HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-02; City Council; 6437; RELOCATION OF EXISTING GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF MS 381- /- *a. . f* - -5 rn < CITY OF CARLSBAD - qn Initial : 37 Dept. Head €. AGENDh BILL NO. (8 $! DATE : December 2, 1980 C. Atty is": Fd DEPARTMENT: Engineering C. Mgr. @ L - SUBJECT : RELOCATION OF EXISTING GENERAL UTILITY AND ACCESS EASEMENT ACROSS PARCELS 1 and 2 of MS 381 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER Rancho Carlsbad (no connection with Rancho Carlsbad Mobil Home Park),develope of MS 381 a four-unit parcel split located on El Camino Real approximately 1500 feet south of the intersection of El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue, have requested the City allow a partial relocation of the General Utility and Access Easement across Parcels 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 9184. The developers are requesting the easement be adjusted since the house con- structed on Parcel 1 encroaches into the easement as it now exists. The housc pad was moved from the original location so as not to interfere with views of existing residences on Cameo Way and Westhaven Drive. No utilities will be requi red to be re1 ocated. FISCAL IMPACT The allowing of the relocation of the easement will have no adverse fiscal impact on the City as this is just adjustment of an easement boundary. E XH I B I TS le 2. Location and Vicinity Maps 3. Resolution No.lo373accepting Grant Deed. Letter from developer requesting easement relocation. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Resolution NO.& 3 naccepting Grant Deed and authorize Mayor to execute the Quitclaim Deed for General Utility and Access Easement. Council Action: 12-2-80 Council adopted Resolution 6373, accepting a grand deed from Rancho Carlsbad for general utility and access easement PurPo authorizing execution of a Quitclaim Deed to Rancho Carlsbad. <d II) - TheLendelCorporation November 19, 1980 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATTN: City Engineering Dept. Dear Sirs: Parcel 1 house location was field adjusted by architect due to the fact that roof elevations and existing site location as per original plan con- flicted with vision of property owners on Cameo Way and Westhaven Street. Therefore, we would like to revise a forty foot (40’) general utility and. access easement which is dedicated per Map No, 9184 recorded September 27, 1979. V7e would like to ded- icate an additional easement within Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 to cover pave2 access road and vacate por- tion of the easement covered by building on Parcel 1 as shown on attached plan. Sincerely, ,- . ---. Steven C. Wright Superintendent SCW/eh 7556-c fay avenue-la jolla-california-92037 -(714) 459-4221 SCALE 1'2 20' PARCEL 2 ~----____ ___- -______ - r 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLllTlON 20. _-_- 6 373 A KES()l.UTII)I'I OF THE tITY COIIKIL OF TFIE CITY OF' CfiRLSBAD, CALIFOENIP,, ACCEPTING F\ GRF.NT DEED FRO!,! RANCHO UiRiSBAD, A GENERAL. ?ARTNERS!iIP FOR GENERAL UTILIT'! AND ACCESS EASEivTENT f;Rl!20SES --____ WHEREAS, Rancho Car'lsbad, ;?. general partnership. has submitted a 6l 'i: 8 Grant Deed conveying an easenerii to the Cjty of Carlsbad for General Utility iind Access Ftirpcses; said geed is 01: file in the Office of the 1 I! City Clerk and is incorpomted by refei-ence her.ein; and 10 7 21 12 1'. WHEREP,S, tha City Cotlricil of' the City of Carlsbad has determine( NOW, THEREFORE? BE IT RESOLVED by the City Counc-ii of the City it to be in the public interest to accept said Deed; of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 17 l8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3. That th2 City Clerk -is her-eby authorized to cause the or-iginai Deed to be rccerdzd in the Ol'ficit of the C0unt.y Recorder of San Diego 'County, State of Cal r'fornja, with the appropriate Certifica I 1 of Acceptance attached. PASSEI), APPROVED Liialj ADOPTES at a reg~41cir JI?eet.iiis of the Carfsh City Council held on the -___ 2nd day of December , i 9-3~ hy the follcwing vote, t.o wit: I I AYES: Council t4en;'uer-s Packarci, Casiei": Ancar, iei*:is 2nd Kulcli NOES : ABSENT 2 I\ione 1 I j I 1 -> ,.