HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-06; City Council; 6471; 1 LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION*k 0 0' CITY OF CARLSGAD - IN IT1 AL A:;ENDA BI LL NO. 6 y 7 / Dept. Hd.@" DATE : JANUARY 6, 1981 Cty. Atty $j DEPARTMENT : e PLANNING Cty . Mgr. a?- SUEJ ECT : 0 - 1 LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP CASE NO: CT 80-44 APPLICANT: SUDAN INTER101 STATEMENT OF THE MATTER: This item is a request for a one lot tentative tract map relal an approved Conditional Use Permit for a 22 unit religiously ( retirement center for Sudanese missionaries located southwest intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Laurel Tree Lane in 1 R-1-10,000 (Q) zone. . The Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit for site on December 17, 1980, subject to City Council approval oJ tentative tract map. Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map to meet all rec ments of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance. Through staff review and P.lanning Commission hearing all issuc The Planning Commission found both the 'on this matter have been satisfactorily resolved, Environmental. Review The Planning Director has issued. a Negative Declaration for tl project on November 19, 1980. , Fiscal Impact No fiscal impacts are anticipated by this project. EXHIBITS 1. PC Resolution No. 1740 2. Staff Report dated Decembe? 17, 1980 3. Exhibits "A" & "B" dated November 6, 1980 RECOMMENDATION Both the planning staff and Planning Commission recommend thal this application be APPROVED and that the City Attorney be dii to Drepare documents APPROVING CT 80-44 per Planning Commissic Resolution No. 1740. Council Action: 1-6-81 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 8 *c* ' 7, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 21 12 13 14 l5 l6 17 18 l9 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 e e PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 174Q A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL FOR A ONE LOT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OE LAUREL TREE ROAD, SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROP APPLICANT: SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION CASE NO: CT 80-44 WHEREAS, a verified application for certain propertj wit: All that portion of Description No. &of Map 5715 filed December 19, 1960, bejag a portion of Map 823 filed November 16, 1896 has been filed with the City of Carlsbad, and referred tc Planning Commission; ana WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a re( provided by Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code; and WHEWAS, the Planning Commission did, on the 17th di Decenher, 1980, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prc by law to consider said request; and 9 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and CI all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desi Ibe heard, said Commission considered all factors relatin the Tentative Tract Map, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Planni Commission as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) I Findings : 1) I General Plan. That based on the evidence presented at the public the Commission recommends APPROVAL of CT 80-44, bas the following findings and subject to the following The proposed tentative map is consistent with the c General Plan since it is located within an area des for residential development by the Lznd Use Element APN: 23.2-040-23 *.T- *% 7, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 p 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 I.8 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i 1 I I i 0 0 2) The site is physically suitable €or the type and dt the development since the site is adequate in size to accommodate residential development at the prop and still meet all the requirements of the city's subdivision ordinance. The project is consistent with all city public fac policies and ordinances since: 3) a) The Planning Commission has, by inclusion of appropriate condition to this project, insure final map will not be approved unless the Cit finds that sewer service is available to serv ' project. In addition, the Planning Commissio a condition that a note shall be placed on th that