HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-20; City Council; 6487; Request for Additional Positions LieutenantsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. __ /_p=--L{~f ..... 1 ______ _ DATE: January 20, 1981 DEPART.rt.iENT: POLICE ---------------- Subject: Initial:~ Dept.Rd. r }/ C. Atty. 1 C. Mgr. ~ Request for Additional Middle Management Positions -Lieutenants Statement of the Matter The Carlsbad Police Department has recently completed an indepth examination of itself and a comparative study of nine (9) other police departments in regards to staffing levels and management capabilities. The findings showed that although properly staffed in personnel, Carlsbad appears improperly deployed in certain areas, as well as insuf- ficient management personnel to organize, coordinate and supervise. The problem of not having adequate and appropriate management personnel affects areas such as training, problem solving, preplanning techniques and the very critical areas of development of managerial attitudes and department-wide philosophies. Proposal This proposal 'is to eliminate most of the noted problems and begin work on those not immediately resolved. This proposal consists of establishing three (3) more middle management positions within the patrol division. Thjs would be done by reclassifying three (3) existing patrol officers' positions to lieutenants. This would create a system that would allow for a full-time watch conmander (lieutenant) assi[~nd to the station·on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. In turn, it would free the sergeants to become full-time field supervisors, responsible for all field activities. Fiscal Impact The fiscal impact of reclassifying the three (3) officers' positions to lieutenants' positions would be minimal this fiscal year. There is sufficient salary savings pre- sently to pay for the change this year. However, the real fiscal impact would be felt next year and thereafter. The initial annual fiscal impact is approximately $8,418 per position or $25,254 for all three (3). This includes the salary, benefit and overhead cost to the City (Appendix III). Exhibits l. Mem1:>randum to C-ity Manager, January 5, 1981 2. Tabie of Organization -Present (Appendix I) 3. Table of Organization -Proposed (Appendix II) 4. Cost Comparison (ApPendix III) 5. Resolution No. ~Lf J.O . Recommendations This proposal is recommended enthusiastically and with the request that it not be delayed. Inherent in the proposal is a lengthy delay due to recruitm~nt, testing and implementation. Adopt Resoution No. ~~Q. Council Action: 1-20-81 Council adopted Resolution 6420. f ' i l. f l ' i TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager January 5, 1980 FROM: Vincent D. Jimno, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Request for Additional Middle Mar.agement Positions -Lieutenants Statement of Problem Upon my appointment as Police Chief, it was recognized that a very thorough examination of the police department should take place. It was anticipated that the initial look should concentrate at this time primarily on the staff- ing levels, deployment of personnel, supervision and management capabilities. During the initial conversations regarding this examination, it was antici- pated that it would take six (6) months for a new chief to get an adequate feel for the needs of the police department. After careful examination of Carlsbad and a comparative study of nine (9) other police departments in regards to staffing levels and management sys- tems, it was determined that Carlsbad is seriously lacking in middle manage- ment positions and management capabilities. This problem is reflected re- peatedly in the way the different problems the department has faced over the last several years. The problem of not having adequate and appropriate man- agement personnel affects areas of training of employees, the quality and thoroughness of completed staff work, problem solving and preplanning tech- niques, as well as the area of development of managerial attitudes and depart- ment-wide philosophies. · The current table of organizations (Appendix I) indicates how the police de- partment is presently structured. It has many built-'in problems that effect management, training and communications systems. The police department is in a transition phase of development. It is developing from a small town structure to a larger city organization. Over the past several years this growth pattern has caused the city to continue to add personnel due to popu- lation growth; however, in this growth pattern, little development of the upper and middle management levels of the department has occurred. This rapid growth, coupled with a rapid turnover of older, long standing perM sonnel due to retirements, has caused a staff to develop that is young