HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-28; City Council; 6406; City of Carlsbad Standards3 CITY OF CARLSBAD DAHmmt Tni tial : Oept. Head C. Atty @/"r AGENDA BILL NO. &4Ob DATE : October 28, 1980 DEPARTMENT: Engi neeri ng C. Mgr. Lw SUBJECT: CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On September 23, 1980, the City Council reviewed the newly revised City of Carlsbad Standards and requested that staff bring the document back for formal resolution approval. Staff has made some minor changes in the por- tion of the Standard Design Criteria Section dealing with irrigation methods, soil amendments and street tree planting to accommodate the concerns of the the Parks and Recreation Department. Also, the Supplemental Standard Draw- ing detailing the landscaping and planting of median islands has been deleted. Staff will present the landscape standard as a separate item at another Counci 1 meeting. The Proposed Standards are comprised of the latest edition of the AGC/APWA Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction together with the City of Carlsbad revisions, the San Diego Area Regional Standards together with the City of Carlsbad Supplemental Standard Drawings and the Standard Design Criteria for the Design of Public Works improvements in the City of Carlsbad. These documents have been reviewed and approved by all the affected depart- ments. bj FISCAL IMPACT There will be a small initial cost to duplicate the new standards; however, for the long term, these revised standards should help reduce the City's overall maintenance cost. EXHIBITS 1. 1979 Edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction as written by the Southern California Chapter American Public Works Associ- ation and Southern California District Associated General Contractors of California (on file with the Engineering Department). 2. San Diego Regional Standard Drawings as published by the San Diego County Department of Th-ansportation July 1979 (on f i 1 e wi th the Engi neeri ng Depart- ment). 3. City of Carlsbad Standards, dated 1980. (on file with the City Clerk). 4. Resolution No. G33% adopting Standards for the design and construction of public works improvements in the City of Carlsbad. RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt Resolution No. 4.33% adopting the City of Carlsbad Standards as referenced in the Statement of the Matter. 4 8 AGENDA BILL NO. 6406 Page 2 Council Action: 10-28-80 Council adopted Resolution 6334, adopting standards for the design and construction of public works improvements in the City. ,-. MEMORANDUM TO VIA FROM : DATE : SUBJECT : The City Frank Aleshire, City Manager David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director @ Douglas Duncanson, Parks October 2, 1980 Maintenance Impact of Median Islands of Carlsbad has planned a substantial number of median islands-for development in the coming years. Staff feels these islands should be landscaped to be aesthetically pleasing, yet as low main- tenance as possible. RECOMMENDATION To meet both the needs of aesthics and low cost maintenance, the Parks and Recreation Department proposes that the Alternate "B" type median island, as presented at the council workshop of September 23, be adopted. These medians should have automatic low pressure bubbler heads and be planted with drought tolerant and native species plant materials. ANALY S IS The Alternate B type of median would incorporate landscaping with textured concrete. The size of the planter areas should be 14' wide by 20' in length. All area in between planters is proposed to be textured concrete, a low maintenance material. The distance between each planter shall be 50'. In addition to the standard size planters, the department feels that key entrances to the city (i. e. El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road, Alga) should have a larger, more extensively landscaped planter. The length of these entry planters should be 150'. The city's master plan calls for all prime major and major arterials to have