HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-20; City Council; 6456-1; Adopting the 1980-81 Capital Budget, CITY OF CARLSBAD 'AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: January 20, 1981 DEPARTMENT: Finance Subject: ' ADOPTING THE 1980-81 CAPITAL BUDGET Statement of the Matter During the past four months the staff has worked with the Public and City Council to develop a five year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The modifications requested by Council during the November 15 and November 24 workshop sessions have been incorporated into the document which is now before the Council for approval. The attached resolution will adopt the 1980-81 portion of the CIP, appropriate funds, approve inter-fund transfers and establish an Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund as requested by Council. The 19'80-81 Capital Budget will total $8.4 million. Fiscal Impact The proposed 1980-81 Capital Budget will amount to $8.4 million. The funding for these projects.is reflected on the attached Comparative Statement of Funds. The adoption of this budget will reduce the estimated 6-30-81 total fund balance to $4.1 million. - Exhibits . . ~ Memo from Finance Director dated December 30, 1980. Resolution No.^p3 fr ^ appropriating funds for 1980-81 establishing the Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund and approving the transfer of funds. Recommendations Approve Resolution NO.(4 3 f^ • and approve the 1981 - 1985 Capital Improvement Program. ' Council Action: 1-20-81 Council adopted Resolution 6389, appropriating funds for 1980-81 CIP, and approving the CIP program for 1981-85. DATE: December 30, 1980 TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Program The 1980-85 CIP has been revised following the direction received from the City Council and City Manager. A resolution has been prepared adopting the proposed CIP, appropriating funds, establish- ing an Assessment District Trust Fund and transferring funds between various funds to allow proper support of this budget. The total Capital Budget for 1980-81 as shown in the five year CIP is $8.4 million and should be allocated to those projects shown on exhibit A of the attached resolution. The funding for these projects is shown in total on exhibit B. More detailed information on the specific project descriptions and project funding is available in the CIP itself. The Manager and Council should note that although appropriations are being made at this time, no funds may be expended without prior Council action. Although the commitment to these capital projects should not be viewed lightly, this budget is only a plan for future events and should be modified as the Council sees fit at any time. As requested by Council, the proposed resolution adopting the CIP establishes an Assessment District Trust or Revolving Fund of $100,000. This fund will be used to do preliminary work on forming assessment districts and will be reimbursed from the proceeds of a district once established. The Council has indicated a desire to see assessment districts used where possible to fund those capital projects that result in a special benefit to a certain area. This fund will allow front end design and research to be done before district formation. This resolution also includes four transfers of funds that will help support the proposed Capital Budget and take care of some routine accounting activities that are necessary to properly fund this years operating budget. Briefly these transfers do the following: 1. Transfer funds to support redevelopment activities. 2. Eliminates the Gas Tax Reserve Fund. 3. Transfers Gas Tax Revenues to the General Fund to support street maintenance activities. 4. Transfers funds from the M&O reserve fund to balance the General Fund for 1980-81. Page 2 The fiscal impact of adopting this $8.4 million Capital Budget can best be seen by reviewing the 6-30-81 fund balances shown on exhibit B of the attached resolution. The total fund balance for all funds will drop to about $4.1 million. The majority of this is contained in the General Funds - $1.7 million, Federal Revenue Sharing - $700,000, and Water - $1.6 million. The Sewer Construction Fund although shown with a deficit of about $230,000 will be supported by a transfer of funds from the General Funds as approved by Council in July 1980 when the Encina financing was considered. (We will bring this transfer to the Council prior to June 1981, if it appears these funds will be necessary.) There is no set standard for determining a sufficient reserve position. In the Staff's opinion, funds such as the General Funds, Sanitation and Water should maintain at least a 10% reserve based on the annual operating budget. Capital Funds such as Revenue Sharing, Sewer Construction and Public Facilities Fees could be more easily maintained at a lower level without en- dangering the City's daily operations. Based on this type of standard, the proposed funding plan is acceptable. The recommendations at this time are to approve the attached resolution and adopt the 1980-85 CIP as the City's Capital Plan. The appropriation of funds is not a final commitment to carry out these projects. Prior