HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-06; City Council; 6318-2; Amendment to tentative tract map and condo permitCITY OF CARLSBAD INITIAL Dept. Cty. Atty. /x AGENDA BILL NO. -* -'&3]@ SUBJECT: AN AMENDMENT TO A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO BUILD 10 ADDITIONAL UNITS. CASE NO:. CT 79-28(A)/CP-137 APPLICANT: MOLA DEVELOPMENT . .. STATEb'TENT OF THE MATTER This item is an amendment to a previously approved 40 unit tentative tract map and condominium permit located on the east side of El provide for 10 additional units to a 40 unit project, thus, totalihg 50 units overall. The project was unable to obtain approval for these 10 units originally because of lack of sewer permits. Since that time, 10 additional permits have been obtained from the Leucadia County Water District. . 'Camino Real at Swallow Lane in the P-C zone. The amendment would The Planning Commission found the overall project with the 10 additional units,. to meet the requirements of the Condominium, Ordinance and to be consistent with the General Plan. Further, the Commission found the architecture and design of the 10 units to be compatible with 'the originally approved project. Through staff review and Planning Commission hearing, all issues on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved. Environmental Review The Planning Director has determined that this project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and has issued a negative declarat'ion on November 12, 1980. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impacts are anticipated by this project. Exhibits 1. PC.Resolution No. 1733 2. Staff Report dated December 10, 1980 3. Exhibits G, I1 and I dated October 27, 1980- Recommendation Both the planning staff and Planning Commission recommend that this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare documents APPROVING CT 79-28(A)/CP-137, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1733. - Council Action: 1-6-81 Counci 1 directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 79-28(A)/CP-137, I c .4 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESULlJTIQhT OF THE PLANNING COIWISSION OF ATPROVAL FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A 40 UNIT TENTA- TIVE TRACT MPJ? AIJD CONDOMINIUM PERMIT TO ADD 10 ADDITIONAL UNITS TO A PROJECT ON EL CAMINO REAL, NORTH OF SWALLOW LAI\JE. APPLICANT : MOLA DEVELOPMENT CASE NO: E33 CITY OF ZARI,SBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMEENDING CT 79-28 (A) /CP-137 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain property to, wit: A portion of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 26, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California has been filed with the City of, Carlsbad, and referred to the Planning Commission; and ' WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 10th day of December, 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to the Tentative Tract Map and Condominium Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, .RE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planning Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That based on the evidence presented at the public hearing, the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 79-28 (A) /CP-137, based on the following finzings and subject to the following conditions: Findings 1) The project is consistent with the city's current general plan since it is within the de.nsity range specified for the site as indicated on the Land Use Element of the General Plan APN # 215-052-01 . L 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1'4 15 e. ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \ The site is physicaLly suitable for the type and density of the development since the site is adequate in size and shzipe to accomodate residential development at the requested density and still neet all the requirements of the condominium ordinance. The project is consistent with all city publ-ic facility policies and ordinances since: , a. b. C. d. e. f8 The use The applicant has received 50 edu's from the leucadia County Water District. The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of an appropriate condition to this condominium permit and tentative subdivision map, insured that the final map will not be approved unless the City Council finds that sewer service is available to serve the project. In addition, the Planning Commission has added a condition that a note shall be placed on the final map that building permits may not be issued for the condominium project unless the City Engineer determines that sewer service is available. Since the final map cannot be approved unless sewer service is available, and building cannot occur within the project unless sewer service