HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-02; City Council; 6446; Proposal to provide legislative servicesCITY OF CARLSBAD .2EI-IDA BILL SO. DATE: DECEMBER 2. 1980 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER Subject: PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Statement of the Matter John McTighe has proposed to provide the following legislative services to the City: 1. Assist in formulation of State legislative policies, 2. Monitor and report on all proposed State legislation which relates to adopted legislative policy of the City, 3. Provide an analysis of effect of specified legislation on Carlsbad. A more detailed description of the proposed service is contained in Exhibit I. The services that McTighe offers would allow the City to organize its State legislative activities into a comprehensive program which would provide a more effective way of dealing with legislative issues A number of significant issues with profound local effect will be before the Legislature in the coming year. Such issues,the local coastal program, annexation tax-split, inclusionary zoning, low-moderate housing and the AB-8 deflator are just a sample. The program as outlined by McTighe would allow the City to become more proactive and not always be in a reactive position. " Fiscal Impact The cost of proposed service is broken into three components: 1. Legislative Policy Development $1,540 2. Legislative Monitoring $2 400 3. Legislative Analysis $4,800 TOTAL $8,740 The funds for this service would need to be appropriated from the Contingency Reserve which currently has a balance of $385,305. Exhibits 1. Letter from John McTighe dated October 10, 1980. Recommendation That the City enter into an agreement with Mr. McTighe for services outlined in Exhibit I. Direct staff to bring back a Resolution approving this agreement. Council Action : 12-2-80 Council requested further information including samples and more details. JOHN J. McTIGHE, M.P.A. PUBLIC AFFAIRS CONSULTANT 1438 Bathurst Place El Cajon, California 92020 (714)440-3808 \C October 10, 1980 Mr. Frank Aleshire City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Frank: I am submitting a revised proposal for legislative services along the lines we recently discussed. Specifically, I have reduced the scope of the legislative monitoring and legislative analysis to cover only those issues which will be included in the City's legislative policies. Because the number and complexity of the issues to be covered is unknown at this time, I have quoted you a minimal number of hours which in my judgment would be necessary to carry out these services. The proposal contem- plates the possibility of additional analysis at a set hourly rate added to the base cost. I have also quoted you a rate for legislative representative services should you have a need for such services. The prices quoted in this revised proposal are good only if accepted by the City Council not later than December 1, 1980. In summary, I am proposing three distinct services: 1) Legislative Policy Development, 2) Legislative Monitoring, and 3) Legislative Analysis. Should you choose to contract with me for all three services, the minimum total cost to the city for the period December 1, 1980 through November 31, 1981 would be $8,740.00. You have the option, however, of contracting for only one or two of the proposed services. For example, you could contract for the legislative policy development and monitoring of the related legislation and leave the analysis of the specific impact of the proposed legislation to City staff. I am hoping your Council will act upon this proposal relatively soon so that we may begin the legislative policy development on December 1 in order to have the policies in place as early in the legislative session as possible. Policy Analysis • Legislative Analysis • Fiscal Analysis . Legislative Representation Mr. Frank Aleshire City of Carlsbad October 10, 1980 Page Two Please give me a call if you need additional information or have questions about the revised proposal. Very truly JJM:gag attachment JOHN J. McTIGHE, M.P.A. PUBLIC AFFAIRS CONSULTANT 1438 Bathurst Place El Cajon, California 92020 (714) 440-3808 Proposal for Legislative Services for the City of Carlsbad, California Revised October 1, 1980 Purpose of Services: 1. To assist the City Council and Manager in the formulation of State legislative policies. 2. To summarize, monitor and report to the City Council and Manager on all proposed State legislation which relates to the adopted legislative policies of the City. 3. To provide the City Council and Manager with analysis of the potential effect of specified proposed legislation on the City of Carlsbad. Scope of Services: Consultant will develop for Council consideration and adoption a set of legislative policy statements dealing with those issues anticipated to be considered by the State Legislature in the 1981-82 biennial session of importance to the City. Consultant will regularly monitor and report on all proposed legislation which relates to the City's adopted legislative policies. Consultant will perform up to eight £8) hours per month of analysis of pending legislation. Legislation to be analyzed will be determined by the City Manager or his designated representative. Description of Services: 1. Legislative Policy Development This service will consist of meetings with City Council Members, the City Manager and key City staff to determine those issues of greatest significance to the City which might be addressed by future legislation. In addition, consultant will meet with legislators, staff of the League of California Cities and staff of other cities in San Diego County to determine which issues are most likely to be considered in the 1981-82 legislative session. At the conclusion of the above meetings, consultant will draft a set of policy statements for the Council's consideration which most nearly reflect the consensus of of Council and staff on those issues most likely to be addressed by the Legislature. Consultant will meet with the Council in a workshop session to discuss the proposed policies. Consultant will follow up the workshop session with the submittal of a final set of legislative policies for adoption by the City Council. Policy Analysis • Legislative Analysis « Fiscal Analysis . Legislative Representation Proposal for Legi ative Services for the City of Carlsbad, Ca October 10, 1980 Page Two 2. Legislative Monitoring This service will consist of continual review of all legislation introduced or amended that relates to the legislative policies of the City. Consultant will provide a weekly written summary of all such legislation that has been introduced or amended in the previous week. In addition, consultant will provide a monthly written summary of the status of all legislation that has been previously reported on in the weekly summaries. 