HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-02; City Council; 6428-1; Industrial Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development Birtcher4 .(c w -. e. 4 8CXT'I: 01; cnxr:sP~AD Initial : City Att: __--__.- p -_- ijc$z. IIG "/ AGxlm.% rl"12L x3 c Z,?TE : D:'??AR,T!>EFT : EgLijec*;: December 2, 1980 _- -- I_^.___-. City Mgr ---- CitLAttorney - . --- -.-- ---.- -- - _-_- 20 LOT INDUSTRIAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. APPLICANT: BIRTCHER CASE NO: CT 80-: I_L__ - - --- --_I_-.- -- --._ - St.at.enent of khe ;\Tatter --_ _._-_---------- n_- The City Council, at your meeting of November 18, 1980, directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving a 20 lot industrial TentatisTe Tract Map (CT 80-38) and Planned Unit Development (PUD-22). A resolution in that regard is attached. The condition concerning preservation of existing live oaks has been revised and expanded to provide for Council approval of plan identifying trees proposed for removal pr2or to the removal of any trees. Exhibits Resolution No. 6 3 7 6p approving Tentative Tract Map - (CT 80-38) and Planned Unit Development (PUD-22). b Recommendat ion If the City Council wishes to approve Tentative Tract Map (CT 80-38) and Planned Unit Development (PUD-22), your action is to adopt Resolution No. 6.3 7 r. Council Action: 12-2-80 Council adopted Resolution 6378, approving CT 80-38/PUD-22. * I' '>, .. - 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.5. c 12 4: Y g 13 Le e e . RESOLUTION NO. 6378 I A RESOLUTSON.OF THE CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY CONDITIONS TEl$Y'.&TTVE TmCT lap [cy 80-38) AND PLXTNED UNIT DEVET,Oi?MENT (FUD-22) FOR A 20 LOT INDUSTRIAL SUSDIVIS1,ON GN PROPERTY GENERA'LLY ON TEE SOUTi3 SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT EOAO, EAST OF YARROW DRIVE. APPLICANT : BSRTCHER OF CARLSBAD r CALIFO€311AI APPROVING 'FilITR WHEREAS, on October 22, 1980, the Carlsbad Planning Commission adopted ResolutFon No. 1716 recomnending -to t: City Council that Tentative Tract Map (CT 80-38) be appr and Resolution No. 1717 recomiiending that the Planned Un Oevelopment (PUD-22) for a 20 lot industrial subdivision approved.; and W-HEEEAS, the city Council of the City of Carlsbad, .\ $2 u % 1, k 0 18 19 WEREAS, said Tentative Tract Map and Planned Unit Development have been declared to have a nonsignificant > 2Oi1 Z? 22 23 on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been I 1 and filed in compliance with the requirements of the Ci 1 Carlsbad Environmental Proteckion Ordinance of 1980; NQW, TIIEREFOM,, BE IT RESOLVED by 'the City Council 241 25 26 27 281 City of Carlsbad, California as follows: A. That the above recitations arc true and cor& B. That the findings of the Planning Commission F.esolution No. 1716 and Resolution No. 1717 constitute findings of the City Council in this matter. *a -' xi 2 3 4 I' I ! L C, That said. Tentative Tract Map arid Planned Unit Development, together with the provisions for design and improvement and subject to the conditions of this resolut is consistent with all applicable general and specific pl 51 61 7 3 9 IC) 11 12 2 5 g 13 d,L wd: 14 z>>O 2 KN $5 a -25 of the City of Carlsbad. D. That Tentative Tract Map (CT 80-38) and Plannec Developsent (PUD-22) are hereby approved subject to all i able requirements of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to . satisfaction of the conditions contained in Planning COI Resolution No. 1716, dated October 22, 1980, m~rlced Exhi attached hereto and made a part hereof, arid Planning Com Resolution No. 1717, dated October 22, 1980, marked Exhi attached hereto and mzde a part hereof, except that Reso No. 1717, CoEdition 10 is revised as follows: gtICu- v .