HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-06; City Council; 6475; APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEESa CITY OF CARLSBAD "., .. AGENDA BILL NO. 6 L/ 73- DATE : JANUARY 6 , 1981 C. Att DEPARTMENT : CENTRAL SERVICES C. Mgr Ini tia Dep t . Subject: APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Statement of the Matter As a result of the appointment of STEPHEN L'HEUREUX to the P~E Commission, he has resigned as a member of the Library Board of TrL The vacated position has an expiration date of June, 1983. The following Resolution is forwarded to Council for considerE Exhibits 1. Resolution No. 6 c( Oa , appointing a member to the Librz Board of Trustees. 2. Copies of Applications received in the calendar year 1980. Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 10 q 0 2 , appointing a member to the Library Board of Trustees. Counci 1 Action: 1-6-81 Council continued the matter to the meeting of January 20, 1981. 1-20-81 MayofPackard offered the name of David Dearie for nomination for the apg 2-3-81 council adppted Resolution 6402, appointing David Dearie to the Library B Trustees. 0 //&a ,I <?(Z CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CO?VIITTEES \ TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUN@IL Gentlemen: I would. appreciat-e the opportunity to serve a.s a l?-tember of .'the x /d&j.*KT t/ ,SJc~dd di< ,-& g~-j-~~-x . .. . -.--. -.--.-.-- - (Name of comnittee or commission) In so doing I understand. that if X am askec! to serve on the -Planning Comm.ission, I will be requested to make a financial 'disclosure statement if appointed. 1417 background and/or avocation lead me to believe that .I am qualified to serve in the best interests of -i-.he citizerls of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below _. 'which I have participated in and feel will be of hene.fit if . sel-ected = )@&& &,! s/J JJJ"2 - 6 I dod~tj Oiz /3d t.cn T/ol?/ '163, ~l~h/ lGh!.<< . L~L.. .... -.. g/ i3 .ejr/ll, I_ " /%/-P27 I bi?,*l/!fl cj?- afl(/cpJT/c/./ & t L? - If 0) #/ I, // I .- " ". .- .~ """ .... . - . /9 71- 7 2.. f?/Yd /~t~%f~ YL? :ji*tj CLfivtMfSJ/c/y .. I_ .. ,y7g L 7 G . v/A&Aa-s OF //L/c r-o/*sT AU,y-,& of 7Av.s ;EB_S: - ." /p,71- -9 p/d,( ~ci<~~~~ t.i O/V~,I/ ~~L~~/C,KI CC~M/SS/O/~' C/f/p/r;7 /~/i,* . .. .. f' . .. fc" ,fg#A+.V / Jfit U-jL t- f- /& &//v LddSJ&2<9 Signature ,/ - (Print name) ?w- k./f"c./cl./jl "" PA. Kr.3 Address 3'3 q.? d 73- / - " . - .- .- . "" Phone 7 ,/A+ ,ys Date ."-.I,. .. . ........... .... ....... " ... A*,.* ..- . I. .,"_,"" <-. _.___ .... " .* . *. ":h..~L... ...-.* ...... ,.-r ..,.*." ..""I. ..... ^_*.JS ..,,.._ +=A?. I .... ..,.-, ,<<..:$..;/; ... * .. f. e ' . i: * .. ,. '. .. ' .. *'. 1. . ..... - .. .. "?""~ , CITY OF CAPUSBAD . e,\ \u19Luc-j+~, .~Q pn ->+ ., . . kq $3 .. <<> ... k KECEit/E-J .. .. .. 9R CO1IMETTEES !gocity Of &fsbad . ~ .. $Lk& .. : . . .. ..I would. a>ppreciate t11e opportunity' to serve as a memhr . ;ipp~~~~l~~~~ FOR APPOIETMENT b Ii x.5. . :.." .L- ". -.?JAR T"0. ' i. .. . To 'Ec;XU71 OR CONPlXSSIGN ?"- ,. . ;::- c:,\ Q, .I-. ::" I . :::r2.s ,aflc(%;- .... .... v - 'P .. cy ... . : TO: , c.X!glLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .. .-. I. .. _. .. ... .. .. .. Gentlemen: ... .. ., .. -. .. .. ..... *.. .... .__" ........ ... of the xn SQ doing 1 understand that if I am asked to seXVe on the .."_ .. i3 Libra3 Foard - g~~.n?e .of cormattee or commissxon) 7 - " . . p;j-a71*ring ~~~mi~sion, I will be requested to make a finailcia1 .. . . ' discliosure statement if. appointe,d, . ._ .. .. , .... .. .. ~y background an.d)or avocation lead me to. bef.ieve that .. 