HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-28; City Council; 6410-4; Mobile Home Park Rent MoratoriumM CITY OF CARLSBAD •.A T,L h:,i �yl.Q .' initial: Dept.Fd. ERR iARY 2R„ 1 9R1 _ C. Atty..__..____ DEP7:: T1,1ENT : __ CI1y MANAGER L C . Mgr . 5nbjuc:t: MOBILE HOME PARK RENT MORATORIUM Statement of the Matter. On September 16, 1980, the Council received a petition signed by 1400 persons requesting the City to impose a moratorium on rents in mobile home parks and to appoint a commission to draft an ordinance to regulate relationships between mobile home park and unit owners. Council referred petition to City Manager and requested a report in 30 days. On October 28, 1980, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 9565 imposing a 60-day moratorium on rent increases in four mobile home parks in Carlsbad. Council also adopted a motion requesting each mobile home park to appoint a negotiating committee to attempt to solve rental disputes by Janu= ary 1, 1981. In addition Council directed City Attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing a negotiation -arbitration procedure for mobile home parks. At the October 28 Council meeting reports from the City Attorney's office and the City Housing office reviewed pertinent facts concerning rent regulations in mobile home parks. On December 16, 1980, a public hearing was held to consider the ordinance drafted by the City Attorney. At that hearing testimony was presented indicating that two mobile home parks had resolved the rental disputes (Solamar and Lanikai Lane); Rancho Carlsbad Park had entered into an agreement to negotiate and arbitrate the dispute; and Lakeshore Gardens had not resolved the problem. Testimony was also presented indicating that the majority of mobile homeowners still favored a city regulatory ordinance but they were riot supportive of the ordinance drafted by City Attorney. On December 16, 1980, the Council adopted Ordinance 9572 extending the moratorium to February 28, 1981. The Council also directed the City Attorney to revise the regulatory ordinance -and directed_the'City Manager to continue efforts to bring about a voluntary agreement within each park to establish negotiation -arbitration procedure to resolve dis- putes. On January 20, 1981, a petition was filed with the City Council by , the mobile home owners of Lanikai Lane asserting that a dispute exists in that park and asking the Council to include Lanikai Lane in the moratorium. The Council denied the request based upon testi- mony that rental increases had already gone into effect on January 1,1981 and that the alleged dispute concerned matters other than a general rent increase. February 28, 1981 ,., Agenda i Bill No 4410 �y Mobile Home Park Re Moratoriuftt Rage 2 Stlatement of the Matter (Con't.) On February 3.0, 1981, the Council rejected a recommendation from the City Manager and City Attorney to extend the moratorium to April 10,1981 in order to allow an ordinance to be adopted and become effective. The Council at that time scheduled a meeting for February 28 for a final resolution of the moratorium issue. OTHER ACTIONS The above statement lists the official actions of the City Council. In addition numerous other actions have occurred over the past five months which relate to the mobile home rent issue. On December 29, 1980, a Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief was filed in the Superior Court in Vista. The complaint was brought by the owners of Rancho Carlsbad against the City of Carlsbad in an effort to declare the December 16, 1980 moratorium unconstitutional, invalid and unenforceable. Various actions, depositions and hearings concerning that complaint have followed and are still being pursued. The City Attorney's office has been deeply engaged in research and drafting of various ordinance approaches to dealing with mobile home rents. In addition, the Attorney's Office has expended sub- stantial time and effort in defending the Moratorium action in court. it is clear that any regulatory ordinance or moratorium extension will result in protracted and costly litigation to test the City's power to regulate in this area. The City Manager's office has also been engaged in extensive re- search and negotiation in order to bring about a voluntary solution to the dispute. Mayor Packard and individual members of the City Council have also held numerous meetings with mobile home owners and committees in order to bring about an agreement. CURRENT SITUATION At the time of the Council meeting on February 28, 1981, the following situation will exist. 1. Solamar mobile home park has entered into an agreement dated December 16, 1980 providing for a negotiating procedure. Rents were increased 7 % on January 1, 1981. There is no dispute in Solamar at t 1s time. 2. Rancho Carlsbad has entered into an agreement dated Feb- ruary 25, 1981 which provides a negotiation -arbitration procedure to resolve the noticed 13% rental increase. This agreement is signed by Kenneth Reed, Attorney in fact for the Park Owner and by GSMOL Negotiating Committee with power of attorney for 387 mobile home owners (86%). The agreement is conditioned on "the City of Carlsbad not taking any action by way of ordinance or moratorium to control or suspend rent increases in mobile home parks in Carlsbad" - (Section XVI). Bill N February 28, 1981. Agenda ��L1 11 ••� Mobile) Home Park Rent Moratorium Page 3 • CURRENT SITUATION (Con't.) 3. Lanikai Lane owner Jack Robinson has signed an agreement, substantially the same as the Rancho Carlsbad agreement. Lanikai Lane Mobile home Owners Association has indicated that they will support the agreement. Because of lack of time it was not possible for all mobile home owners in Lanikai Lane to review and sign the agreement. Rent in- creases in Lanikai Lane were effective January 1, 1981. No further rent increase notices are expected before November 1, 1981. There will be no need for negotiation on Lanikai Lane before then so adequate time is available for Lanikai Lane mobile home owners to determine how they wish to deal with negotiation. 4. Lakeshore Gardens owners (Charles Bronson et al) have opted not to enter into an agreement to negotiate rents. They have, however, offered to settle the rent dispute by increasing rents 11% November 1, 1980. They have further offered to excuse rents due between November 1, i980 and March 1, 1981. This provides an effective 7�% rent increase for the current year. The next rental increase could be noticed for November 1, 1981. The original rent notice for November 1980 was at 1.6% so the residents of Lakeshore Gardens have substantially benefitted from the Council's actions to date. EXHIBITS Solamar Agreement - December 16, 1980 Rancho Carlsbad Agreement - February 25, 1981 Lanikai Lane Agreement j to be filed 2/28/81 Lanikai Home Owners' letter) Lakeshore Gardens' letter Ordinance (Revised) Moratorium Extension Ordinance Report on rental increases OPTIONS FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION A. Allow Moratorium to expire. If Council feels that all parties have substantially complied with Council. intent to work out a voluntary solution to the problem - no action is regrired. B. Extend Moratorium on Rental Increases,Sf Council feels that more time is needed to work out details then the moratorium could be extended. The risk in this course is that extending the moratorium V-*,*,-e y_ ,' Y* F -- February 28, 1°O1 f - Mobile Home Park RO---:-Mo!-atorium � r , '-< nda Bil1GJ110 -g& 4 - could invalidate current agreements and litigation would continue . C. Adopt Ordinance establishing procedure to facilitate disputes. If Council feels that the voluntary agreement approach is unworkable then an ordinance could be adopted. The risk in this course is that all work done to date would be fruitless. and the City would be involved in costly and prolged that litigation. if this course is chosen, it is suggest commitments be gained from GSMOL and mobile home owners that they will assist the City in legal defense. Council Action: 2=28-81 Council agreed to let the moratorium expire and directed staff to file the regulatory ordinance at this time. W J - 1 2 3 4 t 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 m 13 J � U � 0U.14 Z 0 W C 0�<� 15 ms`n <Z i 16 W Q z0 ^vmi >Q a 17 U 18'. U i 191 20 21 22 23 24 25 / 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO.-'Kft,_ AN ORDINANCE -OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE by THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 5.32 TO FACILITATE RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES OVER MOBILEHOME PARK RENTS. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That Title 5 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Chapter 5.32 to read as follows: "Chapter 5.32 PROCEDURE FOR RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES OVER MOBILEHOME PARK RENTS Sections: 5.32.010 Purpose and intent. 5.32.020 Definitions. 5.32.030 Applicability. 5.32.040 Rental information. 5.32.050 Formation of park negotiating committee. 5.32.060 Advance notice of rent increases. 5.32.070 Mobilehome owners response to ballot. 5.32.080 Acceptance of increase. 5.32.090 Rejection of increase. 5.32.100 Meeting of park negotiating committee. 5.32.110 Tentative agreement ballot. 5.32120 Acceptance of agreement. 5.32:130 Rejection of agreement. 5.32.140 Final offer. 5.32.150 Acceptance of final offer. 5.32.160 Rejection of final offer. 5.32.170 Initiation of arbitration. 5.32.180 Arbitration. 5.32.196 Venue. 5.32.200 Standards for arbitration. 5.32.210 Arbitrator's decision. 5.32.220 Costs. 5.32.230 Retroactivity. 5.32.240 Enforcement. 5.32.250 I -imitation on fees and assessments. 5.32.260 Retaliatory eviction. 5.32.270 Exception -private agreement. 5.32.280 Severability. 5.32.010 Purpose and intent. There is presently within the City of CarlsbadCarlsbZd and the surrounding areas, a severe shortage of spaces for the location of mobilehomes. Because of the F11 II Y a 1 shortage there is a low vacancy rate, and rents have been for several years and are presently in some parks rising rapidly 2 and causing great concern among a substantial number of Carlsbad residents. These concerns have resulted in strife which 3 jeopardizes the public health, safety and welfare of both the mobilehome owners and mobilehome park owners. The problems 4 caused by this strife can be avoided if both parties will under- stand their respective rights as property owners and their 5 relation to one another. Because their rights are interrelated, both parties must refrain from certain unilateral acts or practice; 6 This chapter is intended to promote an understanding of these matters and to provide a procedure to resolve disputes. Due to 7 the high cost of moving mobilehomes, the potential damage resulting therefrom, the requirements relating tothe rinstallation 8 of mobilehomes, including permits, landscaping and site pre ara- 9 tion, the lack of alternative homesites for mobilehome residents and the substantial investments of mobilehome owners in such homes, the mobilehome owner is often in an unequal bargaining 10 position with the park owner. This chapter is to rtect of mobilehome owners to organize and bargain collectively by right 11 encouraging practices fundamental to the friendly adjustment of disputes arising out of differences as to rent increases in c 12 mobilehome parks by restoring equality of bargaining power between ti 13 park owners and mobilehome owners. Because of the high cost of a moving mobilehomes, the potential for damage resulting therefrom, W < the requirements relating to the installation of mobilehomes, u. 14 including permits, landscaping and site preparation, the lack of c ,o alternative homesites for mobilehome residents and the substantial a u J a 15 investment of mobilehome owners in such homes, the City Council WWO also finds and declares it necessary to establish a means which, Z 8 0 16 if followed, can provide protection to the owners and occupiers z o�y of mobilehomes from unreasonable rent increases while at the same > a a 17 time recognizing the need of mobilehome park owners to receive a reasonable return on their property and rent increases y 18 sufficient to cover the increased cost of repairs, maintenance, 19 insurance, upkeep and additional amenities. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of 20 Carlsbad to encourage the practice and procedure of collective bargaining and protecting mobilehome owners of full freedom of 21 association, self organization and designating representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of negotiating the terms 22 and conditions of rent, rent spaces, and rent increases of mobilehome parks, based on present services in effect, present 23 amenities in effect and for additional amenities. 24 The procedures contained herein are intended to enhance resolution of unreasonable increases in rents by making it 25 advantageous for mobilehome owners and mobilehome park owners to establish a better understanding for each others positions 26 through communication, hopefully resulting in an agreement on the amount of rent to be charged. However, if an agreement cannot 27 be reached, the City Council has determined it necessary and in the public interest to have the disagreement resolved by 28 binding arbitration. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a J 13 � U � o.. -Z 14 Z w 2�'50 15 CO 3 a LL} W CJ wZ 16 CC z.o' 17 a � 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 � a 5.32.'020 Definitions. Words used in this chapter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section: (1) "Arbitration" means a process conducted in accordance with the California Arbitration provisions contained in Section 1280, et seq. of the California Code of Civil Procedures. (2) "Arbitrator" means an impartial arbitrator selected pursuant to this chapter on a case by case basis. (3) "Association" means the mobilehome owners organization representing the mobilehome owners of at least 60% of the occupied spaces within the park. (4) "Majority" means a simple majority of the mobilehome owners in a park eligible to vote and voting. (5) '"Mobilehome owner" means any person or persons entitled to occupy a mobilehome dwelling unit pursuant to ownership thereof. (6) "Owner" means the owner, lessor, operator, manager or designated agent of a park. (7) "Park" means a mobilehome park which rents spaces for mobilehome dwelling units. (8) "Park Committee" means the mobilehome park committee to be established in each mobilehome park in accordance N with this chapter. (9) "Rent" means the consideration, including any benefits or fees, in connection with the use and occupancy of a mobilehome space in a park. 5.32.030 Applicability. The provisions of this chapter ; shall only apply to a park which: (1) Contains more than twenty-five spaces; and (2) Where an association of mobilehome owners has s been formed and a written notice has been filed by the association with the owner containing: (1) the name and mailing address of -3- 10' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 the association; (2) the names and addresses of the association' Officers; (3) the names and addresses of the persons authorized to represent the association in dealings with the owner; and (4) certification that the membership of the association includes all the mobilehome owners of more than 60% of the occupied spaces within the park. 5.32.040 Rental information. Within thirty days after notice to an owner by an association of their existence, if requested the owner must provide the association with current monthly rental rates and fees schedule showing the rent for each space within the park, the schedule which was in effect one year preceding the date of activation of the association and the date and amount of any increases in rent during the interim. 5.32.050 Formation o of ark ne tiatin committee. The owner oi and associatiof a park shall establish a on _ mittee consisting of an even number of membersrkoneghalftofgsuch members representatives of the owner, and one-half of such members representatives of the mobilehome owners. The exact number of members and alternates if any shall be determined by mutual agree- ment between the owner and the association. 5.32.060 Advance notice I'll I'llof rent increases. (a) Not later than sixty calendar days before an increase in rent is to become applicable, an owner shall provide written notice thereof to the association and to all mobilehome owners in the park. (b) Upon receipt by the association of such notice the association shall promptly send out a secret ballot to all the mobilehome owners in the park asking for a vote on whether to accept or reject the rent increase. 5.32.070 Mobil ehome owners response to ballot. days of receipt of Within ten a ballot pursurant to section 5.32.060, the mobilehome owners (1 vote for each space) shall reply to the association indicating their vote to accept or reject the proposed rent increase. The replies shall be tabulated by the association. The owner shall be afforded the right to be present at such tabu- lation. The association shall notify the owner of the results. 5.32.080 Acceptance of increase. If a simple majority of the mobilehome owners voting accept the proposed increase in rent, it 22 will become effective on the effective date designated by the owner 23 on the advance notice of rent increase. if 5.32.090 Refection of increase. If a simple majority of the 24 mobilehome owners voting reject the proposed increase in rent, the matter 25 increase hshallall enot fbereffective,ed to the park negotiating committee and the 26 5.32.100 __Meetincr of park necrotiatin committee. The negotiating committee shall meet park 27 increase which is referred to them rand tshall investigateoconsider , hold osed hearings and take any other reasonable steps necessary to resolve 28 the matter by arriving at a mutually agreeable rent increase. The -4- I 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 committee shall establish their own rules and procedures. The committee shall be guided in their deliberations by the purposes and intent of this chapter. Upon request the owner shall make available to the committee such information and records concerning the operation of the park as are reasonably necessary to a deter- mination of costs of operation and a reasonable return on the property. The owner shall also furnish the committee with facts and figures he relies on to show that the proposed rent increase is fair and equitable. The committee shall meet for a reasonable period of time in a good faith effort to reach agreement. 5.32.110 Tentative agreement --ballot. If the park negotiating committee reaches a tentative agreement on a rent increase, the association shall promptly by secret ballot poll the mobilehome owners in the park for acceptance or rejection. The secret ballot shall include the recommendation of the committee. The time limits and procedures of section 5.32.070 shall apply to the ballot. 5.32.120 Acceptance of agreement. If a simple majority of the mobilehome owners voting accept the tentative agreement the rent increase and any other provisions will become effective as provided therein. 5.32.130 Rejection of agreement. If the tentative agreement is rejected the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accor- dance with the provisions of this chapter. 5.32.140 Final offer. If after a reasonable period of time in good faith negotiations an agreement acceptable to the park negotiating committee has not :en reached the owner shall make a final offer. The association shall promptly report this offer together with their recommendation to the mobilehome owners in the park and poll them as either•acceptance of the final offer or a rejection and referral of the matter to arbitration. The time limits and procedures of section 5.32.070 shall apply to the ballot 5.32.150 Ace tance of final offer. If a simple majority of the mobilehome owners voting accept the final offer it shall become effective as provided therein. 5.32.160 Rejection of final offer. if the final offer is rejected the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. 5.32.170 Initiation of arbitration. Upon referral to arbi- tration the committee shall immediately meet and take steps to select an arbitrator, and do anything else required to secure a speedy resolution of the arbitration. If the committee fails to agree on the selection of an impartial arbitrator within fourteen days from the referral either the owner or the association shall have the right to submit the dispute to the American Arbitration Association for the selection of an arbitrator pursuant to their rules. 5.32.180 Arbitration. The arbitrator shall determine the -5- ill 211 311 411 5 il 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16I 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2e rights of the parties in accordance with the law, including this chapter. The award shall be subject to review as to the arbitrator's application of the law by any court having jurisdiction of the matter, whether or not any mistake of the law shall appear upon the face of the award. As to all questions of, however, the determination of the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be binding upon all parties and shall be deemed final and conclusive. Each party shall be entitled to written findings of fact and conclusions of law as to all issues determined by the award. Subject to the above limitations the award granted by the arbitrator shall be binding upon all parties to the arbitration. 5.32.190 Venue. For the purpose of litigation or arbitration, venue shall lie in the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego, State of California, or, if such venue cannot be exercised, in the Federal or State Court nearest to the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego. 5.32.200 Standards for arbitration. The arbitrator shall give due cons to the purposes and intent of this chapter in reaching a decision. In evaluating the rent increase proposed by the owner, the arbitrator shall also consider increased costs to the owner attributable to increases in utility rates and property taxes, insurance, advertising, governmental assessments, cost -of -living increases attributable to incidental services, normal repair and maintenance, capital improvements, upgrading and addition of amenities or services as well as a fair, rate of return on the property. 5.32.210 Arbitrator's decision. The arbitrator shall make a final decision within ten days after the conclusion of the hearing and notify the owner and the association. The ,association shall promptly notify the mobilehome owners of the arbitrator's decision. 5.32.220 Costs. The costs of arbitration shall be paid one-hal by the owner and one-half by the association. 