remains available, the Planning Commission is satisfied that the requirements of the public facilities element of the general plan have been met insofar as they apply to sewer service for this tentative map and condominium permit approval. School facilities will be provided by the Carlsbad Unified School District. Park-in-lieu fees are required as a condition of approval All necessary public improvements have been provided or will be required as conditions of approval. The applicant has agreed and is required by the inclusion oE an appropriate condition to pay a public facilities fee. Performance of that contract and payment of the fee will enable this body to find that public facilities will be available concurrent with need as required by the General Plan. proposed project is compatible with the surrounding land since the property to the south has been developed for rnultlple.family residential purposes. The project will not cause any significant environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director on November 12, 1980 and approved by the Planning Commission on December 10, 1980. PC RESOL a1733 -2 - 3 . + 7 .L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.1 12 13 14 15 . -. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2% Approval is granta,d for CT 79-28(A)/CP-137, as shown on "E", and "F", dated May 5, 1980, and Exhibits "G", "H", and 'I I , dated October 27, 1980, incorporated by reference and on file in the Planning Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in these conditions. Exhibit "A", dated June 25, 1980, Exhibits ''B" I "C"? IrD" A11 previous conditions of CT 79-28/CP-105 approved by the City Council are no longer applicable to this project and shall be superceded by the conditions contained herein. This project is approved upon the express condition that building permits shall not be issued for development of the subject property unless the City Engineer determines that sewer facilities are available at the time of application for such sewer permits and will continue to be available until time of occupancy. This project is approved upon the express condition that the final map shall not be approved unless the City Council finds as of the time of such approval that sewer service is available to serve the subdivision. This note shall be placed on the final map. This project is approved upon the express condition that the applicant shall pay a public facilities fee as required by City Council Policy No. 17, dated Aurust 29, 1979, on file with the City CIerk and incorporated herein by reference, and according to the agreement executed by the applicant for payment of said fee a copy of that agreement dated May 8, 1980 and October 13, 1980, is on file with the City Clerk and is incorporated herein by reference. If said fee is not paid as promised, this application will not be consistent with the General Plan and approval for this project shall be void. The applicant shall install street trees to city spec- ifications at 40 foot intervals along all public street frontages prior to final occupancy of any building, The variety of said trees shall be subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Department. The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the city, prior to the approval of the final map as per Chapter 20.44 of the city's subdivision regulations, Planning Department 8) The applicant shall prepare a reproducible mylar of the final condominium site plan incorporating the conditions contained herein. Said site plan shall be submitted to and approved by the.Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. . PC RESO. #1733 -3- 4 - c I 2 3 4 5 c 7 e 9 IC I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The applicant shall prepare a Cietailed landscape and irrigation plan which shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to final map approval. The applicant shall establish a homeowner's association and corresponding covenants, conditions and restrictions. Said CC&R's shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to final map approval. Prior to recording the final map, the applicant shall submit a letter from the Leucadia Water District stating that sufficient water will be available for this project at the time development occurs. The applicant shall submit a street-name list consistent with the city's street naming policy subject to the Planning Director's approval prior to final map approval. The applicant shall provide school fees to mitigate conditions of overcrowding as part of building permit application. These fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit application. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with the City's Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval by the Planning Department prior to installation of such signs. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to city standards. Location of said receptacles shall be approved by the Planning Department. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated and shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets to the satisfaction of the Planning Department and Building Department. All units shall be provided with at least 480 cubic feet of enclosed storage area conveniently accessible to the outdoors. All units shall provide space for laundry facilities to accommodate a washer and dryer.. The propased future driveway and parking spaces along the southern edge of the project as shown on Exhibit "A" are specifically not approved as part of this project. ///I PC RES0 #1733 -4- z 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The applicant shall institute a detailed archaelogical investigation, invmtory and resource recovery program covering the subject property prior to the issuance of grading permits, as suggested by the letter of February 23, 1980, from Jay Hatley of Regional Environmental Consultants. Said program shall be performed by a qualified archaelolgist and a report detailing the proposed program and findings shall be submittel! to and approved by the Planni.ng Director prior to issuance of any grading permits. Engineering Department A report of a geotechnical investigation and a grading plan of the site shall be submitted by the applicant to the City Engineer for approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit. The report shall be prepared by a civil engineer and a geologist licensed by the State of California and experienced in erosion control and slope stability. Recommendations made in the report shall be included on the grading plans. The grading for this project shall be designated as controllet grading. A civil engineer and geologist shall observe the grading and coordinate the testing. If soil or geologic conditions are observed to be different than expected, they shall recommend appropriate remedial measures or chacges to the plans. At the conclusion of grading they shall pre- pare an "as-graded" plar. showing the grading as performed and the existing geologic conditions and they shall certify the adequacy of the site for development prior to ihe issuance of building permits. All cut and fill slopes shall be no steeper.than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical unless a report of a geotechnical investigation prepared by a civil engineer demonstrates that the slope stability and erosion resistance of a steeper slope are adequate and it is approved by the City Engineer. No slopes are permitted within public street right-of-way. To mitigate erosion, all exposed slopes shall.be hydroseeded or planted immediately upon completion of grading activities. The seed mix shall be designed by an expert in the field based on a soil analysis of the. slopes per approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. Clearing operations shall not be allowed in advance of gradinl but rather shall be concurrent with or immediately proceeding grading activities, A grading permit must, be obtained prior to commencement of clearing operations. Clearing shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to perform grading operations. No grading shall occur outside the 1imits.of the subdivision unless a letter of permissicn- is obtained from the owners of the affected properties. PC RESO. #1733 -5- Ip . _. .' .1 2 z 4 5 e 7 E 9 IC 11 13 14 15 16 17 -.. 16 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 .- -c The desibn of the pxiyate street and drainage shall he approved by the City Engineer. The street shall have a minimum width of 32 feet and shall have a 5 foot wide side-. walk on the south side, The north side shall be posted no parking. The design shall include street lights, curb and gutter storm drain facilities or other features as required by the City Engineer. The structural section of the private street shall conform to the City of Carlsbad standards based on R-value tests. Drainage improvements shall be constructed in accordance with an approved plan, and the work,shall be coordinated with the overall plan for grading to the satisfaction of .the City Engineer. 30) All private streets and drainage systems shall be maintained by the homeowner's association in perpetuity. This condi- . tion excludes all drainage easements granted to the City of Carlsbad. This condition shall be placed in the CC&R's. 31) Additional drainage easements and structures shall be provided or installed as may be required by the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and/or the City Engineer. 