medians. The Engineering Department has calculated this to be approximately 35 miles of medians (allowances were made for inter- sections and left turn lane areas). The 1980 cost to maintain 35 miles of medians are broken down into the following categories: ALTERNATE A TYPE MEDIAN This median consists of continuous planting throughout the median. Linear Feet Total Square Cost Per Yrly Maintenance Miles Landscaped Feet Sq. Foot cost 35 184,800 2,587,200 35 184,800 2,587,200 35 184,800 2,587,200 $.05 $.07 $.lo $129,300 $181,100 $258,700 -2- ALTERNATE B TYPE MEDIAN This median consists of a 20' x 14' landscaped planter area every 50'. The unplanted part of the median is to be textured concrete. Total Number Of Square Feet Total Sq. Cost/ Yrly Maintenance Miles Planters @ 1/70' Per Planter Footage Sq .Ft. cost 35 2640 35 2640 35 2640 280 739,200 $.05 $36 , 950 280 739,200 $.07 $51,700 280 739,200 $.lo $73,900 The cost to maintain one square foot of landscaped medians varies from $ .04 to $ .46. Several other public agencies and private landscape maintenance firms were contacted as to their costs of main- taining medians. U on review of these costs, the Parks Division feels that the figure of .07 per square foot is an equitable figure to use in determining maintenance costs for Carlsbad's medians. The $ .07 figure includes: trash removal, water, fertilizer, pesticides, equipment, fuel, irrigation supplies, labor and administrative over- head. The following chart shows the cities contacted and their response to maintenance costs: City Cost/Square Feet Type of Landscapinq Anaheim $.136 Shrubs, trees, some turf Huntington Beach $.lo - -12 Shrubs, trees, ground cover Fullerton $.05 Shrubs, trees, ground cover Garden Grove $.46 Turf, ground cover, shrubs, trees Irvine No figure computed -% of medians maintained by business and industry El Cajon No figures available San Diego Varies with landscape Long Beach $.22 shrubs, trees and turf In addition to the public agencies a large private firm (Environmental Care Industries) was contacted. They stated that their most recent bid (June) to the City of San Diego was $.043 per square foot to maintain landscape medians. However, this cost only reflects labor, materials and occasional irrigation head adjustment or cleaning. cover water, repairs due to vandalsim, vehicular damage or acts of God. It does not Another source of maintaining medians is requiring business and industry to be responsible for the maintenance of the medians fronting on their property. This is currently the case in the city of Irvine where medians fronting on their property are maintained by the private sector. Because the medians are in the public right of ways, another possible alternative to explore for funding is gas tax funds. The Parks Division staff, along with Engineering, feels that the use of low pressure bubbler heads, along with drought tolerant and native plant materials, will result in low cost maintenance. As stated earlier, the square footage of landscaping should be kept minimal, yet be adequately aesthetic, safe and provide visual relief. DD : dk cc: Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager Les Evans, City Engineer Larry Dossey, Principal Engineer r 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 I RESOLUT I ON NO. 6334 A RESOLUTION OF T!IE CITY COI!NCI L OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, P.DOPTING STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUGLIC WORKS IMPROVE- MENTS IN THE CITY OF CAKLSRAD WHEREAS, the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad calls for the orderly development of public thoroughfares within the guidelines laid down in the various elements of the General Pian; and WHEREAS, the construction of public thoroughfares in substantial con- formance with these Genera I PI an guide I i nes requi res the estab I i shment of certain developmental standards; and WHEREAS, the Citp of public thoroughfares To be used in conjunction with certain areawide and Carlsbad has drawn up certain design standards for i ndusl-ry standards; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carls- bad that the following references are herein adopted as the City of Carlsbad Standards: 1. 