HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-06; City Council; 6331-1; Requesting Funding for Seventh Year Block Grant Projects_CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO._ef 3.3 Initial.: Dept. IId _ -4 DATE: January.6, 1981 C_ Atty. DEPARTMENT:_ Housing and Redevelopment C. Mgr. _. I Subject: REQUESTING FUNDING FOR SEVENTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS. I Statement of the Matter At its meeting of August 19, 1980, the City Council took action noticing the County of San Diego that it desired to participate in the Urban County's Seventh 1 Year Block Grant application. At that time staff advised Council that all proposals for funding would be analyzed and a recommended program of funding presented for consideration. Staff has completed its analysis and arrived at the following recommendation, as shown on page 3 of the attached report: Facade Study--------------------- $22,000 Commercial Rehabilitation-------- $22,000 Sidewalk Reconstruction Program -- $33,000 Sidewalk Right-of-way acquisition- $22,000 Property Acquisition ------------- $5S,000 SUBTOTAL ---------------- $154,000 Housing Development Fund --------- $ 62,000 GRAND TOTAL ------------ $216,000 EXHIBITS: Exhibit I - !demo to Housing and Redevelopment Director dated December 8, 1980. Resolution No. Requesting Funding for Seventh Year Block Grant Program- (. 03- RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that this item be continued until City Council's meeting of January 6, 1981. Council Action: 12-16-80 Council continued the matter to the meeting of January 6, 1981. 1-6-81 Council adopted Resolution 6403, requesting funding for Seventh Year Block Grant Projects. I -,Exhibit "I" t MEMORANDUM DATE: December 8, 1980 -4 f!'" TO: Jack E. Henthorn, Housing and Redevelopment Directo' FROM: Chris Salomone, Administrative Assistant/Block Grant SUBJECT: SEVENTH YEAR HCD BLOCK GRANT APPLICTION BACKGROUND: At its meeting of August 19, 1980, the City Council took action notifying the County of San Diego that it desired to participate in the Urban County's HCD Block Grant Application. As required under HUD regulations, public meeting's were subsequently held on October 23, 1980, and November 13, 1980, soliciting citizen input on proposals for funding under the Block Grant program. Public announcements were made and notices distributed throughout the community at this time. Staff received a number of poposals for funding under the Seventh Year Block Grant program. These proposals were analyzed and are now presented for { r consideration. It is the purpose of this report to explain the analysis process and the rationale for arriving at the staff recommendation. i NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AREA The area designated as eligible to receive funding from this program is Federal Census Tract 179.00, and is shown on Attachment "A". r-� PAST ACTIVITY: The City's first six year's funding has been allocated to the inner-city area. A brief synopsis of prior years projects is listed below: i i First Year Projects - Magee House -- d Second Year Projects - Harding Street Community Center; curb, gutter, sidewalk wheelchair ramps. Third Year Projects - Residential Rehabilitation Program. Fourth Year Projects - Streetscape Master Plan, Parking lot construction, core area property acquisition. Fifth Year Projects - Streetscape improvements construction, Commercial Rehabilitation Pilot Program. Sixth Year Projects - Streetscape improvements construction alley improvements. ANA►.YSI S : Attachment "B" sets forth the general type projects recieved at the public meeting and as a result of Community announcements. Staff has received these projects in light of existing HUD guidelines and past County strategies. There are four general areas to which funding has been previously allocated. They are: Housing Development , Residential Rehabilitation, Public Improvements, and Economic Development. Some of the proposals received were ineligible because they were located outside of the target area (Census Tract 179), while others had been funded under previous years program. -2- CARLSBAD SEVENTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT FUNDING PROGMI o Facade Study - - - - - - - - - - - $22,000 r For the analysis of facade types and a financing program of loans and grants to implement the finding of the initial study. ! o Commercial Rehabilitation - - - - - - - $22,000 Conduct SBA leveraged loans, local leveraged loans, direct interest subsidy or direct local loans for rehabilitation of commerical strutures. o Sidewalk Reconstruction Program - - - - - $33,000 For construction of curb gutter and sidewalk at scattered locations north of Grand Avenue within the target area. o Sidewalk Right -of -Way acquisition - - - - $22,000 Acquire right-of-way where needed to construct and complete sidewalk improvements within the target area. o Property Acquisition - - - - - - - - - - - $55000 For the acquisition of one mid -block access point on Madison Street, Roosevelt Street, or State Street. o SUBTOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$154,000 o Housing Development Fund - - - - - - - - - $62,000 Where appropriate, housing development funds will be utilized in program of land writedown site improvements, assumption of pre -development costs, and other method, to stimulate private development of housing for low-income persons. GRAND TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - $216,000 CS: al -3- , ^ , ^ ' ' . . . . . ^ L I L-i Liff1h, L L ' Attachment "B" DATE:, December 4, 11 TO: File FROM: Chris Salomone, Administrative Assistant, Housing $ Redevelopment SUBJECT: SEVENTH YEAP BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION As a result of public notices and two public meetings (Oct.23,Nov.13,1980) the following projects have been received for funding consideration under the Seventh Year Community Block Grant Program: Carmen Lopez -Purchase a 39 passenger coach to be used for Senior Group Tours. (Not in County Strategy) -Complete a private dwelling addition to a family room. (ineligible) -Install "two seat" benches at every corner for Seniors to rest on. (previously funded) Harriet Mansell -Install curbs and sidewalks opposite Magnolia Street School.