HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-13; City Council; 6047-3; Selection of a Computer Systemuser t~~ining, and applicatio~ from PADS. In considera- tion of payment to be made by CITY as provided ~n Exhibit "C", PADS agrees to design, procure, install, and maintain the applica- tion software, and to be responsible for the procurement and co- ordination of installation of the hardware components for the in-house computer system in ?Ccordance with the terms of this Agteement and Exhibits now attached hereto, and to provide such ,. additional Products and Services as shall be described in Exhibits subsequently attached hereto by mutual a~reement of the parties. '.rhe System will be performed in accordan~e with Exhibit "A" and the User's Manuals that have been provided to CITY. ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3.1 The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto. All rights and obligations of CITY and PADS are fully set forth and described in said Contract Documents. Each of the above- rnention~d documents is intended to complement the qther in that any equipment or servtce called for in one document and not mentioned in the others or vice versa, is to be provided the same as if mentione~ in all of said documents. In the case of conflict among the documents regarding specifications or requirements, this Agreement and ail Exhibits attached hereto shall supersede all prior under- standings or docurniants. No representation or promise hereafter rr,ade by a party, nor any modification or amendment of this Agree- ment, shall be binding upon either party unless in writi~g and ~igned on behalf of each by duly authorized representatives. -3- I• in Section ?':l. 2. B. By payment by CI~Y of fifty (50%) percent of the original cost of the object code provided to CITY as shown in Exhibit "D". c. 'The use of source code by CITY shall be limited to the GITY for its own purposes and the administration of any redevelopment agency or joint powers authority in wh.ich the CITY participates, and such code shall not be transferred to~ sold to, or otherwise used by any other .. agency without the approval of and, the payment of the current application software cha~ge to PADS. PADS shall further have no liabiity for or obligation to maintain or provide sys'tem software or hardware support to CITY, once the CITY has either made modifications to the software or ceased to pay for sof.tware support by PADS. ARTICLE 21 · RIGHTS UPON· TERMINATION 21.1 In the event of termination by either party, CITY shall r.etain the right to the continued use, on a non-exclusive basis of. the application software in possession of CITY as of the date of termination, provided, however, that in the event of cancellation of this· Agreement by CITY, PADS shall have no oblig~tion to sell, give or otherwise transfer to CITY any rights or interest in the source code of the software systems, except as provided for in Article 20B or such other terms and conditions as may ~e agreed upon by the parties at said times. 21,2 In the event that PADS shall, for any reason, cease to conduct business during the term of this Agreement, the non- exclusive and continuing right to use the application software -13- - CITY' against any such claim or ii9tion at PADS' expense-= GI-TY will use its best efforts to notify PADS in writing within thirty (30) . days after receipt of notification of any such claim or action. PADS will use its bes't efforts to give CITY prompt written notice of any such claim or action against PADS or any other user of Products hereunder or any other materials furnished by CITY, pro- vided PADS knows of such claim or action. 25.4 Neither party shall be liable to the other for any _consequential damages. 25.5 By virtue of PADS purchasing the computer hardware for CITY, PADS warrants that the equipment will be install~d by the equipment manufacturer so that the hardware maintenance may be procured from the original manufacturer under the manufacturer's standard maintenance agreement. 