HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-18; City Council; 6424; RELOCATION OF EXISTING SEWER EASEMENTS ACROSS LOTS 39, 40 AND 41 OF SHELTER COVEe - CITY OF CARLSBAD t 0 JrCriPfa1 ~- : Dept. Head 2 AGENDA BILL NO.-b+'gL/ DATE: - November 18, 1980 c. Atty 1- - c. Mgr c DEPARTMENT : Enqineeri nq SUB J ECT : RELOCATION OF EXISTING SEWER EASEMENTS ACROSS LOTS 39, 40 and 41 OF SHELTER COVE STATEMENT OF THE MATTER Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Haasl 4 owners of Lots 39, 40 and 41 of She1 ter Cove have requested the City allow a relocation of the sewer easement across the above mentioned lots. permit the easement to be moved two feet to the south, The applicants have also applied to the City for a lot-line adjustment involving rotating the lot lines between Lots 40 and 41 by 90 . The reasons for the adjustment plat and the request to relocate the easement are to reduce the number of cars backing onto Park Drive and to save a cluster of large palm trees located on the corner of Park Drive and Cove Drive. into the easement. The Utilities/Maintenance Department has advised that they have no objections to the easement being relocated. The applicants are requesting the City to The buildings designed for Lots 40 and 41 would encroach two feet FISCAL IMPACT Allowing the adjustment of the easement will permit construction of the largest possible dwellings which will increase the Public Facilities Fee when the units are converted into condominiums, EXH IB I TS 1. 2. Copy of Adjust Plat No. 183. 3. Location Map 4- Letter from Brian Smith Engineering requesting easement relocation. Resolution No. &3&3, Accepting Grant Deed RECOMMENDAT I ON Adopt Resolution No.&Q 6 3 accepting grant deed and authorize Mayor to execute the quitclaim deed for sewer easement. Council Action: 11-15-80 Council adopted Resolution 6363, accepting the grant deed for sewer easeme 0 e E3S, 3 NbC. -ri pt I L -" 23; CONS~LT~NG CiVli EhGINEERS 2656 STATE STREET o GARtSBA3, CAL!FQRNIA 82008 0 PI-ICNE 7 October 24, 1980 City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Jim Cento J. N. 5146 RE: Shelter Cove Lots 40 and 41 Dear Jim: You have requested a letter to substantiate the easement changes that Mr. & Mrs. haasl have authorized. As you know, we a: also doing a lot line adjustment plat for the same property. 1. The danger of backing out from the lots into Park Drive being one of the reasons for the lot line adjustment pla. to rotate the lots 90' so that they now face Cove Drive. 2. Another obstacle in the way is the existing monument sigi at the corner lot together with a cluster of palm trees which we are trying to save. The buildings that were designed for the lots encroached intc tne existing easement. That being the reason for Mr. & prrs. Haas to respectfully request a shift in the easement of 2 feet as show] on the submitted easement plat. Since the Haasl's own the adjacei lot it was no problem to deed to the City 2 feet of that lot. We hope that all of the above should be enough reason for the easement changes. Thank you for the prompt handling of this matter. Should yo1 need any more information or feel that we can assist you in any w( please give us a call. Sincerely, BRIAN SMITH ENGINEERS, INC. Vice Presiden JH: gh cc: Mr. & Mrs. Haasl d 0 PARK DR/VLr" . ~~eua'z? "w 64Y.S' sac4R/N6S --_ ). .. .. :*. .I r i@ v@ $8 \ti $: e$ 0 .. t,Y .-. .. \. . .. '. -. ~r. /ds.,wcH ~&r -_ L€GAAL Dk3Cjf?/PT/ON ALf OF LOT4OAND LO741 OF 7HW 4411 VIA DE M RBMA 7-RAcTD€=/eD lit/ MAP&=#=# 5/62, BUW3ALL CAL/FOR/ul4 92603 &WN6 /N THE C/sY OF CAR.S%D, PHONE - 72 9 - 0444 /N 7H€ CbUNrYOF SANDASO. 374 TE OF GUiFtN/A, p.C.AEi9 R€COR&K& DF .W/Ua/€60 CDUNir): 23,1963. /N THE- OFF/& OK TME eou~7y s 7A7K OF rnL/F&@/V/4 m /fPfl/L a L€G€N&? 6 FOUND AS /ND/CATEQ 74X A SSESSOR3 n/o 0 S€7 MW pV?E ;rAGei€D4?~4 2O7-/50.24 tZ5 - NE4 L'O71/V€ &BIS Of BEAR/hIGs -4- EI(/ST/hJG LUTC/A€ --- .. €'ASEM€. €WC/NDARY 7%" BAs/S OF SEAk?fffiS FDR mi.? Pf RT /S f#€ CEN%EFL/NNE OF MAXDR/YE> AS SfiihW ON MAPNO. 5/42. 1'E /V46°0827"cu' * I - ADJUSTMENT PLAT -&CITY OF CARLSBAD ~8. AM /A APP~OVW BY: DRAWhV6 RS€A Rr€ 13m 7 SfU€€T* REQUESTED BY* RALPH J NAASL @I/ Y/A LYU R€/NA R.9.C.K ll R€G. NO. SkEUmt * 0~mnuc4. 92003 Z,MG srams URLSMP Cr+y~wm *m.m wAr=*. 729- 0446 -729 -8981 * m* ,&.No. ! 0 I EXH I B IT "B" (0 r\, -- __e____- -----&!& - - i r mPou ;i + ul i" i I E/ .43&5/'33#E / 752 $COVE DK/V€ ./= - . i BY C-YTYUF CA FOR SEwER EAS.€- MKW SHUMN r.us: 10 ' 5EIYER EASEME PiFR MAP 5/62 x=/ \ \- SEWER €AS:EMENT d! /t? *,* a. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 5 y g 13 0 k2 g z,fa !LC u---l 15 &ZUU :$22 a:& 341 e0’2 >o L I 36 zw 8 d 16 gp >k- 2 a 17 aa zv t 0 18 19 20 21 22 22; 24 25 26 27 28 I 0 e .. RESOLUTION NO. 6363 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CERLSBAD, CALIFOIWIA, ACCEFTING LL- A GRANT DEED PURPOSES. FOR SEWER EASEMENT FROMJRANMAR TRVF~TMF~ I I_ 617IERE3-S , F-RANMAR I MVESTMENTS has submlt Grant Deed conveying an easement to t€- City of Carlsbad for sewer purposes : said 1 is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is incorporatf reference herein; and I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cazlsbad has determined it to be in the public interest to accept said De NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2, That the Grant Deed conveyiny an easement I - the City of Carlsbad for Sewer purposes hereby accepted. 3. That the City Clerk is herehy authorized to cause original Deed to be recorded in the Office of the County Re of San Diego County, State of California, with the appropri Certificate of Acceptance attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlshad City Council held on the - 18th day of Nov&r , 191 the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Ku NOES : None , ABSENT: None EA&&L&+ ROPJALD C. PACIU1RD , Playor ATTEST : & 2 /qp I T~ a> ‘A 5. -W\TJT’Z~JKd