HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-06; City Council; 6386-2; STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS7 -z-
Dxf'E: January 6, 1981 --- Dept-Kd, 2
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DEPARTMENT : Engineering -I_- c- wr.&
-- l_-,-llll-l-- ..-_--- L-.-----wI..L* Sub j ect : STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
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Statement of the Matter
As a part of the City's Housing and Community Development Block Grant Applications,
the County of San Diego and the Federal Department of Housing and Urban-Development
approved approximately $400,000 for a program for Streetscape Improvements within the
Village Area.
On May 15, 1979, Council via Resolution No. 5771, entered into an agreement with the firm Of Bissel/August, for provision of design services.
Master Plan for the streetscape area and design drawings and specifications for the G
and State Street parking lot.
The purpose of this effort was to develop concepts and guidelines for the enhancement
of the public rights of way within the commercial core of the Village Area.
Following a supplemental traffic analysis prepared by Arnold Torma, Council approved
the Village Streetscape Master Plan
as recommended in the traffic analysis.
It is now necessary to refine the general concepts adopted in
into plans and specifications for actual construction.
administration plan package will be prepared which will outline the most feasible
construction and design phasing.
activity associated with the Streetscape P4aster Plan. Ten percent of the previously r
figure has been put aside for design of the entire project.
of this contract will not exceed $15,000.
remaining design work.
Request for Proposals
List of Consultants
These services included a
prepared by Bissel/August, Associates with amend]
the Streetscape blaster
As a part of this effort an
A total of approximately $300,000 is available for design and constri
It is estimated that the
Thereby leaving an additional $15,000 for 1
Authorize the issuance of a request for proposals for implementation of the Streetscap
Master Plan.
Council Action:
1-6-81 Counci 1 authorized the issuance of a request for proposals for imp1 ementatio the Streetscape Master Plan, to include the requirement for the architect to submit a preliminary plan to Council for preliminary approval, subject to fi approval.
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The City of Carlsbad is requesting proposals from consultants to construc
staged street improvements in the downtown redevelopment area of Carlsbad
The "Village Streetscape Master Plan", prepared by the Firm of Bissell/
August Associates, as well as traffic analyses of the streetscape plan by
Arnold Torma, are available as preliminary plan guides.
The engineering/architectural firm selected for this project will be reqL
to perform two tasks:
TASK 11: A detailed design and first two improvement packages for:
A master plan and administrative pian package
4 A. Roosevelt from Grand to Elm
B. Madison from Grand to Elm
The core area for Task I is shown on the attached map and includes:
Major Street Improvements
1. Elm Avenue from Madison to 1-5.
2. Grand Avenue from railroad to easterly dead end.
3. State Street from Elm to Grand.
4. Roosevelt from Elm to Grand.
5. Madison from Elm to Grand.
Alley Improvements
1. Alley easterly of railroad from Elm to Grand.
2. Alley between State and Roosevelt from Elm to Grand.
3. Alley between Roosevelt and Madison from Elm to Grand
The tasks of the engineering/architectural firm are to: (I) Unify, update
and clarify the streetscape master plan and (11) prepare necessary plans
for design and implementation of the projects required to impiement the
updated master plan.
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Under Task 1 (master plan and administrative planning package) a report
which will develop the conceptual streetscape plan and traffic analyses
into a concrete plan of action for the core area will be prepared. The
updated master plan should include:
1. Specific information for street design alternatives.
2. Specific provisons for revision to street architecture to effect the
generalized concepts of the streetscape plan.
3. New plan views and elevations of the mjaor structures.
4. In preparing the revised concepts, the consultant shall be conceptua
guided but not limited in his/her professiona1 design work by the prl
viously prepared reports. '
5. The revised report submitted for adoption shall include proposal for
staging for the various concurrent construction activies as improveme
A draft of the updated streetscape plan shall be prepared within two
months of receipt of a notice to proceed and be presented to the Red€
velopment Agency and City Planning/Engineering for concurrence,
7. A cost and feasibility analysis including design and construction cos
shall accompany each alternate pro-osed. The RedevelopmentAgency wil
provide estimates and schedules of funds available for use in the reF
8. Prepare cost and preliminary data necessary to prepare all improyemer
packages to be performed under Task Ii.