building permits may not be issued for t unless the City Engineer determines that sew@ is available- Since the final map cannot be unless sewer service is available, and buildi ,occur within the project unless sewer service available, the Planning Commission is satisfi the requirements of the public facilities efe General Plan have been met insofar as they a~ sewer service for this project, 5) All necessary public improvements have been E will be required as conditions of approval. The project is exempt from payment of a publ-i fee per City Council Policy No, 17, dated Auc 1979. c) 4) This project will not cause any significant envirc impacts, and a Negative Declaration has been issue Planning Director on November 19, 1980, and appro\ Planning Commission on December 17, 1980. That the specific use of this site as a low densil related residential project will minimize the neec services to the site and the Planning Commission ( that adequate public services will be available tc specific project. 5) I Conditions: ,/ General Conditions 1) Approval is granted for CT 80-44, as shown on Exh dated November 6, 1980, incorporated by reference file in the Planning Department. Development sha substantially as shown unless otherwise noted in conditions, This project is approved upon the express conditi final map shall not be approved unless the City C as of the time of such approval that sewer servic available to serve the subdivision. 2) IPC RESO a1740 -2- I . L.. * L. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' 0 0 3) This project is approved upon the express conditic building permits will not be issued for developmen sewer capacity is available at time of applicatior such permits and will continue to be available unt of occupancy. This note shall be placed on the fi The applicant shall pay park-in-lieu fees to the c to the approval of the final map as required by C1 20.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. subject property unless the City Engineer determin 4) Planning Department 5) If the updated Land Use Plan for Palomar Airport : that the subject property is in a noise impact arc (65 CNEL), the applicant shall grant appropriate e or execute appropriate agreement documents so thal and the airport will not be held responsible for i related noise impacts. A note so indicating this placed on the final map. 6) The applicant shall prepare a detailed landscape i irrigation plan which shall be suhitted to and a] by the Planning Director prior to final map appro' 7) Approval of Tentative Tract No. CT 80-44 is grantc to approval of Conditional Use Permit 190 and all of CUP-190 shall be complied with. 1 8) The applicant shall submit a street name list coni with the city's street naming policy subject to tl Planning Director's approval prior to final map a! Fire Department 9) Additional public and on-site fire hydrants shall subject to the approval of the Fire Marshall. 10) The applicant shall submit two (2) cop5es of a si showing locations of existing and proposed fire h and on-site roads and drives subject to the appro Fire Marshall, 11) An all weather access road shall be maintained th construction. 12) Water for fire protection shall be provided befor are on building site. Fire retardant roofs shall be provided on all str subject to the approval of the Building and Fire 113) I 14) Brush clearance shall be maintained within a mini of 30 feet to each residence. //// PC RES0 #1740 -3- i . -. - .. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 2a 25 26 27 28 0 0 15) All fire alarm systems, fire hydrants, extinguishi automatic sprinklers, and other systems pertinent project shall be submitted to the Fire Department approval prior to construction. 