5 32 230 Retroactivity. l.) The procedures of this chapter are intended to result in a final resolution of a dispute prior to the effective date of a rent increase. If negotiations or arbitration do not result in a final decision by the effective date, the noticed rent shall be paid provided the amount of the increase shall be placed in an interest bearing trust account. Any negotiated agreement or arbitrator's decision shall be retroactive to the noticed effective date and shall provide for the disbursement of any trust account as a part of any such agreement or decision. (b) This chapter shall apply to rents as they existed on December 31, 1980. Any rent increase to be effective or effective after that date is subject to this chapter. Upon the effective date of this chapter, any rent increases suspended by the City's moratorium ordinances shall become effective. The increase shall be placed in an interest bearing trust account. -6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 a n 13 go 14 Z W 15' QLL m V lL W WZ8O 16 20^m >� 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The tenants shall have 30 days -to comply with Section 5.32.030. If they do not, the increases shall be fully effective and the trust account paid to the park owner. If they do comply, Section 5.32.060(a) shall not apply. The association shall promptly send the notice required by Section 5.32.060 and the parties shall proceed to resolve the matter in accordance with this chapter. A decision on any such increase shall be fully retroactive to the originally noticed effective date. 5.32.240 Enforcement. (a) Violation of the provisions of this chapter shall not constitute a crime. (b) A mobilehome owners' association may at any time bring an action in the courts of this state alleging a violation by an owner of any of the terms of this chapter, including -7- i a� 1 r , 1 but not limited to, the existence of a level of rents in excess of that allowed and may seek a court order requiring compliance 2 with the provisions of this chapter. (c) An owner may at any time file an action in the courts 3 of this state alleging a violation by an association of the provisions of this chapter, and may seek a court order directing 4 compliance with the provisions hereof. (d) The owner may not enforce a rent increase in excess of 5 that allowed by this chapter. In the went an owner increases rents without complying with the provisions of this chapter, such 6 an increase shall be deemed null and void, residents shall not be required to pay such increase except to the extent it is specif- 7 ically established by an individually written contract between the resident and landlord, and any resident who is sought to be 8 excluded from the park through an unlawful detainer action brought by the owner to enforce eviction, shall have a right to assert the 9 invalidity of such increase as a defense to the unlawful detainer proceedings is failure of the resident to pay such increase. 10 5.32.250 Limitation on fees and assessments. A mobilehome 11 owner shall not be charged any fee for other than rent and reason- able charges for services actually rendered. A mobilehome owner 12 shall not be charged a security deposit nor a fee for entry, a installation hookup, or landscaping, except as specifically CO g 13 permitted under Section 798.37 of the Civil Code, as a condition of a any tenancy. There shall be no imposition by the owner of any a 14 fees or assessments until such assessments or fees have been Q LL � z �W� approved in writing by mobilehome owners representing more than n <<LL 15 fifty percent of the spaces within the park. IL W V W -@c 16 5.32.260 Retaliator eviction. Notwithstanding Section z oca E 5.32.above, in any action brought to recover possession of a -> K u' 17 rental unit the court may consider as grounds for denial any a violation of apy provision of this chapter. Further, the 18 determination that the action was brought in retaliation for the exercise of any rights conferred by this chapter shall be grounds 19 for denial. Any action brought within three months of the determination of a petition filed with the park negotiating 20 committee shall be presumed to be retaliatory: this presumption affects the burden of proof, and is rebuttable by the owner. 21 5.32.070 Exce tion- rivate agreement. The City Council 22 may except a mobilehome park from this chapter provided that a contract between the park owner and the owners of at least 50% 23 of the mobilehomes in that park is submitted to the Council and the Council finds that the contract provides an effective 24 alternative procedure for resolution of disputes over mobilehome rents. The exception shall remain in effect for the term of 25 the contract. Upon termination of the contract, the park shall again be subject to the terms of this chapter.. 26 5.32.280 Severability. If any provision or clause of this 27 chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or to be otherwise invalid by any 28 court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect -8- 1 1 other chapter provisions or clauses or applications thereof which can be implemented without the invalid provision or clause or 2 application, and to this end the provisions and clauses of this chapter are declared to be severable." 3 4 EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 5 days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the 6 adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least 7 once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its 8 adoption. 9 INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the 10 Carlsbad City Council, held on the day of 11` 1981 and thereafter c 12 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the said Council a s co 13 held on the day of , 1981 by the following W a 14 vote; to wit: Z O W 2 '< 15 AYES: L4 LL W z a 16 NOES: zo^m 17 ABSENT: 18 RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor 19 ATTEST: 20 21 22 ALETHA L. NKRANZ, City Clerk RAUTE 23 ISEAL) 24 25 26 27 �a -9- I r ocin C i L 41 LETTER OF AGREEMENT This letter of agreement is between All -Coast Enterprises, Inc., the owner of Solamar Mobile Estates (hereinafter referred to as "OWNER") and Solamar Mobilehome Owners Association (hereinafter referred to as "RESIDENTS"). a e s• bot thwe/ SJN a d RESIDENTS are in favor of a means of solving e �iAA%1 vernment regulations; and ��k Whereas: the City of Carlsbad took action on October 28th, 1980 instructing Park Owners and Mobile Home Owners to get together through a Negotiating Commit- tee; and establish an Arbitrator approach if necessary as a final solution; and Whereas: the OWNER has indicated a desire and willingness to proceed with A Negotiating Committee; and Whereas: the RESIDENTS through their representative organizations have 7findicated a desire to establish a Negotiation Committee; therefore it isv��, J agreed the following steps in procedure will be followed to resolve the 7f NEGOTIATING PROCEDURE z i 1. Immediately following the OWNER's notice of increase in User -fees (Rents), the RESIDENTS will be polled for acceptance or rejection. 2. Should a simple majority of the RESIDENTS by spaces currently occupied reject the proposed increase in User -fee (Rents), there shall be formed within two (•2) weeks a Negotiating Committee consisting of five (5) members. Two members shall be selected by the OWNER, twq selected by RESIDENTS and one (1) selected by the four. Should the four members decide unanimously that a fifth member is not needed, then the committee shall proceed with four members. 3. The Negotiating Committee shall meet at times and intervals sufficient to arrive at a mutually agreeable User -fee (Rents) within 20 days after forma- tion of the Committee. The Negotiating Committee shall consider all evidence presented to it. The OWNER and RESIDENTS shall be encouraged to present facts and testimony for the committee members to consider. These facts may be Presented with the assistance of a spokesman or counsel. 4. A four -fifths (4/5) vote of the Negotiating Committee will be required to agree on a User -fee (Rents) to be presented to the RESIDENTS for acceptance. S. After a User -fee (Rents) has been agreed by the Negotiating Committee, the RESIDENTS shall be polled for acceptance or rejection. A simple majority vote of the RESIDENTS by spaces (one space equals one vote) will be required to accept or reject. In the event the vote is to reject, then the procedure set forth in Paragraph 6, 7, & 8 shall be followed. i 6. Should the Negotiating Committee be unable to agree upon acceptable User -fee (Rents), RESIDENTS by spaces (one space equeals one vote), shall be polled for acceptance or rejection of the 0WNER's proposal and if rejected by a simple majority, the dispute will be submitted to binding arbitration. The Arbitrator will be selected by the Negotiating Committee according to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The Arbitrator will be given 10 working days if possible after receipt of the case to arrive at his decision. The decision of the Arbitrator will be final and binding upon both parties retroactive to January 1, 1981. The Arbitration hearing will be held and conducted according to the Rules of the American Arbitration Association and applicable California law. 7. Each party shall submit such evidence as they feel is necessary to support their respective positions in the dispute in determining if a rent increase is -necessary or required and if so, is it fair and equitable to the RESIDENTS and will it provide the 014NER sufficient funds to operate the Park, with a just and reasonable return on his property. Suggested testimony furnished for his consideration may include but not be limited to, the services and amenities provided, the value of the property and capital improvements, taxes, operating expenses, the value of the RESIDENT'S coaches, their increased costs in upkeep, including but not limited to increased costs in electricity and gas, etc. However, whenever any testimony is submitted, the Arbitrator shall make the determination to include or exclude any testimony which he feels is F not germane and material to the dispute. 8. The cost of the arbitration will be shared equally by the OWNER and it the RESIDENTS. 9. This agreement is not intended to supersede or contradict the laws of the State of California generally or as they pertain specifically to mobile - home parks, mobilehome park rents, and otherwise, as they are now enacted or enacted in the future by the California State Legislature or the California State COnstitutien. Further, this agreement is specifically conditioned on the City of Carlsbad taking no action by way of ordinance or otherwise to direct influence or control directly or indirectly the rent levels in Mobile - home Parks in Carlsbad. Date_ Approved in Form and Content by Members of Negotiating Committee Page Two of Two V4 BIRTCHER PACIFIC" t , February 26, 1981 E i Mayor Ronald C. Packard City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 ► Dear Mr. Mayor: ! As agent for the owners of Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Home i Park, we have decided to propose the following reduced rent increases providing the City of Carlsbad allows the "rent moratorium" to expire at midnight, February 28, 1981' Present New Monthly Space Monthly Rate Increase Rate, A $160 $18 $178 t B $180 $20 $200 t C $195 $21 $216 k D $210 $23 $233 The new rate of rent as stated above is effective November 1, 1980. The owner,in the spirit of cooperation,is going to forgive the increase for the months of November, December, 1980, January and February, 1981, therefore, the new rates of rent will commence March 1, 1981. In accordance with state law, these rates will remain constant through October 31, 1981. We understand that this has been a significant problem for you and the City Council•. We hope you understand our problem and the history of rental rates in Lakeshore Gardens. John W. Skillman Vice President - Property Management cc: Larry Martindale Above letter dictated over the phone Friday, February 27, 1981 by Mr. Skillman. Letter sent by him was not received in today's mail. r,% < _ , . , r � �► AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on the day of ° 1981, by and between WESTERN LAND & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, �geral # partnership, DBA "RANCHO CARLSBAD, its assigns and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to as "'Owner" and the owners of ' mobilehomes in Rancho Carlsbad, and their assigns and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to individually and collectively as "Mobilehome Owners". M� I DEFINITIONS Words used in this agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this Paragraph: ti (1) "Arbitration" means a process conducted in accordance with the rules,_ regulations, and procedures of the American Arbi- trationAssociation as well as applicable California law. (2) "Arbitrator" means an arbitrator selected pursuant to this agreement on a case -by -case basis. (3) "Association" means an organization authorized by powers of attorney to represent the mobilehome owner(s) for the purposes of this agreement. (4) "Owner" means the owner, lessor, operator, manager or designated agent of a mobilehome park. (5) "Park" means a mobilehome park which rents spaces for mobilehome dwelling units. k r (6) "Mobilehome Owner(s)" means an y person(s) entitled to s occupy a mobilehome dwelling unit pursuant to ownership thereof. ! (7) "Rent" means the consideration, including any benefits or fees in connection with the use and occupancy of a mobilehome i space in a park. II NOTICE OF RENT INCREASES Any notice that an increase in rent is to become applicable , shall be accomplished by written notice thereof to the mobilehome j owner(s) of the park. Such notice shall be effected in accordance f with applicable California law. In addition, the notice shall i provide for the indication,by the mobilehome owner(s) of their g acceptance or rejection of the proposed increase. III � MOBILEHOME OWNER(S) RESPONSE -TO NOTICE S € Within fifteen (15) days of the date of a notice pursuant to t t Paragraph II, hereof, the mobilehome owrerls) shall reply as follows:, (1) Mobilehome owners) electing to accept the rent increase rather than be bound by an arbitrator's decision, and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by simply making no reply. Failure to reply within fifteen,(15) days of the date of notice pursuant to Paragraph,II shall constitute acceptance of the rent. f (2) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to reject the proposed j increase and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by { notifying the park owners of their decision directly. (3) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to have the association represent them may send their acceptance or rejection of the pro- posed increase to their association, along with a power of attorney 1 -2- 1�� duly appointing the association as thf'.r attorney in fact. (4) If the rent increase should be referred to arbitration, each mobilehome owner, whether individually or as a member of the association, should the association elect to arbitrate, shall pay their pro rata share of one-half of the costs of arbitration as provided herein. If an individual wishes to be bound by the arbitration conducted by the association, he may do so by agreeing to pay his share of the costs as provided above. $ IV ACCEPTANCE OF.INCREASE # f # For the mobilehome owner(s) who accept the noticed increase in rent, said increase will become effective on the date designated by the owner on the notice of rent increase. V r } REJECTION OF INCREASE jFor the mobilehome owner(s) who reject the proposed increase, such rejection shall constitute an election to negotiate as here- inafter provided. VI r NEGOTIATION The parties hereto shall promptly meet in a good faith effort to explain and justify their respective positions and attempt to resolve the dispute. If agreement is reached, the increase will be effective as of the date originally noticed. After a reasonable period of time (in no event more than 20 days), if no agreement is reached, either party may declare an impasse and request the matter be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. VII INITIATION OF ARBITRATION Upon receipt of one or more requests for arbitration as provided hereinabove, the, mobilehome owner(s) so electing and the owner shall immediately take steps to select an arbitrator, and do anything else required to secure a speedy resolution of the ,arbitration. If the parties cannot agree on the selection of an' arbitrator within ten (10) days, the arbitrator shall be selected pursuant to the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. VIII ------------ The arbitrator shall determine the rights of the parties in accordance with the law and the provisions of this agreement. The award shall be subject to review as to the arbitrator's app= lication of the law and facts in a hearing de novo by any court having jurisdiction of the matter, whether or not any mistake of law - or fact shall appear upon the face of the award. Each party shall be entitled to written findings of fact as to all issues determined by the award. Subject to the above limitations and to Paragraph XIII, the award granted by the arbitrator shall be binding upon all parties to the arbitration. -4- IX VENUE For the purpose of litigation or arbitration, venue shall lie in the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego, State of California, or, if such venue cannot be exercised, in } the Federal or State Court nearest to the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego. X ' i, STANDARDS FOR ARBITRATION The arbitrator shall give due consideration to the purposes and intent of this agreement in reaching a decision. In determining ' what is a fair rent increase and fair rate of return on the value of the owner's property, the arbitrator may consider all relevant facts, including but not limited to, the services and amenities provided, the current value of the property and capital improvements, the cost of new capital improvements, taxes, operating expenses; the value of the mobilehome owner(s) coaches, their increased costs in { upkeep, including but not limited to, increased costs in electricity ,t and gas. However, whenever any testimony is submitted, the arbi- trator shall make the determination to include or exclude any testimony which he feels is not germane and material to the dispute. XI ARBITRATOR'S DECISION The arbitrator shall make a final decision within ten (10) days after the conclusion of the arbitration proceedings and shall notify the parties of such decision. The rent shall be determined by the arbitrator and may be more or less than the amount of rent noticed. -5- � • (1) The rent noticed pursuant to Paragraph II shall be paid to owner according to the terms of that notice subject to refund or surcharge and accrued interest as provided in this Paragraph. (2) The decision of the arbitrator shall be retroactive to the effective date of the last notice of rent increase. Any rent increases which have been collected by an owner pursuant to an increase which is the subject of a mobilehome owner(s)' r request for arbitration and which is later determined by the arbitrator to have been excessive, shall be credited to future s rent; such sums shall bear,interest at the rate of Twelve (1 2%) Percent per annum from the date of payment to the owner. Any award in excess of the 40ticed increase shall be immediately due and payable; such sums shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum from the effective date of the notice. (3) The arbitrator's decision shall be in full force and i effect until changed by a court of competent jurisdiction. XIII costs The costs of arbitration shall be paid one-half by the owner and one-half by the mobilehome owner(s) electing to arbitrate (on a pro rata basis). XIV INDIVIDUAL MOBILEHOME OWNER'S RIGHTS Mobilehome owner(s) shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of residents' associations formed for the purpose of performing the provisions of this agreement or to refuse to form, join in, or participate in the activities of such associations. Mobilehome owner(s) shall -6- II i also have the right to negotiate individually and directly with the owner, and to establish the terms and conditions of their tenancies, including rent, by separate agreement with the owner which shall supersede the terms and conditions of any negotiated agreement between other mobilehome owner(s) and the owner, any decision of any park committee or association and any decision of the arbitrator. Owner shall not discriminate against any mobile - home owner(s) for an exercise of the rights established by this Paragraph, or coerce any mobilehome owner(s) with respect to the exercise of such rights. ? XV ENFORCEMENT ! Both the owner and mobilehome owner(s) shall have the right to enforce the terms of this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction. XVI ; i APPLICABLE LAW This agreement shall be interpreted according to California 1 s law, and is not intended to supersede or contradict the laws of the State of California generally or as they pertain specifically to mobilehome parks, mobilehome park rents, or otherwise as they are now enacted or enacted in the future by the California State Legislature•or the California State Constitution. t Further, this agreement is specifically conditioned on the City of Carlsbad not taking any action by way of ordinance or moratorium to control or suspend rent increases in mobile - home parks in Carlsbad. -7- k XVII SEVERABILITY If any provision or clause of this agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or to be otherwise invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or clauses, or applications thereof which can be im- plemented without the invalid provision or clause or application, and to this end the provisions and clauses of this agreement are declared to be severable. XVIII EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall become effective at the date of execution, and shall remain in force and effect until July 1, 1982. Any rent noticed during the term of this agreement stiall be deter- mined pursuant to the provisions of this agreement and the agree- ment shall survive for that purpose and that purpose only past the termination date of July 1, 1982. XIX SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, assigns and successors in interest to the parties hereto. XX EXECUTION IN COUNTERPART This agreement may be executed in counterpart. -8- � � r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the park owners have caused this agreement to be executed in their name and half, by their attorney in fact, and GSMOL Chapter 789, and its negotiating committee, on behalf of and as attorney in fact for itself and its entire membership have caused this instrument to be executed in its name and on behalf of its repsective officers and the negotiating committee who are duly authorized to do so as of the day and year first above written. W TERN L D O C ANY D$A RANCHO CARLSBAD By KENNETH E. REED, Rent Coordinator, and Attorney in Fact GSMOL, Chapter 789: Individual mobilehome owners wishing to enter into this arbitration agreement but not wishing to be represented by GSMOL 789 and the GSMOL Negotiating Committee may sign below and deliver a copy of this agreement to owner on or before March 15, 1981. MOBILEHOME OWNER MOBILEHOME OWNER —4 s. J • February 27, 1981 Hon. Ron Packard, Mayor City of Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad, Ca. 97.008 Dear Mayor Packard: In accordance with our conversation w:.th you, we hereby confirm our agreement to recommend to Lake- shore Gardens home owners the acceptance of the proposed rent increases offered by'the park owners on February 26, 1981. ge cannot, cf course, guarantee that it will be approved by a majority, *-inco there is mill a strong feeling on the part of 6m0 thatft negotiat- ing ordinance along the ld.hes proposod is desper- ately needed as protecti64 in the future. However, we are of the opinion thht the proposed increase will very likely be accepted. We will inform you of the outcome when the vote has boon completed and tabulated. 