HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-16; City Council; 6460; Designation of Reserve Officers Under Penal CodeCITY OF CARLSBAD ® AGENDA BILL NO ._ ..... lo,,__.ij__,t? ........ o _____ .,._ __ Initial: Dept.Hd. ---DATE: December 16, 1980 c. Atty.~ DEPARTMENT: __ C_i_·t~y.__A_t_t_o_r_n_e-y _________ _ C. Mgr. SUbJect: DESIGNATION OF RESERVE OFFICERS UNDER PENAL CODE Statement of the Matter Changes in state law necessitate the designation of reserve officers as qualified to perform general law enforcement duties by reason of their training and experience. This ordinance will make that designation. No reserve officer will have the powers of a peace officer except while on specific assignment. This ordinance will allow our department to continue to utilize reserve officers consistent with our existing practice. The attached memorandum from the Police Chief more fully explains the need for the ordinance. This is an urgency ordinance which must be adopted before January 1, 1981. A four-fifths vote of Council is required. Exhibits Ordinance No. 3/21/ Memorandum from Chief of Police Recommendation Adopt Ordinance No • 3/il J./ . Council ·A~tion: 12-16-80 Counciladopted Ordinance No. 3124. / } .,/[ '10 TO: VIA: FROM: Frank Aleshire City Manager William C. Baldwin Assistant City Manager Vincent D. Jimno ~ Chief of Police icJ SUBJECT: Designation of Reserve Police Officer Under Penal Code (AB 3217 Nolan) December 12, 1980 The CRlifornia Legislature, during its last legislative session, ammended California Penal Code sections dealing with Peace Officer Powers of Reserve Police Officers. T-his legislation, however, now requires the City Council pass an ordinance enabling the Police Department to continue utilization of its reserve police officers as currently done. This enabling ordinance must be passed as an ur,iency ordinance due to the requirement in the legis- lation that it be accomplished prior to January 1, 1981. The legislation by Assemblyman Nolan was adopted to further delineate dif- ferent levels of r~serve police officers. Its intent is to establish an- other level of reserve officer and get the appropriate training necessary to operate at that level. This legislation requires the Chief of Police to evaluate the reserve per- sonnel and determine if they are qualified to be eligible for utilization under the new law. The criteria for qualification is based on minimal levels of training and experience. This Police Department has analyzed the training and experience of every member of the reserve police staff and has determined that a 11 twenty-one ( 21) officers have, .or wi 11 have by the appropriate date, all required training necessary for qualification. The ordinance is being brought before Council as an urgency ordinance due to information received leading staff to believe that the nev, law did not affect our current program. However, after careful examination by the City Attorney's office and my office, it is believed that the new law does affect our program. Therefore, to eliminate confusion and future problems regarding appropriate and lawful police powers for reserve officers. The law allows the City to expand the powers of reserve officers if so de- sired. It is believed that the appropriate route for the City is not to expand reserve police powers, but to retain its present program and officers' powers.' The ordinance is written to accomplish this goal. Recommendation The Police Department has utilized the reserve officers effectively for many years. It wishes to continue this practice, as it is a cost effective way to retain qualified auxiliary forces at minimal cost to the taxpayer. Staff recommends that Council consider and adopt the proposed urgency or- dinance as prepared by the City Attorney. VDJ/dib / J )..... \ l 2 s 4 5 6 ORDINhNCE NO. 3124 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBfiD, CALIFORNI~, RECOGNIZING CURRENT TRAINING OF RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS AS SUFFICIENT TO MEET 1981 POST STANDhRDS WHEREfiS, the California Penal Code, as amended by 7 Statutes of 1980, Chapter 1301 (AB 3217, Nolan) provides, effective 8 January 1,. 1981, for redefinition and new ·authority for level. 1 9-reserve police officers, and 10 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that level 1 ll reserve police officers who were certified before January 1, 1981, 12 are qualified to perform general law enforcement duties by reasqn 13 of their training and experience. 14 NOW, THEREFORE,·the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 15 does ordain as follows: SECTIONl: That city reserve police officers who before 17 January 1, 1981 were issued a level 1 reserve police officer 18 certificate are determined to be qualified to perform general 19 law enforcement duties by reason of the officers' training and 2Q experience. 21 SECTION 2: Any such reserve officer meeting the 22 requirements of Section l of this ordinance shall on and after 23 January 1, 1981 be a peace officer as provided in Section 24 830.G(a) (1) of the Penal Code of the State of California during 25 the time in which such reserve officer is specifically assigned 26 police functions, and only for the duration of each such specific 27 assignment. 28 /// l ' l SECTION 3: 'l'his ordinance is hereby declared an 2 emergency ordinance adopt:ed as ;m em_ergency measure to protect 3 the public health, safety and welfare and shall take effect 4 immediately. The fact constituting the emergency are: 5 1) AB 3217 becomes effective January 1, 1981; 2) on that date 6 reserve officers will not be qualified under Government Code "I Section 830.6 (a) (1) unless action described in Govern!i1ent Code 8 Section 832.6(b) is taken by the City; and 3) it is necessary 9 to have a full complement of reserve police officers able to 10 perform specific police assignments on and after January 1, 1981 11 to ensure that the City's police protection is not diminished. 12 SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the ' 13 adoption of this ordinance and shall cause a copy hereof to be J.4 puolished as required by law. 15 INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a r~e=g=u~l=ar _____ meeting 16 of the City Councll of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on 17 the 16th day of December ......,........., ___ _ , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 18 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 19 NOES: None 20 ABSENT: None 21 22 PACKARD , Mayor 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 (SEAL) 27 28 i.J_