25.6 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, PADS makes no warranties, and PADS shall not, by virtue of having purchased and sold the hardware covered by this Agreement, be deemed to have made any representation or warranty as to the merchantability, fitness, design or condition or, or as to the quality of the mate- rials or workmanship in, the hardware. However, PADS agrees to use its best efforts to obtain merchantable har~ware as described in Exhibit "B". CITY's sole r~medy shail be in accordance with the manufacturer's warranty. ARTICLE 26 FORCE MAJEURE 26.1 Neither party shall be responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts beyond the control and without -17- l j j the fault ot such party. Such acts shall include but not be limited ·to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, rivts, acts of war, epidemics, government regulatlons superimposed after the fact, fire, communication line failures, earthqaakes or other disasters. ARTICLE 27 SURVIVAL BEYOND COMPLETION 27.1 The terms, provisions, representations and warranties contained in this ,contract shall survive 'the delivery of the software and the payment of the purchase price. ARTICLE 28 BREACH -REMEDIES 28.l PADS'shall be in breach of the Agreement, and the Agreement may be rescinded by CITY upon written notice, and all ,monies paid shall immediately be returned ~o CITY by PADS upon the occurrence of any of the following: A. The failure of the original manufacturer of the equipment ~o execute the manufacturer's standard maintenance agreement ~t the, end of the ninety f90) days warranty· peri~d. B. The non-performance by PADS of delivery aqd installation at CITY' s fadili ty, of the equipment within one hundred f i.fty ( 150) days of the execution of the Agreement. c. The breach by PADS of any of the representations or warranties contained herein. Iq addition to the right of recission, CITY shall.have all other rights and remedies provided by the agreement or by applicab~e law. -18- ! -l l l 1 ' . Appropriation/Payables Module Warrants (checks) Warrant Register Vendor Listing \ -Exh-ibi"t "A" Page 3 of 16 Vendor History Report Open Purchase Order Report~ Statement of Expenditure by Fund Departm~nt Expenditure Report Dine Item Budget Worksheet Budget Revenue Worksheet .~cccrnnt/Fund Budget Revenue Worksheet Fund/Account Budget Expendfture Summary by Minor Object/Dept • . Budget Expenditure Summary by Minor Object. Line Item Budget Fund/Function Summary Fixed li_ssets Module Fixed Asset Master File Activity Report Report by Class/Asset ID Report by Attached to/Asset ID Report by Fund/l~cco~nt/Cl-ass/Asset ID. Report by Responsible Dept./Location/Class/Asset ID Report by Class Description F1xed Asset Depreciation -Report ·Insurance Report :'l, ·• . PADS PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ( Pl-1S) Exhibit "A" S. Pt l~ The PADS PMS System was designed sp~cificaiiy ·fg?e munic~pal governments. It takes into consideration the viricd work periods and .special agreements for police •r:~-::-... t.~! · and firemen·. Time reporting may be positive negativ~ .:.:··:': :-~-· .: or'mixed •.. Time may .be reported by account, program or . . •.. :~-:: •bo_th:· It is a bi-wee_kly'payroll systel!'-: .. ) t ·: } ~ r f . . . • -~ · , • Payroll Module .'· _:: : ..... . I • .. -... · . ... ····· . -·; .. . . . . • .. t .. ~ •• ~ •• . • • • .. • ... . The Payroll Fila contains all data necessary to .compute earnings and deductions. These are recorded . for the current period, and accumulated on both calend~r year to~dat& and iiscal year-to-date. Sick time, vacation _.~:·time, and compensatory.time earnea, used and av?ilabl~ are re·corded in this file •. The file is established and · _ · maintained by Pirso~nel Action Input formats. :: .,,,, •• : •..... , •• :;·:.·:.:.. .• ;:. ... ! . --. --:. ..... The standard reports generated are::.· •, .Action Input Change Listi'ng :,• •. ~: ·. _,'. Paychecks and E§rnings Statements Payroll Register · :_.::, .:.; ..... 'Deduction Register • · '*;::... _i: ·•:· •. : ·_:. , • • "' ·a • •. .. Deduction.Reports:, .. .:.· ..... ·:•··.' .... Overtime and Absence Report· ·· ·. · Employee Cumulative Record. .. . -~-._ ~mp}9~~e Accrual Report ·• , ; .... : . Bank Reccincill iation P.epo·rt: ...... . i ... . .. ..... · -. -. : • c Maximum Vacation Accrual. Report"· · .•.t. Check.Register· .... ····.·····-.:•.~ ... . . \, . .. ·... .Preprinted Time Sheets .. : : :: . .':' ·· ... ~ . ... · • · .: .. •., W-2 Forms (annual) ·;:,.: ..; : : ... ·; ,·:···: .. : ...... : • • .... •. ,• • . ..•••• • •• ;.-...: ~-• ~-;, l, i: •· : .• :·.".: ,. ·. :.... : I: .••.• ,·. The dpti?nal rerorts'generat~d upon_reqbest . · • • : • .:.; i • : ,: .. :· : !' '°' ·. .. · ·-., • : a Medical and Life Insurance Deduction Reports PERS or other Re'ti rement Reports. . :. State Compensation Insurance Fund Report Deferred Compensation Report Month-end Tax Reports . . Position Control Module are: ·· .. . ' ... i '• . ' ... : . .. . .. ·. ' .. 'l'hc Position Control File includes a Position and •·· c·lassificati~n J\uthodzation (or each budgeted posl.tion ~ 'in the }\~ency. Employees fil11ng the authorized position afc recorded against the authorization • . . . Puring th~ bi~wcckly pr·OC\'.!SSing cycle, tlie 'gross earnings computed by the Pnyroll Module arc ~ntcrcd into the Position Control File, where they arc acc\.llOUlutcd il<Jainst the position conlrol numbar, to be used as a b~ais for projcct~ng payroll .. . costn. . . . . .. . . ... ,., .. . . ... 