(out of area) -Complete Elm Street through to E1 Camino Real.(Out of Area.) W.H. Corcoran -Development of Jefferson Street athletic fields. (Funded Mike Little in Dave Bradstreet (received four separate proposals) C,I,P.) Dan Sherlock Harold Clarke -Design of commercial building rehabilitation: (previously -facade frontage funded) -undergrounding of utilities " -sidewalks " -"Nest Pocket" parks -Loans for residential units located above commer- cial buildings in Village area. Jim Elliott -Development of a cost accounting system to serve Housing and Community Development Block Grants and to be integrated into the new computer system.(15,000). Frank Aleshire -Sidewalks downtown.(Partially funded) Roger Greer -Construct the following alleys to City Standards: -Between Madison and Pine School(Chestnut to Pine) -Between Madison and Roosevelt(Chestnut to Oak) 4 -Between Madison and Jefferson (Pine to Oak) i -Between Jefferson ar.d Harding(Pine to Oak) -Between Roosevelt and Dfadison(Chestnut to South Terminus) -Between Madison. and Jefferson(Chestnut to South Terminus) Larry Dossey -Central Business Relief Storm Drain Project.(Incomplete with one year funding) Don Brown -Storm drain between State Street and Santa Pe Railway track. -Sidewalks in Village area.(previously funded) -Traffic controls at Roosevelt and Elm. (C.I.P.) -Traffic controls at Roosevelt and Grand 11 -Signing along Elm Avenue. (eligible) ft -Alleyways in Village area. -Street furniture in Village area. (Previously funded) -Residential Rehabilitation loan program. -Graffitti removal and education program. City Staff: C.I.P. design C.I.P. construction dousing acquisition Park equipment CUmmeTcial rehabilitation 7th YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOP my _IST.00K CRwr Current development activity is being funded from the City's !lousing and Community Development Act of 1974, Urban County Block Grant program. This program, currently in its Seventh year, has been devoted exclusively to improvement of physical facilities within the redevelopment area. The projects by grant year and amount are listed below. YEAR ONE: Magee House restoration $ 35,000 Year Two: Public Improvements, Harding 68,000 Street Community Center Year Three Housing Rehabilitation Program 103,000 Year Four: Phase I Strcetscape/Parking Lot 137,000 Design: Property Aquisition Year Five: Phase 1 Construction Streetscape 137,000 Plan: Commercial Rehabilitation Program Year Six: Phase II Construction Streetscape 167,000 Plan: Alley improvements; Housing Development Fund Year Seven:(Propose(1) 216,000 Facade Study (22,000) Commercial Rehabilitation (22,000) Sidewalk Reconstruction (33,000) Sidewalk Right -of -Way Acquisition (22,000) Property Acquisition (55,000) Development Fund (62,000) TOTAL FUNDING One through six year 647,000 Year Seven(Proposed) �216,000 TOTAL CDBG Funding 863,000 I MO. FACgOE SruDY CARLSBAC - --� STREETSCAPE I STUDY CITY OF C/d7-S419 R!UEVILOPY, AvCNCY+ --- oN ... — .,<• 1-1 STATE ST.I mrtsrn —'•�' - --� IN••r4 .1• Ifvlt..W.l 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6403 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING FUNDING FOR SEVENTi1 YEAR BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS._ 4 5 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on December 16, 6 1980, considered the Cit'y's Seventh Year Block Grant application; and 7 WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account. 8 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the program of funding outlined 9 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein as though fully set 10 forth is hereby approved. 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby directed 12. to forward the program outlined herein to the County of San Diego for 13 inclusion in the Seventh Year Urban County Block Grant application. 14 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 6th day of _1�1I(Jr�Cr___ 15 19E1, by the following vote, to wit: 16 AYES: Council Members Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 17 NOES: None 18 ABSENT: Council Member Packard 19 Q 20 RONALD C. JACKARD, Mayor 21 HARY II. CASLER, Vice-ilayor 22 ATTEST: 23 24 �"L.UYI�N-EIOX��NZ_ nLET, C Lly clerk 25 26 Seal 27 28 EXHIBIT "A" CARLSBAD SEVENTH YEAR BLOCK GRANT FUNDING PROGRAM o Facade Study - - - - - - - - - - - $22,000 ,5 For the analysis of facade types and a :financing program of loans and grants to implement the finding of the initiaJ study. i o Commercial Rehabilitation - - - - - - - $22,000 { Conduct SBA leveraged loans, local leveraged loans, direct interest 4 subsidy or direct local loans foi rehabilitation of commerical strutures. o Sidewalk Reconstruction Program - - - - - $33,000 For construction of curb gutter and sidewalk at scattered locations north of Grand Avenue within the target area. o Sidewalk Right -of -clay acquisition - - - - $22,000 Acquire right-of-way where needed to construct and complete sidewalk improvements within the target area. o Pro)erty Acquisition - - - - - - - - - - - $55,000 �. j For the acquisition of one mid -block access point on Madison Street, 1 Roosevelt Street, or State Street. o SUBTOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---$15Q,000 o housing development Fund - - - - - - - - $62,000 ti Where appropriate, housing development funds will be utilized in program � of land writedown site improvements, aszvyition of pre -development costs, and other method, to stimulate private development of housing for low-income persons. GRAND TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - $216,000