32) All concrete terrace drains shall be maintained by the homeowner's association or individual property owner in perpetuity. A statement clearly identifying this respon- sibility shall be placed in the CC6R's; 33) Prior to recordation of the final map the applicant shall submit to the city written verification from the Costa Real Water District that all the requirements and conditions of the Costa Real Water Djstrict have been met. Fire DeDartment 34) The site plan shall be revised to provide a turnaround at the end of the drive serving buildings 4 and 5. The minimum radius of the turnaround shall be 35 feet. 35) The applicant shall submit two copies of a site plan showing locations of existing and proposed fire hydrants and on-site roads and drives. 36 37 Adequate emergency vehicle turnarounds shall be provided by a cul-de-sac or a hammerhead when driveways are more than 150 feet deep. All fire alarm systems, Eire hydrants, extinguishing systems, automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent to the project shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to construction. 38) An all weather access road shall be maintained throughout construction as reqpired by the Fire Marshall. I PC RESOL #1733 -69. *, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 21 . 22 23 2d 25 26 27 28 Water €or fire protection to be in before combustibles are on building site as required by Fire Marshall. In order to provide for Eire protection, adequate fire hydrants with required fire flow shall be installed cn and off site as required by the Fire Marshall. All private driveways shall be kept clear of parked vehicles at all times, and shall have posted "NO Parking/Fire Lane/Tow Away Zone' as per condition in Municipal Code. Fire retardant roof shall be required on all structures by Building and Fire Department. Brush clearance shall be maintained within a minimum distance of 30 feet to each residence. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 10th day of December, 1980, by the following vote, to wit; ' AYES: MARCUS, ROMBOTIS, LARSON, LEEDS, FRIESTEDT, L'HEUREUX AND JOSE NOES: NONE ATTEST: RLSBAD PLA COMMISSION PC RES0 #1733 -7- . . : 8 STAFF REPORT DATE : December 10, 1980 TO : Planning Comxnission FROM : Planning Department SUBJECT: CT 79-28(A)/CP-137 --- - MOTA - Request for an amend- Gent to permit 10 additional units to a previously approved 40 unit tentative tract map and condo- minium permit located on the east.sirle. of El Camino Real at Swallow Lane in the P-C zone. 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION A3?D BACKGROUND At the Planning Commission hearing of July 9, 1980, the Commjssioii ap2roved a 40 unit tentative tract map and condominium project on the subject site. The proposed project had four buildings each having 10 dwelling units. At that time, the applicant indicated that he wished to construct additional units on the site at a future date when he obtained more sewer permits, Since that time, the applicant has ohtained 10 additional sewer permits and is now requesting approval for 10 additional units for a total of 50 units. The 50 units will be located on a 13-39 acre site. The property is located on the east side of El Camino Real at Swallow Lane and consists of hilly terrain sloping to the southeast. The proposed project will consis' of five ten unit buildings, with resident and visitor parking located adjacent to the units in both open parking areas and detached garages. An integrated trail system will provide access to the recreation areas. 11. ' 'ANALYSIS Planning Issues 1) Will the proposed development be compatible with the previously approved development on this property? 2) Does the proposed condominium project conform with the development standards of the condominium ordi- nance? 3) Does the proposed condominium project conform to the design criteria of the condominium ordinance? Discussion As shown on Exhibits G, H and I, the 10 additional re- quested units will be compatible in ter'ms of development 9 standards, design and architecture with the previously approved 40 units. For the Planning Commission’s infor- mation, a copy of the staff report of July 9, 1980 for the previous 40 unit project is attached. This report details the design criteria and development standards for the overall project. Staff feels the project meets all requirements of the Condominium Ordinance and, further, the overall pro- ject density of 3.73 units per acre is consistent with the General Plan land use designation for the site. 111. EWI ROmENTAL REV 1 EW - The Planning Director has determined that this project will not have a significant impact’on the environment and therefore has issued a Negative Declaration on November 5, 1980. IV. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission APPROVE the negative declaration issued by the Planning Director ‘and adopt Resolution No. 173’3, recommending APPROVAL of CT 79-28(A)/CP-l37, to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. ATTACHMENTS --- Staff Report of July 9, 1980 PC Resolution No. 1733 Background Data Sheet Location Map Reduced site plans and elevation plans Disclosure Form Environmental documents MH : jt I 1. I STAFF REPORT c .-.._ DATE : July 9, 1980, TO : Planning Commission FROM : Mike EIowes , Assistant Planner SUBJECT: -_c CT 79-28/CP-l05 - MOL23 - Request for a tentati-ve tract map and a condominium permit for a 48unj-t project located on the east side of El Camino Real at Swallow Lane. I. Project Description ' The applicant is proposing a 48 unit condominiurn develop- ment on a previously ungraded 13.39 acre site. The property is located on the east side of El Camino Real at Swallow Lane, adjacent to the eastern edge of the SDG&E casement. An existing apartment complex borders the property to the south, while the land to the north and east is vacant. The property consists of hilly terrain, slo2ing to the southeast. The units will be arranged in four separate ten-unit clusters, with resident and visitor parking located adjacent to the units in both open areas and detached structures. A private street systen will connect the dispersed recreation areas. An integrated trail systcm will provide pedestrian access to tlie recreation-,31 areas. The proposed condominium project is located in an area that is designated ;is RLM, Residential Low-Plediurr, Ijensity by the Land Use Zlement of the Carlsbad General Plan. This designation allows a density of 0-4 dwelling units per acre. The applicant only has enough seier permits to construct 40 dwelling units at the present tine. This would result in a density of 2.88 dweliing units per acre. However the applicant has indicated that he plans to construct two actdi-tioaal buildings -on this site at a future date once he obtains s(;~w~K peznits. The applicant has not specified exactly how many dt.7elli!ig units will be provided in these two additional- buil.dings - However he has indiciz, ted tha.t tlie to.taL nuin5er of uni.ts trill not exceed the density allowed by the General Plan. Approval of CT 73-2C/CP-I05 does not coastj-tute approval of the proposed future acldi.tions shown by dashed 1.inc.s in the southeasterly p:,orti.on of thc. property. (Exhibit; A) .- , ,. L b. \i 8 11. AMALYSIS -- Planning Issues 1. Does the proposed project conform with the density requirements of the Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan? 2. Does the proposed condominium project conform with the development standards of the condominium ordinance? 3. Does the proposed condominiurn project conform with the design criteria of the condominium ordinance? ' niscussion -. Development Standards Access to the proposed project will he via a 30' wide private street which will end in a cul-de-sac: at the northeasterly corner of the project. Each of the proposed units will have one enclosed parking space and one open parking space as per the requirements of the condorninium ordinance. Resident and visitor parking will be provided in parking areas adjacent to the prpposed buildings. Additional. visj-tor parking will be provided by parallel parking spaces located along the easterly side of Swallow Lane, a 32' wide private street serving this project. be set back 20'-40' from the open parking areas. Several of the buildings will be separated from the open parking areas by slopes. In the locations where the dwelling units are at the same elevation as the open parking areas dense landscaping will be used to shield the living units from the noise and headlights of the parking area. All of the buildii7,gs will Volleyball courts will be provided at the western and eastern edges of this project. These courts will be located at least 100 feet away from the nearest dwelling units so that the residents wil.1 not be disturbed by the activity at -the courts. The applicant also proposes to locate a swimming pool and jaccuzi near the entrance of the projec-t. This pool will be accessible via the private road serving this project or one of the proposed trails. ' Although the pool is readily accessible it is located away from the nearest proposed dwelling unit, Barbecue facilities will be located adjacent to each of the volleyball courts. The applicant proposes to locatc two barbecue facilities within the 200 foot wide -2- SDG&E easement Gn the southern portion of this property. These barbecue facilities would be quite isolated from the rest of the development and probably not receive much use. Staff feels that they should be relocated SO that they are adjacent to the swimning pool and jacuzzi. These facilities along with the other open space areas of this project will surpass all of the oper, space and