3 &x- qualified -Lo serve in the best interests of the citiikns .of .CarZsbad. X hzie I_isted some or" those -activities .below . ,. .. - -.. .. .. . e, which X have participated in and feel will be o%.'benefit if a. I. * :e;eIec<ed e ,: . i. . . "- .. .. .. -. . ... .. . ... ."." - .. .." ........ .._.".... ". . , ,". . - .__ ". . ,.. "," .___". ""_."". " -...- ' . Se:tya Systems Advieory Board - "".---"""--- .. ..." _" . - . "" ........ ... _.._,- ." _. , . . - . . " ..- . ....... -. l.:iliS COIJ. ege gradnate I__ * - .- - ". . ..... ... "." - - .". .- ....... ........ - - -. - - - -. I - . ~~.. ............. . - . "- ... .. ... ........ ...... .-. ....... " ..... "_"". .... - ."" - " . ........ " LC c -. ........ ....... ..... "" ... " ... _..... . ". .... " ." ..._.." .". - - "" ." _cI L -. .. -0 X- )-)%- JTk,.P ........... " ................ ..... fp ~ I Ad.. " . ;- Patra M. Stab [%i, Michae; b Signature .'-@ZXFnaame 1 e. ' . "." .. 3360 #Oilroe; Carlsbad, - California 92008 XdilKCSS .. .. ... ... .. ". ....... _""" "". , ' 72-9 yj19 729 Wl8J-c P I'&QXIe' . .. .. " ........... ..- .. , ........... ..... ....... ....... ........ . .,.,.x _._ ."........I ...._ ""... .."I-.-, . ,.~~, . .,_._. ........ :,.> ....... .- .... . ... .............. ._". .. -.--I J'':;. Lq'E ~ et ?: *a ' . .. CJ . ._ *. . .,4;~ri:;'.yJ-z2!r>,, .. .... . Kg&kgiJ, ; J j c$ jj ", .?+ /$:+j E 22 j fi\ LtT &Q;i '? .',,, i.$q - ?.?. i;&yp3 . .e-, . -4. - wf$ f-Jfyi; .. .. OR COf%YITTEES *% .;+,, ,. (."! G.,: 3' 'c' .tb.c:-;rj?jl 2bA,:r .. *4&&$,.&@" CXZ'li CF @P_RL.SnAD.. .. i': -I> . .!j e . &f%,, /< fa - ' &pPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT I .. y;pQQFi,;:@' .... f"" .. !l&?&-j Gco .." .. L ' S.'('j'BQAP\E GiA CQ2QIISSION ... . - .. *+q . :. .. " ,I ' .I: .. .- ' : TO: . CARZSBAC CITY GG'iJHCIL ,. .. .. .. ., .... .. .. .. - '. . I .. ... @Enk"l.ernen : .. .. .. . ~. .' ..E h.~st~lie appre,ciate the opportunity. to serve as a membex . of the xn so doj.ng I understand that if I am. asked to serve on th.e . p$annkrig ~cmmission, I ~iill be requested to make a financial -. Jaa2&:w- i7f;<J, 3 6' DI,*z? C-+.t-Ci+( - (laaiie ,cf ccxmfttee or commission) . .. .. .. . " ' afscl..osure staternen-t iz- a?pcLdce,d, ., .. '' xy ~a&g~o~~6 and)or avocation lead me to believe t.ha3 x a-3 qUalifj.& to serve na La= best .interests o€ the citlz-kns ,oz '~ar.~sbaa* I balk lj-sted some of those activities below which x have participated in and feel ~7i.11 be sf benefit if .... selected D - 2-8 U.. .. u -. .. @ i. .. .a .- .... * f.Cbtfi\T\IAyrSlcLl 5$.L,c;clI. j CI >,C+L.\ - ; - ..& ;...{;' c<x \ ,-& t sp, :A ,,, (&a {i II .:< \ (z - .c .-. 0. L 4 ."& "d-&&q e 't,L,,d ?$-a 4. (- B. &, - &c>pc k, E ' * ". '" -. et +e <,.$ e p. (- -j+g g q.q<(. .fi Se hex. \ - 4 Ax: ... ,r \ja& + c.1 La !j -- \..<A c 5 & .Aq \u r, t'k%,?S\$ " add^ .. .@ \;a4eYab3 - dl.. 5.' pLk-\.\*.e ixf; (3. ; r4r F.'f. flqp 63 lb,cpy5*i,,,q <;+;7$$,( &e c;...-.".'4 5 .4 "I 0 : @ , ,' ., /". 6-yo%l;\ uq+.q. .- : iuu Ti-+ ~uc?~ - .. . .- I ... "-re . .. .. i. .. - L ** (")L.l 2c ~&+A,4g&~( *.JmL".- -. +",n M c-0 u p\ 1 . s;lynaturc . PYL~~ name) m r 4$1\4 CQ,. qacog . -. ' *-Q ,2 % v, i pst 0 c, c..3 \,?A ,. .L"d.S .-. 1 ,rddress h 9 3 cfi " ,2 7 a d .. I I. . 'X cs r ld 3 9, .- .c;-..a "., s L/ P one .. A.n,- 1 9. I q R 0 . . " 'I TO': ' 9. . 6. 0 ._ . .. CITY OF CARLSE3,;iD ~~P~,iC~A~It~N FG~ APPOINTMENT TO ' BOARD OX< CGPPIISSION i .. 031 CO!l!lITTEES . .. CARLSBAD CITY COT!NCZL .. d.ic /"qT t ./@q 2% PC0 u.'i.,&!l E, , RECEj\, cC, cif~ C!erkfs qi7C''y '0: caF1 \q); q@J& r "%i& ' Gentlemen: , J wo.ulcl appreciate the op2ortunity'to serve as a member of the LTBF1ARY- BCARD OF- TRUSTEES " -* {Kme of cm?littee ;7r co9Kiission) .. . xn so doing I understand that if i am asked to serve on the ' ~1nnnrin.g Cormission, I will be requested to make a financial discloscre staternerrt if appointed- ... MY background andjcr avocakion lead me to believe that a: an q-tinlT-fied t.a serve in the best interests of the citizens .. . of @arlsbad., 7: have listed some of those activities bel-ow" - \-7h<.Ch I have participated in and feel wiLi be of benefit if selected. e -.