and relatively inexperienced. Also, the rapid addition of personnel with little concern for middle management has left the department with an inordinate lack of management personnel to coordinate, direct, train and control this young and inexperienced staff. In the comparison study rn~itioned earlier, several major problems have been identified as directly r~lated to the lack of middle management suppc:t. Those deficie 1.1cies of organization inadequacies include: 1-Inadequate field supervision due to time demands on sergeants 2-Inability in supervising more than one major incident at a time 3-Inadequate time for field and routine training by field supervisors / 2 -~-- 4-Superficial review of reports when detailed review is necessary 5-Poor and ill defined lines of authority and responsibility 6-Little or no time for planning and research 7-Poor span of control 8-Inadequate lines of communication to develop departmental standards 9-Superficial techniques of inspection systems to guarantee quality control 10-Inadequate systems to transmit management goals, objectives and philosophies 11-Too often, officers must be left in overall command due to illness or vacation Proposed Solution The City of Carlsbad is a rapidly growing community that will easi1y double and triple in population over the next few years. During this rapid growth, the complexities of the policing will increase dramatically. The organization has been attempting to organize itself into a configuration to handle this growth. However, the route it has taken is too slow and will not be $Ufficient to maintain an ever increasing quality of police service to the community. The organization must make swift and dramatic organizational changes to put into place an adequately staffed, well trained, management oriP.nted management team to do the planning, research, coordinating, controlling and supervising. This should take place as soon as possible in order to prepare this staff in suffi- cient time to deal with a population explosion which is so rapidly developing. The needs are now, but will be absolutely critical to the success of the depart- ment in the future. The longer the organization waits to put itself in order, the more problematic it becomes to correct. This proposal is to eliminate most of the noted problems and begin work on those not immediately resol'led. This proposal consists of establishing three (3) more middle management positions within the patrol division. This would be done by reclassifying three (3) existing patrol officers' positions to lieutenants. This would create a system that would allow for a full-time watch commander (lieutenant) assigned to the station on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. In turn» it would free the sergeants to become full-time field supervisors, responsible for all field activities. This change would establish clear lines of authority, correct span of c•:mtrol, develop adequate communications routes and more clearly define specific responsi- bilities. It should allow for a more effective planning and research effort, im- proved training capabilities and a sound control system (see proposed Table of Organization, Appendix II). In the analysis of the staffing levels of the patrol division, it is believed that there is sufficient overall manpower; however, this manpower is improperly deployed. Also, the ratio of supervisors to subordinates is insufficient. The fiscal impact of reclassifying the t~~ee (3) officers• posi- tions to lieutenants' positions would ·-~ mimimal this fiscal year. There is suf- ficient salary savings presently to paj ;or the change this year. However, the real fiscal impact would be felt next year and thereafter. The initial annual fiscal impact is approximately $8,418 pet position or $25,254 for all three (3). This includes the salary, benefit and overhead cost to the City (Appendix III). -2- [ The proposal's most attractive asset is that the organization puts itself into a configuration that is most efficient, effective and balance as early as possi- ble; thereafter, allowing it to have a greater impact in meeting the present and future needs of the co1TVTiunity. The additional cost to accomplish this pro- posal is far outweighed by greater efficiency, better service to the community and significant reduction in liability ~isk due to improper actions by pol ice personnel. Recommendations This proposal is recommended enthusiastically and with the request that it not be delayed or considered for next year. Inherent in the proposal is a lengthy delay due to recruitment, test1,1g and impl ementatfon. If this proposal is acceptable, the recommendation also includes consideration for the department to be allowed to conduct an open recruitment examination selection procedure to include both applicants from inside the department and outside the department. This, of course, would require adequate safeguards to acquire the best individuals possible for the positions. -3- l ·1 • . l :.ieutenant l Investigations· C. 0 Investigator lnvestig~tc•r ·- Investigate, Investigator . Investigator Investigator Juvenile Officer Juvenile Officer Revfa-.d: 8/5/;?i0 APPENDIX I . '. r i §L"?