recreational space requirements of the condominium ordinance. In terms of storage, a small amount of storage will be available in the front section of the single car garages provided for each unit. According to the floor plans provided by the applicant, additional storage accessible to the outside will be provided-in sone of the units. A condition has been added to the approval of this project requiring that additional storage be provided so that each unit has at least 480 cubic feet of storage area accessible to the outside. The applicant has indicated to the staff that eventually he plans to integrate this project with his existing south. The applicant has indicated via dashed lines on Exhibit A the location of future parking areas along the southern edge of this project in the San Diego Gas and Electric Company's 200 foot easement, Approval of thin tentative map and condominium 2,roject in no way constitutes approval- of the proposed private street widening or parking impinernents in the SDG&E ease~nent, nor does it justify a future conversion of the e:;risti:ig apartments. These improvements will have to be approved as part of the approval for the conversion of the existing apartment complex. ' apartments and his proposed condominium project to the Design Criteria This project also meets all of the design criteria of the condominium ordinance. Adequate parking and recreation facilities have been provided as per the requirements of the condominiym ordinance. The recreational- facilities are readily accessible and far enough away froin the proposed dwelling units so the residents will not be disturbed by the activity at the recreation sites. The 200 foot wide SDG&E easement will tend to isolate this development from the noise of the traffic on El Camirio Real. This large easement will also serve as an open space buffer between this project and the existing apartments to the south. -3- . .. 9, 111. RECOFPiENDATION I It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 1665, recommending APPROVAL to the City Council of CT 79-28,' CP-105, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Attachments Background Data Sheet Disclosure Furn Location Map PC Resolution Eo. 1665 Exhibit "A", dated 6/25/80 ----- Exhibits "B", 'IC", I'D", "E", and "F", dated 5/5/80 MH:ar 7/2/80 9 REQUEST AND TIO ON: 10 unit condominium project on the east side of ~1 Camino Real at ,Swallow Lane -- LEGAL DESCIZTVTION: Portion of the west half of the northwecuartev of Section 26, Township 12 south, Range 4 west, San Bernardino Meridian to County.of San Diego Assessors Parcel Number: 215 - 052 - 01 Acres 13.39 No. of Lots 1 , GENERAL PL?m AND ZOrn’G I- R2 PI General Plan Land Use Designation - mnsity Allowed 0-4 du/ac Density Proposed 3.73 --...- &sting Zone PC - . Proposed Zone N/A Surmundi.ng Zoning and Laid Use: zoning North P-C South RD-M (Q) East E-1-A (County) West P-C Land Use - Vacant I_- Vacant Vacant PUBLIC FACILITIES Public Facilities Fee Agrec~nent, dated October 13, 1980 (Other : ) E.I.R. Certifid, dated . 1 i r I I 1 j j i 1 I I , ! .. I7 I_---_--- 417 Main Street, -- Huntington -I_...- Beach, CA 92648 -- -- BU $3 i ne s s hcr d r c s s (714) 536-2547 - - Tcl.cphonc Ida; .!tc r --- Jerry R. Simon (Proiect Coordinator)- I- Name 417 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Bus inzs s Acidr cs s (714) 536-2547 -..--- Tc I. ep'hon c t.h:!1bc X- IEYIERS: . I__^ Frank J. - Nola - 422Zoma .. H.G.nt=-n~zac.h,- CA Name (individual, Fartnctr, joint 1ia:rte Acidr-ess . - venture, corporation, syndication) . 417 Main --_ Street,Huntinqton Reach, CA 92648 _____---- Bus i nc ss Adrk c s s 417 Mai'n Street, Huntington .Beach, CA 92648 .. - -I ., 4.. -I- __I -- (Attacli inore sheets if neccssauy) X/i3c dcclare undci: pcnnlty of pcrjury that tllc infonnat ion contained in tlii.5 dis- clc~c;~irc is truc and cor~cct and tlmt it will. rcrnajn truc and corrccc arid may be rcI.icc~ upon a:; I>cj.iicJ txuc and correct ur~ti~. aiiicridcd. c 1500 I'LIVl AVENLJE CARLGUAD, CALI fOnN 1A 92208 TF1.EPHONE: (714) 729-llE1 I_ East side of El Camjno Real adjacent -- to - PROJECT AEDRESS/LOXIYON : ,%allow Lane. -- -I_ PlXlXCT 'DESCRIITION: A ten unit condminiun!building --_-_ which will be constructed in conjunction with a previously approved 4 buildiq, ~- forty ------- --.-- -I_---- . unit cmdorrllinium project. The project ~_. will be located on a previously ---- -.l_l-___l________. ungxaded 13.9 acre prcel .that is covered with weds. - north, east andl west is vacant while the propert;r to the south has been The propevty to the - ..-- ----I_----_ - ---I- - --- ' developed for multiple family residential purpses. -_--.ll_l__l___ _-_- ... TELEPHONE: c ,,r~.~.;l.a)*A3asc2 A... .:A::;- L.";.., :..