'hank you for your efforts on our behalf. Cordially, Lakeshore Gardens Nogotivting Committeo Victor Borgquv,&"7- � r �fiop�ler r w S! ID f ], ORDINANCE NO. 9576 w 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING 3 THE MORATORIUM ON RENTAL INCREASES ON MOBILEHOME SPACES WITHIN THE CITY OF 4 CARLSBAD-. 5 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California 6 hereby finds and determines as follows: 7 1. The findings and determinations of Ordinances No. 9565 8 and No. 9572 continue to be true and are incorporated into this 9 ordinance. 10 2. The City Council adopted said ordinances to preserve 11 the status quo pending study of the problems resulting from c 12 disputes over mobilehome park rents. That study has resulted a 13 in a draft ordinance adopting a procedure for resolving disputes C) pp a 14 over mobilehome park rents. That ordinance is now before the CUB �Z Z w 0 IL 15 City Council. f LLC7oZ W z W � s 16 3. The Council has been made aware of efforts by mobilehome LU¢-m j > a 17 park owners and owners of mobilehomes to reach private agreements b18 between themselves to provide a voluntary dispute resolution i 19 procedure. Such procedure would obviate the need for the City 20 Council to impose a solution. In order to allow these efforts 21 to be consummated in legally binding agreements, the City Council 22 has determined to defer consideration of the procedural ordinance 23 and has determined that it is necessary to extend the moratorium. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR[1AINED by the City Council of the 25 City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 26 SECTION 1: Ordinances No. 9565 and No. 9572 are extended 27 to This extension is subject to the 28 Iterms and conditions of said ordinances which are incorporated I i 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 a m J 13 OLLWa p p Z 2 14 cc 15 maLL LC WZ§o 16 zo Ca >� 17 18 U { 19 i r 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 herein by reference, specifically including the provision that the resolution of the rent increases noticed to go into effect on nuary 1, 1981 shall be retroactive to that date. SECTION 2: This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance adopted as an urgency measure to protect the public health, safety and welfare and shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. The facts constituting the emergency are set forth in Ordinances No. 9565, No. 9572 and above in this ordinanc:;. SECTION 3: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause a copy hereof to be published as required by law. r INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California held on the day of� 1981 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RONALD C. PACKARD, Mayor ATTEST: ALETHA L. RAUTENRRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) -2- I a /w LW 177F r ' MEMORANDUM DATE: February 26, 1981 TO: Frank Aleshire, City Manager AIA- FROM: Chris Salomone, Administrative Assistant/Block Grant SUBJECT: NORTH COUNTY MOBILEHOME PARK RENT INCREASES A telephone survey of mobilehome parks in North County resulted in the attached table. Recent rate increases vary widely from park to park (low 4.0% - high 20.5%). Oceanside rate increases proposed are pending approval of the Fair Practices Commission. All increases have occurred since October 1980 with two exceptions. Those parks marked with an asterisk are most comparable to the narks in Carlsbad. - %anikai went up 10%, January 1 Solamar went up 7%, January 1 r CS:al I 4 ' CITY PARK RENTAL INCREASE DATE EFFECTIVE, , $ amt. per space San Marcos Casitas Del Amigo $10 6.25 January 1, 1981 Casitas Del Sol $10 6.4 - 7.4 .January 1, 1981 * Palomar Estates $10 12.6 January 1, 1981 or 11.0/yr. per 3 yr. lease La Moree Mobile Park $12.50 7.8 - 8.9 January 1, 1981 Madrid tdanor Mobile Est. $ 8.20 4.1 - 6.1 'February 1,.1981 Rancho San Marcos Mobilehome Park 10.0 January 1, 1981 r San Marcos Mobile Est. 7.0 January 1, 1981 Rancheros Mobilehome Park $ 7 4.0 - 4.5 April 1, 1981 Vista Corona Del Vista 12.6 January 1, 1981 Rancho Vallecitos Club $15 7.4 - 8.0 February 1, 1981 Sierra Vista Mobile Park 12.5 November 1., 1980. * Vista Cascade $20 11.1 - 12.1 February 1, 1981 Vista Manor 8.0 October 1, 1980, Oceanside Cavalier Mobile Estates $9 - $18 6.8 - 12.7 February 1, 1981 La Salina Mobile Village $1S 9.9 - 10.2 January 1, 1981 Lamplighter Mobilehome Park 10.0 - 13.0 August 1,, 1980 (no inc. 181 Miramar Trailer Village $10 7.7 - 8.7 March 15, 1981 ` 7 1 I t 1 a , . P CITY PARK RENTAL INCREASE DATE EFFECTIVE , S amt'. per space o Oceanside Mission View Mobile Manor $10 6.5 - 6.8 April 1, 1981 _ Rancho Calevero $15 8.8 - 10.7 January 1, 1981 Rancho San Luis Rey $30 18.9 - 20.5 April 1, 1981 Terrace Gardens $10 8.0 March 1, 1981 Trico Mobile Estates $15 11.1 - 11.7 Fehr"uary 1, 1981 * Westwinds Mobile Lodge $22 13.3 - 15.1. January 1., 1981 Escondido * Carefree Mobilehome Ranch 12.0 December 1, 1980 Imperial Escondido 9.51 May 1, 1981 * Mountain Shadows 12.6 April 1, 1981 Sundance Mobilehome Park $15 6.1 - 9.0 January 1, 1981 The Views Mobilehome Park 12.6 Anniversary Date. . * Lawrence Welk's Country Club 8.0 June 1, 1980(9a in 18 Encinitas Park Encinitas 12.0 January 1; 1981 Riviera Mobile Ranch $20 12.1 - 15.6 December 1., 1980 SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORP. POST OFFICE BOX NO. 84 • DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA 90241 • (213) 928.2900 February 27, 1981 Ronald C. Packard, Mayor City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mayor Packard: I am greatly encouraged by the apparent success that your efforts have pro- duced in resolving the apparent dissatisfaction on the part of some resi- dents of mobile home parks in the City of Carlsbad and the owners of mobile home parks relative the rate of rents to be charged for occupancy of the parks. It would appear that with the success in the issue of the disagree- ment at Rancho Carlsbad, you have found an agreement which is fair and equitable to all parties. I have reviewed that agreement and found that it is in substance acceptable to me and have had the cover page and the signature page changed to reflect my park along with a change in the termination date to effect that date agreed upon with residents of Lanikai Lane and myself in conference with you and the City Attorney. By way of a copy of this agreement, attached hereto, I am representing to you unilaterally that this agreement is acceptable to Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park. I recognize that it will be necessary to have the residents of Lanikai Lane either accept or reject this agreement. It will be my intent to draw a letter to the residents of LanikaiLane giving them the facts as I understand them relative to this agreement and giving to them the option of either (1) ignoring the agreement which would leave a status quo; (2) sign the agreement as an individual mobile home owner and return to me at which tine it will be effective between the two of us; or (3) appoint as their attorney in fact any organization or organizations which they wish to represent them at which time I will then assume that we have an agreement between that organization(s) and the owners of Lanikai Mobile Home Park. I recognize that this might take some additional time but I see no difficulty in proceeding with this rather quickly. I do intend to present my cover letter to the people who I know are currently involved in representing a percentage of the mobile home owners in my park for their comment prior to the time LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ram` .ice Ronald C. Pakcard, Mayor February 27, 1981 Page 2 that it is submitted to the residents of the park. The purpose of this is to eliminate any concern on their part that the rover letter to the residents will be self serving either to myself or to those people representing some members of the park at this time. I know that there is little that I can say at this time in the way of my expression of appreciation to the time that has been spent by you on a per- sonal basis as well as the unbelievable number of hours contributed to this problem but I do want you to know that certainly for this particular owner, ; it has been greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, ?KEROBINSON JER:dc Enclosure 1 I-- , _!!!A_ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 27th day of February, 1981, by and between SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, DBA LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK, its assigns and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to as "Owner" and the owners of mobilehomes in nc o , and their assigns and suc- cessors in interest, hereinafter referred to individually and collectively as "Mobilehome Owners". I DEFINITIONS Words used in this agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this Paragraph: (1) "Arbitration" means a process conducted in accordance with the rules, regulations, and procedures of the American Arbitration Association as well as applicable Cali- fornia law. (2) "Arbitrator" means an arbitrator selected pursuant to his agreement on a case -by -rase basis. (3) "Association" means an organization authorized by powers of attorney to represent the mobilehome owner(s) for the purposes of this agreement. (4) "Owner" means the owners, lessor, operator, manager or designated agent of a mobilehome park. (5) "Park" means a mobilehome park which rents spaces for mobilehome dwelling units. -l- (6) "Mobilehome Owner(s)" means any person(s) entitled to occupy a mobilehome dwelling unit pursuant to ownership thereof' (7) "Rent" means the consideration, including any benefits or fees in connection with the use and occupancy of a mobilehome I i space in a park. II NOTICE OF RENT INCREASES Any notice that an increase in rent is to become applicable f shall be accomplished by written notice thereof to the mobilehome i t owner(s) of the park. Such notice shall be effected in accordance with applicable California law. In addition, the notice shall , provide for the indication by the mobilehome owner(s) of their acceptance or rejection of the proposed increase. ; III i MOBILEHOME OWNER(S) RESPONSE TO NOTICE 4 Within fifteen (15) days of the date of a notice pursuant to + Paragraph II, hereof, the mobilehome owner(s) shall reply as follows: t (1) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to accept the rent i increase Lather than be bound by an arbitrator's decision, and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by simply making no reply. Failure to reply within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice i pursuant to Paragraph II shall constitute acceptance of the rent. (2) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to reject the proposed t �� ,i increase and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by notifying the park owners of their decision directly. ' (3) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to have the association represent them may send their acceptance or rejection of the pro- posed increase to their association, along with a power of attorney -2- duly appointing the association as their attorney in fact. (4) If the rent increase should be referred to arbitration, each mobilehome owner,'whether individually or as a member of the association, should the association elect to arbitrate, shall pay their pro rata share of