1979 edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Con- struction (SSPWC) as written and promulgated by the Sou*thern Californla Chapter of the American Public Works Association .and Southern California District Asso- ciated General Contract-ors of California (AGC/APWA), on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and incorporated herein by reference. Coun City 2. - San Diego Reqional Standard Drawings as publishgd by the San Diego y Department of Transportation, July, 1979, on file -in the Office of the Clerk, and incorporated herein by reference. 3. The City of Carlsbad Standards - including "Standard Design Criteria", "City of Car I sbad Standard Draw i ngs" and 'Ti ty of Car I sbad Standard Speci a I Provisions" for use in conjunction with the AGC/APWA Standard Specifications- for Pub I 1 c Works Construction , atl.ached as Exh i b i t . A and i ncorporated here i n _*c 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 2c 23 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 I by refdr-ence. ' PASSEi), APPROVED At4D ADOPTEG by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adjourned at a/regu!ar meeting heid the 28th day of October , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES : None ABSENT: None ' gt/4/2c@Jl ONALDC. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST : L L2.l.dLL- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK (SEAL) . .- FOR THE 1.9 tl0 A 33. 14. 1 5 .. PG. 17. A. Vert-; cal CU~V~S arc required when gr:tde breaks cxcced 1.55. 8. 9. 10. r,. c. D. A. 13, C. 13 . 1:. A.11 strc:et lights sh2;iL b=: high pi-essurc sodium vapor type. 35 ' 1.7. 1& m .. A. B. c. * .- A I I --- -. . I .I I I I i :T iN i I ! in Ln -. -. -- Lo \i3 j ,-- I ! 0 I r' b-- I . - 0 Ln Ln I \n C.4 c I 11.1 I I- c: 1.I Sccondn i-y Ai-ter i a 1 Cal lector I ndustri a1 i-oca 1 CLI~ -de-ssc USE 9, 500 1 itnm 250' each side s tayye red 1 G, 000 1 men 300' eac,li side s ta 99 e I- L' d 9, 508 1 L!inE:ll at a1 1 in:ersect:ions 250' spacing s taggercci (j 500 1 meii at i nter-;ecLion at far cnci of bul b at mid-btcck if great-er- than 300' in length 16 > 000 1 llmetl 400' r-:rtc:Ii side s triggered 16 000 1 urnen 400 ' each s i de staggcrcd 9, 500 1 kilnen 350' each side s ta cjge I-cd 9, 500 1 uixn 500' each side staggered ' 9,500 1 urnen . at a1 i intersections at mi d-block at intei'scction at far end of bulb 4. 2. 3. 4 * 16 ,000 1 ~iriicri 200' each side staggered 9 500 1 umcn 200' each side stay yered 9, SO0 1 umeri 200 ' each s i bc s t~ 9 g e red 9,500 1 uixn 200' ezch side s tag ge rtld (1) 1,000 Cj;,"l in singlc!-EaiiiiLy rcsidential. I3. c. n. . E. (S:j -. i TEH 3" TiiK!i 12" !.iITH i.!IVEE OR EVtK- DUiE STEI4S. ALL BRONZE I \\ITER- NAL PkKl'S I H. Lrscations 4. The use of vari alile speed pumping shall be investigated. City to bc provlcled with cor,:plete manufact:urer ' s brochures, tecliniml (iata, ctc. , for all equiprc,cnt md controls. B. Structural (9) G. Painting -. D. E* P. G. I:. (1.) VhCil the water level in streets at the design storm is within two jnclics 01 top of curb. E n * R. C. J3. E. p . . I ----- '.',-u..'i .. . . .. 5 .--. r.: -'" I I 3"R AD I U S 0 F CO PJ C .F! E T E U?i I E S S 07 t I ERiY I S E S M O\Y N . 2) REIIJFQECING STEEL FOR JNSiDE FACE OF CURE If.iI-ET BASIN SIWLL. CUT Kr CENTER' OF OPENING AND . . BENT INTO WALLS C.F nr,olL'oiin!ic CONNECTION. REINFORCING STEEL FOR OUTSIDE FACE OF CATCH BASIN WALL SHALL 3E ClJT 2"CLEAf: OF OPENING. 3). CONNECTION SHALL BE PCURED II~CNOLITIIIC lY17H CURB TRLICTED BY POUR!NG COilCRETE AGklNST A CURVED FORFA WITH A RADIUS CF: 3". SP1711.!G LINE. ' A) PIPES, I2"THflOUG1.: 7'21e1N DIAMETER I INLET OR OUTLET , INLET. THE ROUI.IL'EO EDGE OF OU'ILET SHALL BE COidS- 4). FLOOR OF STRUCTUKE SHALL BE STEEL-TROWELED T3 5). CO>!NECTIO!4S SHALL BE C3NSTrilJCTED WHEN: THROUGH C0Xi-IF.I; OF: CURB INLET. BI /l:.iGt." ii, FOR PIPES 24" THROUGH N"IN DIN;FIETER, IS 700 OR LESS. THR0UGE.I TWE'SIDE \fic?LL OF CUFiB INLET. 