HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-16; City Council; 6456; Adopting the Capital Improvement ProgramCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO._ DATE: December 16, 1980 _ C. Atty.JHEeD_ DEPARTMENT : Finance C' Mgr * Subject: . ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Statement of the Matter During the past four months the staff has worked with the Public and City Council to develop a five year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) . The modifications requested by Council during the November 15 and November 24 workshop sessions have been incorporated into the document which is now before the Council for approval. The attached resolution will adopt the 1980-81 portion of the CIP, appropriate funds, approve inter-fund transfers and establish an Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund as requested by Council. The 1980-81 Capital Budget will total $8.4 million. Fiscal Impact The proposed 1980-81 Capital Budget will amount to $8.4 million. The funding for these projects is reflected on the attached Comparative Statement of Funds. The adoption of this budget will reduce the estimated 6-30-81 total fund balance to $4.1 million. It appeals that this will not seriously impact the fiscal position of any City funds . Exhibits Comparative Statement of Funds. Resolution No. &3^9 appropriating funds for 1980-81 and appropriat- ing the transfer of funds. 1980-85 CIP. Recommendations Approve Resolution No . (j> 3 P ^ • Adopt the complete five year CIP by minute motion. Council Action: 12-16-80 The item was continued for further documents. <0 0) « rH 4J rH CO & m o•H ro •1-' TJ 1in s voW 3fa o,H CO H34J •H•0 <3 rH X +^ pj•o <?0 U4J . •H U W Cn •H 4Jiurjtu& f 0)•H •d asC rH 3 -rlb 01, p f£ rH CO CO TJcn cm r PS.' fa (U UH U US c 4J R)C HH EH m•O §fe Id<D QJ O fi3 Gf~ 0) <D -3 > O -P fl)n 01 « 3 H (0 CP o •H +J3 n).524J Ojn« tnC «> O•H U COC C 1C rt rH M rH | CO (Q« i cncn CM 0 (••.o rH cn O-, CM Or*-o rH i-H cnen•V vo CMm</> o00 rH ^ ^O»HCO- 0cn rH VO rHCM rHVt- , Scnro 3 __^- ' £ rH18 Generro c*cn ir, rH ^P 01 rHcn ro oo CO oorH m rocncn CM"00in vo roro cocn ro rH COcn cncn cn ro „ *d*vo0 COCMin*— • O roO COO ro O COCM cnin cn rH CO O ID u> 41 H (1)Q) Cl Cl K rH O 4J•H 19 tliidS u rHi-H CO O ^H 1 O ^? 0ot-H VC00 oo 0 cnrorH 0OO inrH CM O f-H 0 rHO cn m vorH CM CM VO „ VO rHin cnin vo CO Or~ rMin in^^ o0 ro roro OOO 00rH VDin o rH CM VOr- VDCM O IUfcIU01s X 3*i 5 njo CM m oCM O0o CM rH CMrHin CM CO oo 0 in rH CM i-Hin rH 1 >,Hatoa^ CO r-r- 0 ro roro C*") OOrH in CO rH VO CMo cn VO CM rH OOl VOCM ^r o in rH CM VO CO O O0 0o in ro oco cnin CM rH Ocn voCM cn r~ ro enC•H C CiO -rl•H >-l 4->a 4-> 4J 01•H 0)a nid 4-1 tn 'n vo oC r~fo ro cn CM(N r--CM*^* cn r- in cn rH OOr- coVDrH Oinin COrH CO O^J* CMrH Ol in oco cn CO rH O Oo o0 0 o cn0r- vO rH VO incn rH CO Or~ CM^ cn r- co C -H4JO £ "Hin on CQo M idID ^S ft <U -Hcn i-i cn vovO -0CM fl- CM r-O> vO oi-H 00t~-in r-oo ro CO o voCO VOCO ^l1 ro h- rH <N O O0 O COm H rHH CMin^ rH cn VDVO VOCM >» 10 VOrH •s21 -^ id tnJl Cco idIH<L> EH3 C rH01 id> oo o&J M •/I inCM r-ot r-- in r-H H (N 0 OO 0o o rH O (*1 ^5"i-H CM in inr~ r-VO I- in rH rH rO o o0 0m o r~ invo vo ooin rH •H tn inr- r- rH CM co in CM 1 01 0 -HiS »J<•„ 1cO -H •rl 1 rH M -5 ^3 10IX O. m rH CO CMin vo o m CO OrH in o MI CMtn co r* cnCM rorH in CO rHCM ^rrH cn co ^ro n* CM VD 0 OO CM O CO O cn CO COrH in 00 rHCM CM rH VO co mr- orH & •rl 'O 3fi a:OB) CncH 'HS S<L> Ocn X incn1/1 ,^ 9 ro ' H 00O H CM Oro cnin in ovo o rH 0 r- rHr- rf oro fccnin o0o H CM incn10 I vo 9ro 1 rH ^a4-> idc n o. .aO 0 rH 001 rH> m0•o Q0) U co o VO ^^ .cn '-"> ftin ° t*H ^* O roO ino r- cn I-Hvo cnO ro (M CO 0or- rovo *rH ro ro0 rHrH CM irT vorH }" VI) "^ 5 rH VOCO nr- CO CO Oro cnrM r- in coCM Vf 1o1 o oO CMo r~ o **o cnco cn rH inrH Vt- O I-O i-Ho ^ o oin r~ fO rH in i-< cnco cnr- vo co inCO CM0 VO ro r- 01 b< rH rH rHid 4Jn o0) EH4J S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO.6389 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF\ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THIS BUDGET, APPROPRI- ATING\FUNDS FOR VARIOUS INTER-FUND TRANSFERS AND ESTABLISHING THE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING TRUST FUND. WHEREAS, the C±£y Council has reviewed the proposed five year Capital Improvement Program, and WHEREAS, this five year program-includes a proposed Capital Budget for fiscal year 1980r81, and WHEREAS, the Council now\desi£^s to Jadopt the 1980-81 Capital Budget and to appropr^i support this Capital Budget, land WHEREAS, funds are availVbl 1980-81 Capital Budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE it RESOLVED as\follows; 1. The City Council Budget as proposed in t inds necessary to properly r the support of the proposed does hereby adsjpt the 1980-81 Capital five year Capital Improvement Program (attachment A). 