- -1 .5( 6 I 54 wo gLg6 16 4j$ll?z z '0 v) 5: 2 17 '18 19 20. 21 22 23 > q k 0 24 25 26 27 28 "10) Whenever possible, the existi.ng live oaks on site shall be preserved. In that regard the applicant shall prepare a plan identifying all trees proposed for reinoval. The plan shall be presented to the City Council for review and trees shall be removed until after the plan iz approved and only then in accordancb, with the PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council of the City of Carisbad, California, on tlzc day of December , 1980 by the followhg vite, to Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and K1 shall be subject to city Council approval. NC I I i AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None /4&?2A/c&: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor (SEAL 1 -2- I .3, 2 3 d. -- 5 e ’’ 7 __1_ ,-...---- _- - _-I-cI- w -----.I- cccc_ A ~.ESO~ITION’. OF T~X. PIJ~JNING CC)X~~IISSIO,~T OF TBF: CITY OF CARLSBAD ; ~~~1;,I:?ORi’;ilj~, RECGZ.L1ILE??DDING APPROVAL FOR A Ts:l?;’r-?irrIVE TlL\cT lvL!I> 03 PRO‘PE!’?L’?! GENEMLLJT LOCATED C)?J TF.E SOUTI! SIDZ CIY ??111;0?’%’rl ATRpORT l{(-Jk-J, T<AsT OF ~.&~{~~\~ DXI.:fi: 119 TI!E Y-M 1 ZONE * . . . . . . . . . ’. .APPLICnTJT: BIRTCHER ’ CASE cI_.- NO: CT 80-38 ----yc~cL”.c”.--- WRERE:AS, a verified application for certain proper227 Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 1\10, 1110 filed in the Officze c .. 8‘ .g .. cou:itq l?:ecorder of Sc?n Diego i November 10 I 1972 has been filed with the City of Carisbad, an& referred to 30 plaming Commission; .. and J5 16 ’ .3-7 ’ 18 ’ . .3L9 .. ViREREAS I at said public hearing, upon hearing and c( all testinlo3317 and arguments, if anyr of all- persons des:L ]>E! hearc?, said Comaj-ssion considered all factors relatiu 1 by la;-? to consilier said request; and I grclltatiyJe Tract Map. 21 az 25 . 24 2s 26 comnissioll as E~~LOWS : 11) 1%) That the above recitations are true and correct- hat based on the evidence presented st the public the Comn.&ssion rccommcnds .W~”lVAL of ’ CT 80-311 c ha’ f~l.:L~~j.~iy findings and sub>jc?ct to the fn3.lowi.ncj cu Firirjincrs 1) .-----L-. ’1’:11c, propor;cc~ tcntativc map .is consistent wi’t:~~ t.hc ~cncrnl. Plan :;iilcc thc s5.t~ is -dccs.i.gn~t.c~c~ by the I pl.nn for p1ani-icx-i industri.t.11 and I as c:onditiox1ccl t t 5.s c;onsi:.;tc:>t. with all- othc:r gcnc?ral plan clrsmcntr *: .'.. , ' 1 . i- ,I w 0 /j 8 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. 12 23 114 3.5 JG 3-7 . ' 18 .3-g . 20 '.* ,. .. c. @ ".e, -. ri:lic site ii physicaX1.y suitable fir the type of develt proposed since the applicant is util-i-ziny the flatter of the tcri:ai.n for development and lcavinq the other : in a natural state.. .. The design of the project will. not cause any sicjnific environmental impacts since, bcsed on an initial. stud project ji1~c~udjlncj a field investigation of the site I archaeological su-rvcy , and agricultural feasibj-liky Y the Planning Oirector has determined that' khl;? project result. in any adverse environmental' impacts 2nd then has issued a declaration of ncgative environmentel Zr OcAober 1, 1.980, Log NO. 761. The design of the su.bdisision ~Jill not 'cause any ser: -* .health problems since the project meets all public hi The project is consistent with all city public facil a) Adequate water, gas and electric service will b A.31 'necessary piblic improvements wil.1 either 1: or required as coil6itions or' approval. The applj-cant. has agreed and is required by tl?.E of an appropriate condlti.on t-o pay a public fac fee, Performance gf that costrar-"i: and payment fee wiL1 enable this body, to fir.d that all othr facilities will be available coyxurrcnt .wiL'r< nc required by the general plan. il. .. * * . 