HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-02; City Council; 6445; Ordinance Regulating Distrbiution of Materials to Vehicles and Demonstration Eqiupment'CITY OF CARLSBAD A•;ENDZ\ BILL NO. DATE: ____ .....De.c.emb.er ¢_&-l.9..8,._0 __ DEPARTHENT: _ ___rj,ty Attorn....,._ __________ _ ;i:nitial: Dep::. Head City Atty. ci,:y Mgr. Su.bJ'ect: ORDINANCE REGULATING DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS TO VEHICLES ~D .RE;GULATJ;Nq Q~~QNS~RATION EQUIPME:~T. Statement of the ·Matter At·the request of the Police Chief 1 our office has undertaken to prepare an ordinance which would protect th~ health, safety and welfare of the people of Carlsbad by-prohibiting the distribution of printed materials to persons in vehicles on public streets and prohibiting the stopping of vehicles to distribute such material. If permitted, such activity leads to litter and can cause traffic congestion and accidents. The prohibition of certain types of demonstration equipment protects public safety by limiting the potential for use of such equipment as weapons. The memorandum from the Po.lice Chief more fully explains the need for this ord;i.na,1ce. Exhibits Ordinance No. · J I ~ 3 Memorandum from Police Chief to City Attorney, dated July 25, 1980. Recommendation If the City Council concurs, your action is to introduce Ordinanc.:e No. 3 l«?...3 . Council Action: 12-2-80 Counci·l introduced Ordinance No. 312-3. 12-16-80 Council adopted Ordinance No. 3123. / TO: FROM: Vincent F. Biondo, Jr. C'ity Attorney Vincent D. Jimno Chief of Pol ice July 25, 1980 SUBJECT: Ordinance Regulating Distribution of Materials to Vehicles and Regulating Demonstration Equipment As each year passes, increasing numbers of people are brought together in close proximity as special events are held throughout the city. Events such as the La Costa Tournament of Champions, Clairol Tennis Classic, Bel Rey Motocross and the Fall Faire continually draw 15,000 to 30,000 people. As the number and size of these events inci·ease, the potential for traffic corrgestion, accident~, confrontations and demonstrations also increases . . Constitutional guarantees such as the Fii-st and Fourteenth Ammendments (Right to Peaceably Assemble ctnd Freedom of Speech, Press and Religion) sometimes limit the police department's ability to successfully prev.ent or deal with these conditions. it is my recommendation that the City of Carlsbad adopt, in ordi1:ance form, regulations preventing the stopping of vehicles by pedestrians for the pur- pose of distributing printed materials to persons in those vehicles and con- trolling the type and size of demonstration equipment allowed. Adoption of such an ordinance will protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of Carlsbad and enhance the police department's ability to deal with these activities. w.~~i~ Chief of Po~;, VDJ/dib / l ' ' . I j f i ! I ' \ ' . I J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ 8 l l 9 I I 10 -I l 11 12 0 <( m IO 13 ,? .J 8 • C: N C: <( "' .., (.) •<( 14 0 u. w -co~~ Z )-WO 21-~u. 15 o.,-- • I".)~ .J ' ~ • .., <( w (.) .. ~ g· .. 16 Z 0 LUZ N <( o a:: -m Z O C/1 17 > I: a! <( <( ~ (.) u 18 19 20 2.1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -----------~--- ORDINANCE NO. 3123 AN ORDUlANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 8, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COPE, BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 8.18 TO REGULATE DEMONSTRATION EQUIPMENT AND BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 8.28.050 AND 8.28.060 RELATING TO THE DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS TO VEHICLES. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 8 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Chapter 8.18 to read as follows: "Chapter 8.18 DEMONSTRATION EQUIPMENT Sections: 8.rB.010 Demonstration equipment prohibited. 8.18.010 Demonstration equipment prohibited. It shall b<? unlawful for any person to carry or possess while participatin~ in any demonstrations, rally, picket J.ine, or puhlic assembly any object which is not comprised of wood except as otherwi9e provided in this section. Each object must be 1/4 inch or less in thickness and 2 inches or less in width or if not generally rectangular in shape, such object shall not exceed 1/2 inch in its thickest dimension. This section shall not pert:ain to those materials consisting of paper, cardboard or cloth." SECTION 2: That Title 8, Chapter 8.28 of the Carlsbad · Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Sections 8.28.050 and 8.28.060 which read as follows: "8.28.050 Distributions or soliciting materials to vehicles prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to aistribute or to solicit any printed or advertising material to any person. c.,r persons who may he riding in any vehicle or conveyance of any type, while the same is using any public street in the City of Carlsbad for purposes of travel. 8.28.060 Stop12ing vehicles to distribute or solicit prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to attempt to stop or to st.op any person or persons who may be riding in any vehicle or conveyance of any type, wh~le same is upon any public street in the City of Carlsbad for the purpose of travel, in I 0 ct i I ' I C'O II) U) ..J 0 0 • a: N ~ 5 Cl o u. <I>~ CO ::,z z z a: r::wo Q > u. (I) -< -() ~ ...r u: • -J <( wO I-> 8 • zW 0 ~~~~ Z O VJ > I= ~ <( • ct r:: 0 I 0 I ! J. · order to distribute or solicit any printed or advertising material or to solicit for any business." 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fi£teen days ~fter its adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council he;l.d on the 2nd day of December ----=------ 1980 and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 16th day of December , 1980 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin None ABSENT : None -~IL~~ ..,....RONALD C. PACY-ARD, Mayor "I ATTEST: M£EN,~ (SEAL) 2. / Lt