6). ALL. COXCRETE SWALL'GE TYPE 554-C-3000. . C) PIPES, 33"TfiiEClUGti 72111N DIAMETER, INLET Of? OUTLEl P --- J I ! .J --e- -.......--*----.- .-.,.I-_-. ^-*_.I._.- -I--_.,-- 1 \/ P.C.R. I 7 - 3 2 62 7% I I 51 .e Y/ > LIJ .J II r..: 1.1 1: : C) t; I-- E .. 21 3). i 4. 1. I ! ! I i i I i 1 ! n i ,LA- O' . 1-2. ? f? , STAND/\.RD SPEClAT, PROVISIONS FOR USE IN CON,JUP.ICTION WITH ';17E AGC/REWA STANDARD SPEC1 E'ICATTO;\JS FOR PUBLIC \\'OIII(S CONSTRUCTlOM DEF I NI T IONS Add the following: "Agreement - The wrjtten agreement with the City of Carlsbad covering the performance of the devcloper's inprovement work which shall include and make reference to plans, specifications, and faithful performance bonds; also, any and all supplemental agreements amending or extending thc work contemplated and which may be required to complete the work in a substantial and accept- ab1 e manncr. Supplemental agreements are written agrecmcnts 'covering alterations, amendments or extensions to thc agreement and may include contract change orders. lieving the developer of the maintenance responsibilities under the public improvcment agreement €or improvements constructed in accordance with approvcd plans and specifications notwith- standing the developer's obligations for the one year guarantee or warranty period undcr thc agreement. The date of the final acceptal:ce shall be thc .start date nf the one year guarantee or warranty period and the date the City assumes the maintenance responsbilities. "Final Acceptance - A written noti€ication by the City re- "Contractor - In addition to the definition given, "Con- . tractor" shall mcan the developer. .. "Developer - The person or persons, firm, partnership, cor- poration, joint venture, or combination thereof; who nave entered into an agreement with the City of Carlsbad to construct public improvements. Dicgo Area Regional Standard Drawings 1979 Edition togcthcr with Carlsbnd Supplemcntal Standa.rd Drawings .as approved by thc City Council on ffRefcrenced Docu~~cnts - The following documcnts form a part . 1) .The devclopmcnt plans prcparcd by thc dcvclopcr's engi- "Standard nriwings - Standard drawings shnl I iiiean the' San . the'City of Carlsbnd modifications thereto and the City of -, of these spcc.ificntions : , neer and approvcd by thc City Engineer: 2) The City/dcvclopcr ngrccmcnts setting forth thc rcqui.re- nicnts for construction of tlic work S~OWTI on' thc dcuclop- merit pl:ins. Page. 2 . L For the following scctions, delctc, revisc or add as spc- c i f i cd . 2.9 SIJKVEY 1 NG 2-9.3 Survcy Scrvicc. Dclete first and third para- graphs and substitute the following: "Unless otherwise spccifj cd, all construction surveying shall be pcrioriiicd under the supervision of a Pegistered Civil Ihgirleer ur Liccnscd Land Surveyor at the exnensz of the contractor.'' 4.3 MATERIALS AND I\'ORKEP.SHIP 4-1.4 Tests of Materials. Revise the last sentenc'e of Paragrapha1 to read: "For privatc contracts, ail expense for testing 2nd retesting shall be borne by the developer or perin.ittee." 7-10 PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 7-20.3 Street Closures, Detours, Barricades. Add to the first paragraph: "TrafSic controls shall be in accordance with Section 8-550 of Djvision .,of !Ii ghways Planning Manual, Part 8. In the event that the contractor fails to instal.1 barricades or such other warning devices 3s may be required by the Engineer, the City may, at its sole option, install the warning devices and charge the contractor $lO/day/wnrning device." ' "7- 10. 5 Hours of Work. All work shall normally be per- The contractor shall ob.tain the approval of thc formed between the hours of 7:OO a.m. and sunset from Mondays through Fridays: Engineer if he/she desires to work outside the hours stated herein." 200-1 ROCK PRODUCTS 200-1.1 General. "Alternate Rock Material - Type S may be used on the work (Ref. Section 400)." 