16) Due to excessive response time, the applicant shal a sprinkler system in each buildinq or a supervise system. Engineering Department 17) The developer shall obtain a grading permit prior commencement of any clearing or grading of the sit The grading for this project is defined as "contrc grading" by Section 11.06.170 (a) of the Carlsbad I! Code. Grading shall be performed under the obserT of a civil engineer whose responsibility shall be coordinate site inspection and testing to insure c of the work with the approved grading plan, submil reports to the city engineer and verify compliance Chapter 11.06 of the Carlsbad. Municipal Code, 19) The developer shall dedicate a strip of land 30 fc minimum, 15 feet on each side of the centerline oj Tree Road from Palomar Airport Road to its intersc with the proposed off-site street which will servt subject project at the time of approval of the fii 20) The developer shall dedicate a strip of land 30 fc 15 feet on each side of the centerline of the pro] off-site street from Laurel Tree Road to the subji at the time of approval of the final map. 21) The developer shall dedicate a strip of land 42 fc for the proposed off-site street along the subdiv frontage at the time of the final map. 18) I 22) All land and/or easements required by this projec granted to the city, without cost to the city, frl clear of all liens and encumbrances. 23) The developer shall improve Laurel Tree Road and off-site street based on a 28 foot wide crown sec asphalt berms prior to final occupancy of any uni structural section shall be to city standards bas R-value tests. All drainage systems and appurten required by the installation of the street shall i constructed and easements dedicated. 24) The developer shall enter into a future agreement the off-site street based on a right-of-way of 42 the subdivision frontage. //// PC RES0 #1740 -4- '. - r -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 0 25) The developer shall comply with all the rules, reg and design requirements of the respective sewer an( agencies regarding services to the project includi. sewer and water facilities. 26) Private Street "A" and "B" shall have a minimum wi 24 feet. The design of the private street and private drain systems shall be subject to the approval of the Ci prior to the issuance of a building permit. The s section shall conform to City of Carlsbad standard on R-value tests. 28) The applicant shall agree to modify the driveway e to the public street if required by the City Engin the street is extended or the future improvements constructed. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting 27) Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California the 17th day of December, 1980, by the following vote, AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 3 MARY MARCUS, Chairrnz CARLSBAD PLANNING C( I ' ATTEST: I JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ' PC RES0 #1740 -5- L e e. *. 4 STAFF REPORT BATE : DecernSer 17, 1980 TU : Planning Commission FROM: Planning DeparFnent SUBJECT: CT - 80-44/CUP-190, SUDAbT IK'TERIOR ZISSION - Req for a one 2.cx tentative tract map and a condit use pernit for the construction of i? 22 unit n' profit, religiously-oriented retirment center Sudanese missionaries on property located soxt of the intersection of Palorrianr airport Road an1 Laurel Tree Road in the R-l40,00O(Q) zone. <. I, PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing to construct 11 duplex units totaling 22 units on 12.36 acre parcel located 5s previo described. Most of the property consists of sloping lan covered with native vegetztion, however, the southwester third of the pro9erty has been previously graded an8 is of any native vegetation. A large single family dweilin located on the southwesterly portion of the property. I the past, this building was utilized as, an office and he equipment was stored on the property. Ths house is Sein used as a single family residence at the present time. The properties to the east, south and west are vacantp 97 the property to the north is being utilized for agricult purposes and has an agricultural packing plant on it. As shown on Exhibit "A", the 11 duplexes will be located along a circular drive surroading the existing residence This existing residence will. serve as the manager's livi quarters as well as a fellowship hall, One of the prcpo duplex units will have no bathroom or kitchen facilities will be used as a storage facility. Another of the dupl will contain a nurses quarters and limited medical facif The remaining 9 duplexes will be used as relit free resid for retired SudaDese missionaries. As the PI-aiinincj Coimissicn will rzcalP, the subject proy: is in the process of being annexed into the city and the Commission rezoned the property from County S--90 to R--l.