one-half of the costs of arbitration as provided herein. If an individual wishes to be bound by the arbitration conducted by the association, he may do so by agreeing to pay his share of the costs as provided above. IV ACCEPTANCE OF INCREASE For the mobilehome owner(s) who accept the noticed increase in rent, said increase will become effective on the date designated by the owner on the notice of rent increase. ` V REJECTION OF INCREASE For the mobilehome owner(s) who reject the proposed increase, such rejection shall constitute an election to negotiate as here- inafter provided. VI NEGOTIATION The parties hereto shall promptly meet in a good faith effort to explain and justify their respective positions and attempt to resolve the dispute. If agreement is reached, the increase will be effective as of the date originally noticed. -3- Awk, N After a reasonable period of time (in no event more than 20 days), if no agreement is reached, either party may declare an impasse and request the matter be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. VII INITIATION OF ARBITRATION Upon receipt of one or more requests for arbitration as provided hereinabove, the, mobilehome owner(s) so electi-rig and the owner shall immediately take steps to select an arbitrator, and do anything else required to secure a speedy resolution of the arbitration. if the parties cannot agree on the selection of an arbitrator within ten (10) days, the arbitrator shall be selected pursuant to tc,; rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. VIII ARBITRATION The arbitrator shall determine the rights of the parties in -ordance with the law and the provisions of vhis agreement. The �.ard shall be subject to review as to the arbitrator's app- lication of the law and facts in a hearing de novo by any court having jurisdiction of the matter, whether or not any mistake of law or fact shall appear upon the face of the award. Each party shall be entitled to written findings of fact as to all issues determined by the award. Subject to the above limitations and to Paragraph XIII, the award granted by the arbitrator shall be binding upon all parties to the arbitration. -4- n 1 ff r' IX VENUE , For the purpose of litigation or arbitration, venue shall lie in the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego, i State of California, or, -if such venue cannot be exercised, L' i the Federal or State Court nearest to the North County Judicial t District, County of San Diego. X C F STANDARDS FOR ARBITRATION F i The arbitrator shall t give due consideration to the purpcises � and intent of this agreement in reaching a decision. In determining 3 what is afair rent increase and fair rate of return on the value of the own*er's property, the arbitrator may consider all relevant a facts, including but not limited to, the services and amenities i provided, the current value of the property and capital improvements, the cost of new capi.il improvements, taxes, operating expens;;s, the value of the mobilehome owner(s) coaches, their increased costs in i upkeep, including but not limited to, increased costs in electricity and gas. However, whenever any testimony is submitted, the arbi- trator shall make the determination to include or exclude any testimony which he feels is not germane and material to the dispute. d XI ARBITRATOR'S DECISION i The arbitrator shall make a final decision within ten (10) S days after the conclusion of the arbitration proceedings and shall notify the parties of such decision. The rent shall be determined by the arbitrator and may be more or less than the amount of rent noticed. ) -5- ;� s 1 ' (1) The rent noticed pursuant to Paragraph II shall be paid to owner according to the terms of that notice subject to refund or surcharge and accrued interest as provided in this Paragraph. , (2) The decision of the arbitrator shall be retroactive to the effective date of the last notice of rent increase. Any rent increases which have been collected by an owner pursuant to ; an increase which is the subject of a mobilehome owner(s)' t i request for arbitration and which is later determined by the 4 arbitrator to have been excessive, shall be credited to future rent; such sums shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum from the date of payment to the owner. Any award in excess of the noticed increase shall be immediately due and payable; such sums shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve I f (12%) Percent per annum from the effective date of the notice. ; (3) The arbitrator's decision shall be in full force and { effect until changed by a court of competent jurisdiction. j XIII COSTS i The costs of arbitration shall be paid one-half by the a1 owner and one-half by the mobilehome owner(s) electing to arbitrate (on a pro rata basis). XIV �y INDIVIDUAL MOBILEHOME OWNERIS RIGHTS Mobilehome owner(s) shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of residents' associations formed for the purpose of performing the provisions of this agreement or to refuse to form, join in, or participate in the activities of such associations. Mobilehome owner(s) shall -6- i i 1 J also have the right to negotiate individually and directly with the owner, and to establish the terms and conditions of their_ tenancies, including rent, by separate agreement with the owner , , which shall supersede the terms and conditions of any negotiated agreement between other mobilehome owner(s) and the owner, any decision of any park committee or association and any decision of the arbitrator. Owner shall not discriminate against any mobile - home owner(s) for an exercise of the rights established by this , Paragraph, or coerce any mobilehome owner(s) with respect to the exercise of such rights. Xv ENFORCEMENT Both the owner and mobilehome owner(s) shall have the r right to enforce the terms of this agreement in any court of t competent jurisdiction. XVI APPLICABLE LAW This agreement shall be interpreted according to California i law, and is not intended to supersede or contradict the laws of , the State of California generally or as they pertain specifically to mobilehome parks, mobilehome park rents, or otherwise as they 7 are now =enacted or enacted in the future by the California State Legislature- or the California State Constitution. Further. this agreement is specifically conditioned on r the City of Carlsbad not taking any action by way of ordinance or moratorium to control or suspend rent increases in mobile - home parks in Carlsbad. i 1 d i XVII O EVERABILITY If any provision or clause of this agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to 9 Q0 Z� 3 1 N be unconstitutional or to be otherwise invalid by any court of -t V) 41 competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other �►f provisions or clauses, or applications thereof which can be im- 1J a •plemented without the invalid provision or clause or application, and .to this end the provisions and clauses of this agreement are declared to be severable. XVIII qEFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF AGkEEMENT � iz This agreement shall become effective at the date of execution, and shall remain in force and effect until Nov. 1, 1982. Any rent noticed during the term of this agreement shall be deter- s OC� mined pursuant to the provisions of this agreement and the agree- 1 ment shall survive for that purpose and that purpose only past tne termination date of November 1, 1982. 1. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, assigns and successors in interest to the parties hereto. XX EXECUTION IN COUNTERPART This agreement may be executed in counterpart. CHM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this agreement on the day and year following signatures hereinafter. SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORP. By 1981 JE. OBI SON F&Osident MOBILEHO OWNER (S) MOPILEHOME- 8 -9- -z' '1A k 1981 1981 117 February 26, 1981 Mayor and Members of the Cit; Council Carlsbad,`California The Committee of the Lanikai Mobilehome owners Association have reviewed the proposed agreement between Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park and the Mobilehome Owners and ,ereby represent t::at we favor the agreement and will recommend to the Mobilehome owners in Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park that they sign the agreement. Golden State Mobilehome Owners League, Inc., Chapter #1035 and its affiliate, Lanikai Mobilehome Owners Association Edward R. DeYoeger- Ch irman Mary McCa - Committee Member Rae Simonson - Alternate Ruth L. Coyle Alternate I" W1 February 27, 1941 _ - - --- - - - The Negotiating Committee for i.AB11M MOBILEtiMM OWNMRS ASSOCIATION has the certified PO'rr R OF ATTORNEY from the officers of Golden State.MoKle- hows'Owarsrs Lague, Inc., Chapter # 1035 And ite affiliate Lanikai Mobilehome Owners Associ tton to act in their behalf in all matters relented to rent 3xressos ( users fees). Mary McCabe President Claude F. Ray Vice -President Shirley J. Bass Secrati yr H"einse Grossman Troasurer _he Negotiating Committee also has individual TOWER OF ATTORNEY from ;' o*ty'(44i of GOLDEN STATE MOBI1KHOU O4iMIS LEAGUE, INC., CHAPTER 0 1035, asd its affiliate LANILAI MOBILEHOME OWHE,RS ASSOCIATION glirioq � them the authority -to act in their behalf is all sastters related to fresh increases ( users fees). V—e . SRacOO Jeanne Connell 130 George Floriiitiue 132x Grsce Heffernan 129 Ed Kftfmina 131 !!6 bred Compton 124 C� Johne Zaharec 127 �.Eaw , a vc t Z c rest Charles, Coulter 122 Rae L. Simonson 23 E; V. welters 20 Viola'M. Bean 54 FriAerick G. Ledder 120 Dan M. Jaws 56 Herman C. Woad 138 Robert L. Coe 64 Norma Thurber 53 t Arald A. Gibb 4 Mary L. Parker 15 Urbara Bradley 55 Jobs B. Potter 50 Harriett Provia 10 .Alvin Vogt 7 Arlti►e A. RUbards 24 Claude Ray 51 Donald it. Blake 119 Jamey C. Rivers 87 Marjorie Sbimerda 88 Mary E. O'Hiara 37 Mervella Wilson 32 Lyle W. Howery 35 Haryaret B. Wert 43 Prasacos C. Day 38 Ella L. Harting 45 Rupert S. Tompkins 14S Gorden Dalbeck 116 Leonard E. Holt 115 Donald Shermaa 118 Ruth T...Coylo 117 Silas E. Bass, Jr. 106 _-11102F IR 12; _ -I— k1 1 _ i 0 BIRTCHER PACIFIC � �j �/��7ss>,�.j� ✓R� tad .7�rrQruim.//c�r u�� U' a �trrrti 9.Ss7?' February 26, 1981 Mr. Ronald C. Packard, Mayor CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad,'California 92008 Dear Mr. Mayor: t"Ni As agent for the owner of Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Home Park, we have decided to propose the following reduced rent increases providing the City of Carlsbad allows the "rent moratorium" to expire at midnight, February 28, 1981. SPACE PRESENT MONTHLY RENTS + INCREASE NEW MONTHLY RENTAL RENT A $160.00 + 518.00 $178.00 B $180.00 + $20.00 5200.00 C $195.00 + $21.00 $216.00 D $210.00 + $23.00 $233.00 The new rates of rent as stated above are effective November 1, 1980. The owner, in a spirit of cooperation, is going to forgive the increase for the months of November, December, January, and February. Therefore, the new rates of rent will commence March 1, 1981. In accordance with state law, these rates will remain constant through October 31, 1981. We understand that this has been a significant problem for you and the City Council. We hope you understand our problem and the history of rental rates in Lakeshore Gardens. Sincerely, . R. Skillman resPident Property Management JWS/mks cc: Mr, Larry Martindale 1 - 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLJSS8 7, CALIrORNV1 E2004 Office of the 1►faynr February 25, 1981 TELEPHONE: — t714) 43"561 c1�.ia1�1 � 7�J Larry Martindale - Tucker,. Tucker,. Morgan; Martindale. -and Company . 