HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-09; City Council; 6448; Sudan Interior Mission AnnexationCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. /^ Wg Dept. Hd. BH # DATE:. December .9. 1980 Cty. Atty DEPARTMENT: Planning Cty. Mgr. SUBJECT: SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION ANNEXATION - TAX EXCHANGE STATEMENT OF THE'MATTER; Sudan Interior Mission has petitioned for annexation of a 12.36 acre parcel located southwest of the intersection of Laurel Tree Road and Palomar Airport Road as shown on Exhibit "-A" . Prior to annexation, the city and San Diego County are required to negotiate a property tax exchange for revenues generated by the property. The property in question will be developed as a church related use, and therefore, is exempt from property taxes. The county has adopted a Resolution of Tax Exchange finding that no property taxes, will be generated, therefore, no negotiations between the county and the city are required. A copy of this resolution is attached for your review. Should the City Council wish to annex this property, your action would be to direct staff to contact LAFCO to proceed with the annexation and adopt the attached Resolution of Tax Exchange. The annexation itself would then be considered by LAFCO and be brought back to the City Council for final action. Fiscal Impact The city would provide public services if the property is annexed. The cost-of such services would not be offset by.the developer because no property taxes would be generated and the church related use is exempt from the payment of a public facility fee pursuant to City Council Policy No. 17. Given the nature of the development, however, staff feels the public services required to serve the site would not create a substantial financial burden on the city. Exhibits 1. Resolution No. ^>3f'3. 2. Board of Supervisors, Resolution of Tax" Exchange 3. Exhibit A, Location Map ? That the City Council direct staff to contact LAFCO to proceed with the annexation of the Sudan Interior Mission property located within the County of San Diego as shown on Exhibit "A" and adopt Resolution No- Counci 1 Action : 12-9-80 Council adopted Resolution 6382, and directed staff to contact LAFCO to procep-i tne annexation.cd with 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6382 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REGARDING PROPERTY TAX 3 EXCHANGE RELATING TO JURISDICTIONAL CHANGES. SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION ANNEXATION 4 WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requires the 5 negotiation of any exchange of property tax revenues occasioned 6 by jurisdictional changes between the areas affected; and 7 WHEREAS, under such circumstances the City Council is 8 authorized to negotiate such property tax revenue exchanges on 9 behalf of the City of Carlsbad; and 10 WHEREAS, the subject annexation does not involve any property 11 tax exchange because the area to be annexed would be developed as 12 a church related use which is tax exempt and therefore no tax 13 • exchange negotiation is necessary. 14 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the 15 Citv Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall, on behalf of the city 16 notify the County Auditor and Local Agency Formation Commission 17 of said action by forwarding to them a copy of this resolution. ^•° .adjournedPASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a/regular meeting of the 19 City Council on the 9th day of December, 1980, by the following 20 vote, to wit: 21 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin22 NOES: None 23 ABSENT: None 24 ABSTAIN: 25 ATTEST:___ 26 . RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor &. <A. M^r 20 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City CL£rk (SEAL) Ho. 20 TOK3DAY. OCTOBER lU. I960 lHVO JO A1IO RESOLUTION RE NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX 0%l • fi ' ': ••• EXCHANGE RELATING TO JURISI) ICTIONAL CHANGES On motion of Supervisor __ Hamilton _ , seconded by J Supervisor _ Eckert __ , the following resolution is adopted : WHEREAS, Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 requires the negotiation of any exchange of property tax revenues occasioned by jurisdictional changes between the areas affected; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the Board of Supervisors is authorized to negotiate such property tax revenue exchanges on behalf of service areas or special districts; and WHEREAS, the following listed jurisdictional changes between cicies or special districts are proposed; and WHEREAS, the conditions set forth in Board of Supervisors Policy B-45 relating to property tax revenue exchar.aes require no exchange of property tax revenue under certain conditions; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has negotiated and deter- mined that no property tax revenue exchange is applicable to the following listed jurisdictional changes; NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that each of the following listed jurisdictional changes shall result in no property tax exchange. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall, on behalf of the adopting agencies, notify the County Auditor and the Local Agency Formation Commission of such negotiated exchange of property tax revenues by forthwith forwarding to them a copy of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, the llth day of October _ < 1980 by the following vote: AYES: Supervisors Hacilton, Eedfceccck, Bates, and Eckert »!,«„•,,,„ NOFS : Supervisors Hone **'" " T° r°RM AN3 ABSENT: Supervisor Moore Coun*» Counse, - - Otputy 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. County of San Diego ) I, PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original resolution passed and adopted by said Board, at a __ Titular- _ .__ meeting thereof, at the time and by the vote therein stated, which original re&olution is now on file in my office; that the sanie contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, this lUth day of October. 1980 PORTER D. CREMAN5 Clei;k of the Board of ' -> SEAL A. TlscRreno _ Deputy JURISDICTIONAL CHANGES WHICH DO NOT REQUIRE PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE LAFCo Title Ref. No. Basis Awad et. al. Reorganization RO 80-35 (1) Sudan Interior Mission Annexation CA 80-9 (2) Reynolds, et. al. Annexation to Lakeside DA 80-71 (3) Sanitation District Fanita Drive #2 Annexation to El Cajon CA 79-4/ (4) RO 79-18 (1) No Property Tax Requested (2) Tax Exemption Status (3) Enterprise District (4) Public Land &TIT M £3 |j| * - V-FTOPERTT CASE ES3O, CJt-8c>'4l/Cup-l(}o APPLICANT /ADO VICINITY P1AP