2. Funds are hereby appropriated to suppNort the 1980-81 apital Budget from the various sources shown in\ attachment B. 3. The sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriate^ from the General Fund for the purpose of establishing an Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund. 4. Funds are hereby transferred from the Maintenance and Speration Reserve Fund to the General Fund in the amount 6t $528,064 -1- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADPOTED at a regular meeting of the City Council on December 16, 1980 by the following vote, TO WIT: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY \ (SEAL)\ ! RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR -2- EXHIBIT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Pa9e 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS &. ESTIMATES BY FISCAL. YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 Project in fiscal year 1980-81 are divided into three categories: Projects to be designed and constructed; projects scheduled for land acquisition; and proj- ects scheduled for design only. PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED - $2,954.749 CF12 BEACH PARKING LOTS - $200,000 This project will provide much-needed parking for beach users. A 100- space lot in the vicinity of Palomar Airport Road and Cerlsbad Blvd. and a parking lot in the median of Carlsbad Blvd. in the Ponto area is planned. ST19 AGUA HEDIONDA BRIDGE - $224,000 This bridge has long been in need of replacement and will involve recon- struction of the bridge and widening of Carlsbad Blvd. from south of Tamarack to the Encina Power Plant. Preliminary estimates for construc- v tion are $1,300,000. Federal Revenue Sharing funds will be used as the City's match to HBRR (Federal) funds, which will provide the balance of funding on this project. - SW7 ENCINA PLANT - $1.945,749 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $2,651,780) Design for this project is actue'ly completed. The cost represents Carls- bad's share of this year's construction costs to enlarge the major region- al sewer plant. SD1 HIGHLAND STORM DRAIN AND SEWER - $150.000 This is a joint construction project. The installation of this gravity sewer line will eliminate the necessity of the Forest Lift Station. Con- struction of the storm drain will relieve persistent flooding in the area which, in the past, has caused City crews to have to pump water to pre- vent structural flooding. SD6 MISCELLANEOUS DRAINAGE'AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION - $160,000 This project will involve the correction of minor drainage problems at: Alder and Skyline (catch basin and storm drain); El Camino Real north of Chestnuf (check structure); and Carlsbad Blvd. south of Cerezo (rein- forced concrete pipe and catch basin). Additionally, sidewalks will be constructed at various locations in the City. PR1 LA COSTA CANYON PARK PHASE II - $165.000 This project will involve the development of an additional 6.75 acres of the nine-acre park to include two lighted concrete tennis courts, two picnic and view areas, hiking trails, rest stops, planting and irrigation. Partial funding under the 1974 Bond Act is available through the State. Design will be done in-house. FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 EXHIBIT A PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED Page .2 \ PR2 JJFFERSQN/BUENA VISTA SCHOOL PARK - $90,000 This project would provide turfed athletic fields at Jefferson School and Buena Vista School Park. The fields will be constructed in conjunc- tion with the School District, and will include grading, soil prepara- tion, irrigation, backstops, benches, b-leachers and fencing. PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION - $5.252.104 CF1 POLICE & UTILITY SERVICES CENTER - S2.JI 00.000 (MULT I-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $8,554,180) This project consists of the acquisition and development of a proposed site near the County's transfer station to house the Law Enforcement -Services Facility and City Service Center. Funding for the land acqui- sition will be from Water Fund monies. Preliminary estimates to pay back the loan over the next 20 years amount to $236,045 per year on an initial land cost of $2,050,000. A preliminary site study is also sched- uled for this fiscal year at an estimated cost of $50,000. Development of this site would include a 37,500 S.F. Police Facility with