20 7 - 7 ASBESTOS CEFENT PRESSURE PIPE "207- 7.4 Coating. All'flnnge bolts and nuts on flexible couplings qh:) 11 bc lubricated and coatcd with No-os-id rust prc- tection coating 3s manufact~irccl hy Ecclrborn Chciiiic31 Company or equal and then given a bituminous coating conforming to the require nients of AASIlO M-190." 207-10 STEEL PIPE 207-10.2.2 Design Criterja. Rcvisc Paragraph 2 to read: llStcel cylinders shall have a wall thickncss of not lcss than 20 gage (0.135 inch)." 207- 3 I C0IIRUC;Al'E:D STEEL PIPE AND PIPE ARCIII:S .L e- .. . . Pagc 3 207-11.1 GCnCI-31. Add the following: YJnlcss othcrwisc spcciCied, the minimum g;ige for corrugated metal pipe shall conform to the following: Gy 8" to 23" inclusive 30" to 35" inclusivc 14 42" to 48" inclusivc 12 72" to 96" inclusive 8 A bituminous coating shall be applied to all' corrugated pipe and ' bands in accordance with the requirements af this Section prior to shipmcnt I'rom the factory." 54" to 66" inclusive 10 "207- 20 PIPE APPURTENANCES "207- 20- 1 General. Unless otherwi sc specified, all pipe appurtenances shall comply with the appropriate standard drawing of the City of Carlsbad. "207-20.2 Gate Valves. Gate valves shall equal or exceed the requirements establishea by American Water Works Association Specification C-500. All gate valves shall be of tho same size as the mains in which they are installed, unless otherwise indi- cated on the plans. Valves four inches (4'l) and over shall be iron-bodicd, solid bronze internal working parts, parallel faced, double disc with non-rising stein, and shall open by turning counter- clockwise. "The valves shall he furnished with "0" ring stem seal, . with cadmium platcd bolts, operating nut, and the ends may he rub- ber ring, hub or flanged. Rubber ring ends shall conform to the pipe manufacturer's specifications. \+!here hub and flange valves are designated on the plans, the contractor may install flanged valves with hub and flange adaptors, Smith-Blair or approved equal. Valves installed at end of m'ains shall be capped or plugged after test. "1) Three Inch (3") and Smaller Gatc Valves. The body and all interior working parts, except the stem, shall be constructed of A.S.T.M. B-62' (SS% copper, 5% tin, 5% zinc, 5% nickel) bronze. The stems shall be of bronzc and have the additional strerigth requircments as spe- cified below: Minimum tcnsi1.e strength 60,000 psi Min i iiiuin y i cl d s t r cn g t 11 32,000 psi ~ininium % elongation in- 2" 10% "2) Four Inch (1") and Largcr Gatc Valvcs. Valves shall be iron body, bronzc mountcd, doub IC di sc, pnrrlllcl scat with non-rising stcm and shall opcn by turning countcr- clockwisc. Hrunzc for intcrior parts of valves shall bc R.S.T.M. I3-02 (85% coppc-r, 5: tin, S% zinc, 5% nickel) broiizc and shall contain not inorc than two per- cent (2;) aluriliniiin nor morc than sevcn pcrccnt (7;) zinc. Stcins shal 1 mctct thc strength rcquircmcnts spc- ci ficd on thct folloiv iiig p:ipc: * . 1 Page ' 4 Min imum tens i 1 c s t r errgtli 60,000 psi Minimurri yicl d strchgth 32,000 psi Minjmim % clongation In 2" 10% "207- 20.3 Buttcrfly Valves. Eut te.rfly valves shall be equal to or cxcccd the rt?quircntents established by the specifi- cations of AWiA c- 504. Unless otherwise specified, they shall bc manually opcratcd vaivcs with encloscd operator, and .if in- .stalled in a vault, shall be equipped with a handwheel and indi- cator. Valves shall have a positive 100% shutoff and shall with- stand a 450 ft./lb. input torque in fully opcned and closed po- sition without damage. 