to making a final commitment environ- mental review must be performed on each project. JE/pt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION 6389 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 1980-81 CAPITAL BUDGET, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND AND APPROVING VARIOUS FUND TRANSFERS. WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed five year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal year 1980-81 to 1984-85, and WHEREAS, this five year program includes a proposed Capital Budget for fiscal year 1980-81, and WHEREAS, the Council now desires to adopt the 1980-81 Capital Budget and to appropriate the funds and make necessary transfers to properly support this Capital Budget, and WHEREAS, funds are available for the support of the proposed 1980-81 Capital Budget, and ' ; WHEREAS, the Council also desires to create as Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund of $100,000 to help support the formation of various assessment districts within the City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows; 1. The City Council does hereby adopt the 1980-81 Capital Budget as described on Exhibit A. 2. Funds are appropriated to support those capital projects shown on Exhibit B. This action shall supersede Resolution No. •^ 6215 paragraph 3 authorizing continuing appropriations. 3. The sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the purpose of establishing an Assessment District Revolving Trust Fund. These funds shall be used by the City to assist in the establishment of assessment districts for various types of improvements and shall be reimbursed from -1- 1 assessment district proceeds. 2 4. The fund transfers listed on Exhibit B are hereby approved. 5 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 4 City Council on January 20, 1981 by the following vote, TO WIT: 5 AYES: Council Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin 6 NOES: None 7 ABSENT: None 8 9 ""' RONALD C. PACKARD, MAYOR 10 ATTEST: 12 13 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, CITY CLERK 15 16 (SEAL) I?" 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- EXHIBIT A 1980-81 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED PROJECT ACCT. NO. Project 3097 3098 3059 3099 1. Beach Parking Lots (CF12) A 100 space lot in the vicinity of Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad Boulevard and a parking lot in the median of Carlsbad Boulevard in the Ponto area is planned. Other alternatives, such as the closing of % of Highway 101 are under consideration and will be brought back to the Council |5rior to taking action on any project. • 2. Agua Hedionda Bridge (ST19) Reconstruction of the bridge and widening of Carlsbad Boulevard from south of Tamarack to the Encina Power Plant. Preliminary estimates for construction are $1,300,000. Federal Revenue Sharing funds will be used ^s the City's match to HBRR (Federal) funds which will provide the balance of funding on this project. 3. Encina Plant (SW7) The cost represents Carlsbad's share of this year's construction costs to enlarge the major regional sewer plant. 4. Highland Storm Drain and Sewer (SDl) The installation of this gravity sewer line will eliminate the necessity of the Forest Lift Station. Construction of the storm drain will relieve persistent flooding in the area which, in the past, has caused City crews to have to pump water to prevent structural flooding. This project will be financed, primarily, by an assessment district. These funds will allow the City to do preliminary studies of the problem and to perhaps participate in the final project. A report will be submitted to Council prior to establishing an assessment district. COST $200,000 224,000 1,945,749 150,000 Page 2 PROJECT ACCT. NO. 3100 PROJECTS TO BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED (cont'd.) 3101 3102 3006 COST 5. Miscellaneous Drainage and Sidewalk Construction (SD6) This project will involve the correction of minor drainage problems at Alder and Skyline (catch basin and storm drain); El Camino Real north of Chestnut (check structure); and Carlsbad Boulevard south of Cerezo (reinforced concrete pipe and catch basin). Additionally, sidewalks will be constructed at various locations in the City where it is not feasible to use other funding sources. Assessment districts will be used, where possible, to fund these projects. 6. La Costa Canyon Park - Phase II (PRl) Development of an additional 6.75 acres of the nine acre park to include two lighted concrete tennis courts, two picnic and view areas, hiking trails, rest stops, planting and irrigation. Partial funding under the 1974 Bond Act is available through the state. Design will be done in-house. 