HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-09; City Council; 6447; SANDAG Areawide Housing Opportunity Plann �CyITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 6 ,14/ / Initial': Dept.lid._ DATE: December �J, 1980 C. Atty. , DEPARTMENT: Housing and Redevelopment C. Mgr"'` Subject: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE SANDAG AREAWIDE HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PLAN. Statement bf the Matter The Comprehensive Planning Organization, now San -Diego Association of Governments, has beem developing an Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan toward the en 3 of better r enabling jurisdictions in this region to apply Federal resources to me a ing their Power income housing needs. The document is now complete and ready foi action -by ' the various jurisdictions in the region. SANDAG action on the propoval is scheduled for December 15, 1980. The Housing and Redevelopment -Director has prepared a report on the proposed AHOP (Exhibit I) and is recommending approval. The two tables attached to the report represent the essence of the AHOP. A complete copy. of the 115 page document is available at -the City Clerk's Office for those desiring additional information. 4 EXHIBITS I — Report from Housing and Redevelopment Director dated November 24, 1980 II — Resolution of the City Council adopting the-Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan. FINANCIAL MPACT Adoption and final certification by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development could'inean more Federal funding for Housing related activity. RECOP24MATION Adopt Resolution No. G ,3 8 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California adopting the SANDAG Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan. Council_ Action: t: 12-9-80 Council adopted Resolution 6381. N 4 9 t Jj I MEMORANDUM DATE: November 24, 1980 TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager FROM: Jack E. Henthorn, Housing and Redevelopment Directo SUBJECT: ADOPTION 6F'AREAWIDE HOUSING 01PORTUNITY PLAN INTIiODUCTION_- The -attached tables outline the draft of the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan (AHOP). These tables, background data and a narrative explanation are being proposed to be submitted to-thp U.S. Department of Housing and.Urban Development (HUD) by CPO in order to qualify the region's cities -and county for bonus Community Development Block Grant funds, assisted houding funds, and ,planning assistance funds. CPO staff has met with all local housing and planning staffs to solicit their review And comments. tow that this is accomplished, CPO staff is approaching the City Councils and Board of Supervisors for their approval prior to taking the item to the CPO Boiid of Directors for approval and subinisp'_= to HUD. The complete document, some 115 Pages long is on file in the Clerk's office. The document serves basically to: - identify lower income household by jurisdiction (Table 20, attachment 1) - distribute lower income housing,needs by jurisdiction (Table 26, attachment I) - identify one and three year goals for lower income housihg.assistance�by jurisdictiofi-(TAble 22, attachement II) - identify jurisdictions,needing additional lower income housing resources - analyze barriers to low Income housing - recommend activities to implement the plan AHOP COMPARED TO HOUSING ELEMENT The AHOP is similar to the Housing Assistance Plans (HAP) that all local jurisdictions have adopted (either directly or indirectly through the County of San Diego) as part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application process. The basic difference between the AHOP and the various HAP's, besides the regional scale, is that the AHOP redistributes lower income housing needs among the local jurisdictions based upon CPO's adopted Housing Allocation Formula. The Formula (adopted in March 1980) identifies each jurisdiction's housing g� allocation percentage and the number of additional_ lower income housing units that each jurisdiction should provide. The AHOP builds upon the formula by identifying•the total lower income households that require assistance. However, the AHOP goals for new construction are reflective of the Housing Allocation Formula's goals for additional units. In Carlsbad's situation the proposed plan is well within the goals identified in the recently adopted Housing Element. In that document, the City identified' a total five year lower income housing need of 2,845 households. The CPO's AHOP identifies the total lower income housing assistance needs to be 2,727 units over three years. ' The differential of 118 units is due to the fact that the Housing Element r addresses a five year time frame while.the AHOP addresses a frame of three years. *; °s This is a function of differences between State and Federal regulations. 'r ASSISTANCEGOALS- ` The proposed AHOP identifies.204-households as being assisted over a three year -period. In comparison, the recently adopted Housing Element requires that 426 a units be assisted during the same period (142 ave. units/year x 3 years). Therefore, our locally determined level of committment is unaffected by the AHOP. Again, this difference is the result of the different regulations involving the two documents. t -2- I 01 BENEFITS TO THE CITY If the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approves the AHOP, several advantages could be realized: 1. The lower income housing needs and definitions that have to be identified in the Housing Assistance Plans (HAP) could become regionally consistent. Local jurisdictions could substitute the AHOP data and tables in their HAP's, and thus be relieved of this often burdensome technical process, and devote more energy to program implementation. 