HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-20; City Council; 6415-1; Purchase High Pressure Water Jet Rodder Purchase Vacuum Machine.. ,-, '< : ,;:_1 '' > ,< ' ;4 ,''{ 1i ; ' I t ! CITY OF CARLSBAD -AQ~NDA BILL N,O. 6415 ... J,~ ,j ... , PATE'! ___ J~11uary 20, 1981 DEPARTMEtf(: Purchasing Initial: fk Dept. Hd. C. Atty. } C. Mgr.~ SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF HIGH PRESSURE WATER JET RODDER AND VACUUM MACHINE Statement of the Matter \ Ori November 4, 1980, the City ·Council adopted Resolution 6342, approving the specifications and-authorizing the Purchasing Officer to· seek bids for a 'high pressure .wa~er jet rodder and vacuum m~chine. In accordance with Section 3.28.120 of the Municipal Code, Notice to Bidders was published.and Request for Bids was made. Five responses were received, opened, witnessed and -recorrled on November 24, 1980. The lowe3t responsive bid t~at most nearly-meets the specifications for trye.j~t rodger and vacuum machine was from Haaker Equipment Company; 3505 Pomona Blvd.; Pomona, California 91766 in the amount of $81,964.00, plus tax, fqr-a total of $86,881.84. ~ Fiscal -Impact In the t9Jm-81 Budget, $83,Q00 was allocated for the •high pressure water Jet ro,eider and vacuum machine. The additional $3,881.84 needed for: the purch~_se.of the unit is available in the Sanitation Department's Ei.1uip.;. ment -Rental Account (-12-116-2330). Exhibits 1. Tabulation of Bids -Exhibit 11 A11 ·2. Merficrandum to City Manager dated January 5, 1981 --Exhibit 11 B11 3. Resolution No. u 'I 2-1 Recommendation Staff recommends the Council adopt Resolution No. ~ 'i< / , awarding the bid for the high pressure water jet rodder arid vacuum machine to Haaker Equipment Company, in the amount of $86,881.84. Council Action: Council adopted :FBsolutian No. 6421. I ' ' ' -;_~--"::" .. ~ --•_-... ,· 0 '• ' ,_j),\; Sumnary of High Pressure Water Jet Rodder and .Vacuum Machine Vendor Environmental Pollution Control 16000 SE Evelyn Street Clackamas, Oregon 97015 G. C. S. 2419 Sellers Way West Sacramento, CA 95691 Haak~r Equipment Company 3505 'Pomona Blvd. Pomona, .CA 91766 ijefty _Equipment 6404 Miramar Road San Di.ego, CA 92121 Nixon-Egli Equipment Co. 1970.National Avenue Hayward, -CA 94545 Southwest Flexible Sewer Equipment P. o. ·Box 2105 Whittier, CA 90606 * Price does not include saies tax Cost* $87,992.36 87,247.71 81,964.00 NO RESPONSE 79,395.00 ** 68,854.00 ** ** Does not meet specifications on jet rodder and vacuum machine ..2, ---.....--......-----------::-=----~ -- ·' j',! ,-· 1 ~-"' ' -r:,-: ' :, January 5, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager VIA: Assistant City Manager/Administration FROM: Purchasing Officer Exhibit 11 Bt 1 SUBJECT: Recommendation for Purchase of High Pressure Jet-Rodder and Vacuum Machine Recorrmendation That Council award the bid for the high pressure watsr jet rodder and vacuum m~chine to Haaker Equipment Comp~ny who submitted the lowest and most respon- sive bid. Discussion . The· five responses fiH• the high pressure jet rodder and vacuum machine bids have been reviewed with the Director of Utilities and Maintenance and the Utilities Superintendent. A summary of the bids, by name and cost, is as follows: VacMaster VacAll C-3010 Vactor 810 (3 responses) $68,854.00 79,395.00 81,964.00 87,247.71 87,992.36 Each of the bidders listed exceptions to the Council approved specifications. Some of the exceptions are minor and some are considered to be major. The. exceptions on the Vactor.units are on the -truck and not on the jet rodder and vacuum machine itself. Our truck specifications called for a spin-on cool~nt filter, an 85 amp alternator and a 60 month warranty on the H.D. battery. The spin-on cool,ant is not available on the Ford truck that is offered by the bidders of the Vactor units. The cost of an 85 amp alternator would be an additional $550, and those evaluating the bids agreed that the size of the alternator that was being offered (60 amp on the truck and 42 amp on the aux- iliary engine) on the Vactor would be adequate. The Vactor units carry a pro-rated 36 month warranty not a 60 month warranty on the H.D. battery. The three exceptions on the Vactor units are minor in nature and are not considered essential to the operating efficiency of the unit. The Vactor units did meet an the specifications on the jet rodder and vacuum machine. On the other hand, both the VacMaster and VacAll units have listed major exceptions on the _jet rodder and vacuum machine. The exceptions involve the debris container, control panel and operation of the boom. These components are essential to the safe and efficient operation of the machine and are the basis for the recommendation