4 .; • 1 ,. , • • • •• •· Exhibit "·A" R t h . h cl a d Paqe 9t of 16 • f·1• 1 e •.. _... _epor s w 1c arc pre, l!ce, on cm,:nat rom this _ .. _. ..... :i,nclude:. ;_··:. ., ..•... . . . . . . .. . . . ' - St~ t~~ · R~po~ t ·~·~hi ~h t~s t; · ~ac11·: ~~tho~ i z~d position . ~ .. : : :: .. . · .. and .. .. . . . ' _,. indicates those.which are filled-, those which are vacant, cmployee~·on payro!~ in.~xcess of aut~orization, ... and Summary Report · which prov ides totals for each ci ass ification -authorized, filled, vacant and excess. .. .......... ·.·.. .. -;:,· .. : .. · •. Pe.rsonnal Module · · . . . . . •II • 11 I • . . ... t .• .. . -:. . • • ,. .; ~ : . ; : . -: .. ; .. • . . ·-;. . • . Th~ purpose of the Personnel Module is to maintain ~nd produce em_ployee master records, notices of changes ~nd reviews, rosters and other perbinent personnei data. . .. . . • .• ~. • t ... The itandard report is th~ Personryel Roster (A telep~one dire9tory is a by-product)~-:. •· .. . " . -. The optional ·report~. are:~•1., ; ... ;-; __ ... ..::· ::-~ .. l: .. ·;::· !: .. :.··. (. ·: :·:: tt.-'1 Ch. a ng e 1 is ting ·, : ·· : · · ·· · : , · · · · · •••'"\'••' •• .,.,l•••, Master Reco·ra-, .. ,; ir }· ;~,;:·:~.: .. 'Review Notification {salary)·:~·.•:.· .. : ..... \ .. · .. ·': .. .... . ..: · ..... ~i=·· ..... ·: .. : .. •;•· Labor Dis tr ibutio.n Hodule .. · • ... '· • . .: • -: - • . • . . . . . t " • The purpose .of. the optional Lnbor. Distribution Moduie is to provide ~isi~ility and.control o~er the labor portion of tha progr.ams. The department/program/ch?rges indicated 1n the t;.ime sheats w:i.11 be distributed .to the a1·?propriate categories in the Labor Distribution.File.and transferred to the Financial Management System • • • I • • • • • • • • • ~ • • .:, ·• .,. • • • • •• ' • • : '"'• _, • ••••• • .; •• • •• !• • • . • • • ~ ' • • -: -i c.....-. -'\ '· -·· •• -; ••••• -.. ': '-~-,. ·~ · . · The· standard reports are: ... · · ... -· .. · .. : •• ••.• .i ·~-: :. •• 1 •• '• ~ ~ •• ,·.;.-.:i' ....... :·: .1 '·:·•·· : .: ! ... !- ~eneral Ledger Account Distribution Labor Distributi~n ~y Departme~t. . . . . . ·. . .. '-I I 1: ._ : I ; I •• .. . . . .. . . . ' .... .. '•• ' . . . .. ... . .... .. .. • C , . .. . . . I • . .. .. . . .. II •• I ti \ It, I !. : ' I ,\ • t .:· . . :, : . . . . . . . . .. . ( . . · .. . . . . . .. ,.,,,, .t : • •. ,5 .. . .. . ...... · .. • -. -~...: f ..... : .. . • • • t • ' : • •• • • .. • • • • ., • • • • • • • • I•• • ... • • • ,.: .. '• . .. . . ♦• I •I. • • •♦ •• • I .. . . ·. II ! .. • • .- i. ... c:. ,. ,. 4 Exl1ibi t ''A" Consumption Analysis and Maintenance ~chedule Modules Page 1~ of lS .. Wate~ Consumption Analysis .. :. . -.._. . . . : . . . . . . .. . .. • ••: As cc>nsumer 1 s"in'e·ter•'r1.adi°ngs are entered, the consumption sin9e the last reading is calculated. 7his i~ divided by the days of service arri~ing at a.daily average which is added to·a dai 1 y supply and con~umption file. s_uppl y meter read i-ng s and · readings fi:om wel_ls. are also_ averaged and u_sed to up9ate .. the daily supply and· consump~ion file. _Appropriate.rat.es.and actual calculated charges are applied to arrive at prof~.ts and los.ses • by day_ and month.: Differences may be due .to ,unmetered water_ .. :-. uses in parks o~·me~ians, pt cpuld.be cau~ed by br~aks br leak~ • . Fµture refinements wpl attempt to analyse.consumption. witjlin · sp~cified areas of a .c.ity pr district. . .: .... _ .. ~ .: · .... .. : . . . . . :. ~ : :: • ~-~. • •• : •• ;: • •• t_ • .: ' :. .. •• -• :· ...... - ·Tri!sh :Pro'f i·t and Loss . _.,. .. . . .... . .. . : : ... . . :-. .· .. • . ~ • • -:. ~\ ! .• ~ ·~; • ! • .: : • • ; •· ♦• • • ...... j -• . • : ... .: Trash. charges. a re 1_1s ted and. accurnul ated_ by customer type.~ service type and area to allow a· cornparisqn to the co$t of trasli pickups. ~-=~ .. t.•;. i_:.iA~1.;; ·~:;.;.:.,.: Fore9astJ n.g :. : : • :· . r; ( 1 : . \. : ! :: • : • .. ••.•• :. !.• :.. ~-•• •. : • .. . .. . . ~ : ,. :,,~ .. • • • -•• '·••-l .... .,,,,:· ..... -• .: • -: .: ·:· ., • :•.:;: •.. : • ~-/ ·--: ;.. -- . Mainta_ining histor_ic§ll consumption. _data. wil.1. all_ow for~:--_. casting o·f water needs, in gen~r?l, o_r_ for specifi<;:, develop1nen_ts ~EIR' s).. A simulation program, is p1 9 nne? whJ~h _ap.:o.ws l.:r ial rUI)S with ~h.anged ~ate .. ~tru_ctµr,es.•: -.. : .. .;.·~-.. •.· _._.:.. :·,i: :; : ..... : . .. .. . .. ·~.... . .,, .. ,. ~ : . .: :•. . .. Maintenance W_ater .t-~et~r.s .