12) 3) 4) .. .. rcqLire1ne:lts. . 5) ' policies a;id ordinmces Sin.ce: .. . . to serve the development. b) I. I c) . I \ cond.itions .. c 12') fir A- Jprovai. is granted for CT 80-38, as shown on Exhib. dated October 3-7, 1980,. on file in Cha Plsnniriy Dep arid incorporated by reference.. Development shall o substantially as shown on these exhibit unless othe noted in these conditi.or,s. 22 21 23 24 2G 25 27 28 2) This subdivision is approved upon the express condi that the final map shall not he approved unless the Council. finds as of 'the time' of such approval that service is nvai3.ahle to serve the subc1,ivision. 3) All. conditions of ap~xovaI- of Rcsolutj-on No. 1717, I PUD-22, shall bc met. Thj.s apprbvnl is cxpr-cr;sly cond'itj.o:ied on the pilyrnc applicant-.. of a public faCi1-itiCS. fcc as requircd b: Council PoIj.cy No. 17, clatcc'i August 23, 1373, 011 f t;lic City Clerk and incorpornkcd hcrcin by rcf.crc:icl nccorciing t-.o khc: ngrcenwnk c::c.cu'tcd by ~11~ iip~) Jjca: 4) I PC RF;SO fl17IG . . 1,; :* L. '9. 2 3 4 .. ti .G . 7 8 '9. .Ti) .. vu.. 0 * . I' ". payment of said fee. A copy of that a.grecmcnt dated 2, 1.300, .is on file with the City Clerk and incorpori herzip. by reference. If said fee IC nrrt paid as prcn this agpi-jcatj-on t&Il r:o.k ba COnSiS'mit 1qi.t.k the GCnc and tine project cannot proceed arid this approvaL sha Approval of this request s?!z~.~ not c;xcusc ccrrnp~iance . . sections of the Zonir,y Or2ismce an4 all :)th~.~ sppli city ordinances in effect at the -tiin? of building pe issuance. 'in case of conflict betxeen the design gu ' '. . of.. tile cc&R v S and. the sonj.ng orrlj-mnx I the xcqxirex he d.eveJ.oper shall obtain a cjradlnc; permit- prior t~ IG) comaencement o'F any clearing or c~radirag of the siteq 7) The grading for this project is defined as "control: l~y Section' lI.06.3.7G (a) of the City Code. Grading : perfcrmed under the observation of 2 civj-1 engheer '- responsibility it shall be to coordinate site inspe: 15) ' the c)rCi.nancc, will prevail - .. .. '.lX 12 . testing to insure compliance of the vork with the 2: .' . ' grading plan, subinit required reports and verify co; with 'Chapter 11.06 of the city code. ' 13 18) ' .Ya.lorriar Airport Road shall. be dedicated on the firm Sascd on the half street right-of-way \rid-th 02 63 f: entire subdivision frontage. Th-e mhinuii horizonta ,24 1 .line 'radius shall be 1450 feet unless okherwise apy :t 5 . -I-. 19) Palomar Rirpor-il Iioad shrill be :imprioved by the <icv~_! .. 3-7 .. :t 8 29., ., 20 .' ' .. . of any buildiqs. The improvements shall ii>c!l.u?-72 q . . width xxediaii except that 1and.scaping and electric t service for it shall be installa3 subject to the a: the Parks and Recreation Director for the full wid. med'ian aionc; the eastern half of the subdivision f Landscaping and electric and water services need a? .provided for the western half of the medin'n, Street trees of a variety approved by the Parks an 10) 2:L 22 De;3ar-tment shall be installed to city spccif icatic ..the equivalent of forty fook interva.ls along 213. i frontages D 23 24 25 26 IS) Skrcets A and B shall be improvcd based 011 the t.yT section show7n on the tentat.ivc map. The design sl sublj~ct to .the approval of - tlic city Engineer and ' plan check and inspection fces shall be paid. Thc I scckion shall be based on R-value tests bascd on ' for an industrial street. ///P X 2 bt 12) pAk its intersectj.on with the public strcel;:~, IL the maxi] grade on ~trce.t; 21 shall be 2% for A TliLi~.I.