staff areas such as lobby and reception, planning and research, report writing, administrative offices, lounge, secretarial and clerical, training and conference rooms. Operational areas would house male/female •locker rooms and showers, roll call/briefing areas, Investigative areas, interview rooms, prisoner Intake sally port, fuil-wervice communication section, electronic data processing, photo booking area, community rela- tions and crime prevention area, press area, weapons storage, community conference rooms, business office/records facility and may or may not include an indoor and/or outdoor pistol range. The City Service Center would include 5,000 S.F. of office space, 23,500 S.F. of warehouses and shops and 34,000 S.F. of outdoor storage. Additionally, Fire Station #5 and Training Facilities may be considered for this site in the future. CF2 FIRE STATION #5/TRAINING FACILITIES - $200,000 This project consists of a 20,000 S.F. fire station with adjacent train- ing facilities to be located on two acres of land in the vicinity of E! Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. Land acquisition is estimated at $200,000 in this fiscal year. The station would serve as headquarters for the Fire Department and have one first-run engine company and a re- serve engine. Additionally, the facilitiy would include a three-story tower, classroom, drill area and facilities for testing fire apparatus. These training facilities would provide an area where fire problems can be simulated, and several companies could come together to drill. CF8 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTER - $621,104 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $741,104) The initial year's costs represent already appropriated amounts and will be used to set up a bonding system. Subsequent years' costs represent year to year bond retirement costs. This project would provide 17,000 S.F. of office space, with 225 parking spaces and landscaping to house the Planning, Engineering, Building, Housing & Redevelopment and Parks & Recreation Departments. The building, to be located east of the Library, is planned for fiscal year 1981-82 with land acquisition scheduled for this year. FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 • EXHIBIT ft PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION Page 3 RD1 REDEVELOPMENT PROPERTY ACQUIS ITION-...$45,PP,0' (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $452,000) In order to open interior block areas it will be necessary to acquire one mid-block access point on each of the following streets: State, Madison and Roosevelt Street. These points will provide access to park- ing lots, serve as pedestrian pass-throughs, et al. Acquisition of prop- erty is planned for each year in the five-year program. RD2 STREETSCAPE; TRANSIT TRANSFER POINT - $160,000 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $690,000) Installation of landscaping enhanced paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street furniture as outlined in the "Village Streetscape Master Plan" is planned. Construction will include development of a transit transfer point, construction of pass-through areas, new accent lighting and kiosks. RD3 HOUSING PROPERTY ACQUISITION - $58,000 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $938,000) This FederaIly Funded program will enable the City to aid in the develop- ment of housing units, with a percentage of the units constructed to be designated as iow-cost housing. .Assistance to developers may be in the form of land write-down, site improvements, assumption of pre-development costs (payment of architectural fees, City fees, et al), and other methods to stimulate private development of housing for low-income persons. PR3 MACAR 10/H'JB PARK - $2,090,000 (MULT I-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $7,902,000) Development of this park would provide a centrally located 450-acre re- gional park to include multi-use athletic fields, gymnasium and recreation center, community center, park service center, ampitheater, camping facili- ties and possibly a marina. Land acquisition in this fiscal year is esti- mated at $2,045,000, and a preliminary site study is estimated at $45,000. PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR DESIGN ONLY- $204.900 ST2 TAMARACK RECONSTRUCTION - $131.000 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $2,550,000) Scheduled for construction to commence in 1982-83, the Tamarack recon- struction will be accomplished in two phases. Stage one will involve widening and reconstruction of pavement from Carlsbad Blvd. to I-5 to Include installation of traffic signals at the I-5 ramps. Stage two will involve widening and upgrading from !