-l0,000(Q) on Septenber- 10, 1980. The Q overlay ZC~E requires the zpproval 04 a site development plan by the Planning Commission. Since a condi.tiorra1. use pernit is required for a religiously oriented facilit.1 in a reside zone and it accomplishes the sane purpose as a site development plan, a separate site development plan was r required to be submitted by the &ppli.cant. - . '< ' 0 0 .. 5 % 11. ANALYSIS - Planning Issues 31. Is the site suitable for the proposed use? 2. What public improvements will be needed to ade serve the project? 3. Can the nandatory findings for granting a conc use permit be made? 111. DISCUSSION When completed tne proposed prcject will nave a density 1.6 du/acre which is consistent with the General Plan designation of 0-4 du/acre for this site. As shcwn on Exhibit "Ai', only a third of the site will be occupied k the dwelling units a1i6 the access road. The applicant proposes to plant an orchard in the eastern third of the property while the remaining portian will be left in its natural state. When this plan was originally submitted, staff had cmcE about the isolation of the proposed site and the distanc the nearest public services arid amenities. The appficar - has indicated, however, that the people who will live a: this project have s;?ent most of their Eves in renote sections of Africa and are accwtomed to living in isol; areas. Also, the low level of density being prcposed sh< reduce puhlic service problems. As part of the tentative tract map approval, staff is recommending that the applicant be required to provide 4 necessary street improvements to serve this project. LC Tree Roild and the off-site street connecting Laurel Tret Road and the subject property (presently an easement mi is recormen2ed to be paved to a minimum width of 28 fee. city standards to allow Eor two lanes of traffic. The 1 streets on the subject property are recommended to be pi a minimum of 24 feet wide, As proposed the project meets all of the requirenents fl the issuance of a conditional use permit. Specifically requested use is essentiaily in harmony with the variou elements and objectives of the Genera:! ?Ian, and is not detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically pe in the zon9 in which the proposed. u.se is to be located; site is adequate in size and shape to accom.sdate the u and as conditioned, the street system serving the propo use is adequate to properly handle all kraffic generate the proposed use. -. -2- . *& ( % 0 e .. \ The Airport Land Use Commission has indicated khat this proposed development is located within the influence are: Palomar Airport. Although the devlopment is presently compatible with the adopted land use plan for the airporl the plan is presently being updated and new noise informi and regulations must be incorporated into the updated pfi It is possible that the new plar, will indicate that the subject development is located within an area adversely impacted by noise from the airport. The applicant has bc made aware of this and staff is recommending as a condit: of approval that should the updated plan indicate thst tl subject property is in a noi.se ixpact area, the applican- will grant appropriate easements or execute appropriate agreements so that the city and the airport will not be I responsible for airport-related noise impacts. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that this projectw not have a significant impact on the environment and the: has issued a negative declaration on Novenber 19, 1980. V o PZECOP.IP4ENDATION It is reccmmended that the Planning Commission APPROVE 'i Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Girector, am . adopt Resolution No. 7740, reconmending APPROVAL of CT 8 and ResolutFon No. 1741, APPROVING CUP-190, based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein _I ATTACHMENTS .. PC Resolution Xo. 1740 - PC Resolution No, 1741 Background Data Sheet Disclosure Form Exhibits "A" & "B" dated November 6, 1980 Location Map . Environmental Docurrents MH : ar ' 12/9/80 -3- 9 0 BACKGF?O'~ DATA Sm . -5 . '.. , CASE NO: CT 80-44/CXT-190 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION ,WI?LIrnT: REQUE~T ~JD L@CATIQ~: Tmtative Tract fllap and Conditional Use - Permit we of Laurel Tree Road smth of Palamar Pi qrt €Q~L r LlEGAL DESC€UPTIOE: xl mrt-ion of wscrip~on p~a. 4 ~f SuWeUw 2735 E Ikc&er 19, 1960 also prtion of Iot C of San Di', YaD ... 