+ None ,/l? /../"-z/ --A</ ..-i' */ &> f- /;., ~~: \ At-. ~.,;~.~~~.~.~~-~~~~-' ,-- .___._________--_- _I_- I RONALD C, PACKAilD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETH i. ii~i E:li<RAr -, ci ty CI eri:-J . / - Qd! y:!-""-Q',,--.- -+-/ J qf? 4AhL.L,4;;F/ (SEAL) I i I ... . 168 db < .-. ,L. .. . . I nEConoiNo RI C8TKD BY CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WMCM accoIDcD nu,. rn r 1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 ELM AVENUE ' %& CARLSBAO CA 92008 J : q 80-412122 tlLi/!,:..; 'i9. 7 bObA !Q%? a- i;;c;aa:: Ri'-iliCi Of w __.__._.CITY CLE?! DEC 8 9 58 AH '8U OF~ICIAI. iliCO2DS VERA L. LYLE RECORDER SIN DIEGO Cdbf;fY* c*rl'-. (Thxi arc* IN ofkill nrmr1.l unlJ Signature-. .. ___ - . . . ___ . .... - - .- ____ - .. - . Titlc Order No .___________ - ___ .. . . . . . . Exrow or Lo3n No.- - - .- ... . . . . ~. ~ - _. 1 : 'iccrctnryiif The. Lendel. CorpoKa ti.on . x Ihc c-orporalion that crccord ihc within inurumcnt and i mcnt on hchdf of said corporation, uid ~o~por~ti~~ king ; hwn 10 mc 10 bc onc of Ihc parrncrr of . y known 10 mc 10 be lhc pcru)n\ who cxcculcd Ihc within instrc. < * that ~ancho. c-cculcd ttic .Carl u*lhin in~trumcni. ~453~. - __ an~ _. ac~&~cdlcd . ihe partnenhip to mC Ih:ul wch corwr;llion cxccukd Ihe wmc a* swh parlncr and lhxl \llch parIncr\hip cxccuird ihc umc, GVIIXI3S my hand and official %at. 1 +$z@?&~ P,' 'Siwmlurc .. . . . - .. Eliza eth M. 110 tiez I rs.~.~~~.n~. ~U...~~~.W....~.Y 5 5 iz$ ~~~~~~~s~~; .~~f!~~~~ + ,: t,., e* d ~~IY,:'PI.I orllrt IN 3 > re!> %vi !:l[r.o l:ul!fdlY i < u, C.srr,qmsn rDD rr VU+ 11. LFRJ j ~.l=='r....A .... -~~.-.-.-~.-~.-.....'.~-.-.-.*~ OFfl'.lAL SEAL (Thl. .r?, In, 0mcl.l rn.r(.l *.I) a 0 ._ , .- c 170 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIOS That portion of Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 as shovn on Parcel Hap No. 9184 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California ffled September 27, 1979 as File NO. 79-159132 in the Office of the Recorder of said county described as follows: Beginning at the southvest corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Hap No. 9184; thence along the south line of said Parcel 1 North 72'31'58" East 70.00 feet to an angle point in the west line of a strfp of land described as "40' GENE€!!= LTILITY AXD ACCESS WSEZIENT DEDICATED HEREON" and the TRUE POINT OF BEGIWING; thence leaving said south line OF Parcel 1 and along the vest line of vest corner of said strfp of land; thence leavfna said vest line North 90°00'OO" Tst 27.18 feet: thence North OO"OO'OO" East 76.66 feet; thence Sxth 9O'flO'OO" East 22.22 feet to the northwest corner of said strip of land described as "40' GEX%\L UTILITY .%MI ACCESS EASZYEXT DEDICATED HERE3S". thence along the west line of said strip of land South 03"31'58" Best 51.00 feet to the TRUE POIST OF BEGICZX. said strip of land South 17°28'02" East 27.00 feet to the south- + _- 1 I I I !-x. l - ._- .- :. 3 PARCEL I 6' a S 90a00'00,*& PLAT TO ILLUSTRATE LEGAL DESCRIPTfON FOR : GENERAL UT/L/JY AND ACCESS €AS€/2/I€NIT- TU BE DEDICATED I JOSEPH K, LUKOSKI R.C.E. /VU 27542 2706 VlU ROBERTO CAKLSBAD , CAL/FORNlA 92008 TEL. 7.'4/ 72 9- 4340 SCALE: I"Z0'1 DATE; fH4-6Gl PROJ NO - 26-6 ,,' '. 