-5 to Highland. Initial year's costs are for design. ST13 TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECTS - $8.800 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $113,700") This item includes three traffic safety projects recommended for con- struction by the Traffic Safety Commission. Design of the following projects is scheduled for this fiscal year: (1) Widening and realign- ment of Park Drive in the Bristol Cove area is proposed in order to re- move a dangerous sharp curve. Marina Drive will then T-intersect into Park Drive at a 90° angle and the curb will be further from the traveled roadway. (2) The installation of flashing warning lights on Carlsbad EXHIBIT A FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 Page 4 PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR DESIGN ONLY ST13 TRAFFIC SAFETY PROJECTS (continued) Blvd. in front of the Army and Navy Academy is also recommended. (3) High quantities of parking at the duck feeding area along Jeffer- son necessitate construction of a parking area, plus installation of a fence to keep the ducks in the lagoon area and protect them from the roadway. ST14 ELM AVENUE INTERCONNECT - $18,800 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF'$159,700) Design for this interconnect is proposed to connect the timing of sig- nals along Elm at State, Harding, 1-5 and Pio Pico, as well as the timing of a new signal installation proposed at either Roosevelt or Madison in order to provide a smooth flow of traffic and an acceptable level of service along this major east/west arterial. A feasibility study will be completed first. ST17 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT ELM & MONROE - $5,000 (MULT!-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $80,000) " With the extension of Monroe through to Marron Road and increased traf- fic to be generated by the Hosp Grove development, this signal will allow safe and orderly entrance and exit at this intersection. W6 TRI-AGENCY INTERTiE - $19.000 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $209,000) Design for this project will cor.-.iect the westward extension of the Tri-agency pipeline to the Ellery Reservoir and will bring high pres- sure water to the reservoir at a level whereby the pumps will no longer be required to maintain pressure in the Ellery zone. ST12 BICYCLE LANES - $22,500 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $245,300) This project provides for design of bicycle lanes on Jefferson Street from Marron to Grand; Harding/Jefferson from Chestnut to Tamarack; Elm from Harding to El Camino Real; Monroe/Park from Marron to Kelly; Chestnut from Monroe to El Camino Real; Tamarack/Chinquapin from Carls- bad Blvd. to El Camino Real; and Adams Street from Chinquapin to Park Avenue as indicated -i n the General Plan. FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 CF1 POLICE & UTILITY SERVICES CENTER - $636,045 (MULT!-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $8,554,180) CF3 ALGA/RANCHO SANTA FE FIRE STATION #6 - $105,000 (MULTI-YEAR PROJECT WITH TOTAL COST OF $485,000) To be located on Alga between El Fuerte and Rancho Santa Fe Road, a 4,000 S.F. residential-style building is planned on three-fourths of an acre. The building will be designed to house one engine and one reserve truck (two-bay) and will accommodate four people (housing-wise). Con- struction will be similar to the Chestnut Station. —I DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 1980 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager/Administration SUBJECT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Attached is a revised CIP Budget for 1980-81. The following projects have been deleted: (ST17) Traffic Signal at Elm and Monroe $ 80,000 (SD1) Highland Storm Drain 188,852 (Wl) Waterline - Avenida Encinas 45,000 (W4) Recoating Elm Reservoir 2,500 (PR5) Hosp Grove Park 6,000 A sidewalk program has been added by the addition of another $100,000 to the Miscellaneous Drainage and Sidewalk items. The Highland Sewer and Storm Drain Projects have been combined and the staff will develop a program to maximize the use of assessment district funding procedures. A project titled Assessment District Revolving Fund has been added to provide the City Council an opportunity to advance funds to study where design improvements can be financed by assessment district proceedings. Assessment District projects usually require advance funding from the General Fund to get study and design of the projects underway. If the project is successful, revenues from the Assessment District are used to pay back the Revolving Fund. Projects such as storm drains, curbs and gutters, and sidewalk improvements. Other miscel- laneous can possibly be funded through this procedure. FRANK N. MANNEN Assistant City Manager/Administration FNM:ldg Att. Councj.1 Action 11-24-80 - Council authorized staff to obtain an appraisal on the one-acre parcel on Laguna, including an additional adjacent one-half acre also available, and proceed to negotiate with the owner for the acquisition of same. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER fef / November 21, 1980 ^FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS USED IN FUNDING THE 5 YEAR CIP The attached table shall give the Council some idea of where the continuing appropriations included in the 1980-81 budget have been applied to CIP funding. There are basically four parts to this table: 1) Total Appropriations - This is the total of all continuing appropriations adopted with the 1980-81 budget (all funds). 2) Funding Source - This is the detail of the source of funds for all continuing appropriations. 3) Continuing Appropriations Applied to CIP by Year - This reflects the year in the CIP where continuing appropriations are scheduled for use. 4) 1980-81 Continuing Appropriations - not part of CIP. This column reflects the 1980-81 continuing appropriating that were not included as part of the CIP document. Any project not included in the CIP is either, 1) scheduled for completion in 1980-81 due to prior Council approval, 2) not a CIP item, or 3) available for reappropriation. It shall be noted that the CIP cost and revenue estimates DO NOT reflect these appropriations. I will be available Monday to discuss this with the Council if further explanation is necessary. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1980-81 1. Projects to be Designed and Constructed PROJECT COST (CF12) (ST19) (SW6) (SW7) (SD6) (PR!) (PR2) 2. (CF1) (CF2) (CF8) (RD1) (RD2) (RD3) (PR3) Beach Parking Lots Agua Hedionda Bridge Highland Sewer & Storm Drain Encinia Sewer Plant Miscellaneous Drainage & Sidewalk Projects La Costa Canyon Park - Phase II Jefferson School and Buena Vista Schools Playfields SUB-TOTAL Project for Land Acquisition Police & Utility Service Center Fire Station #5 and Training Facilities Community Development Building Redevelopment Property Acquisition Streetscape: Transit Transfer Point Property Acquisition for Housing Macario Canyon $200,000 224,000 150,000 1,945,749 160,000 165,000 90,000 $2,934,749 2,100,000 200,000 621,104 43,000 160,000 38,000 2,090,000 SUB-TOTAL $5,252,104 3. Projects Scheduled for Design Only PROJECT COST (CF3) Fire Station #6 (Alga Road) $ 30,000 (ST2) Tamarack Ave. Reconstruction 131,000 (ST13) Traffic Safety Projects 8,800 (Various locations) (ST14) Elm Ave. Signal Light Interconnect Study 18,000 (W6) Tri-Agency Pipeline Intertie 19,000 (ST12) Bicycle Lanes 22,300 Assessment District Revolving Fund 150,000 SUB-TOTAL $379,100 PROPOSED TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1980-81 !,565,953 DATE: OCTOBER 29, 1980 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Assistant City Manager/Operations SUBJECT: CITY HALL EXPANSION LONG RANGE 1. Continue with condemnation suit to purchase Law property. Carry out existing plan to build Community Development building on that site. 2. Buy the westerly acre of Law property either through negotiation or condemnation for City Hall and Library parking. Construct a Community Development building on existing police parking lot. This would increase building costs and necessitate the acquisition of land along Lagun? Drive for police parking. 3. Cease negotiation and condemnation on the Law property; hire an architect to evaluate the above two alternatives. 4o Construct building westerly over the parking lot area with two level parking and office space above to be. connected to the existing City Hall. The Building Official estiiaat.es that the cost of a 42,000 sq. ft, building would be J0 .1 million. This site would allow parking for 105 vehicles. The price for the addition and parking would be approximately $4,1 million. This is assuming two years to construct with 12% inflation factor built into each year . Immediate need is to create additional space for Police Department, 1. Lease space in old Mayfair Market building. Temporarily move Planning and Engineering Departments until a Community Develop- ment building is completed. Police would then use Planning and Engineering space which would afford them the opportunity to continue efforts to move the Police Department, -to the Central City. 2. Lease space, and move the Poli.ce Detective Division and Crime Officer to