HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-12-16; City Council; 910-27; Community swim complex contract no. 1071.4 CITY OF CARLSBAD C. Atty SUBJECT : COMMUN I TY SW I M COMPLEX CONTRACT NO. 1071. . STATEMENT OF THE MATTER On November 4, 1980, City Council approved plans and specifications and authorized the Cjty Clerk to invite bids for the construction of the Community Swim Complex. were opened at 4:OO p.m. on December 9, 1980 by the City Clerk and are shown on the attached Bid Summary Sheet. The bid proposal included a base bid for the Community Swim Complex and four separate solar alternates. The low base bid was submitted by K.D.H. Corporation of Encinitas in the amount of $793,640. However, staff is recommending that Council reject this bid for the reason stated in the attached staff memorandum. The next low base bid was submitted by Devco Builders, Inc. of Vista in the amount of $826,825. Staff is recommending that Council include the Alternate 4 solar heating system (80% heating with copper collectors) in the award for contract at a cost of $120,583. Staff is in agree- ment with the City's solar consultant that this system would be the most cost effective in lijh+ of the rising cost of energy. Should Council include Alternate 4 in the contract award, the ftilI contract price would then be $947,398. F ! SCA L I MPACT Funds in the amount of $850,000 are presently designated for this project ($839,007 Revenue Sharing and $10,993 General Funds). Of this figure, $48,300 is designated for the payment of the pool architect. This leaves $801,700 to be applied iowards the payment of the pool construction costs. Should Council decide to award the contract to Devco Builders, includ- irg Alternate 4, Council would need to appropriate an additional $145,698 to cover full contract price of $947,398. In addition, staff recommends that Council appropriate an additional $85,000-to ensure ade- quate monies are available to cover the cost of materials testing and contract contingencies. For Further information on this proposed appropriation, see the attached staff memorandum. ThP start-up and operational cost for the pool were detailed on the agenda bill authorizing advertizing and will not be repeated here. Six sealed bids EXH I B I TS 1. Bid Summlary Sheet 2. Staff memorandum, dated December 11, 1980 35% rejecting the low bid as non-responsive, accepting 3. Resolution No. 4. Resolution No. authorizing the transfer of funds. bids and awarding Contract No. 1071 to Devco Builders, Inc. . RECOMMENDAT I ON .the rema i n i ng $230,695 from Adopt Resolution No.(13?/ authorizing the transfer of funds in the amount o +he Federal Revenue Sharing Unappropriated Reserves to the Community Swim Complex Project Account . f\dGP I- Reso I ut i on NG. 6 39a reject i ng tha I ow b i d as non-respons i ve, accept i ng the rerra i n i ng bids and awarding Contract NO. 1071, i ncluding the 805 solar system a Iternate with the cop- per collectors, to Devco Builders, Inc. AGENDA BILL NO. 910 - Supplement #27 Page 2 Council Action: 12-16-80 Council adopted Resolution 6391, authorizing the transfer of funds to the Community Swim Complex Project; and adopted Resolution 6392, rejecting the low bid and accepting the remaining bids and awarding the contract to incl ude the 80% solar system a1 ternate (#4). 4 MEMO RAN DUM TO : C i ty Eng i neer FROM : Eng i neer i ng Des i gn DATE : December 11, 1980 SUBJECT: Community Swim Complex Upon examination of the bid documents, it was found that the low bidder, K.D.H. Corporation, failed to include a list of their intended sub-con- tractors in the bid proposal. Since the "Subletting and Sub-contracting Fair Practices Act" of the California Government Code requires that all sub-contractors be listed on the bid form to eliminate the possibility of a contractor "bid-shopping'' after a bid has been submitted, we must there- fore recommend to Council that this bid be rejected as non-responsible, based on the above stated reason. The remaining bids, though they contain some minor discrepancies, are acceptable to the point where we can freely recommend their acceptance by Council. The funding on this project is somewhat confusing and, therefore, requires some added explanation. First off, the City presently has designated $850,000 for the completion of this project. $839,007 of this amount came from revenue sharing funds, while the remaining $10,993 originally came out of the General Fund Account. This $850,000 would easily have covered the bid amount of $826,815 from the second-lowest bidder, Devco Builders, Inc. However, we must also pay the remaining architect's fee of $48,300 from this fund. When we subtract this figure from the $850,000, we are left with $801,700 which is not enough to pay for even the cost of the base bid. We must, therefore, request that Council appropriate additional funding for the project from either the General Fund Contingencies Reserve or from the