HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-20; City Council; 6492; Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park Moratorium• I 6. CITY OF CARLSBAD ( J ) I AGENDA BILL NO. Initial: Dept.Hd.ak�— DATE: January 20, 1981, C. Atty.259— DEPARTMENT: City Clerk C. Mgr. Subject: REQUEST BY LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK FOR PLACEMENT UNDER THE MORATORIUM Statement of the Matter I have reviewed the•Detition submitted by Mr. Silas Bass, Jr. to Council at their meeting of Januar-, 6, 1981. At that time, Mr. Bass requested that the LanikaY Lane Mobile Home Park be placed under the Moratorium. My review shows'as follows: 88 signatures stated "Yes" they are dissatisfied with the rent increase. 13 signatures stated they were not dissatisfied. 1 signed and placed a Question Mark under the"Yes designatiorr. 1 said the increase was "OK" but the distribution was not. 103 total signatures No attempt was made to verify whether all who signed are residents of the Park, nor was there any attempt � made to verify the signatures. Per the direction of the Council at their meeting of January 6, 1981, the matter is placed before you for discussion. Council Actinn: .1=20-81 Council denied the request for placement under the moratorium with the proviso that representatives of the residents and owners meet with a Council -representative in order to attempt to develop an agreement. 1� 1 January 4, 1981 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad,. California 92008 The Honorable Ronald C. Packe.rd,.Mayor Members of the Carlsbad City Council Subject: Inclusion of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park in the Rent Moratorium in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Ordinances Numbered. 9565 and 9572. A City Council action ca December 16, 1980 inadverdantly lifted the moratorium on rent increases in the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park under the erroneous belief that a signed agreement existed between the park owners and the tenants elected committee. Your Ordinance number 9565 enacted on October 28,;1980 provided a, period of time extending through December 31,. 1980, for the resolution of the rent dispute between park owners and mobile home tenents. On December 3 „ 1980, a formal meeting was held between the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Parks Owners and the Park Rent Grievance Committee., At that meeting a substantial discussion of grievances took place resulting in the park owners promise of a response prior to the expiration of your deadline of December 31, 1980., for agreement and in sufficient time for the results to be m&de known to the City Council. For whatever reason, this response was withheld or otherwise delayed. it was dated December 15, 1980, and hand delivered to all park tenants on December 17th., the day after the City Council_ meeting and after the City Coi+ncil's action effectively removed the Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Parks tenants from the protection of the rent moratorium. The owners response to the tenants grievances is unsatisfactory and rejected.. The grievance still exists and is attested to by the results of a resurvey of all park spaces taken between December 21 „ 1980, and January 4, 1981. The survey shows each numbered space together with the tenants signature,, his/her expression of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the rent increase and the date. The summarized results show 87.225S are opposed and 12..7315, are sat- isfied, this is a ratio of 7.64 to 1. This very substantial dec]aration of dissatisfaction compells thin Rent Grievance Committee to petition this City Council for inclusion of the Lanikai lane Mobile Home Park tenants in the extension of the moratorium as provided for in your Ord- inance 9572 of December 16, 1981. AA. Low negotiations to �a or exploration of xbmitted by:: abile home Park I Committee- i /{eger '(U ,on (Alt.,)• Le (Alt.). " 1 1 4 3 i� �jy}y ii TTY� �r i 1 i i 's 1 N 6 Jan. 1981 RE -SURVEY TAKEN BETMEN DEC.,21, 1980 AND JAN. 4, 1981 No. of Spaces 60-96 89 Stated total dissatisfaction with rent increase. and owners response to Committee requests.. 8.90 13 Stated they were satisfied.. 2.05 3 Spaces represent owners/,,management, they were not surveyed.. 2..74 4 Spaces refused to sign either for or against the rent increase., 3.42 5 Spaces "For Sale" - not occupied. 21.92 32 Spaces unoccupied for various reasons i.e.: Week enders Away for holiday Other • 1005S 146 Total spaces surveyed - All vacant spaces contacted daily over a period of 14 days. NOTE:: The ratio of dissatisfaction is 8'7.?2/ compared to satisfaction of 12.73%.. This is a ratio of 7.64 to 1. 1 w LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETITION ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASE? SPACE # NAME YES/ NO DATE L jo , 1 � Z2 9.. ' l% I — r-;' & Z- 2-(--S-' w 1 i t 4 f t` } THIS ?NFORMATION REQ STED BY YOUR LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HCrL PARK RENT COMMITTEE. pdward R. DeYoeger' - C i n Mary McCabe Cy-- Rae Simonson - Alternate Ruth L. Co;le ` Alternate z ' M4 LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETITION ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASES SPACE # N YES NO DATE -7 Z'-,74 2 tin 2 2 -J Z 2. go 4�4y p v . 2/ THIS INFORMATION 0 BY YOUR LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK RENT COMMITTEE. Edward R. DeYoeget - Chairman Rae Simonson - Alternate Mary McCabe Ruth L. Coyle Alternate a E I LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETITION ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASE? SPACE # NAME YES NO DATE -�' -- .f t ' 5 4. � e ac 1 THIS_INFORMATION RE Q STED BY YOUR LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK RENT COMMITTEE. E ward R. DeYoege - C n Mary cCabe , Y�-71 e Simonson -alternate Ruth L. Coyle alternate LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETITION' ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASE? YES NO DATE 2. o ro , e-D r� X %�-2�•- OV`D C) 1 a %"sHIS,INFO&MATION REQUESTED BY YOUR LANIKAI LANE :MOBILE HO'i E PARK RENT COMMITTEE. Edward R. DeYoeger - C1jaitman Mary McCabe Rae Simonsor. - alternate Ruth L. Coyle, Alternate SPACE # - �5 � �u 4: k L 63 NAME LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETITION ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASE? ✓ N l_ L.(iV ROT 31}k � •7 �^ YAf'AfiMl YES NO DATE So r 9.0 THIS INVA TONIREQ - Cr!Lir 14rq f �Frivarri A 'T1aVnaoar .. STED BY YOUR I.bigk LANE MOBILE HOME PARK RENT COMMITTEE. �13 c4i :i V.�t1�5 / / on - Alternate uk, Mary cCabe Ruth L. Coyle v' Alternate LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK PETIVON ARE YOU DISSATISIFIED WITH THE PROPOSED RENT INCREASE? j SPACE # NAME / YFF NO DATE C r ze /v-7=ZZ i z� L r r THIS INFORMATION REQ STED BY YOUR LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK RENT CMITTEE. �— Edward R. DeYoeger' - Chaftihan ✓ Mary McCabe Rae Simonson - Alternate Ruth L. Coyle J,Alternate