· -• .. , . .-~. ·: .. ... ~ . . . .. .. . ... • t ~ ... Meter_ rea.der s_..i;e.po rt 6·bvious p_robl ems \~i th me tcr.5, as leat,<s or obstru~tion,.w_ith __ the~r .. readings,:_resulting H d • • • • II • • • \ • • ' '• Imme 1ate ~1a1-nte.nance .repor :s. . · ... ,-:,: . . . . . . .. ... .. .. -.. . . . .. -. . . . •·• Sewer Maintenance ._ .. :: ~ ........ :· ... . . ' . ~ . . .. . . ' ;: . . . •,. . lnvcn tory. and main t9nanc~ sched ulcs .for sewers . . .,.- 1uch in :. .. J for implementation. during the. nex_.t qscal year ..... . -. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . I . .. . . . . '• . ... .. . .. . ' . . . . .. . ' .. ... 'J '· I • •' . . ••• . ..... :. ' .. ; • \ • t .l •• . . . .• .. • . ,-.... .. • t .. ' . \ . . . .. ... ~ -----,... .... ' OUTPUT REPORT UT.ILITY -MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OMS·} 3 ,. • ·\ . ,-:. .. Attachment to Exhi'bit A .;_ . .. . . . CITY OF FOUNTAJH YALl.EY UTlL.ITY Bl.tLJtlG SYSTEM ·················································••*·········~········· • 0 : METER NEEDS TO SE RAISED SL: H£T£R O»· SLANT • • T : n I LL-TlllltlEO ·FD : FULL OF i) tffT • * ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• · . P R O 8 L E H H E T F. R P F P A t R S tt E E T. CODE Accn11»T-NRR SERVttE 40DRE5S METER NOR 5tZE REAO tl CURR l NElt 1517-E.1 NE'IC 11 RF.AO lMETER NBR1 . l READ 0 stononao 14 179?~ MAGN~~lA ST 19554572 •• TOT AL METERS IJ» REPORT· ·: 2 .. •· .. 0 5 .... ~~i!7 11 349t3 tt 1 i l l .. 1 RUN DJf 08/0?/79, AT u: 4~: t q l DUE 1 RE? u,n·o l HF.W/1 ·cbt<HENT:. . RF.PAlREOl RY llJSEOl • 1 \ ' 1. 1 1 ... ) . • CITY OF F'nu,-,urn YlllEY ··································~············••t••··················· • L .: LEAK G : D~~AGE TO HTR GLA~s· * • s = :\TIICK/NO us.u;E TR = TRlH UUDSCAPHIG * ··········································~····~······················· P R O 8 L E H ~ E T E R R F. P A T ~ S ff E E T • con£ ACCOUNT NRR SERVICE AOORESS HF.TER f:DR Stzf REAi> 1J CURR 1 tJF.N 1~?2£1 NEW 1 DATE lREPURF.D!NFW/1 CO)<'~ENrs 11 REAO lHETF.R NBRJ J READ lREPAIREOl BY lUS£0J L •;, 1)00021) "Ji? 17970 HAl;NOLIA ST J9tr9l51U s S!000'>311 29 \7%0 H&fiNOLlA :\T 1a,n1n r. ssonooso ?.h 17940•41 Mlr.,-,OLTA 's~ l940921n .. s 51!1«10070 'lO. 17930 HAGNDLil ST ''92113887 s 51000090 lll 179i!2 HAr.NOLIA 1'T 16941999 L '5tOt,JOOO 43 106A7 £L ADF.LANTE "v 19126142 •• TOTAL ~ETE~S ON REPORT· s ., ,. . . . .. ,. . .. ,,. f 3 t 1. . . .. . : . 19115 II 3q2 11 230 11 190 u .. 1118 11 49 11. :, l t l l· 1 1 J • I l 1 l ! l 1 l 1 l 1 .. 1 l J l 1 1 l l 1 l • C'ITY OF F9UNTAIN VALLEY DEVlf:10 URT 0EVl.1"1 kELL T OE\/'OLLJ RUH DEii; lEODlE E OEWAIOE: ROSERT D,EWAL01 DIEUHELM' OEWAUJ CH OEWEYJ VALESS OEWICK1 AkTHUR· J DENITTI DOUALO C . DE71.f?OV1 WILLUH · OEZONIA J DEtlUIS OHILLONJ AS ::>HILLO:lJ IWLBIR DI 8F.t1EOETTO; G Di CORPOJ ECWARD O! FlOREr JOHN DI FIOREJ WILLIA~ 01 LUCCIA 8ROS CHEV DI LUCClAi JIMMIF J DI HAGGIOJ PAUL J OI HARIAJ NAROINA DI HICELIJ ANTHONY B 01 PAOLO: klRK DI PASCUALEJ ADA DIAB1•JOHN DIAZ: S.NG1E DIAZ; DAVID F DHZJ l-~TIC!A l012•05003A 71'!7•055033 3050•06601 ·, 1009-035024 ·1-079-092021 8156-1080bl 7141•019014 713Q•070014 8152-01:201-7 ·30t;2•005020 4080-120019' • 2023•03,9022 3011.9•098017 615'1•055029 2036-159013 8161•051018 30ll9•10l016 2021•066020 11073•022028 2021-005035 ·612~•073054 20110•061010 5092-018011 7130-09802~ 3os2~osso 13 30S0•019027 ~014-0lllOllO 1 OOf>•tiloOt,CJ, · · 3U~S;.04301~ .. ~TJLITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAME INDEX 1632:? R03El1000 3T 18605:PALH' ST 11517 GLAOSTONE CIRC 9135 COLUHtiINE AV~ 11376 LOS AHIGOS C?RC 10053 SAN JUAN CT 9729 HIGHTINGAtE AVE 10406 PI~ CRAUDE CT 9514 flIGIITINGALS: AVE 905b PETUN!A AVE 10757 EL GOttRA CIRC 16\97 ~T CRAIG CIRC 1111&5 CORIENDER AVE ·1aqz5 HT WALTON ClRC H,887 DAISY AVE tOt.7S TttR~SH AVE SL6lt HT ERIN CIRC 11363 SNOWDROP AVE 10020 WARNER AVE 11323 TWI~SPAN AVE 9658 LAIIK crnc 16657 REDl'IOOD ST 67'91 S~IORUFUIH AVE I 00.lO ·uni CABALLOS CT 1178) OUG~OUO AVE t1652'COR1NTH ClRC 964~ CAHNATION AVE 11901 L1Llc WA'' :, . 11887 MANSA CT • j' PADS•SUJNlX' ~A~E 11S RUN ON US/03179 AT 08:52 92708 92708 92708 92708 92706 ()2708 92708 92?CJ8 92708 92708 92708 92708 9i:!708 !li?708 -,;27ua '12708 9271.l& 92706 927UB q27os 92708, 927U8 q21oa 92708 92708 92708 ·92706 <iiHUO 9l71l8 ) CITY OF F:JIINUtN VAt.t.EY J6M7. DlI~Y ·AVE . lll"HIO nAKOTA ST 1sq10 n•irnrA !T J119ZO Oll(t>TA ST 1aq3u OlKOT1 l\T 111qi.o Ol.KOTA ST 111'1'50 OAKOTA :l T 1aq~o OU<O'U l\T lR'HO OAKOU ST tfl<;l\O DAKOTA ST qano OArH>ELION AVE qatz OAllOELifllJ AVE 9il::!& 1)/INOELION AVE qaJa D!UOEl· l ON AVE qsi 'i7. OAtlDE!. fr.r, AVE Q8 6_,. Oi\UOEt.tnr-: I.IJE q5711 OANOELIOtl AVE qsqz OAW)F.LION AVE Cl9!1b OAIIOEL tnN cn~c: 0 911 OAtlOELION CfRC 9918 l>AtlOEUON C1HC: 99?.