Revenue Sharing Unappropriated Reserves. Since we will be recommending that Council include the alternate four solar system in the contract award at an extra cost of $120,583, we must include this figure in the request. The full project cost would then be $947,398. In addition, we suggest that Council include an additional amount of $85,000 in the Project Appropriation. This extra money would be used to cover the cost of materials testing, professional inspection services, and general con- tract contingencies. Materials testing is anticipated to cost $10,000 while professional inspection in an amount not to exceed $6,000 has already been approved by City Council. This leaves approximately $69,000 for contract contingencies. Such a contingency account would streamline the processing of contract change orders and, thereby, reduce the chance of running into costly project delays. normal management approvals in line with Administrative Order No. 7. Monies from this account would still require the If Council awards the pool contract to Devco Builders, including the Alternate four solar system, and they approve the contingency account, then monies in the amount of $230,698 will need to be appropriated from either the Revenue Sharing or General Fund contingencies reserve accounts. See attached cost summary. PROJECT COST FOR .CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SWIM COMPLEX Amount presently in Project Account - LESS remaining Architect's Fees Amount Available for construction cost LESS : Base Bid contract amount (Devco Builders, Inc.) Solar A1 ternate #4 (Devco Builder's Inc.) TOTAL Additional Project Funding Required $850,000 $48,300 $801,700 $826,815 $120,583 $801 ,700 $947,398 $145,698 $947,398 $947,398 Project Contingencies Amount to be appropriated to cover cost plus contingencies $85,000 $230,698 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4, 14 15 2.6 2.7 18 19 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 2e z .- RESC~UTION NO. - 5391 .- A RESOL.UTI0i.I OF THE C17Y CO!J?;C!L OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI F9RN IA, AIJTHOP,I 2 I NG ‘THE 7 RBMSFCR OF FUNDS FOR THE CON- __I-_. STRUC’TI ON -- OF THE COMHUI\: i TY SUI M COHPLEX - - BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as fol lows: 1. That the transfer of Two Hicrdred Thirty Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars ($230,698) fi-ern the Federal Revenue Sharing Unappro- priated Reserves, Account No. 2%--0CI~l-I?900, to the Community Swim Complex Project Account, No. 22-170-3030, is hereby authorized and approved. 2. lhat Department of Finance Fund Transfer No. 41 is on file in said department and incorporate.d by reference herein is approved. PASSES, APPROVED AND RCOPTED by the City Courici 1 of. the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the ---- 16th day of Jecember , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Counci 1 Members Fidard, Cas1 er, Lewis and Kul chin NOES : None RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR ATTEST: NKRANZ, CITY ( s EAL) 3. 2 z 4 5 E 7 E 9 1s 11 3.2 13 14 I. 5 16 t 17 18 39 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 26 2 7 28 RESXIJ? t ON :a. 6392 . ------ A WESOLUTION OF T~E CITY coiJiwL OF THE cin OF CARLSRAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS, REJECTlNG ONE BID, AND AUTHOR- IZli\!G THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1071 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE COMNUN I TY SW I Vi CaMPLEY, _I_p- -I_I-- - -. WKEREAS, bids have been received by the City of Carlsbad for the construction of the Commtinity Swim Complex, Contract No. 1971; ar;d WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public interest requires the Council to exercise its discretion under Section 3.28.120 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and reject the lox bid submitted by K.D.H. Corporation for nan-conformance in bid proposal; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsive bid received for this project was ‘ suhniitted Ly Devco Euilders, Inc. in the amount of $947,398, including the 80% solar system alternate with copper collectors; and WHEREAS, funds are available for this project in Account Nos. I-17O-3030 and 22-170-3030, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct. 2. The bid of $947,398 for construction of the Community Swim Complex, including the 8% solar system alternate with copper collectors, Colttract 1071, is hereby accepted and the Mayor arid City C.1e.t-k are hereby author-i zed to execute a contract therefor. XX XX xx xx XX XX f c E € c; is 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, APPROVEG AND ADOPTED by the City Counci'l of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held the 16th day of December , 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Council Members Packard, Casler, Lewis and Kulchin NOES : None ABSENT: None flA@a( RONALD-I . PACKARD, MAY OR ATTEST : (SEAL) -2-