1ess.steel or other approved material and shall be connected to the disc without thc use OS pins or keys. "The shafts shall be hexagonal, fabricated from 18-8 stain- 'l207-20.4 Valve Boxes. Valve boxes shall be Brooks Prod- ucts, Inc., Valve Box No. 4 T'T or approved equal. *Al.1 buried valves not in vaults shall be provided with valve boxes. . "207-20.5 Victaulic Couplings. Unless otherwise speci- fied, victaulic couplings shall be designed for a water working pressure of not less than 150 psi. They shall be equipped with rubber gaskets for water service and shall. be:'designed for use with pipe :which has been banded and machined to the dimensions of Class A shouldered-end cast iron pipe. Bolts used i.11 buried victaulic couplings shall. be of stainless steel.. all slecve-type couplings shall be cast. iron and if buried, pro- tected from corrosion in a manner suitable to .the City Engineer. Couplings shall be Dresser Style 53, Smith-Blair cast couplings, or equal. .. "207- 20.6 Flexible Couplings. . Unless other-~ise' specified, "207-20.7 Thrust Blocks. Concrete thru.st blocks shall be instal led in every instance where the direction of the pipe . changes 11-1/4 degrecs or more at any joint or fitting,. at all fire hydrants, at stub-ends of pipes and at other locations as ,.- shown on the plans and standard drawings. . Rearing areas of thrust blocks shall normall.y be computed on the basis of a 225 psi j.n- ternal yipc pressure and a soil bear'ing value of 200 psf., thc .approval of the Engi,neer. A1.1 concrete thrust blocks sha1.1 ' bc constructed in such a manner that concrctc does not cover any joint or bear against any adjacent pipe. Thrust blocks shall be placed against undisturhcd soil. ItConcrct.c for thrust bl.ocks sha1.1 bc 5-l3-2000 and shall be cured a minimum of three days bcforc any loads are applied." "The diinensjons of all thrust blocks shall be subject to - 210 .I PAINT AND rRo~rEcrrIvri COATINGS 210-3.5 Paint Systcnis. Add 'the following: 'lPirc Ilydr:ints. Prior t.o inst:il lat ion, t11c firc hydrant body shaII \IC thoroilghly coatcd on thc ins-itlc with two (2) coats of Ucl):icotc3 ns niantifa~tiircd by thc lkbcllioi sc Co~np:iny of Brooklyn, .. ** - h Page 5 1. New Yorkj or equal. 1\11 firc hydrants shall b2 pilintcd by the manufactiircr with two coats of rcd lcad and n finish cont of "Hi-Vis YeLluw", Code No. 11-740, distributcd hy bf. Grcenhcrg Sons, San Francisco, California, Shcrwin IVilljanis "Medium Ycl- Jow" #I:65Y4, or equal. Aftcr installation, each hydrant and the exposed parts o€ the hydr;n? spool shall bc painted with an additional caat of ye1 1 ow Tinish paint. 306-1.2 INSTALLATION OF PIPE 306-1.2.2 Pipc Laying. Add the fdllowing: "When installing asbestos ceiiient pjpc, iittings shall be supported independently of tlic pipe. Hal€-lengths (M.E.E.) of pipe shall be used in and out of' each fitting and wherever pipe phsscs through a rigid structure. At least two lengths of yipe shall be placed bctween any two fittings not' directly connected. Pipe may be cut by means of saws, power-driven abrasive wheels or pipe cutters which will produce a square cut. No wedge-type roller cutters will be pernitted. Half lengths shall also be used on curves having a radius between. 90' arid 185'. "After completion of a13 work, exccpt the street or trench resurfacing, an approved type sewer ball equal to the diameter of the pipe shall be sent through sewers from the uppermost structure. The contractor shall, at his/her own ex- pense, furnish a11 materials, including watcr, for carrying out thc operation and renoving any obstructions that prevent the ball from traveling through the pipe. "All exposed piping shal I be adquatcly supported with .. devices of appropriate design." lowing: "Only Type F or G joints are acceptable for vitrified clay pipe. All other provisaions of this section apply." following: "Asbestos rope shall be uscd in place of jute or oakum on water lincs. .No ccnicnt joizits will be allowed." the following: Vhe niaximurn allowable deflection at any joint shall bc 3O." 306- 1.2.3 Field Jojnting of Clay Pipe. Add the fol- 306-1.2.6 Field Jointing of Cast Iron Pipe. Add the JOG-1.2.8 Field Jointing 01 Asbcstos Cement Pipe. Add ' "306-1.2.15 ConnectjGons to Existing Water Mains. Nor- mally, all connections to existing water mains will bc made by City forces. In certain cases it may be necessary for thc con- ' tractor to pcrform the work. Before bcginning any work, the con- tractor shall contact t.hc Water Supcrintendcnt of the City of Carlsbnd I'ubl ic Itorks Dcpartnicnt for permiss i.on and any spccial requ i rcmcn ts . 