- .. 1 &Lfl <mx02* * **I :x 4#? fix. L@d>k .. -Z/y' - __I ildress - - - p&~q$f:23+J% "-"&---~ &e {?!y) $3-L?&3 Phone d- &-&CY Da tc . i, a cc :'a! &.LL+.&& s .. CI'fY OF CARLSBRD &-yqF&\ /.. c, ;yJ &i ff<; ,:; .*v '-, 4 /+ / r.2. ';U..;3L2;;,i/f + i p EECGyEj: .. ti:::. . ciiy el: &@&@ K -* * **1 il iyt i>> J@P3[,ICl\TI(3N Fol?L ApP(jX!jTMENT e.; P /; P".b .p. J "- LiLC Tiji'Q TO. BOA'?IID OR CO?*STSSION .ii. 1 1 -.. ., % " OR CCXIMIT'TEES <<- CPY &?:<s @{&! p c; . Wcj: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ._ .. . r.'? 1. "Ai.-- . Gent.lEemen: , J: would apprec.j.ate the oppqrtunity ' to Serve as a member rc of the (-(>f?/5fit9-p . f. ![%@$$@ / /&fflB c .- , * (19arnG of conmiit-tee or comniss 612) "-r j 1xl so doing I ungerstand that if J. am asked to serve on +"ne * plar,nillg Comai'ssior!, 3: :.rill. be requested to make a financial f d,iSiT::osure stat.e;nent if appointe,d. , ' $5y hac]<g>:o~~~d ar;_d/or zvocation lead me to believe that J am qualified to serve in the best ixterests of the citizens -. . cf .@ax1sbad* . I have listed some of those activities below"" -. . which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit, if selected. & ., L4.P f? h&??L.;L/ /.' L (y/&rga?l.+tl/ (30 ?<a, c; - D&5- </;Lp/$p5 2/4-D@ p s> 67-n d,/ fy a"&8 @..9A 23 1.2 "FQ -5 p& I's fi+j> Lt-2 43fRq.71 . .7"~---6" Y r f / /-sf-, ,,% ,Th ,k -. r;"7pm &fl pJy&m> 21 @ ,:+q 0 -u14 " . c (- , fk"" / "" ". / ' (Jfil.'jB!ijl * /a! -7377 I -7 *> gi P 11 51 e - P" .. /2"w -06' P3 P: Da tc .. 0 0 .' I CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO -BOARD OR COMMISSION OR CCXIMITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL ' Gentlemen: .. , 3: would appreciate the opportunity' to serve as a member of the ' . LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - (Name of committee or commission) ' ' In so doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the ' Planning Commission, .I will be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointe,d. My background and/or avocation lead'me to believe that .. I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens of Carlsbad. .I have listed some of those activities below" -. I .: which 1 have participated in and feel will be of benefit. if (.', 81) . selected. - , SEE ATTACHED LETTER DATED JA€WAE$Y 2, ,1980 (sic) //~ MAR1 L . ANDERSSON yatur- (Print name) " P. 0. Box 1521 Address 729-8857 y Phone -.." Application prepared January 7, 1981 Da tc 0 a' ii? ir' .I <? ~. {? $ffJ&/: - xwi P.O. BOX 1521 Carlsbad, Ca 92008 714-7 January 2, 1980 . The Honorable Eon Packard Yayor of Carlsbad. City Ea11 CarlsSat', ,, .G '.I 3 8 c a :-: ,-! cy. Dear &lr. Fa&;arcl: Several civic-minded- persons in our city have suggested that I inquire abcut a seat on the Library board of trustees, which th say now has a vacancy. I am a writer and editor by profession, vith long experience ir gublishing as well as in public relations with several leading profit organizations in Chicago and Ridgefield, Connecticut, wk is of about the same size and economic level as Carlsbad. I ha raised substantial sums for worthy purposes. I ain now publicity director for the Carlsbad Friends of the Lit and held the same post in Ridgefield. I have been editor of sc era1 nationally circulated magazines and a newspaper writer, a: well as a member of the Governor's staff in Illinois. Some of typical activities are: Co-author of an educational and cult1 exchange program between Illinois and Xexico, writer of article Career Xorld Magazine (for