823 , m -L dn Assessors Parcel Wdxr: 717 - n Acres 12.36 I'Q* of L&s ,3~ CZXEXXL 2Lp;N Am ZObTING General Plan Land Use Designation R-M Density UlorrJed 4-10 du/ac Density Proposed N/A Existing Zcne R-1-10 p OOO-Q Proposed Zone N/A Surromdiq Zoning and Land Use: zo3-xi.i. . and Use North R-A P&.irJgvhed sou* PC-EAcomty Vacant East E-1-A County - Vacant CI ..L west P< Vacant PUBLIC FACILITTES Schml Djstrict Carlsbad Water District Carlsbad Sewer District Carlshad -mu's hbt Applic Public Facilities Fee Agrm.ent, dated (Other: July 3L1.980 mTWf3RME"J INPACT ASSESSmm - Negative Declaration, issued November 19, 1980 Log No. CT 80- E.I.R. Catifid, dated X Other, --- L *. ' Tp&&$ P f- pJ M Dl. .* .. - .3 - \:. .: ..:. -* \* r tL, rn.0"" :.9' *... . .,. .. * .. "'.,., ,, c; 31 Cj E p.. g-Je c-j- -!q-J -q4/(3p-/?Q 4-- a. 8 2 3 '3 r, \I I:F: ;% >-]or. EJ[)C - /A Q'i, ViClN IT*? r3. 3I c Ina'W.r/ -- I I 6 3% ;cz\t.c); tJle i.nform3tioIt YC zu:,n\ik.tccl 11~s Lc*cn revicw4, 1~ J.> u~:Lc.~.,~ @ye y, . I ti,rtt f:lrther informatior, is --qJlred, you will 5c SD advise - .- , vation &T&ltTCA:JT: Sdm jnt?Y? wnsiugl 'I a Seu SexW @=P --e-----= 4 y' ~~1,~e (lndlvldual r partrlcrship, joint VCntUKE:, COrPoratloI~, -';Y ,. . 2 ~odstone - Cd2~ G~OVZ 9 N.2 WQo9 _c- Bus1ne.s s Marc ss * (201) 857-1100 Te 1 e phon e N ~mhc r &SENT : e P?.& E. Lad3 Name 6204 ~tm& "rea 2~ad. - kr;isbd, W. 92008 -I-- Bz s ine: s 3 Lddr e s s (7143 439-3360 Telephone Kmber ~h~x~ =e no wtnersr nembess ~r S~KB hdck~~. IJame (indivi?u3lI Sartner, joint --I €3X4BF:iS : . -_.c. iio;ne A6drcss .. venture, corporation, syndication) \ Business AddFess Te3 ephone iifwtber Telephone Nmber L - .. -c__ -ll_ -- Home hddress Name .. -- - Busiwss L2dress Telephone Xuriber 5lelephone ~unbzr k9 - cc CII .. . -_--___c_ " __c__- .- _- ,--------- . _I- (Attach nore sheets If necessary) ~/k:c dcclFre ulldcr p-1lalty of perjury th-lir. the information COntaillCd i' closurc: is true and correct and t3at it will rcnain truc and correct a rc~icd u;mn SI-; being true and corrcct until amcndcd. ' t ! !: . i I is ! s - Su&an Btf?rj.Qr MiSSioltt .-*-_-- G:? c-7 p") fiPJ ( ,,-- ,pa - Pnn3 i cm I t 'I\ - I ,i' - . __ -/ L/G-i/t. -e.- nv %ll~ B. LXU - I_ Agent cO 0" q* " I I ’, .%. 0 . ~0 -* TEL 1x10 Em AVI-IIJUE CL.RL.SB/\D, CALI I‘OI7NIA 32Ofla (7: ai& af g;arpfjE?J - h‘EGAT I VE DEC LARAT 1 ON 6205 Laurel Wee mad, ap1;roxiimtely 3 rile SI PR0,JECI‘ AKIIESS/LGG.TIG4 : _I_--- -- -@f.,Ra~mr;”^‘T‘- -- PItOJECI’ DESCRIPTI.@d: T’e applicant is ppsiny- - to’ CO~LZ?~~ -..--c-rr 11 d~ip~ex -- cottages 03 a 12.36 ..- acre p-cel which will. serve --- as a rztkmnent cents for African Mssionaries. require appmxiiatdy 10,900 c&ic yzrds of grading. the s~uth, east, mr2 west is vamt while the property to the ncrtlr is ----c ---- ------C.----C.C-- . -_ Cunstruckion of the propsd project ill- ---- Tnz property t9 .__*_--. for agrici?ltL-al pr~ses. ..--. -. _c_ --- cccL-cI-c.c-. --. . . -: -r -- . .. II_ -- . .--- . . -.:.--- . The, City of Carl sk-~l has conc!iict.cd an envi rorL*ental z-t!vie~< of the ~ICI\T ( pl-ojec+. pursu:lnt to tkc ci!i&iirles fijr Isip] Ci;icnt;it,ion’ of t?ic Ca1.iforn.i.a xp\; j.rol2ycl1t.al ()11;11 i.:~ :IC: 2nd tbc Envirmiv.xta1 ~~~‘iccti on Or;Iin:ii.tc.e of City of C;~.rlsbnd.. t]iat the project. wi~.:. x? 1m-e a s-igni?ic:mt i.r??psct 011 t11e emj.mwmt.j issued for .th.c S~I~~~JX: pmjcct. . .. P3 aiming L?cp rt.incnt o E\ copy of the kgstivci lffrcl a-t::!tion with xi=_U:i?ol’tj vc c!oci.!!l:cnts iS GI1 ~?I.:C om 1.11~: pidi1.j c :xlv iwi.tcd. 1’1 east su1m.i.t c.oikiix;fit~: i !i writing to the 1. . .. 1‘s a 1:e5;u! t. e? said z.cv~~~c, 3. Xcptive ikxla-r:itio:1 id Justificatjcn for this :rci:iol~, is 011 fi1. j>l<il1lljt1g I)cl>:il’t~:ci~t, Cj ty ~LIII, IZOO IJIHI iii*cniic, Clx-I.~iI~~d, GI. 92GOS. 1)epayl:11icn1 1): j.t,lij 11 tf-;n (10) c?;I>~:; of cht~ o i: pull1 :i CY! gL‘<$;* t I CAI. (J- / -- -..-- +- ST GNEi? / 3 _-_-.. ;:-- 1liri.ctor of PLmiiiij; r”1~ : _~b~~~~~L~~~~.-~~~ ?&I1 :\ ’ t:3 ilI~.,!~~.Y,>l / k 7--- . / City of Carlshd ObSE K(-): ,.CT-,m=--g&JS=i?o _._ API’IJ~ GVJ: w,xalA-Ldd-----t- _______.__ rIlE1 ,I !;! I IJA?’!: : MOV 2 21 I’m -,-. - -- - - - - ----.. -- -. ..