office space in Mayfair Market or other nearby space, 3. Purchase or lease modular office space for temporary police use on existing City Hall site. Page 2 October 29, 1980 4. Lease land on Laguna Drive for police parking and provide parking site for modular units on existing parking site. WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager/Operations WCBtldg cc: Assistant City Manager/Administration^ Assistant City Manager/Operations cU CO CO CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO<_ OOO OOOOOOOOOOOO ro —' o en i" co co co co co coO O O O 3 Oto Co ro —• o O—J o cn ro cn cn 3: no n •a oXI 3 (6 3cxc rt- 3o <a •oxi X)CJ -S CO O U1 -..o euro . VO VD VOCO O= COro —« oi i iCO 00 00co ro —• ooo O rt- —«oVO O00 3 O rt- •—i t—> t-t 03 3-o -o -o —« c -n -ii -nc c: c333ex ex ex 333Id «3 <T3 CD 3c: in to 33ro xi O XJ •Jl 01rt- lfD T3n> cu oO 3< cu<D ~S-S CU -". *< T-a-o o-1 TO rtIQ-s ;ocu o3 CXt ex cu <0 33 CuCU ~s—' tUi nm A" ao ro Cu (/> —.m'3 3 O ;Qr>> tn «cc curo xi3 OCu T cr-s —lCu -s : co -xi' n- Cua> —.. co -o-.. o —• -n o o 3 o a: c« -.. row r>n- ocu <m. co -iit) << n> coT *<LnXI rt—» roO 3 a. i— tX 13I it)COo toft.n oco s 1 fD 21 *-< CT3 "Ort ai CTJ 5 —• in icr , • O• O —> Q.rt-tnro£« Cort- O rt. O 3 rt- CJXJ m ro CU«l, 3 CO CO T3 T| O I"" O — • —' -5 rt 3co cu jij —»• fv *< ex o b ^- n> co co y> -S -S ~ • rt- fD O •3 ro to -n cu -5 _oi cu rt- < C -s =r o -'• o n t/>> o; r,> o -" 3 o> -••_.. u> —• ->• rt-3 rt- rt- =a= O -"•3 >< tn ru o C 33 3srnn> rocu X) U3 i I 'CU Iexn> 1 01 X) (0 m o er2 o •o 1^l?3 !<m m oc_.m to 10o orowooo Ooo Oo•vj vo c» Wlvj VD tnOO totn.O "oOO OO cr> XIT3POO-a to VD Toroo w CO toVOto 00 ooo ^Jw XO o Mcn cn 01ro ^ _j w• inC3 0 to O "J_v^ 0 VO-p. 0 tn CD toCOtn .O0o Olo "oo CD t *v_icnco oo o roo — • 0 O0 0o o _J CD roO -J 0 00 00 0 — *o roo — * M **o oo oo o *> cn tn .*»tn oo co o — ' O 0 0 0 0CD O O CD O• o o o o o «/> o— • . 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' DATE: October 28, 1980 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/DEVELOPMENT FROM: Building Official SUBJECT: FUTURE CITY HALL AND POLICE DEPARTMENT SPACE REQUIREMENTS I have reviewed the S.V.A. report regarding space requirements for future City Hall and Police Department needs. The projected S.V.A. space needs based on a population of 100,000 are as follows: Police Facility Presently occupied - 3356 square feet Future needs - 30,000 square feet (Police Chief's estimate) General Government • Presently occupied - 10,585 square feet Future needs - 42,000 square feet C Three separate options are addressed in this report. Option I Add a second story to existing City Hall buildings. Research of existing plans and calculations indicates that the buildings were neither designed nor built to accommodate a second floor. This option was therefore dismissed as being cost prohibitive. Option 2 Convert existing City Hall complex to a police facility. This would provide a total of 16500 gross square feet, short of department needs, but the area between the Council Chambers and City Hall could be enclosed. This would provide the additional space requirements. I have not provided a cost estimate on this proposal. Construct, a new City Hall of approximately 42,000 square feet. Estimate of construction cost for this building is 3.1 million dollars. Land and site development are riot included. The site selected for this project would have to include parking for 105 vehicles. . *" Construction estimate was arrived at as follows: Assumed 12 percent per year inflation rate Square feet cost $60.48 x 42000 = 2,540,160 One year design 12%= 67.74 x 42000 = 2,845,080 One year Award/construct 12r/= 75.87 x 42000 = 3,186,540 Page 2. Option 3 '-'' • Construct a new 30,000 square foot police facility. Estimate for con- struction of this facility, excluding land and site development is 3.7 million. Construct a three story building adjacent to the City Hall on the west parking lot. The top floor of this structure would provide a 28,000 square foot addition to the present City Hall. The bottom two levels would be a parking structure housing approximately 115 vehicles. This proposal is an efficient use of existing land yet retains the open space concept we currently enjoy. It is conceived that this building would be positioned twenty-five or thirty feet away from the existing building and be reached by bridged walkways. Following is a cost breakdown of the police facility, parking structure and City Hall addition. Please note that a 12 percent per year inflation increase has been assumed: PARKING STRUCTURE Square Feet Cost $29.12 x 56,000 sq.ft.= $1,630,770 One Year Design + 12 % 32.61 x 56,000 sq.ft.