9. After final approval of the selection of proposed method of construct
staging, the consultant shall prepare 25 copies of the final report.
Task II design packages will be prepared subsequent to completion of Task
and will contain only design packages for:
A. Roosevelt from Grand to Elm
B. Madison from Grand to Elm
However, it is proposed that each design package include first a prelimin<
design package consisting of:
1. A1 1 survey work necessary to obtain precise and clear Tocations of a1 1
street facilities and rights-of-way and adjacent affected facilities.
2. Architectural treatments of street furniture, building facades.
3. Utility research and tentative disposition or relocation of each item.
4. A preliminary layout of various alternatives.
5. Outline of potential design alternatives with cost data.
The packages will be reviewed and approved by the City. The design pack-
ages will be approved by issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the City Engin
and Redeve 1 opment D i rector.
The final design package will include a compelte set of reproducible plans
Drawings are to be neat, legible and technically complete with dimensions
to all installations. getails should provide for a clear and definite mani
of installation. The type, quality and quantity of all materials required
shall be clearly indicated.
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The following items shall appear on the final drawings:
1. Complete quantity, structural and hydraulic calculations necessary
for the design of the proposed facilities.
2. A complete set of reproducible plans in accordance with City require
ments. Drawings shall be neat and legible with dimensions to all in
tions. Type, quality and quantity of all materials required should
clear 1 y indicated.
3. Plans and specifications shall be certified as to correctness, and s
by a registered civil engineer and/or structural engineer, and R.C.E
ber provided.
4. The following items should appear on the final drawings (this list i
indicative, not exhaustive):
a. A plan and profile of the street reconstruction work.
b. Interfering utilities shall be shown with current ownership and
c. Final striping geometrics shall be provided.
d. Where structural items are to be used, a structural steel schedu
shall be provided with dimensions and quantities of all steel re
e. Modifications required for signal and street lighting systems.
f. Any special methods of placement and shoring or protection of wo
g. Signature block for the City Engineer.
5. Specifications shall be provided in conformance with City Standards
requirements. Recent specifications will be available upon request
6. Any necessary provisions for staged construction, including traffic
trol shall be provided.
7. Final detailed construction cost estimate.
8. Fifty copies of plans and specifications for publication after final
9. All plans and specifications and submitted items shall be developed
a form satisfactory to the City.
10. Certification by a soils engineer shall be provided for the stabilit
of structures and pavements against failure.
posed dispos;tion.
required for construction shall be clearly indicated.
The proposal shall be submitted to the Director of Housing & Redevelopmer
no later than 5:OO p.m., Monday, February 2, 1981. The proposal package
should contain the following items:
1. Estimated design time required for each task and each street listed 5
2. An estimate of the total design price broken down into major items fc
arately as to number of months to complete from notice to proceed.
each task and item under the task.
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3. A conceptual performance outline of Task I and Task [I.
4. Qualification statement to include the foliowing:
a. Background of your company and any consultants involved in the
b. Background and qualifications of the individual to be directly re.
sponsible for the work.
A listing of similar projects designed or constructed by your firn c.
with references.
d. A complete recent design. (If requested and stamped to be return€
the submitted material wi 11 be returned following its evaluation.)
e. The firm should either be a joint engineering/architectural firm a
an architectural firm and engineering firm in a joint venture.
Selection by the City should be accomplished within two weeks of the date
submission. If your firm intends to submit a proposal, please advise us t
telephone before January 16, I981 so that arrangements can be made for rev
[-&p/L& *v+e, 1 Larry C. rc‘. Dossey @j,
Principal Civil Engineer
I ** a Q
John A. Starner, P.E.
2551 State Street, Suite 107
Carlsbad CA 92008
2. Bird Fujimota & Fish
3230 5th, Suite C
San Diego CA 92103
3. Rick Engineering
3088 Pi0 Pic0
Carlsbad CA 92008
4. Bissell/August 877 Product ion Place
Newport Beach CA 92663
5. Lowry & Associates 3505 Camino Del Rio South
San Diego CA 92108
6. Berrynan & Stephenson
200 3. Ash, Suite 100
Escondido CA 92027
8. Kercheval E Associates
9420 Farnham Street, Suite 113
San Diego CA 92123