2. The Region would qualify to compete for HUD discretionary funds. The AHGP outreach communities could receive additional,CDBG, assisted housing, and planning resources to support local efforts in addressing lower income housing goals. Carlsbad is identified as an outreach community. 3. All jurisdictions would have a direct role In HUD's assisted housing allocation process that occurs each fiscal year. Upon approval of the AIiOP by HUD, the Department's allocatiuns must comply with the AHOP. Thus, the local government, through the AHOP; would have a direct impact upon the allocation -of federal resources within the region. 4. The goals contained in the AHOP can be mare realistically achieved than the substantially higher HAP goals that have been adopted by the jurisdictions. Thus, the.local governments' committments to provide for lower income households in the-AHOP would be more reflective of local capabilities. 5. The regional goal of a more equitable distribution of assisted housing resources in accordance with the fair share formula would be reinforced. REQUIRMENTS Adoption of the proposed document would not require effort in addition to that already outlined in the Housing Element since the AHOP's proposals are well within those already established by the City. -3- d, t 3 x Y h{Ai �i Y .. {l R l RECOMMENDATION This item should be presented to Council at its meeting of December 2, 1980, with a recommendation that it adopt the AHOP as proposed by CPO'via Council Resolution. JEH:al A., 2 M A 0 s L 4 yy d � ' ei — M1 1 Px! � i S i y i a TABLE 20 LOWER INCOME HOUSINGASSISTANCE;NEEDS, - BY: JURISI)ICTION,,1980-1983" SAN,DI EGO',REGION Jurisdiction In Place Peicenfags In Place Houi 0' ETR° , Percantsp ; ETR HodWwlds Total' Households Total. P0r'm't Carlsbad, '2.0' 2,417 2:5 316 2,727 2.0 Chula Vista 4.8 5,800 5.0 MV 6;419• A 4:8 -Coronado: 1.3 1,57.1 1.1' 136 1;707- :Def'Ma� 0,3 362' 0.3 37. 399, '` ' 01' EI"Cajon 3.8 4,592 '3.7 458 5,050,. 3:8` :Escondido 3,6 4;350 3.7 458 4,808: 3.6 ' Irnperiai Beach 0.7 846 3,625 0.6" ','X '396 920 0J La Mesa, 3.0 .3.2 Linbn'Grove 1:1 T329 1.11 136 1;465, 1:1 Nati6naLCity- `Oceafiside J:9 "3.9 .2;296 4;712 1.3- 4.3 161' 532• 2;457 i4 1;8. 3.9 -San piego 47:3 57,157 44.2 5;472' B2:629 47,0' Sari Marcos 13 1,571' 1:7 210 1;781 1.3 Vista 2.0 2,'417 2.2 -272 �2;689- _2b, ` flnincorporafed 23:1' :27,914- 25,3,' 3,132' 31',046 23:3: ; Region Total' 10�.0 120,9596 100.0 12;403b 133;362 100.0 + k f , , ...., 1 1'- 5= I A . ' k aETR: "EiPected to Reside;' a teimteferring to the number of -low-income households forecast to be added in each jurisdiction'during,193083: i bOue to rounding of percentages in preceding columns, a multiplier of�120 840 in Column 2 and 12,3i11 In Column 4 trod to be used to equal control totals for those columns, `.r TABLE 22 LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLD ASSISTANCE GOALS BY, JURISDICTION 1980-1963 SAN DIEGO'REGION _ Households To'Be-Aaisted;, IM lice Expo W Tc-Reside AkiDbnt Nuink Percini Number Jurisdiction Total Carisbad 2.0 181 2.5 23- .Chula Vista Coronado .Del Mar EI'Cajon :Escondido: 1' weial Beach 4,8' 0 0.3; 3.& 3.6 0:7 435 118 27 344 326 83 5.0 1.1 .0.3 3.7 3.7 6.6 47 10 3 34 34 6 482 128- ' 30 378' ' '360` -69 La•Mes'a L'ern'on Grove ;National.City' Oceanside San•Diego, Sari`Marco"s 'Vista 'Unincorporated 3.6 1.1 1`:9 3.9 47:3 1;3 2,0 23,1 272. 100' 172• 353 4,287 1,18 181 2,094 3.2 1.1 1:3 4.3 44.2 -1.7, 2.2 25.3 30 10 12 40 411, 16 20• 235- 3b2• .110 �184• 303` .; 4,698- 134? :201 2;329 Riwori Total 100.01 9,071 `� 100.0 93t ' 10,002. tDue to rounding in Column 1 •9p63 was used as multiplier to equal region total need 19,011. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i 24 f 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO 6381 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE SANDAG AREA14IDE HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PLAN WHEREAS, the San Diego region's housing market is not meeting the need for affordable housing, especially for lower income households; and MIEREAS, the'lack of af:--gable housing creates an economic and social strain upon the San Diego region's prosperity; and. WHEREAS, the local jurisdictions in the San Diego region have adopted the San Diego Association of Governments' Housing Allocation Formula and the Regional Housing Plan which demonstrates a committment to address their "Fair Share" of the region's lower income housing needs; and WHEREAS, the local jurisdictions have expressed a need and developed actions to address the lower income housing needs through their Housing Elements and/or Housing Assistance Plans; and WHEREAS, the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan will enable the region to compete for additional housing subsidies and to be involved in the allocation of assisted housing resources; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad recognizes the housing needs and supports the goals as recommended in the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Carlsbad will continue to provide housing for lower income households within its jurisdiction through all reasonable programs and activities. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 010. I PASSED, 2 City Council'- of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 2nd day 3 of December 1980, by the following vote, to wit 4 -a AYES: Council Members Packard, Anear, Lewis and Kulchn 5 NOES: None 6 ABSTAIN: None 7 8 -ATTEST: 9 41�' � 10 -VROINIAILDPACKAIW, Mayor 11 12 - 1--ETZI&�L. RAITENKRANZ, City Clerk 13 14. (Seal) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 X"