= 1,826,160 One Year Award & Construct + 12% 36.52 x 56,000 sq.ft.= 2S045,120 CITY HALL ADDITION Square Feet Cost $60.48 x 285000 sq.ft.= 1,693,440 One Year Design + 12% 67.74 x 28,000 sq.ft.= 1,896,720 One Year Aware & Build + 12% 75.87 x 28,000 sq.ft.= 2,124,360 TOTAL ADDITTON AND PARKING $4,169,480. '•* POLICE FACILITY Square Feet. Cost $ 98.00 x 30,000 sq.ft.= 2,940,000 One Year Design + 12% 109.76 x 30,000 sq.ft.= 3,292,800 One Year Award & Build + 12% 122.93 x 30,000 sq.ft.= ' 3,687,900 The square foot cost estimates used in this report, are based on the best available data sources such as: Dodge Construction Estimator, International Conference of Building Officials, County of San Diego Department of Architecture and Esgil Corporation. DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1980 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER - OPERATIONS SUBJECT: CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE/LAND ACQUISITION EAST OF LIBRARY The Council has asked that information be given as to the steps leading to the Council's decision to purchase land East of the City Library. Agenda Bill 3614, Supplement #2, dated January 18, 1977, dealt with Phase I of the contract to Melvin & Thoryck and Associates, which, among other things, calls for assistance in site selection for the proposed Children's Library, this firm selected the Law property as the best site. Staff suggested that the Anderson property, adjoining Mrs. Law to the South and bordering Elm Avenue also be considered. Council action on January 18, 3.977, Council accepted Site Plan of Law property. Agenda Bill 3614 Supplement §4, this Agenda Bill was a result of the Children's Library report to the City Council. Council meinbars Skotnicki and Casler served on this committee. The Council were given the following courses of action: 1. That x.he City accept the preliminary study by the architect and approve final payment. 2. That Council authorize the architect to commence with plans and specifications by 12-31-77 in accordance with the con- sultant's agreement. Construction could then be implemented in the event a grant or other funds become available. 3. That City Council instruct staff to begin negotiations for acquisition of land as recommended in staff sxi.ggestion dated 1-18-77 (which was to acquire the property East of the Library). COUNCIL ACTION - The Council accepted staff's recommendations No. 1 and No. 3. Agenda Bill 5203 dated 5203 dated September 30,1977, provided for selection of an appraiser- three quotes were obtained. COUNCIL ACTION - The low bid submitted by Lee Johnson Company was accepted. Agenda Bill 5203, Supplement #1, dated 2-21-1978. This A.B. pro- vided appraised costs of the taking of land and structures, as well as just the vacant land - consisting of approximately 2.4 acres (Law & Anderson) for an appraised total of $263,900.00. October 20, 1980 Page 2 Land Acquisition COUNCIL ACTION - Staff was authorized to include the $263,900 in the budget. Agenda Bill 5203, Supplement No. 2, dated January 16, 1979 - this Agenda Bill provided for the taking of approximately 2.4 acres of vacant land East of the Library. COUNCIL ACTION - Council directed staff to proceed with negotiations, Agenda Bill 5203, Supplement No. 2, dated 3-6-1979. This Agenda Bill requested an updated appraisal since the prices asked by Zuidersoh and Law and the price offered by the City showed a wide disparity. COUNCIL ACTION - Council authorized updated appraisal on the land to be done by Lee Johnson Company, M.A.I. Agenda Bill 5758 Supplement #1, dated 3/20/79. At its 3/30/79 meeting, the City Council approved in concept a building program recommended by staff. This staff report was developed by the Manager's Office as a result of the SUA space study and requests from council fro a community developed building. COUNCIL ACTION - Council authorized and directed staff to negotiate the acquisition of the total area of the two parcels located East of the Library. .