youth), and have assisted with the I USA program as well as Northwestern University's Council for Ir Societal Studies in provision of reading materials and educatic opportunities €or prison inmates. Was a member of the Advisory Commission to the state Superinte: of Public Instruction,-advisor to the Illinois Scholarship Coml ion, and public relations director of the Pan American Board 0 Education and later the Illinois-Sao Paulo Partners of.the Ame, I am now a member of the California Press Women Inc. , and. I fo. Connecticut Press Women Inc, both of which have many book authl members. I really do not knom7 what kind of information you may want, if are interested, but will furnish additional details'if needed. -by v urs very truly, Mari L. Andersson Founder, Connecticut Press Women, Inc. and Board Member, National Federation of Press Women $;l, i: ("e;. , :"- - ,." 0 , L,. -. ..\ e I/ CITY OF CARLSBAD &' APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OR COMMISSION OR COXMITTEES TO: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: I would appreciate the opportunity to serve as a member of the , cw A&& = (Name kif committee or commission) In SO doing I understand that if I am asked to serve on the Planning Commission, I will.be requested to make a financial disclosure statement if appointed. My background and/or avocation lead me to believe that I am qualified to serve in the best interests of the citizens ~. of Carlsbad. I have listed some of those activities below which I have participated in and feel will be of benefit if selected. (Print name 702, a. Cd k37W Address ; -9 313X -08'8 Phone Q, 11) /9s/ Date J a e ” 3 I1 RESOLUTION NO. 6402 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAI 4 ’ :. 5 IJHEREAS, STEPHEN M. L’HEUREUX, has resigned as a mend 6 the Library Board of Trustees as of October 29, 1980; /I 7 11 NOW, THEREFORE, .BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 01 8 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AS FOLLOWS: 9 2. That the following person is hereby appointed to 10 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 11 14 term to expire in June, 1983. 13 vacated: DAVID H. DEARIE 32 serve as a member of the Library Board of Trustees in the PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of 15 City of Carlsbad, California, at a Regular Meeting thereo t 16 on the 3rd day Of February I/ , 1981, by the followin 17 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Lewis and Kulchin 18 to wit: * 19 NOES : None 20 21 ABSENT: Council Member Anear g&&-gL RONALD C. PACKARD, Ma: 22 23 ATTEST: 4 24 25 26 27 (SEAL) 28 II \ c 3 ^i :$ \;, hi; - ~ I. /- J i \ .rr &+ .+&" ,i.. , i., e ;(c, ; ,kc -4.2 7 1.- I r' STEPHEN M. L'HEUREUX ATTORN EY AT LAW 702 FOURTH STREET POST OFFICE BOX 458 OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92054 TELEPHONE (7141 722-1306 October 29, 1980 i/;T; ..,, L .. ,- ~ ,* . . Ronald C. Packard, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mayor Packard: As a result of the Council's decision to appoint me as a member of the Planning Commission, I feel that it is only appropriate that I tender my resignation as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad Library, effective immediately. I wish to thank all of the members of the Council for this opportunity to have served the City and the Library in this capacity, and I would strong11 urge the Council to quickly appoint a successor as the Trustees and the City deserve a full and strong Board to lead the Library during the coming years. Again, I thank you for this opportunity to have served the City in this matter. Very truly yours, ... I) : \ .. ,. ...- $ .",>$ ...--.:x+ p- k*\+&cA-<-&N A\ *... .* STEPHEN M. L 1 HEU~'UX SML/Pb CC: President, Board of Trustees t