HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-18; City Council; 6429; Melrose Avenue Annexation.1(. 1.-. ,t c CITY OF CARLSBAD INITIAL AGENDA BILL NO. d4Lb29 wHd.Ed JC# I DATE : NOVEMBER 18, 1980 Cty. Atty. \\)F& I DEPARTMENT: Cty. Mgr.K % SUBJECT: MELROSE AVENUE ANNEXATION I _I STATEMENT OF THE MATTER I The La Costa Land Company has petitioned for annexation of a portion of Melrose Avenue presently located within both San Diego County and the city of San Marcos as shown on Exhibit "Af'. The applicant's intent is to allow for a more expeditious review and approval of street improvement plans for Melrose Avenue by the city of Carlsbad. at which time concern was expressed as to whether the city would have control of access rights onto Melrose from the property to the east. access rights could not be controlled, and the city would not benefit from development of these properties, then the city should not be burdened by the maintenance of Melrose, The City Council considered this item at its meeting of October 14, 1980, The Council felt that if It appears that mechanisms are available so that the city could control rights to that portion of Melrose Avenue which is undeveloped and owned by La Costa"Land Company. located within San Diego County. It does not appear that the city can control or restrict access rights from the portion of Melrose which lies within the San Marcos sphere of influence and which has been previously developed. possible, however, to leave this portion of the street in San Marcos and obtain a maintenance agreement whereby the city of Carlsbad would actually maintain the street but the maintenance would be paid for by the city of San Marcos. indicates the portions of Nelrose Avenue, which lies in both the county and City of San Marcos. * would be both logical and beneficial for the city to annex that portion of Melrose Avenue located within the County of San Diego but not the portion located within the city of San Marcos. That portion coincides approximately with that portion of Melrose Avenue It may be Exhibit "A" With respect to maintenance and access rights, staff feels it Since the area to be annexed would be street right-of-way, no property tax exchange issue is involved with this request and a resolution so indicating is attached should the Council decide to go forward with the annexation. -of Utilities and Maintenance has indicated that it costs the city approximately%3,500 per mile per year to maintain a street. Based upon this figure, the fiscal impact of maintaining the entire length of the street being proposed for annexation would be approximately $3,016 per year. presently located within the County of San Diego is annexed, the fiscal impact would be approximately $2,088 per year. If just the portion of the street Recornendation That the City Council direct staff to contact LAFCO to proceed with the annexation of that portion of Nelrose Avenue located within the County of San Diego as shown - on Exhibit "A" but not the portion located within the city of San Marcos and approve Resolution No. &?df. Attachments: Exhibit "A" dated 11/10/80 and Resolution No. 6&9 -- I AGENDA BILL NO. 6429 Page 2 Counc i 1 Act ion : 11-18-80 Council directed that the annexation of Melrose proceed with the annexation of the approximate 30 acres adjoining, rather than separate annexations. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2.4 27 - 28 RESOLUTION NO. 6369 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE RELATING TO JURISDICTIONAL CHANGES - MELROSE AVENUE ANNEXATION ~~ __- - __ WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requires the negotiation of any exchange of property tax reveqdes occasioned by jurisdictional changes between the areas a94ected; and 5+ P WHEREAS, under such circumstances the ,dity Council is authorized to negotiate such propkyty t& revenue exchanges on behalf of the City of Ca x P" d *-.. // WHEREAS, the subjec on does not involve any property tax exchange because the annexed would be street right- of-way and therefore no t'kxp5xchange negotiation is necessary; if )< NOW, T$REFORE,'\ BE $$ IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the City Clerk og the Ci y.;-cf Carlsbad shall, on behalf of the city notify the Co\nty Apditor and Local Agency Formation Commission of said ac'hon bd fofwarding to them a copy of this resolution. I 3% iv '1 "\ PASS&, AyiROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the ?' City Counci1,fon the 18th day of November, 1980, by the following vote, to wft: AYF/S : P6ES: i' ABSENT: I J' ATTEST: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor nETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ , City Clerk (SEAL) . -- . '4 . b. . I_ .. ,- , : '._ b . .. --I-- .- I .- 1230 ELM AVENUE LARiSBAD, CALIFORNIA PZOrS Office of the City Manager November 21, 1980 TELEPHONE: (714) 7Wtl+l 438-5561 Pen Clay, Director Intergovernmental Affairs County of San Diego 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, California 92101 MELROSE ANNEXATION 1980 meeting Carlsbad City Council. at its November 1.8 con- sidered a proposal made by La Costa Land Company to annex the right of way for Melrose Avenue to the City of Carlsbad. Melrose Avenue is the existing boundary line between the spheres of influence of Carlsbad and San Marcos. The City Council was unwilling to approve the annexation of the street only, because of the fact that it would require Carlsbad to pay the total cost of maintenance of the future arterial highway. The City Council requested that Carlsbad offer to annex the 30 acres east of Melrose Avenue to the City of Carlsbad along with Melrose Avenue. Carlsbad would only be willing to annex said property if the County is willing to give the City a fair split of property taxes upon annexation. In this case, since the City would be picking up an additional maintenance cost which the County would otherwise bear, we feel the City should receive 48% of the County property tax. After you have had a chance to look into this proposal, please call and we will pursue the possibility of processing an annexation. Yd, 442 & 4 (g/(,.L-.ce FRALVK ALESHIRE City Manager FA: ldg Enc . cc: Supervisor Paul Eckert Henry Ford, San Marcos City Manager LAFCO Carlsbad Planning Department - Bill Hofman . .. - 2' .