9200 Sunset Boulevard .. ` 4',� Suite 418 Los Angeles', PA 90069 Dear Mr:.Martindale: I am.sending you a copy of the agreement which has been worke(I out by the mobile home tenants' and owners' committee. Rancho Carlsbad and Lanikai Lane have promised to enter into -the agreement this week. Solamar has already entered into a similar agreement. Lakeshore Gardens is the only mobile hoine park in Carlsbad which has not worked out it voluntary solution to the rent problem. The City Council and the community in general do not want rent control. The City does not want to interfere in re- lations between tenant and landlord. But there is a real problem which needs to be resolved. I am most sympathetic with you:- desire to keep the City out of your business. I think a regulatory ordinance controlling rents would be costly, time consuming and controversive. It would create many new problems for the City and for you and your tenants. I urge you to reconsider your.=osition. Your failure to voluntarily solve this problem is putting great pressure on the City Council. Please let me wcxk with you to find a solution acceptable to both sides. It is urgent that I know of your decision before Saturday, February 28. That is when the Council meets to consider -.- what action to take. Please call me or the City Manager, Frank Aleshire at (714) 438-5561. 72 04�j1/ // _1A / -S to a s r c 2 d r %� 4 o Sincerely, eu-7,` JcA,-e -).,` C:,// ZIt-S'ee1,x 77,1,C RONALD C. PACKARD s' �" �•'°k iS Z^O Se 717cle �`lc Mayor f k 7� �r's �.../ < t 4 4'S y 0 z .-. 710 ixrr� toi744 7'h� J t2CP: gb r4 aw. a 9 e C •k e .•S• A^s f•I %'• c? k c. 1..., Rnc . C' T y v k r Cr,, x C � .� 7n. ♦ V C �i, 1.� 1LrJ � r N ay 7 k C L6 s✓ '� do to:� $o!.`G L• .ZeJCS 7<r•Y• 1.4 y.. GCS I ri Ica SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORP. AT N POST OFFICE Box No. 84 • DOWNEY, CALIFOR'NA 90241 • (213) 928.2900 , ` March 9, 1981 i Mary McCabe (COP Space No. 121 6550 Ponto Drive Carlsbad, CA Dear Mary: r Enclosed please find a copy of the cover letter that I will be sending to each resident of Lanikai Lane regarding the agreement that I have offered to enter. I am sure that you will agree that it is fair in describing the agreement. These will be prepared for distribution beginning March 16, 1981. If you have, any comments would you please contact Gwen or Bob Leeper as I am sometimes hard to reach by phone. r Very truly yours, JACK E. ROBINSON JER:dc Enclosure i cc: Gwen/Bob Leepr Lanikai Lane Mobilehome Park 6550 Ponto Drive Carlsbad Mayor Ronald Packard City Manager Frank Aleshire ,s LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK t 0550 PONTO DRIVE • CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 • (714) 438.2942 March 7, 1981 CQ), A�" Dear Resident of Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park: I am sure that you are familiar with the fact that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has been examining the question of relationship, as it per- tains to rental adjustments, between the owners of mobile home parks and the owners of mobile homes who rent space in the parks. This process began in September of 1980 when the residents of Lakeshore Gardens felt an in- crease that they were to pay was excessive and has continued to Saturday, February 28th, when the issue apparently found its end. Mayor Ronald Packard and the City Council felt that the interest of all parties would be best served if all of the parties entered into a voluntary agreement regarding any future rental adjustments. While I was opposed to any agreement which I felt removed our relationship from the fair market place, and I publicly stated my position, I did feel that it was best for us to resolve any future disputes over rents between ourselves without a govern- ment agency becoming involved. I therefore did agree to and entered into the attached agreement The simple terms of this agreement provide that if I should notice any rent i increase during its term, you will have the r-ight to either accept or reject the increase. If you choose to reject, I agree to negotiate this with you or your appointed agent. If the matter cannot be rc-olved between us, then we both agree to submit the issue to arbitration. Cost of the arbitration will be paid one-half by you and a.,y others who have rejected the rent in- crease and one-half by me. This agreement does not mean that we will in fact increase the rents and does not mean if we do that the rent increase would be beyond what you feel is fair and equitable. The agreement does give to you the right to continue to represent yourself with me or you may assign your rights to any existing association, such as the Golden State Mobilehome League or any one or more new associations or groups that you may wish to form and join. I am enclosing two copies of the agreement, and ask that you carefully read it so that you will understand what it will and will not do. Then you have three choices: No. 1 - YOU MAY IGNORE THE AGREEMENT IN WHICH CASE THE OWNERSHIP OF THE PARK WILL CONTINUE ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU IN THE SAME PRACTICE AS IN THE PAST. 19, i i -2- ; NO. 2 - YOU MAY SIGN THE AGREEMENT AS AN INDIVIDUAL MOBILEHOME OWNER IN WHICH CASE YOU WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY RENT i INCREASES NOTICED DURING THE TERM OF THE AGREEMENT, I.OLLOWIN WHICH WE WILL NEGOTIATE ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. NO. 3 - YOU MAY SIGN THE AGREEMENT INDICATING THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN YOUR NEGOTIATING RIGHTS TO AN ASSOCIATION WHO HOLDS YOUR POWER OF ATTORNEY. IN THIS CASE IF YOU REJECT ANY FUTURE RENT INCREASES WE WILL NEGOTIATE WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THAT ASSOCIATION. t Whichever your choice, please sign one copy and return it to our managers, i Mr. and Mrs. Pobert Leeper. They are also available should you have any { questions regarding the agreement. j I am truly satisfied that we have in the past and will continue to meet on fair ground which will give to us both a sense of fairness and peace of mind. Sincerely, } JACK E. ROBINSON s' JER:dc ! i Enclosures ' i .i f ' � 1 a I f - c• -- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made on the 27th day of February, 1981, by and between SOUTH SHORES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, DBA LANIKAI LANE MOBILE HOME PARK, its assigns and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to as "Owner" and the owners of mobilehomes in Lanikai Lane Mobile Home Park, and their assigns and successors in interest, hereinafter referred to individually and collectively as "Mobilehome Owners". I. DEFINITIONS Words used in this agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this Paragraph: (1) "Arbitration" means a process conducted in accordance with the rules, regulations, and procedures of the American Arbitration Association as well as applicable Cali- fornia law. (2) "Arbitrator" means an arbitrator selected pursuant to his agreement on a case -by -case basis. (3) "Association" means an organization authorized by powers of attorney to represent the mobilehome owner(s) for the purposes of this agreement. (4) 'Owner" means the owners, lessor, operator, manager or designated agent of a mobilehome park. (S) "Park" means a mobilehome park which rents is spaces for mobilehome dwelling units. -1- 4 AQ (6) "Mobilehome Owner(s)" means any person(s) entitled to occupy a mobilehome dwelling unit pursuant to ownership thereof. (7) "Rent" means the consideration, including any benefits or fees in connection with the use and occupancy of a mobilehome space in a park. II NOTICE OF RENT INCREASES Any notice that an increase in rent is to become applicable shall be accomplished by written notice thereof to the mobilehome owner(s) of the park. Such notice shall be effected in accordance with applicable California law. In addition, the notice shall provide for the indication by the mobilehome owner(s) of their acceptance or rejection of the proposed increase. III MOBILEHCME OWNER(S) RESPONSE TO NOTICE Within fifteen (15) days of the -date of a notice pursuant to Paragraph Ii, hereof, the mobilehome owner(s) shall teply as follows: i 9 (1) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to accept the rent i increase rather than be bound by an arbitrator's decision, and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by simply making no reply. Failure to reply within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice pursuant to Paragraph II shall constitute acceptance of the rent. (2) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to reject the proposed increase and who wish to represent themselves, may do so by notifying the park owners of their decision directly. (3) Mobilehome owner(s) electing to have the association represent them may send their acceptance or rejection of the pro- posed increase to their association, along with a power of attorney -2- 14 L i , duly appointing the association as their attorney in fact. (4) Zf the rent increase should be referred to arbitration, each mobilehome owrer,'whether individually or as a member of the association, should the association elect to arbitrate, shall pay their pro rata share of onp-half of the costs of arbitration as provided herein. If an individual wishes to be bound by the arbitration conducted by the association, he may do so by agreeing_ to pay his share of the costs as provided above. IV ACCEPTANCE OF INCREASE For the mobilehome owner(s) who accept the noticed increase in rent, said increase will become effective on the date designated - by the owner on the notice of rent increase. V REJECTION OF INCREASE F For the mobilehome owner(s) who reject the proposed increase, such rejection shall constitute an election to negotiate as here- inafter provided. VI NEGOTIATION The parties hereto shall promptly meet in a good faith effort to explain and justify their respective positions and attempt to resolve the dispute. If agreement is reached, the increase will be effective as of the date originally noticed. -3- 1 .