~ OAt:OELHW CJRC: '1932 t>ANOELl Oil ct1u: q•ns, • DAW>ELION, crnr. qq112 llAIIDELION CTRI: 9947 OAUOELIOtj ewe qq5q ,QAllOEI. ION CTR,": qq5q 0 •·r,nEUON CTRC: <i%h"· num1=unN ~11u: '. . ., .. UTILITY HANAGFMF.NT SY3TFM stREET,, TNOElC' 1noa· i>non 'l?.708 92708 9:!7111\ 9?701\ 92708 9,?708 'li:'708 9?.708 9?.708 92700 9<!708 92703 92708 ·92708 92708 92708 92708 9?.7011 92701\ 9?i06 9::?7011 . 92708" 92708 9?708 q;,7M, qn.oa '1?.708 211:,b-1'59013 71llll•l0802?. 71011-101011. 11q11-106011\ 1t1111-1oso2i 7lll1S-101102/S 7tllll•l0~017' 711111 .. 102013 7JQ4•11l1027 71411-100023 1011.-0110011?. OI ·BENFD£T10f G liBQELMIITT 7 AHHAO ARAKAWAJ SHOW CHANCt ELMF.R CK MC OF.ARMONJ MARTHA NiCOLAJ $ARAH TRENOAt JOHN 0 SA£N7J RAFl,El: JACK~ONJ CLIFFORD M CUNN?Nr.H~Hf TO~ F SHAFF 1, LARRY 1011-n11r<Jq!, Y031110Ar llTLL S 1017-0112057 CU9IMANOt VJ tOt7•01130113 , VJOAL; OF.NJSF. i017-0ll<lllSq S~\tTH: llfCTOR 1017,•0115026' PORTtER, P tOi7•011&037 HARRfLL~ ~ J 1017-0ll7023 STRECHt MitHAEL 10t7-04A027 tORSAROt ~A~RENCF ~ 10l7•0610i5 KIM7 NAM IL ~017-0490:!:fl t017-0h003t 10I7.;.0,5003~ 10t7.-0S90&1\ ·ton .. o,;1021i 1,0J7 .. 0S8057 • Jc, \Ot7-052C)llR i oq-.. o.'i703q . I Ofl•0531l31J· AGllllHH:J BfRNA~O 8 RtLEYJ RO!l~RT 711'-IORAJ MARIO ~1i1Pr, t FRFD RERSHATSKYl Gtt~tRT . PAll\lFTi ~TF.f'.HEN r.O!lT-?~•:t;f R11$SEll. ·Gi?t.A~ORNJ QOIIGLA:i F l'llliLOCKJ Rll!)ERT .. PAnS•S113SJY PAG~ ~q RUN o~.O~/Oi/1~ ~, 09:n4 / .. I !~ . .\, -~ .. · ..... ~--~· ,, . OUTPUT ·REPORT FI~ANC IAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMS) . ,. ~ttachment to-Exhibit A \ I .. •••. ClT't NO 1:ITY OF' O• RPT NO PPtt~C6•A' FOUNT.UN VAi.LEY c·v£t:00R OROER/ U k\JttaER REtU T VENOO:t NAME AOORESS C 0~O01S ALPHA BETA ACME HARKETG, .CRO[~ HAONOLil + WARNER REMIT 777 S'HARaOR 3LVO _ C 01rob2r AK HAhOIC~iFTS co CIR • 33 F.I.Sl'iION SQ• • AH• CHENICAL SOCIETY C 0~0020 0/:? 1155 SIXTEENTH ST N•W• C Ca,l.lCc2 • •• • OIR AH• INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 1776 ttASS.I.CHUSETTS AVN•W• C o,002\ AH• MANAOEHENT ASSOC •• 0/·~ -· 135 WEST SOT!-! ST C Olt001~ -AHERICAN BRONZE CRAFTS?NC Q/R ~-S1tSO W SJRO ST • C 0~0023 AMERICAN LA FRANCE -. . OIR:"'' P 0° nox ',a,121 C O~OOOl COLT FIRE~RMS CO• OJR-•1731 W SANTA. ANA IU.V~ u 0_4•h'1~ IV,RVIN ADLER Chi 10200 SL,H£R AV£ C ~~oooa iuY AOAHS 0/R t2881 LUCILLE ~VE I,; 01t6<tO2 RUBEN I.LC4LA .. 0/it -10•11 CIMCO ~£ ttiYO. '• TOTlL•VENDOR•COUNT ., -__ _._ ......... ·--. • VENOO~ LttT BY NAHE .\S CF 03-0v•7't VENDOR NAME /.008$ilS • FOUI-.T.c.IN Y~tLEY L,\ ti-'BRA WASH INC TOH W.t.SHINQTON NEW YORK LOS ANGELES UN fRA.kCI sco; SANTA i.NA FOUNTAIN VJ.I.LEV 0ARD£N QROVE .. T,£~£PH0NE NO VENDOR STATE ZIP. R.t.T1NQ 71't $'t7-~151 CA ~2708 CA 9C63l .. 7H 77(, .. !Si,t,Q CA !10bJ1 0 C 20036 .. D•C• i!0036 k•Yo 100~0. 213 678•235\ • CA .900'tS C4 !14t\lt 7H t-'t7 .. 60t~ CA !#2702 7H :l~2•21t2/t CA !12706 CA S26H 7U S6Z•21t2~ FOUk1lIN VtLLEY CA S270S REMOVAL ovt&RXOt TRANS OU£ 03•U•7\ 03•18•H 03,.jS 0 7, 0:;•1e•1~ .. 03 .. 1a•H . ~ . 0~•29•H 03-~a .. 7~ 03•1S .. 1'l .. 03 .. u .. H ·•· 03•\l:'"H ' 03nl8"H 03•1&•H OJ~ te.;.7,; \. 0:3•i5"H 03 .. ill•H o:i-2.9-7,, " 03•tS•H ,: 03--13•71,' 03-!ll•H OJ .. 1S .. H C3•U"H ,.· ... os-a .. n 03•1S•H .. .•. • s • 1· ~.,,-: .. .. , . . ) . CHY NO o, CtiY a, rouNTA?N Vi~LEY. -c·vtNCOR OROER/ U NUxac:·A REM1 T VENOOR NI.KE >.ODRESS : i---- C 0-\001& OIR ALLST,.a. TE POOLS 5"' 6· N .\ZUSA C 0~0017 ALOk.A P.OOLS Q/R • : .i,&10 J.C>-PULCO. ) C O•OOU ALPHA BETA ACME M4RKETS1 M40~CLI~ ♦ WARNER ! __ . 0 • • OROZR RC:l'llf 777 S HARBOR BLVD ) I i- :, I C C~OQ15 ~MERICAN BRONZE CRAFTSINC • . OIR •••• 5.i,50 W 83RD st· , 0 C 0.\0020 OIR IH• CkEHICAL SOCIETY i1s5 SIXT~~NTH ST N•~• C 0~0021 AH Hl.hOICRAFTS CO 0/R ___ 33 fAS~lOH SQ c_9,6ozz -~--AH• INSTITUTE OF PLAkNERS 0/R 1776 HASSICHUSE~TS AVN•W• C 0.C,0023 AMERICAN LI FRANC£ 8 1 ·· o/R--P o eox -1t-1t121 I_.. C O\OC/2-\ . I.ti• rtANAQtHENT ASSOC' on(-135 WEST 50TH ST .. · ' 0 • U o,a~o1 HARVIN ADLER 0 :-• •· 01fi· 1oaoo 5LJ.TER >.VE lNC . I_ U_Q..\!40i .,.. .. RUBEN ALClLA .. ..... a . · CIR 10"'11 CIMCO DE tV,YO L._ . ··-_TQJAL .Y~NDOll··COUNT 2!5 o: ! : • .. - .• - VENDOR L?ST SY VENDOR NUHB~R I.S CF 0~•04•7~ \ .. • • • ACTV DATE CITY COVItlA SANTA ANA FOUNT>.IN VALLEY LA HABRA I • LOS ANGEi.ES I.~ HI.BRA WASHXNQTON SAN FRANCtSCO NEW YORK TELE?I-ION£ NO STA.TE, Zitl 21:J 331•01H CA ~1722 ~ 7H 523•!1\22 CA· 9270~ 11\ 8\7•!3151 Cl. 92708 ~,. S0631 213 t.78•235lt Cl.. SOO'tS 0 C 20036 ·71~ 7.76 .. 5"60' . CA 50631 P• C:• • i:0036 C>. t 9-\~H N•Y• ,ooao 7h ,62 .. 21ta, f'OUNTAIN Vlt.1.EY · CA 9z7oa . 71~ ~62•?