HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-28; City Council; 5220-3; Weed Abatement Administrative Fees. . CITY OF CARLSBhD AGENDA BILL NO. S ~J, 0 -~ #_3 CI3fl · °Initial:(!J; I' DATB : _______ o_c_t_ob_er 28. 1980 · Dept.Hd. . f' C. Atty. - DEPARTMENT: Utilities & Maintenance C. Mgr. --:::}t:J....,> SubJect: .. . WEED ABATEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE FEES·. Statement of the Matter The Director of Utilities & Maintenance conducted a cost analysis of.the 1980 Weed Abatement Program. The city currently charges a $10.00 administrative fee for those property owners who request the city to abate their property and a $50.00 adminis~rative fee for those owners who do not clear their parcels and require that the city go through legal noticing and abatement procedures. The fees charged this year did not cover the full cost and it is reconmended that the fees be increased to $12.00 and $75.00. These fees are in a<ldition to the cost of the contractor to do the work. . . Fi sea 1 Impact \, Increasing the weed abatement administrative fees will recover. the costs of ·clearing j: parcels which the owners do not clear at their own e1<pense. i Exh"ibits . . A. Memo from Director of Utilities & Maintenance t.o City Manager _of Se$tember 22, 1980, B. Council Policy No. 24. Recommendation _Approve Council Pol icy No. 24, whic~ supersedes the same pol icy of 12-20-77. Council Action: 10-28-80 Council approved revised Policy No. 24. September 22, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Director of Utilities & Maintenance SUBJECT: Weed Abatement Fee Analysis 80-149 I conduct a cost analysis each year at the conclusion of the Weed Abat1:,,1ent Program in order to determine if the administrative fees set by Council Policy 24 should be revised for the 1981 Weed Abatement Program. The Weed Abatement Program is conducted in three phases: Phase I Phase II Phase III Initial Survey and Advisory Noticing Voluntury Abatement Period Mandatory Abatement Period 25% of total effort 35% of total effort 40% of total effort The percent of effort is allocated on the basis of time required by the Sanitation Inspector and secretarial time required for notification, inspection, arranging for contractors, reinspection and photo costs. The total cost of the Weed Abatement Program this year is as follows: Secretarial -43 hours@ $7.13/hr. Sanitation Inspector -768 hours@ $10.61/hr. Postage Film Printing Vehicle Cost -4,883 miles Assessor Printouts $ 306.59 8,148.48 72.94 179. 70 77.80 l ,06?.. 00 96.24 $9,943.75 Courtesy notices wen:: ~<!nt to 550 parcel owners; of this number 91 requested the City arrange for the abatement and 72 owners required noticing and hearing before the City abated the parcel. 387 parcel owners voluntarily abated their property. The City will receive $4,510.00 in administrative fe2s for their work (91 X $10 = $910 plus 72 X $50 = $3,600). Cost breakdowns for each phase are as follows: Phase I $9943.75 X 25% = $2,485.94 This phase was effort expended on all 550 parcels, therefore the cost per parcel is: $2,485.94 = $4 5?. 550 ' · l l ,· ! ' ' ' '• City Manager Phase II Phase II I -2-September 22, 1980 .. parcels have to be reinspected and if the owner has requested abatement the inspection is conducted to ensure contractor performance. This cost is allocated to all 550 of the lots, since voluntary compliance or city arranged contractor requires the same inspection procedure. $9,943.75 X 35% = $3,480.31 $3,~~~-31 = $ 6.32 This involves only those property owners who have not abated their parcel~ voluntarily or who have requested the City arrange for the abatement. lhis involves the Council on three different occasions (Declaration of Nuisance, Hearing to Hear Protests, Hearing to Lien Property) there- fore, this phase's costs are spread only to the 72 parcels: $9,943.75 X 4(!J1,= $3,977.50 $3,~~7.50 = $ 55.24 Administrdtive costs for those requesting abatement are: Phase I plus Phase II costs, or $4.52 plus $6.32 = $10.84. Admir.istrative costs :or those requiring the full abatement are all three phases, $10.84 plus $55.24 = $66.11. Based on this cost analysis, the administrative fees in Council Policy 24 should be increased in order to cover costs in 1981. It is recommended that these fees be set at $12.00 for those requesting abatement and $75.00 for those requiring official noticing. I will prepare a chang~ to Council Policy 24 if you approve this analysis. Y'-(. lc-;;it· AJ. __:; , ROG W.~ Di tor of Utilities & Maintenance Rl~G:pab 3 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNC I,-°)QL I CY STA TEf.:ENT I Policy No. 24 Pg. 1 of 1 Date Issued 10-28-80 General Subject: ~JEED ABATEMENT Effective Date 10-28-80 Specific Subject: Establish Administrative Fees Cancellation Date Supersedes No. 24 of 12-20-7 7 Copies To: City Counr.il, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File PURPOSE: To establish a uniform policy for the collection of administrative fees for the abatement of weeds on private property. BACKGROUND: Council considered a report from the Director of Utilities & Maintenance at the conclusion of the 1980 Heed Abatement Program and directed staff to develop administrative costs for the abatement of weeds on a "per parcel" basis. A study analyzing the 1980 costs indicated that an additional charge of $12 in addition to the contract costs would recoup the administrative costs for those citizens requesting that the city abate the weeds on their parcels. Additionally, an administrative fee of $75 over and above the contract costs would recover administrative costs from those citizens who require legal noticing and public hearings to be held prior to abatement. : STATEMENT OF POLICY: The city will recover all administrative costj relating to the abatement if weeds and nuisances on private property from all pi·operty owners who are billed for the service provided by the city. Owners who abate the weeds from their property after an initial notification, will not be billed and administrative costs will be waived. Billing for services will be as follows: 1. Property owners will be charged for contractor costs billed to the city for clearing the parcel. 2. An administrative charge of $12.00 per parcel will also be billed to all property 01mers who choose to designate the city as their agent to arrange for, inspect and bill them for the abatement of their parcel. 3. An administrative charge of $75.00 per parcel will be billed to all property owners who do not abate their parcels through their own arrangements or by designating the city as their agent and whose parcels are abated by the city after due notic"ing, posting and appropriate public hearinss.