-Bi5~i . ' DEPARTMENT ART I Chief of I Police r 1 Secretary . I Captain I Support Services . I, I Coilr.lunication I Suoervisnr . I Cl erk-Sten~ 1 erk-Sten;] Cor:£. Opera or Corm1. Operator l,;OJ;t.1. Operator Conm. . Operator Conm. . On2rator . Co:m1. Operator Conm. Operator Co1mi. Onerator• Comn. Onerator Cor..n. Operator . . 7 I . Trafnini Scrgcan Crime Prevention I Sr.Officer Sr.Officer Pol .Officer Pol.Officer Po 1 • Officer Pol.Officer Pol.Officer Pol.Officer Pol .Officer . Pol.Officer Pol .Officer I I Captain I Field Services I I Lieutenant I Field Services I Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant I I Sr. Officer Sr.Officer Sr.Officer Pol .Officer Pol .Officer Pol .Officer Po1.0fficer Pol .Officer Pol .Office1 bol.Officer bol.Officer . I Sr.Officer Sr.Officer Pol .Office1 Pol .Office, Pol .Office, Pol .Officc1 Pol .Office1 Pol .Officc1 Pol .Office Pol .Officer Pol.Officer L- '$! I ,j ' ... i I -------·------···-------·-··--------·--------·------··--· ··--------L ,~· :• I Chief of ' l Police · .. . , . . • ·z . I . 7 .. 1 Secretary . . . -' . . -; . I• ... . I . ' .. .. -I Captain I .. I · Captain I --. . . Support Services . Fi c 1 d Services : ~ .. ~--- .. ' !.ieutenant • I . Investigations ~ .. j' I -· . I. I . I SP.rgeilnt · I I Hli9-B~~~¥ I Communi~~tion 1 · . Trainini· S11n~r1• c;or . Scrgean . . I ---Crime I Clerk-Steno~ terk-St~j- .Prevention I l --I I O Co~. . I pera or \1,/A't'-lt :, ... I WArot:U:=:I 'WATCU 1ll: pie'-\l!.P I Comm. \.u,.l!-n:»I L\t:IJ1'i;;-.J11. LIF.!Jj'E,JA,JT I ,,,. •--,,.i.rr I1~vcstigiltor Operator I l I ·co1a,1. Invcsti9atc1-,'!,, Operator 1 Re.1.H!F I Comm. '&e&'EMfT St::/t.G-liA~T Se:ae.f:J\..ir Se>?r..eAtlr Investigator Operator I I . Coir.n. Inve,;tigat•n Oo:?rator Sr.Officer Sr. Officer · Sr.Officer . Comm. Sr.Officer Sr.Officer Sr.Officer. Investigator Oparator ( __ Juvenile Courn, Pol .Officer Sr.Officer Sr. Officer Operator Officer ------- Juvenile Comm. Pol .Officer Pol.Officer Pol, Offi cc 1: Officer OncrJtor• -· --Conm. Pol .Officer Pol .Officer Pol .Officer Ooerator .. Cor..n, Pol .Officer PC? 1 • Offi ccr Pol.Officer . Operator . -Pol .Officer Pol .,Offic~r Pol.Officer ,. . . .. "' · "Pol .Offjcc: . , Pol .Offic!!r Pol .Officer CARLSBAD POLICE' .:PARTMENT -Pol.Office~· , Pol .Office1 ·Pol .Officer ORGANIZATION CHART Pol .Officer bo1.0fficar Pol. Officer . --Revised: . Pol.Officer , ' . ~ APPENDIX II '" .. ----,-----------------------------------------!,.-.--.--. .... ...,----... ----·------------~--------,.---, ~ -~· .... APPENDIX II I Present Officer Costs Salary: $21,292. per year Benefits: $9,244 per year Total: $30,536 Present Lieutenant Costs Salary: $27,167 per year Benefits: $11,737 per year Total: $38,954 Proposed Additional Costs $ 8,418 per year per position $25,254 total per }~ar (three (3) additional positions) / 7 l 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 6420 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING THREE POLICE LIEUTENANT POSITIONS AND AMENDING THE 1980-81 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. 6 WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council 7 concurs, that three additional Police Lieutenant positions be 8 authorized for the Police Department; 9 NOW, THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 10 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 11 12 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council authorizes and.directs the City 13 Manager to create three additional Police Lieutenant positions in .14 the Police Department and delete three ~olice Officer positions. 15 3~ That the City Council authorizes and directs the City 16 Manager to amend the 1980-81 Operating Budget of the Police Depart- 17 ment as shown in attachment A, attached hereto and made a part 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 hereof. City ing PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Council on the 20th day of J'anuari , 1981, by the follow- vote to wit: AYES: C11uncil Members Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin NOES: None ABSENT: None t .... ~Uc~~ RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 25 ATTEST: 26 27 28 (SEAL} '-•--------... ---,..,__..,_... - • i' Attachment A Resolution No. ~"lQ__ The Police Department -Field Operations Budget Salaries Account (Ol-181-1110) is amended to provide the following positions. Position Title Number of Posi tiot .. '! Captain 1 Lieut,anant 4 Sergeant 5 Senior Police Officer 7 Police Officer 24 41