7. Jefferson/Buena Vista School Park (PR2) Provide turfed athletic fields at Jefferson School and Buena Vista School Park. The fields will be constructed in conjunction with the School District and will include grading, soil preparation, irrigation, backstops, benches, bleachers and fencing. $160,000 165,000 90,000 SUB-TOTAL $2,934,749 PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION 8. Police and Utility Services Center (CF1) Acquisition and development of a proposed site near the County's transfer station to house the Law Enforcement Services Facility and City Service Center. Funding for the land acquisition will be from Water Fund monies. Preliminary estimates to pay back the loan over the next 20 years amount to $236,045 per year on an initial land cost of $2,050,000. A prelim- inary site study is also scheduled for 2,100,000 Page 3 PROJECT ACCT. NO. PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION (cont'd.) 3006 cont'd. this fiscal year at an estimated cost of $50,000. Additionally, Fire Station #5 and training facilities may be considered for this site in the future. 3012 9. Fire Station #5/Training Facilities (CF2) Acquisition for a 20,000 sg. ft. fire station with adjacent training facilities to be located on two acres of land in the vicinity of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road. 3103 10. Community Development Center (CF8) This project would provide additional office space and parking for various City offices. The funds, appropriated -this year will be-used for land acquisition, design and preliminary work prior to actual development. The Council will be presented . with specific alternatives as soon as possible. 3104 11. Redevelopment Property Acquisition (RDl) Acquire one midblock access point on each of the following streets: State, Madison, and Roosevelt. These points will provide access to parking lots, serve as pedestrian pass-throughs, etc. Acquisition of property is planned for each year in the 5 year program. 3105 12. Streetscape; Transit Transfer Point (RD2) Installation of landscaping enhanced paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street furniture as outlined in the "Village Streetscape Master Plan," is planned. Con- struction will include development of a transit transfer point, construction of pass through areas, new accent lighting and kiosks. 3106 13. Housing Property Acquisition (RD3) This federally funded program will enable the City to aid in the development of COST 200,000 621,104 43,000 160,000 38,000 Page 4 PROJECTS FOR LAND ACQUISITION (cont'd.) PROJECT ACCT. NO. 3106 cont'd. housing units with a percentage of the units constructed to be designated as low cost housing. Assistance to developers may be in the form of land write down, site improvements, assumption of predevelopment costs (payment of architectural fees, City fees, etc.), and other methods to stimulate private development of housing for low income persons. 3107 14. Macario Canyon (PR3) Land acquisition in this fiscal year is estimated at $2,045,000 and a preliminary site study is estimated at $45,000. SUB TOTAL PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR DESIGN ONLY 3108 15. Tamarack Reconstruction (ST2) Scheduled for construction to commence in 1982-83, the Tamarack reconstruction will bo accomplished in two phases. Stage one will involve widening and reconstruction of pavement from Carlsbad Boulevard to 1-5 to include installation of traffic signals at the 1-5 ramps. Stage two will involve widening and upgrading from 1-5 to Highland. Initial year's costs are for design. 3109 16. Traffic Safety Projects (ST13) This item includes three traffic safety projects recommended for construction by the Traffic Safety Commission. Design of the following projects is scheduled for this fiscal year; (1) widening and realign- ment of Park Drive in the Bristol Cove area is proposed in order to remove a dangerous sharp curve. Marina Drive will then T- intersect into Park Drive at a 90 degree angle and the curb will be further from the traveled roadway; (2) the installation of flashing warning lights on Carlsbad Boulevard in front of the Army and Navy Academy is also recommended; (3) improve safety in the duck feeding area along Jefferson Avenue. COST 2,090,000 $5,252,104 131,000 8,800 Page 5 PROJECTS SCHEDULED FOR DESIGN ONLY(cont'd.) PROJECT ACCT. NO. 3110 17. Elm Avenue Interconnect (ST14) A feasibility study to connect the timing of signals along Elm Avenue from State to Pio Pico. 3111 18. Traffic Signal Elm and Monroe (ST17) Design of Signal at Elm and Monroe. 3112 19. Tri-Agency Intertie (W6) Design for this project will connect the westward extension of the Tri-Agency pipeline to the Ellery Reservoir and will bring high pressure water to the reservoir at.a level whereby the pumps will no longer be required to maintain pressure in the Ellery zone. * 3113 20. Bicycle Lanes (ST12) This project provides for design of bicycle lanes on Jefferson Street from Marron to Grand; Harding/Jefferson from Chestnut to Tamarack; Elm from Harding to El Camino Real; Monroe/Park from Marron to Kelly; Chestnut from Monroe to El Camino Real; Tamarack/Chinquapin from Carlsbad Boulevard to El Camino Real; and Adams Street from Chinquapin to Park Avenue as indicated in the General Plan. COST 18,800 5,000 19,000 22,300 SUB TOTAL $ 204,900 TOTAL 1980-81 CAPITAL BUDGET $8,391,753 JE/pt 1f.IT fc D C to f-w ? < fru tid O U G if agf i o 'u•a a(U Id rH *» rH COrj <d 1I; M O •rl n*J *l) 1vi i; o JN ° n.01 IHP Oo to —gpp •o S 0 -X u P W D) *rl *0 rt IdCD 8 O 18 ~~a*H PinH tn 3idno o .r 1 ' 0 W.O C rH ? 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