>:.. ,.;., , .. . .:.. _... \-:.. ..;1 438 - 5591 PUBLIC NOTICE OF PREPARATION -- --- PZEASE TAKE NOTICE : .The Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad intends to prepare a Negative Declaration, Environmental . Impact Repbrt for the following projects: Project Description: CT 79-28 (~)/CP-137 (A) , a ten unit addition - tm a --- previously approved tenative map - and cordminiurn permit -- ... . ., --2..-IcII- ----I Anticipated significant impacts: None We need to know your ideas about the effects this project might. have on the environrnent and your suggestions for ways the prc):jcct coul.~! be revised to reduce or avoid any significant 'cnviroiimerital damage. Your ideas will help us decide what issues to anal.yze in the environmental review of this project. .. . *. .. . .. .. ._ .1* .. 2, . 3. .. .. 6. i? .' 7, #- Proposed 'si-kc wkich 5. s .. ". 50 Unit.Condominium Project 5 - 10 Unit Buildings. * *------I- -----__------___-__-_--___--- .I . .. * The project site is .A' txiangulaz .shaped parcel, 14 acre's' in';siz,e, covered with brush 'and' common: 'gr.asses. A 203 wide power, easemQnt.*encumbers .a '. Jarge portion. of the eycel. . .I .. .I .* .. 4, .. 0. 3.. Descrilx c'ncrgy conscrv'ation measures incorporatccl ir,to the dcsiyn c:nci,'or- opera.tion of the 'project. specific discussion I=>f cr.exgy conservation ,rcqnir'erncnts . (FOX a more e. C' Bee . . 02 the City's EIR quicjelincs') .' .* . I. ' Low volume .fauc'ets and &ow volume flush toilets will be used, fluorescent light-ing will be .- 'used. in' kitches, pilotles's stoves and.F.A.U.'s . .. will. be u?.ed. .. .. .. - .- ,. .I .. , 5. * ' * he' If res.Xential-, include the number. of un;.ts, schedule of unit sizes, \range of sale pr.ices or rents, and type of . c .. rhduseliold size expected. .a .. -. .. . . '- .- .. 20 - 131.8 s.'f. c . 10 ;- 1536 S.f; ..- .. . .' .* . ' 20 - 1190 s.f. - .. . ..? ,. L. . ._. -e- - .. -- .. -. , .. . .. .* .. .. * I. ... .' -0. 6 ,. 5, X$ coimnercLal hilicatc the tj@, Gl-x?&r neighbor' ood, .. city or rcgibnally oriented, square footage 05 sales area, .- and loatling' f acilitics. .. .. -. , *. - *. .. .. 4 -. s. *. .e . *. . -:N/A , I * 7. If institutional, indj.cntlr! thr? major function, cstirnatcd I. c c .. .. . '- c. -' .. .. Yes .._1 175.11 thc ,activ;-ty rephe a variance from . est~~l~~.j.siiec~ e:ivironmel;~c71 standcrds (cir , water, noj sc, ctc) ?. Wi3.1 the activity rc?cjuj.re ccrtificaticn, authorizaJ:ion or :i ssuance of a perrni.t .by any loc?il. State or Federal. enviror-lmcntnl. control agcncy? - wiij. the activity kcquire issuance of c? variance CI .. _I .. x _.-1 19. or conditional use perinit by the City? '. 20, Will the activity involve the applicatiori use, or dlsposai of potcRtially hazardous materials? 'Will the activity involve construction of . facilities in a flood plain? will. the activity involve construction of l?fll the act.i.vity invol.ve construction of Eas$:~i.t3.cs in the area uf an active fault? Conic? ?he activFty resuit in ths gencnat.-~on of. sigilificarit amounts of noise? Cou:i.ci the. a.ct.ivi.ty result iii the gen~ration of : B i.g I; j. f i ca 11 t aim u1 n t s of d u. s .i. ? L Will the activity i.nvolve the burning of brush, trees, or -other materials? Corild the activity result in a significant cl-~alzf;e in the' quality of any pcrtion of th2 .region s air or water rescurces? (Should note, surface, ground vxiter off-shore) .. .fac-i-lj-ti.es on a slop& ,of 25. percent or greater? .. .. . .. , .. .. . . 21.. 22, x * 23' , .25, 26, 2.7 1, 0 . . 28. '23. 30; ". x .I_ .*- .. .' 3 1.. *a x - -"I- . w. . .. 1. 4. 'F c '*, . .. . I .. .. ' .environmental effect.^ , indicate your X~XG~IS below: ' .. .. .. -. . .. .. ; 'q . .. .. .- .. .. .. *. . ...' .. .. . , .. . .' . .- ,. . .-. .. ' ... . . .. - .* .. .. .' .- . .* COW4E7;JTS 02 ELABORATIONS 'GO AMY OF- $HE CUESTIONS IN SECTION T .. ----- ._ - --e -- (5.c additional space is needed for answering any qu~stions, a'cirach additional sheets as may be needcd.) *.. -. '. a. ExIiibit D To Ilcsolution .. X€WI,RONXEXTAL I!4PI?CT ASSESSMENT FORM- Part. 11 .-l__-..ll--- -I .. .. .a . ... . . (TO BE COMPLETED, BY THE' .... . ..* i PLANNING DEPARTMENT) .. .. -. . *' 3 .. ... *r, C. . BACXGROIPTD . . : c -. . ZY. Earth. Will the p~oposc7-1 result in: a. Unsh'ulc earth conditions or in chan g c? s i A 9 o 1- ocj i c subs .t r tic, tu r e s ? b.. Disruptians , displzcernentk CQIII- paction or overcovcrilig of the soil? c. -,cha.nge in topography or ground ', surface relief features? ti. Tik dcst:ruct.i cn r covering or modiflcatiqn of any -uniq~ic yc~o3.ogic --- .. .. .. *P_ .... U .. ..... ' .x 7-- -- - *P or water '. on or off .... .:. .. sitc? I * .. -. + ** *, t .. . a .. f. . . .' NO . Yes *' - _MJybc &ion of bezch mrids, or c11ang~'s Ln siltation, dcpcsitlon or erosion which may modify thc channel of a river or stream or the bed of the. ocwn 02 any bay, Inlet or lake? * 1; 0. e. '?e * .. ': ' . -.' - .