0' ., a .. .. .. . 172 ,. e' I CERTIFICATION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DEED This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated tJovember 21, 1980 from RAflCHO CARLSBAD to the City of Carlsbad, California, a municipal corporation, is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California pursuant to resolution No. 6373 , adopted on December 2, 1980 , and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. DATED: December 3, 1980 .. sy : .- ALETHA L. RqUTENKRIWZ, City le&. : s .J.; .. . ...~ ., . -,* ,__ ., ,,, . . . .:.,, . ..& "', ' .. , ".!., .. .. .. , .\ ., , .~ .. c ,' . 7,4d ., 0.. , r' ', --y 2 . J *, ., .-. . ... *,: .- '8' b .. k .. , ^.. rr . %. . .;.. -.: , , , . . .. '. .-" $.?.>? t,? e?':,"::. . t: .. -. e-, .'. $1; < .17.,.+l;.:\ . ..'"1'" '! ',~.' .I., , RtCoRMNa "KQ"~ my 1 lis <.> '? . . CITY OF CARLSBP.9 h*m wnsm CICOUN~ nhiL ve r -? CITY OF CARLSBAD mr Shn4 ru*- 1200 ELM AVENUE clr., CARLSBAD CA 92008 hb L J 1 u* 1.1 lI.IYM m y.- rRANCHO CARLSBAD Ihd 5205 Kearny Vflla Way, 5-201 Sari Diego CA 92123 A++- UU-41ZlZ1 ~ 0 tlLt/!.AC' HO oooi 1enr I ECC3RDE: REuuttl OF DEC 8 0 56 1H'IIO OFF IL i A1 !f :' c 0 I{ 08 SAW 016 0 Lut I I Chll-. Y [#id ;j h E NO FEE i WICK ABOVE THII UNL COR RCCORDLR'I Up[ - .. A.C.N.- 207-090-N. . Corporation Quitclaim Deed iwis FORM runutsnm av llcon TITLI 1uaURIn~ 10 I.,OC. ,I ,,, Thc rlndcnignud Frantor(r) &!am(s): Docunicntary transfcr lax is $ Ni 1 ( ( ( ) Unincorporated arca: (X ) City of Carlsbad , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. mxipt of which t hereby KhorWgtd . ) conipulcd on full valus of pmpcrty cunvcycd, or ) coniputcd on full vduc leu valuc d Iicns and CncumbrdncCS remaining 51 time of sale. The City of Carlsbad. a municipal corporation i corporation organled under the Ian of the able of b: f fOrnia hereby REMISFS. RELEASES AND QUImlMS lo Rancho Carlsbad, a general partnership Be following daeribed red property in !be . City of Carlsbad Countyof San !liego ,Slite of California: That portion of Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map No. 9184 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California filed September 27, 1979 as File No. 79-159182 in the Office of the Recorder of said county described as follows: See Legal kscrfption on Exhibit "A" attached. All as shown on attachment "A" for convenience sake and attqched hereto. In n'itrlcss Khcrcvf. Mid rorporalion ha, rauw] it3 rorpr3tc name and zcal to L aRxrd here6 'and thb indrw rncrll to ~,c cxvmtn~, I,! iln.aor.fkcltdaa antl-Cltv+ thrrrunlu dulv oulhorizrd. Dlrtccl: memher1-980-.-.- 16rxfiw .. . .. 5:. } STATE OF CAI.IFOHNIA WNTY or.+Qir to me IO lw rhc Mayor _-.- cl .. ty-ClS.rk--r ihr ~.,rp.rm~im 1h.r ~.CCUIA ;hr Willti" *ill,i" l!l.lll,l,ll.lll. lid;;; Ll!.lrn ,I, $4;*"*l ,,,r It1 lw thr rhu e~rcu~t~al IIW Js !.ms-ivs~~,.~t rus ntr ii,.i .ucIt (:.,rp,rayF v$yrrtt ttw illiin in-tru rwn! ~~tnr.u~ni ii. t,y.Iaw. ,.I a rCu UIW, 01 11. In 11 *,I Jirccrvi. on -I)ec!?%, 19'8- - &Inrr mr. the drr. b- a s,, mr ~but,Iic in an*I 'or said SI SI^. yrr-nally ayparrd "%&ald b. Packard km-n DCXXXK .nd Aletha L. b.u_tc_n_kangL-. hu-n II. n,r I#. I* wrx~x I )la, ,I GhC;.i .< SiP,I.lll e /A' E: Ill,,. .," I.. ..nb(.l *...'.I .-.I, ;' ANITA Dfi2 MURPHY -- ~ 'fitlc Orilrr Xu..- &row or I.mn No.