HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-02; City Council; 6435-1; LA COSTA MASTER PLAN1 i a a e1,yy .->r Ji t-2IR.1, s l.1 AI.; VK . .. -. ~~- --- .-- Anitial: r,r\ ?V'*. €i.?aci - ,_ -,-*>LA ,4-.~Ja -\- .6~5-Supplement - 1 _____----."- city IkjSr. - -- . 'T.3-q - 2 ,ri.s : ---D.-e-cj-jnlx-r 7 ! 1 9811___--- ___ --.--.-___-..---.I__ 1 >E 2A2'rYzP !'I? ! ;;ub; ect : City AttorncL __-------- -. --- _______~__-____.-_- ~ -__-_--.--- ---- LA COSTA MASTER E'LAN (MP-l49(E) __-_- ___.-_______-___.---.--------- --_- - :;tztxment cf the Matter - - ___ __ __-----I_--- The City Council, at your November 18, 1980, meeting directed our office to prepare documents approving the Revised La Costa Master Plan. While our office has prepared the.necessary Ordinance, Staff has heen responsible for preparing the final version of the Master Plan and for incorporating in it the changes made by the P:Lanning Commission, La Costa Staff and the Council at the November 18. The ordinance will adopt the Master Plan. legality of the Plan itself. The revised Master Plan is at variance in a number of respects from the existing City-La Costa Parks Agreement. La Costa, by requesting approval of the plan, and the Council by granting th request, mutually agreed to hold in abeyance those portions of the agreement that ar2 inconsistent with the new plan. recommend that the responsible department take the steps necess to accomplish .a revised Parks Agreement which is consistent wit the recently revised General Plan Element and Master Plan. Our off.ice expresses no opinion on the form qr We Exhibits 1 Ordinance No. 95 7(2 . Recommendation If the City Council wishes to approve the Master Plan as submitted, your acticln is to introduce Ordinance No. 95-70 . Council Action: 12-2-80 Council introduced Ordinance 9570, with the inclusion of the Errata Sheet. 12-1 6-80 Counci 1 adopted Ordinance 9570. 3 :I- I_- --_ L72,yJ 01?DT?\?747JCy -.,.,-...,VI. 01s TZIs CITY Cou1qc13A OF TIIE I r, _____I ____ ...-___-- 3 1 n .Q ! I LladL.er 3.z e c' .A. Plen No, ~~-149j~) based on certain findings an.d sGhje =.F ; 17 '" 0 L? 4 . g >- (j%?-l&9(E)) to be in prior conpliance with the City of Carls I 20 21 1 hold a duly noticed public hszring on ~~0';\72nheY Is, 1380, c?n( I after hearj.ng and considering the tes.tirnony and arguments .i: 1. I 24 in R-,sclui:icn No. 1719 sh.all cci>sti-l-.utc the findings of thc 25 ' Counci?.. D 1 21' 28 of ~haptc::. 21. a 38 of tht? C:~.rlcbac? M:ini.cipal Ccxk u I , 1 3. That in ord.c.r to satisfy tkrc Genezral Plan 2 4 3l 5! i5 ?I 8 9 10 for the developer to provide public Cacilities according to th approved Master Plan. ! I NOW, TWE:mF-CjRE, be it ordained by the City CounciP c the City of @a.rl&ad as follows: SECTION 1. That the revised La Costa Easter Plan -I.--.-..-- ;I ~ (MP149(E)) marked Exhibit A, dated November 18, 1980, on file ^wiCh the City Cle~k, ;and incorgxated herein by "chis referem i.s approves. subject to the following conditions: (1) The land use graphic (and base for other exhilc GO UL m gc %,,., .aGlj -i I.J<:< "P >I- _": K 17l QQ >-ti t- 18 19 20 27. 22 23 20, 25, 26 o 2'7 28 SW-~, SW-7, SW-8, SW-9, and SW-11 to reflect natural drainag (2) Revise the circulation graphic to show the 20 1 OE planned traffic signals as; izentified in the Master l'18.11 1 (3) Revise an existing "public: facility" graphic prepare. a new 9raphj.c to S~GW the approximate locations of i planned fire stations, library branches and administrative ( (4) Revise "topography" graphic as follows: (A) Show existing tress, location of endar,g p1an.t spccies discussed in the text, and any other signific natural features. (E) Indicate where significant grading (as by the City ~nyineer) is aiiirlcipa-kecl, (5) All appropriate cj.rap52.c~ .shall be revised 'cc -2- 1 1 I 4 PF 3 4 SI 6i ent3.y:e La Cesta conl~inity o (6) The revised graphics shall be submitted to the City Council for approval prior- .to the processing of any dE.ve1 covered by thi.s Master P:l-an. ---- SECTION 2 : That the provisions of Section 26.44. lli i appI-izan-4; and the City shall. enter into an agreement guixantel J-1. 12 i visio~>.s af the existing parks agreement srpproved. hy City Coun Rcsoluticn No. 5286, This agreement shall be prepared and SI 1.9 20 i in the future, City Council s.ay preclude further development th.a niaskzr. p:%n until facilities are available or inpose otE 21 22 23 24 $:s 26 di-kicns to insure th3.t pcb1.i~ facilities will he c?vailabLe concurxent vith need, EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effectivl days after its adoption, and .the City Clerk shall certify t' adopkion of k11i.s ordj-m.nce a8.d ca.i.ase it to be published at 1. I once in the Carlsbad Jaurnal within fifteen days after its INTRCDUCED ANI) FIiWP READ at a reyul.ar meet..ing of the I 28 Carlsbad city Cou.ncil held on the ~irl_ - day of _rimpr -3- .i 2 3 4 5 61 r 8' 9 lo 91 PASSED AND ADOPTE~~ at a regular meeting of said C,our held or1 -the ,-lf~~h-, day of aLm~ r 2980, by the fol10;:lii to wit: AYES : NOES E Counci 1 Nembers Packard i Cas1 er, Anear and Kul chi n Counci 1 Member Lewi s I ii A~SE~J'I:: None I I ATTEST: 1 22 23, 24 26 27 25 28 1 I I -4- .