3. Legislative Analysis Analysis will consist of a summary of the proposed legis- lation together with, a description of the potential effect passage of the legislation would have on the City of Carlsbad. Consultant will provide the City Manager with a complete written analysis of the legislation and its potential effect on the City. Consultant will further meet with the City Council once a month to orally review legislation and answer questions concerning the written analysis. During conduct of analysis, consultant will meet with appropriate City staff to gather pertinent data and information to be utilized in the analysis. Term of Services: 1. Legislative Policy Development - December 1, 1980 through January 31, 1981. 2. Legislative Monitoring - December 1, 1980 through November 31, 1981. 3. Legislative Analysis - December 1, 1980 through November 31, 1981. Cost of Services: 1. Legislative Policy Development: $1,540.00 payable in two equal installments of $770.00, the first due ten days following submission of the draft set of policy statements and the final due ten days following submission of the final set of policy statements. Proposal for Legi. xtive Services for the City of Carlsbad, Ca October 10, 1980 Page Three 2. Legislative Monitoring; $2,400.00 payable in twelve equal monthly installments of $200.00 by the fifteenth day of each month, commencing with January, 1981. 3. Legislative Analysis: $4,800.00 payable in twelve equal monthly installments of $400.00 by the fifteenth day of ' each month, commencing with January, 1981. Additional Services: 1. Legislative Analysis If the City Manager or his designated representative authorize analysis in excess of eight (8) hours in any one month, consultant will provide such services at an hourly rate of $50.00 for the first eight additional hours, $45.00 for each of the next four hours, and $40.00 for each hour thereafter up to a total of twenty four additional hours in any one month. Such additional services will be invoiced to City on a monthly basis and are payable within ten (10) days following the receipt of consultant's invoice. 2. Legislative Representation If the City Council should determine to use consultant's services to represent the City's interests with the State Legislature or individual Legislators, consultant will provide such services at an hourly rate of $35.00 plus expenses incurred in the performance of such services. Such additional services will be invoiced to City on a monthly basis and are payable within ten (10) days following the receipt of consultant's invoice. JOHN J. McTIGHE, M.P.A. PUBLIC AFFAIRS CONSULTANT 1438 Bathurst Place El Cajon, California 92020 (714)440-3808 August 1980 In these times when the State Legislature is exerting increasing influence over the affairs of local agencies, it is more important than ever before that local agencies keep abreast of proposed changes in State law that affect them. It is most critical that local agencies take advantage of every opportunity to insure their voices are heard in Sacramento. State associations can only go so far in the legislative process and by necessity must represent the best interests of the majority of their membership on those few issues where a concensus of the members is possible. John J. McTighe has developed a unique set of services tailored to the individual needs of local agencies to be involved in the State legislative process. These services are intended not to duplicate, but rather to supplement the services currently provided by state associations. Agencies may pick from several types of services to develop a custom package which precisely fits their needs. Each agency pays only for what it needs. Contracting with John J. McTighe for legislative services offers the advantages of receiving highly professional legis- lative summaries, analyses and/or representation for a fraction of the cost of employing staff to perform the same functions. John combines over ten years of experience in legislative representation and local government administration with solid Policy Analysis • Legislative Analysis • Fiscal Analysis . Legislative Representation grounding in public affairs and administration. He is able to concentrate on legislation and bring your agency the quality of services that previously only the larger local agencies could afford. John possesses a firm belief in the importance of local control of governmental functions and an understanding of the inter- governmental realities of the 1980s. Local agencies are able to select from legislative summaries, legislative analyses, and legislative representation or a combination of these services depending on their need. In addition, John J. McTighe will work with the local agency to develop a positive state legislative program to allow the agency to aggressively track legislation and to work toward the enactment of legislation that will be in the best interests of the agency's constituents. As the State is becoming more of a factor in local affairs, few agencies can afford not to have the services of John J. McTighe. It is important that you act now if you feel your agency can use these services. The next Legislative session is only a few months away and you won't want to miss any legislation that will affect you. There are only a limited number of clients that John J. McTighe will be serving for the 1981 session. You are encouraged to contact John today so you don't miss the opportunity to be among them.