* * e- .' * ' . 1. C of ambient air quality? .. .. .. -. .. - - . .. .. . .. .-ments, 3.n either ,marine or fresh .waters? ' . be Changes in absorption mf-~s, . amount of surface water runoff? .-. . -. . 0. . . -. * .. .' I. . .- :.: draPnaec patterns, or the rate and ..c. Alterations 'to the course or . .> .. flow of flood waters? , . 6, Chanse In the'mo'unt of' sur'- . sface.r.ial;ci- in any water bodiy? . .. -. ' 0. .. L' - *: -. , -. .-. .. +* .. .. -. . -. .r c . .. .. 0 . . ... c.....- . *u -I '0 . '. .. .. -Y* . z * &.rate of flow of' ground rxitcPs? 4. .. .. . . 0 P* *. .I . : ' c L -. CM- . *' 2q 0. ?' .. .. .I . ma- . .. . .. ' ..I a. 2- . . * ' .- . .*. . .- aC 'Generation of! idditlonal ..* .w . .' -I '. veh:hcul.ar movercent,? .. . -. c -\ .. .. . '. **' f. -3Cncrcnsc h traffic tnznrds I. .. t c *I . *.. ' -. '. -. - . .. .. .. . a. - *#b : . e ,. . .I .. I .... *. .e c .. grass ,. crops, microflora and b. any unique, rare 03.- endangered specks of .. plants? <c'* . Xntroduction or new species of plants into an area, or in a . barrier to the normal replenish- . aquatic phnLs) ? .. .. Reducf;ion of' the numbers cf . *. '_ ment of' existiag spccirs? .. .. .. -. G, agrAcultur2l crop? .. I-ieiiuctCon in acreage of any .. .. . . ... .. . . cI-.l *- ,. .. .. , *+. ' .. .. . .. .. C. ~nclud.i.ng reptiles, fLsh and. shell- .. flsh, befithic .c;rgd.srns, Insects .or' *' x . . .' - - CI- ? microfauna) ? .. i* ' Ob* Reduction of the mumbers of . any ~miquc, yare or end'angered species of anfmal s? ., . ' 'C: . .. -f . .' Li_. :.: e. ,. .. .. - .. .. 0 blu- . .-1 * .. .. .. .e.- , .. . 1. Y .* . .. .. . : .. I. . .. .. . co Introduction .of new specks or anima2.s hito aii area, or result ' , .. In 'la barrier to the migration or' , . ' v: * ..i -. '. .. *. GI .... !I , . .. L '. e c ,. .. .. . .! .. .. .. ' . .. .. .. .. c-cc. c-u .. '- . .- -be PdliCe protection? . : ... c,, Schools? .. . . * d, Pal?lcs or 4 . facll%ties? $ _. .. .. u--. . -I .: - Bc- L. . :; ... - :x, *. CII .... .. in: .... : , - .- .. .. .. ,.. .' .. CI -- .- .. * .. .. .. .. ' .. Idill the proposal result of subst;ant,l'.al amounts of' energy? I .. ,- .. .: - ,. 15 0 b, ikmanc! upon exj;sting sourc&s .. ... of energy, OP reau.irc the dcvelop- ment. of' nex sources of energy? . *. :r . .. ' .' .- ., .. 9 .: . . .. .' systems? .I .cc \later? . '. .... .. . .- , c .. cccn5.c vista or view open to th6 'public, ,. or will the pr~posal re- aesthctlcsll-y offcrrsive 3ite open C. * ault in the creation of an * eo public VlCVI? ..' I. . % 'a. . -* * 29, Recreationo W3.11 the p~opo~nl 'rcsul% in an impact upon the quality or auantity.of' exisitng ,. re CY e a t 3. ona I. o p po r tun I t I c s'? *- '. -.. .- . .. - .. .. ..* : . : .. . I .. ... -. ... .. .. .* .. .. .. ' .. .. .* *. ' - : b) ALTERNATE SITE DESIGNS- 4 . --. .... .- .. . +. .* . .. ... - *' &tp.' r * .. .. .' . .. * .- .. *- .* .* - ,. .. 1. a. r; - .* ,. . ' '. .... . - 1' ... . ... .. .. .t . .. .. . 'a* * .. .. e ) 'ALTERNATE - SCALE GF DEVELOPFiEFIT:. "' . .. .* .. .. e. .. ' -1 ... .. .' .. I - P)'/\LTERNATE SITES FOR THE PROPOSED USE: . e. '. .. .. . . ... .. : . ,? i . .. .. .. tci the projcct. 0 - . .? 1. . : . . :.. ' c -. .' f *. . . . * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CT 79-28 (A) /CP-137 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carlsbad City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 6, 1981 at 6:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, to consider approval of a tentative tract map and condominium permit consisting of 10 units onproperty generally located on the northeasterly side of El Camino Real and north of Dove Lane and more particularly described by the map below. APPLICANT : MOLA DEVELOPMENT PUBLISH : December 27, 1980 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ;:y; ;j L3 KJ b?i A P .. . ___-----.- /-&+A ED. Trustees of Central States 1 8554 W. Bryn Avenue Ci?icqa, I1 1 i noi s 60607 Trustees of Central States 8550 W. Bryn Avenue Chicago, I11 inois 60607 Mol a Development I 808 Adam Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Mol a Development 808 Adam Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Joseph V. & Noreen Levatino 22121 Mailibu Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 Lawrence L. Lux 6723 E7 Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Joseph R. & Marian Steiner 6675 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Isabel De Saska 6721 El Camino Real Carlshad, CA 92008 Mary E. Bressi P.O. Box 1666 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Rancho La Costa Drawer A Huntington Beach, CA 92646 u- \.. -. _.- . . . .... _L .. .. . -. ... ~