111)ry conncct:i.ons to 'cxisting facilities s~iall I>C madc at timcs which will cause thc Icnst i.nconvcnicncc to thc watcr con- sumers, and slial i bc ~jlannctl in such a manner thar the duration of kny f:hiiI:rlown w.i.1.1 hc kept to n minirniim. No additional c.01n- pcnsatioii will bc paid -for ovcr'timc wliich may IIC ncccssary in in;ikiT?g coiincctions to cxisting fac i 1 it'i e's. tion to the existing main is maJe, at least two ounccs of: 1.11'1-1 (Calcium 1-lypochlo~rite) shall he placed in thc pipe at each joint where the existing main is ctit. at tlic connection s?iall be swabbed internally wi.th an approved chlorj-ne solution. All connectioiis shall .be made in the prcsence of the City Engirjccr or approved rcprcsentative. --.___I_ ''herein, all.- joints sha1.l be installed in strict accordance with- W11cn ;1 dry conncc- A11 new pipe and fittings ---l______l_-_-__l_L_- ---_____ ' "306-1.2.16 Field Jointing of Pipe, Except as'.modified the n1anufacture.r s recommendations and the special provisions, and' shall be provided with a -protective coati.ng at least equal to the protective coat on t.he pipe being joined. bolts and nuts shall be lubricated and coated wi.th No-ox-id rust protect.ivc coating as manufactured by Dearborn Chemical. C.ompany and thcn. given a bi.tumi.nous coating conforming to the require- men.t.s of AASIIO 31-190. All flange "306-1.2.17 Field Jointing of Steel Pipe. All field- -welded joints shall be in accordance with STandard Specifications for Ficld Wclding of Steel Water Pipe Joints: AWWR C-206." 306-1.4.5 'Water Pressure. nelete the entire section and substitute thc following: "Pressure'Test - After the pipe and all appurtenances have been laid and backfilled arid the required compaction obtained and approved, the pipe shall be subject.ed to a four-hour hdro- static pressure test. This test shall consist of subjecting the pipeline to a hydrostatic 2ressure of 75 psi in excess of pipe .at the low point in the section being tested. The maximum length of pipe to be iiicluded in any one test shall be not more than 2500 feet or the distance between valves, whichever is . grcnter. The difference in elevation between the high and low points of test sec.tion shall not exceed 58 feet. Stecp pipe7.i.ne gradicnts may necessitate the use of additional valves to main- tain test prcssurcs within allowablc 1imi.ts. Whcn such valves are uscd, they sha.1.1 remain wi.th and, bccotnc part of thc .pipeline after the test. Teinporary dead ends shall not bc uscd for this purpose. Thc line shall be fil.1.cd with water at least 72 hours prior to testing. IYhi1.e filling and' immcdiat.ely prior to tcst- valvcs or othcr suitable outlcts are not available for releasing air or applying thc test, t.aps and fittings approved-by the City's reprcscntntivc sha1.f he iristtlllcd and later sccure1.y pluggcd. Thc prcssurc in thc pipcline shall lic pumpcd up to t.lic spccificd test prcssiirc. \!hen thc tcst prcssurc has bccn rcnchcd, thc pumping s.~i:ill IIC discont.jnucd until. thc prcssurc in tlie linc has dr*oppcd 25 psi, at which t.i.inc the prcssurc shall .ag:iin !>e ' pi~r!ipcd up to the spccificd tcst prcssu.rc. l'hi .r, pi-occdiirc shnl 1 bc rcpcatc?d lint i 1 lour hours Iinvc clapsc>d froin the t.irric the spc- pcriocl, thc pr~ssiirc s1i:i'l.l bc piii!i:~od yp to thc test prcssurc for thc 1.ast t inic. I'rcssu~-c tcst. cquil>rncnt stin1 I \IC i.nspc:Ct.c!d and ' the clcsignated workjng pressure s?ecifi.ed for the class of ' ing, all ai.r shall be expcllcd froin thc pipcline. Whcrc air , ci.fir?cl 1:c'st iircssirrc was first. appl i cd, At thc end of this ----.-*,-...-,1 ~3.r 1.l1n r-i iv rcl)l-csc1it;lti.Vc 1)r i 01' t.0 11sc. *' c ,Page 7 "IAcakage shall be considered as. thc total amount of water purnpcd into thc pipcl inc during tlic rot~~.