HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-28; City Council; 6409; Crossing Guard at El Camino Real & Tamarack Avenuec:rv OF CARLSBAD ~ ......., AGENDA BILL N0. _ _.,6""""0 ...... L/t...:O~'f~-------- DATE: _____ __:o~c~o~tb~e~r_:,;28~,......!-19~8~0:.,_ __ .,.__...:..-___ _ DEPARTMENT: ENGi NEERING ---=:.-=.:..:.:.;~------------- \..Cl) LCD:mmt Initial: Dept. Head t C.Atty ~ C. Mgr.~ SUBJECT: CROSSING GUARD AT EL'CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK AVENUE %,// STATEMENT OF THE MATTER At its October 6, 1980 meeting, the Traffic Safety Commission determined that.warrants are met for ~n adult crossing guard at El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue. The Traffic Safety Commission has referred the matter to the City Council for considerati.on since a budgetary cost is involved and, also, has.advised the School Board of its determination. As the Police Department is the depar.tment responsible for.administrating the adult crossing guard program, the Engineering Department is requesting the funding for tQem. The specJfic warrant met for this intersection is that the ihtersection ls ir~ater than 80 feet in width without intermed- iate refuge (median islands) for the school children. No environmental cl ea ranees a re required. FISCAL IMPACT As each adult crossing guard is paid $180 per school month with an initial uniform allowance of $50, and an estimated $,100 for signs and miscellaneous equipment is required, $1,410 will be required for the remainder of this year. Normal budgetary request should cover the costs in future years. The Contingency fund balance after this transfer will be $448 ,sos. . EXHIBITS 1. Memo from Traffic Safety Commission. 2. Memo from Police Department 3. Letter from Principal of Kelly School 4. Resolution No. ..k;J'J 1 RECOMMENDATION Council to authorize a fund transfer of $1,410. from. Contingency Fund to part-time sal~rles or the Police Department, and authorize the Police to proceed with recruitment. Adopt Resolution No. (LJs 7 Council Action: 10-28-80 council adopted Resolution 6337, authorizing transfer of funds for crossing guard and authorized the Police to proceed for recruitment.· l ·! MEMORANDUM · TO: CITY COUNCIi. FROM: TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 7, 1980 SUBJECT: CROSSING GUARD AT El. CAMINO REAL AND TAMARACK AVENUE At their October 6, 1980 meeting, the Traffic Safety Commission considered the matter of a school safety patrol and adult crossing guard at the inter- section of El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue. The Commission reviewed a staff report which explained the infeasibility of a school safety patrol due to high approach speeds at this intersection. However, warrants are met for an adult crossing guard due to the long cross- ing distance with no median refuge. The Commission heard the principal of Kelly School and several citizens speak in favor of an adult crossing guard. A 250-signature petition for a crossi_ng guard was also presented. After discussion, th~ Commission voted to determine that: 1. The warrants for a crossing guard at El Camino Real and T:1marack Avc::nue are met. 2. Staff should addrcs~ a letter to the City Council and School District requesting consideration of a guard at this location. 3, N0 change in approacr speed limit be taken at this time. Engineering staff of t~i:: 'ity, acting as Secretary to the Commission, is thus forwarding this le~-Jr. Thank you for your cons i .:leration. ? ~<-iL- ~ssey 7 Principal Civil Enainecr For the Traffic Safoty Commission LCD:VEB Attachments: Petition . ./ TO: Vincent D. Jimno Chief c,f Police FROM: W.D. Rossall Captain SUBJECT: Crossing Guard -Tamarack and El Camino Real (Supplemental) October 21, 1980 As you requested, the following is additional i 1fonnation regarding El · Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue Intersection. . The intersection of El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue was established in 1974 in conjunction with the Woodbine housing tracts. El Camino is approximately 97 feet from curb to curb and consists of two lanes north and two lanes south; plus a parking shc~lder. Tamarack Avenue, at the intersection of El Camino Real, is approximately 32 feet curb to curb and consists of two lanes; one eastbound and one westbound, plus a right turn transition lane onto El Camino ReQl. In September, 1979, the Kelly School opened and as a result of thiss children living east of El Camino Real who walked to school started to use t~is intersection as a means of crossing to the west side of El Camino Real. The intersection was not signalized at that time. The signals were installed in September, 1980. The number of children who presently