\2~ fOUNTAtN ViL~tV -Ct S2701 , . ... i ' } ' •1 .... ., . RUN D.Tt 0~•0\57~ ~ENDOR REX67AL · TRANS AATtNG OVERRtO~ DAT~ • ·• OJ•i.s•n OJ•ia"H OJ .. li"7~ 03•1S•.,. l ·' 03•18 .. 7'!' • 03•13•H 03•18"H 03•la•H 03•1S•H 03•29•H 0J--1S•7Jt OJ•18•H . OJ•le•H 03 .. ta•H 03•U•H 03•18-71t 03•1~•H 03-1,::• ) 03•1S•n ~ 03•1&•H; OJ•ta•H 03PU•H 03•1a•H -------·- ,.1;:~T 1971•72 ;:,t . . -... .iCTU.lL 2 -.. 1oc,000 2 -20,000 . 3 3 -·-· ·-· !i,000 0 :l 501000 . .o ,,, ac,oo:> )1.3 •---2.,oco --.... ·--- ---------·· :: :l :3 -···---· ·- 1 !) J ·-·~ 10 ,,, Ci\ J 1972•73 .lCTU.lL ,:s,900 15,0CO !S, 00_0 .!S~,000 £2,000 2,coo .. , .. -···-· _ ..... , .... ---··· I AS Cf-" F'tSCt.L 110 .. ': NOt'-Hl !1•2J•7:l C:YCLF. N:l 2 .A •-•• .. ••••••~~-•-CURRFNT Y£4R••• NEXT F'tSC4L VC4R AUOG£T ·ACTUAL PiOJFCTF.D ~FVIS~O REOU£STED , 1?Piov£U 10JU~TK~NT~ . YTD PROJ£CTION RF.COnK£NDED ~TR$T ,:.cowO u,-,cc.> .• 46,000 !S.1 r,oo 101,000 101,soo --···· --.. ·---···----·· ---.... 10,000 10aOCO 1,,000 _____ _,__ ____ ·------····-. . . -· 1,100 t,300 ots-s:-r11,J.Zr.r ("Y!:Li:.ll',UOM'T i..ttOilNT PCT 1.,coo ,., 000 zs,noo 5a, ooo _ ···-···-·· .-.... ---y· ··-·-··-····ell'ti'2, ooc s,,coo 30,000 ai.,ooo 1tO,OOO ·79,·000 .. ·-···· 2,coo 1,000 3,,000 271t1000 1:11,oco.. . __ 1os,1O0 17:?~000 1ca,aoo I 't --------·-.. ---.2, 000 .. 1 ,1 -------------------:.-• _ ..... -- . ·---··----------- au:>GET EXPENL'.),tTURE .SU:1:-\A~Y .f\Y ~I:-~R O!lJECT F'C:l t q73 1974' .lS OF' tISC&L ttn~T~ EXOt~G 11•23•73 C:YC:Li N'J 2.l . . ...... .. 1"l72•73 Ac,u:.L• ............. ~--•-CUqRr"NT YEA~---~~~r ~tte,L Yt.lR f\l,i)Gc'.T .lC':'llL!... p~::Jr"Cir'I') :?rVlSJ:':) RECU.:Si£0 , J.??RCV~il .1,nJ11s;THS::NT!. YT~ p~~~£CT10N R~CO~KE~o,~ ,rr.zT ,rcOND !:~~c::o ~1:'_,cc: 1!i.1C~Q 1e,00a !:, :::oo 6,o:;:> G5,0~0 a,,ooo £2,0:,0 2''ti000 a,ooo i,PC9 1tta.,CCi> t0,000 It, 0-l;) !30,000 .:>,000 1,000 ~,ooo ~01,000 !~7,500 191000 ,s,r.oo ·79;000 "' :i,coo 1,1co ... z~"'000 · .?71t1oco· :u1,ooo · ·ua,000 · .Jot~;oo -,-os,aoo . . --· ... •-: ......................... . ··--·-···---· ... ··--·--·-. ..-.--•-•••-•-•••--•-••--c•- nti:-i:-r::)::..::-.: c■Y.:L ( ,n~::~cT .• a,ccc •\• •• .. ----·--.. -•--·•••--•M·-•·•·• -... ····-• . !," . ., . ". --. -. ... . . . -·---~-~-;;-::--·-· ··--·-.. ··----.· --------~ __ ..;;,_. -----------------.,------·-••'--~~-----· ,. CP'Y I CtTY 1-:::::CJNT N:l __ .:i111c11 0:) I w O') J19t019 • .• ,.J211221 3\! PRCJEC'i-tCN Pl='RC • r=-: fH'.PC~T_ FOi? ;ci73 ~ . . .. 1974 ···-··--·-··• •. A'S .OF' F'ISC.LL ~o,,h,-ENDJ~O 11•23"!13 -r.YC~F NO 2A i () ......... ···-·· ·-·~·--·- ·--..... .... . .:.... •••••~••CURRENT YTD•-••••••••• PaOJtCTtCN 0/0 ---··----··-------·auoa~T AcTu,L PROJi~TlON -JUL Auer sE·P ocT NOV ---·-·'"•• -· ·--··--· -.-~ ........... - ·. -·-.. . ----· .. ··-·, --···-------- 35.000 10 ........ -........ ·-··· • 2 1,000 2 2 2 2 ?. 2' 2 . ----··-·· .• • ··--·· --·, - • --· 5 10 g,f,ooo · 500, -···: 2 . . 2 2 2 2 .... 2 ~ 2 2 1 !S -. 2 2 2 eo 2 2 so . ~ .. 2 ?. :? ISO ,, i '-::· ... P.J.r.ll ~'t ,CIOC1 Rtl>-1 ,nA"t. .1 -2&•7:i .. ·-···-·· BY ttO="'-:M 0£t': JJ.N J:°>R HUI A.PA M.&..Y .JW! 60 . 70 .7'l .so 9?'> , ?.. --:> ~· :> ~ 2 ·---· ? 2 ~ :• ~ ~ 2 ~ '; ~ ~ ;> ~ 2 ~ 2 , ~ :> ~ . 2· !SO ao AO SCI <lO . .. .. ~ 2 2 2 I :: ~:,:~:i ~~,~~r~r~r c~ ~E~E~~r ~=~:;::, ~!l-~~, ~UL~ ::Ki t~L~~:zz : ~ i=' %•::.!o!Ct 03 ~-1~,~ 112 . ·. c::r:..~T~t:•i o:v:::r:-.: c~~r:r:~i ,. I. . ., t:;, O:)'.l t~.~=::: ~ .. c::.'l 4,'nc::> Gi:,CCJ .. :,c,:oo • ,, . , ·-·------- .. 1;.,-~.,:!\ .. •. i-:? 2 2• 2 ·:, ? ;, . :, :; ! ., 2 ~ 2 2 ? :;, ? ,, ? .-. .. - :: .. ~oo-2 2 .. :;i ~ ,? z ~ :, ? } :? .. 2 :? ?. 2 ~ ::, ?. ... r: ? :' 2-2 2 2 ~ ~ 2 ;, :,, . ~ :-:? i! 2 2 2 ;> -~ :! ~ 2• -.-:!-. Gl, O~Ci .... :! 2 . ,.:,h , , , .. -.. -...... ·-·-·----------·------------·-·--·· --- • ,. i --··F···· ..••... -....... ·•···· .. , .. ---................ __ ..,~_H ......... ----... ··-...... _. __ .. .-..' ---. . , _---. -,; • I r OF 'illNSIIPil; CITY llDT ~'J. P lll)f,\055-lNS\J~Al'iCE CO'.lE l SJ'.T D OESC~lPTlON/CO~MCNTS . .. 111,0 CAR 9 1 l IS CPA•;t; >115 CtC'l'APtlONE >136 NlleP I )l 7.0 Tn/\C iOR H'tO \l~CLhSSlflED Y OA Tl= t..CUUlREO 05/1'3/ 10 03/011/ 13 01/01/71 11/30/67 06/22/73 07/23/71 TOTALS FOR lNSU~hNCE COOE 2 .... ,.1 --.... * FJXFO ASSH trfilJPANCE 11.EP(lltT MONT~ E~OlNG ~OVEMREP, 1974 ~STD ORIG(NAl SALVAGE LlfE COST VALUE 06-07 01}-0C. 0 1,-01 07-08 O!i-04 00-0\I 2 ,sorf.oo 10,000.00 450.00 soo.oo 10,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 25.QO 1,<loo.00 20.00 3,145.00. noo~ VALUE .1, 4?/t.54 .9,313.80 121.56 .. ~ 66.56 ·- 9,765.96 936.00 p:1c;E 3 RUN OATF 12/11/74 TlMf 5~55 P.H. •------• JNSUltANCI: •tAtUS: ------♦ --OF RECORD--'----?EVCSE~---- 2,500.00 :· ·: 10,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 i-----. _, .. ___ . --- $-----,-~---.