-houl. pcriod, inclucling the amount required in rcachin:l; the test prcssurc fol. the final timc. Leakage shall not exceed the rate 05 four galions pcr inch of normal ir,sidc dimctcr per 1000 fcct of pipc per 24 hours. If lcakagc exceeds thjs ratc, the Icak points shall bc located and stopped, and 311 defective pipc, fittings, valvcs and othcr aces- sori cs cliscovercd shall be removed and repl zced with sound materi- al and the tcst shall be repcatcd until the lcakagc does not ex- ceed th'c: ratc specified above. A11 perc.cptiSle lcaks shall be similarly rcpnired. The lossage will be from a contained with chlorinated water that will be acccssibie to measurement of water used in the €our-hour tcst. Yo leakage will be allowed far welded stecl water mains. r "306- 1.4.10 Pipeline Sterilization. All pipeljncs and appurtenances shall be sterilized in accordance with AWA Speci- fications C-601. "Chlorination shall be accomplished by a chlorine solution having a CLS2 residual of 50 parts per million after 24 hours. The solution shall be made. with ci thcr hypochlorite tablets os gas irij ection equipment. "Sterilization and the hydrostatic pressure test may be conducted concurrently. Provisions shall be made to protect against chlorine damagc in case of a leak. "Sterj lization coriductcd separately from the hydrostatic pressure test shall be accomplished with approved chlorine in- jection equipment. Rechlorination, for any reason, shall be by injection. cluding water, tools, and equipment necessary to provide and coin- pletc field sterilization as specified. ' attached to the inside top of thc pipe at each jojnt by an ap- proved noli-toxic adhesive. The tablets shall have an average weight of -009 pounds each and shall contain not less than.70 percent available chlorine. The practice of crushing the tab- lets betwecn the pipe and collar will not be allowcd. be uscd per lcngth of pipc to providc the required residual: "The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, in- "As the pipe is being laid, hypochlorite tablets shall be ')The following table shows the number of tablets that shall. Pine Sizc. Inches Number' of Tablets Per 1.3' Length 6" 2 8" 3 10" 4 12" 5 Ovcr I. 2" By Gas Injcction Page S, 0 r'~lypoclilor.itc tablets shal 1 bc storcd in moisture-prooC containers and kept dry until tlic pipe is fillcd with wstcr. Aftcr the pipe is iillcd and during the sterilization proccss, all valves, hydrants and other acccssorics shall be operated. After 24 hours has elapsed, sjniples will be tnkcn by thc Water Department. If any of thc samples fail to show a chlorine rcsi dual of SO parts pcr million, thc pipeline shall be thoroughly flushed, rcfillcd and rechlorinated by gas injection. "After the chlorine residual test has been passed, all water shall be flushed from the line at its dxtrcmities until the replaccincnt water is equal cherni cally and. bacteriologically to thst of thc permanent source of supply. The contractor shall assume all liability for' damage caused by chlorinated water. * "At the completion of the system and before occupancy.of any dwelling, bactcriological tests shall be taken at various points as determined by the City representative. Thc bacteri- ological tests shall be made by a certified laboratory selected by the City, All tests shall conform to thtt requirements of the CaliEornia !4ealth and Safety Code,. the California Water Code and the California Administr\ative Code. i "306-1.4.11 Marker Posts. The location of water lines and appurtenances located other than in public streets shall be designated with marker posts as shown in the standard draw- ings. l1 309 MONUblENT S .. 503-2 Materials. Delete the last sentence. 309-4 Payment. Delete "(except marker plates)". 400-2 UNTREATED BASE MATERIALS .. 400- 2.2 Base Material. Revise to read: When base material without furthcr qualification is specified, ,the con- tractor shall supply disintegrated granite. Froccssed- natural , mater;-a1 shaf.1 be providcd. f.or all streets with a design traf- fic index of 7.0 or grcatcr or a design grade of 12 percent or greater.. .. . 400-4.3 Coinbined Aggregates. Add trie following : "The . exact pcrccntagc o€ asj)haIt to be included in thc niix shall be subject to the approval of tile Enp,inccc.I' .. f