HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-28; City Council; 6408; TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR RELOCATION OF STORAGE FACILITY- Q P @ CITY OF CARLSSAD ' ACXfYDr? BILL I90. - b 4' 5 ,p _- October 28, 1980 -- --I--- DATE : D% PAEl?E N T : Finance ----- -- --_____ S ab j ," ct . Transfer of Funcls for Relocation of S%orage Faci1 ity I Statewnt of the Matter - In the 1980-81 operating budget several departments were allocated funds for the purpose of leasing storage space for City records and supplies. The City has no? found it more convenient ti3 lease one central storage area than to continue to maintain several separate locations. Therefore, all funds appropriated within the general fund should be transferred to the General Government Account where the continued storage charges will be collected. The following transfer should be made: --_II__- ACCOUNT TITLE AMOUNT / From To Finance - Property Rental ($ 625) Pol ice - Professional Services ( 630) Streets - Property Rental ( 550) Library - Property Rental ( 12,000) General Gov't -- Property Rental $1 3,805 .. Fiscal Impact This transfer has no significant impact. . Exhibits Resolution i!o. 633 & - Recommendations . Approve &solution No. b3,.3& Council Action: d 10-28-80 Council adopted Resolution 6336, authorizing the transfer of funds for re of a combined storage facility. J I I 8ESOi/l'fIfJ\j Nrj. 6336 I 'i i 21 I 3 1' I &I 51 .----. -- -.- A KE'jOLUTIWj Of THE CITY COliNCIL Of- ?HE CITY OF CARLSSP.D, CALIFORNIP., AUTHGRIZIKG 'TtiE TR.rll\lSF'ER OF FIJNFS FOR THE ilENT$,,L OF A COf4BINED ST3RP5GE FACILITY. -____-- -~ _-__________ WHEREX, the City Council has approved the rerital CJ~ a cocibined sto facility to serve a77 City n&s, and 7 81 9 I a0 11 12 13 2-4- -t F^ .L J 15 I 3. 'I 18 19 departnents, and WHEI-IEAS, i i. i s desi rabl e tc col 1 ect these ~ppi-opri ati ons into the Geneml Govwmw-it Account; 1\;3W, TtlEREFOi?E, BE IT RESOLVEL) that Fund Transfer No. 18 on file w- Fi nancc DSrector is hereby apprc\veci transferring funds from varicus gem -FU~C: dc:partxents to ttiec Generil Gwemment Account z adjourned PASXD, APPROVED AND PJOPT'ED at ci/ regular. meeting of the C.ity Counr the 28th Clay of Octobcr, i9GO cy the following votes to wit: AYES: Council Merrbers Packard, Casier, Rcear, Lewis arid Kulch, XOES: None ABSENT: None. /q/p /-C/T/(+; p:,. L.-+- riONALD C. PACKAKLI, MI\ 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 ATTEST : I ",g k! 4,,JPb3.j, Lq . CCCA .'cCac A ETHA I-. RAUTENKRHNZ, CITY CLERK-) c (SEAL) I -1