---$-----,-·----.-- !-----,-----.-- ... ·-· --· ... -.. ····---------. . -------------------· ---····-· ... ·--· -----·-·-•··· ---·-· -·- ···-·--····-·-·----·--·-· •.... ----. ---·-·-·-., .. ·-·-. -··--·----·--·---· .. -· --------··--.. ···-· --.. ·--··-·--·-·-·-----· , ................. --•-· ··-·-·· :, ~ .. , .... .,. ---··-··-.. •-•1---·-·------·-' ,l --• ._. w--••-"•-• •-••--.. ··---,. . ---·-·· .. --·. ·• -.... -, , __ ....... ----~--~··:-··--:-"""-·-·---· -. . ... ,. ..... ·····~ ...... . . ........... " . ·-·-,..,. .. .. ., .. ., . ... f J ... JTY Of SUNSHJNE CITY FI.XEO ASSET REPORT FOR J40NTH OF NOVEHB~R, 1974 PAGE 6 f Pill! T t-:!l. Pl',OF-~035-C-• ··--·-·.:_ ______ AESPONSIULE. DEPT/LOCAT!ON/CLASS/.ASSET IO· •.. ····-· _ • RUN DATE 12/11/7", TI'41:" 5;53 P.lf •... SSET kfS l~I.J ---FlXFO ASSFT---· fl-•:n DPT U1C: FU~O-ACCOUNT-CLASS . 0 E S C R ! P T I , 0 N 00124 05 111 350 Ul3'rlZ814 211 ~ENtil SHARPENER . - ;)1)116 us 111 154 lll3412e 15 311 C/,R 5 ••• ··--u . •-,. ··-_,..,. ··-··. -· 0111 l 1 (1) 111 1)4 013',l2bl3 311 CAP JO ;)Oll:! O) 111 3!11.> IH,?1rl2Ul"r 311 Tl1 1JCK 5 ___ ·----····••·••·· . -··-·-· .. OOtl t O!> 111 154 01:HL2tJL5 335 TP td LI:~ .... .. - . n,\Tl: ACIJU ill EO *--SF.Pl ftL (SJ /L !CENSE t LJ /"IOOEL (1-lJ--:-• 10/03/73 ,0: TOTALS FOR .C.l/\SS .. 211 12/01/62 s 7654312 L 690 CIIE C2/0l/7't s 04/1.5//3 s 234aqo765L L 44~ JfN 000666559 L PPL 162 * TOTALS FOR CLASS 311 0!./08/74 s ~231460 ORIGINAL COST so.oo 26,200.00· 2,000.00 4,S.J0.00 4,!i00.00 ••. ·11,000.00 l,0'J0.00. ncnK .VALUE 42.46 24,602.52 200.00 3,q23-10 3,S&t,.25 7,687.3 . , ···---·--____ ... ___ --·-----.. TOTALS FOR.CLASS"" 335-···---·--·· 1,000.00 900.00 900.00 39,015.65 43'1.46 . 154. Ol.3~12IH5 1)0107 05 111 411 :,-, 111> OS 111 l!i4 on-'rl?Ul3 411 ,IIJ l l 1 "~ l 11 J~i) \l 134 l,2.'d 1.4 ,, i. l. ll}i) 104 05 111 114 013412811 611 h)Ch)tl l'S 111 15,; Ol341Ztll.!i 6U 8ULLOOZER _____ -·--..•. _• .•••••• ... 01.1/15/71 F>tn~ T!tUaK ________ ; __ -·•· --.. ... 12/30/72 O'J/ 19/l>'r -·-••· ·.•----· rnnL F ----• ... ·-.. ·-....... -. 1 t/2tJ/70 11/,MMF.ll 11/07/63 * s M ~ • H 40211364· . . . L 333451 _______ so.,100.00 M2~S't32100. • .. L 'r78?65 :··---·· ·--··-1.t8S: gg TUThLS FOR CLASS F4 4 ll .. _ -· ... 57,600.00 20.0·0 so.oo -• L , 23 6-. 7 2 4•J,69l.S3 20.00 32-04 ..!l -·-·-· ........... -....... J .... ---TOT/\\.S fOR Ct.ASS-~-.•. 52.84 -·-•• -· ~ ... Hl0?02 0~ 111 114 0134121111 711 PM~rt."fNG "10 '''" 05 111 111, OJ 3412-U:.t 711 CAi'l'ET l J1)1] J \):, 111 J:,I.) UlJ',121.11', 711 AOOfTfON X.Yl .: .:::-:·:·. . IOdl•l'J 0~ 111 l!,', Ol:V.121115 1311 OTIIFlt l 11111120 0~ 111 154 0134121113 811 OTHfR 4 101)\10 C5 111 l~", 013'tl2bl!> 911 utlCLASSrF:eo X . . ... -.. -$ 70.00 12/QJ/73 10/1)/,/(, 1. I, l/07/ 70 1,300.00 • • ••.••• .. • • • 6SO.OO -···---···-· -·· 15,000.00 • TOTALS FOR CLASS 711 16,~So.oo ot.1211r.s H 6Zl't73't •• ___ :,-____ 5s,ooo.oo 03/10/71 9,100.00 >1< TOTALS FOP CLASS 811.-··--·· 02/0t.,/l,6 S 43211!i679 L 333HX I •. • TOTALS FOR CLASS ?ll . 64,000.00 3 ,oo~.oo. J ,ooo. 00 • • :t.zzc.63 10.00 H,S-12.63 rn ,a29.2:. 2,! ,000.00 U,!i05.4-. 30,505.,,~ 100.01.. 100.00 *" TOTAt.:S ·FOR LOCATION l 11 ·• ---. • • 930, no. GO 72'il,608.60 . •o TOTALS FCJR DEPT. 05 _1044;420.00 836,,067.'rl ., :rtY qF SUNSHINF CITY FIXED ASSEf M/\STEn FILF FCR MO~T~ OF NOVEMOER, 1974 ,c~Q~T ~~. P~OFA0?5 ••••••••ALL ASSETS***••••• RUN 0/\TE 12/11/74 T!Me a~srr-1n 00015z JF~CRIVilJ~ STE~ORCTTE i:~~ i:,11 fU'lO 1','• TeST r.v~lf> Nf>MI: '• =:.x••:::.,, r.ccr UU0123480 Tt:Sl t=xP /\CC f NI\ME 3 f-!t. 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ACTIVITY 11/<~0/74 E~TO (IFE 09-02 pµ1uR OPT/OlV uo-12 LCCATIC~ 3JJ-~44 PntnP LOCN 212- AC<JN COOE N/\J cror- o~PA Hl<THOO f/A CLASS !:STD L 11:E r N s 1,11 r.o. NUMOF.R 002237 WhRI\ANT r,.rJ t,5600 l . UATE ACOUIPEO 10/02/67 LAST ACTlV(TY 11/30/14 srRIJ\L NUMOF.R ~l)OEl NU/-lil ~P. Oll 1(;11{,\l cu;r SALVAGf VALUE OEPRN RESERVE Si-ll lJ\L Nlll•:IIFR XUOEt rmuor:R OrlGltlhL COST St.L Vt\Gf: Vt,UI!: DE l'RU P,E sr: P.vE • FYTO D£V 0 GN P!tJ t'll 0l'T/OIV LUCATI ON . P~l0~ LOCN Oll-01 UIJ-12 3.B-44'1 333-···-OTO 01:?F( ti MCNiHLY O(l'RN p P.O. NUHBER llt,23S ORIGINAL COST 0567-Hl 100 700.00 JOO.CO 400.00 6623,497 l3TIP .100.00 • 1,00.i>o 2b7.C>5 l ~. 1,5 <,. 1 U 3.o-; 855.CO N I\ WARRAl'H NO 't'Jd (ult . • ·--·•---·--.•••• --·. 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Upper/lower case; SK memory: inverse video; 110-24·00 ba~d; RS232C aatacomm. 13232A io3/202 Modem Cable Page Cable pr.ovides for connection of 264X series terminals to 103/202 modems and to HP cofuputcr systems; provides male :RS232 connector (15 ft.) ;,o 0 01 300181\ Asynch~onous Communications Controller. Adds'4 ports ·- 01. 