~l~-~m Llk2tanCC I 50 feet; froKl the edge of pavenent of the public stree I I . 7 .. . : 8 9 10 13- , . 22 13 14 1 5 16 l*y . .X8 ', 3.9 .. '. . 20 23. 22 23 24 satisfaction of th.e City Engineer and. Fire Departr.eni 15) :?he developer shall enter into a Tra2iric Signal kpr( Agreement to install a fully actuated .signal at the .. S\;ection of Street A arid Palornar Piii~port Road and sha a bond prior to ztppr9va-l. of the final. map. The <igre shall p)-ovirle that the 6:ievelc)per shall iilstal3. LhC S at his sole cost, s&jeC;t tC the ay?p:CO\Tal- Of the tit Engineer F upon receiving notification ts d:, SO fron C~CY Engineer. 15 the city adopts a polic37 and standards relatl.ng t water reclamation prior to the Fssuan.ce of a buildir for the first unit, the applicant s?-iali install. ilnp: to Ficcomoclate water recla?.na.::ion on the property purr said policy and standards * PASSED ~ XPPXOVED 3,229 TIDOI?TED at a regl.rl.ar meet.ii~g o plan;;ing C0n;rrtiSsiGn of the city of ~arl55ad, CaLifon3i.a f the 22nd day of October, 1980, by the EoSXc>&ir:g votec to Comnissioner Roid~oti~, Frlestedk, Zose, La Leeds o 16) - ,. -. * AYES : I I . NOES E Commissioner Schick. . ADSENT: Commissioner fi4arcu.s a 1 x. ' \ 7\ !\ - L2-2-L" -----..-------L- /___if -, 4 ~ '. .. ' &.BST&.IN : None. ' .I;:. ' . hJ ,i'l ' Q:' I$&, , 4u2. [ .*.\ JiT;yI;S'r : EDNIX Lj . SCIiICK , JX;., CARLSDAD PLANNING CC .. I rI y 26, ;+- t JG~S c . I~>~c;;~YAPJ, /\cc-,. c tary '~?~ARLsE,?\II ~'IIAfiP~Z.~l$ CO>~.~~ISSPON */ *. . ' sa 1 PC RESO irs71.e -4- I -< ;r. * ' . '. .. ,* .. 1 ~esolution No. * ,. \ ' PLAXNIFIS ~02*~5,1SSIO?~? RESGLTj'T'TO2i NO - 1717 _------- , .. .* !I 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 3.0. 3.1 12 I-s 3-4 :L 5 16 17 3.8 29 20 ., *. f *hibit IIBii to Q,. . A RESGLUTION bF TiIE PLA?.INING CO>PIISSION OF THE CITY OF cnn~s~na p CI!~LIFORNIA, F~CO?IPIEP~DIXG APPROVAL 3F A PLANMEi3 UNIT DEVELClPXEMT FOR A SOTJTH SIDE 20 LOT PLANNED UNIT INDUSTRIAT, DEVE1,OPMENT ON OF PALQMAR AIP.PORT RGAD, EAST OF YARROW DRIm IN THE P-M ZONE. . . ... API~LZCANT : BIRTCHER PROPERTY GENEWLLL'I LOCr'lTED 01.1 THE * CASE NO:' ' PUD-22 -I- WHEREAS , a verified applkati.on for certain propcrty , "Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 1.110 filed 'in the Officc c . ' the County Recorder of San Uiego, November 10, 1972 has been filed with the City of Carl-sbad, and. referred to Planning Coinmission; and WHEReAS, said verj-f ied application constitutes a reqt as provided by Title 21 of the CarlsSad Munici-pal Code; ar WHZREAS, the ?lannlng Commksj-on did, oil the 22nd da: OCto?>rr, 1980, kold a duly noti-ced public hearing as pres( by law to consider said requeTC: and i -. . WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and eo: all testimony and arguments, if any of all persons desiri, *heard, said Comnission considered all fac-lors relating to I Planned Unit Developinent; and EOW, THEREFORE, BE IT UERXBY RESOLVED by the Plainin 23 . 24. 25 -. ZG 27 . 20 113) ; the Comm;.ssi.on recomncncls APPROVP-L of 13UD-22, based 1 That bnscd on the evidence presented at the public 5 Eo]-lowing f.indinc;s and sub'ject to the following con2 I Pi. nd i:nq s : 3.) _--I_-- I ~hc proposed planned indur, trial devclopmcnt at tfac I location is both ncccssary and c1cs.i::nbl.c to provide cotnpl: chc! n s li. vc 1 y ii nd i.mag in C? 1: i.vc-ly cl c s ig 11 cc'l f ac i. 1 i Cy wi3.L contribute to the gcncxal well being of. thc coil J %I 1 2) I :yhe propied devcloprrient is not iieti.iinent:al to the hei: safety or .-cnerd. welfare of persons residing ox workj the same vicinity, asr would the pxoject be injurious property ~r improvements in this area. ' 7 4 5 ' 6 7 8 9 . .IO , , 91' 12 13 14 J5 .. 