- ;e- After a reasonable period of time (in no event more than 20 days), if no agreement is reached, either party may declare an impasse and request the matter be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. VII INITIATION OF ARBITRATION Upon receipt of one or more requests for arbitration as provided hereinabove, the, mobilehome owner(s) so electing.and the owner shall immediately take steps to select an arbitrator, and do anything else required to secure a speedy resolution of the arbitration. If the parties cannot agree on the selection of an arbitrator within ten (10) days, the arbitrator shall be selected pursuant to the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association. VIII ARBITRATION The arbitrator shall determine the rights of the parties in accordance with the law and the provisions of this agreement. The award shall be subject to review as to the arbitrator's app- lication of the law and facts in a hearing de novo by any court t having jurisdiction of the matter, whether or not any mistake of law or fact shall appear upon the face of the award. Each party shall be entitled to written findings of fact as to all issues determined by the award. Subject to the above limitations and to Paragraph XIII, the award granted by the arbitrator shall be binding upon all parties to the arbitration. -4- 14 IX VENUE For the purpose of litigation or arbitration, venue shall lie in the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego, State of California, or,•if such venue cannot be exercised, in the Federal or State Court nearest to the North County Judicial District, County of San Diego. X STANDARDS FOR ARBITRATION The arbitrator shall give due consideration to the purposes and intent of this agreement in reaching a decision. In determining what is a fair rent increase and fair rate of return on the value of the owner's property, the arbitrator may consider all relevant facts, including but not limited to, the services and amenities provided, the current value of the property and capital improvements, the cost of new capital improvements, taxes, operating expenses, the value of the mobilehome owner(s) coaches, their increased costs in upkeep, including but not limited to, increased costs in electricity and gas. However, whenever any testimony is submitted, the arbi- trator shall make the determination to include or exclude any testimony which ne feels is not germane and material to the dispute. XI ARBITRATOR'S DECISION The arbitrator shall make a final decision within ten (10) days after the conclusion of the arbitration proceedings and shall notify the parties of such decision. The rent shall be determined by the arbitrator and may be more or less than the amount of rent noticed. -5- 0 M (1) The rent noticed pursuant to Paragraph II shall be paid to owner according to the terms of that notice subject to 'I4 refund or surcharge and accrued interest as provided in this Paragraph. (2) The decision of the arbitrator shall be retroactive to the effective date of the last notice of rent increase. Any rent increases which have been collected by an owner pursuant to an increase which is the subject of a mobilehome owner(s)' request for arbitration and which is later determined by the arbitrator to have been excessive, shall be credited to future rent; such sums shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum from the date of payment to the owner. Any award,in excess of the noticed increase shall be immediately due and payable; such sums shall bear interest at the rate of Twelve (12%) Percent per annum from the effective date of the notice. (3) The arbitrator's decision shall be in full force and effect until changed by a court of competent jurisdiction. XIII COSTS The costs of arbitration shall be paid one-half by the owner and one-half by the mobilehome owner(s) electing to arbitrate (on a pro rata basis). XIV INDIVIDUAL MOBILEHOME OWNER'S RIGHTS mobilehome owner(s) shall have the right to form, join and participate in the activities of residents' associations formed for the purpose of performing the provisions of this agreement or to refuse to form, join in, or participate in the activities of such associations. mobilehome owner(s) shall -6- 1 I also have the right to negotiate individually and directly with the owner, and to establish the terms and conditions of their tenancies, including rent, by separate agreement with the owner which shall supersede the terms and conditions of any negotiated agreement between other mobilehome owner(s) and the owner, any decision of any park committee or association and any decision of the arbitrator. Owner shall not discriminate against any mobile - home owner(s) for an exercise of the rights established -by this Paragraph, or coerce any mobilehome owner(s) with respect to the exercise of such rights. XV ENFORCEMENT Both the owner and mobilehome owner(s) shall have the right to enforce the terms of this agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction. XVI APPLICABLE LAW This agreement shall be interpreted according to California law, and is not intended to supersede or contradict the laws of the State of California generally or as they pertain specifically to mobilehome parks, mobilehome park tents, or otherwise as they are now enacted or enacted in the future by the California State Legislature•or the California State Constitution. Further, this agreement is specifically conditioned on the City of Carlsbad not taking any action by way of ordinance or moratorium to control or suspend rent increases in mobile - home parks in Carlsbad. -7- i f XVII SEVERABILITY 3 If any provision or clause of this agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional or to be otherwise invalid by any court of ; competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or clauses, or applications thereof which can be implemented without the invalid provision or clause or applica- tion, and to this end the provisions and clauses of this agreement are declared to be severable. XVIII EFFECTIVE DATE AND DURATION OF AGREEMENT _ b This agreement shall become effective at the date of execution, and shall remain in force and effect until November 1, t 1982. Any rent noticed during the term of this agreement shall } be determined pursuant to the provisions of this agreement and i the agreement shall survive for that purpose and that purpose only past the termination date of November 1, 1982. Any rental in- crease noticed at any time before November 1, 1982, will be subject to the terms of this agreement and if disputtd, will be registered and shall be subject to arbitration as provided in this agreement even if process of negotiation and arbitration extend beyond 4 November 1, 1982. XIX SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST i i This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the 1 -8- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this agreement on the day and ! g y year following signatures hereinafter. SOUTH SHORES DEVELOP T RP. BY d 1981 JACK E. BINS Presid t t1 4 SPACE NO. 1981 MOBILEHOME OWNER(S) i 1 t t SPACE NO. 1981 MOBILEHOME OWNER(S)f l 1 I HAVE ASSIGNED MY NEGOTIATING RIGHTS TO i (NAME OF ASSOCIATION) AND HAVE GIVEN THEM A POWER OF ATTORNEY TO ACT IN MY BEHALF ON ALL { ISSUES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT. i SPACE NO. 1981 MOBILEHOME OWNER (S) i i t MOBILEHOME OWNER S SPACE N0. 1951 i g S "1 ,y LAKE SHORE GARDENS ASSOCIATION Chapter 863 Region 7 GOLDEN STATE MOBILE HOME OWNERS LEAGUE, INC. 7217 San Miguel, Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 BULLETIN NO. 32 From: Will HALL, President To: All Mobile Home Owners of Lake Shore Gardens April, 1981 WE NEED DDLUNTEERS FOR SECRETARY AND TWO BOARD MEMBERS::: Se:;retary Marg POFAHL and Board Member Francis MAC GRATH have resigned for personal reasons, and Dick LINDROTH has resigned as they are moving to Sun City, Arizona. PLEASE'VOLUNTEER FOR THESE'POSIT_IONS. N-O-W N-O-W. We need YOU. NEW ITEM: The Carlsbad City Council, on April loth, passed the second reading of the Ordinance which places the four existing parks under the zone umberella. So, on May 10th, we will be automatically zoned. At that council meeting an ;interesting incident happened. There were two (2) openings on tl.e city planning commission. All five council members voted for a gentleman from La Costa for one opening. For the second, Bob'MOSHrR of Rancho Carlsbad was a nominee. He is very well qualified. Vice Mayor CASLER spoke for him; as she felt the commission needed broader representation. Councilman LEWIS agreed with her. Councilwoman KULCHIN spoke in favor of an attorney. Vice Mayor CASLER and Councilman LF.WIS voted for Bob MOSHER. Mayor PACKARD and council members ANEAR and KULCHIN voted for the attorney. So we mobile home owners are still without representation on the commission, and the developers have another -attorney seated. NEW ITEM: Please note the happenings at Rancho•Carlsbad. As most of you are aware- titration has been asked for by both parties. This ability to fall back on the arbitration proceeding is what we wanted with the proposed,city ordinance. The proceedings will be under the California Commercial Arbitration Law. It will be binding on both parties. If requested, the arbitrator DOES have the authority to subpoena any and all records and books to prove the necessity, or size of, a users fee increase. Vice President RAWLINS and I sat in a meeting with John SCRIVENER, head of the San Diego Region of the American Arbitration Association. I personally feel arbitration will work. The one major item is that PARTIES MUST BE ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY PREPARED!!'! Rancho's hearing will be the very FIRST one in the state. NEW ITEM: NOW IS THE TIME TO CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS AND ASK THEM TO VOTE FOR CERTAIN LEGISLATION. If you don't like to write letters, it is easy and cheaa to send a Mailgram or political opinion message (POM). Just cal.. Western Union and follow these simple steps. MAILGRAMS: Tell WU what you'd like to say in 100 wo;;ds or leso for $2.95. You can add 100 words or less fw- only Your mailgram will arrive on your legislators desk ti,e next day. _ 1 : A. J 2 ?OLITICAL For $2. WU will allow you 15 words or less to express OPINION your concerns to your legislator. Just tell WU who MESSAGE your legislator is and give your message. Mailgrams and POM's can be billed to your phone number, Master Charge or VISA. Howard COPPENBARGER--a former newspaper editor --will assist any person to compose a message. Many of you give me credit .for good writing, but I happily admit the polish and correctness are due to COPP's editing. Right now SB 231, which. is GSMOL bill to eliminate the 17 year law, is due for a hearing May 5 before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Address Senators RAINS, DAVIS, BEVERLY, DOOLITTLE, MARKS, PETRIS, PRESLEY, ROBERTI and/or SIERATY. Later on, when the'bill gets to the floor, we will be asking you to contact your local senator or assemblyman and any others you may happen to be acquainted with. Other bills which are of great importance to mobile home owners='are as follows: AB 256, to allow adult only parks; AB 1324, which makes violation of the -Mobile Home Park Residency Law a,misdemeanor and•thus allows district attorneys to enforce it, rather than having to depend upon health and s4fety; AB 2073, gives residents right of ^irst refusal to purchase parks; AB 1598, prevents_ individual rental increase for prospective purchase;"s of your mobile home. When AB 899 (Moorehead) Comes up,,O-P-P-0-S-E I-T::::: It would take away many provisions of the present mobile home residency laws. NEW ITEM: Recently I vas given a copy of the written lease suggested to park owners by the WMA and asked whether I could recommend it. I had 25 copies made and have given them to several persons asking for an evaluation. My own lea action is that we would be'better off without one, if this is the best we could' get. 'State law requires a RENTAL AGREEMENT, and I stress agreement. ,This one is very park owner oriented: I CAN NOT recomment it, however I will follow the, dicatates of the persons of whom I have asked opinions. Early reaction from them appears, to be it needs major change. L I 1200 ELM AVENUE . , CARLSBAD, CALI0bRNIA-92008 Citp of CarWbab CENTRAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 20, 1981 TELEPHONE: (7i 4) 438.5535 Mr. John Bishop GSMOL President 945 326.Acadia Lane SR San Rafael, CA 94903 Subject: Mobilehome Mutual Rent Agreement Dear Mr. Bishop: The Carlsbad City Council placed a moratorium on mobilehome rent in- creases in the City. The matter was discussed at several council meetings, received a great deal of public input at those meetings, drafted a couple of different versions of an ordinance which would regulate rents in mobilehome parks. Following extensive hearings, discussions, and work on the matter, Council did not adopt any type of ordinance which would regulate rents in mobilehome parks. Many hours of many people were spent in efforts to eliminate a need for an ordinance regulating mobilehome rents. Each park owner in the City has reached a voluntary agreement with their respective residents. while this may not respond to your needs, I hope it at least lets you know the status of the matter in Carlsbad. If I can provide you with any additional information, let me know. Sincorvly, ALETIIA RAUTENMNIZ City Clerk r