30062C-002 100 ft •. extension cable Oi . 300620-CYbl 50 ft. extension cable '01 32233A . ·cobol/3000 Compiler ' • . . . .. - ... 2 "B" of 2 .. ' .... - : ' l ;' 1 ' ) (, ; 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD r ., c-' ·, ' ~o. '! COMPUTER SYSTEM ' ) ., PROPOSAL EVALUATION i t 1 l DECEMBER 24,, 1980 ! i I. I ,, t · t ' i ,\ I • ,l ·,-:, t ¼ l ~ } / 'r, ,, ,! i !' ~ ~ i J ..? I l t l j V I ' ';.. -3 - growth requirements. NCR"' s proposal stressed the availability of application software with proven capabilities in more than one hundred cities. The primary advantages of the NCR proposal are: 1. Based on a review of the NCR documentation and an on-site inspection of an existing system, the proposed software satisfies most of the City's requirements. 2. 3. The NCR hardware is satisfactory and has a satisfactory growth path to meet the C~ty's future requirements. The NCR corporate structure provides a very strong foundation for both hardware and software support of the City. This support would be provided through the San Diego office. 4. The NCR system has the ability to produce special reports and create use~ defined programs through the use of "Datamate" and "Genius, 11 two file man- agement programs developed by Data Decisions, an independent software vendor. 5. NCR has produced excellent program documentation for all software developed and maintained by the corporation. 6. Training is provided by NCR (for a fee) on all aspects of the system. There are operator classes concerning software and hardware use. The primary disadvantages of this proposal are: 1. The proposed software does not satisfy the need for a personnel system and a budget preparation syetem. In addition, five major modifications are necessary to bring the financial and utility bill- ing systems in line with the City's specifica- tions. 5 - systems. PADS is governed by a Boaro of Directors and an Operations Committee comprised of delegates from member city councils. Although the City could buy into PADS as a member, PADS has proposad to serve the City on~ contract basis. PADS would con- tract with the city to provide equipment, softwat·e and services as a vendor. The unique nature of the PADS organization has certain advantages and disa~vantages for the City as noteo below. PADS proposal to the City includes Hewlett-Packard hardware an~ rADS standard municipal systems. The PADS proposal empha- sizes that PADS clients are exclusively smal,ler cities in Southern California. The primary advantages of the PADS proposal a~e: 1. The PADS software meets all but two of the City's specifications. The two areas where specifica- tions are not met are minor and will not effect the usability ~f the packages. The application reports are easily understood by the City staff. 2. The Hewlett-Packard (HP) computer system proposed by PADS has a very good growth path to meet future City requirements. The proposed'HP equipment can handle significant growth in both volume and additional applications as indicatea by the maximum size of memory and aisk storage and the number of terminals noted in Exhibit I, Section B. In addition, the processor can be upgraded to a more powerful HP3000 processor without modifying the related equipment or s~£tware. 3. PADS is a single purpose organization dedicated to the support of small municipal users. The systems developed by PADS were specifically designed to serve small governmEnt needs. i ; ' C , - 7 - ib. The Hewlett-Packard system is equipped with a tape drive which facilitates file back-up and provides an inexpensive medium for off-line data storage. The primary disadvantages of the PADS proposal are: l. PADS is a Joint Powers Agency contr91led ty a Board of Directors and an Operations Committee. This organization st~ucture may react slowly to individual user needs. PADS has experienced some turnover in programming staff which temporarily clegrades its ability to properly maintain certain systems. 2. The PADS system costs about 20% more than the NCR system over a five year period. 3. PADS documentation is. comprehensive on some appli- cations but weak on others. Al though PADS intends, to bring all documentation up to par, the documen- tation is incomplete at this time. We will attempt to mitigate this disadvantage through provisions in the contract. The training of City staff proposed by PADS would be conducted by PADS on an unstructured, as need- ed basis which may result in less comprehensive training of City staff. We will attempt to mitigate this disadvantage through provtsion.!'; in the contract. fl