-- __. . MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIhECTED ABOVE That portion of Parcel 1 as shown on Parcel Map No. 9184 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California filed September 27, 19751 as File NO. 79-1591V in the Office of the Recorder of said county described as fOllOW3: Eleginning at the southwe8t corner of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Nap No. 9184 ; thence along the south line of said Parcel 1 North 72'31'58" East 70.00 feet to an angle point in the west line of a strip of land described as "40' GEliZRAL GTILITY AXD ACCESS EASEXEXT DZ:DICATED HSRFXW"; thence leaving said south line of Parcel 1 and alonc the west line of said strip of land North 03°31'5~8" East 51.60 feet to the northwest-corner of said strip of land, ar.d the TRUE: POINIT OF EZGltMIMG; thence Soi.th e6°28'02" East 24.00 feet; thence So~ith OjOjl '58" West 10.61 feet; thcnc? North 62°37'04" !Jest 26.24 feet to the northwest csrner of said Strip of lard, end the TRUE POIlIT OF BEGIHNI?!C-. i: 1' 1 -4 i' . .. 1~ . . .) ATTACHMENT "A" .--- i I --_ PARCEL 2 /OSEPH K. LUKOSKI R.C.E. NO. 27542 .. 2706 PI4 ROBEHTO , .. ., , i -__.... . < - September 13, 1993 Annette J. Evans County Recorder PO Box 1750 San Diego, CA 92112-4147 Our records indicate that we never received our original document back after recordatior Therefore, we would like to have your office send us a certified copy of the followin described document. Document: Partnership Grant Deed From: Rancho Carlsbad Signed: 11/21/90 A€": 207-090-10 This deed, granting the City of Carlsbad a general utility and access easement, was mailel to the County Recorder's ofice on December 5, 1980. Enclosed are instructions on how the City is to be billed for the charges incurred ii meeting our request. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. 1 / LC{ /!lc !/ c ( i / /c 6. "72 . KATHLEEN D. SHOUP WP-I1 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, California 92008-1 989 - (61 9) 434-2G m a I I i ! i 100- 7. .. ... I-.,..- 1 lLWU CLiVI MYCIYVL CARLSBAD, CALlFOFlNlA 92008 Ollice ol the City Clerk I citp of Carlts'bab i 1 i ! I ! ! i i I December 5, I980 , Vera L. Lyle, Recorder COLWTY OF SAN DIEGO Post Office Box 1750 t San Diego, CA 92112 I i i We enclose herelith for recordation the foI.lo>il~g-deScri 1 ! docmen ts : i 1. Corporation Quitclaim Deed froc! the City of Carlsjac! I Rancho Carlsbad regarding A. P. F. 207-090-io. ! 2. Partnership Grant Deed from Rznc'n.; Carlsbad to the C i I or' Carlsbad regarding A. I). N. 207-090-10. f i In thzr the recordatio? of these docments is of benefit ! the CLq- of Carlsbab, it is requested char your cr;sEozai: fees bs xaived. I I Than?? ycu. 1 I ! hBiTA I) . MUWHY, Deputy Cfty Clerk Enclosxzes & i ! , ! I ! I I m a __ -_ . . _-- - -- - ._ - Tri rn, tnhir. 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA 9200.3 I LbLr ' IW1.L. (7 14) 438-5535 Olf,ce ol the C,fy Ckrk &itp of CasWbab December 5, 1980 Rancho Car lsbnd Developments C/O "TIiZ LENDEL CO'RPGRATPON" Attention: Steven C. Wright, Superintendent -5TiFTZearRy Villa Way, Suite 201 San Diego, CA 42123 Enclosed is a confo-med copy of Resolution KO. 6373 adopted by the Carlsbad City Council on ileccm3er 2, 1980. We have forwarded the original Corpora.tion Quil-claim De2d from the City to Rancho Carlsbad to the CcunG recorder ths date. !hen the original., recorded document is returned, sme will be fcrwarded t~ you. ? I , ANITA D. XIJRPHY, Deputy CLzy Clerk Enc lo s l;r e *!fJfi7 c/ +/ y/J -54 J6+h/*y 2 sy-/J- TELEF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (714) 4 I) 1200 ELM AVENUE Office of the City Clerk attp of Carls’bab January 14, 1981 Ralph & Mary Ann Haasl 6411 Via De La Reina Bonsall , CA 92003 A Quitclaim Deed from the City of Carlsbad to you has been recorded evidencing release of an easement for sewer purposes on a por- tion of Lots 40 and 41 of Shelter Cove in the City of Carlsbad. This Quitclaim Deed, which recorded on November 26, 1980, is hereby being returned to you. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. qc-&/ ,d? ‘ c 2A 3 ’ NITA D. MURPHY eputy City Clerk ADM: krs Enclosure