that the bids from Southwest Flexible (VacMaster) and Nixon-Egli (VacAll) be rejected and the bid from Haaker Equipment Company (Vactor) be accepted. Each of the exceptions are summarized below. l l ,, ' ' ; 2 The specifications call for the debris container to be equipped with hydraulic cylinders to raise the body for dumping. The VacMaster does not have the ability to raise the body when discharging the accumulated waste. It employs a flushing system to facilitate the debris removal that is initially accomplished by open- ing a stationary door at the rear of the machine -This method of <lumping is not considered to be satisfactory. When the City leased a VacMaster unit last year, the maintenance personnel experienced problems with this part of the operation. Because the body can not be raised, it was not possible to control the flow of the debris at the dumping station, and the waste comes out with such force that the operators were subjected to splashing of the debris every time the unit was discharged. The dumping of the waste is an integral part of the operation of the machine and it is important that the personnel involved have a safe and sani- tary environment to work in. The second exception involves the boom operation that is a part of the vacuum system. In order for the machine to remove debris from sanitary sewers, storm drains and catch basins, it is necessary for the boom to be able to move both vertically and horizontally. Neither the VacMaster nor the VacAll units is equipped-with a boom that is able to operate in a horizontal position. Because of this limitation, it.would be difficult to remove debris from storm drains, drop boxes, and, in some cases, manholes. During the rainy season, it is esti- mated the machine would utilize the horizontal position while vacuuming 100% of the time. Without this feature, it would be necessary for the City to rent or lease another piece of equipment for the removal of the debris in these areas. In addition to the exceptions listed on the debris container and the boom operation, the deviation from the specifications related to the control panel is also considered to be a major exception. The specifications called for the control panel to be located at the forward position of the unit. Both the VacMaster and· the VacAll have their control panels located on a panel several feet away from where the hose enters the manhole. Because of this positioning, it is necessary for the operat~r to stand at the manhole 1 observe what is going on and transmit control changes to a second person at the control panelt Besides these exceptions, there are additional reasons for reconmending the purchase of the Vactor unit -One, the hopper capacity of the Vactor is more than twice the capacity of the VacMaster. The larger capacity results in fewer trips to the treatment plant. Since the dumping time is non~productive time, the cost benefit is on the side of the Vactor unit. Last year both the VacMa~ter and the Vactor units were used by the City crews. Based on their operations and observations, the Vactor unit had the ability to pick up larger and heavier objects and at a faster rate of speed than the VacMaster. Finally, the Vactor unit can be operated by one person, whereas the VacMaster and VacAll units require two persons at all time. Since both the VacMaster and VacAll have listed major exceptions to the speci- fications, it is recommended these bids be rejected and the bid for the jet rodder and vacuum machine be awarded to Haaker Equipment Company, who submitted the lowest responsive bid for a Vactor 810 machine. 1,.,.' ;. 1 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 6421 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HIGH PRESSURE WATER JET RODDER AND VACUUM MACHINE. BE IT RESOLV~D by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, 6 as follows: 7 1. That the bid f~om Haaker Equipment Company; 3505 Pomona Blvd; 8 Pomona, California 91766, is hereby accepted and the City Manager is 9 hereby authorized to execute a contract for the purchase of a high pressure 10 water jet rodder ~nd vacuum machine in the amount of $81,964.00, plus tax, ll for a total .of $86,881.84. 12 2·. That Transrer No. _4_6 __ is hereby approved, transferring $3,882 13 from Account No. 12-116-2330 t9 Account No. 12-~16-3900. 14 .15 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 ·23 24 25 26 2'7 28 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Counci 1 of the City of Carlsbad, at a reguiar meeting·held on the 20th the following vote, to wit: day of January. , 1981, by AYES.: Councilmenbers Packard, easier, Anear, Iewis and Kulchin . . . NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: (SEAL)