- Agenda Bill 5203 Supplement No. 3, dated 8-8-79. This Agenda Bill indicateu the results of the reappraisal on the two parcels of vacant land (approximately 2.5 acres) at $493,400.00. This recom- mendation to acquire only the vacant land was based on the facts that neither owner wished to consider selling the improved portion of their property. Also because the City would have to provide, among other things, relocation assistance and a life estate which would be time consuming and costly to the City. COUNCIL ACTION - Council authorized staff to begin negotiations with the broker representing the owners, to acquire approximately 2.50 acres for the total sum of $493,400. Agenda Bill 5203 Supplement #4, dated 12-18-79. This Agenda Bill was a request to acquire the Anderson property at his^counter offer of $100,000 cash, plus costs. COUNCIL ACTION - Council directed staff to take steps to acquire the property for $100,000 plus closing costs. Agenda Bill 5203 Supplement #5 dated 6-3-80. This Agenda Bill outlined the long negotiations by the Manager's Office for the Law property. Council was given the alternative of condemnation if negotiations were unsuccessful. October 20, 1980 Page 3 Land Acquisition COUNCIL ACTION - Council directed staff to proceed with the necessary steps to obtain the land, to include condemnation. Agenda Bill 5203 Supplement #6 dated 8-19-80. This was a request to initiate eminent domain proceedings as negotiations have been unsuccessful. COUNCIL ACTION - Council authorized Attorney's Office to proceed with condemnation by approving Resolution #6282. At the Council meeting of August 18, 1980, Council authori/ed the Attorney to start condemnation proceedings and instructed the Manager's office to continue to try to come to terms with Mrs.-Law's representative, James Gaiser, three meetings have been held with little progress. Currently staff is offering $388,000 for two acres. The owner has obtained an appraisal in the amount of $760,000. As a result, negotiations are at a stop. Staff is now of the opinion that the land may only be obtained by condemnation. WILLIAM C. BALDWIN Assistant City Manager - Operations WCB:gb \v -A 4> ^ x & \ -\ \ \ < \\ - •<>> - 5 X ^ \ \ \t \ \ \ ^xVkXyO- ^ -\ v i . x \ ,v*\ .".,-rf"* \ -,**' v \V\\--,? \ \ .\ $•' \ \ \ > \:TX V Vv -v -x If\^x\ .\ ;%. ,\ >, \ii \ k \ \ \ \ * \^0 % \ \ X X \ \ \ \ x*" \ X N< \ % 89.36' N 9.9.195' x 99.195' v 83.305' x 83.305* \ 216.517* - \ <c.i-~*>Mca%t> -Vf. 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II^^ fj « *_ 54' 1 D <^fO•^j- •4 5 _ ^ tJ "-t _. &N 'S~~ 5 ^ -?53 ^ y5v-» 143. eV "•^'"o " ' 3 ^* ** . 4O* -J" "^" C* (C 143.73 I >• ' 1 1 *^^^t k •• e~i? -: - ' " ?£. - 1-125* - ' "? « *^l fe_ j O *~^S - «>' 15 .v*-* 4 «* o_ _, ^. <• 0 Sj; ' 2- 3 -~ci o! tc ^ i'.5 _ j .. _ vv _r . T ^ - -- - 'I*"' / * ~r ^ I & r "r 1 r v \ Q 2 •S ^J 40' 167.40' \ » ^ "(X*jO J • Hr T <*•^3- >»t*- * \iCO " '* O-tn.u> • , *? /O'/ / / r\^ /V X /v_/ / //// 3IL. V CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1980-81 Attached is a summary of the proposed 1980-81 Capital Improvement Program. This proposal will be considered by the City Council at a workshop meeting to be held: Saturday November 15, 1980 9:t*0 A.M to 1:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1200 Elm Ave. Carlsbad, California The City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed Capital Improvement Program at this meeting and will welcome ypur comments and suggestions. Following the workshop meeting, the City staff will prepare the final version of the Capital Improvement Program. The City Council will adopt the final Capital Improvement Program and approve the Capital Budget for 1980-81 in December. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1980-81 I. Projects to be Designed and Constructed 4 PROJECT (CF12) (ST17) (ST19) (SW6 ) (SW7 ) (SD1 ) (SD6 ) (PR1 ) (PR2 ) Beach Parking Lots Traffic Signal at Elm & Monroe Agua Hedionda Bridge Highland Sewer Encina Sewer Plant Highland Storm Drain Miscellaneous Drainage Project!;(Alder & Skyline, El Camino Real^ .North of Chestnut, and Carlsbad Blvd. Cerezo) La Costa Canyon Park - Phase II Jefferson School and Buena Vista Schools Playfields SUB-TOTAL II. Project for Land Acquisition (CF1) Police & Utility Service Center (CF2) Fire Station #5 and Training Facilities (CF 8) Community Development Building (RD 1) Redevelopment Property Acquisition (RD 2) Strectscape: Transit Transfer Point (RD 3) Property Acquisition for Housing (PR 3) Macario Canyon SUB-TOTAL COST $200,000 80,000 224,000 88,000 1,945,749 188,852 60,000 165,000 90,000 $3,041,601 2,100,000 200,000 621,104 43,000 160,000 38,000 2,090,000 $5,252,104 III. Projects Scheduled for Design Only PROJECT COST (CF 3) Fire Station #6 (Alga Road) $ 30,000 (ST 2) Tamarack Ave Reconstruction 131,000 (ST13) Traffic Safety Projects 8,800 (Various locations) (ST14) Elm Ave. Signal Light Interconnect 18,000 (W 1) Waterline - Avenida Encinas 45,000 (W 4) Recoating Elm Reservior 2,500 (W 6) Tri-Agency Pipeline Intertie 19,000 (PR 5) Hosp Grove Park 6,000 (ST12) Bicycle Lanes 22,300 SUB-TOTAL $ 283,400 PROPOSED TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR 1980-81 $8,577,105* *THE EXPENDITURES, HOWEVER, ARE OFFSET .BY $2,673,520 IN CONTINUING -APPROPRIATIONS FOR A NET EXPENDITURE OF $5,903,585.