116 2- 7 18 ininimuin development standards set. forth i-n Section 21 are met by the proposed project qs4. indicated in the, s The proposed project is consistent with 'all elemeiits. General P1.m o The appi,icant has acjlreed and is required by the indu an ap2ropriate Conditi.on to pay a public $zic:-l;tics 4 'Pc5rformance of that contract ar,d payment of the fee 1 enable this body to fi.nd that public facilities vi11 availab1.e concurrent with need as recuired by the Gcj: 6) Based. on an initiai study of the project, includhg E bvesti.gatj.on of the site, an archaeol-cgl-cal. surv'ey , agricultural feaslb~l-ity report, t.hc Plaiinhg Direct, determined that the project wi3_1 ilot result in any a environmental irn;?acts and therefore has iss~ecf a dec of nqa.tive envixormsntal impact on October 1, 1900 r No. 761.. .. report I ' 4) fi) .. c . .... - Coildl.tio~~~s : I ----.-- 1) Approval is grazted for ~r~i1-22, as shown on SExkibSt dated October 17, 1980, end ExhibjL"Ls '*B" am3 "C" 1) dated Septcmlxr 18, 1380, on f.ile in.the Planning De an3 incorporated by ref crence. Development shall 0: substantially as shown on these eshibits unless otht noted in these conditions. 3) XU design criteria set forth i,; 'Section 22..45.110 an1 20 22 23 all cllanges required herein, for the approval ef "chi Planning Director- 3) The stanctards of the P-14 (PI-anned Industrial) zone permitted USES, conditional uses, building height, storage and hilustrial waste discharge shall app3.y subject property. ' ''.i 21; ' 2G 27 213 4) T1ij.s project is approved upon khc'cspress conditior building pcimits sha1.Z not be issucd for dcvclopmcr subject pr~pcrky unless the City Enqinccr c?ctcrlnin( sewer faci.1.i i;i.cs arc avnilablc: at-. the time of applj for such sc~er permiLs and wi3.1 continuc -to bc avnj until tjmc of occupancy, If the (:i.t-.y ,I;ncjj.nccr dct~ that SCWC::~: facilities m:c nok av,?ilc?blc, buildinq 1 will not be issucd. l?C Rl:so Gl.717 -2- a= 5) A detai1c.d landscaping plan wlii-ch inc~udes substantial scaping on the slope along Palomar Airport Road shall 2’ 3 4 5 submitted to anci approved by the Planning Department I approval of z final map. All conditions of approval of Resolution No- 1316, fCY CT 80-38 shall be met, Failure to do so shaY-1 void tl P?lanned Unit Developxent 9 6) 7 City Council Policy No, 17 dated Augast 29, 198Q, on with the city Clerk and incorporated herein by referc 3-3 l4 15 l6 3.7 .‘‘8 19 .. 1 the prcject shall not exceed a level of 45 dBA zt? an property line. The appl-icant shall cs’iahlish an owner t s a&sociztion coxresponding covenants, conditions and res’;s.rictj.rJns Sa!,d CCSR‘S sh.2ll he submitted to and approved Sy tl Departzent prior to final. im~ approval + Said. CZ :R‘ I contain a provision prohibiting parking on “ehe p-aivi and ensuring caforccment of this prohihitio;-.l to the satiszactlon of the ci-ty. The CC&R’S shall also co’ 1 provisj-on which specj-ficall-y ensures that the owner 1 . continue to maintain all drainage improvements and and allows the city to enforce said provision if Re The city shall have the right to enter upon the pro 3) i 1 1 20 22 ’’ 23 maintain the drainage facilities if the developer c seq~~e~~t oT,$ners fail. to do so and charge the cost fc maintenance to developer or subsequent owners - Thi is j.nclud.ed pursuant to Publ‘ic .Resource Code Sectic 10) Whcncver possible, the existing live oaks on site F . . ._ .. preserved. -. ** 26 27 28 //// //// I/// I’C RlZiO $1717 . -3- pTi~~~~;D, ~+~pj~.~VEC AVID TED at a regular meet’-rtg ?c th ~_geo, by tile fo>!].OWill4 v(3.tet t* wi .. comm j- s 5 ioner Schick AB~xpiy: Commissioner Narcu~ e 4. a.. .- 1 I