use this crossing rantte from a low 50 to a maximum of 109, which means we could have anywhere frcm 100 chil- dren to 218 children crossing per day. · A traffic engineering study revealed there have been a total of six traf- fic ac~idents at this intersection in the last three years; all occurring in daylight hours. Five of these accidents w~re minor injury accidents and one was property damage only. At the present time, we cannot give a citation count for this particular area because we do not keep statis- tics of r.itations issued by area. Traffic engineering has done speed surveys of this section (October 2, 1980) and it would appear that the 85 percentile of traffic is travelinq at aonroxi- mately 56 miles per hour on the average. With the width of El Camino Real and thP. surface, plus the sight distance drivers have in this area, speed would not seein to be a problem. The problem is the width of El Camino Real at this inter~~ction (97 feet) and the increase of pedestrians crossing. A study was conducted in regards to whether or not this intersection meets the warrants for • crossing guard, as set forth in the Cal-Trans traffic manual. The conclus-h.n was that it does. In conclusion, this intersection is probably by far a better intersec- tion than others in the city, when the width-surface, sight distance and the low accident rate are considered. However, with the increase of pedestrian crossing each day, the chances of serious injury accidents occurring increases and it would appear that the best method of hope- fully preventing this would be an adult crossing guard. VJ,~C W.D. Rossall . Captain Attachments . ) F1uutk. Af.e.Mw1.e Clty Ma.nag eJL Clty 06 CaJ!i.hbad 1200 £em Avenue C~bad, CA 92008 Ve.cv,. Mil.. Af.e&lwte: Oc.tobe.1t 16, 1980 I would .Uke. :to call. :to yo/JJL aftention my c.onc.eJLYc-6 JtegcvuUno :the. pede&tluan c.Jt0f..6wa.lk. at El Camlno Real and TamaJUtc.k. Thttoughou.1, :the .two yea.JL pvuod :that Keely Sc.hoot ha.t:i been in ew:tenc.e. pMent.6 who Uve on :the. ea.6:t .&lde. 06 El Camlno Real have been c.onc.eJLned abo~t thi6 palttlc.u.tal!. c./t066ing. It i6 .theui. peJtc.ep-tlon, and mlne, .that given .the. 6a.c..t tha..t dail.y one. hwtdlted a.nd nine. c.hUdJten, a.get> 6,lve :to .twelve make. .that c.Jto.&J..lng, .U:. i6 highly p1tobalma.tic. :that an a.c.udent w-Ul oc.c.lJJL, ttttle.66 a. c.1to66ing gUaltd i6 p1t0vided to a.t:i6i6:t .thue. young people. It i6 oWL c.on.tention that c.liUdlte.n 61tequ.entty la.ck .the. judgment nec.- u.&My :to a.6.&e.6~ .the 6uU. dange.lL lmpUc.l.t in a given !id 06 nega:tlve .tlta.6 6,lc. c.oncUt.lon6. The. volume. 06 t.Jta66lc., we.a.the.IL and .the. .incUvldual d!tlveJL Me a.U va.!Lla.ble.!i wfu.~h might a.UeJL a. no1tma.Uy low Jtl6k. .&,Uu.a,t,lon :to the point whe.1te. .U i6 C!Utlc.a.Uy dangeJLoU6. We. :the.1te.6011.e. .&:tltongly adheJLe. .to :the. po!il:Uon tha.t. the. a.dclUlonal peJLc.e.ptfon 06 a. ma.tUJLe. adult i6 a. ne.c.Ml>t;11.y .oa.6e:ty p1teJtequu.Ue.. When we appea1te.d b()..601te. i.'he. TJta.66-lc. Cormi.l66lo,i on Oc..tobe.lL 6 we exp1Le.6.6ed :thlo viewpoint, and !iubrnLtted a. pe.:U.:tlon w.lth .two hu.ndlte.d and .6lx. .&lg,ta.tu/1.e.6 in .6uppotr;t 06 0W1. c.on.tentio11. While. we Jte.al.tze we c.annot pJto:tec.t :the. c.hUcl!ten aga.bt.&:t eve/Ly po.;.:,,lble dange.lL, we. 6e.e.l it .l6 not ju.l>:t OWL 1Le.6pon6ibl.u:ty, b~ oU/L d~y to mlmlnilie. :tho.lie. da.ngeM. -- 1 am :the1Le.601te. 601tmaUy ILe.quMting .that :the. que&tiort 06 a. c.Jto.&tiing gUa.ltd 6olL :the. c.lL0.6.6walk a.:t El Camino Real and Tama1ta.c.k be. pla.c.ed on :the. Clty Cou.nc.,i.l agenda. 601L :the Oc..tobe/1. 28 me.Ulng. VAL:pc. YO UIL6 :tltuly, <i}~t,~f};,~~ Vona.id A. Le. May O. Pltlnc.lpa.l KELLY SCHOOL 434-3326 l. 2 3 4 ( , RESOLUTION NO. 6337 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, TRANSFERRING FUNDS FROM THE GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR CROSSING GUARDS. WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Council has determined the funds 5 should pe appropriated to hire a crossing guard at the inter- 6 seqtion of El Camino Real and Tamarack -Avenue, and 7 WHEREAS, the General Fund Contingency Account contains 8 s~fficient funds to cover such appropriations. 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a transfer of $1,410 10 from the General Fund Contingency Account to the Part-time ll Salaries Account of ~he ?olice Department is hereby authorized. 12 adjourned 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at eyregular meeting of the 14 City Council on the 28th day of October, 1980 by the 15 following vote, to wit: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None ~/L ?,2~ RONALD c. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: J: