 = $350 CLERICAL: 10 hours x $5.50 = 55 ENGINEERING: 24 hours x $15 = 360 FIRE DEPARTMENT (Review) 4 hours x $10 = 40 -21- -2- PARKS AND RECREATION (Review) 4 hours x $10 = $ 40 PLANNING COMMISSION (Noticing, paperwork, public hearing preparation, etc.) 75 CITY COUNCIL (Noticing, paperwork, public hearing preparation, etc. 75 GRAND TOTAL , $995 ($1,000) Note: Estimates for less extensive maps are provided below: 1-25 lots or units - $500 26-100 lots or units - $750 MEMORANDU October 10, 1980 TO: Assistant City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Planning Fees In response to the proposed planning fee schedule, I have the following comments. First, the schedule proposed seems to be reasonable when compared to other entities within the county. In a sense this will be a "catch-up" adjustment. Second, even with this fee structure, planning will not generate sufficient revenue to totally fund the department. Not that this is necessarily the goal; however, under Prop 4 we need to be very aware of what services create a surplus, i.e. tax revenue, and what services use general fund monies for support. And third, I feel that the types of fees discussed here are difficult to track individually under our present system. I feel we need to look at the current cost centering used for accounting for fees and costs to find ways to improve the overall data collection system. This will aid us in future fee setting exercises. I support what the planning department has proposed. RESOLUTION NO. 6329 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FIXING CHARGES FOR COPIES, MAPS, REPORTS, MINUTES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that the following charges be made for copies of City documents Amount Zoning Map Zoning Ordinance Aerial Topo Standard Improvement Plan & Profile Blue Prints Subdivision Ordinance General Plan Map General Plan (No Maps) Environmental Protection Ordinance Traffic Flow Map Xerox Copies Annual mailing of Agendas Annual Mailing of Agendas and Minutes $2.00 $8.00 $1.00 per sheet $4.00 $1.00 per sheet $2.50 $2.00 $10.00 $2.00 $2.00 $ .25 a page $40.00 per year $70.00 per year BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all such charges shall be paid and collected at the time of delivery of said copies. an adjournedPASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at & regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 14th day of October 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Packard Aletha L.Rautenkranz, Ronald/C. Packard, Mayor Mary H. Casler, Vice-Mayor erk